• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

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Chapter 6 Ep 2: Roots of All Evil Part 1

Chapter 6 Ep 2: Roots of All Evil Part 1

In Zephyr Heights, the ponies are having a peaceful time as Misty’s Together Tree in the garden, which has now sprouted more flowers, is having a moment of peace. But then it was all ruined when Opaline stepped in with an evil smirk as she turned to the Together Tree, lit up her horn, gave maniacal laughter, and blasted at the Together Tree.

The Together Tree then turned purple as magical roots burst out of the tree as Opaline laughed evily and entered through the portal as the roots spread throughout Zephyr Heights.

Zephyr Heights is now in chaos as the ponies are all screaming in fear as they all try to run away from the roots following them as Zoom and Thunder come into the middle of town.

“Everypony, please stay calm!” Zoom called out as the ponies kept screaming. “Do not panic. Everything is under--” She was cut off when Thunder spoke.

“Zoom! I forgot my shield!” Thunder called as he looked over himself, not noticing the tentacle coming up behind him. “Do you have one?!” He asked desperately before something sparked up behind him as Zoom felt strange for some reason. “Hey, something feels funny…” He said in confusion.

Thunder turned as he saw the roots take his Cutie Mark as he screamed in fear and hid behind a trash can while Zoom stood beside her partner and she brought out her tennis ball as the ponies were still trying to get away from the roots as they screamed in fear.

In Bridlewood, Opaline is blasting the Together Tree as she laughs evily while the ponies in Bridlewood are screaming in panic while running away from the roots as Elder Flower, Onyx, and Dapple look at Opaline while Mayflower in horror.

“It can’t be!” Elder Flower cried out in horror as the roots moved around as Opaline opened a portal and escaped through it.

The tentacle then flew through the unicorns as they moved out of the way in panic. “Elder Flower! Look out!” Dapple cried out as Dapple and Oynx moved her out of the way, but Dapple got hit by the tentacle, and his Cutie Mark got touched as they hid behind a crystal. “Ah, are you okay? What was that?” He asked in concern.

Elder Flower stammered nervously. “I don’t know!” She cried out.

Onyx then saw Dapple’s flank as she gasped, “Dapple! Look!” She cried out while pointing to Dapple’s flank.

Dapple turned as he went wide eyes, “Oh, my, my…” He stammered as he saw his Cutie Mark floating up. “Oh! Ah!” He called out as his Cutie Mark was grabbed by a tentacle and taken away.

Another tentacle came up behind Onyx and Elder Flower and took their Cutie Marks as well.”Oh no. What’s happening to us?” Onyx asked in horror as they saw their Cutie Mark being taken to the Together Tree as Elder Flower gasped.

“Our Cutie Mark Magic, it’s being stolen!” Elder Flower cried out as the stolen Cutie Marks were being taken to the Together Tree.

“Everypony run!” Dapple cried out as they and everypony then screamed in panic and ran for their lives and their Cutie Marks.

In Maretime Bay, the ponies are running for their lives while they are screaming in panic while Toots stands there in a panic. “Oh my hoofness! What do we do?!” Toots cried out.

Jazz ran next to Toots and shook him. “Run!” She cried out as she and Toots ran away with screams as two shadowy figures flew over them.

Above them are a herd of dragons flying over them. “Now dragons? What’s next?!” Sugar cried out in fear as she took off her glasses.

Each dragon then took their positions around Maretime Bay as Spike and Blaize landed in front of Lily. “Leave us alone! Please!” Lily cried out in fear as she threw her glasses at Spike, which hit him in the chest.

“Whoa, what kind of welcome is this?” Spike asked in confusion as he waved his paw at Spike. “It’s me, Spike! Friend of pony kind since forever?” He asked with a small smirk, “Royal advisor to--” He was cut off when Sprout yelled.

“Dragon!” Sprout yelled as he screamed in fear and jumped over the edge and into the ocean as everypony then started screaming and running in panic while Lily fainted in horror.

Spike gave a sigh from this, “Nevermind.” He said.

Sunset and Discord then appeared behind his back, “It’s not their fault, Spike. The true history of Equestria was lost when ponykind was divided.” Sunset said with a bored expression.

“Guess they didn’t get the memo.” Discord said with a bored expression.

“They sure didn’t,” Spike said to them.

Sunset then flew up as she called out, “Everpony! It’s alright! The dragons aren’t our enemies!” She called out, which got their attention.

“Yeah. It’s cool, everypony! Spike and the other dragons are with us!” Hitch called next on Tumble’s back.

“Sunset? Hitch? Princess Sunset and Sheriff Hitch?!” Dahlia asked in shock as everypony settled down as they all looked at them in shock.

Sprout swam back up to the surface with a sea plant on him. “Wait… what?!” He called out in shock from this, and the fact that Hitch was riding a dragon as they climbed down from the dragons.

One by one, the rest of the Mane 7 are then shown on their respective dragon friends with smiles. Sparky and Hitch then came up to Lily, whom Sparky was fanning with a leaf before Lily opened her eyes and smiled at Sparky as she stood up.

Sunset and Sunny then stood together as they looked around the ponies as Sunny placed her lantern down, “Now can somepony tell us what’s going on here?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah. What’s with all the screaming and running?” Sunset asked in wonder.

Glory and her two friends are hiding behind a table, “We don’t really know, but it’s bad!” She cried out as the Pippsqueaks came out and showed their flanks were blanks.

“Our Cutie Marks are all gone!” Seashell cried out. “And… And… the pony who took them all… she was an alicorn!” She yelled.

Sunny and Sunset then gasped in horror while the others were shocked, already knowing who they were talking about.

“Oh no.” Sunset said in worried as the vision Discord showed her was coming true as Jazz and Rocky walked out of Mane Melody.

“Uh, Jazz, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Rocky asked, feeling stunned by what they were seeing.

“Our friends just rode into town on flying dragons?!” Jazz called out in shock as Rocky nodded his head.

“And Pipp’s hair is still fabulous!” Rocky added with a smile as they turned to them.

“Where have you ponies been?!” Jazz asked as they walked up to them.

“Who would do something like this?!” Rocky asked next.

“A certain pain in the neck we’ve been trying to stop,” Sunset said with a rageful look.

“Her name is Opaline.” Sunny continued. “And she’s--” She was cut off when Izzy spoke.

“Oh, Opaline!” Izzy called out as her friends turned to her as she smiled, “Oh, yeah, yeah, of course, of course! You know, I was really racking my mind, like, who really would do something like this?” She asked. Before she gave a small laugh, “Okay, yeah. No, that make sense, continue.”

“Seriously?” Discord asked with a brow.

“Izzy, who else did you think would do this?” Pipp questioned with a brow.

“Honestly, uh…” Izzy started before she moved to Hitch, “I’ve always been a little suspicious of Hitch’s crab friend, McSnipsalot.” She admitted with a look as they turned to said crab near them. “He’s just so pinchy!” She cried as McSnips blinked.

“Hey!” Hitch said in offense Izzy would think his critter crap did this as Izzy gave him a sheepish smile.

Spike turned to Sunset with a chuckle, “She’s so much like Pinkie Pie. I can tell why you think she might be a descendant of her.” He whispered to her.

Sunset smiled, “Yeah. Izzy is like Pinkie alright.” She said before she got serious, “But enough of that, Opaline caused this and we need to know how!” She called, getting back on topic.

“Right.” Sunny nodded as she turned to Jazz and Rocky, “Rocky, Jazz, show us what happened.” She said.

“If we need to find out how she did it, we gotta know what happened while we were gone,” Sunset explained as Jazz and Rocky nodded in understanding as they led the way.

The two fashion ponies then walked up to their Together Tree, but it was all purple and glowing in dark magic. “There! They disappeared through there.” Rocky called while pointing to the tree.

