• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 619 Views, 54 Comments

The River is Trying to Kill You - The Red Parade

"Most things out here are ambivalent. The animals, the forest, they don't care about you. But the river? The river is trying to kill you."

  • ...

Text Only


The Daily Equestrian

Royal Parks See Record Number of Visitors

With the coming of spring, the Equestrian Forest Service has reported a near record-high number of visitors to its parks. "It's great to see such a renowned interest in Equestria's natural beauty," said Senior Park Ranger Wrangler. "We're glad to see so many ponies get out and about to experience more of what nature has to offer." Wrangler, leader of Whitetail Park's ranger detail, also warned of dangerous river currents which are typical for the season (cont. on 4)


Today is the 9th. 13th to 19th: Vacation!

To-Do Before Vacation:

- stock up on supplies

- confirm campground reservations

- Confirm that shift is covered

- remind neighbor to water plants

- get excited! :)

Equestrian Forest Service Official Notice

Strong Current Warning in Effect

This notice is to remind visitors that a strong current warning is in effect throughout the park. Exercise caution when near rivers as the currents can move incredibly fast and can sweep away experienced swimmers. The Forest Service strongly urges visitors to keep their distance from the rivers and not to enter them for any reason. We thank you for your cooperation.

Yo Nigh,

Sorry I missed ya last night, up n' forgot about your thing. I'm gonna be down by the river today, stop by and I'll get yahooked up with those jams!

- Ci

Incident Report

Spr. 9
Incident Type: Missing Pony
Ranger(s) Involved: N. Glider, A. Cider
Agencies Involved: Medical


While on patrol at Rabbit Trail, was approached by family who reported their daughter was missing, approx. 1:22. Father advised that foal had run off after a butterfly and family was not fast enough to follow, believe that foal had gotten lost somewhere nearby. Command was contacted and Ranger Cider and I began to investigate. We were able to locate the missing party about fifteen minutes after the initial report. Performed on- site assessment and found minor cuts and bruises, party was otherwise in good health. Party claims to have fallen down a small hill. Medical services were summoned as a precaution. Paramedics performed on-site evaluation and released party back into custody of family.

Incident Resolved

Signed, Night Glider

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Haydog Buns x 5: 15.00
Sunflower Seeds x 10: 10.00
Trail Mix x 15: 7.50
Sunscreen x 2: 5.00
Bug Spray x 2: 5.00
Total: 47.00


The Daily Equestrian

Canterlot Waterfall Sees Seasonal Surge

Canterlot's signature waterfall has seen a massive rise in volume of water, typical of this time of year. "What tends to happen is the snow that's built up over the window begins to melt rapidly," explained Moondancer, a researcher with the University of Canterlot. "Similar behavior occurs in rivers and waterways that get feed from regions such as this one." While stunning, environmental experts also warn that the increased volume can lead (cont. on 2)


Today is the 10th.

Dear Ms. Glider,

Thank you for making a reservation at the Phoenixfall Campgrounds! This letter is to confirm your booking from the 13th to the 19th. We hope that you enjoy your visit to the Canterlot National Park.


Gloriosa Daisy


I'm reassigning you to Dancer's River today. Huge influx of tourists have been hanging out around there, we need everyone we can get. Oh, and good work on the lost kid yesterday.


Emergency Telegram

Emergency Telegram: URGENT






Attn. All Reporting Rangers

Dancer's River is closed to the public until further notice. I'm ordering everyone to double up on patrols by every other river. Yes, there was a fatality. Yes, Night and Cider are fine. No, you can't talk to them right now.


Incident Report
Spr. 10
Incident Type: Injury, Fatality
Ranger(s) Involved: N. Glider, A. Cider
Agencies Involved: Police, Medical


Ranger Glider and I were on patrol at Dancer's River and monitoring a large group nearby. Noticed a teenaged pony moving towards the river at around 2::34 and advised him to keep away. Said party ignored us and continued into the river. Ranger Glider and I approached but party was quickly swept away by water. Ranger Glider immediately jumped into the river in pursuit but was unable to extract the party successfully. I followed after but we both struggled against the water. After about five minutes we were able to recover the party with help from nearby bystanders. Party was unresponsive and had no pulse. Ranger Glider and I administered CPR and requested medical aid. Paramedics pronounced party deceased on the scene.

