• Published 12th Sep 2022
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MLP G5 Sunset: Make Your Mark - JesusG0987

What-IF? Sunset Equestria with her new generation of friends, but there are some things that would stop the magic.

  • ...

Chapter 6 Ep 4: Secrets of Starlight

Chapter 6 Ep 4: Secrets of Starlight

The Mane 7 were at the front of the new Together Tree that had been born after Opaline's Castle was destroyed. Izzy seemed to be waiting excitedly for another portal to appear, and so was Pipp. Zipp, however, was dying from boredom, Misty had no idea why they were still here, Sunset was staring concerned at the closed necklace, and Hitch... Hitch was smiling like an idiot when he saw Sparky playing with Sunny.

The baby dragon was constantly circling Sunny, as if he was playing hide and seek, sometimes even managing to sneak behind some rocks, but Sunny still managed to find him all the same and grab him in her arms to treat him like her own son, something that Sparky didn't minded as he babbled happily, and Hitch himself didn't minded, either.

What happened earlier with Sparky calling Sunny his 'mama' is still making the Sheriff a bit giddy. Why did it feel so great when Sparky himself hugged Sunny tightly and referred to her as his mom? Hitch has no answer to that question, but he knows that if Sparky himself loves Sunny as a mother, then maybe Sunny is the perfect mare for him after all.

He smiled warmly at Sparky and Sunny acting like mother and son. Why keep questioning the reason behind Sparky seeing a mother on Sunny when it was incredibly wholesome? Sparky seemed so happy and peaceful at her side, and that's what really mattered to him in the end.

He realized he was staring for way too long, though, and if anypony - or draconequus - else caught him staring, he'd look like a creep. So, he chose to let Sparky play with his new mother figure, but just as he was about to go and see how Sunset was doing...

"You know you're not as sneaky as you are, do you, Hitchy?" Sunny's voice suddenly spoke, catching the Sheriff off guard, and making him stop and gulp nervously.

Hitch turned back to her, just to see that she was looking down at Sparky on her hooves, but she was also smiling, and that actually made him smile a little bit as well.

"Yeah, well... Being sneaky was not really one of my strengths," Hitch confessed with a sheepish smile, then he approached Sunny and sat beside her. "I'm sorry for staring, Sunny," The Sheriff apologized a bit ashamed. "It's just that, well, I found the whole thing too adorable to not stare."

"It's okay, Hitch. It doesn't bother me at all," Sunny said with a little smile. "Just try not to be so obvious next time, okay?" She added with a flirty smile and a wink.

Hitch blushed a bit at this, but he still chuckled and nodded. "I'll try. Just don't steal my son from me, 'Mama Sunny'."

Although blushing, Sunny also bursted out laughing after hearing Hitch's joke, and Hitch himself joined in the laugh with her. It didn't matter the situation or the place, these two enjoyed each other's company so much that they wouldn't trade it for anything in the entire world.

"I still can't believe Sparky calls me his 'mama'... I felt so many things at the moment, and I still do!" Sunny says with nothing but joy running through her body. "It was so magical! I-I felt––"

"A mix of happiness, confusion, pride, and love?" Hitch asked with a smile, and Sunny looked at him surprised.

"I–– Yeah! Those emotions precisely!" Sunny replied shocked, although smiling all the same. "How did you––"

"Because I felt the same way when he first called me 'papa'," Hitch replied with a smile, then he sighed and caressed the baby dragon's head, who babbled happily at his father's touch. "This little guy is one of the most important things in my life. The day he referred to me as his dad, I knew my life couldn't be the same without him."

"Well... Now I'm the one that can't imagine a life without him..." Sunny said with a smile, looking down at Sparky as he smiled at her. "I still wonder why he called me his Mom out of everypony in the group, though."

"Hmm?" Hitch tilted his head confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I honestly thought that he'd see Izzy as his mother," Sunny confessed. "Just think about it: She's incredibly talented with kids, Sparky obeys her even more than he obeys you sometimes, and she can put him to sleep way faster than the rest of us! To me, it is just logical he calls her his Mom."

"What are you talking about?" Hitch asked confused and in disbelief. "You think that being good with kids makes you a good mother already? Is more complicated than that, Sunny. Sure, Izzy can make Sparky sleep and obey, but have you ever seen how much energy it takes out of her?"

"...Yeah, she usually gets very tired by the time she's done with him..." Sunny admitted while in thought.

"And Sparky does not always hear what she says, either," Hitch pointed out. "I think she mentioned that Sparky ran away from her right before spotting Misty the day she met her. He also caused her trouble when I went insane with the 'No Magic Rule' incident, although she never told me until weeks later."

"Well, yeah, he's hoofful for all of us, but Izzy's still more fit to be considered his Mom, so much more than me," Sunny argued, now carefully placing a hoof over Sparky's head.

"Is she, though?" Hitch asked with a brow, but also with a smirk.

"Now what do you mean, Hitch?" Sunny asked, confused.

"When Sparky got sick that one time, you were the first pony to put everything else aside and help me out. You even found the cure! Sure, we didn't know it was the cure until a few hours later, but your solution was still the one thing that helped him feel better!" Hitch started to explain with a smile. "And whenever I needed a dragon-sitter and Izzy wasn't available, you were the one that took care of him. I heard from Sunset and Zipp that he slept twice as fast as he usually does with Izzy, all because you simply treated him like the baby he is!"

"Well, that's true. He... He actually barely makes any mess when he's with me, now that I think about it..." Sunny was shocked with wide eyes.

"And a baby only behaves that well with their mom, or mother figure," Hitch added with a smile that widened, while Sunny blushed a bit at what he implied. "Don't you see, Sunny? Izzy may be a great dragon-sitter, but you? You are the mare that Sparky loves as his mom, the one he wants to be his mom... The one I believe is the right choice to be," He blushed after saying this last thing.

Sunny blushed as well after hearing Hitch say that, but she also smiled at him with a loving gaze, and then they both looked down at Sparky, the baby dragon they both love and care for... their son.

"Well... I'm really honored to be Sparky's Mom." Sunny said happily, carefully making only her horn appear, then also carefully levitating the baby dragon to carry him on her back. "I never imagined that I would become a mom so young." She giggled.

Hitch's heart melted at that sound for what felt like the millionth time, but he still chuckled. "I didn't think I would be a dad so young either, but then I found his egg on the beach. My life's been happier ever since."

"I think all our lives have been that way ever since," Sunny pointed out with a smile. "Although, personally, I'm gonna be even happier now that Sparky sees me as his mom."

"I bet you will, Sunny," Hitch said with a smile. "Hey, um... Once we go back to Maretime Bay, do you think that we could go to the beach? Just you and me, though, like in the old times!"

Sunny looked at Hitch surprised, but then she grinned. "Are you inviting me on a date, Hitchy?" She asked in a flirty tone.

Hitch blushed like mad, but then he chuckled and smiled in the same flirty way. "Maybe I am, Sun~"

Sunny didn't expect that comeback, but she still smiled, then leaned and kissed Hitch's cheek. This made the Sheriff's face get as red as a tomato, but he still smiled like a dork and got a bit giddy.

"I'd love to go out with only you, Hitch~" Sunny declared with a smile and a blush, while Hitch smiled back with the same flustered expression as her.

As they stared at each other happily, with Sunny still carrying Sparky like it was her own child, they didn't notice that Sunset was not as focused on the necklace as they thought and that she heard the whole thing. However, she only smiled and let them be, because they'd been waiting far too long for a moment like this.

"Took you long enough, guys," Sunset muttered with a smile.

Sunset then looked back at her necklace as she kept tapping on it, trying to get it to open and bring Twilight out, but it wouldn’t even budge, which Misty noticed as she walked up to her.

“Still having trouble getting Twilight to come out?” Misty asked in concern.

“No. I mean, she just came back, only to leave and lock herself away in the necklace,” Sunset said as she kept looking at the necklace, “We just defeated Opaline and she decided to leave. I don’t know why she even did that,” She said while tapping the necklace.

“Well, with Opaline defeated, she might’ve thought Equestria is finally at peace,” Misty suggested with a smile, “The two were old enemies of each other back in Ancient Equestria,” She added.

“Yeah, but she couldn’t stay and enjoy the peace?” Sunset asked as she looked at the necklace with sighed, “Whatever Twilight thinks, she’s always cryptic with things and not explaining reasons at times,”

“Well, I’m sure she has her reasons,” Misty assured her and placed a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder, “But, at least she can finally find peace that Equestria is now safe and that the magic and unity, as well as friendship, continues on,” She said.

Sunset gave a small smile at Misty before looking at her necklace, “Yeah, I guess that’s true. But I’ll still miss her,” She said.

“We all will,” Misty said to her while giving Sunset a side hug, “So, you think that portal will open up again?” She asked, changing the topic.

“Not sure. I may have experiences with portals, but there are different ways to open them and sometimes they open at random. Like the one we saw earlier,” Sunset said with a shrug as they stood up and walked next to Sunny and Hitch as they looked at Izzy smiling at the Together Tree, waiting for a portal to open up.

“We’ve been waiting for hours, Iz!” Zipp said in boredom, “Nothing has happened.”

“Yet,” Izzy cheered as she kept looking at the tree with an excited smile, “Nothing has happened yet.” She said with a determined expression before she smiled cheerfully at her friends, “But you can bet your sparkles it’s going to!” She cheerfully said with a cheerful smile.

“I hope so!” Pipp said in agreement as she flew next to Izzy, “I mean, I would love to transform into a stunning crystal version of myself,” She said in excitement, wanting to transform like how Izzy did earlier when she touched the snowflake when the portal first opened.

“Of course, you would,” Sunset said in amusement that Pipp wanted the same crystal look that Izzy received.

“Maybe we should take a break from staring at a tree,” Sunny suggested as she chuckled as Hitch smiled and shook his head in amusement at Sunny’s jokes, “Just for a bit?” She asked.

“We’ll come back, okay?” Pipp assured Izzy with a smile.

“Yeah, after defeating Opaline and stopping her plans, I saw we earned a little break. Let’s call it a day,” Sunset said in agreement as she put the necklace away, “We’ll be back and see if the portal opens again,” She stated as the Mane 7, except Izzy, started walking away.

Izzy just frowned that they had to leave, but as luck would have it for her, a rainbow color sparked up, which made Izzy gasp as she turned and saw the portal from earlier open up again.

“Everypony, look!” Izzy cheered as she pointed to the portal, which the rest of the Mane 7 turned and saw that it opened up again.

Pipp came next to Izzy as she looked at the portal with a smile, “Pretty!” She sang as she and Izzy smiled at each other.

“Wow, that was convenient,” Sunset commented as they all walked back to them.

“More like a coincidence is more like it,” Hitch suggested in surprise.

“Yeah, that too,” Sunset nodded.

“Whoa. I guess you were right,” Zipp said with an awe smile, seeing that Izzy was right when it opened up again.

“Ahem,” Pipp cleared her throat while looking at Zipp, “Yes we were,” She said while gesturing to herself and Izzy since she agreed with Izzy’s idea to wait before she waved her hoof, “Crystal snow!” She cheered before she gasped at the one falling in front of her, “Oh, how pretty!” She cooed at it before she touched the snowflake as a bright flash was made.

The rest of the Mane 7 saw this as the flash faded as they all gasped in amazement as Pipp was now a crystal version of herself like Izzy but with her color schemes and matchings like her Cutie Mark.

Pipp giggled in excitement as she stomped her hooves with glee, “It happened! I’m stunning!” She cheered as she flew up and took a selfie of herself with her as she chuckled and put her hooves together with a pose at her new look.

“Twice in a row, and by touching a snowflake? Amazing,” Sunset said in awe as she rubbed her chin, “Though, I’m not sure how. This is a little new for me to know what magic this is, but the crystal detail is somewhat familiar,” She said in thought.

Sunny then spoke with a smile as she looked at the Together Tree, “I think this is another magical Together Tree like the ones we have in Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights, and Bridlewood.” She said as she walked up to the tree.

“Possibly. These trees are full of more surprises than we thought,” Sunset commented as she and Sunny walked closer to the tree, “Though where this portal leads is a mystery,” She said while looking at the portal.

“Be careful, girls,” Zipp said to the two Alicorns in concern.

Hitch just gave an assuring smile at Zipp while holding Sparky, “Relax! It’s not like it’s gonna suck us into a portal,” He said to them before the rainbow mist grabbed onto Hitch and pulled him in, much to the mares’ shock.

“Hitch!” Sunny cried out in worry before the rest of the Mane 7 were caught as well and they started screaming as they all disappeared through the portal as one snowflake flew out of it.

At the other side of the portal, the Mane 7 all landed in a snowy crystal-like forest as they got their bearings, “Huh? Ha.” Izzy said as she saw a crystal snow landed on her nose, which caused her to sneeze with a groan as she and the others stood up.

The rest of the Mane 7, including Sparky, are now crystal ponies like Izzy and Pipp with their replicas of Cutie Marks on their necklace on their necks their hooves sparkle and are colored like their manes and their manes have sparkling streaks and Sparky has a necklace of his own while his paws, legs, and horns sparkled up with a necklace of his own.

“Wow,” Hitch said with an awed smile.

“Whoa,” Sunny said next with a smile.

“Woo,” Izzy said.

“Sweet Celestia,” Sunset muttered in amazement as the Mane 7 looked around as they saw the snowy forest around them and shining stars with northern lights as the stars were shining bright.

Sunny gasped in amazement at what she was seeing, “Look at all those stars!” She said as they all looked at the stars.

“Where are we?” Misty asked, wondering where they were.

“Whoa,” Zipp said again.

Hitch then looked down at himself as he noticed their crystal form, “Uh, better question… What are we?” He asked while Misty, who was next to him, looked at herself with a smile as she twirled and hopped around with a smile as Sparky babbled with a smile.

“Who cares?” Pipp said as she walked up with her phone out while the others looked at themselves while Izzy was slipping around, “We’re so glamorous!” She cheered as she took selfies of herself while doing poses.

“Sunny, Sunset, what do you think this is?” Zipp asked while wanting to know what their looks were.

“Yeah. And how do we fix it?” Hitch asked next while looking at himself and blushing a bit at Sunny’s crystal form, finding her beautiful.

“I have no idea!” Sunny said uncertainty, “I’ve never seen anything like it before,” She pointed out.

“These looks are familiar somehow,” Sunset said as she looked at her crystal look and saw her wings were now red streaked with crystal sparkles like the rest of her body, “But I can’t seem to remember what.” She said as they all looked at the portal that was still open.

“But the new Together Tree wouldn’t have brought us here for no reason, right?” Sunny asked her friends as they all muttered in confusion, not sure how to answer that.

“Sunny, we’re not sure why we’re here from a portal that somehow dragged us here,” Sunset pointed out while rubbing her head, “So we’re kinda stump.”

“Well, if we’re here, then it must be for something special,” Sunny theorizes with a smile. “We just have to figure out what it is,”

Just then, the portal began to shrink again, which got their attention, “Uh, is it just me, or is that portal thingy shrinking?” Hitch asked nervously.

“Nope. Not just you,” Zipp said as she flew to the portal and brought out her phone as she scanned it, “It seems to be moving pretty slowly, though,” She informed as the portal shrunk a bit before she turned to her friends. “I think we have enough time to do a little digging and investigate,” She said.

“Well then, let’s hurry!” Hitch called out as he walked up next to Zipp, “So we can still get out of here. Wherever there is!” He cried out nervously.

The rest of the Mane 7 all think it was a good idea, “We did just finish defeating Opaline and I was sorta getting ready to take a nap…” Misty commented as she stretched and gave a yawn. “But I could muster enough energy for another quick adventure. Plus, I’ve never been in snow before!” She said with a smile as she jumped and moved the snow before she picked it up and inspected it, “Hmm, I thought it would be colder.” She said.

Sunset got what Misty just said as she touched the snow, “Wait, snow and it’s not even cold? That’s strange.” She said before feeling the air as she was not shivering, “Hey, the air’s not even shivering in this snowy forest,” She stated.

“Yeah, we’re not even cold the moment we arrive here,” Sunny said as she and the others noticed the same feeling that they're not cold, not even the snow was cold to them.

“This snow is different!” Izzy said in thought as she looked down and slipped, “Oh!” She yelped as she fell on her stomach. She tried to stand up, but she slipped again, “Whoa!” She cried out and landed on her side before she gave a laugh and got up properly, “It’s extra, extra slippy. Whoa!” She said before her hooves slipped again as Sunny came to her and helped her up, “And extra sparkly!” She added as she lifted some snow and saw the snow sparkling.

“You’re right!” Sunny said with a smile, “What a fascinating place,” She commented.

“Snow and weather not cold, crystal forms, and now the snow is slippery and sparkling?” Sunset listed out in thought, “Where have I seen this before?” She muttered.

“Well, to know, let’s find out what brought us here!” Sunny declared as they all looked down at Sparky, who was babbling to her as Sparky ran off in a direction, “I guess Spark is leading the way!” She said in amusement as they all laughed together as the Mane 7 followed Sparky through the forest.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 were still walking through the woods as sparkling snow fell here and there as they followed a path while they looked around in amazement.

“Ooh! Aah!” Izzy yelped as she slipped and fell face-first with a scream before she got up with a groan and shook the snow off her, “All this slipping is making it…” She then quickly gave a raspberry to get some snow out of her mouth, “...very hard to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’. She said.

Hitch then walked up to her, “Need a hoof?” He asked with a friendly smile as he lifted Izzy up.

“I feel like I’m gonna be slipping in this snow forever!” Izzy cried out as she tried to keep her balance.