“The Together Tree?” Sunset asked in shock. “It’s all, purple and dark glowing in a non-friendly way.” She said uneasily.

“But how is Opaline doing this?!” Sunny asked in shock, wondering how Opaline was causing this.

“She had these magical vines that followed her through town and they stole the Cutie Marks.” Jazz explained as Sunny and Sunset gasped in shock.

“And where is she now?” Hitch asked.

“The trees,” Zipp said as they all turned to her as Zipp flew around the Together Tree. “She must be using the trees like portals! Just like we did when we went to the Isle of Scaly.” She stated.

But to open a portal, you’d need a key, right?” Sunny asked in confusion, since the last time they opened a portal, Misty used a key to get them to the Dragonlands the first time.

“That is true. But this doesn’t make any sense,” Sunset said with a thoughtful expression. “Without one of those keys, Opaline would need so much more than pony magic to pull it off.” She pointed out.

“But she has fire Alicorn magic!” Misty reminded them. “And she has the Dragonstone.”

“And the actual dragons!” Pipp cried out.

“And, she has all of our Cutie Marks!” Jazz cried out while showing her blank flank.

“So she found a way into Maretime Bay through the tree…” Zipp started with her hoof to her chin.

“That would explain how she was in Maretime Bay the last time during Nightmare Night,” Sunset said in thought, now knowing how Opaline came into Maretime Bay the first time. “She must’ve found a way to use them to enter Equestria.”

Zipp then gasped in worry. “And if she broke through Twilight’s protection spell, that means… she could be back to finish the job at any moment!” She cried out.

“Her plan continues on,” Discord said grimly as he looked at Spike in worry. “She’s finished what she started all those moons ago.”

“Ruling all of Equestria and becoming all-powerful,” Sunset finished with a grim tone as well.

“Everypony and everything could be in real danger!” Rocky cried out.

“You’re right. Even the Unity Crystals!” Sunny called out in shock.

They all gasped in shock while Toots and Sweets were with them as they stood there in shock, while Sweets was blowing on a bubbling gum as the gum bubble popped on her muzzle.

“That explains why my magic was on the fritz!” Discord called while looking at his hands, “My magic is connected to the crystals like every magic else! Meaning that sooner or later, I’ll be powerless to even fight Opaline in battle!” He stated.

“And why the lantern was losing magical energy on the Marestream back in the Dragonlands.” Sunset said, seeing what Sunny and Discord were saying, “The magic is connected to the Crystals, and if Opaline is stealing everypony’s Cutie Marks, she’s tipping the balance of magic to become all-powerful.”

“Which means that sooner or later, we’ll lose them all together!” Spike finished as they all gasped again.

“I’m just gonna say it.” Jazz said naturally before she panicked and placed her hooves to her cheeks, “We’re doomed!” She cried out as she trotted away as everypony then started screaming in panic as they ran away.

“Wait, everypony! Come back!” Hitch called out as they stopped and looked at him. “We need all hooves on deck here protecting this tree!” He stated.

“But without our Cutie Marks, we’re not ourselves!” Toots cried out. “We can’t protect anything! Ugh!” He cried dramatically as he fell to the floor.

Misty walked up to him and reached a hoof out to him, “Yes… you can.” She said with a determined smile.

Toots looked at Misty’s hoof as he accepted it as she helped him up.

“I know it doesn’t feel like it right now. But you all have something to offer.” Misty said to them as the ponies gathered around her. “You’re all smart and brave and kind. I’ve seen you. Any of you would do anything to help your fellow pony.” She said as the crowds were moved by her words as they smiled, “Even you, Sprout!” She added with a smile while looking in the direction of a barrel.

Sprout then came out from behind the barrel when Misty said that. “Really? Aww!” He said with a smile.

“Look, I know Opaline.” Misty continued with a grimace look at the memory. “She’s awful. She kept me locked in her lair for moons. But I survived all of it… Even without a Cutie Mark!” She said as the ponies continued to listen as they started to smile. “Yes, your Cutie Marks are special. But they’re not the only thing that makes you special. And nopony can take away what makes you special on the inside.”

“The Cutie Marks may be part of us, but it doesn’t defy us of who we are,” Sunset said with an inspiring smile as she stood next to Misty. “We did many things as foals way before we got our marks. Heck, when I was in another world, they didn’t have Cutie Marks. But we still did amazing things with or without them.” She said, since back in the human world, even though the humans don’t have Cutie Marks, they are still special in their own ways like the Rainbooms.

“Yeah!” Izzy cheered with a smile as she came up next, “You’re powerful ponies! Any one of you could kick a door off its hinges in two and a half tries!” She exclaimed as she kicked her back legs with a cheery smile as Pipp landed behind them.

Pipp gave a strange smile at Izzy’s words, “That is… oddly specific.” She said.

“But good example, Izzy,” Sunset said with a slight smile.

“Thank you very much!” Izzy cheered.

“Well do our part,” Rocky said to them with a smile before he got concerned. “But how are you gonna stop Opaline? Do you have a plan?” He asked as the other ponies were wondering the same thing.

“A plan?” Sunny asked before she gave a forced smile. “Ah… Of course! Absolutely!” She called out nervously as her friends looked at her with a brow as they all huddled up, “Okay! Who has a plan?” She asked

“Oh…Oh! Me! I do!” Izzy cheered with a smile. “Here’s what we’re gonna need: Two bathtubs full of glimmerberry jam, a stick of bubble gum, and exactly 16 cases of assorted craft supplies.” She listed with a smile. “This ain’t gonna be easy, but if we time it just right, then we’re gonna--” She was cut off when Sunny spoke.

“That is… an option!” Sunny said as she gave a nervous laugh.

“Izzy, we’re not doing that,” Sunset said softly. “As much as crafting is fun, it’s not gonna get us out of this situation,” She stated.

“Okay!” Izzy cheerfully said.

“Does anypony have any other ideas?” Discord asked.

“We need to figure out how Opaline is stealing the Cutie Marks,” Zipp stated seriously.

Twilight appeared from her necklace. “I agree. If we find out how she’s doing it, then we might find a way to stop her,” She said, finding Zipp’s idea great.

“And we need to do it before she comes back here and finishes the job!” Pipp cried out as she looked at her Cutie Mark and gave a nervous whimper since she and her friends were possibly next on Opaline’s list of taking their Cutie Marks.

“What if Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood are in danger, too?!” Hitch asked in worried. “This is too much! How are we supposed to do this on our own?” He asked, feeling so much pressure.

“We’re not on our own…” Sunny said with a smile. “Opaline’s not the only pony with dragons on her side!”

Sunset felt uncertain about this before Toots called out as they turned to him and the other ponies. “So uh… What’d you come up with?” He called out as Sweet popped her bubble gum bubble again.

Back at where Spike and the other dragons are with Sunny’s Lantern, Spike suddenly slouches to the ground in exhaustion as his dragon friends look at him in concern as the Mane 7 and Discord come to them as they all look worried at him.

“Spike!” Sunset called out in concern as she went up to Spike and rubbed his head to comfort him. “Oh, Celestia! What’s wrong!?”

“Are you okay, buddy?” Discord asked.

Twilight then appeared from the necklace again as she looked at Spike in great worry. “Spike, what happened?! What’s wrong?!” She called out in worried.

“I-I don’t know,” Spike said in exhaustion.

“He just collapsed!” Blaize stated in concern.

Luxxe then starts groaning, “I’m not feeling so great either…” She said as she held her head.

“This must be some kind of pony spell!” Fountain theorizes as she shakes her head, “Is this… a-a trap?” She asked while looking at the Mane 7 and Discord.

Before any of them could speak, Misty spoke up, “No, it’s the Dragonstone! It has to be.” She said with a concerned look, “If Opaline has dragons under her control, she’s using the stone to do it.” She realizes.