Incident Resolved

Signed, Ranger Apple Cider


You've done all you can today. Go home. We've got it from here. Get some rest, and let me know if you need anything.



The Daily Equestrian

Teen Drowns in Dancer's River

Tragedy struck the popular vacation destination of Dancer's River yesterday. Senior Park Ranger Wrangler spoke to the press, stating that "Despite their absolute best efforts, my rangers were unable to save them. We often warn ponies about how dangerous the strong currents can be, but in the end I just wish we could've done more." Paramedics pronounced the young teen dead on the scene, despite a swift response from (cont. on 2)


Today is the 11th.


Tried to keep your name out of the news, you shouldn't be bothered by them too much. Take the rest of the week off, however much time you need, you got it. Let me know if there's anything I can do.



Hope you're ok. I'll stop by after my shift n' chat with ya. Night you're really great and this wasn't yourfault. I hope you know that.

- Ci

Incident Report

Was stationed at Dancer's river was ranger cider as instructed. Noticed a small family moving along the river. advised the group to stay away from the river due to the currents and they appeared to comply. Remarked with Ranger Cider to keep an eye on them. Got distracted by a hiker's question and was alerted by others that someone had fallen into the river. Jumped in to try and locate them but failed. Was able to get my hoof on them several times but the current was too strong. Dragged them under again and again. Eventually was able to get them out with Cider to begin CPR, but we had no pulse from the beginning. Continued to administer until paramedics arrived. I was too slow. might have reached him quicker if I was paying attention. I was too weak. I failed.

Signed, Ranger Night Glider


The Daily Equestrian

Princess Luna Orders Review of Forest Service Procedures

Following yesterday's horrific death at Whitetail National Park, Forest Service and Office of Preservation officials met in Canterlot to discuss the incident. The Office of Preservation, currently under the direction of Princess Luna, issued a statement saying that they were dismayed to learn of the death and would carry out whatever Princess Luna directed. The Princess announced that a full procedure review would be conducted of the incident (cont. on 2)


Today is the 12th. You couldn't save them and now you're going on vacation?

Ranger Night Glider, Badge Number 22912

Hello Ranger Glider. This is a notice that per the investigation into the recent fatality incident, you will be placed on a paid administrative leave. However, since you have a vacation booked for the following week, we are willing to have your leave begin once this time is up. Princess Luna has allowed you to carry out any vacation plans you may have had already, provided you agree to remain in contact with our office should we have questions.

Spring Fresh

Royal Office of Preservation,

Internal Affairs


Wanted to let you know that the whole admin leave thing is nothing to be afraid of. Luna's not going to fire you if she has half a brain. They gave me a pat on the back after my leave and said "good work." If you get bored though, my greenhouse could always use a hoof.

Take care of yourself.

Sunshine Petals

Dear Ms. Night Glider,

We have received your cancellation and have removed your reservation for the week of the 20th to the 26th. We're sorry to see you won't be staying with us and hope to see you in the future!

Yours, Gloriosa Daisy

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Microwave Pizza x 3: 15.00
Case of Beer: 7.00
Total: 21.00


The Daily Equestrian

Forest Service Shuts Down Whitetail Park

Pending the investigation into the fatality that occurred, officials announced that the entirety of Whitetail Park would be shut down. "It obviously isn't what we want," said Fresh Spring, leading the investigation. "But in light of what's happened we feel this is the best course of action." The Park will remain closed for at least a few days, but officials hope to reopen as soon as possible. Other parks are taking measures to promote safety around waterways (cont. on 4)


Today is the 13th.

Hey Night.

Got your vacation stuff all sorted out, you'll get the time back in exchange for the leave. Sorry to hear about your cancellation, I know you were looking forwards to that. I'll still be at the office to help with the "investigation," let me know if there's anything you need, kay?


The Daily Equestrian

Opinion: Shutting Down Whitetail Woods is a Huge Mistake


The Office of Preservation has decided to shut down Whitetail Woods National Park pending their investigation. While tragic, this is absolutely a step in the wrong direction for an office that has already made terrible mistakes in managing our land. Shutting down the park not only compromises the vacation plans of dozens of families across Equestria, but more relevantly it sets back an environmental study years in the making. A study funded by the University of Canterlot has been working within the park in an effort to research and restore part of the balance amongst the native wildlife. The researchers have been told by the Office of Preservation that they will not be able to reenter the park to continue their work: a decision that no doubt will result in the death of countless specimen and set back months and months of work. It is disheartening to see such important work cast aside in the name of a failing organization attempting to save face and pretend that is still relevant.