“You just have to be careful, Izzy,” Sunset advised as she walked up to her. “Granted, it’s not easy, but try and go slow and you’ll be fine,”

“I’ll try,” Izzy said uncertainly as she kept her balance.

Sparky gave an exciting yell as the three ponies looked down and saw Sparky making a snow angel as he showed it to them and Hitch chuckled. “Sparky seems to love it,” He commented as the three ponies smiled.

“That’s cute,” Sunset said with a small smile.

“We’ve been searching a long time!” Pipp cried out as they turned to her, “Will we ever find anything?” She cried out dramatically.

“Found something!” Zipp called out as the others looked up and saw her flying above them as she landed down.

“You found anything, Zipp?” Sunset asked as she and the others smiled in excitement.

“I sure did,” Zipp said with an exciting smile, “This way!” She moved her head in a direction.

“Come on, everypony!” Izzy cheered as she laughed while slipping a bit as she kept her balance and hopped away as the others followed her.

Izzy ran up a hill as she then slipped a bit, “Whoa!” She yelped as she slid on the ground a bit before she sat on her haunch and gasped at something downhill, “Wow!” She said in awe.

The others followed after her before they all gasped at seeing a beautiful town with crystal roofs and all of the houses were purple with golden windows and lines on them. The Mane 7 kept gasping in awe as Pipp brought out her phone and took a picture of it.

“Amazing,” Sunset muttered in awe as she saw the designs before.

“Wow! It’s so pretty under the starry sky!” Sunny cheered at the town shining from the shining stars in the sky.

“This place reminds me of the Crystal Empire back in the old days,” Sunset commented before her eyes widened in realization, “Wait, crystal looks, a snowy area, shimmer snow and weather that isn't cold, and a crystal town?! This place is based on the designs of the Crystal Empire!” She explained.

“The empire where Twilight and her friends fought King Sombra twice when he attacked and Spike helped restore the Crystal Heart?!” Sunny exclaimed in shock and excitement.

“Yeah, that’s the one,” Sunset nodded with a smile before looking at the town in thought, “I only saw it briefly, but I've never seen a town like this from the empire before. I checked the map of Equestria, both old and new, but this wasn’t on the map.” She admitted.

“It must’ve been made when ponies were divided,” Hitch theorizes. “But with how it has nights bought with stars in the sky when it was sunny back home, pun intended,” He joked while giving Sunny a smirk as the mare chuckled from that, “That’s strange when it was daytime back home but night here,”

“Well, something tells me that we might not even be in Equestria anymore,” Sunset said in thought. “We might be far from home than we thought,”

“Well, in any way, this place is incredible!” Sunny cheered with a wide smile.

Zipp gave a suspicious look at the town, “More like incredibly empty,” She noted how the town was deserted.

“Where is everypony?” Misty asked in wonder.

“It’s like the whole place has been completely deserted!” Hitch stated, not seeing a single pony in sight.

“But it can’t be because of Opaline this time,” Misty said in confusion since they knew it was not Opaline since she was defeated.

“No. We defeated her and things are peaceful back home. But it’s something else. ” Sunset said in thought as she then started climbing down the hill.

“Wait, we’re going in?” Misty asked nervously.

Sunset stopped as she turned to them, “Well, we’re not gonna find any answers on why this place is deserted,” She pointed out, “But from how untouched this place is, I don’t think there’s danger close by. So let’s go check out the town to find any more clues.”

The rest of the ponies looked at each other and nodded in agreement as they followed Sunset down the hill and made their way into the crystal town.

The Mane 7 entered the town as they entered the center of it while searching for signs of anypony, but it was so silent that they only heard the wind.

“Why would anypony abandon a fabulous place like this?” Pipp questioned.

“Don’t know, but it must be for a reason,” Sunset answered. “There could be many reasons, but with how this place is intact and unscratched, it’s a mystery.”

“Yeah, which is strange,” Sunny said in agreement as they kept walking.

Just then, they heard the sounds of banging, which were in a rhythm, which caused them to stop, “What is that?” Misty asked nervously as she and the others all walked up to the biggest building at the end of town.

“It sounds like it’s coming from in there,” Sunny said while gesturing to the building, the central central town.

“At least we know this place isn’t deserted,” Sunset said with a shrug as they walked up to the building, except for MIsty who looked nervous.

“Why is everypony trotting towards the scary noises when there is perfectly good silence in the other direction?” Misty asked fearfully while pointing back the way they came.

Her friends then turned to her with assuring smiles, “Don’t worry, Misty!” Sunny spoke up. We’re all going together. We’ve got your back,” She assured.

“And besides, with how this noise is playing, it sounds like music,” Sunset added with a smile, “So don’t worry. If things do turn out bad, we’re there for you,” She said.

“Oh, right.” Misty said with a smile as she scratched her cheeks in embarrassment, “I keep forgetting!” She said as she walked up to her friends.

The Mane 7 walked up to the center hall and opened the door, which caused them to gasp in amazement as there were Unicorns inside, these Unicorns had similar get-ups as the rest of the Mane 7 but their horns were actually made of crystals.

All of the ponies inside are banging their cups and hooves while playing a catchy beat while a purple unicorn mare with her mane and tail white and her Cutie Mark being that of a crystal while she’s also wearing a crystal necklace as she levitated a flute and starts playing it.

(Starshine Time Song)

(Everypony, come on!)

The mare started as she danced around while playing her flute while the other unicorns were banging to the beat.

(Time to shine now!)
(You gotta shine now!)
Hey, put those workin' hooves away
It's time to hit the beat (hit the beat)

The mare then went up to her stallion friend while holding a tray full of cups as the mare grabbed two and gave him a wink as she started passing them to the ponies as she sang and danced.

The sun is down, the stars are shooting
Far as the eye can see (whoo!)

The stallion then passed more cups to the other ponies as the ponies either smiled or passed their cups to each other.

Come on over, join the party
Just have fun with me (with me)
There ain't nopony here that's watchin'
Use your magic to believe

The Mane 7 and Sparky smiled as they moved to the music and watched as the mare spun around with some unicorns surrounding her as they looked up at the star lamps sparkling on the ceiling as they danced around. While moving their heads

The stars align, the moon is shinin'
Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (it's shinin', yes, it's shinin')
And can't you feel the night sky hummin'?
It's like it's up there callin' out to me
(It's callin' out to me)
To me

The mare and the Unicorns all danced around before they moved to the middle of the room and did a pose as the mare spun around and did a pose as they lifted up their hooves as the mare jumped and trotted on a table as the unicorns passed each other cups while the mare made sure not to hit any of them.

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine (we shine)

The stallion then held a mare’s hoof as she and her friend were dragged off with smiles as the singing mare grabbed another pony and dragged her off as they all danced in a line.

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine

The stallion from earlier danced in the line too, but he slipped and fell as the filly behind him was knocked down from his hoof before they got up and continued to dance around the drink machine as the Mare played her flute again as they moved to the music as the mare stands on the tea machine.

Da, da, da, da-da
Da, da, da, da, da-da
Da-da-da, da, da, da, da-da, da-da
We shine, shine, shine (we shine)

The mare finished singing as the Mane 7 then started cheering from the song they sang, which the Unicorns noticed at the front door.

“Encore! Encore!” Izzy cheered as she hopped up and down.

The crystal Unicorns all looked at the Mane 7 in the stunt as they all started screaming and running in panic as they all went into hiding, which surprised the Mane 7. Before long, the center hall was empty.

“Was it something we said?” Sunny asked her friends, wondering what was that all about as they all walked out of the hall and into town.

“Where did everypony go?” Misty asked as they still saw the empty town, but the lights were on in the building.

“Looks like they’re hiding from us in fear. That’s familiar.” Sunset commented as this reminds them of when Ponykind was afraid of each other before they brought the magic back and brought them together again. “Looks like they never had visitors before from the looks of things,” She added.

“From what we saw, it appears so,” Hitch said in agreement after seeing the crystal unicorns’ reactions.

“Uh, we’re really sorry!” Sunny yelled out to the hiding ponies, “We didn’t mean to frighten you, ponies!”

“We’re friendly! We promise!” Izzy called next.

“We’re not here to harm you!” Sunset yelled next.

“Please come out!” Sunny pleaded.

“Yea! And we ended up here by accident.” Hitch called out while looking nervous, “We don’t even know where we are.” He said nervously.

Just then, the mare from earlier came up behind them as they all turned to her with small smiles while the mare looked at them with a nervous one, “Hello. Sorry about the sudden disappearance,” She apologized sheepishly as they all looked at her, “We shouldn’t have panicked like that.” She said.

Sparky then gurgled as he walked up to her while giving a small smile, which made the mare chuckle at him with a small smile.

“We’re just not used to new faces around here and, you know, it’s kinda hard to know who to trust or what is real because of the trance.” The mare explained before she gave a slightly fearful look.

The Mane 7 looked confused by what she said, “Trance?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“What do you mean trance?” Sunset questioned in wonder.

“Trance?” The mare asked in panic after she realized what she said as she chuckled nervously. “Who said… Who said that? Not me.” She quickly said. The Mane 7 looked at each other at the mare’s behavior as they looked at her before she gave a nervous smile, “Anyway, we’re very glad to meet you!” She said as she walked to the other side and turned to the hall, “Right, everypony?” She asked before she took out her flute and played another melody again.

Just then, every crystal unicorn was coming out of hiding as they walked around while still looking nervous, much to the Mane 7’s confusion. And then, the stallion with the glasses who was handing out drinks earlier came out as he smiled and gave a chuckle as he went up to them.

“Our mistake!” The stallion called as he slid a bit before he regained his balance, “Whoa!” He yelped before he regained his balance, “We love visitors!” He said before he leaned next to Izzy, “Not that we’ve really ever had any, but I think we love visitors!” He added as he got between Sunny and Misty, “I mean, at least I do?” He questioned while he tapped his hooves.

The stallion then slid next to the mare as he stood up, “We just can’t really invite anypony here because of…” He was cut off when the mare leaned her head to him as she cleared her throat, stopping him as he sat down and covered his muzzle.

The mare then walked up to the Mane 7 with a nervous smile, “Uh, what Comet here is trying to say is… Welcome to Starlight Ridge!” She announced.

“I’m sorry, Violet!” Comet said quietly as Violet gave a nervous smile, “I didn’t mean to say that.”

The Mane 7 looked at them strangely while Izzy kept smiling at them, “Say what?” Zipp asked suspiciously.

“I’m Violet Frost!” Violet exclaimed with her hoof raised to change the topic as Sunny went up and shook her hoof.

“I’m Sunny!” Sunny greeted as she gestured to her friends, “And this is…” She tried to say but was cut off when Izzy came in and leaned on her.

“Izzy. Izzy Moonbow!” Izzy cheered as she shook Violet’s hoof next.

“Name’s Zipp,” Zipp said as she and Pipp flew next to Violet and shook hooves.

“Pipp, lovely to meet you,” Pipp said as she shook Violet’s hoof.

Hitch then came up to Comet, “Hitch!” He greeted as he shook hoof with him as Comet smiled.

Misty came up to Comet on the other side, “Hi! I’m Misty!” She greeted as Comet raised his other hoof and did a double hoof shake with them with a smile.

Sunset then walked up to Violet, “I’m Sunset Shimmer. A pleasure to meet new faces,” She said as she shook Violet’s hoof.

Sunny then gasped as she went down and picked up Sparky, “And this is Sparky!” She said with a smile as Sparky then let out a sneeze, releasing a dragon fire in the process as Violet flinched from that.

“We’ve never met any ponies that aren’t Auroricorns before,” Violet said with a smile as she petted Sparky.

“Auroricorns? That’s what you ponies are called?” Sunset asked in surprise since she never heard of those types of ponies before.

“Yes. We are Auroricorns.” Violent answered with a nod.

“And we’ve never met any that are!” Sunny cheered with a wide smile at meeting new ponies, “We’re so happy to be here!” She exclaimed.

Izzy chuckled as she walked up, “I have never seen anypony flute-jam like that before!” She said as Sunny nodded in agreement at how Violet was playing the flute.

“Yeah. And I know music and that was an impressive flute play,” Sunset commented with an impressive smile.

Violet chuckled their compliments, “I got a little carried away” She honestly said with a hoof to her head before she got nervous, “But I had to have some fun, while I still can,” She whispered as she gasped and covered her hoof, which made Sunset raised a brow.

“‘Have fun while you still can’?” Zipp asked suspiciously as she noticed it as well as she flew up beside Sunset as the two ponies looked at Violet strangely. “What does that mean?” She questioned.

“Because that’s oddly suspicious when you said that you need to have fun while you still could,” Sunset added in agreement.

Izzy then hopped to Violet cheerfully, “Yeah! I like to have fun all the time!” She cheered as she got close to Violet as she walked back a bit nervously and stopped next to Comet, who was looking nervous as well.

“So do I, Izzy!” Violet exclaimed as the two Auroricorns gave nervous smiles.

Sunset and Zipp kept looking at the two strangely while Sunny and Zipp kept smiling at them.

Comet got an idea as he nudged Violet, “Violet, Violet! I have an idea! Be right back!” He said as he trotted into the hall.

After waiting for a moment, Comet then came back with a tray filled with eight cups of hot cocoa on his back as he chuckled and hopped towards them, but he then slipped and fell to his stomach as the tray flew off him before he caught it with his magic.

“Ha-ha! Sorry about that!” Comet said in embarrassment, “Sometimes, my hooves can’t keep up with my brain,” He explained.

“We can tell,” Sunset said with a small smile.

Violet chuckled from that, “Comet is our Starlight Ridge Cocoa Specialist.” She explained as Comet stood up and fixed his glasses.

“Mm-hmm, here!” Comet quickly said as he lifted up the trays, “Try a few of our favorite flavors!” he said as he started organizing them, “Okay, let’s see, we’ve got Apple Oat cocoa, Tropical Banana cocoa,” He started, talking much like Izzy, as he gave the first two cocoa to Sunny and Sunset, which made Izzy looked with wide eyes before Comet gave her a cup, which she smiled widely. “Razzleberry cocoa,” He said while giving Izzy the cup.

“Hay Milk cocoa,” Comet continued while giving Zipp her cup, “Jumping Jellybean cocoa.” He said with a slight chuckle as he gave Misty a cup as a jellybean jumped from it before Izzy quickly caught it.

Izzy ate the jelly bean happily, “Mmm! Jumpy!” She cheered as Misty smiled at her.

Comet then gave Violet her cocoa, then to Pipp, and finally Hitch, “Salty Cinnamon cocoa, snowflake-shaped marshmallow cocoa, and my personal favorite, super ice cold frozen cocoa,” He finished with a smile.

Hitch looks at his cocoa and sees that it really is frozen, he shakes it while looking weird that they froze hot cocoa, “Oh, uh… Thanks!” He said awkwardly as he moved his cocoa to Sparky, which he defrosted with his fire and started drinking as Hitch smiled.

Sunset sips hers’ with a smile, “Banana in hot cocoa? Now that’s something that was never made before,” She commented as she savored her cocoa, “And tasty.” She said.

“It sure is, Sunset,” Sunny said as she raised her cup, which Sunset did hers with as the two ponies smiled and tapped each other's cups as they enjoyed their drinks.

Violet looked at the Mane 7 with a smile, “You ponies are in luck because today is Starshine Time!” She announced.

“Yes! Woo-hoo!” Izzy cheered as she gulped down her cocoa, tossed the cup away, and hopped happily, “Starshine Time is my favorite! It’s my fav…” She sang before she realized something, “Quick question for you… What is it?” She asked in confusion.

“What is Starshine Time?” Sunset asked, wondering the same thing.

“Starshine Time is our special day of fun!” Comet explained with a smile.

“Really?” Sunset asked with a smile.

“Uh-huh,” Comet nodded with a smile.

“Heh, sounds like something Luna would love,” Sunset commented, seeing another night activity than the Moon Festival that Princess Luna would love.

“Oh my hoofness, what great timing!” Sunny cheered with an exciting smile, as did the other mares as Hich walked between her and Zipp.

“Give us a second, would ya?” Hitch asked the two Auroricorns with a chuckle as he put his hoof over Sunny’s back and walked up with the other mares following as he spoke, “While fun does sound fun, let’s not forget that there is a shrinking portal that we have to get back to,” He reminded them, since the portal is still closing slowly and he’s not sure if they have that long to stay.

Sunny gave an assuring smile to Hitch, “I totally hear you, but these are ponies we’ve never met before!” She exclaimed while gesturing to the Auroricorns around them.

“Even I’m surprised to see these types of ponies. I never seen anypony like them before either in all my life,” Sunset said with a small smile, “I bet not even Twilight knew about them as well,”

“Exactly! Even Sunset had never seen them before,” Sunny said with a smile as an Auroricorn foal turned and waved at them, “This is our chance to make friends with them,” She said as she, Sunset, and Izzy looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

“But just to be on the safe side, Zipp, do you think we still have time?” Sunset asked the pegasus.

“Let me check,” Zipp said as she brought out her phone and looked at the time stamp for the portal, “Hmm. Uh… I guess we’ve got time to hang out. But after that, we’re definitely going back,” She informed Hitch to assure him.

“Fine by us,” Sunset said as the others nodded in agreement.

“Well, Starshine Time does sound pretty cool,” Hitch said with a smile before Pipp grabbed him and pulled him in a hug.

“And they do musical numbers!” Pipp exclaimed as she sang in excitement with a wave of her hoof while Hitch rolled his eyes bored.

Zipp continued to look up to the stars with a smile, “Plus, Sunny’s probably right. If we’re here in Starlight Ridge, it must be for a reason.” She said in a thought.

“That portal did open up out of nowhere in front of us all of a sudden. So whatever that reason is, we’ll figure it out,” Sunset added with a small smile.