“But the Dragonstone is what makes a connection to the dragon magic in all dragons!” Sunset pointed out with wide eyes as she kept rubbing Spike’s head while looking at him in concern.

“That means that if she uses up all of the Dragonstone’s magic, that could--” Sunny said as her eyes went wide in horror as Spike found the strength to stand.

“That could put dragons back to sleep for another thousand moons,” Spike said in grim before he gave a determined look, “We can’t let that happen,” He said before he turned to Blaize and the others, “Dragons! Come with me. That stone doesn’t belong to this Opaline.” He said as the other dragons nodded and followed after their leader, “And if we’re gonna have any chance at stopping her, we’re gonna need all the dragon power we have left.” He declared.

“Spike… what about the one…” Luxxe started as they turned to Sparky, who was playing with the leaf on Hitch’s back, “The hatchling?” She asked as Spike nodded as they walked up to Hitch.

Hitch realizes what they are thinking as he gets nervous, “What? No. You can’t… He’s just a baby.” He said to them as Spike lowered his head to him while giving a soft look.

“He is stronger than you know,” Spike said, knowing from experience and know that Sparky is stronger than any of them think.

“Hitch, he’s right.” Misty said as she walked up to Hitch, “Sparky’s the one who filled up the Dragonstone in the first place. He’s why Opaline’s Fire Alicorn magic is so powerful.” She reminded as Sparky played with the leaf.

“And if she got her magic through Sparky…” Sunny started with a smile forming.

“Maybe he’s the one who can take it all back,” Spike finished with a smile, coming up with a plan.

Hitch turned to Sparky uncertainly. “He is strong. But he’s still my… my little…” He tried to say but couldn’t say it.

“Believe me, he always will be.” Spike assured as he lifted up his paw, “But trust us.” He said with a smile.

Spike, are you sure this is a good idea to attack Opaline head-on now?” Twilight asked in uncertain. “I mean, she’s as powerful if she managed to take all the Cutie Marks. And with her having the Dragonstone, she’ll have it on a tight leash.” She pointed out.

“I know, Twilight. But there’s not much time left.” Spike said with a small frown. “So we have to at least try. Once we get the Dragonstone away from her, we’ll make a plan to stop her and free Jade and Lava.”

“Spike, we just reunited after many moons,” Sunset said with a frown. “And Opaline is as dangerous as she can be. She nearly drained Sparky of all his dragon magic and it could’ve been worse if we didn’t stop her. What if… what if…” She tried to say before Spike put a paw on Sunset’s shoulder.

“Sunset, we’ll be fine. We survived for many moons, we can survive this.” Spike assured with a small smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back. And when we do, we’ll take the fight to Opaline.” He said.

Twilight and Sunset looked at each other as they slowly nodded as Spike leaned into Sunset and hugged Spike’s head while he smiled at the gesture and their friends smiled with tears of joy at this moment as they broke apart.

“Just, be careful and come back once you have the Dragonstone.” Sunset said to him.

And try not to do anything silly, Spike,” Twilight said with a smirk.

“Hey, I’m Spike the Dragon. It’s what I do.” Spike said with a smile as the three laughed together.

“I’m coming too.” Discord spoke as he went next to Spike as they all looked at him in surprise, “You and the dragons are gonna need help to navigate Opaline’s Castle. Me and the others had been there before and I scouted the castle the first time I was there. I can’t let you and the other dragons do this alone.” He said while placing a hand on Spike’s shoulder.

“Are you sure, Discord? It’s gonna get dangerous,” Spike stated.

“Hey, look at who you’re talking to,” Discord said with a smirk, “I’m the Lord of Chaos. Danger’s my middle name.” He joked as Spike chuckled.

“I guess that is true.” Spike said with a smile before he turned to Hitch, “And Hitch…” He started as he raised his paw again.

Hitch knows what he’s saying as he looks at Sparky as he lowers his head. Sparky turned and saw this as he flipped over and landed on Spike’s paw and he babbled happily as Hitch took off his badge, “You got this, bud.” He said as he gave it to Sparky.

Sparky took it as he was about to playfully use his dragon fire, but stopped when he saw his adoptive father’s expression he gave a sad expression, knowing what Hitch was saying as he looked at the badge and cooed with a smile as he held it and came up to Hitch. Hitch gave a small smile as he and Sparky shared a nuzzle as Spike lifted Sparky to his head as the dragons and Discord then started taking to the air.

“Spike! Discord! Be careful.” Sunny called out.

“Yeah! It could get messy in there!” Sunset said as Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Don’t worry about me, Princesses Twilight, Sunset and Sunny!” Spike said with a smile, “This isn’t our first rodeo.” He quipped.

“And we’re sure it won’t be the last!” Discord said as he took the lead. “Let go dragons!” He called as Spike and the other dragons followed after Discord as they flew away.

“Protect your ponies!” Spike called out as he and Discord led the dragons to Opaline’s Castle.

“We will, Spike!” Sunset called with a smile.

“I’m not…” Sunny called after what Spike just said, “I’m not a princess!” She quickly corrected as Spike started laughing.

“If you say so!” Spike called out from the distance as his voice faded away.

Sunset and Twilight gave amusing smirks to Sunny, “That’s Spike./That’s Spike.” They said in unison as Sunny gave a sheepish chuckle from that.

Hicht then walked a big as he exhaled a breath. “I’m gonna gather everypony by the tree!” He declared with a determined smile.

“We’ll meet you back there as soon as we check on the crystals.” Sunny said to him before she looked at Hitch, “And Hitch! Promise me you’ll be careful, too?” She asked with a plea, not wanting Hitch to get hurt by Opaline either as she couldn’t imagine if something like that would happen.

Hitch gave an assuring smile at Sunny and placed his hoof to his chest, “Hoof to heart.” He promised as he trotted off.

Sunset gave Sunny a comforting hoof on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, Sunny. He’ll be fine. He’s the Sheriff after all.” She assured as Sunny gave a small smile at her as the mares all trotted back to the Brighthouse.

A little bit later, the ponies are still panicking as they are either hiding or running in fear before Hitch, with his sheriff hat, and his critters comes out of the station while Hitch is holding up his megaphone. “Everypony, listen up!” He called out as the ponies all gaped as they lifted their heads up while Hitch walked across the street as they listened and came out of hiding. “I know you’re scared. But we’re stronger together. We’re safer if we’re together! Everypony to the Together Tree!” He declared.

Sprout came out as he gulped nervously as he and the other ponies all followed Hitch as they stood in front of the Together Tree, which was still corrupted by Opaline.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the mares are all looking at the Unity Crystals, which are still shining and the rainbow is still shimmering.

“Mmm. They seem okay.” Sunset said in thought.

“Phew!” Sunny sighed in relief.

“She must not be able to enter the Brighthouse still.” Misty summarize. “She never could do that.” She stated that Opaline never found a way into the Brighthouse since the beginning.

“Which makes the Brighthouse the safest place in Equestria from Opaline’s wrath,” Sunset added.

For now. But Opaline will find a way,” Twilight reminded them, “But for now, she can’t touch us if the crystals are still working, meaning the magic is still active,” She said.

“Good,” Sunny said with a small smile. “That means the protection spell is still intact! At least here…” She said uncertainly, which Sunset noticed and felt worried for her.

“Wait!” Zipp called out as she trotted to the elevator, which made the mares surprised by this.

“Wait for what?! Where are we going?!” Pipp called as she and the other mares followed Zipp to the elevator. “Zipp. Zipp…” She said as the elevator went down as Pipp tried to get her sister’s attention. “Equestria to Zipp!” She called as Zipp flew out and went to her bed section and went through her notes. “Zipp. Zipp. Zipp-uh! What are you doing?! Studying?!” She called out in frustration.

