• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 837 Views, 78 Comments

The Cutie Alchemist - Visharo

Starswirl the Bearded has cracked the code to life, how did he not see it before? It's everywhere. It's in the sky, the earth, the animals, even the fruit!

  • ...


Flutter: a state of nervous confusion or excitement

Shy: easily frightened


"What do you mean missing!" Starswirl was frantic, his earlier joy at curing Celestia and Cadance went off the cliff. This was something else entirely! Despite his daughters being sick and useless, at least they were here, within trotting distance! Now nopony knew where Fizzlepop was!

"Ah'm...ah'm real sorry, Starswirl. Ah haven't seen her since ya left. Ah've tried lookin' all over, ah even dragged poor Shinin' out. Couldn't find any trace of the filly." Granny Smith looked so defeated, her head hung low, mane drooping and dirty, coat unkept, and her eyes weary of sleep deprivation. Starswirl didn't care.

"You did not look hard enough!" He pushed past the green mare and out into the open. It was near moon-high and the stars were frolicking above, a perfect night, but that didn't matter now. Nothing mattered except Fizzlepop. Starswirl glanced around trying to gain some semblance of direction before taking off towards the north. Behind him he heard Granny calling out his name, but he didn't care.

Starswirl the Bearded, father to five, Guardian of Harmony, leader of the ponies. He failed. That thought resounded in his head with every step he took. Lowering his head, he let the wind stream around him. Pumping his arms, he allowed the momentum to boost him more. Screaming his heart out, Starswirl let loose all the frustrations, heartache, and stress from the many moons out into the open.

He felt good after that, but not better. He continued his run. He failed. Trees passed around him in a blur, shrubberies mattered not to his crusade, and critters made haste to get out of his way. Every hoofstep vibrated through the earth, the very core of Equus felt his despair. His vision became blurred, wet tears flowing around his muzzle. Each teardrop landed behind him with a quiet and heartbroken plop.

Then the ground disappeared and before Starswirl could react, he took a tumble. His battered, overused, and old body felt every bump and crash. He lay at the bottom of that hill, sore and tired, depressed and agonizing. He failed. He looked up, unable to do anything else, and watched the night sky. A lone gray cloud drifted by, slightly obscuring the crescent moon, but did not fully diminish it's glory.

Then the tranquility of that wretched night was broken by a little mewl. With an effort that pained him, Starswirl tilted his head to the left. There, amongst the broken foliage caused by his fall, lay a broken butterfly. With great care, he lit his horn, bathing the dark hollow with a dull light. He let his magic float over the butterfly and cast a spell. Whether he knew he could do anything or not did not mean anything to him, if he couldn't help his filly, then at the very least, he would help this poor critter and not let it suffer because of his own mistakes.

It took a few countings, perhaps more, before the soothing touch of Starswirl's magic fully healed the butterfly. The fauna got up and tried out its healed appendages and seemingly satisfied with everything, the butterfly floated over to Starswirl's head and nudged it slightly before flittering off. Although broken and in pieces, Starswirl felt something in his heart. With his newfound power and sense of righteousness, he got up, despite all of his aches and hurts.

Before he could get his bearings, an amber light glowed behind him. Turning around, Starswirl was pleasantly surprised to see the Chalice of Life intact and illuminated with a warm buttery amber. When the glass cup was full, a picture of three pink butterflies were shown and the sight made Starswirl smile, even if it was a lost one.

A quick flash later and in the light's place was a yellow pegasus and a pink mane. The newly born mare opened her turquoise eyes and stared at Starswirl. He blinked. She blinked. Then she squeaked and jumped behind a bush, the only thing visible was her long pink tail.

"Oh, I apologize. I did not mean to frighten you." Starswirl reached out then paused, he wasn't entirely sure what to do in this situation. His heart was delicate and his mind was fragile. He fai...