Sunny then spoke as she pulled Izzy in as the rest of the mares huddled close to her as well, “And what better way to find out what it is than having fun with new friends?” She asked excitedly as she and the mares looked at Hitch with wide eyes and wide smiles.

“What do you say, Sheriff?” Sunset asked with a smirk.

Hitch just gave them a dull look before he looked down and saw Sparky spilling his hot cocoa with some on his cheeks as he babbled happily and laid on his back before Hitch turned back to the mares.

The six mares knew they had to push Hitch further to convince him, so they all gave him puppy eyes with small cute faces, “Aww!” They all said in unison while looking at Hitch pleadingly.

Hitch saw their faces as he gave a small smile, knowing that he couldn’t say no to their faces, and having seen Sunny’s puppy face so many times, he knew he couldn’t say no to her as he gave a small blush and spoke, “Du-okay. Starshine Time it is.” He said to them with a smile.

“Yes!” They all cheered happily and Hitch agreed as they all laughed while Violet and Comet looked at them with small smiles before they smiled nervously, clearly hiding something that they were too afraid to tell them.

A little bit later, Violet and Comet took the Mane 7 to a frozen lake behind the central hall building while they were all wearing ice skates as the two Auroricorns then started skating on the lake.

“Oh, I’m so excited!” Sunny cheered in excitement as she started skating on the lake, “I love skating!” She added.

“You’re the pro on skating, Sunny.” Sunset said in amusement, “Wait for us!” She cheered as she skated after Sunny.

“Try and keep up, sis!” Sunny said playfully.

“Oh, it is on!” Sunset exclaimed as she started skating.

“Uh-oh!” Izzy said as she gave an uncertain look, “I’m not so sure about this,” She said with a frown since she thought she might slip again.

“Don’t worry, Izzy. You’ll do great!” Pipp assured her as she and the others joined in the skating as Pipp twirled around, “Wee! I could do this all day!” She cheered as Pipp twirled on the ice with one hoof.

Zipp skates past her sister, “This is pretty awesome. Oh, yeah! Ha-ha!” She cheered as she moved around on the ice.

”I feel like I haven’t skated in forever!” Sunny exclaimed as she skated around the ice, “I’ve missed it so much!” She cheered with a spin.

“When you’re saving the world and on an adventure, there are sometimes things you haven’t done in a while!” Sunset exclaimed as she skated around on her hind hooves while doing a spin and twirl before landing on all four, “But this is fun!” She cheered.

Misty and Hitch are then holding Sparky by the paws as they skate on the ice with Sparky’s feet on the ice as the baby dragons giggled in joy. Misty then saw Sunny nearby as she gave a smile, “Hey, Sunny, wanna switch?” She asked.

“I sure would!” Sunny answered as she and Misty switched places as she held Sparky’s arm as she and Hitch skated together while holding Sparky, “This is amazing, Hitch! Remember when we went skating together when we were kids?” She asked with a smile.

“Do I!? It was you who taught me how!” Hitch cheered with a smile before he gave a sheepish one, “After the first few times when I fell, that is.” He said.

Sunny gave a small chuckle at the memory, “But you still did great!” She said as Hitch blushed a bit as the two kept holding Sparky, who babbled in excitement as they continued on.

Izzy, however, looked nervous as she looked at the ice, “Okay. Come on, Izzy. You’ve got this!” She said to herself as she slowly got one of her hooves into the ice, but then she started slipping as she screamed while waving her hooves around, “I don’t got this!” She cried out before she fell on her face and slid to the others as they watched her with her face down and her back up.

“You okay, Izzy?” Sunset asked in concern as did the others when they saw Izzy slip.

“I don’t know. I can’t even do it for a second!” Izzy said sadly as she lay there as Sunny and Sunset skated around her.

“It’s okay, Izzy,” Sunny assured her with a smile, “It’ll just take some getting used to.” She said.

“Yeah. It takes practice to skate around, whether on wheels or on ice,” Sunset added with a small smile, “Just go slowly,” She advised.

Izzy slowly tried to stand up, but she slipped and moved frantically around, “Whoa!” She called out as she screamed and was about to fall before Sunny and Sunset caught her.

“Okay, maybe not,” Sunny said sheepishly with a chuckle.

“Maybe you should take practice lessons,” Sunset said with a sheepish smile.

Izzy frowned while her friends held her, “I’m no good trotting on this crystal ice and I’m even worse at skating on it!” She cried out in discouragement.

Just then, Comet is skating to the three ponies, “Don’t worry! Whoa, ha!” He called out as he tried to skate but was losing balance like before he managed to stand straight with his hooves bent, “I’ve never been good in trotting or skating either.” He said to her with a small smile.

The three mares were surprised by that, especially Izzy, “Huh? You haven’t?” Izzy asked Comet in surprise.

“Mmm-mmm.” Comet shook his head, “I’ve got my own way of doing it. I call it… Whoa!” He yelped as he nearly tripped, “Trip-skating!” He finished with a sheepish smile.

Izzy then gave a small smile from that, “Well…” She started before she gave a chuckle, “The name sounds fun,” She admitted.

“Mmm-hmm!” Comet nodded, “Follow my lead!” He said as he started slowly skating but nearly tripped as he kept his balance before he spun in front of Izzy.

“Oh yeah!” Izzy cheered with a smile, “Trip-skating looks more my speed!” She said as Sunset and Sunny smiled.

“Then let’s do it together!” Comet said as he raised his hoof to Izzy, which the cheery unicorn accepted as they then skated together while nearly tripping as they started laughing, “You got it! Whoa, you’re a natural!” He said to Izzy as they Trip-skate together while trying to keep their balance.

Sunset and Sunny smirked at each other, “You have a feeling that there’s a connection between these two, Sunny?” Sunset asked with a teasing smirk.

“Maybe. They do seem alike in a way,” Sunny said as the two ponies gave a small laugh together as they continued skating.

Sunny and Hitch continued to hold Sparky while skating as Sparky gurgled in excitement as the two Earth Ponies shared a laugh together.

Zipp, Misty, and Pipp are skating close to each other while Zipp and Misty skate around Pipp while Pipp spins in the middle as they laugh together.

Sunset then started skating close to Violet as they both laughed together as the rest of the Mane 7 and two Auroricorns skated around the lake, having fun. But then suddenly, a bright big star shoots up and gives up a big flash with rainbow color.

The Mane 7 looked up at the star in awe, “What was that?!” Sunny asked in awe.

“It was absolutely stunning!” Pipp cheered as she spread her wings.

“That was a beautiful star flash, or whatever it is, there!” Sunset complimented with an awed smile.

Violet then spoke with a nervous smile, “Oh it’s nothing, just an Aurora Flare,” She said.

Sunset and Zipp looked at each other strangely before looking back at Violet, “Um… Nothing is ever just nothing.” Zipp said suspiciously.

“Yeah, usually it means something,” Sunset added in agreement.

Sunny then skates up to Violet, “Is that why today is called Starshine Time?” She asked.

“Yep!” Violet answered with a smile.

The other Auroricorns looked at the flare, but instead of feeling awed like the Mane 7, they looked fearfully while Zipp and Sunset looked at them in thought, “Hmm…” Zipp hummed.

“Something isn’t right,” Sunset muttered.

“So what activity is up next?” Sunny asked excitedly before Comet and Izzy then slipped and tripped on the ice together as their friends looked at them when they fell.

“Something that would keep these two from tripping?” Sunset asked with a small smile since Comet and Izzy are so much alike.

A short bit later, the Mane 7 were at a big slide as an Auroricorn mare hopped on one of the pads and slid down with a cheer.

“The Ice Slide is my absolute favorite thing to do during Starshine Time,” Violet said with a smile after a hop of joy.

“Wow, that’s one big slide,” Sunset commented in surprise, “But awesome!” She cheered.

Hitch felt nervous about this, “As an Earth Pony, I prefer keeping all four hooves on the ground,” He said nervously.

Izzy smiled as she walked close to the slide, “I can’t slip and slide by accident if I slip and slide on purpose!” She cheered, finding this activity perfect since she could slide down for fun as she slid down the slide screaming, “Wee!” She cheered as she jumped over a gap to the next slide.

Pipp, Zipp, and Misty joined in with pads as they all cheered as they slid down the slide.

“Now this is an activity Izzy can get behind,” Sunset commented with a proud smile as Sunny nodded.

“This is more her style alright,” Sunny added in agreement as the two looked at Hitch, “You wanna join them, Hitch?” She asked with a small smile.

“Uh, maybe Sparky and I will just sit this one out,” Hitch said with a nervous smile, feeling a little scared to try out the slide, but then Sparky jumped off his back and slid down as he screamed in excitement, “Or just me,” He said dully after Sparky went down the slide.

“Hey, if Sparky can do it, you can do it too, Hitchy,” Sunny assured him with a smile as Hitch blushed a bit.

“And besides, don’t knock it till you try it,” Sunset added with a small smile.

“Yeah, don’t worry, Hitch.” Violet said with an assuring smile and lit up her horn, “We’ve got Auroricorn magic. We promise we won’t let you get hurt!” She assured with a chuckle as she grabbed a pad and slid down the slide as she screamed in joy before she laughed as she jumped over the gap.

Hitch looked down a bit while Sunset, Sunny, and Comet watched as he gave a determined expression, “Okay. Like you said, Sunny, if Sparky can do it, so can I,” He said as Sunny nodded with a warm smile as Hitch grabbed the pad and slid down with a scream before he started laughing in joy as he jumped over the gap, “This is so much fun! Woo! Yes! Here we go!” He cheered before he started to slow down and went in front of the others as he lay on his stomach and slid on the floor with a sigh.

Sunset, Sunny, and Comet followed along as they and their friends laughed at the experience. “Wow! That was amazing! Hehe! And I know Rainbow Dash would love this!” Sunset cheered from the adrenaline from the slide.

“I’m sure she would, Sunset,” Sunny said with a smile before another Aurora Flare appeared as they looked up, “Wow! Another one!” She cheered.

“They’re so gorgeous!” Misty cheered.

“And not to mention colorful,” Sunset added as they all looked at the flare.

“I wish Aurora Flare would happen in Equestria,” Pipp said with a smile.

“It seems like the Aurora Flare happens whenever everypony is having a good time,” Zipp theorizes, “It’s clearly connected to--” She was cut off when Comet spoke.

“Equestria?” Comet asked with an interesting smile when Pipp said that. “I’ve never heard of it.” He admitted.

Izzy then gasped at what Comet just said, “You’ve never heard of Equestria?!” She asked in shock with her hooves on her cheeks.

“Uh… Neigh way!” Pipp asked in shock.

“Looks like these ponies have never even been to Equestria before if they never heard of it,” Sunset said in surprise.

“Like how the crystal ponies from the Crystal Empire don’t remember much when they returned?” Sunny asked.

“Something like that, but this is different since it’s not a curse,” Sunset said with a shrug, “But apparently, it looked like these Auroricorns never even travel outside of their home,” She noted.

“Well, you’re right on that, Ms. Shimmer,” Comet admitted as he gave a smile, “Oh I have always dreamed of traveling, but I’ve never been allowed to leave Starlight Ridge,” He said with a frown.

That brought their attention, “Wait, what do you mean allowed?” Sunny asked in confusion.

“Yeah, why would you need permission to leave?” Sunset asked with a brow.

“Um…” Comet got nervous before Violet spoke up.

“Onto the next activity!” Violet exclaimed nervously as she and Comet walked ahead while the Mane 7 looked at each other in confusion at their behaviors before they followed after them.

And soon, their next activity was making snow sculptures in the center of their own as they each did their sculptures while Zipp did a sculpture of her drone, Pipp did a sculpture of her Cutie Mark music note, Hitch made a sculpture of his critters, Sparky is making a sculpture of a dragon stone, and Misty is making a butterfly while Sunset and Sunny explained about Equestria to Violet and Comet.

“And when we finished counting, we realized there were exactly 35 lamp posts in the whole area!” Sunny exclaimed as she did a sculpture of the Unity Crystals.

“And besides that, Equestria is a magical area where ponies and other creatures can live in harmony, with new adventures, discovering new lessons and other lost artifacts, but also the Magic of Friendship that flows,” Sunset said as she did a sculpture of Twilight and the rest of the original Mane 6 before giving a sad look at missing them, especially Twilight.

“And um, that’s basically every single fact we can think of about Equestria,” Sunny said to them sheepishly as she placed a comforting hoof on Sunset, which the Alicorn smiled softly at her in response.

Comet got up with a huge smile, “Wow! Equestria sounds incredible.” He said. “I would love to go. Wouldn’t you, Violet Frost?” He asked the mare.

“It does sound amazing, especially how this legendary Twilight Sparkle was and did for it as well,” Violet said with a small smile before she turned to the town, “But I could never leave Starlight Ridge. It’s my home. It’s special, don’t you think?” She asked as she picked up some snow and looked at it longly. “Even the snow here is known for having magical healing properties,” She added as she tossed the snow in the air as the sparkles came down as the ponies looked awed.

“Wow!” Sunny cheered.

“That is special,” Pipp breathed.

“And very interesting,” Sunset added with a smile while looking at the snow.

“Starlight Ridge is like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” Sunny said while playing with the snow.

“None of us did, not even me. And this can make the Crystal Empire more beautiful.” Sunset commented.

“You all are pretty lucky to live here,” Sunny said to Violet and Comet.

“Yeah, we are…” Violet said with a small frown before she smiled, “But Equestria sounds like a wonderful place to visit!” She said.

Izzy then turned to them with a wide smile, “It is! It’s our home! And it has…” She then made weird looks while making muttering sounds as she moved aside to reveal a snow sculpture of the Mane 7 and Sparky, “...all of us there. Ta-da!” She cheered.

“Whoa! Izzy! Those are some skills.” Violet said in amazement at Izzy’s crafting skills.

“She’s the best crafting pony there is in all of Equestria,” Sunset said with a smirk, “Whatever junk she finds, she reuses and makes it even better. She calls it Unicycling, which is catchy,” She explained.

“Wow, she is pretty talented just by seeing the sculpture,” Violet said with an impressive smile.

“Thanks!” Izzy cheered before continuing, “You know, at first, I didn’t really like the snow.” She stated as Sparky walked up to the snow sculpture of himself and climbed on it as Izzy slipped a bit, “It’s slippy and stuff. But now, it’s really starting to grow on me,” She said.

Sparky climbed on top of the sculpture of himself, but then he gave a sneeze as he released his dragon fire onto the arc part of the sculpture as some of the snow fell on Izzy, who wasn’t bothered by it.

“And now it’s starting to melt on me,” Izzy said with an amusing smile while looking at Sparky.

Hitch came up to Sparky when that happened, “Oh, Sparky, buddy, gotta be careful with your magic,” HE said to him as Sparky sat down and gave Izzy an apologetic look as he babbled in guilt.

Izzy gave Sparky an assuring smile, “It’s okay, Sparky! It’s a quick fix!” She cheered as she levitated some snow and she sang a bit and fixed up the spot of the arc Sparky melted, “Ta-da! Again!” She cheered.

The Mane 7 then cheered again as another flare shot up and burst out again as they looked at it in smiles again. “I knew it!” Zipp cheered with a smile, “Every time we finish doing something really fun, the Aurora Flare blasts across the sky.” She informed them.

“You’re right. It makes perfect sense.“ Sunny said with a smile as they looked up at the flare and then at Violet’s Cutie Mark, “The Flares are attacked by the Auroricorns’ special kind of Cutie Mark magic!” She exclaimed.

“Which explains why these flares keep happening. The more they have fun, the more flares they get.” Sunset said with a smile, “Now that’s another Cutie Mark magic that is going in the books,” She added, going to make a note of the new discovery of Cutie Mark magic.

Violet then gave a nervous smile, “Wow! What a day. I’ve had so much fun. Have you ponies had fun?” She asked suddenly.

Zipp and Sunset then have strange feelings again, “Okay, what is going on with you two?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah. Why won’t you talk about the Aurora Flares?” Zipp questioned.

“The Aurora Flares? Yeah!” Comet suddenly interjects with a nervous smile, “They’re super special. And so unique, right?! Like now! When I first saw one, when I was a colt, I couldn’t believe my eyes! They’re incredi-mazing.” He frantically said while Violet spoke up.

“They sure are!” Violet called out with a nervous look again, “Now for our next activity, we should…” She tried to say but was cut off.

“Okay, hang on one second,” Zipp said with her hoof raised as she walked up towards them, “Something isn’t adding up about this. Why is everypony acting so funny every time we bring up the Aurora Flares?” She questioned while getting next to Sunny and Sunset.

“Yeah, you ponies panic and want to change the subject every time we bring them up. Why is that?” Sunset questioned as well while Violet and Comet stood quiet, uncertain what to say while Zipp and Sunset gave them suspicious looks.

Sunny then placed a hoof in front of her two friends as she gave the two Auroricorns a nervous chuckle, “Will you excuse us for a moment? We just have to go look at the patch of snow, uh, over there,” She said nervously as she pushed the two ponies away.

The rest of the Mane 7 knew what Sunny was saying as they felt strange as well and they got into a group meeting.

“I agree with Zipp and Sunset. Something strange is going on,” Sunny said, seeing that Zipp and Sunset were onto something.

“Strange indeed, these ponies are weirder than how Bridlewood used to be before the magic came back,” Sunset commented, “No offense, Izz.” She quickly said.

“None taken!” Izzy cheered with a smile.

“And I know the Together Tree portal brought us here for a reason, but what is it?” Sunny asked her friends.

“Maybe the reason we were brought here was just to have some fun!” Izzy suggested with her cheerful smile.