Sent ya some of the ciders you asked for. Don't go drinkin em all in one place, ya hear? Also I'm in the same boat as you with admin leave. I dunno what they're hopin to find, you did everythin you could. Take care nigh.


Ranger Night Glider
Badge Number 22912

Hello Ranger Glider. As we continue our investigation into the incident, we require additional information from you. Please fill out and return to your office the forms we have enclosed. This will allow us to evaluate the actions taken and determine our next move. Thank you for your cooperation.

Spring Fresh

Royal Office of Preservation,

Internal Affairs


The Daily Equestrian

Princess Twilight Authorizes Extensive Research Project

Princess Twilight Sparkle announced today that in a joint venture with the Equestrian University System, research projects focused on environmental conservation and restoration had been approved. "Simply put, we've neglected the land around us for far too long," the Princess said. "We are more than able to give back to the land that cares for us." The studies will be carried out by University staff and research aids, with hopes to better educate students (cont. on 5)


Today is the 14th.

Incident Debrief Form

Please share your thoughts on actions taken or not taken, reasoning or rationale used, or anything else you would like to share with the investigation team.

I don't know what else there is to say. I failed. Everything was on the line and I failed. I should've been better. I should've been better. I failed and now somebody is dead, because I wasn't fast enough. Wasn't strong enough. Is this what you wanted me to say? I'll say it louder: I'm a failure, and I

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Case of Beer: 7.00
Total: 7.00


The Equestrian Daily

Port of Manehattan Faces Massive Staff Shortages

Officials from the Port of Manehattan addressed concerns over constant shipping delays today and cited critical staffing shortages as one of the key reasons. "We're seeing an influx of more ships and cargo than we ever have before," said one official. "The amount of personnel we have traditionally employed can not sufficiently fulfil their duties to ensure a smooth operation." A recruitment drive is underway, although critics cite concerns about (cont. on 2)


Today is the 15th.


Got those forms you asked about. Dunno how many you need so I just sent a whole stack, let me know if you need more. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much, kay? It's all gonna be okay.



We're getting together in town to blow of steam. I'd love to see you there. It'll be a small affair, just Cider, me, and Wrangler if we can pull her away from the "investigation." Think about it, ok?

Sunshine Petal

Incident Debrief Form

I jumped in, felt the water choking me. Tried to see them through the river but it was just a blob. Couldn't see with the water in my eyes. I could just feel the air leaving my lungs. It got harder and harder to breathe and I just wanted to tread, to float, to get out of there. I got scared. And now

I need a fucking drink if I'm going to do this


The Daily Equestrian

Mass Murder: Crow Population Surges in Equestria

Wildlife officials reported today that the crow population has seen a massive resurgence. "I'm really not quite sure how it happened," remarked the Element of Kindness Fluttershy. "I've been speaking with them and some of the other birds but nocreature seems to know what's causing it." Fluttershy remarked that while unusual, the increased population ultimately shouldn't be anything to worry about and reassures ponies that the crows will not cause any disruptions (cont. on 5) (WHO CARES??? STUPID)

Calendar: Today is the 16th.


What the fuck was that last night?

Cider was crying for hours after.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Sunshine Petals


We've got your back but you need to sort yourself out. This isn't you. I don't know what got into you last night but you should know better.


Incident Debrief Form

I see their face everywhere I go.

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Case of Beer: 7.00
Total: 7.00


The Daily Equestrian

Experts Believe Dancer's River Drowning Could Have Been Prevented

An independent statement published by the League of Aquatic Safety claims that the recent death at Whitetail National Park could've been prevented with additional training. The League, which describes itself as an independent third-party that promotes water safety, claimed that the Forest Service failed to adequately train its rangers on water operations. "Simply put, park rangers don't know how to safely and carefully conduct (cont. on 2) (WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THEY KNOW)



Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Case of Beer: 7.00
Bottle of Wine: 10.00
Total: 17.00





Ranger Night Glider,
Badge Number 22912

Hello Ranger Glider. We are still awaiting your response with regards to form 22-C. It is crucial that we receive your response as soon as possible. Thank you.