Zipp then brought out her board as she grabbed a picture from her desk, “Showing you this! Ha!” She called as she placed a picture of a Together Tree on the board with the ponies at their roots.

“Zipp, what is this?” Sunset asked more calmly.

“Ever since Elder Flower told us about the connected roots, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about… this picture!” Zipp explained while showing the picture she put on the board.


At Zephyr Heights during the Manesquerade Ball, Zipp was walking through the library section to find any clues on Opaline as she looked up and saw the same tree from the picture on the ceiling. “It’s from the library back home in Zephyr Heights.” Present Zipp narrated with a laugh as Past Zipp took out her phone and took a picture of the tree.

End of Flashback.

“So…” Pipp started as she exhaled a breath, “What am I looking at?” She asked her sister.

Ziopp then spoke up, “Underneath the tree. Roots that look like they power ponies’ Cutie Marks, right?” She asked.

Yeah, they most certainly do.” Twilight nodded.

“Oh, I think I see where you’re going,” Sunny said in understanding.

“Yeah, I think we are getting it.” Sunset nodded, seeing what Zipp was trying to say.

“Three trees…” Zipp started with a smirk as she gestured to the three Together Trees from each home of the tribes. “The Maretime Bay Together Tree. Misty’s Together Tree in Zephyr Heights. And the Wishing Together Tree in Bridlewood. Three threes.” She started.

“Elder Flower said that the connection of the Together Trees brings us together, so that must be what Opaline is using!” Sunset said in realization.

“Exactly! Somehow she tapped into the connection between the tree, but I just can’t figure out how--” Zipp said as she rubbed her head to figure out how Opaline found the connection between the Together Tree.

Even I don’t know.” Twilight said with a frown, “The only way for Opaline to tap into the Together Trees is if she somehow has their roots. But that’s impossible, she couldn’t possibly tap into them from a distance from within her castle.” She said while rubbing her chin.

“She must’ve found someway, but what?” Sunset asked while in thought on how Opaline found the trees’ roots connection.

“It’s not three trees.” Misty spoke up as the mares turned to her as Misty looked down a bit before she continued. “It’s four.” She revealed.

“What?!/What?!” All five mares cried out in shock.

“There’s a fourth tree,” Misty said as she walked up to the board. “Opaline has her own magic tree in her throne room.” She stated.

“You mean those roots and stems we saw in her castle were a piece of a Together Tree?!” Sunset asked in shock.

“I’m afraid so. But it’s not beautiful like the Together Trees.” Misty explained as she looked at the picture of the alicorn. “It’s dark and twisty.” She informed as she had her flashback.


Years ago when Misty was a filly, she remembered the Together Tree around Opaline’s Castle as Filly Misty sat on the stems of the tree while in fear as thunder struck.

“It was supposed to feed on unity magic but it never worked because Opaline never found unity with anypony…” Present Misty explained as she pictured Opaline with an evil smile.

End of Flashback.

“She never had a friend like--” Misty started before Zipp spoke.

“Elder Flower!” Zipp called with a smile.

Izzy gasped as she went next to Zipp, “She’s not friends with Elder Flower?!” She asked in shock.

“Uh, no!” Zipp shook her head while gesturing to the board again. “Elder Flower said they’re all connected.”

“That explains how she managed to find a connection between the trees’ root system and open a portal between them,” Sunset said with a grim look.

Because she has her own,” Twilight finished with a frown, “Using a Together Tree that represents unity for evil is cruel.” She added.

“And if our Cutie Mark Magic is flowing through it roots of the trees…” Zipp started in thoughtful as Sunny continued.

“Then Opaline must be able to reach them through her own tree!” Sunny finished as they all looked at the board in worried.

“So she can travel through the trees and she’s using the trees to steals the Cutie Marks?!” Zipp asked in shock.

“Whoa. This is a lot!” Izzy called with her hooves raised before she gave a nervous look as she realized something, “Um… Hey, we’re did Hitch say he was gathering all the ponies, again?” She asked nervously.

The mares all turned to her in horror as they realized that Hitch was leading the ponies to the Together Tree without knowing, “Oh no!” Sunset cried out with wide eyes.

At the Together Tree, Hitch and the ponies all stood next to it. “See? It’s cool. We’re safe here together,” Hitch said to them with a smile. “Everything is--” He was cut off as he and Sprout turned and saw something that made the two stallions gasp.

The Together Tree then got some tentacle roots out as Sprout started running. “Not good! Everything is not good!” He called out in fear before one of the roots came to him and took his Cutie Mark. “Ah! My essence!” He cried out as he tried to reach it, but failed as his Cutie Mark was sent into the tree and everypony started screaming.

Just then, Zipp, Pipp, and Izzy than trotted/flew to them as fast as they could. “It’s not safe!” Zipp called out.

“Get away!” Izzy cried.

“We were wrong!” Pipp called out.

Hitch heard his friends as he got nervous as he and the ponies backed away a bit, “Oh, this is not good,” He said nervously as he turned to the tree. “Okay, opposite plan! Everypony split up! Get away from the tree!” He called out as the ponies started screaming and running for their lives and away from the tree.

“But, but you said to go--” Dahlia tried to say as Hitch ran next to her before Sprout started screaming.

“My Cutie Mark!” Sprout cried out as he looked at his now blank flank, and ran up to his mother and jumped on her back, “Mommy! I want it back!” He whined while kicking his hooves.

Phyllis just gave a bored expression with rolled eyes at her son being such a foal even though he’s a grown stallion before she trotted off with her son on her back.

Zipp and Pipp stopped flying as they looked at the tree while Hitch dodged the roots, “If the tree here in Maretime Bay is doing all this, then what about the one in Zephyr Heights?” She asked in worry.

In the Zephyr Heights throne room, Queen Haven’s phone is on her throne as it was buzzing while the ringtone of Pipp’s singing is playing as Pipp is trying to call before a message is played.

You’ve reached her Royal Majesty, Queen Haven of Zephyr Height’s voicemail.” The voicemail is played while at the Royal Garden, the Zephyr Height’s Together Tree that’s using it’s roots to try and take the ponies Cutie Marks while Queen Haven and Cloudpuff are flying around to try and avoid the roots while Zoom and Thunder tried to stop it.

Please leave a message after Cloudpuff’s bark! Haha!” The voicemail finished with Cloudpuff barking as Queen Haven flew away from the roots that were chasing her.

Back in Maretime Bay, Pipp heard the voicemail from her phone after she heard the beep. “No answer!” She said to her sister in worry.

“Did you leave a message?” Zipp asked in concern.

“She doesn’t know how to check her messages!” Pipp pointed out as she reminded Zipp that their mother doesn’t know how to properly use her phone. “We have--” She was cut off when Hitch came to them.

“We have to warn Zephyr Heights!” Hitch finished for Pipp.

“We’re on it.” Zipp said as Pipp nodded before they heard a horn honking, “Izzy?!”

Izzy drove to them with her Izzy’s Does It scooter with a worried look, “Okay, I’ve got Bridlewood!” She said as she was going to her home to warn the ponies there as she turned to Hitch with a serious look. “Hich, you’re in charge of here! You listen to me. Can you handle this as a solo Hitch mission?” He questioned while giving a serious look to Hitch.

“Dah, I don’t know!” Hitch called out as he stammered a bit, “Uh, I mean, uh--” He stammered before he asked. “Where are Sunny, Misty, and Sunset?” He asked about the three missing ponies in their group since he could use their help, and wanted to make sure Sunny was safe.

“They’re at the Brighthouse on the lookout!” Zipp explained as they all turned to the rainbow that is shooting out. “At least we know the crystals are safe.” She said, but then the rainbow is starting to glitch out.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the three mares saw the rainbow glitching as they rushed to the roof. “Oh no! Not again! Not now!” Sunny cried out as she went to the crystals as Sunset and Misty followed behind while Misty leviated the lantern.