“Yeah.” Misty nodded in agreement, “We really did need it after everything we’ve been through,” She said.

“Mmm… Maybe, we did just beat Opaline and to be honest, she was pretty hard to beat even the first time we faced her,” Sunset said in thought.

“But could the reason really not be bad for once?” Sunny asked since they’ve been through many scenarios like this before and it sometimes ended up bad.

“Hmm… Seems sketchy.” Zipp said in thought, but then the bells started tolling as they heard the ringing sound as they all gasped in surprise.

Violet, Comet, and the other Auroricorns all gasped in fear from hearing the bells while the Mane 7 looked on in confusion.

“What’s with the bells?” Hitch asked in wonder.

Violet then gave a fake yawn as everypony then went back to their homes, “You know what, today has been so great, but…” She started with a nervous smile.

“Uh, right, yup!” Comet called out nervously as he gave a fake yawn as well, “Time for bed!” He exclaimed.

The Mane 7 were confused by this, “Bed?” Zipp asked.

“Now?” Sunny asked as well.

“This early?” Sunset questioned again with a brow.

“What about all the other activities?” Sunny asked in confusion.

Violet however laughed, “You ponies are hilarious. The bell’s ringing, so we have to go to sleep now!” She quickly said while the Mane 7 kept looking at them strangely while giving another yawn, “It was so great meeting all of you!” She said as she and Comet walked off.

“Bye! Thanks for visiting!” Comet said to them as they walked off before Violet stopped and turned to them.

“You should really go home now, but we did have a really great time with you,” Violet said honestly and a bit sad as she continued on.

“Aw,” Sunny said as every Auroricorn entered their homes as their doors closed as Violet was the last one as she gave one last look at the Mane 7 before she entered her home and closed the door.

The bells stopped as the Mane 7 were the only ones left in the middle of town.

“That’s it? We’re done?” Izzy said sadly as she sighed. “It was so sudden,”

“It’s probably for the best,” Hitch suddenly said with a nervous smile, “The portal…” He reminded them with a nervous chuckle, “...must be pretty small by now.” He reminded them that the portal might be smaller than when they just got here

Sunny looked at the sculptures of themselves while thinking, “Hmm, yeah. I guess you’re right.” She said while still feeling off.

“It has been a while, so maybe we should check it out,” Sunset said, seeing Hitch’s point, but still feeling off about what the town’s residents are afraid of from the flares while one of Flare stars faded.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 then walked back the way they came and saw the portal still there, but it was a bit smaller than before. “Wow, look how small it is,” Misty noted.

“Good thing we came back!” Hitch said in relief.

“But should we just leave when there’s something wrong in Starlight Ridge? Just like that?” Sunset questioned them since they knew something was up and they couldn’t just leave without knowing why.

Sunny gave a determined look as she turned and spoke, “No. I really wanted to believe that maybe the portal brought us to Starlight Ridge to have some fun and make new friends, but something tells me that’s just not the case,” She said seriously.

“You said it, Sunny,” Sunset said in agreement, “Something is up, and we need to find out why,” She declared.

“I agree.” Zipp said in agreement as well, “My detective instincts are tingling. The Auroricorns were acting really strange,” She stated.

“Yeah, and they went to bed so suddenly!” Pipp exclaimed as she continued, “I mean, I love my beauty sleep, but that is just like too much,” She stated, even though she found it strange that the Auroricorns went to bed so suddenly, but that is weird by her level.

Hitch looked at the portal as Misty came to him, “The portal is getting really small,” He reminded them as the portal kept shrinking by the moment, “If we don’t leave now, we might not make it through at all.”

“That would be bad,” Misty said in fright.

“What do we do?” Izzy asked her friends, unsure what to do.

“We go back and find out what’s really going on,” Sunny declared.

“But we could get stuck here,” Hitch called out in fear, that the portal would close if they did.

“Hitch, would you rather let these ponies be afraid of something their whole lives and just abandon them just because we need to get back to Equestria?” Sunset questioned with a brow, “Because if we do that, we’re no better than Opaline for leaving the defenseless behind,”

Hitch thought for a moment as he looked down a bit, seeing that Sunset was right about that, “You’re right. I’m all for helping them, but I’m just worried that we might not have enough time left before the portal closes,” He explained.

“It’s a risk that we’re just going to have to take,” Sunny said to him with a smile as she looked at her friends, “The Auroricorns are our friends now and if they’re in trouble, it’s our responsibility to help!” She declared as her friends all looked at her, “If one of us was in trouble, we would do anything we could to help. Right?” She asked her friends.

Sunset was impressed by Sunny’s speech as she spoke, “She's right. If any one of us were in danger, we would do anything to help each other. And we would go through many risks, big or small, to help out,” She said while standing next to Sunny as the two ponies smiled at each other before turning to their friend, “So what do you ponies say?”

Misty then spoke, “I may just be getting used to having friends, but I want to be a good one.” She said to them before she gave a determined look, “And that means going back and making sure everything is okay with the Auroricorns,”

“You’re right.” Zipp said in agreement, “Nopony is going to be in trouble on my watch! She declared.

“Mine either!” Pipp spoke next while standing next to her sister.

“Or mine,” Hitch said with a determined expression while Sparky gurgled as he stood up with a proud pose, clearly saying that he was in.

Izzy was about to speak, but she slipped a bit before she regained her balance, “Also me.” She said with a cheery smile.

“Then it’s settled then, we’re going back to help!” Sunset declared with a proud smile.

“The Auroricorns are our friends!” Sunny announced with a smile, “If they need help, then help is what they’ll have!” She declared.

“So let’s move!” Sunset finished as the Mane 7 turned back to Starlight Ridge as Sunset turned to Sunny, “Sunny, that was an amazing speech you did there and more impressive on the courage of going back to help others despite the fact we’re gonna lose our trip home,” She said with a proud smile.

Sunny smiled softly, “Thanks. After the whole battle with Opaline and the lessons you taught me to take things more seriously, I made a promise myself that I would make sure to stand up and solve any problems and make sure if there is one whether it looks like it’s okay or not,” She said, having taken so many lessons and their fight with Opaline during the stealing Cutie Marks incident, she’s not gonna let an issue slip by her again.

Sunset gave a proud smile and patted Sunny on the back, “That’s really thoughtful, Sunny. And I’m proud of you. You've come a long way since we met,” She said.

“Thanks. I learned from the best,” Sunny said with a smile at Sunset, “Don’t you agree, sis?” She asked with a smirk.

“I sure do, sister,” Sunset said with a smirk as they all walked back to Starlight Ridge.

The Mane 7 then made it to the hill of Starlight Ridge as they looked down to the town before another Aurora Flare went off in the sky. But what’s really strange is Comet and the other Auroricorns all gave creepy smiles with their horns lit, which made the Mane 7 uncomfortable.

“Uh… What are they doing?” Zipp asked in confusion.

“Well, they’re certainly not sleeping. That’s for sure,” Pipp commented.

“I guess they wanted to keep having fun without us?” Izzy suggested with a sad expression, “But why?! We’re a super-duper good time!” She cried out.

“I don’t think it’s that, Izzy.” Sunset said while looking closely at the Auroricorns, “But something tells me that it’s not right here,” She said.

“Yeah. Something is up,” Zipp said in agreement, “Let’s go take a closer look,” She said.

“But out of sight for precautions,” Sunset added as the Mane 7 all walked down and hid behind some snow as they watched.

Comet and the other Auroricorns all then lifted their heads up with creepy smiles as they used their horns on an Aurora Flare, which they magically removed the stars from it as they levitated them closely as they all split up as Cpme walked past the Mane 7, who are then following him into the woods.

“Comet! Comet?” Sunny called as Comet moved the star he had around while not responding to Sunny like he couldn’t hear her, “Can you hear me? What’s going on?” She asked, but Comet didn’t respond as he continued on.

“Does he even know we’re here?” Sunset questioned as they all shrugged in confusion.

Izzy then rushed in front of Comet as she made silly and strange faces with noises, but Comet still gave a creepy blank smile, unfazed by that as Izzy kept making weird faces and weird noises before she stopped.

“Huh,” Izzy said as she saw Comet’s face didn’t react, “Even my Izzy boinks and bonks didn’t snap him out of it. That usually works,” She said in surprise and concern as Comet continued on.

“Good try though, Izz,” Sunset said while patting Izzy’s back with her wing, “But it looks like he’s in too deep to even notice us or anything else,” She commented.

Zipp then walked up to Comet in thought, “What do you think he’s doing?” She asked before Pipp joined her.

“I’m not sure, but he’s definitely acting odd,” Pipp noted at Comet’s strange behavior and him moving the star.

“Uh, I know odd,” Izzy spoke up, since she knows a weird thing when she sees it, “This was even odder than that! Which I normally love.” She said with a smile before she frowned, “But not this time!”

“Do you think this is why they wanted us to leave?” Hitch asked them in wonder.

“Yeah, not sure if this fits into their fun Starshine Time,” Zipp pointed out as Comet walked past them.

“Then why do they all look so happy?” Sunny asked in confusion.

Sunset noticed the smile up close, “Actually, I think it’s more by force than natural,” She said.

“What makes you say that, Sunset?” Pip asked.

“I’ve seen many smiles from Pinkie Pie over the years, you would know what kind of smile there is,” Sunset explained before shuddering, “And trust me, it’s best not to explain it up, but their smiles were more by force than actually doing it.” She said.

“Yeah. Even I can tell this smile isn’t natural,” Izzy said in agreement while looking at Comet in concern.

“Then what’s wrong with them?” Sunny asked.

Misty then saw Violet at the square of town, “There’s Violet Frost! Should we go talk to her?” She asked her friends.

The Mane 7 were about to, but then they saw a winged female snow leopard in front of Violet, who was mainly purple with darker spots, and her wings were colored purple, blue, and green with the same color on her mane. With a bunny behind her and what looks like a floating object beside her as she then makes some sounds on Violet as the mare steps back in fear.

“What in the name of Equestria?!” Sunset asked in shock.

“Oh my hoofness! Who is that?!” Pipp asked fearfully when they saw the snow leopard.

“I have no idea, but I think we can all agree that she does not look friendly,” Hitch stated after seeing that the snow leopard wasn’t friendly by the looks of her.

“Uh…” Izzy started fearfully, “Neither does he!” She called while pointing to an evil bunny on the snow leopard’s back as he gave hissing sounds.

“I knew something was off about this place,” Zipp said seriously.

“Sunset, do you know who that creature is?” Pipp asked her in confusion.

Sunset looked at her closely before she shrugged, “No. I had never seen any creature like her before. But she looks like a snow leopard, but with wings?” She asked in surprise.

“Isn’t that a bit strange?” Zipp asked.

“Well, I know Griffins and Hippogriffs, but a snow leopard with wings, that’s new,” Sunset commented while rubbing her chin.

“Well, from the looks of things, they’re clearing in trouble!” Sunny called out before she got an idea, “Maybe if we get closer to Violet Frost, we can hear what they’re saying,” She suggested.

“Good call, Sunny. Let’s get sneaky and out of sight,” Sunset said in agreement as the Mane 7 walked closely to Violet Frost and the snow leopard, who was still pouring her power into Violet.

Violet struggled a bit as she tried to resist, “Let. Go. Of. Me. Allura! Ugh!” She strained.

“Don’t try to fight it, Violet Frost,” Aullar said with a sinister smile, “Find me the star that I desire,” She ordered as she kept using her powers on her as the bunny gave a maniacal laugh.

Violet couldn’t fight it anymore as her eyes turned pink for a bit before she gave a blank expression, “Yes, Allura.” She said mindlessly.

“Don’t forget to smile,” Allura said while putting on a mocking smile as Allura gave a forced smile, “And have fun.” She added as she flew off with her bunny minion laughing again as Violet then started grabbing a crystal and walked off.

The Mane 7 saw this and they all looked in shock and horror at this.

A little bit later, the Mane 7 huddled as they discussed their next move, “What do we do?” Misty asked them.

“Clearly, this Allura has got all the Auroricorns under a spell,” Zipp stated as Comet and Violet walked past them while laughing to themselves while levitating some crystals.

“Another mind-control magic creature,” Sunset said in annoyance as she sighed, “Seriously, first Opaline and now that snow leopard, this is beginning to feel like a routine with the mind-controlling thing as well,”

“You’re telling me,” Zipp said in agreement.

“We have to snap them out of it!” Sunny called determinedly as the Mane 7 rushed up to Comet and Violet into the woods. Violet and Comet kept laughing as the Mane 7 followed behind them as the two Auroricorns then split to each spot. “Maybe if we can get Violet Frost and Comet far away from Allura, we can get them out of the trance,” She suggested.

“Good call, Sunny. From what Hitch told us, Opaline’s spell was out from Jade and Lava when she fell into the portal briefly,” Sunset said, finding Sunny’s plan a good one.

“It’s true. They were free for a second before Opaline came back,” Hitch confirmed since he had seen it first hoof.

“Then let’s get started!” Sunny called as she rushed up to Violet and sat down with her hoof raised, “Violet Frost, stop! Violet no!” She called, but Violet wasn’t listening as she mindlessly pushed past Sunny, “Ah, ugh…” She groaned as she fell to the floor as Violet continued on.

Sunset, Izzy, and Hitch are trying to get Violet to stand still, but the pony keeps going as she pushes past them while Izzy spins around on the snow and slips onto the floor as they try to catch her.

Zipp and Pipp then tried to get Comet to stand still as they grabbed him, but he got out of their grips with a creepy chuckle as he moved around while the two sisters fell to the floor.

Misty then grabbed Violet by the back, but she was dragged along and fell as Hitch jumped and grabbed Violet by one of her back hooves. “Wow, they are being really difficult!” Misty commented as Hitch lost his grip on Violet.

“And happily!” Hitch added as Sparky ran up to Violet and got on her back with a laugh.

Sunset then moved in front of Violet as she spread her wings, but Violet moved past her at great speed Sunset was surprised by that, “And apparently, pretty smart to move out of incoming obstacles!” She commented.

Pipp then flew in front of Violet with her arms and wings spread, “You do not want to go that way,” She said.

Sunny then got in front of Violet and tried to push her back as Sunset came to her to help her, but even with their combined strength, Violet managed to push them back as the two ponies fell to the floor while Violet and Comet continued on as Sparky got off Violet’s back and cooed at them in concern as Sunny and Sunset gave him an assuring smile.

“Okay, clearly doing this one at a time isn’t working,” Sunset pointed out, finding it difficult to get one controlled Auroricorn to stand still.

“Then we need to be organized,” Sunny stated as they stood up, “Let’s link up!” She declared as the Mane 7 rushed in front of Violet and Comet.

Once Violet and Comet got close, the Mane 7 then started pushing the two back and away from Starlight Ridge with some effort, once they did, the two Auroricorns’ eyes flashed briefly before their face returned to normal as they dropped their crystals before they noticed the Mane 7.

“Sunny? Sunset?” Violet asked in surprise as the two said ponies and their friends smiled at them while the two Auroricorns were surprised that they were still here.

“What are you all doing here?” Comet asked in surprise.

“Ha, it worked! Finally!” Sunny cheered as they finally got them out of mind control.

“Figures that mind control spell don’t have that big of a range,” Sunset said with a smile, “But we can’t talk here, we gotta hide,” She said.

“Yeah. Hurry, over here!” Sunny called as they all ran into a hiding spot before they turned to the Auroricorns.

“I guess you discovered our secret,” Violet said in guilt.

“Yeah, we knew that something fishy was going on but this? This is something,” Sunset pointed out.

“Yeah. Violet, what’s going on?” Zipp questioned. “You can tell us.”

“Yeah, we just wanna help,” Pipp added in agreement.

Sunny walked up to Violet and placed a comforting hoof on her, “It’s okay. We’re friends,” She assured with a smile.

“It’s okay to ask for help and tell us what’s wrong when needed too,” Sunset added with a small smile.

“We didn’t wanna tell you because we didn’t wanna risk you all getting hurt, too,” Violet explained as Comet nodded in confirmation.

“Violet, who is that? What does she want?” Hitch asked, wanting to know who Allura was and why she was in town as Sparky gurgled in agreement while wondering who she was as well.

“We know that Allura is a snow leopard, but for the reason why she controls you ponies and the reason she’s here, we need to know the full story,” Sunset pointed out since they need to know more about who they’re dealing with.

Violet nodded her head in understanding as she started explaining, “That’s right. That’s Allura. She’s an evil tyrant who showed up one day with her little sidekick, Twitch. She completely took over Starlight Ridge by force.” She said.

“What?” Sunset asked in shock.

“By force?” Sunny asked, shocked as well.

“Yeah.” Comet confirmed with a sad look as he adjusted his glasses, “Allura claimed the most important thing in our town: a special called the Nova Charm,” He started as if he had a flashback.


A while ago before the Mane 7 came to Starlight Ridge, Aullar and Twitch came into the central hall with evil smiles as Allura levitated the Nova Charm inside a container and she gave an evil laugh while Violet and the other Auroricorns looked on in horror at their relic is stolen.

End of Flashback.

After explaining, the Mane 7 went wide-eyed, “A Nova Charm?” Sunset asked before she went eyes wide, “Wait, didn’t we see Allura with an icy container next to her?” She asked as the Mane 7 realized that as well.

”It must’ve been the Nova Charm!” Sunny exclaimed.

“That must be what we saw earlier,” Pipp said in realization with a smile when they saw the ice covering a container next to Allura. “It was so sparkly,” She commented.

“The sparkliest!” Violet exclaimed as she brought out her flute and started drawing the Nova Charm on the snow, “It’s a special charm that our town has possessed for thousands of moons. Town law says that whoever holds the power of the charm rules Starlight Ridge.” She stated with a frown, “Alluar managed to steal it and possess it, so she’s the leader,” She explained with her head down.

