• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Heartless: The Cave of Wonders

On their way back to Agrabah they found that Genie was interested in hearing what other wishes Aladdin might have for him, meaning he was likely hoping to get all three granted in the shorted amount of time possible, where the man took a moment to think about it before humoring him. He proposed that maybe Genie could make him a 'fabulously wealthy prince', confirming that he was interested in dating Jasmine and that he needed to be above his current station in life to even have a chance at earning her affections, and possibly the approval of the Sultan. Genie, of course, thought it was a great idea and told Aladdin that if he make the wish he would have a hundred servants and a hundred camels that would be loaded with gold, to help fulfill his fantasy, plus an elephant that would be his official ride into the city and he even had a song in mind to sell his princely status. Aladdin told him to hold off on the wish for the time being, as he wanted to make sure Jafar was dealt with and Jasmine was safe before using such a wish to impress everyone, causing Genie to nod his head as he made a note of that in his head, no doubt continuing to mentally plan how to grant Aladdin's wish.

As they flew through the air, with Aladdin worried about Jasmine and Genie doing his best to keep his ideas to himself for the time being, Sombra glanced off into the sands, sensing a powerful Heartless in the vast desert, but since it seemed to be far out of the way she decided not to worry about it for the time being.

One thing they noticed was how Genie adored the great outdoors, flying through the air without a care in the world while making sure to be near Aladdin every now and then, where they learned that while he had phenomenal cosmic power, to do nearly anything he wanted, it also came with an itty-bitty living space, the lamp. He informed them that without a master there was no way for him to leave the lamp like he was doing right now, and with how his lamp was usually returned to the Cave of Wonders after granting three wishes, a fact he wasn't looking forward to, he was lucky to see the light of day every century or two. In fact, now that he was thinking about it, Genie was sure it had been longer than that when he thought about the last time he had been called from the lamp to grant three wishes, he just couldn't remember how long the gap was this time around, causing Sora to frown as he imagined how miserable Genie's life had to be. He wasn't the only one that had such a thought, as Aladdin asked if it was possible to use a wish to free someone like Genie from their lamp, as in grant them freedom, and Genie said that it should be possible, though it would severely reduce his powers, but, in his mind, it was worth it for the chance at a somewhat normal life again.

As they reached the outer wall of Agrabah, and started to land, Aladdin made up his mind, he promised to use his third and final wish to free Genie from his lamp, causing Genie to have the biggest smile imaginable as he hugged his current master, a friend in his eyes, before returning to his portable prison for a time.

Once they stepped into the city, however, the group found more Heartless waiting for them, namely the Bandits, though in addition to them there was also a number of Fat Bandits, the Large Bodies dressed in clothing that matched the world they were in, which fought just like their counterparts did. The only difference that Sombra spotted was that the Fat Bandits could breathe fire or even turn that fire into fireballs that it launched from their mouths, an interesting thing to set them apart from each other, especially since it required them to dodge out of the way before attacking them. Of course there were also a number of Pot Spiders lurking around the city, something that surprised Aladdin since this wasn't the state he had left the city in when he decided to check out the Cave of Wonders, but that didn't stop him from using his own curved sword to fight them off. Sure, his weapon wasn't as effective as the weapons everyone else was using at the moment, but he was able to weaken some of the Heartless so someone else could finish them off, all while Sombra's darkness carefully snatched each heart that was freed as she cut down a Fat Bandit and joined the others as they moved deeper into the city.

As they explored the city Aladdin returned to his hideout, the very place the group had stopped for a few moments before discovering where Jasmine was hiding, just in case Jasmine was there, but she wasn't, though Genie did mention that he had heard of the Keyhole before, he just couldn't remember where it was supposed to be. Another thing they discovered were a trio of black robed figures with dark purple mushrooms on their heads, a new type of Heartless based on the emblems that were on their chests, which were far more aggressive than all of the other enemies and even spewed poison into the air in front of them to harm their foes. Not only that but they could become invulnerable to harm for a short period of time, which told the group that they had to be careful when dealing with the Black Fungus, though when one of them was struck down they found an item container with some mysterious goo inside it, while another had a mold of some kind. Radiant told them that she was sure these were items to be turned into accessories, something she had been working on for some time, so these were good items to have obtained, since it meant she would be able to produce some results in the near future, that much she was sure of.