“It, it doesn’t make any sense!” Misty called out as she gave Sunny the lantern. “The ponies are frightened, but they’re still working together!” She pointed out.

“But the Crystals are glitching again!” Sunset stated in worry. “There’s no disharmony going on, but there is chaos that somehow messing with the Crystals!”

“It’s Opaline! It has to be!” Sunny cried as she then gasped. “She’s figured out a way inside.”

“That’s not possible! She’s not strong enough to break through the protection spell yet!” Misty pointed out.

Both Sunny and Sunset flinched as they slowly turned to Misty. “What do you mean, yet?” Sunny asked in worry.

“Misty, what are you saying?” Sunset asked.

“If Opaline gets enough Cutie Mark Magic, she’ll have enough power to break any spell and take all the magic!” Misty explained to them.

“Which will allow her to rule all of Equestria with no equal match!” Sunset cried out as Sunny put down her lantern.

“Ugh! That can’t happen!” Sunny called out as she looked at the two mares. “We can’t let Equestria lose their Cutie Marks and their pony magic, too!” She stated as they looked at the rainbow glitching again, “What defense would we have then?” She asked hopefully.

“I don’t know, but we need to find a way to stop her before it’s too late,” Sunset said with a serious look.

“I hope you’re right, Sunset,” Sunny said in a distressed expression.

Sunset could notice the distress on Sunny's face. In fact, she also felt this distressed, because this whole thing not only was accurate with the vision Discord gave her... It was even worse. However, she learned long ago that panic is the worst enemy in situations where the last thing you have to do is panic.

She took a deep breath and nodded, then approached Misty. "Can you give us a second? I wanna talk with Sunny about something important, and I feel she's gonna need it." She said.

Misty only nodded and then went outside of the Crystal Room to give Sunset and Sunny space. With Misty out, Sunset approached her sister figure and nuzzled against her slightly in an attempt to cheer her up. Sunny seemed to notice this, so she nuzzled back because the affection seemed to be working a bit.

"I know you're scared, Sunny. I'll be lying if I said I ain't..." Sunset said after a while.

"How couldn't I?" Sunny asked concerned with a sigh. "Sunset, all the Cutie Marks from Equestria have been stolen! Opaline is becoming more and more powerful with every second we speak! Even with our Alicorn magic, or with Discord and Spike himself at our side... Do we really have a chance against her?"

Sunset knows that feeling of despair. She felt that when no one but the Rainbooms accepted her as her friend in CHS. And sometimes, even after the whole school forgave her, she still felt like this for a while. Now Sunny here is feeling the same kind of distress.

"...Honestly? I don't know..." Sunset replied with a sigh. "I had faced my own struggles back home, but nothing compares to this. So many ponies losing their magic, and the villain gaining much power... I'm worried about how things might turn out for us just as much as you are."

"In my moments like this, I wished my dad was here..." Sunny said with concern, looking up with a sad expression. "He always knew how to cheer me up, even when I seemed like nothing could make me smile anymore."

Upon hearing this, Sunset's ears perked up, and so, an idea popped into her mind. Maybe she could distract Sunny from her distress for a second or two. In the process, she can also get out some stuff of her related to Hitch, stuff she can tell him later so he can use said stuff for his Tunnel of Memories for Sunny.

"Then how about we do that? Let's just talk about any other stuff, not related to Opaline so we can release your mind from all the worries," Sunset said with a smile. "I've been wanting to talk with you about something I noticed, anyway."

"Really?" Sunny asked, willing to listen to Sunset and just chill for a short moment. "What is it?"

"Well... I noticed that you were staring at Hitch at times during our journey here, and you've been staring at him as well on our stay." Sunset pointed out with a teasing grin.

Sunny blushed since she understood what is Sunset implying, so she simply breathed in and out. "He's probably not ready to say goodbye to Sparky if it happens in the end, so I'm worried for him. That's all."

"Uh-huh..." Sunset said, clearly not believing in Sunny's words. "Are you sure your crush over him has nothing to do with it?"

Sunny's blush intensified after hearing that, and she shook her head while placing her hooves on her cheeks. "Sunset! T-That has nothing to do with what's going on!"

"Come on, Sunny. Is no secret to anypony that you've been drooling for him since way before we met," Sunset pointed out with a teasing smirk, also nudging playfully with her. "And I know for a fact that you two have great memories together. Like, how or when did you fall in love with him?"

"...I... I can't tell for sure..." Sunny said nervously, rubbing one of her hooves. "It definitely happened before magic returned. Well, before you and Izzy arrived, even. I think we went to the very first Canterlogic presentation that Phyllis ever hosted. She was sharing a lot of inventions to protect us from Pegasi and Unicorns. I... I couldn't take my anger in and tried to make my very first speech of how unity could make us better," She said with a sad expression.

"Judging by your face, I guess it didn't go as well as you hoped?" Sunset asked with concern.

"They laughed at me, as usual," Sunny sighed sadly, but then she smiled a bit with a little blush. "You know what made that one of my favorite days, and memories, I'd ever made, though? That Hitch stood for me. He... He didn't believe in the same things that I did back then, but he was willing to protect me from everypony in the town if necessary just to make sure that I was fine."

"That definitely sounds like Hitch," Sunset said with a smile.

"Then, a few weeks after that incident, Hitch was selected to be Maretime Bay's new Sheriff!" Sunny said with a smile. "The fact he stood up to protect me, among other things he's done for the town, made him qualify as the perfect Sheriff for the town. That... Is also the reason why I like him. Despite our discussions and clashes on ideas back then, he never left my side, not even when he said he would the very same day I met you and Izzy. Hitch has always been there for me... And I don't know what would I do without him in my life."

"Aw, Sunny. That's... That's actually really sweet," Sunset said with a cute smile. "I get why you like him so much. He's definitely the kind of stallion any sane mare would fall for, but if you ask me, you're definitely his soulmate."

"Sunset..." Sunny complained a bit with a slight blush.

"Like if you haven't pictured yourself at his side!" Sunset mocked her up, nudging her again.

"It's still embarrassing to hear it out loud..." Sunny confessed, playing nervously with her mane. "And why are you so interested in my feelings for Hitch, anyways?"

"Can't a big sister tease her little sister with her crush every now and then? Is that illegal now?" Sunset asked with a natural mocking tone.

"I guess..." Sunny rolled her eyes with a smile. "But since we're talking about crushes, is there anyone in particular that caught your attention?"

"Nope," Sunset replied with a bored expression. Yes, she's lying, but Sunny doesn't have to know that. "Don't make this about me, Sunny. It won't work. Now, is there any moment in particular you and Hitch had together that you like the most? A hang-out on the beach? A walk in the park? Maybe a movie you both like to watch again to revive the good ol' times?"

"Oh, trust me, Sunset, I have lots of stories to tell in between my favorites!" Sunny said with a huge smile. "However, there's one in particular that I believe Hitch can't remember. Not that I would blame him though, but anytime I think about it... My heart just beats so fast I can barely control my emotions." She added with a slight blush again.

"Your eyes are lost, and I can see your heart is beating fast right now..." Sunset said with a teasing smirk. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what is this memory about?"

"The time Hitch made a Sand Unicorn sculpture for me, hidden from the town so nopony would ever find it and destroy it," Sunny replied, then she looked over at Sunset with a smile.

"...Hitch built a unicorn with sand from the beach? Just for you?!" Sunset asked in shock, and Sunny nodded with a bright smile. "Wow... I know that stallion is drooling for you as well, but doing something that in his own town can be considered illegal just to make you happy?"

"Did I mention that he did that for my birthday? Because if I didn't, well, now I did!" Sunny added happily while blushing.