“Wait, so just like that? She stole your charm and she took over in a matter of seconds?” Sunset asked in surprise at this info.

“Well, yes. That’s kinda how the law goes,” Violet nodded.

“Sunset sighed as she planted a hoof to her face, “That’s a weird way to take over. But really cruel,” She commented.

“Aw, this is no fun at all!” Izzy said with a frown, “Allura sounds like a bully.” She added before she started slipping and tripped with a yelp before Comet walked up to her and helped her up, “You should stand up to her!” She stated.

“I wish we could, but she’s very powerful,” Comet said as he adjusted his glasses.

“And persuasive.” Violet added as they all turned to her, “She’s able to get us to do whatever she wants just by talking.”

“The old classic mind control, just by talking?” Sunset said in thought as she groaned, “Oh pony feathers, really, first Opaline, and now this? Villains just keep on showing, and the mind control thing must be their favorite,” She said in annoyance, since she has her fair share of mind control through experience, even when the first time was when she caused it before her redemption.

“Yeah, this isn’t new for us,” Zipp said in agreement since they’re all too familiar with something they handled a few hours ago.

“That’s not all, if we try to stand up to her, she could destroy our whole village without us even realizing it,” Comet added as he stood next to Violet, “That’s how much her powers can trick our minds. It’s no use,” He said hopelessly.

“But what does she want?” Sunny asked.

“Yeah, why go through all this trouble just to take over a peaceful village?” Sunset asked as well, wanting to know what Allura’s goal was.

Violet spoke up, “Allura forces us to use our magic to make Aurora Flares.” She started as she had another flashback.


Allura uses her powers on Violet and brings her under her mind control as the snow leopard and Twitch gives sinister smiles.

“Then she makes us steal the stars out of them,” Comet continued as Violet and the other Auroicorns were then using their magic on the Aurora Flares and removed the stars as they searched around in different sections of the forest while Allura and Twitch watched them work.

“She believes that one of the stars in the sky is special and contains the magic that will lead her to another realm,” Violet added.

“Wait, another realm?” Sunset asked in surprise at what they just said.

“Why, yes. That’s what Allura thinks.” Comet said to her.

“She thinks that one of those stars can magically open a gateway to a new realm, like a…” Violet tried to say before Sunset beat her to it.

“Like a portal!” Sunset exclaimed in shock at what they meant as she turned to her friends, “Oh, so that’s why the Auroricorns never knew about Equestria, because it doesn’t exist in this place!” She called.

“What are you getting at, Sunset?” Hitch asked.

“I’m saying that the portal from the Together Tree that brought us here didn’t teleport us, it set us to another world!” Sunset exclaimed in shock. “Starlight Ridge isn’t just a place, it’s a whole new world outside of our own!” She added.

The Mane 7, Violet, and Comet were shocked by this before it hit them, “You mean, like how you came back from the human world, Sunset?” Zipp asked in surprise.

“Exactly, it’s just like the mirror portal I used to get back home the first time,” Sunset confirmed, “No wonder our appearances change, the portal changes our appearance to adapt to the world’s environment to blend in! Like how the mirror does with similar effects.” She said.

“So, we’re in an alternate world that isn’t Equestria?” Sunny asked Sunset, who nodded in confirmation before Sunny got excited, “This is so cool!” She exclaimed.

“Wow, that’s an experience I never thought to get other than snow,” Misty said with a surprised smile.

“Ooh, I am so posting this for my Pippsqueaks to know we traveled to another world!” Pipp exclaimed in excitement as she snapped a picture.

“Pipp?!” Zipp called out in annoyance.

“What? They have to know when we get back,” Pipp said in defense. “It is an amazing experience of a lifetime,”

“It would be amazing if Allura is out to find a way into our home!” Sunset called out, which made the rest of them realize what she meant.

“Wait, this other realm, she’s talking about Equestria!” Sunny called out.

“It might be more than that, this charm can travel to other realms, right?” Sunset asked Violet and Comet as they nodded, “So what if it can open portals to places like CHS, or any dimension!” She exclaimed.

Everypony around them all looked at each other in grim expressions, “Oh, no, that would be bad,” Izzy muttered.

“That explains why she wanted a special star from the flares,” Sunny said grimly.

“And that also explains why she wants to control more than just Starlight Ridge,” Violet realizes as she gives a guilty expression.

“And until she finds the right one, she’s making us steal them all,” Comet finished.

“I can’t believe that anypony would be so cruel,” Pipp said in shock, “Plus, the stars are stunning. That bully does not deserve any of them!” She exclaimed with a slightly angry look.

“Second after Opaline, but yeah. And what’s she planning once she finds it, not gonna be good,” Sunset added in agreement, “So the question remains, how do we stop this?” She asked her friends for any ideas.

Hitch thought for a moment before he spoke, “Maybe we need to get everypony away from Allura?” He suggested.

Izzy then hopped around cheerfully, “You could all come back to Equestria with us!” She cheered.

“If we figure out how to get back, that is,” Misty explained sadly that if the portal closes, they’ll need to find another way to get back home, which is pretty hard.

“We’ll find a way, Misty. We always do,” Sunset assured her as Misty gave a small smile.

“I hope so,” Misty said to her.

“That’s a great idea!” Comet called with a smile while Violet turned to him in surprise.

“We can’t just leave our home like that,” Violet protested. “Starlight Ridge is special!” She stated.

“But what else can we do, Violet Frost?” Comet asked sadly before he gave a determined look and rushed off back to town, “We have to get the Auroricorns away from Allura!” He called as he rushed back to Starlight Ridge.

“Comet, wait!” Sunny called out.

“We need a…” Sunset called next but Comet was already far off, “Plan.” She finished.

Comet rushed back to Starlight Ridge as he entered the square, but the second he entered the town, his eyes flashed a bit, and gave a forced smile, being mind-controlled again as Allura flew overhead and saw him as she gave a smirk and growl while Twitch smirked as the two landed in front of Comet.

“Comet, there you are,” Allura said as the Mane 7 and Violet were hiding as they all gasped in horror.

“Oh no!” Both Sunset, Sunny, and Violet cried out in horror.

“Almost got lost in the woods, did you?” Allura questioned as she circled Comet while growling.

“Happy to be back, Allura,” Comet mindlessly said as he kept his forced smile.

“That’s right,” Allura said as she kept circling him, “We need that happiness alive and well. Now go. Join the others,” She ordered as Comet rushed off to his controlled orders.

The Mane 7 and Violet then duck for cover as Allura and Twitch looked around while Twitch sniffed the scent, “Hmm…” He muttered as Allura then flew off with the charm.

“What are we going to do?” Misty asked the others in concern.

“There’s no way we can get everypony away from Allura long enough to remove the trance,” Zipp stated.

“And even if we did, by the time Allura finds out, we’ll be under her spell too,” Sunset spoke up while rubbing her chin, “And from what we’ve seen, the second we’re close to her, back to being mind controlled. Especially how hard it is to move Violet and Comet out,” She said before turning to Violet, “No offense, Violet.”

“None taken,” Violet said in understanding. “But there has to be another way, there has to be,” She said nervously.

“Well, if whoever has the Nova Charm is in charge of Starlight Ridge, then there’s only one thing to do,” Sunny started as she, Sunset, and Violet looked at Allura, getting what Sunny was saying.

“We’re getting that charm back,” Violet declared determinedly.

“And stopping Allura’s plans once and for all,” Sunset finished with a determined smile.

A short bit later, the controlled Auroricorns are still collecting stars from the sky while Allura and Twitch are overseeing them as Allura growls.

What she didn’t notice is that the Mane 7 and Violet were hiding behind the sculptures as they saw the Nova Charm with Allura while keeping out of sight.

“Wait for it,” Violet whispered as Izzy appeared beside her with a cheery smile as the rest of the Mane 7 looked at Allura as the snow leopard turned to the sculptures with a growl, but saw nothing as she kept going as the Mane 7 appeared from their sculptures. “Now!” Violet called.

The Mane 7 and Violet then dragged their snow sculptures to the central hall slowly before Pipp saw Allura coming back as she gasped quietly, “Hide!” She whispered as the group went back into hiding as Allura flew by. Once the close was clear again, the Mane 7 and Violet rushed into the building as they quickly closed the door.

“Phew, that was close,” Sunset said in relief as they went into the hall as there were empty hot cocoa cups on the tables.

Sparky gurgled happily as he picked each one to try and see if there was some cocoa left as he picked one of the cups and got a drop out of it as he sighed and smacked his lips to the flavor as he continued on.

At the end of the hall, Sunset, Sunny, and Violet are pacing around while trying to figure out a plan while the others sit at the tables as they listen. “There’s got to be a way to stop her!” Sunny started.

“Because if finds that special, Equestria and other realms will be doomed,” Sunset added.

“Well, everypony has a weakness,” Violet said.

“Exactly!” Both Sunny and Sunset said.

“We just need to figure out hers,” Sunny added. “What does Allura care about?”

“Violet, you know Allura longer than any of us, do you know anything?” Sunset asked as Violet spoke up.

“Well, the portal, the realms, the stars, the Aurora Flares….” Violet pointed out as she looked up at the star lamps on the ceiling.

“Is this why you were being so strange about the Aurora Flares earlier?” Zipp asked about Violets and the other Auroricorns’ behavior about the flares during the fun activities. “Because of Allura?”

“Yeah. Sorry about that,” Violet apologizes about how they acted earlier, “But when we’re happy and having a great time, the Aurora Flares blast across the sky! We can’t help it,” She explained while looking out the windows to the sky before she frowned. “Allura uses her power to trick us into feeling happy. She forces us to make the flares against our will,” She added.

“That’s horrible,” Hitch said in sympathy.

“That’s just low, being forced to be happy? Oh, if Pinkie was here, she would be really angry,” Sunset muttered with an angry look at Allura’s actions, knowing that Pinkie would not like this.

“She sure wouldn’t, Sunset,” Sunny said in agreement as she patted Sunset’s pack with a soft smile as Sunset calmed down and returned the gesture.

“Normally, I’m all about being happy!” Izzy said with a smile before she frowned, “But being tricked into it does not sound right,” She added.

“That’s why whenever she leaves, we celebrate Starshine Time!” Violet continued with a smile, “A time when we make the flares happen by choice. Our real happiness,” She stated.

“Everypony deserves to be happy,” Sunny said with a smile.

“Not being controlled or forced to be happy,” Sunset added with a small smile.

“Mm-hmm, real happy,” Izzy said as she stood up with a smile.

“Why does Allura want to do such bad things?” Misty asked in wonder. “Has she always been this way?” She asked as Sparky came up to her with a cup and cooed, Misty understood what Sparky wanted as she picked up the cup and gave a drop to Sparky, who sighed happily.

“Yeah, what’s her origin?” Sunset asked as well, wondering the same thing.

“All I know is that Allura’s determined to find that other realm by any means possible,” Violet said as she looked at the stand the Nova Charm used to stand, “And she has the Nova Charm, so, she’s in charge.”

“Then we’re just going to have to find a way to make Allura give it back,” Sunny declared.

“And stop her plans and free the other Auroricorns so that you all will be free,” Sunset finished with a smile as the Mane 7 all spoke in agreement.

“We’ve tried to steal it from her. But it’s impossible!” Violet cried out at the past experiences at failing to get the Nova Charm back.

“That’s because you didn’t have us,” Sunset said with a smirk.

Violet thought for a moment as she gave a small smile, “Well, I guess that’s true,” she said.

“Then it’s time to get creative!” Sunny declared with a smirk.

Izzy then appeared between them with a cheery smile, “Did somepony say ‘creative’? That’s ah, kinda my thang,” She said with a smirk before she hopped away with a chuckle and started using her magic to levitate some stuff from the cabinets, which startled Hitch with a gasp as Izzy began to sing.

(With a Little Creativity Song)

Come on!

Izzy levitated the objects around her and then started dancing and jumping onto the table with a twirl as she levitated some cups and got between Hitch and Misty as she levitated the cups and stacked them into a tower before Sparky rolled as he knocked them over.

(Ooh-ooh) I got a good feelin'
(Ahh-ahh) In my so-o-oul
(Ooh-ooh) Let's put our manes together (uh-huh)
(Ahh-ahh) Let's lose contro-o-ol

Izzy then stood as she levitated the objects around her and danced around as she moved some in front of Violet. Violet looked at the objects in confusion before she saw Izzy levitate some objects to the spot where the Nova Charm was as she made a replica of its container as Izzy got next to Violet, who smiled as she moved to the music while Izzy levitated the object around them.

(Ooh-ooh) Oh, yeah, I got that vision
(Ahh-ahh) Told you befo-o-ore
(Ooh-ooh) I'll make somethin' outta nothin'
(Ahh-ahh) So here we go-whoa-whoa

Pipp then flew up and grabbed one of the stars from the ceiling and tossed it to Zipp, who was holding some headlights. Zipp then gave the start to Sunny and Sunset, who were looking at the objects as Sunset looked at the bottles while Sunny tossed a beach ball to Misty. Misty caught the beach ball with her magic, and then Sparky came to her and released a dragon fire at it, which turned into an umbrella as Misty was surprised by that as she quickly grabbed it.

Can you see it? Oh, yeah, I can see it
Just follow my vibe, no, we don't need a blueprint (uh-huh)
Life is random, sometimes it's chaotic
But in a bit of time, oh, pony, it'll be lit (whoo!)

Izzy then trotted in front of the umbrella as she then painted with blue paint. Izzy then levitated more objects as she moved around and jumped onto a table where her friends were, who were working on their side of their plan as Izzy danced around and levitated the things they were working on and hopped away.

Every little thing, yeah, has got a purpose
(Oh, pony, can ya feel me?)
Every little thing, yeah, just needs a pla-a-ace
(Oh, pony, can ya hear me?)

Izzy then hopped onto the end of the room and moved to the music as she kept singing with a huge smile as she turned to Violet, who was painting on the bottle with some lights inside it as she levitated some more things up in the air.

Every little pony has got their own destiny
And I'm gonna live mine with a little creativity
With a little creativity

Izzy then levitated the things she was working on as the umbrella, which is now blue, has buttons on it as the headlights, fake snowflakes, and the bottles were then in place to make a fake portal.

With a little creativity (oh, pony)
With creativity
With a little creativity!

Violet and Izzy hootap each other with smiles as Izzy ends the song and tosses some glitter into the air as they are ready to put their plan into action.

A little bit later, the controlled Auroricorns are still taking the stars from the sky as Allura and Twitch are still overseeing them from the air. “Smile, ponies, smile,” Allura said to them as the Auroricorns continued on, “We need that cheer to get what we want,” She reminded as she flew around.

Twitch then started squeaking with a frown as he told Allura that something was wrong, “You’re right, Twitch,” Allura said to her sidekick bunny, “I haven’t seen Violet Frost in forever. Where is that pony? She questioned as she flew around for Violet.

After searching for a bit, Allura found her, “You fool. She’s right over there,” She said to Twitch as she pointed to Violet, who was out in the open with something in her ears as Twitch sniffed her and started squeaking at Allura, who rolled her eyes, “Fine,” She said as she flew down to Violet.

Violet gasped at Allura in front of her, and then Allura used her magic on her as Violet gave a forced smile. “Violet Frost, what are you doing?” Allura questioned as she circled around Violet.

“Hi, Allura! Happy to see you!” Violet spoke in a mindless tone, “I’m just looking for that special star,” She explained as she used her magic and grabbed one of the stars from the sky before continuing on while Allura and Twitch watched.

“See? She’s in the trance.” Allura assured Twitch, who was still squeaking, “What do you want? You’re annoying me.” She said as Twitch stopped squeaking as Allura continued on.

From behind the trees, the Mane 7 ware watches as they see Allura go, “How is Violet resisting the trance?” Misty asked Izzy in confusion.

“Oh, I made her some special crystal snowball earplugs!” Izzy explained with a cheering smile as Violet had earplugs in her ears, not being controlled by Allura thanks to them, “Just enough to muffle the spell.“ She added.

Violet looked at the star she had as she brought out lightbulbs in the shape of a star, “The special star!” She acted as she levitated the fake star.

Allura stopped as she and Twitch turned to her in shock, ”What did you just say?” Allura questioned.

“The special star,” Violet repeated as she kept her act as she turned to Allura, “I found it,” She added.

“Protect the charm,” Allura ordered Twitch.

“Mm-hmm!” Twitch saluted as he got off Allura’s back and watched over the charm while Allura went up to Violet

“I don’t believe it. Show me!” Allura ordered with a smile as Violet secretly winked to the others as Hitch and Zipp pulled some ropes as they started reeling them in to reveal the fake portal, which Allura saw, “A portal! I did it! I finally did it!” She exclaimed to herself as she grabbed the fake star, “Give me that,” She ordered as she gave an evil smirk, “Now I can use this star to open any portal and go to whichever realm I desire,” She said sinisterly.

Meanwhile, Twitch is still guarding the Nova Charm while Sunny, Sunset, Misty, and Pipp come up behind him as they see Twitch guarding the charm.

“What do we do now?” Misty whispered to Sunny and Sunset.

“We’ve gotta distract him,” Sunny stated.

“Where’s Hitch or Fluttershy when you need them?” Sunset questioned since this is Hitch and Fluttershy’s department for handling critters.

But then, they saw Twitch stretching a bit as he gave a yawn and leaned on the charm, which made Pipp smile as she gave an idea, “Or lull him!” She said as the other three mares smiled at the idea as Pipp started humming a lullaby.