Eventually, after activating a few more of the locking mechanisms that were scattered around the part of the city that the hideout was in, the group found Jafar confronting Jasmine in front of the blocked path that lead to the palace, and, sure enough, there were plenty of Bandits around him, guarding the area so he could work, causing Sora and the others to drop down on them and attack the Heartless.

"Ah, it would appear that the street rats have come out of their holes. I will not allow you to bother us anymore." Jafar said, though the look of concern that was on his face implied that he knew Sombra, at least, was strong and could force him to back off, meaning he had to be careful about how he approached dealing with the group, hence why he seemed to be of the opinion that more Heartless was better.

Aladdin, apparently worried about the numbers that were in front of them, decided to rub Genie's lamp while everyone was distracted and tried to get him to save Jasmine, though as he picked her up, however, a red parrot stole the lamp and delivered it to Jafar, banishing Genie back to the lamp for a time as Jasmine fell into a Pot Spider, before the sorcerer just vanished without a trace.

"Great, he's got the key to finding the Keyhole. We had better move fast." Sombra remarked, where she found that the Pot Spider connected to a number of other similar Heartless and formed a new creature, with a blue head of some sort at the front and a blue bottom at the end, like a Pot Centipede, though she knew Jasmine wouldn't be inside them, as she felt a surge of magic that seemed to teleport her out of here.

Hurting the Pot Centipede was actually really easy, in comparison to some of the enemies they had fought before, due to the fact that all they had to do was strike it's head and rear a few times, eventually causing it to collapse and scatter the pots for a time. With that done all they needed to do was lash out at the Pot Spiders and crush them with ease, allowing them to chip away at the main body's length to give them some more room to work with, all while staying away from it's whiskers, since those seemed to be how it attacked. Such a thing meant the group was able to bring it down with ease, a fact that made Sombra wonder why Jafar even called for it when it was only worth a two to three minute head start, not to mention the fact that he knew Genie's power was important and didn't want to waste it on teleporting himself to his final goal. Aladdin, of course, didn't stick around as he started to make his way back to the Cave of Wonders, as he had a very good feeling that that was where they would find Jafar, causing the others to follow after him as Sombra snatched the heart of the Pot Centipede before following after them.

Since time was of the essence Sombra forced Aladdin to stop for a moment before weaving her magic around them, only for Riku and the others to be surprised as they warped out of the city and appeared where they found Aladdin, which just so happened to have a large tiger head made out of sand now, with darkness in both of it's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Riku asked, though at the same Sora and Aladdin attacked the Cave's eyes, as the latter indicated that this was, in fact, the Cave of Wonders, meaning Jafar had put another obstacle in their way to stop them from reaching him, all while the others fended off the Bandits that decided to attack them as Riku held a hand out.

"Yes, just... not used to teleporting so many people at one time." Sombra replied, where she took the hand and stood up, though that was a somewhat true statement, using magic to teleport so many at the same time could take a toll on the user's body, something she might be able to get around if she absorbed the hearts of the magical Heartless.

Riku, having no idea if that was true or not since magic was unknown to him, decided that it was best to just nod his head for a moment before they joined the fight, where they found that the only real attack the Cave's head had was firing blasts of darkness out of it's eyes, that targeted one of them. Depending on who it was targeting the warrior in question would either dodge out of the way or Fluttershy would use her barrier magic to block the attacks in their tracks, allowing the rest of the team to damage the darkness in it's eyes before ultimately freeing it completely. With the head freed from Jafar's dark grasp the group followed Aladdin into the mouth, heading down a passage that looked like an actual throat, before all of them came to a stop when they saw what their new ally had been dealing with when he claimed the lamp. It was a large ornate structure that rested underground, with all sorts of twists and turns according to Aladdin, as it looked totally different than he remembered, meaning things changed when someone reached a certain point, but he suspected that he could figure out how to get to the lamp chamber.