Spring Fresh

Royal Office of Preservation,

Internal Affairs

Incident Debrief Form

Ranger Night Glider is a failure
Ranger Night Glider is worthless
Ranger Night Glider is a stupid piece of shit
Ranger Night Glider should've died in the river
Ranger Night Glider should be fired
Ranger Night Glider doesn't deserve to be alive
This is all Ranger Night Glider's Fault
Ranger Night Glider is a failure

Thank you for shopping at Pone-Mart!

Vodka: 20.00
Total: 20.00


Today is the 22nd.

Incident Debrief Form

I attempted to rescue them from the river and I was unsuccessful. I did all I could but in the end I failed. I don't know what more I can say that I haven't already.


Get your act together.


This is All Your Fault

This is All Your Fault

This is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault this is all your fault (help help help help help help help help help help help help help i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't breathe why didn't you save me)


Today is the 23rd.

Incident Debrief Form

This is all my Fault This is all my fault This is all my fault I'm a failure I'm a failure I'm a Failure this is all my fault this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault this is all my fault I'm a failure I'm a failure this is all my fault this is all my fault I'm a failure I don't deserve to be alive this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault I don't deserve to be alive this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault this is all my fault this is all my fault this is all my fault this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault this is all my fault I'm a failure I'm a failure I'm a failure I'm a failure this is all my fault I'm a failure I don't deserve to be alive this is all my fault I'm a failure I'm a failure this is all my fault I'm a failure this is all my fault I'm a failure I don't deserve to be alive this is all my fault I'm a failure I don't deserve to be alive this is all my fault

This Is All Your Fault!

Vodka: 20.00
Pack of Razors: 17.00
Total: 37.00




Dear Celestia i'm glad you're ok. I was horrified when wrangler told me what happened. I love you night, and I'm never gonna stop loving you. talk to you soon, ok?



Since you're probably wondering why you're at the hospital: I found you last night trying to sneak towards Dancer's River, drunken and bleeding like crazy from nasty cuts on your pasterns. I'm stopping by with the others and we're going to talk this out, not because we're mad because you're our friend and we want to help you. There's a card on the back of this note with the number of an old friend of mine. If you feel you need it, give her a call. Please.



First of all, what the fuck were you thinking? Second, I know you probably weren't, and I don't mean that confrontationally. I know this whole thing has fucked you up because I know you, and I know you believe with all your heart you could have saved that pony. But killing yourself like this isn't the answer. I'm stopping by later to check on you. And I swear to Celestia, we're here to help you get through this.

Sunshine Petals

Millie Cotton-Pasion
Therapist/Crisis Counselor
45 Stardew LN, Ponyville
It's never too late, it's never too early.

Ms. Night Glider,

Thank you so much for writing! I would absolutely love to help you with your situation. The actions you took on that day were incredibly brave and selfless of you, and I am incredibly thankful to know that you are out there ready to help and sacrifice for others. Let me know what day would work best for a meeting. If you also need a change of scenery, we have a few temporary spaces that I can gladly offer you to stay in.Please let me know what you would prefer. I look forwards to talking with you!

Millie Passion-Cotton


Today is the 27th.

Hi Night!

Here are my notes from our meeting today:

- I know you were discouraged at a "slow start" but opening yourself up is hard, and it's important to remember that progress is progress.

- Try and remember that window exercise we talked about. Don't worry so much about the 'size' of you window, just make sure that you can keep yourself inside of it and away from triggers.

- I know this is hard, but you are absolutely not alone in this. Nobody deserves to go through what you've been through, but you will make it through this.



Today is the 28th.


Today is the 29th.

Hi Night!

Here are my notes from our meeting today:

- About those sleeping issues: I'd recommend looking into something like a weighted blanket to start, and if that doesn't work we can start looking into sleeping medication.

- We discussed reaching out to some of your fiends who are in Ponyville, a change of scenery and some company could do you great.

Keep it up and stay strong!


Thank you for shopping at Filthy Rich's Barnyard Bargains!

Weighted Blanket: 35.00
Total: 35.00


Today is the 30th.

It's Okay to Ask for Help

You don't have to fight your battle alone. Talk to us.

Group therapy for those struggling with trauma.

Talk with other survivors in a private setting, led by a certified professional.

Ponyville Community Center, every Friday from 6-9.

