• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Heartless: Tarzan's Lesson

After Kerchek and his mate left the area that Tarzan had brought the group to, something he clearly wasn't supposed to do based on what Sombra could see, though such a thing didn't stop Clayton from heading up one of the mossy paths that were nearby, following the pair with the intent to hunt them clear in his eyes. Tarzan was clearly conflicted by this, since it meant either betraying his gorilla family or embracing his new human friends, and while he might not have an answer to his own questions right now he resumed moving so he could speak with his gorilla father again, or so he likely hoped. Sombra and the others simply stayed at the back of the pack as they made their way up the trees and across the vines that were in their way, heading back up to where the tree house rested, all while finding that there were still no Heartless for them to take care of. While this was fine with everyone else, since it provided a period of rest of sorts, it made her sort of regret even coming to this world in the first place, given what her own goals were, though she decided to say nothing as they made their way towards the old tree house.

As it turned out Clayton was one of the fastest among their number, no doubt because his desire to hunt gorillas was far more than anything else in his body, and when he reached his destination Sombra found that he was already aiming his gun at a gorilla that was in the tree house, only to be startled by Donald and Fluttershy shouting next to him.

"You big meanie! What are you doing?!" Fluttershy remarked, where everyone else found that the young gorilla, who had been playing with a globe of the world, stopped what it was doing before reaching the upper level, where it's parents were waiting, who seemed to be looking down at them with a disappointed look on their faces, or Kerchek's anyway, "Apologize to the gorillas. NOW!"

"I... well, I... I saw a large snake on the window frame and decided to take it out! I was not aiming at the gorilla, I was in the middle of trying to save it's life!" Clayton stated, as if lying would do anything to help convince them that he was telling all of them the truth, which was kind of impressive given the fact that he was caught red handed in trying to kill a gorilla, but he was convincing no one with his act.

Tarzan, for the most part, was interested in Kerchek and his gorilla father didn't seem to care about his adopted human son bringing a hunter to this place, especially since it looked like Clayton had fired at Tarzan's sibling, given how the small gorilla hid behind the mother gorilla for a time. It was easy to tell that the displaced man was conflicted, as part of him really wanted to believe that Clayton had good in him and that this was all a simple misunderstanding, despite what they had just seen, while parts of him were no doubt angry at his sibling being fired at, though he kept his face calm while his eyes were focused on the hunter. Fluttershy wasn't happy with him either, since she saw him more like a bully and less of a decent human being, just like how Jane was a good person, where she and Radiant got the man moving as Sora and the others kept their eyes on him as they started the journey back to the camp. Sombra brought up the rear, keeping an eye on everything while using her powers to keep track of the presence of any dark presences that might be in the world, just in case the Heartless started to invade the world at long last, and she already knew where one was located.

Clayton's hatred for them, ruining his aim and messing with his mission here, was causing his inner darkness to slowly awaken and she could tell that it was starting to leak out, as she could sense the Heartless starting to seep into the world, no doubt appearing in other portions of the jungle to hunt down more hearts. It was an amusing turn of events, that they were the ones that were, in a way, bringing the Heartless to this world by forcing one of the inhabitants to channel more of their inner darkness and attract the creatures that wanted to gather more hearts. Such a thing meant that there would be more of those white husks at some point, who didn't seem to do anything based on what she had seen so far, but the main part about this was that she and the others would be able to do battle with the Heartless in due time. It was hard to say if Clayton even knew about his inner darkness growing, as it wasn't something most people knew about in Sombra's experience, but at the very least they could use his newfound darkness to her advantage, especially since it meant they might find the world's Keyhole at some point.

As they returned to Jane's tent, however, they found that she was also pretty annoyed with the hunter as well, since this ruined all of their chances at studying the gorillas and learning more about them, and with everyone turned against him it was easy to see that Clayton was enraged, causing him to storm out of the tent.

"I'll go keep an eye on him while you tell Jane about what happened." Sombra said, because the growing darkness in the hunter's heart meant that it was only a matter of time until something bad happened to him, not that she cared, rather she was more interested in what might happen to someone like Clayton.

