• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 837 Views, 78 Comments

The Cutie Alchemist - Visharo

Starswirl the Bearded has cracked the code to life, how did he not see it before? It's everywhere. It's in the sky, the earth, the animals, even the fruit!

  • ...

Derpy/Muffins/Ditzy Doo

Derpy: The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary.



Muffins: a quick bread made of batter containing egg and baked in a pan having cuplike molds



Ditzy: eccentrically silly, giddy, or inane



"Stygian, come here, tell me what you see." Starswirl was hiding behind a particularly big rock and was waving his fellow stallion over. He came over, holding an invention he called a book and the reddish rock that Starswirl used many times has been more condensed as well. Starswirl was very proud of Stygian and all of his inventions and his intuitiveness, but that wasn't important right now. Stygian trotted over with a sigh and plopped down next to him. "Shh, you got to more quiet!"

"Right." Stygian sighed again and leaned forward, spying the scene that was causing Starswirl so much grief. Cadance and the new stallion, Shining, trotting together with their heads together. "I believe that is what you call love, something all couples do. Have you not noticed the birds?"

"Of course I have noticed the birds! But this is different!" Starswirl glared over the rock and then panicked when he noticed that Cadance was turning around. "Quick, duck!" Not waiting, Starswirl jumped atop of Stygian and pressed both of them to the floor. After a few countings and making sure that Cadance wasn't looking back, he let him up.

"Starswirl, why are you acting like this? This is most unnatural behaviour. You should be focusing on that creature that attacked you and Celestia, your other daughter?"

"I have tried, Stygian! But I can not concentrate, do you know how frustrating it is to see...whatever this is!?" Starswirl gestured at the couple helplessly. "I do not see them anywhere near us except at mealtimes, it is causing me worry."

"No, I do not. Perhaps you should confront the stallion, yourself. Maybe understand who he is and what he wants instead of immediately alienating him." Stygian paused, muttered something, and then wrote down the word in his book. "Have you tried talking to Granny Smith? She is wise."

"I do not need to talk to...actually..." Starswirl paused and started stroking his beard in thought. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Stygian jotting down notes in his book. "I shall go do that, thank you Stygian."

The unicorn got up but the sudden movement caught the attention of Shining Armor and he whipped around. Starswirl panicked and threw himself back onto the floor, causing him to growl in pain. Thinking not to cause anymore suspicion for him, Starswirl started rolling. Thank goodness it was only Stygian who could see him, anypony else wouldn't let him forget this.


"Starswirl! Haven't see ya on this side of town in a while, ya done skulkin' about?" Granny Smith cackled with glee while simultaneously heaving logs into her barrier. She kept on insisting that it's still not done and gets real defensive when mentioned.

"Perhaps. I have a question." Starswirl decided to help since he was here. Picking up a few logs with his magic and floated them over. "What do you think of Cadance and that...Shining."

Granny stared, her eyes slowly widening. It made Starswirl feel uneasy, then she broke into a grin. That grin turned into the loudest guffaw the stallion had ever heard from her. It felt like hours before she slowed down to a chuckle. The entire time, Starswirl felt uneasy, shifting his forehooves back and forth. He felt...embarrassed.

"Starswirl, that was, bah far, the most idiot thing ah've heard from ya." The mare chuckled some more. Starswirl opened his mouth in indignation, preparing for a comeback but before he could utter a word, Granny held up a hoof. "That, mah dear friend, is young love. Perfectly normal for kids their age. Heaven knows ah'm too old for that, mah back wold't be able to handle that."

"Bwa…but, you are still young! Much younger than me." Starswirl protested than fell silent, thinking on what the mare said. "Love, Stygian said that too."

"Did he? Guess that stallion ain't useless after all." Granny cackled, but still held that solemn expression. She was waiting for him, he realized.

"But…it feels wrong."

"What yer feelin' is protectiveness, perfectly normal for any parent, ah should know, ah feel the same. It's alright, Starswirl, there are moments where ya just have to let go." Granny chuckled, but this time without mirth. She stopped hauling logs and sat down on a padded rock. The mare poured herself some cider and took a sip. When she offered him a cup, he shook his head. "Mah advice, is to get to know him. And from his name, he sounds like a fighter, we need more fighters especially with that creature on the loose."

Starswirl sat down as well and contemplated that. Looking inside, he finally understood what was bothering him so. It was exactly like Granny Smith said, and looking even deeper, he sensed through Harmony, that this was indeed, perfectly alright. He groaned at all the conflicting feelings. Looking up, he decided to take a break from Cadence and spotted his other daughters playing.

Celestia and Luna were getting bigger every sunrise, their manes growing in size as well. Sunset and Fizzlepop were growing much slower but both were getting more energetic. It was a pleasure to see all four of them giggling and running around, their horns and multicolored magic sparking every so often. It lifted his heart to see them happy and it helped him decide his next course of action.