"For your birthday?! Okay, yeah, that does it. This is true love, Sunny, and I won't hear anypony saying otherwise!" Sunset declared with a smile and a laugh, which made Sunny laugh a bit as well. "I'm serious, though. Hitch went as far as breaking the law he loves to protect to give you a birthday present. If that's not a sign of true love, I don't know what it is, then."

"I was as surprised as you are, Sunset," Sunny said with a smile. "'Till this day, I still can't believe he did that for me."

"And what happened to the statue?" Sunset asked curiously.

"As surprising as it may sound, is still there, hidden away from the rest of the town!" Sunny replied happily. "I still visit it from time to time, just not as often as I used to."

"Oh, so that explains why you sometimes wake up even earlier than me~," Sunset said with a teasing grin.

"S-Shut it, Sunset!" Sunny said slightly flustered, and Sunset laughed again, although she was also very happy to see that Sunny was in a better mood and had forgotten about their current situation for now.

At Opaline’s Castle, Discord is leading Spike and the other dragons to the Dark Castle up ahead. “There it is. Opaline’s Castle.” Discord said with a serious look.

“Great work, Discord.” Spike said to him, “Now let’s see if she’s there” He said as they flew closer to the castle while Sparky looked nervous.

Blaize looked through the window and she saw Opaline’s study room as she saw no one there. “Looks like nopony’s home,” Blaize said.

“Opaline must still be out stealing other ponies’ Cutie Marks,” Discord said with a glare as he looked through the study room, “And no Dragonstone. She must’ve moved it.”

Sparky then started babbling as he pointed down to the bottom of the castle and Spike gasped, understanding what Sparky was saying, “The Dragonstone! Do you sense it, too?” He asked.

“Can you dragons tell where it is? Because I’m not a dragon,” Discord pointed out that he can’t sense the Dragonstone since he’s not a dragon.

Luxxe then answered, “Well, it’s definitely inside there, but it… it feels distant. Like she’s keeping it somewhere… below.” She said in thought.

Discord knew what Luxxe was saying since he was familiar with it, “I think I know where the stone is.” He said with a smirk.

Fountain, however, knew what they were saying and she didn’t like it, “Oh no! C’mon! Not a--” She groaned.

Not long after when Discord guided the dragons inside the castle, they are now in a dungeon, much to Fountain’s displeasure. “Dungeon!” She cried out as she groaned in frustration while Spike and Discord led the way, “Urgh! You know I hate dungeons!” She cried out to Luxxe next to her, “You know what happens to a dragon in a dungeon?” She questioned.

Luxxe raised a brow. “They chain us up?” She guessed in confusion.

“They chain us up! Correct!” Fountain cried out as she stepped back. “I’ve been chained up in a dungeon before, “I’ve been chained up in a dungeon before, Luxxe. Have you?! It’s not cool. It’s not cool at all!” She ranted.

“Shh!” Discord shushed them, “Can you dragons be quiet? We’re in enemy territory! We need to be sneaky about this if we’re ever gonna get that stone and stop her!” He whispered to them.

“And Opaline can return at any moment,” Spike added quickly with a firm look as they continued on while looking at the empty cells.

And then after searching around, the group then found a champer with the Dragonstone in the middle, glowing brighter.

“There!” Spike whispered.

“That’s the one,” Discord nodded.

“And it’s just been charged,” Spike noted at the bright glow the Dragonstone is shimmering.

“Oh no.” Blaize said in concern as she knew why, “Lava and Jade. She has them! That means she must’ve…” She trailed off.

“Chained them up!” Luxxe called out in worry.

“Once we retrieve the stone, we can rescue them and set everything right,” Spike assured with a determined look.

“Then let’s go grab it and then set things right,” Discord said as he and Spike walked up to the Dragonstone, but as soon as Spike was about to grab it, a magical shield prevented him from touching it, “What the…?” Discord asked in shock.

“She got some kind of magic shield around the stone.” Spike theorizes as he inspects the stone.

“Magic shield?” Discord asked before his eyes widened in panic as he remembered that kind of spell. “Wait! Spike! It’s…!” He tried to call out before the Dragonstone was levitated away from them. “Oh dear,” He muttered.

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, Spike…” Opaline said as she came in with an evil smile as she remembered Spike very well with the mind-controlled Lava and Jade beside her as she chuckled. “I didn’t put a spell around my Dragonstone…” She started as a shield formed around the group. “I put a spell around my dragons! And the Lord of Chaos as a bonus!” She called as she crackled.

“Aw, come on!” Fountain yelled in irritation. “I told you guys!”

Opaline kept laughing as she looked at Discord. “Do you really think I wouldn’t notice you sneaking into my castle again, Discord? I came prepared this time from our last encounter. I knew you were coming with your old dragon friend before you got here.” She said with an evil smirk.

“Dang it! I can’t believe I fell for that!” Discord cried out as he snapped his fingers again, but nothing happened as he groaned in annoyance. “Classic. Magic proof shield.” He muttered as he slammed his fist into the shield. “I’m sorry, Spike. I should’ve seen this coming!” He said in guilt.

“You did you’re best, Discord. We don’t blame you,” Spike assured him as the dragons all started slamming onto the shield in an attempt to break. “Ugh, you can’t keep us in here forever!” He yelled at Opaline.

“Oh, hush,” Opaline said with a rolled eye before her eyes turned pink and controlled Spike and the other dragons as they were put under her control.

“Spike! Dragons!” Discord cried out as he shook Spike in order to snap him out of it, but it was too late.

“You’d be surprised how long I can keep somedragon in here,” Opaline said with a smirk.

Discord then glared at Opaline as he slammed his fists on the shield, “Opaline, you’ll pay for this!” He yelled in rage.

“I highly doubt that, Discord. You’re dragon friends are mine now.” Opaline said smugly as Sparky hid behind Spike to keep out of sight while Discord made sure Opaline didn’t see him. “My own little Scaly Army. How lovely.” She mocked as she turned to Discord and the dragons as the Lord of Chaos kept his glare, “See, Discord? I can make friends too.” She mocked before she frowned in disgust. “Friendship, ha! They used to tell me that was magic.” She said in amusement as she chuckled and put the Dragonstone back.

“Because it is magic, you power-hungry Alicorn fire witch!” Discord yelled in anger. “Tell it to some creature who had a double dose of that power twice and how it made me become better!” He called out.

“Oh, because you got turned into stone twice?” Opaline mocked with a smirk as Discord gritted his teeth, “You know what I think is magic?” She questioned as she flew up and went face-to-face with Discord and the mind-controlled Spike.

“Like what?” Discord sneered while Sparky saw Opaline flying up as he babbled nervously and kept hidden.

“Power!” Opaine answered as she spread her wings lit them and her horn in flames, “And soon, I’ll have all of it.” She said as she flew around, “Dragonstone? Right there. Cutie Mark Magic? Incoming. Prisbeam? Soon enough. Together Trees?” She listed out with a smirk as her back faced Discord. “Did you see my tree upstairs?” She asked.

Discord was shocked by what she said, “You have a Together Tree?!” He asked in shock.

“I most certainly do. Poor little thing,” Opaline said in fake sympathy as she turned to him and used her magic to create a project of the throne room, Discord gasped in shock at seeing all the Cutie Marks she had stolen trapped in the leaves, “I tried and tried to make it grow, but you know what feeds a Together Tree right?”

“Of course,” Discord sarcastically said with a look.

“Did you guess ‘Unity’?” Opaline asked as Discord stood silent while keeping his glare at her, which Opaline took it as a yes. “That’s correct. It’s always unity. So my little tree would allow just wither up and die.” She said with a glare.

“That’s because you never understood or tried unity. Which caused your tree to die with lack of thereof.” Discord pointed out.

“Oh, but I did try at least once,” Opaline admitted, which surprised Discord as she told her story.