"It's the Heartless, right?" Radiant inquired, something that caused the others in their group to pause for a moment, as if speaking about them might cause more of them to show up at some point, plus she knew that Sombra was able to sense the dark beings to some degree, like what they saw back in Traverse Town.

"Possibly. I just want to be sure of that before we do anything else." Sombra replied, once more lying to the others as she knew the information she had to herself, though she did want to verify that the Heartless were searching for hearts, as it would drastically change how they went about things if they didn't do as they were told.

As Radiant nodded her head Sombra headed outside, where she made sure that the flap was closed before moving off to one side of the camp, to ensure that Clayton couldn't see her as he marched deeper into another part of the jungle, which seemed to have a bamboo area for some odd reason. She focused on mind for a moment as she darkness washed over her form, transforming her into a dark mist that was what the majority of the ponies likely remembered her as, given that she had only regained her true form for a few moments before she was utterly destroyed. With that in mind she moved into the trees and silently followed Clayton, finding that he was talking about how he was going to track down the gorillas and hunt them into extinction, that he was going to find them 'somehow', and she could practically feel him allowing all of his dark desires to come to the surface again. As that happened Sombra heard something move in the bamboo and so did Clayton, who put his pipe on a nearby boulder in the middle in the clearing he had stopped in as he raised his gun towards the trees, showing that he was going to shoot whatever came at him, only to fire at a blue monkey Heartless that tanked the shot without slowing down.

The monkey knocked Clayton to the ground and Sombra watched as it tore into the man's chest, darkness colliding with darkness, where his eyes went white before his head hit the ground and his heart was released from his body, just like what she had seen back in Traverse Town, all while the monkey got off of him and bounced into the jungle. Sure enough Clayton's heart was devoured by darkness and took on a new form, where Sombra observed as it transformed into a large lizard that looked like a chameleon, a light green colored creature with unique black markings on it's body, in addition to the emblem mark, with a white horn on it's forehead and a tan underbelly. The interesting thing about this Heartless was that it seemed to be different from the others, as the creature glanced at itself, almost as if Clayton was somewhat aware of what had happened to him, though any panic he might have felt at this situation was swallowed by the darkness, as if it wanted him to be the feral monster. At the same time a surge of white energy washed over the empty body, though where Sombra was expecting one of those white creatures to appear she found that the power lifted Clayton into the air as his eyes returned to normal, save for how lifeless they seemed, as if he was a zombie now.

She found that the chameleon was watching this as well, observing as the power faded and the body stood there like it was unaware of it's surroundings, causing her to realize that without it's heart, and all of the experiences Clayton had been through, it was unsure of what to do. The chameleon stared at the empty body for a few seconds before it noticed the creature looking at it, where the beast walked over to Clayton's body, picked up the dropped gun, which was actually rather impressive as Sombra watched it happen, and placed it in it's former body's hands. Zombie Clayton looked at the chameleon for a few seconds, causing the Sneak, as Sombra was going to call it, started to mimic some movements for his former body to do so he could move around and actually do things, where the two stared at each other before Zombie Clayton started to mimic the motions. She found that the Sneak even taught Zombie Clayton how to fire the gun, which didn't seem to need ammunition anymore, before a number of blue monkey Heartless appeared nearby, likely caught off guard by the fact that Clayton, in their eyes, was still standing, but as the Sneak gestured to them the monkeys bowed to both figures.

Together Zombie Clayton and the Sneak, joined by a force of monkey Heartless, headed into the jungle, no doubt to do as the hunter had desired before his heart was claimed by the dark beings, causing her to make her way back to the camp as more Heartless started to appear in the world, where she reformed into her physical form and entered the tent, where she found all eyes turn towards her.

"We've got trouble: the Heartless have appeared, and I'm afraid they've gone after Clayton." Sombra said, where she could see that most of the group was surprised by the arrival of Heartless, while Jane was concerned for the guide of her group, before she heard the sound of someone in danger, something Sora agreed with as he headed outside.