Twitch hears the lullaby as he starts drowsing out, he tries to stay awake as he shakes his head, but he is losing the fight as Pipp keeps singing softly, and before long, Twitch falls asleep and leans on the charm and he starts snoring and whistling.

The four mares gave quiet laughs as Pipp twirled in the air at her success, “You did it!” Sunny cheered.

“Way to go, Pipp!” Misty complimented.

“That’s one way to put a critter to sleep,” Sunset added as the four mares high-hoofed each other.

“Nopony can resist falling asleep to my lullabies,” Pipp bragged with a smile, “Especially that one!”

“Now, to get that charm,” Sunset said as she and Misty used their horns on the charm to levitate it gently away, “Easy, easy,” She said to Misty.

The charm was then moved away, but Twitch fell to the floor in his sleep, which made the four mares flinch, but to their relief, Twitch was still asleep as brought the charm close to them with them smiling.

Violet continued to get close to the fake portal while Zipp and Hitch kept spinning it, but it was getting tiring out, “How much longer do you think we have to pull these for?” Zipp asked Hitch.

“I have no idea, but my hooves are getting tired,” Hitch said, since he didn't know how long they’ll pull the ropes but their hooves can’t keep doing it.

Violet looked nervously while Allura groaned, feeling off as she saw the lightbulbs flicker and took a closer look at the portal before she noticed something was off as she grabbed one of the fake snowflakes, which she realized it was a trick, “A fake,” She said as she then growled angrily.

Izzy looked behind the trees as she grew nervous, “Oh…” She said nervously before she tried to wave to her friends about this, but Allura saw her and gasped at Izzy, “Oopsy,” She said sheepishly as she went behind the tree.

Allura growled angrily as she turned and saw Violet, who looked nervous before Allura flew up, “Double oops,” Violet said sheepishly as Allura threw the fake star away and flew after Izzy and the others with a hiss.

Izzy, Hitch, and Zipp then ran off when Allura got close to them while the snow leopard hissed angrily before they caught up with the others and they all rushed past Twitch, who got startled away by their hooves before he saw the Mane 7 and Violet running away.

“We got the charm!” Violet called out as they ran off, which made Twitch exclaim in shock as he rushed to Allura, who she allowed on her back as the two flew after them.

The Mane 7 and Violet rush back to the Central Hall where they regroup as Comet goes up to them, now free from Allura’s spell.

“I can’t believe you got the Nova Charm back!” Comet exclaimed in surprise as he saw them with the Nova Charm with a smile, “You saved us!” He cheered.

“We’re finally free!” Violet cheered next.

Then a huge gust of wind blew, “We’re not out of the snowy woods yet,” Sunset said as they saw Allura flying towards them, “Watch out!” She called.

The ponies then all split up as Allura landed as she looked at them with a smirk. “Seven little ponies, and one of them is an Alicorn, wandered into my territory and tried to destroy my plans?” She questioned as she turned to Izzy and Pipp, who backed away fearfully before she flew up to Sunny and Sunset, who backed away a bit, “Who do you think you are?” She questioned.

“We know who we are.” Sunny spoke as she and Sunset gave determined looks, “We’re the Auroricorns’ friends!” She declared.

“And we’re the ponies who're gonna end your reign in this town!” Sunset added as her horn lit up as Allura and Twitch gave evil smirks at them as she circled around them.

“And we’re not going to let anypony, or not-pony hurt them!” Sunny finished seriously as she brought out her Alicorn form as their friends stood beside them while facing Allura.

Allura laughed from this, “Another Alicorn? How cute. Twice the ponies, double the fun,” She mocked in amusement as Twitch gave a squeak in agreement.

“It’s too late, Alura. You lost!” Violet called out as she levitated the Nova Charm, “We have the Nova Charm now!”

“Lost?” Allura asked before she gave a smirk, “You think I need that pathetic charm to have what I want?” She questioned as she gave a growling purr as her magic hit Comet, bringing him back under her control.

“Ha-ha,” Comet mindlessly said as he took the Nova Charm and walked back to Allura, much to the Mane 7 and Violet’s shock.

“What?!” Sunset asked in shock, “How can you still do that?!” She questioned.

“Silly ponies, I don’t need the charm to do anything,” Allura said as Comet placed the charm next to them while Twitch guarded it, “I can have whatever I want. All I need is the power of ‘purr-suasion’.” She said as she used her powers again, this time on the Mane 7.

The ponies then scattered in a panic to get away from Allura’s spell, but Misty got hit as she was now put under Allura’s control, as did Izzy, Hitch, Sparky, and then Pipp gave them forced smiles and chuckles.

Zipp flew around as she tried to avoid Allura’s attack. She thought she was in the clear as she gave a chuckle, but Allura got in front of her and used her magic on her, putting her under her control as she landed down.

“This place is so great!” Zipp exclaimed happily with a creepy smile, which was so unlike her.

Sunset, Sunny, and Violet were the only ones left as they turned to Allura, who landed in front of them, “Maybe I’ll let the Auroricorns have a little fun with you three before I make you join them,” She said with a smirk as their mind controlled friends surrounded the three ponies.

“You’ll pay for this, Allura!” Sunset called as she, Sunny, and Violet ran off while their mind- controlled friends laughed and followed after them.

“What do we do, girls?” Violet asked nervously as the three ponies turned to their friends, who were marching up to them, “We can’t lose our beautiful Starlight Ridge to Allura!” She exclaimed.

“And you won’t!” Sunny assured her with a smile.

“We need a new plan since we can’t hurt our friends since they’re not in control of themselves!” Sunset pointed out, “We have to find some way to free them, but what!?” She called out.

“Well, we better think so because they’re getting close!” Violet called as their friends were getting closer to them.

The mind-controlled ponies all laughed as they drew closer to the three, but Izzy hoof’s slipped on the ice as she knocked Comet over to the snow, but for some reason, he was returned to normal, “Huh…” He said before he stood up and was brought back under Allura’s spell as he continued on.

Sunny and Sunset saw this, “Huh. That was weird,” Sunny commented in surprise.

“Yeah, that snow just snapped Comet out of it for a second,” Sunset said before she and Sunny remembered the earplugs that Violet was wearing that is made of snow and what Violet said about it earlier before they gasped before they looked at each other with smirks, “Sis, you thinking what I’m thinking?” She asked.

“Oh, I do, sis,” Sunny said before the two Alicorns turned to Violet, “Violet Frost. Didn’t you say the snow here had healing magic?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Violet nodded. “But I’d never actually seen it used.” She stated.

“Well, we might have just now. Look at this,” Sunset said as she wiped the snow off to see the sparkles. “This must be what Izzy used on those earplugs you were wearing,”

Sunny gasped in realization, “That’s it. That’s why Izzy’s earplugs worked.” She said.

“What?” Violet asked in confusion.

“Violet, they’re made of snow,” Sunset spoke as she lifted up some snow, “The snow here is special like you said,” She stated.

“Very special!” Sunny added as Sunset gave her a snowball and threw it at Comet, which brought him out of his mind control.

“Huh?” Comet asked in confusion, not sure what happened.

“It’s a cure!” Violet said in realization as the three mares looked at each other.

“This snow does more than make things sparkle or make sculptures, but it counteracts a spell!” Sunset added while looking at this snow, “Where was this for the Crystal Empire back in Equestria during the old days? Twilight would’ve used this to free other mind-controlled ponies back then if this existed in our world,” She joked.

“She sure would fight against King Sombra, twice,” Sunny said in agreement as the two Alicorns chuckled.

The rest of their controlled friends kept laughing as they advanced to the three mares. The three mares nodded as they levitated some snowballs and charged at them as they tossed the snow at them, bringing Zipp and Izzy back to normal, much to the two ponies' relief while Allura and Twitch watched angrily while Twitch squeaked in frustration.

Sunny, Sunset, and Allura then threw three more at Hitch, Sparky, and Pipp, bringing them back to normal as they gasped in joy.

“Sunny, Sunset, you both did it!” Pipp cheered with her wings spread.

“But how?” Allura questioned as she landed close by them.

Hitch realized why as he spoke, “The snow here is special. Just like the Auroricorns!” He said as he smiled warmly at Sunny, who threw another snowball at Misty, snapping her out of him.

“So we have a way to stop your plans, you Griffin ripoff!” Sunset called out with a smirk, “It’s time to put you on ice!” She declared.

Allura growled angrily at Sunset from that insult, “What are you going to do? Keep throwing snow at everypony?” She questioned amusingly while gesturing to the Auroricorns around them.

“That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Sunny said with a smirk.

Sunset turned to Izzy, “Izzy, it’s time to play an old classic game,” She said with a smirk.

Izzy knew what Sunset was saying as she levitated more snowballs, “Crystal snowball fight!” She yelled with a wide smile as she threw the snowballs at the Auroricorns, snapping them out of it.
Violet then rushed to them as she held up a snowball, “Come on, everypony! Keep throwing snowballs!” She exclaimed as she threw a snowball at a foal, bringing him out of his trance.

The two Auroricorn mares looked uncertain, “But she’s been controlling us for so long,” The first mare pointed out.

“Can we really beat her?” The second mare asked.

“Yes. We can! I know we can!” Violet encouragingly said as she looked at them around her, “Sunny and Sunset made me remember how special of a place Starlight Ridge is.” She said as the two Alicorns flew around with snowballs as Pipp followed behind them.

“And it doesn’t stop there!” Pipp continued as she looked down at them while holding two snowballs, “Starlight Ridge is special, but what makes it extra special is all of you!” She called while looking at the Auroricorns, who were beginning to smile at their words, “You are the Auroricorns! You’re amazing!” She added.

Misty was next to them as she threw a snowball, “It’s true!” She said as she turned to them with a small smile while looking at Allura, who tried to get the ponies back into the trances, but the second she did, the MAne 7 threw snowballs at them to snap them out of it, “I know how you all must feel being under the hoof of somepony that’s angry and just wants to control you, but it doesn’t have to be this way,” She said to them with a sympathy smile.

Zipp then flew up behind her as she spoke next, “The only way to get what you want is to have the courage to defend yourself.” She said to them.

“They’re all right. Nopony deserves this!” Hitch called as Sparky growled in agreement while holding a snowball.

“Allura thinks you’re weak, but she hasn’t seen what you ponies can do when you all stand up together!” Sunset called next, “This is your home! You shouldn’t let a tyrant like her take over and force you to do something! You have to stand up and face her in order to take back what’s yours! There’s always hope, regardless of how powerful Allura is! But together, you will succeed!” She announced.

The Auroricorns all were moved by the Mane 7’s speech as they all looked at each other with determined expressions as they all nodded, knowing that their words were true.

Allura kept using her powers before she turned to them, “Quiet! Your plan will never work! I’ll just entrance you all again!” She said as she faced them.

Violet, Izzy, Sunny, Sunset, and Comet all levitate some snowballs while giving Allura challenging smirks, “Well, that won’t stop us from trying!” Sunny declared with her wings spread.

“And good luck trying to control us if we keep throwing snowballs!” Sunset finished as Comet threw a snowball at an Auroricorn stallion, snapping him out of it as he gave a laugh.

“Whoa, that… that was kind of fun,” The stallion said as he then threw another snowball at a mare, who laughed as she and her friend laughed at each other and hit each other with snowballs, and then their Cutie Marks began to glow.

Twitch dodged the incoming snowballs with squeaks as he was still guarding the Nova Charm. Sparky came up behind him while gurgling in excitement as he tossed a snowball into the air, but then Sparky used his dragon fire to turn it into a cupcake, which hit Twitch on the head as he groaned, but he tasted the frosting as he smiled, “Oh!” He cheered, finding the cupcake tasty.

Alura moved around as she dodged the snowballs the best she could by the laughing ponies, but some got her while she used her trance spell on Comet, but then he slipped with a scream as he dropped the snowballs he was levitating on him, snapping him out of it as he smiled.

Allura was then hit by more snowballs by Sunny, Sunset, and Zipp from above as the three ponies laughed while Allura growled at them as the three mares flew away.

One by one, the Auroricorns all started playing snowball fight as their Cutie Marks kept glowing as the three mares looked at the Aurora Flares that were lightning up.

“Wow! Look at that!” Sunny cheered.

“The Aurora Flares are even brighter than before!” Sunset added as they looked down at the Auroricorns throwing snowballs at each other with laughs before Sunset noticed their Cutie Marks, “Girls, look!” She said as she pointed down.

The two mares followed Sunset’s gaze as they saw it too as Sunny gasped in realization. “That’s it!” Sunny said as she and Sunset flew down, “When you’re happy, you’re powerful!” She said with her hooves spread.

“You’re Cutie Marks and magic is connected to your emotions, so the more you feel, the more energy is released, like the Aurora Flares!” Sunset added with a huge smile.

Comet thought for a second before he smiled, “So, we need to have real fun,” He started as he turned to the other Auroricorns, “And be truly happy in order to take back our town!” He called.

“That’s a great idea!” Violet called as she brought out her flute, “I now declare today… Super Starshine Time!” She announced as the Auroricorns all started cheering as Violet’s Cutie Mark glowed up.

“All right!” Comet cheered as he brought up a cup and started banging it on the ground as the other Auroricorns all banged their hooves to the rhythms as Violet started playing her flute before she started singing.

(Starshine Time Song Reprise)

(Everypony, come on!)
(Time to shine now!)
(You gotta shine now!)

Violet starts playing as the Mane 7 all move to the music while the Auroricorns all throw snowballs while Allura growls angrily from this as Misty, Pip, And Ziipp danced behind Violet.

Hey, put those workin' hooves away
We're gettin' in the groove
We're out here shining brighter
Than the stars above the moon

Violet sang as she gave some snowballs to the Auroricorns as they danced around. Comet threw a snowball at a mare with a trip before she smiled. Violet came next to Comet as she gestured to the Aurora Flares that were still shining while Zipp, Sunset, Sunny, and Pipp flew over them as they circled around while Violet sang.

Feels like I'm one with the aurora
Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (we shine)
The magic's here, it's shining on us

An Aurora Flare shined while the four mares in the air flew by it. Hitch and Sparky are moving around as they dodged a snowball, which Sparky hit one with his dragon fire that turned into a unicorn bear plushie, which hit Allura as she moved around in rage before a snowball hit the stallion she just trance on, snapping him out of it.

Ohhhh-oh-ohhhh (so bright, it's shining on us)
It's like it's up there callin' out to me
To me, yeah!

Allura growled as she spread her wings while Twitch covered his ears as Violet kept singing and danced close to Comet and the other Auroricorns as Allura flew around and was losing control of the ponies, who are dancing around with snowballs as Sunny, Sunset, and Violet danced in a line.

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine (we shine)

Hitch and Sparky looked up at the Aurora Flares with huge smiles as they were shining more brightly in the air as Sparky danced on Hitch’s head to the music. The other Auroricorns kept throwing snowballs at each other, having a good time while Violet kept singing while the Mane 7 and Comet danced close to her.

Starshine Time
We're only gettin' brighter
We're glowin' up together
We shine, shine, shine (we shine)

After the song, the Aurora Flares in the sky shined very bright.

Allura growled with her wings spread, with Twitch on her back “No!” She called out as Violet, Comet and the other Auroricorns stood in formation while holding snowballs as Allura quickly caught the Nova Charm and took into the air, “Stop singing! Listen to me! I’m your leader!” She ordered while holding the Nova Charm.

And the, somepony threw a snowball at the Nova Charm out of her paws, which surprised her as the Auroricorns all glared at her as they all threw snowballs at her and Twitch, which knocked them back into the ground as they fell into a pile of snow as they stood up with a growl as she turned and saw the ponies staring down at her.

“Just admit defeat, Allura,” Sunset said with a smirk, “You are beaten, and this isn’t the first time we’ve dealt with a tyrant like you. And you don’t wanna know what happened to the last one we dealt with,” She said.

“Trust us, you really don’t,” Sunny said with a smirk, knowing that Sunset is referring to Opaline, “Just surrender and maybe we’ll go easy on you,”

“And maybe stand you up for trial, if you’re lucky that is,” Hitch joked with a smile.

Allura growled ragefully at them, “You think I would just surrender?! Not a chance! I’ll get you back, ponies!” She called with her wings spread as the ponies all looked at her with smirks, “I want out of this realm and I always get what I want!” She called as she took off with Twitch holding on by her tail.

Twitch looked back at them while speaking in gibberish with angry faces, clearly trying to mock or insult the ponies as they flew further into the snowy forest as they went behind the snowy mountains.

Once the two villains were gone, Violet walked up to the Nova Charm as she levitated up and brought it back to the others while the Aurora Flares continued to shine in the sky.

“Oh, I can't believe we’re finally free!” Comet cheered in joy that they are now free from Allura’s control.

“Allura’s plan failed and her reign is now over in this town.” Sunset said with a smirk, “And after a defeat like that, I think it will be a while before we see her leopard face again,” She added.

“And now, even if she does return, you know your secret weapon,” Sunny said as she spread her wings up, “Fun, signing, and lots of snowballs!” She called.

Pipp then walked up to the Nova Charm while thinking, “Hmm… Now how do we get the Nova Charm out of its ice cage?” She asked them in wonder as she tapped the ice.

Hitch knew how as he turned to Sparky with a smirk and a wink, which the baby dragon giggled knowingly as he turned to the ice cage and use his dragon fire on it, melting it while freeing the Nova Charm as they all cheered and complemented to Sparky for freeing the charm.

Violet levitated the Nova Charm to her as she held it and looked at the Mane 7, “You ponies are incredible. And it’s only right that you all become our new leaders!” She announced.

The Mane 7 looked at Violet with smiles before Sunny laughed, “We can’t lead Starlight Ridge!” She said to them. “We have to go back to Equestria,” She stated.