Safe Haven for a Fading Star, funded by the Luna Initiative

You Are Not Alone


Today is the 31st.

Hi Night!

Here are my notes from our meeting today:

- The therapy group is a great idea! I have access to a lot of resources if you're still on the fence, but I think a group like that one is a great idea. I know it's a little intimidating, but you don't have to speak on your first time there if you don't want to. You can sit and listen to other's to remind yourself you aren't alone.

- If you ever feel anxious, try the grounding technique we talked about: look for 5 things you see, 4 can hear, 3 you touch, 2 you can taste, and 1 you can smell.



Today is the 1st. (Count to 12, take deep breaths.)

Hi Night!

I'm so glad you're here! I had no idea you were in Ponyville otherwise I would have visited! I'd love to meet up with you sometime, why don't you stop by Applejack's farm and we can have lunch?

Sugar Belle


The Daily Equestrian

Whitetail National Park Reopens

Following nearly two weeks of closure, the Equestrian Forest Service announced that it would be reopening Whitetail National Park. The Dancer's River area, however, will remain closed for the rest of the Spring. The park was shutdown after a young pony accidently drowned in Dancer's River, but officials have stated that their investigations into the incident have concluded and they have submitted their recommendations to Princess Luna (cont. on 4)

Today is the 2nd. (The river is still there, but it's distant now.)


Today is the 3rd. (Small steps.)

Hey Nigh

Rumors are true, they got us workin again. Miss ya out here, but take your time comin back, y'hear? Ya don't gotta apologize about last time. Ya weren't in the best of places, and it's important for ya to get to a good spot right now. I'm happy you're gettin better Nigh. I'll keep your desk warm for ya.



Today is the 4th. (Take this one day at a time.)

Hey Night,

Glad to hear you're doing well. You don't have to worry about owing us anything. I said before I'd have your back and I meant it. Can't begin to imagine how hard things must have been for you, and I'm upset with myself for not realizing sooner how bad it was. I'm glad you're getting the help you need now, and rest assured we'll welcome you back when you're ready. You're stronger than you know for making it this far. Keep in touch, kay?


Hi Night!

Here are my notes from our meeting today:

- I'm proud of you for taking the jump and going to the meeting, and also finding the courage to talk in it! I'm really happy to hear you found it helpful!
- The way you've described your weighted blanket makes me want to get one!
- Connecting with your friends is fantastic news, I'm glad you went through with those letters and that your fellow rangers have forgiven you.

Even though we're moving towards weekly meetings as opposed to daily now please feel free to let me know if you need anything at all! Keep it up!



Today is the 5th. (Don't forget to breathe.)

Hey Night,

Of course I forgive you, girl! I get it, we've all done some dumb things. But I think you probably had a better reason out of everyone for what happened (still a dumb thing though). I still love you and I'm honestly really sorry I spent more time being mad at you than being there for you. I owe you one in the future and I'm not letting you refuse that. Looking forwards to seeing you soon Nigh.

Sunshine Petals

Dear Night Glider,

I wanted to send you a letter that wasn't written on a standard font typewritter, because I would like to say something that I can't in a professional capacity. I never worked the field, I've been a pencil-pusher in an office all my life. But my father worked for the Forest Service and made it clear to me that the position is one that is often neglected. I can't pretend to know what you have gone through, so I mean this from the bottom of my heart: thank you for all that you do. I'm sure you wanted a different outcome from what happened, but the fact that you leapt right into the waters after them speaks volumes as to your bravery. Our investigation has conclueded and you should recieve an official letter tomorrow that ends your administrative leave. You may return to work whenever you feel ready.

Spring Fresh


Today is the 6th. (Chin up, it gets better.)

Ranger Night Glider,
Badge Number 22912

Hello Ranger Glider. We have concluded our official investigation and have determined that you acted appropriately given the circumstances. Your administrative leave is hereby lifted and you may resume your duty whenever you feel ready to. Thank you for your cooperation.

Spring Fresh

Royal Office of Preservation,

Internal Affairs


Today is the 7th. (Tomorrow is another day.)


Night, you know that if it was up to me I'd have you back here in a heartbeat. What you do for us and for all of Equestria is so important that I can't put it into words. But, and this is a big but, this decision isn't in my hooves, it's in yours. I can't decide if you're ready for you. That's on you. I have full confidence you can figure this out, and know that the door is always going to be open, however long it takes. You're worth the wait, so don't rush this. Take care.