In addition to that there was one other type of enemy for them to worry about, a short Heartless that had wings and could fly, while dressed in aviator clothing oddly enough, though with all of the steps and raised sections in the chamber they were able to deal with them fairly easily. There were a number of traps that they had to keep an eye out for, such as the large rolling boulder that dropped into a hole and appeared in another area, slots in the walls that spewed fire or water on intruders, and moving platforms that could be dangerous if they weren't careful. Riku noticed a couple of sets of stairs that seemed to head down into another level and Aladdin informed them that there was a water filled cavern below the Cave of Wonders, or it had been built into the structure when it was first formed, and suspected that they might find an item or something that would aid them in their mission. Fluttershy joined Aladdin in exploring the lower level, leaving the others to hold the level they had stopped on since there was no reason to move forward without everyone being present in case they found Jafar, which served as a good break when no Heartless came to bother them.

While everyone stood there, however, Sombra heard what had to be sections of the various levels shifting, meaning the pair had found a way to manipulate the Cave of Wonders to open new paths or raise sections for them to use once they returned to this area, and it wasn't long before the pair did so.

"You know, you guys should come treasure hunting with me in the future... I'm sure the Cave will make something that is far harder for all of you the next time you decide to come down here." Aladdin said, his tone informing them that, while this was still a pressing issue and he didn't have too much time to relax, he was grateful for their aid and was hoping that they might be up for doing this again in the future, when Jasmine's life and the safety of Agrabah weren't on the line.

As Sombra opened her mouth to say something, in fact it looked like she wasn't the only one who wanted to say something, they heard a new sound that sounded like the earth was being broken down, meaning Jafar was closing in on the Keyhole while everyone stopped to relax. With that in mind they entered what appeared to be one of the main treasure rooms of the Cave of Wonders, as there was far too much gold, jewelry, and gemstones, plus whatever else the maker of the Cave had put into the piles of gold that rested all around them. Of course the only one of them had was drawn in by the allure of gold was Donald, he seemed the most susceptible to gold' allure, though everyone was able to shake him out of it as they continued down another passage that would bring them to the end of the Cave of Wonders, or at least that was what Aladdin said as they followed it. At the end of the passage Sora, Sombra, and the others found that it did lead them to the end of the Cave, a large circular area with a few places for people to stand on, with a ringed center oddly enough, and to their left they found a carved out area that happened to have this world's Keyhole exposed for them to lock it, with an unconscious Jasmine on the ground and Jafar standing over her body.

The downside, as it turned out, was that there was a far more powerful dark figure standing near Jafar, where the amount of darkness that was coming from her could only mean one thing, this had to be Maleficent, the main villain that needed to be taken out to restore some peace to the worlds, and upon seeing them she simply teleported herself out by using an oval shaped portal made out of darkness.

"Jafar, let Jasmine go!" Aladdin stated, once more showing his concern for the love of his life, something they had come to expect from him, though at the same time everyone else stood at the ready as several of them stared at the Keyhole that was behind their opponent, because if they sealed that they could stop his dark plans.

"Not a chance, my dear boy, for you see she is one of the seven princesses that somehow hold the power to open the final Keyhole." Jafar stated, though at the same time he made sure that Jasmine was resting nearby the Keyhole before raising his staff to create a barrier between it and them, meaning to get to it they had to deal with him first, before he raised the lamp as Genie floated nearby with a sad look on his face, "Now then, Genie, my second wish: Crush them!"

Genie apologized for what he was about to do as he attacked the group, doing his absolute best to not hit any of them, all while Jafar floated around the chamber and hurled magic at everyone and anyone, causing Sombra to call forth her power as Sora and the other melee warriors found a way to get to him. The two magic users let loose with their spells, Sombra mostly defending herself from fireballs and lightning bolts as she sought an opening to use, firing shards of ice when she found a hole in her opponent's defenses, causing the sorcerer to growl as he moved. At the same time Sora, Goofy, Riku, Radiant, and even Fluttershy found ways to get at him while Donald joined her in assaulting the sorcerer with magic, where it was far too easy for them to see that they were overpowering him, especially since he was looking for ways to increase his power or do something to bring them down. Such a thing caused an idea to form in her mind as she glanced at Genie, because if he was bound to his lamp it made her wonder if they could trap Jafar in a similar manner and then leave him in the depths of the Cave of Wonders, never to see the light of day.