“Yeah. We don’t belong here. And besides, we got friends back home who are waiting for us,” Sunset added with a smile.

“Hmm!” Pipp nodded in agreement.

Violet looked at them in surprise, “But if not you all, then who?” She asked.

“Why you, of course!” Sunny answered with a smile.

“Me?” Violet asked in surprise.

“Yeah, Violet. We’re talking about you,” Sunset confirmed, “You ‘d make a great leader to the Auroricorns,” She stated.

“And you’ve proven to be an incredible leader today,” Sunny added.

“You’ve proven that you can protect and lead the Auroricorns while also helping them find their courage to stand up and take back their freedom,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Hmm!” Pipp nodded again.

“I’m not special enough to lead, am I?” Violet asked uncertainty while looking at the Nova Charm.

“Violet Frost!” Comet spoke up, which got Violet’s attention as she turned to him, “Violet Frost!” He repeated as the Auroricorns joined in.

“Violet Frost! Violet Frost!” The Auroricorns all changed as they repeated their chantings as Violetlooked at them with a smile.

“It appears the Auroricorns agree, Violet. You are their new leader,” Sunset said with a proud smile.

“Yeah,” Sunny nodded in agreement, “And being a leader isn't about possessing a charm, Violet. It’s about doing the right thing. Having hope!” She said with her wings spread.

“And bravery,” Sunset added.

“Having confidence,” Pipp added as she flew up.

“And Courage,” Zipp said with her chin up.

“Empathy,” Misty said with a smile.

“Kindness,” Hitch said while holding Sparky.

“And don’t forget about creativity!” Izzy cheered as she levitated some snowballs around.

“You’ve proven to have all of that,” Sunny said.

“And that being a leader is more than just doing things on your own, it’s about being there and helping guide others to a better future,” Sunset said with a smile, “Take me and Sunny for example, we’re leaders of this group, and yet when we’re with our friends, we can accomplish anything with the Magic of Friendship. To stand up to those who threaten our friends and families while helping ponies in need,” She stated with an inspiring smile as Violet smiled at her words.

“Sunset’s right,” Sunny said as she placed her wings over Sunset, “When she came to us, she helped us see the Magic of Friendship clearly and had been by our side since we met. And she taught us everything she knows. And we know that you are a great leader, Violet.” She said as they all smiled at her.

Violet smiled at them before she spoke with courage, “Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll lead Starlight Ridge.” She declared as she raised the Nova Charm high as the ponies all started cheering for her with some laughs before she spoke up again with a concerned look, “Now what? How will you get home?” She asked the Mane 7.

The Mane 7 stopped cheering as they all looked at each other with frowns since they knew they had no way back now that portal closed. “That might be an issue,” Sunset muttered.

A little bit later the Mane 7 went back to the sport the portal used to be as they walked through the forest, “There must be a way to get back,” Sunny said.

“I’m not so sure. The portal is closed,” Hitch reminded them sadly. “We’re lost and now we’re stuck!” He cried out as he sat down sadly.

“Sunset, do you think you know how to get back?” Zipp asked the Alicorn.

“Why are you asking me?” Sunset questioned with a brow.

“You’re a dimension expert then the rest of us,” Zipp pointed out. “Do you know a way to get back to Equestria?” She asked.

“I may know dimensional travel, but I don’t know how to open a portal to them. Even that’s beyond my expertise,” Sunset said in defense while rubbing her head, “The only thing I do know is to find a portal in this world or use a dimensional artifact to get us back home. But to do that, we need a relic like the Mirror Portal to get back, but from the looks of things, I don’t think there’s such a thing around here,” She said in defeat.

“Then the only thing we know that would get us back is with a special star that Allura talked about,” Sunny said in worry. “Which might be tricky to find,”

“Allura couldn’t figure it out, what makes us think we can?” Misty said sadly as Pipp flew down to her and placed a comforting hoof on her.

“At least this isn’t the worst place to be stuck,” Pipp said, seeing the bright side in this situation while trying to lighten the mood.

Comet and Violet all gave sympathetic looks to the Mane 7 for being stranded, “We are all so thankful that you ponies helped us,” Violet spoke up.

“But it was at the expense of you getting home,” Comet added in guilt.

“We’re so sorry,” Violet apologized as she and Comet looked down in guilt for getting their friends stranded with now way back.

“Hey! It’s okay,” Izzy assured them with a smile, but then she then slipped and slide towards Violet, who raised her hoof to caught her, but she dropped the Nova Charm as it’s container fell into the floor and opened up as the gem rolled across the snow, “Woopsies! I’ll get it.” She said cheerfully.

Izzy walked up to the Nova Charm, but then she saw it glowing bright before she had a thought and then smiled, “Hmm… Sometimes, you just have to be creative.” She said as she levitated the charm up and moved it around.

“What are you talking about, Izzy?” Sunny asked in wonder.

“Yeah, what do you mean by that?” Sunset asked as well as they saw Izzy moving the charm to the spot where the portal was as the charm glowed brighter, “Wait a second. Could it be?” She asked as she, Sunny, Izzy, and Misty walked up to the charm.

“You don’t think…” Sunny started, having the same thought as Izzy nodded to them.

“What’s going on?” Misty asked in wonder as the charm became even brighter.

The Nova Charm became so bright that it magically reopened the portal back to Equestria, “The Nova Charm was the star!” Violet called in shocked.

“You mean, Allura had it the whole time?” Zipp asked in shock as they all smiled in amusement.

Hitch gave a laugh, “I guess her greed and anger stopped her from seeing the special thing right before her eyes,” He joked.

“And lucky for us too!” Sunset said in joy, “Not only do we have a way back to our dimension, but we prevent Allura from ever finding out that she has the star the whole time when she has the key to cross other dimensions from the star. And our ticket home,” She added with a smile as they all looked at the portal.

“Which we now have out of her grip,” Sunny added with a smile.

Comet smiled at them, “I guess this means you can go home now,” He said sadly as he adjusted his glasses.

“Equestria, here we come!” Zipp cheered as she hauchned down while Izzy held onto the Nova Charm in her hoof.

The ponies all exclaimed as they all hugged each other goodbye as they all nuzzled each other before they broke apart, “Thank you for everything,” Violet said to them as Izzy gave the Nova Charm back to her, “We will never forget you all,”

“And we won’t to you either,” Sunset said with a small smile, “And who knew that there were other pony worlds out there. I know the multiverse is big, but I didn’t know it would have something like this,” She said.

“Well, there are many realms out there, Sunset,” Violet said with a smile, “It’s a surprise you never stop seeing. You never know what you find out there.

“Well, I guess that’s true enough,” Sunset said with a shrug.

“Well, I guess we better get going then,” Sunny said slowly as they all began to walk up to the portal.

“Uh… Uh…” Comet then felt conflicted as he looked back between the Mane 7 and Violet before he spoke, “I’m coming with you!” He called out.

The Mane 7 stopped and turned to Comment in surprise by what he just said, “Wait what?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Pipp asked in confusion.

“I have been dreaming of seeing the rest of the world for as long as I can remember,” Comet started in wonder as he adjusted his glasses again before turning to Violet, “And I couldn’t be happier to call Starlight Ridge home, but…” He stopped as Violet gave a smile and nodded her head in understanding before he turned back to the Mane 7, “I’m ready for my next adventure. I want to see what else is out there!” He called with a twirl before he got his balance, “And what better way to do it than with new friends? So, if it’s okay, I would like to come with you,” He said to them.

The Mane 7 looked at each other in surprise before Zipp coughed, “Are you kidding?” She asked, which made Comet nervous as he gave a sigh.

But then they all smiled at him, “Of course you can come!” Pipp called as they all started cheering.

“We’d love to have you!” Hitch added with a smile.

Izzy then happily hopped to Comet as the two ponies held each other's hooves as they hopped around, “New friend! New friend! New friend! Ooh!” Izzy cheered as she and Comet hopped around happily before they let go.

Sunset gave a chuckle, “Sometime tells me, she and Izzy are gonna get along just fine like the rest of us,” She said as the others all smiled in agreement with chuckles as well.

Violet then walked up to Comet and Izzy, “I’m so proud of you, Comet. You’re gonna have the most amazing time. I know it,” She said proudly as Comet smiled and went up to the others while Violet turned to Izzy, “One more thing!” She quickly said as Izzy turned to her and brought out the Nova Charm, “I want you to have this,” She said as she gave Izzy the charm.

Izzy was surprised by this as she looked at the charm and then Violet. “But don’t you need it?” She asked.

Violet just gave her a smile and lifted up the container, “I think it’s time we did away with the old rules and started making new ones,” She suggested as Izzy smiled softly at Violet, “It belongs to you, Izzy. That way, you can always find your way back to Starlight Ridge.” She said as Izzy looked at the Nova Charm softly, “Plus, now I know that the Nova Charm isn’t what makes a leader. Caring about your fellow ponies is,” She finished.

“Spoken like a true leader, Violet,” Sunset said proudly, “Though, maybe we so use something to carry it around more easy,” She said in thought.

“I know just the thing!” Izzy said as she bent down and made a necklace with the Nova Charm on it as she lifted up with a laugh.

Love it!” Pipp sang as they all smiled in agreement as Izzy put the charm away.

“Hoof to heart,” Izzy promised Violet as the two ponies touched each other’s chests as she walked up to the others as they all entered the portal, except for Sunny and Sunset.

The two ponies rushed up to Violet as they quickly gave her a hug as they broke it, “You’re gonna do great,” Sunny said to her.

“Remember to always rely on others to help and be there for your friends,” Sunset finished as Violet nodded as she and Sunny rushed back to the portal and walked through it.

Violet watched them go with a proud smile as she turned and saw the Aurora Flare lightning up again as she smiled fondly at it.

Back in Equestria at Opaline’s Together Tree, the Mane 7 jumped through the portal with laughs as they exit the portal and are back to their original appearances before Comet jumps through with them while still retaining his Starlight Ridge appearance.

“We’re so excited you came with us, Comet!” Sunny cheered in joy.

“And welcome to Equestria, a new world outside of Starlight Ridge,” Sunset announced with a smile.

Comet looked around before he noticed the Mane 7’s original appearances. “Whoa! You ponies look different now,” He commented in surprise.

“Oh yeah.” Zipp said with a smile as she turned and showed her appearance to Comet, “This is what we really look like. Surprise!” She said with a smile.

“Yeah. When traveling to new worlds, the portal adjusts our appearances to fit into each one,” Sunset started with a smile, “And this is our true form. Though with how you still obtain your crystal form, I guess this is just how you always look since there many different ponies in Equestria,” She explained with a shrug, since Equestria always have different types of ponies of Equestria, including different creatures, which might be why Comet still looks how he is in Starlight Ridge.

Comet gave a laugh from this explanation, “I’ve been in Equestria one minute and I’m already learning so much,” He said happily.

Pipp then flew down to Comet, “I have a feeling you’re gonna super love it here!” She said with a smile.

“And if you ever do miss home, we know exactly how to get back,” Sunny said as she gestured to the Nova Charm on the necklace Izzy is wearing.

“With the Nova Charm in our possession, we have a way back to Starlight Ridge whenever we want.” Sunset said with a smile, “And who knows what other capabilities it can do if it can travel between realms,” She said in thought while rubbing her chin.

“It’s a mystery I like to crack!” Zipp exclaimed in excitement.

“Sure you do, Zipp. But let’s care for the Nova Charm instead of experimenting it first,” Sunset suggested with a smile.

“Yeah, sis. We want to find out more about the Nova Charm and see if it can travel to other worlds, but I think we would rather use it for Starlight Ridge for now,” Pipp said with a smile.

“Okay, I won’t mess with it,” Zipp promised in understanding, seeing her friends’ point.

“Good. Because if we’re not careful, Comet would lose his way back home,” Sunset said as Comet nodded in agreement.

“Speaking of home, I think it’s time we head back to ours,” Sunny suggested with a smile.

“I think we’ve finally earned ourselves that nap!” Misty commented as they all laughed as they all trotted the bridge while Pipp and Zipp flew by them.

“Oh wow.” Comet spoke while they all trotted, “It is amazing. Sometimes, I can anp for like hours on end and…” He kept talking as they listens with amusing smile while the portal is still open.

Back in Starlight Ridge, the sculptures the Mane 7 made together still stand while Violet and the other Auroricorns are in the Central Hall while enjoying their hot cocoas as Violet comes up to a mare and gives her cup to her.

“More Razzleberry cocoa for me please!” A stallion called from the end of the table.

“I’ll take another Apple Oat!” A mare called next.

“You got it!” Violet nodded as she levitated a couple of cups and gave them to the Auroricorns that requested them as she walked up to two mares.

“You’re the best leader ever, Violet Frost,” The mare said to Violet.

Outside, Twitch is spying on them as he makes mimicking sounds at the pony for what she just said to Violet in annoyance as he sticks his tongue out.

“I’m so glad Comet and the others made it through the portal,” The mare said again, which caught Twitch’s attention as he listened closely, “But they definitely made Starshine Tiem a little bit brighter,” She commented.

“Yeah, Equestria is very lucky to have them,” Violet said in agreement with a small smile.

That’s all what Twitch needs to hear as he gave a smirk and hopped away to find Allura.

In the forest, Allura is pacing around before she sees Twitch rushing towards her, “What is it?” She questioned.

Twitch then starts squeaking as he makes paw signals while giving a smirk to Allura by what he learned from the Auroricorns.

Allura understood what Twitch was saying as he turned to him in shock, “What did you say?!” She questioned with her wings spread as Twitch got on her back and pointed the way as Allura flew off.

A bit later, Allura then saw the portal the Mane 7 and Comet went through, still open but it’s still shrinking as it closes slowly, which shocks Allura from this.

“What? Those ponies found the portal?” Allura questioned in shock as Twitch chartered to her again in confirmation before Allura then heard someone in her head.

You fool,” A mysterious male voice started, which made Allura gasp in surprise at this, “You had the star the whole time!” He pointed out.

Allura flinched a bit before she gave a determined expression. “Don’t worry, brother. I’ll get it back,” She hissed as she growled as she and Twitch entered the portal to Equestria.

Looks like Allura is now on a quest to get the Nova Charm back and to fulfill what she desires and for her brother, whoever or whatever he is. And now she’s in Equestria to make sure she does.

Meanwhile back in Equestria, the Mane 7 and Comet made it back to Maretime Bay as they all entered the Brighthouse, while Comet looked around in amazement.

“There’s so much to see, so much to learn!” Comet said as he trotted around the Brighthouse, “I can’t…” He then skidded before he lost his balance slightly, “Whoa!” He called before he realizes he didn’t slip, “Wait!” He said in realization that he didn't slip.

“Yep. No ice, crystals, or snow, no slips.” Sunset nodded with a smile.

“We are so happy you’re here, Comet,” Sunny said happily.

“Yeah!” Hitch said in agreement as he walked up to Comet, “We’re gonna show you all there is to see in Equestria,”

“And with Opaline and Allura gone, there’s nothing but fun to be had!” Misty cheered with a way of her hoof, since now that Opaline is defeated and Allura stopped, things are now at peace in Equestria.

Izzy then gasped happily, “Let’s start right now!” She stated with a wide smile, “Comet! How do you feel about a game where we balance yarn balls on our heads?” She asked as she cheerfully levitated three yarn balls onto her head as she tried to balance them, but then she screamed as she lost her balance and fell to the floor.

Her friends looked at her in concern before Izzy stood up while covered in yarn strings and a yarn ball stuck on her horn, “Ta-da!” She cheered as they all laughed playfully at this as things are now great in Equestria, for now.

It's been a few weeks ever since Opaline was stopped and since magic in Equestria was saved.

Of course, this was a big motive of celebration all across the magical land, but that was done weeks ago already when they got back from Starlight Ridge and stopped Allura from finding the star, which happens to be the Nova Charm the whole time and Comet came back with them to have more adventures with them.

Now, Sunny was ready to have that promised date along Hitch on the beach. She's been looking forward to this, if she has to be honest, and she's glad that the day has finally arrived. She was looking the same as usual, just that she wasn't wearing her saddlebag right now, and she also had an aquamarine lily on her mane, behind her left ear.

After that, she left the Crystal Brighthouse and went down to the beach, but instead of finding Hitch in there, she found herself surprised to see a big sign drawn on the sand and pointing to a path that was made over it as well. Sunny tilted her head confused, but then thought that this may be Hitch's doing, so she simply giggled and decided to play along. Wherever this was guiding her, it had to be good, right?

She moved ahead and followed the path of signs that were drawn in the ground. Hitch was never good with drawings, so the signs in the ground were just lines with a pointer in the right direction for her to follow.

However, when she reached the final sign, she found herself surprised when she gasped, because she reached a very large tent that was open, but inside seemed a bit dark, despite the fact there were several lights illuminating the inside. She hesitated on entering at first, but since this still seemed to be Hitch's doing, she adventured inside anyways.

This was a great decision, because as soon as she did, the lights illuminating the path all suddenly moved, and instead of pointing to the path ahead, they pointed at the walls, and she gasped loudly when they did so.

The walls of the tents, or rather 'tunnel' she got in, were showing her pictures, and also some drawings, of many memories that she made along Hitch a long time ago. Well, most of them were from years ago, but some were also from recent years, and there even was the picture of their Wishday kiss.

This last thing made her blush a bit, but she still giggled and kept staring completely amazed at all the memories she has made with Hitch so far.

And then, as she finally reached the end of the tunnel, she gasped loudly when she saw many reflectors illuminating not only Hitch in the very end of this mysterious place, but also the Sand Unicorn statue he made for her birthday so many years ago, something that finally made her rush to him.