Many moons ago, Misty was a filly and found by Opaline, who was carrying her, Misty looked nervous before Opaline put her down. “Why even when I found it a real live friend, it wouldn’t grow,” Presnet Opaline explained as she and Filly Misty looked at the Together Tree roots.

Then the scene changed to show Filly Misty being alone in her room as time goes by as she grows older with some more objects before becoming what Misty is today while doing some things to pass the time while looking at a picture of her and her friends.

“No matter. My little fake friend brought some real unity magic back to me whether she meant to or not,” Opaline continued as Misty moved a bit and showed a drawing of Sparky, “And all it took was one tiny spark to activate my tree.” She finished.

End of Flashback.

Discord was shocked by what Opaline just revealed as Sparky looked behind Spike as he listened to the conversation. “So you used and lied to Misty to try and get your magic back and seek revenge and continue your plans to rule all of Equestria,” He said in rage that Opaline never truly cared for Misty and that he was using her to just get a magical spark flowing for her plans as Sparky whimpered from that. “Which by the way, was many moons late, I might add,” He added with a smirk

“It may have too many moons for it to happen, I’ll say that. But it was all worth it,” Opaline said with a frown before she smirked while she kept looking at the tree roots before turning to Discord, “And once my tree woke up, well, it made friends with the tree in Maretime Bay, and another tree in Bridlewood. And then my friend Misty, do you know what she did?” She questioned teasingly as Discord gave a dreadful expression when she listed out the Together Trees.

In Zephyr Heights, the Together Tree is using its roots to take the ponies Cutie MMarks from them as Queen Haven and Cloudpuff look at the chaos. “She grew a brand new one for us in Zephyr Heights,” Opaline said.

With Queen Haven wasn’t looking, a root grabbed her Cutie Mark from her flank as Haven gasped in horror as Cloudpuff flew around to try and catch it.

So maybe My Little Misty really has been a true friend, after all.” Opaline continued as Queen HAven’s Cutie Mark then appeared in one of the blank leaves like the others.

In Bridlewood, the Wishing Together Tree continued to take other ponies Cutie Marks while being sucked into the tree. “Now all of the Cutie Marks come to me…” Opaline stated.

“One by one. Bing. Bong…” Opaline said with a sinister smirk with her wings spread.“But I’m saving my favorite Cutie Marks for last.” She said as she levitated the golden pumpkin she kept during Nightmare Night.

“No!” Discord cried out in shock as he knew who Cutie Marks Opaline was talking about. “Not them!” He pleaded.

“Oh yes, them, Discord,” Opaline said with a smirk as she turned the golden pumpkin into a necklace that had six holes, “And with you off the board, and Spike and the other dragons under my control, it will be easy to defeat Sunset, Twilight, Sunny, and their friends. And once I have those Cutie Marks, nothing will stop me from total domination!” She called.

Not long after, Opaline was outside the castle in the air with the other dragons except for Spike. “Then, Equestria is mine!” She finished as she laughed evily as she, Lava, and Jade flew off while the rest of the dragons stayed to guard the castle.

In the dungeon, Discord gives a horrified expression as Opaline goes after his friends to steal his Cutie Mark before he slams his fist into the shield in rage. He stops and slouches in defeat before he turns to Sparky, seeing him nudging the stiff Spike, trying to snap him out of it as he whimpered sadly before looking at Discord.

Discord gave a sympathetic look at Sparky as he sighed and walked up to him and gave him a comforting hug, “Yeah, I know. Things are not well,” He said to him as he looked up, “I hope the others thought of a plan.” He added before turning to Spike with a concerned look, “If you could hear me Spike, I hope our friends can handle this. Because they’re gonna need a miracle to stop her now.”

Back in Maretime Bay, Sunset left Sunny and Misty on their own to watch over the Unity Crystals in case anything else went wrong, while she went to check on the town and make sure nopony was panicking anymore.

So far, everypony seemed to have calmed a bit from the earlier scare, but then Sunset noticed that Hitch, who was in front of the Together Tree, was also looking to the ground with concern. This worried her since she feared it meant that something bad happened, so she flew to him and landed behind.

"Sheriff?" Sunset called out, making Hitch perk his ears and turn to her. "Everything good?"

"As good as it can be, I guess..." Hitch replied. "I'm just worried about something."

"Is it about Opaline and all the Cutie Marks she just stole?" Sunset asked, now feeling a bit worried as well. "Or is it about your surprise for Sunny?"

"Both, actually, but leaning slightly more about Sunny, just not about my declaration thing..." Hitch replied. "As much as I try to calm myself down with that subject, I'm still concerned with what I told Sunny about not being her friend anymore if she kept doing a lot of illegal stuff for the sake of proving her point."

"Seriously?" Sunset deadpanned. "Hitch, for the last time, she––"

"Has forgiven me already. I know, Sunset," Hitch rolled his eyes annoyed. "The thing is that I can't forgive myself. I haven't been good at showing her that I regret with my soul telling her that."

"Then why don't you talk it out with her?" Sunset suggested with a little smile.

"Huh?" Hitch said confused.

"You say you feel uneasy and can't forgive yourself just yet, right?" Sunset pointed out. "Then tell Sunny exactly that! I'm sure she'll be able to help you calm your nerves down. And, who knows, she may even be able to help you finally forgive yourself. Is something you two have to fix together, Sheriff."

"Well, that sounds good, but are you sure?" Hitch asked uncertainly. "The last thing I want is to lose Sunny, or hurt her again if I remind her that..."

"You won't do it, Hitch. I know it because I know you. You'll be able to fix it," Sunset assured once again with a smile, and Hitch smiled back with a nod.

With that being said, Sunset took a last glance at the Tree, then at the town, then she spread her wings and traveled back by flight towards the Crystal Brighthouse.

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny and Misty kept looking at the Unity Crystals as the rainbow glitched again before Sunset flew in while seeing this as well. “Oh boy, this is getting worse,” Sunset muttered in concern.

Misty groaned. “Oh, this is all my fault. I never should’ve come here.” She cried out. “If I hadn’t helped Opaline, she never could’ve done all this!” She cried out in guilt.

“Misty, none of this was your fault. This is all on Opaline for using you.” Sunset assured as she and Sunny walked up to her.

“Yeah. You can’t think like that.” Sunny said in agreement. “What were you supposed to do? Stay in that creepy lair forever by yourself?” She asked before she frowned. “Besides, I’m the one who made us all leave. We never should’ve gone to the Isle of Scaly! We should’ve stayed here and protected Equestria.” She said in despair as the rainbow glitched again.

“But then you wouldn’t have helped the Dragons find their courage again,” Misty pointed out.

“And you wouldn’t have helped me, Discord, and Twilight reunite with Spike when we did,” Sunset added with a small smile while gesturing to her necklace that Twilight is in.

“Yeah. You’re a leader like Sunset, Sunny.” Misty stated with a smile, “You always help everypony.”

Sunny however kept her frown, “I’m not a leader. I’m just a pony. A pony who can’t ever stop stirring up trouble!” She cried out as she felt guilty for causing this mess. “Sunset is a better leader than I ever would be,”

“Who, hey, that’s not who you are, Sunny.” Sunset said while placing a hoof on her shoulder, “You don’t cause trouble. You never did.”

“Yeah, Sunny, you know that’s not--” Misty tried to say before she had a familiar sensation as she gave a horrified expression, “She’s back! Opaline’s here.” She cried out.

“What?!” Sunset cried out in shock.

“How do you know?” Sunny asked in surprise.

“I can feel it in my hooves,” Misty answered in fear. “See it in my mind.” She added as she heard Opaline’s crackle as she closed her eyes.

At Maretime Bay’s Together Tree, Hitch stood in front of it as he turned to the ponies in hiding, “Everypony, keep away from the tree. This is the Sheriff’s responsibility!” He called with determination as the rest of the ponies stayed in hiding, “I won’t let any more of you be in danger.”