Such a thing caused her to go on the offensive once more as she launched more focused fireballs at her foe, pushing him backwards before Sora knocked his staff from his hands, causing them to stand at the ready as he realized that he had been beaten, for the time being anyway.

"Give up Jafar. You might be a powerful sorcerer, but even your power has limits." Sombra remarked, causing the others to nod their heads for a moment as Aladdin got ready to head over to where Jasmine was resting, showing them that she was more important than anything else to him.

"That is true, you are all strong... but I still have one more wish: Genie, I want you to transform me into an all power Genie!" Jafar stated, because if he couldn't beat them with his current power he figured that unleashing the true power of what a Genie possessed on them would be the best course of action, especially since it meant he could do other things as well, once he was done with his task of collecting Jasmine.

Sure enough Genie granted his wish, causing red energy to dance around Jafar's body as he grew to be the same size as the blue creature, his skin turning red as it bulked up, causing the floor to break as they found a chamber filled with lava and some platforms resting below them. As Jafar descended, however, Sombra followed as the others looked on from afar, as there was no reason for everyone to go down there when she clearly had a plan, though as all of the smoke cleared they could hear Jafar's evil laugh as he completed his transformation into a red genie. Of course that came with two things that he didn't expect, the binding bracers on his wrists that prevented him from using his power however he wanted, which was the whole purpose of this wish, and an ebony black lamp that his tail was connected to. As Jafar realized that fact, however, he was too late to do anything as Sombra snatched the new lamp and ordered him to return to his prison, though as Jafar did that he also grabbed onto the parrot that seemed to be his, sealing both of them inside the lamp that she placed off to the side.

As she returned to the others she found that Jasmine had been consumed by darkness, Maleficent's no doubt, though Sora did seal the Keyhole, prompting the Cave to shudder and shake, though Fluttershy had an idea as she borrowed Genie's lamp and wished them all to safety, teleporting them from the Cave and dropping them into Aladdin's hideout.

Sombra approved of her quick thinking, though while Aladdin mauled over his options, wishing for Jasmine's safe return or freeing Genie and leaving the task of finding the princess to his new friends, Fluttershy convinced him to allow them to use the lamp for a bit. Genie was perfectly fine with that, where her other two wishes were purely for more animals for her part of their private area, namely a mate for Sabor and a few others to help make the world feel more complete, where she was overjoyed by her sphere filling with new creatures and she thanked him several times. Radiant, on the other hand, decided to ask for helpers that were like the worker rabbits, but different so they didn't get them mixed up, where Genie granted her a force of short lizard like creatures called kobolds, who were up for mining, crafting, and whatever else she wanted. Both Donald and Goofy wanted to speak with their King, something Genie couldn't help with since he couldn't find him, while at the same time Sombra wished to have all of Jafar's possessions, because she figured that studying his magic might help all of them in the future, in case they came across someone else like him.

Sora and Riku, on the other hand, only had one wish and that was for Kairi to be found and brought to them, where Sombra noticed a faint light in Sora's chest for a few seconds as Genie apologized, as it seemed like he couldn't grant that wish either, though it did tell the boys that there was more to see and more to do before they found their friend.

"Genie, the deal stands: I wish for your freedom." Aladdin stated, where they watched as the binding bracers came undone, the lamp dissolved into nothingness, and his tail split into two legs while giving him red pointed shoes and the local pair of pants, showing them that he was free to do whatever he wanted.

As Genie celebrated, however, Sombra knew that the battle was far from over, as Maleficent had at least one of the seven targets she needed to open the Final Keyhole, meaning they had to track down the others and protect them to stop her dark scheme from becoming a reality, causing her to wonder what the future might hold for them.

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