"Hitch?!" Sunny asked surprised and in disbelief. "What are you... W-What's the meaning of all of this?!" She asked in wonder.

"A little surprise I made for you," Hitch replied with a smile. "Did you like my Tunnel of Memories? I was planning on narrating all the stuff we went through together as you walked over, but then figured that just bringing you here to see the pictures and drawings was more than enough."

"Tunnel of memories?" Sunny asked while tilting her head, but then smiled. "You know? That name actually fits right with this place. My memory definitely awakened so many good things we had together..."

"I wanted this place to have our best moments together," Hitch declared. "Our foalhood, or teenage years, our happiest moments, the most intimate ones, the most embarrassing ones..."

"And there was nothing in the world that could ruin our friendship!" Sunny added with a giggle.

Hitch chuckled along with her. "Yeah, those too."

"And you planned to bring me here? To the best birthday present anypony has ever given to me?" Sunny pointed at the Sand Unicorn statue behind Hitch.

"Yeah," Hitch nodded with a smile. "I honestly didn't remember I made you this, but one day patrolling around, I went further than on my usual rounds, and I found this statue, which awakened the memory in my brain. I just knew it was the perfect place to put my plan in action."

"Your plan?" Sunny asked with a teasing smirk. "What kind of plan is that?"

Hitch took a deep breath now. He was incredibly nervous, but he also knew that it was now or never.

"It's been a long, long time ever since we first met, right?" Hitch asked with a nervous smile. "And it's also been a long time ever since I started to feel things that nopony else causes in me. When we were little, every adult pony in town was always saying how good we looked together, how cute, how good of a couple we'll make growing up..."

"And we both always gagged at the idea as kids..." Sunny reminded with a nervous smile of her own.

"Yeah... Well... It's been a good minute ever since that idea stopped being gross, and actually started to make sense, at least for me," Hitch said, his nervousness fading away to give space for more confidence.

"H-Huh?!" Sunny asked surprised with wide eyes and a blush, clearly not expecting this change of attitude, nor that answer.

"Sunny, we've known each other ever since we were foals," Hitch pointed out. "We've both grown into adults with lives, hopes and dreams. We have made new friends, and you even got cool new powers thanks to the fact that you never stopped believing in unity and friendship. But all these years have passed by, and... My feelings for you have changed, too."

"H-Hitch?! W-What are you––" Sunny tried to ask in shock.

"When we were kids, I thought of you as my little sister, a pony I could take care of the way a big brother does..." Hitch confessed. "But after we turned around 17 or 18, I saw you in another light," He chuckled. "It took me a while to realize why, but I finally figured: I fell in love with you, Sunny, my best friend."

Sunny gasped, and her blush intensified. "H-Hitch..."

"I know that many ponies may believe the 'two childhood friends becoming a couple as grown ups' is a cliche many of them can't stand, and that some even despise because it is used, but do I look like I care?" Hitch said with a snort, and Sunny snorted a bit as well. "I don't even know why I fell for you, Sunny. I didn't choose to... But I don't care, either. You are the light of hope in my life that I love the most, my sunshine... My everything."

"Oh, Hitchy..." Sunny said, really touched by his words and with teary eyes, but with a smile.

"What I'm trying to say, Sunny... Is that I love you," Hitch went straight to the point. "You are the mare of my dreams, and if it isn't with you who I'm meant to be with, then it isn't with anypony else."

Sunny was now tearing up from happiness, but then she quickly wiped off her own tears, and then launched herself to hug Hitch and tackle him to the ground, surprising the Sheriff as he yelped in the fall, but he still ended up giggling as Sunny hugged him tightly with laughs, while also nuzzling on his chest.

Hitch eventually sat down in the sand, and Sunny sat as well, both none of them dared to break the hug.

"Hitch, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that!" Sunny admitted, so happy to hear that Hitch loves her the same way he loves her. "I-I mean, is not like any of us has been subtle about the fact we like each other..."

"Oh, I know. We suck at hiding our feelings!" Hitch said, as the two Earth Ponies laughed.

"But even so, I always knew that we'll eventually come to this moment..." Sunny added, now with a loving gaze for Hitch and a blush gesture the Sheriff returned to her. "I've been in love with you ever since the very first time you defended me on the first Canterlogic presentation. Ever since that day, my heart has been bumping for you. And, I love you, too. You're my everything as well, Hitch, and I don't want to be with anypony if it isn't you."

Hitch's heart melted at her words, and he nuzzled his muzzle with hers, although he was holding back his own tears just to try and be the stallion in the situation.

"Well, if that's how things are, then... Sunny Starscout, would you like to be my––" Hitch tried to say.

Yet all attempts to speak further died when Sunny locked her lips with his, completely on purpose and not out of some holiday tradition like with their first kiss. Her lips were as soft and gentle as said first kiss, but this time it was more genuine and less messier, because Sunny wasn't nervous this time around.

Hitch, however, had no idea on how to respond at first, but he still returned the kiss the best way he could. He was still a bit messy like with their first kiss on wishday, but at least this was a more honest kiss, not one that was done for the sake of being done because of a tradition.

Eventually, the lack of air made them part ways, and they looked at each other's eyes as they caught their breath again.

Sunny smiled as she spoke first. "Hitchy, I'll be honored to be your marefriend. But, only if you wanna be my coltfriend?"

Hitch chuckled and lifted Sunny's chin with a hoof. "I thought you'd never ask, Sun~"

Sunny smiled and placed her hooves on his chest, while they both leaned closer again for another kiss... Just to be brutally interrupted by the anonymous squeals of other 5 mares.

Their eyes widened, and they both looked to the entrance of the tunnel, where they found their friends all squealing and laughing excitedly, because they all saw their kiss.

"About damn time!" Sunset exclaimed out loud with a huge smirk.

"Oh, thank hoofness! My pleas were listened by the sun and the moon!" Pipp exclaimed dramatically.

"Why you two didn't get together earlier is the biggest mystery in Equestria. Like, seriously, it took you two long enough!" Zipp shouted happily.

"Your sparkles are so bright right now that I can barely contain my excitement!" Izzy exclaimed, then she moved Misty wildly while still squealing, but Misty laughed despite feeling dizzy now.

"We're so happy that you two finally got together, guys!" Misty said with a smile.

Sunny and Hitch, however, looked at them confused, then at each other, then back at them. "How long have you five been there?" Sunny asked first.

"Six!" Izzy corrected, as Sparky got out of her mane and then jumped from her to Sunny and Hitch, hugging tightly his parent figures, who were now officially together. "He's been with us, too!" Izzy pointed out with a cheery smile.

"As for your question, just ever since Hitch said, 'When we were kids, I thought of you as my little sister...' and blah, blah, blah, blah..." Sunset replied with a mocking smirk.

"And now that you two are finally together, I officially declare StarBlazer a thing!" Pipp said happily with a squeal.

"StarBla–– You know what? I don't really care," Hitch said with a shrug, then he looked back at Sunny and smirked. "Right now, nothing can ruin this moment for me."

Sunny smiled with a loving gaze for him, then grabbed Sparky to put him on her back and looked back at Hitch. "I couldn't agree more, my Sheriff~"

With that being said, the new couple locked lips again, and even though Sparky gagged and covered his eyes at the scene, the other five mares all said, "Aww!" at the scene, specially because this is something they've all been waiting for a very good time.

After all, what Sunny and Hitch had was special... A true love that transcends time.

But even with all this happiness, Sunset still looked down in sadness. With Twilight being engaged on the necklace for reasons she still can't understand, she is sad that she couldn't get to see Sunny and Hitch getting together when she also helped out to plan the entire declaration Hitch made.

"...Wish you could've seen this, Twi... I know you'll like it." Sunset muttered with a sad smile.

Yet not everything is gonna be pink colors, flowers, and friendship forever.

Not so far from the Brighthouse, an X-shaped portal suddenly opened and started to distort this reality itself. Then, once said portal has opened entirely, from the other side it's seen a red, black and blue background, as well as white lines and curves that move like river streams.

Not only that, but it also can be seen a giant robot with a mustache face, red arms, green legs, yellow body, blue head, and a strange prism of red, blue, yellow and green was attached to the robot's right hand.

The last thing heard from this mysterious machine is a male, maniac laugh that echoes across this universe...

End of Chapter 6 Ep 4.

Comments ( 185 )

Jesus, it was a pleasure to work on this Chapter with you. Really, I enjoyed it.

While I'm sad Make Your Mark is over, I'm so looking forward for what TYT Season 2 has in store for G5.

Thanks buddy and yes I am looking forward as well and you know, I have a feeling that a sequel for MYM is in our future, if season 2 is aired, MYM will have a sequel series and MYM been a blast

Yet not everything is gonna be pink colors, flowers, and friendship forever.

Not so far from the Brighthouse, an X-shaped portal suddenly opened and started to distort this reality itself. Then, once said portal has opened entirely, from the other side it's seen a red, black and blue background, as well as white lines and curves that move like river streams.

Not only that, but it also can be seen a giant robot with a mustache face, red arms, green legs, yellow body, blue head, and a strange prism of red, blue, yellow and green was attached to the robot's right hand.

The last thing heard from this mysterious machine is a male, maniac laugh that echoes across this universe...

I've got a bad feeling about this

Yeah, it sure is from that

Well at first sunset didn’t like Blaize’s attitude and unlike the other dragons, she has issues, and sunset is like one of the leaders to the group and when it comes to dragons they can be feisty, it wasn’t until spike cleared that up and they are in good terms now

Wait, Sonic Prime?!

Something like that yeah

Yes!!! Finally!!! Sunny and Hitch are together!!!!!

JesusG0987, can I just say that this chapter is absolutely, the most...


You know, somehow I can't help but get the feeling that somehow maybe someday, MYM might get a sequel series.

But otherwise, I love how Hitch and Sunny expressed their feelings. So romantic.

Thanks buddy, and yeah I get the feeling that MYM will have a sequel someday too

Not only that, but it also can be seen a giant robot with a mustache face, red arms, green legs, yellow body, blue head, and a strange prism of red, blue, yellow and green was attached to the robot's right hand.

Why do I get Sonic vibes from this

What happened earlier with Sparky calling Sunny his 'mama' is still making the Sheriff a bit giddy. Why did it feel so great when Sparky himself hugged Sunny tightly and referred to her as his mom? Hitch has no answer to that question, but he knows that if Sparky himself loves Sunny as a mother, then maybe Sunny is the perfect mare for him after all.

Well either that is because Sparky can feel that you really like her so much that he started to feel the same way but as a mother figure

Hitch blushed a bit at this, but he still chuckled and nodded. "I'll try. Just don't steal my son from me, 'Mama Sunny'."

Aww lol kind of reminds me of this scene from Super Mario World

Yeah the vibe is saying

That could be it since hitch and Sunny are the closest in the entire g5 series

Nice reference and yeah it’s cute

"Well, yeah, he's hoofful for all of us, but Izzy's still more fit to be considered his Mom, so much more than me," Sunny argued, now carefully placing a hoof over Sparky's head.

Sometimes being a parent can be very tricky but not everything is always perfect

It can be tricky but worth it in the end for some people I know

"Took you long enough, guys," Sunset muttered with a smile.

Yeah seriously it's like pulling teeth for a long time lol

“Well, with Opaline defeated, she might’ve thought Equestria is finally at peace,” Misty suggested with a smile, “The two were old enemies of each other back in Ancient Equestria,” She added.

And probably that's another way that she can actually finally rest in peace knowing for the fact that Opaline is gone and a new generation a ponies will keep the magic of friendship alive

“I hope so!” Pipp said in agreement as she flew next to Izzy, “I mean, I would love to transform into a stunning crystal version of myself,” She said in excitement, wanting to transform like how Izzy did earlier when she touched the snowflake when the portal first opened.

Lol just like how Rarity always dream about being a crystal Pony during season 3 premiere

Pipp giggled in excitement as she stomped her hooves with glee, “It happened! I’m stunning!” She cheered as she flew up and took a selfie of herself with her as she chuckled and put her hooves together with a pose at her new look.

I mean she does look pretty cool

Hitch just gave an assuring smile at Zipp while holding Sparky, “Relax! It’s not like it’s gonna suck us into a portal,” He said to them before the rainbow mist grabbed onto Hitch and pulled him in, much to the mares’ shock.

He had to say something huh lol

Yep, heheh, another deja vu

Hitch then looked down at himself as he noticed their crystal form, “Uh, better question… What are we?” He asked while Misty, who was next to him, looked at herself with a smile as she twirled and hopped around with a smile as Sparky babbled with a smile.

To be honest with you I thought they were crystal ponies but apparently they are completely different breed of ponies which interesting that again we did have bat ponies

Same here when I saw this special and was surprised by the truth as it go further as well when they explained about Allura and her plans

The rest of the Mane 7 all think it was a good idea, “We did just finish defeating Opaline and I was sorta getting ready to take a nap…” Misty commented as she stretched and gave a yawn. “But I could muster enough energy for another quick adventure. Plus, I’ve never been in snow before!” She said with a smile as she jumped and moved the snow before she picked it up and inspected it, “Hmm, I thought it would be colder.” She said.

She really was been a trap inside the castle for so long she never really see the whether that much that's sad

“This place reminds me of the Crystal Empire back in the old days,” Sunset commented before her eyes widened in realization, “Wait, crystal looks, a snowy area, shimmer snow and weather that isn't cold, and a crystal tow?! This place is based on the designs of the Crystal Empire!” She explained.

And to be honest with you I wonder if they could be related to these new form of crystal ponies

“The empire where Twilight and her friends fought King Sombra twice when he attacked and Spike helped restore the Crystal Heart?!” Sunny exclaimed in shock and excitement.

Another good memories or some what pretty intense memory but yeah Spike really did an awesome job that's how he got the name of great and glorious Spike

“Why is everypony trotting towards the scary noises when there is perfectly good silence in the other direction?” Misty asked fearfully while pointing back the way they came.

Sometimes we get curious Misty that's always happen

(Starshine Time Song)

Yeah that song is actually pretty cool and the tune and the beats kind of reminds me of this song

and one of my friend did mention something like that

The crystal Unicorns all looked at the Mane 7 in the stunt as they all started screaming and running in panic as they all went into hiding, which surprised the Mane 7. Before long, the center hall was empty.

Well I'm sensing some deja vu all over again back in the new generation

“We’re just not used to new faces around here and, you know, it’s kinda hard to know who to trust or what is real because of the trance.” The mare explained before she gave a slightly fearful look.

Basically we just saw a red flag right there

“Our mistake!” The stallion called as he slid a bit before he regained his balance, “Whoa!” He yelped before he regained his balance, “We love visitors!” He said before he leaned next to Izzy, “Not that we’ve really ever had any, but I think we love visitors!” He added as he got between Sunny and Misty, “I mean, at least I do?” He questioned while he tapped his hooves.

You know this guy is actually pretty cool and funny I already started to like this new character

“Auroricorns? That’s what you ponies are called?” Sunset asked in surprise since she never heard of those types of ponies before.

Yeah exactly I never heard of this breed before which I think that's pretty cool but that just threw me off basically we have different creatures across the Equestria or at least Beyond

“Hay Milk cocoa,” Comet continued while giving Zipp her cup, “Jumping Jellybean cocoa.” He said with a slight chuckle as he gave Misty a cup as a jellybean jumped from it before Izzy quickly caught it.

Oh zipp will have her sugar rush if she drink any of the cocoa

“Heh, sounds like something Luna would love,” Sunset commented, seeing another night activity than the Moon Festival that Princess Luna would love.

Yes definitely Luna would have love to do if she was around

Sunny then spoke as she pulled Izzy in as the rest of the mares huddled close to her as well, “And what better way to find out what it is than having fun with new friends?” She asked excitedly as she and the mares looked at Hitch with wide eyes and wide smiles.

Those eyes man lol 😆

Misty and Hitch are then holding Sparky by the paws as they skate on the ice with Sparky’s feet on the ice as the baby dragons giggled in joy. Misty then saw Sunny nearby as she gave a smile, “Hey, Sunny, wanna switch?” She asked.

Very nice switching out those two characters

RIzzy then gave a small smile from that, “Well…” She started before she gave a chuckle, “The name sounds fun,” She admitted.


“Then let’s do it together!” Comet said as he raised his hoof to Izzy, which the cheery unicorn accepted as they then skated together while nearly tripping as they started laughing, “You got it! Whoa, you’re a natural!” He said to Izzy as they Trip-skate together while trying to keep their balance.

Oh boy the new shipping fuel here lol and to be honest they are so cute together I would say

“And besides that, Equestria is a magical area where ponies and other creatures can live in harmony, with new adventures, discovering new lessons and other lost artifacts, but also the Magic of Friendship that flows,” Sunset said as she did a sculpture of Twilight and the rest of the original Mane 6 before giving a sad look at missing them, especially Twilight.

Not all that she still feels a little guilty that she hasn't came back after all these years

“And I know the Together Tree portal brought us here for a reason, but what is it?” Sunny asked her friends.

Yeah it's kind of like the cutie map show them what is the problem and they go there

The Mane 7 then made it to the hill of Starlight Ridge as they looked down to the town before another Aurora Flare went off in the sky. But what’s really strange is Comet and the other Auroricorns all gave creepy smiles with their horns lit, which made the Mane 7 uncomfortable.

Oh boy the creepy Smile return once again just like back in season 5 premiere

“Uh, I know odd,” Izzy spoke up, since she knows a weird thing when she sees it, “This was even odder than that! Which I normally love.” She said with a smile before she frowned, “But not this time!”

Just like how Pinkie Pie sense something is wrong about their smiles back in season 5 premiere

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