Hi Night!

It's a tough question for sure but this is a choice that nobody can make except for you. If you want my professional opinion, I think that this can go either way: you're doing better than you were before, but I think you'd agree with the claim you're not 100% yet. However, I think with where you're at right now, jumping back into things may not be the worst idea? I think ultimately this is about how you feel and what you think you're able to handle. Take your time with this choice, and if you would like rubber duck with me you know where to find me. Good luck!



Today is the 8th (It wasn't your fault.)


- Clean up the house (take bottles to recycling)

- Leave flowers by the river monument

- Stay in your box

- Remember, it wasn't your fault

Tomorrow is another day.


Hi, my name is Night Glider. I'm a park ranger with the forest service. while I was working a young pony fell into the river during a high current season and I couldn't save him. for a long time that day haunted me. I could see their face everywhere and I could hear the roar of the river in my ears. I think a lot about what a co-worker said once. "Most things out here are ambivalent. The animals, the forest, they don't care about you. But the river? The river is trying to kill you." It almost killed me even after I climbed out of it, and I still have nightmares about it. but thanks to my friends and some therapy, I was finally able to find closure with what happened. I don't think I'll ever be 'over it' at all but I'm in a better place now than I was before. If you're reading this, I hope you remember that in our worst moments we judge ourselves in our failures over our successes. But tomorrow brings another day, and if we define ourselves by our failures, we'll never find the light. Good luck out there.

Comments ( 13 )

Holy shit Red. This was absolutely fantastic, I love the way you showed Night's gradual decline and then her fight to get better again. I love the variety of epistolary, from newspapers to the calendar, to letters and the receipts, you told the story in a very clever way.

Outstanding work in both storytelling and presentation. Night Glider's fall and rise is heartwrenching and uplifting by turns. The incidental details really make Equestria feel like a rich world that exists beyond the scope of the story. Thank you for a great read, and best of luck in the judging.

saw title, thought of this.

This was a wonderful fic! Had me feeling a lot of things, and I loved the ending.

Talk about going the extra mile for immersion.

This is top tier stuff. Best of luck in the contest!

OutSTANDING story! I absolutely loved the format, for I was totally immersed in the story and felt my heart go out to your protagonist with every chapter. This is some bold writing, and if it's for a contest I hope you win.

But if I may, I think this needs to be here as well: The Suicide Prevention Hotline.

For anyone that needs help.

I know how hard you worked on this one, and the effort definitely paid off. Great story, Red, thank you for making it.

While I personally think that the Tragedy tag is a bit misplaced here, that's more of a mechanical quibble about the tag's meaning (if I recall correctly, it's meant for stories where the protagonist ends up failing rather than the fall followed by rise we get here) than one with the story itself.

Speaking of that story, I loved it, both the unique format and the story that format told. The sense of sickening dread eventually leading up to 23rd, and the sense of healing from the latter half of the story, were incredibly evocative, reminding me of the song "To Hell and Back." At some points, I could almost hear the opening whistles of it while imagining Night Glider sitting in bed. And the ending, uplifting while not denying what Night Glider went through, to me captures the spirit of its closing lines, the sense that someone's been through Hell... but they've come out the other side:

She saw gravestones crop on Canterlot,
Where no ranger sleeps and where Hell's six feet deep;
That death must wait, there's no debate,
She charged and attacked, she went to Hell and back!

Alondro shoots a glance at the river near his house... the river swiftly hides a dagger behind its back!

"The story was right!" :pinkiegasp:

This was great, and you conveyed the story well using this unconventional method. That said, since I was reading this on my phone, in the chapters without any images, I often wasn't sure if that was intended or if my phone just failed to load the images.

Night Glider's situation felt relatable, though I've never been in a situation like that. I'm glad you chose to have her get therapy and have the story continue well into her therapy, rather than going the edgy route and ending with the period where she disappears for a while.

This was great, really great, almost horryffing to think she almost ended it for good

fantastic work, Red! loved the format of this and the ways it used indirect storytelling, and i can't imagine how much time and effort it must have taken to create all of these documents. Night Glider's spiral down to rock bottom was awful to watch, but that made her journey of healing all that more heartening to see.

i love how while this story is one of loss and grief, it's also one of hope and triumph. no matter what, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

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