"Alright, thank you for your wisdom, Granny, as always."


"Starswirl." His full name being used in a cold way hurt him more than he expected. As much as he wanted to return the favor, he knew it would worsen the situation.

"Cadance, can I borrow Shining Armour for a moment?" It was polite to ask, especially with an angry teenager daughter. Huh, teenager. He made a mental note to tell Stygian about the new word.

"And why should I allow that?" She crossed her arms, it made her look very intimidating.

"Uh, I'm right…"

"Stallion talk." He felt sweat start to drip down his forehead. He hated this feeling.

"I've seen you, stalking the two of us. I'm my own pony! I don't need you to watch over me anymore!" Another blow. He kept his smile up though and held up his hands as a placating gesture.

"I know, I know. It is just, if you go down this route, I want to know the stallion that has captured your heart. To bond, you know?" That caught her off guard. He allowed himself to hope the longer the stunned silence went on. Then she whipped her head up as if she couldn't stand to see him anymore. Three blows.

"It's up to Shiny." She already had a nickname for him!

"I'll go. He seems alright, Cady, why are you making such a fuss?" He had one too! A nickname for a nickname. Starswirl's smile wavered.

"It's…it's nothing." Cadance looked down as if ashamed. She scuffed the dirt with a hoof and muttered under her breath. "It's nothing. Kick him if he does something, though, Swirly can handle it."

Shining laughed before giving her a hug. "I'll make no promises. See you around." He trotted up to Starswirl and gave him a friendly smile. It eased some stress as he reciprocated. "I don't think we actually made acquaintances. Hi, I'm Shining Armour."

"Starswirl the Bearded." He offered his hand and thankfully Shining returned the gesture. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Cadance smiling. Perhaps not all was lost.

"So, what do you want to do?" The young stallion asked, his expression as innocent as a filly.

"How about a walk?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright." Starswirl made his way to a well trodden path and Shining followed. "We must be careful though, there is a dangerous creature loose. It attacked Celestia a few sunrises ago."

"I've heard. It doesn't sound friendly." He smirked. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Starswirl felt like he should have been insulted but instead he chuckled. "That will be the day."


They trotted out of the woods moments before the sun dipped below the horizon. They had talked the entire time and were closer for it. Stories and secrets were shared and soon they trusted each other.

When they came out, Cadance was pacing the clearing with a distressed look. Shining was laughing at a joke Starswirl accidentally made and Cadance looked up. She quickly rushed over and tackled him in a hug. Starswirl watched with a warm smile, he no longer felt weird or negative about their relationship, in fact, he encouraged it.

"Swirly didn't hurt you?"

"What? Him?" Shining laughed and Starswirl knew to not take it offensively. "I'm definitely stronger. He's just an old stallion."

Cadance looked at him with a worried expression and her mouth open ready to discourage such talk but was surprised to see Starswirl chuckling.

"Treat him right, Cadance. He is a good egg." Starswirl bowed slightly before trotting back to the house. He was tired and aching, a good night's rest would do him good. He waved to a smirking Granny and went inside. Before he could reach his resting place, he tripped and fell face flat on the floor. He groaned and lifted himself up. Rubbing his bruised muzzle, he briefly saw the Chalice slip off a piece of wood Starswirl placed it on. With a yell, he launched himself forward, determined to catch it. But the cup slipped through his fingers and landed on the floor.

He stared in shock and horror which quickly turned into amazement. Somehow, the glass didn't explode into pieces or even crack, and to make it even more miraculous, it was glowing. He reached out to righten the tipped over Chalice, but then stopped. Something told him that would be unwise, so he pulled back and watched. Like all the other times, it filled up with liquid. This time it was a light, warm, almost motherly, kind of gray. The picture it depicted were seven spherical things. They were blue and translucent and Starswirl decided to call them bubbles. Just like the others, it glowed brightly and he averted his eyes.

Unlike the other times however, there wasn't a voice to greet him. No, this time it was a yell. And a crash. Starswirl looked up in horror and saw a gray pegasus who crashed through the wooden wall and was now, somehow, stuck. The mare looked back and gave him a sheepish grin.

"I just don't know what went wrong."


From the bushes, a hate filled glare looked into the clearing. Chrysalis hissed with pleasure as she watched the ponies gallivanting without a care in the world. She planned to strike against them, take their love, feast upon them, become strong, but she wasn't sure how.

Then her eyes spotted two ponies. They held their head together and trotted side by side. Deep within her, her stone cold heart called. Chrysalis grinned and cackled softly. Those two will be hers.

Author's Note:

the beginning is just me having fun. Derpy has a lot of names, doesn't she? Which one is your favourite? I like all of them, which was why I couldn't decide.

Kudos to Forcalor and Lex_Drago. :)