Just then, Hitch’s critter crew came up and stood beside him, “Kenneth. Guys. No. You can’t be here either.” He said to them, but then a portal opened up, which surprised Hitch as Opaline, Jade, and Lava flew out of it while Hitch watched them land in front of him.

“Don’t try to hide, ponies,” Opaline called with a smirk. “I will find you!”

Hitch then gave a serious expression as he and his critters faced Opaline, “Not as long as Sheriff Hitch is around!” He declared as he stomped his hoof and used his Earth Pony Magic.

Some vines grew and tied Opaline around them, but she then focused her magic as she burned the vines off her while giving a chuckle of amusement. “Earth Pony Magic! Ah, what’ll they think of next?” She asked in amusement.

Then Hitch’s critter charged at Opaline, “Wait! Kenneth! Steven! McSnipsalot!” Hitch called out as they tackled Opaline, pushing her back into the portal with them as well. “No!” He cried out as he reached his hoof out.

Once Opaline went back into the portal, Jade and Lava’s eyes returned to normal, now free from Opaline’s control now she was not close to them. “No…” Hitch said in despair at what happened to his critters. But then, Hitch saw something coming back from the portal as he flinched.

“Ugh!” Opaline groaned as she came back before she tossed Hitch’s critters off her and they fell to the floor and ran away from her in fear while Opaline landed between Jade and Lava, putting them back under her control as the two dragons breathe out their fire.

Opaline looked around as she noticed that Hitch was gone and the street was empty. What she didn’t know was that Hitch was hiding behind some crates while whimpering in fear as he looked overhead and watched Opaline searching around.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Opaline mocked with a smirk as she walked around.

Hitch found his courage as he fixed his sheriff hat. “Not in my town!” He whispered as he stomped his hoof down, using his magic again as he create another vine.

The vine then quickly grabbed Opaline and lifted her up, “Ugh!” She cried out as she struggled to break free and was lifted up in the air as she gave a yelp before she focused her magic and burned the vine up again as she gave an evil laugh. “Your weeds are no macth for a Fire Alicorn!” She boasted before thudding sounds can be heard, “Huh?” She asked as she looked down.

Opaline saw two stallions beside each other as some apples fell, giving away their hiding place as Opaline looked at them as they looked at her in fear, “Well, look at that.” She said as she saw the grey stallion’s Cutie Mark. “And I thought I’d collected all of the other Cutie Marks.” She said as the roots charged after them.

Hitch saw this as he ran after them, “Not today!” He called as he ran in front of the two stallions as the roots got him and pulled him towards Opaline as he struggled to get free, “Run! Get out of here!” He called as the two stallions didn’t need to be told twice ran off with screams.

“After them!” Opaline ordered Jade and Lava as they flew in front of the stallions, preventing them from leaving.

“No!” Hitch called out as he struggled to break free as his Cutie Mark started glowing.

“There it is. Ripe for the plucking!” Opaline said with a smirk when she saw Hitch’s Cutie Mark.

Hitch looked at his Cutie Mark as he was not giving up without a fight as he struggled a bit and slammed his hoof down, using his magic again as a couple of vines grew, “Not in my town!” He strained as the vines pulled the roots off him, freeing him as Hitch faced Opaline with a courageful look.

“Ah! Opaline yelled as she used her magic to create a ring, which she threw at Hitch as he jumped up, but he was hit and fell to his side, losing his hat, as his hooves were now tied together by Opaline’s magic.

Hitch looked at his hooves as he struggled to break free, but he wasn’t going down that easily as he used his magic again to summon two more vines and launch them at Opaline.

Opaline flew around as she dodged the vines before she used her magic to burn to them ash as she gave another laugh before facing Hitch.

At the Brighouse, Sunset, Sunny, and Misty are watching the fight while Misty is looking through her binoculars as she went wide eyes when she saw Hitch got caught. “She got Hitch!” She cried out.

“She’s gonna steal his Cutie Mark!” Sunset called next, she was impressed by how Hitch was handling Opaline at first, but that vanished when they saw him get caught.

“We have to help him!” Sunny called out in great worry for Hitch as she and Sunset went up to the elevator as the rainbow kept glitching.

Misty, however, looked nervous as she sat down, “Sunny, Sunset… I-I can’t.” She said to them as they turned to her.

“Misty! We have to.” Sunny urged.

“We know you’re scared, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from doing what you think is right,” Sunset said to her, seeing that Misty was scared to even face Opaline again.

“I don’t think I can face her,” Misty said uncertainly.

Sunset and Sunny looked at each other as they nodded and turned to Misty with small smiles, “You don’t have to.” Sunny said in understanding.

“We understand, Misty. You don’t have to face her,” Sunset added while placing a hoof on Misty. “You stay here!”

“Somepony needs to protect the Unity Crystals.” Sunny finished as the three mares looked at the crystals.

Back with Hitch, he kept struggling to break free as he looked at Opaline in fear as she flew down to him with a smirk as she lit up her horn and took Hitch’s Cutie Mark right off his flank as Hitch watched in horror as it go.

Opaline smiled as she levitated Hitch’s Cutie Mark to her as Hitch kept struggling. “Not… in my… town.” Hitch groaned as the magic ring on his hooves disappeared as he lay on the ground in defeat.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Misty, Sunset, and Sunny looked as they saw the yellow color of the rainbow disappear, which made them shocked as they realized one thing.

"HItch!" The three mares cried out in horror, realizing that Hitch lost his Cutie Mark to Opaline as Sunny gave teary eyes at what happened to her foalhood friend as Misty went to her and gave her a comforting hug, which Sunny deeply returned.

While Sunset, however, her eyes went fear at what happened to Hitch, "Oh no. No, no, no, no! It's happening!" She stammered as she started hyperventilating, and might be having a panic attack because the vision that Discord showed her was becoming more and more real and finding it even worse since Opaline has stolen all of the Cutie Marks before they came back from the Dragonlands, fearing that the worse is coming for the rest of them.

Opaline laughed in victory at her mission as she held up Hitch’s Cutie Mark while the root took the grey stallion’s Cutie Mark before Jade and Lava flew towards her with roars while Opaline kept laughing evilly.

Up in the sky, the clouds turned more grey over them.

In Bridlewood, Izzy made it to her hometown as she met up with Alphabittle before they heard Opaline’s laughter echoing through the air as they looked up and saw yellow lightning bolts.

Alhabittle was shocked by this while Izzy watched in horror and realized what that lightning bolt was, “Hitch!” She cried out, feeling that Hitch lost his Cutie Mark.

At Zephyr Heights, Pipp and Zipp met up with their mother, they heard Opaline’s laughter as well and saw the yellow lightning bolt as they all looked in shock with horrified expressions.

“No! Hitch!” Pipp cried out as the Royal Family looked up to the sky.

“Hitch!” Zipp cried out as she and her sister had the same feeling that Opaline stole Hitch’s Cutie Mark.

Back in Maretime Bay while yellow thunder clashed, Jade, and Lava then stood in front of Opaline.”Now Mistress Opaline, all of the Cutie Mark Magic in Equestrias is yours.” Jade said mindlessly as she and Lava bowed to her.

Opaline kept her smile as she levitated Hitch’s Cutie Mark to her, “Not quite.” She corrected as she placed Hitch’s mark into one of the holes in the necklace. “Five little ponies to go…” She said at the five remaining holes around Hitch’s Cutie Mark for the rest of the Mane 7 as thunder kept booming.

Opaline is just getting started and she won’t stop until her enemies’ Cutie Marks are hers and all magic as well so she can rule all of Equestria, the Mane 7’s fight with Opaline just went from bad to worse.

End of Chapter 6 Ep 2.