"Oh n...no, I'm s...sorry. I thought you just lo...looked like a m...monster." The pegasus hung her head and slowly walked out of the bush. The mare was beautiful as mares go, certainly older than Celestia, maybe even older than Granny. Her eyes held a certain intelligence and kindness that made Starswirl want a big, warm, feathery hug.

"Oh. I do not think we have monsters here." Starswirl tried for a smile. It didn't seem to come.

"Thank goodness." She smiled timidly, looking more relaxed than ever. Then she looked over and froze up with a slightly horrified expression. Starswirl just looked on confused.

"What is the matter?"

"Are you okay?" The mare trotted up to him with big worried eyes, it was uncomfortable to look at so Starswirl looked away, but found that he couldn't. When he looked down, he saw a strong yellow hoof keeping his head in her direction. Unable to look anywhere else, Starswirl resigned himself to his fate and gazed into the creature before him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You have cuts, bruises, scrapes, punctures, torn fur, a concussion. But why I'm asking is because..." Her already soft spoken voice went even quieter. "...your heart. It's crying." Without needing any further justification, the mare wrapped her hooves and wings around Starswirl, a stallion she just met. Despite himself, the stallion found himself smiling and crying at the same time, leaving him a blubbering hiccuping mess.

"I'm hic sor...sorry!" He wailed through his tears. The mare just made soothing noises and rubbed his back in a circular motion. It was calming and comforting, and soon enough, he found himself calming down.

"Is that better?"

"...yes. Thank you."

"Anything for a pony in need." The mare gently pushed away Starswirl so he could witness the most beautiful smile he would ever see.

"Thank you...?"



The rest of the night was spent in that hollow, the two ponies talking, or more accurately, Starswirl was talking and Fluttershy listened. She was a great listener. The moon nearly made it to the horizon when Starswirl ended his tale with a grief-punctuated, "I have failed."

"Oh no, I don't think you failed. I think you did exactly what you thought you should've done and that is admirable. No father should ever be at fault for doing something they think is best for their daughters." Fluttershy smiled again and Starswirl felt like the world lit up. Once again, he looked upon the Chalice in awe. The creatures this object has created have all been miraculous, but Fluttershy seemed to have topped them all.

"Thank you...again. But now I think I should head out, perhaps I could find some clue to where Fizzlepop has gone." The stallion flashed an apologetic smile and got up, the bones in his back cracked and his various cuts stung.

"I'll help you." She said simply. He could not think of any reason to turn her down, so the two went out to search.

The two maneuvered their way out of the hollow and made their way to a ridge. They decided to encircle the rock formation, their eyes alit with dim hope and fragile determination, but it was enough.

The sun was well into the sky by the time the duo found something. Starswirl was beyond weary as he approached the cave that held Fluttershy's interest. It didn't look special, in fact it looked very similar to the one in the valley. Without looking at the mare, Starswirl made his way inside. He flicked on his horn, lighting the way with a flickering light source. Together, they looked around. There were some three stripe marks all over the walls and floors, some rocks looked to be crushed, and the ceilings appeared to have a curious looking rock stripe. Starswirl was immediately in awe, this purple crystal looking thing looked marvelous, something Stygian would definitely approve of.

He was about to make a comment before a horrified gasp interrupted. Starswirl glanced up, dread already seeping through his cracked heart. There beneath Fluttershy's hooves lay a very familiar horn. A small maroon unicorn horn. Starswirl dropped to his knees, ignoring the pain the hard rock floor caused upon his knees. All he could do was stare at this....this...this.

He felt thoughts and emotions start to slowly creep over the shards of his heart and into his brain. They started whispering suggestions and theories. But before he could discern any of their meanings, a warm, feathery hug surprised him.

"You're not alone."

Author's Note:

My apologies for the delay of this chapter! Ya know how it is, life, work, life.
My apologies to Forcalor who suggested to continue with the other Pie sisters, after much deliberation with myself, I have decided on Fluttershy on being the best course. I think it went well.
Kudos to those who are still here and reading, may you have a great day/night!

I have no idea where to go from here.