Sure enough they found some of the monkey Heartless tormenting some gorillas that apparently thought they would be safer here, among the humans, where Fluttershy called forth her power and surrounded them with a barrier, allowing the rest of the group to attack what she called 'Powerwilds'. Sombra found that it was due to a power the monkeys had, they could slide at foes and when Goofy guarded against one they discovered that the monkey did push him back a bit, though that didn't stop them from lashing out at the Heartless monkeys. At the same time Sombra found that absorbing one of their hearts granted her a bit of a boost to her agility and to her strength, confirming the 'power' part of the name that had been given to their new enemies, before she found a barrier appear behind her as Fluttershy blocked what appeared to be a rock from hitting her. That was where they found another type of monkey Heartless, this one being pink with a yellow ribbon on it's head, along with a slingshot and golden hoops in it's ears, though the way it bounced caused her to realize that the shy warrior was going to call them 'Bouncywilds'.

As she thought about that, however, Sombra found that Fluttershy's Keyblade seemed to open up, as the rose seemed to be in the middle of blooming, as if signifying her growing into a warrior or something, but she decided not to worry about that as they fought off the Heartless. In addition to that they discovered that Sabor came out as well, no doubt called to do battle with the dark creatures thanks to Fluttershy's other power, though the interesting thing was that those animals that she befriended and summoned could actually free hearts as well. Sombra was starting to realize something, that many the abilities that both Fluttershy and Radiant had were definitely not useless, in fact she now understood why they had been given them in the first place, they made the pair more powerful than even she expected. Such a thing only made her take a moment to wonder what sort of power Radiant would show when she finally revealed the combat side of her abilities, but for the time being they dealt with all of the Heartless as Sombra collected their hearts before they could escape.

When the area was cleared of enemies the gorilla actually handed them one of the gummi blocks that Goofy and Donald had found earlier and beckoned for them to follow, meaning more of her family were under attack and she knew that it was in their best interest to trust the group to deal with the monsters.

As they fought the Powerwilds and the occasional Bouncywild, however, Sombra could tell that Tarzan was wary of Sabor, as if he expected her to turn on him or something, but the leopard didn't care in the slightest as she tore into the Heartless that the gorilla brought them to. One group happened to be where Sombra watched Clayton go down, where Sora and the rest of the group found his pipe, confirming what she had said upon her return to the tent, while another gorilla was beyond that area, in what appeared to be a dead end, and Fluttershy was happy to help take down the Heartless bothering it. After that they returned to the camp and found that Jane and Tarzan's sibling, who was recognized by everyone rather easily, had been hauled off by some of the monkey Heartless, though by the looks of it they were headed towards the tree house. None of the vine areas that they had climbed through earlier had any foes for everyone to worry about, though they did find some in Tarzan's old home, from when he was being raised by his birth parents, and the gorillas that were under attack were more than happy to have them come to their aid.

Jane and Tarzan's sibling, as it turned out, happened to be near the final gorilla they had to assist, who was in one of the larger areas of the jungle that the group had seen, a fairly large rocky area that was overgrown with moss, vines, and even grass, plus a large black blob that Sombra slashed apart with her scythe.

"I don't understand why Mr. Clayton is doing this... it's like he's an entirely different person now." Jane commented, as she told them about how the monkey creatures had hauled her and the smaller gorilla to an area that the hunter was waiting in, she even described how different he was from the person she knew, and the fact that he spared Tarzan's sibling was so he could go after Kerchek, or at least that was her reasoning.

"Well, we'll go deal with him and the Heartless." Sora stated, as that was the truth, he and the others would deal with the enemies that had come to this world, and, more importantly, figure out whatever was going on with Clayton, even if it meant beating some sense into him.

The group barely waited for Jane to respond as they headed for the one place that seemed to be the best for cornering one's prey, the dead end area, and, sure enough, the group found Clayton and some monkey Heartless getting ready to attack Kerchek's group, only to be stopped as Sora and Fluttershy called out for them to stop.

"Not Clayton!" Tarzan stated, though as he said that two things happened as Zombie Clayton turned towards them, the first being that the gorillas got out of there before they were harmed, the second being that he made the same sounds when he was talking to Sora back in the tree house for the first time, "Not Clayton!"

Sombra found that the fight was basically a joke, as Zombie Clayton's ability to finely move his body and fire his weapon left much to be desired, opening the way for them to first eliminate the remaining monkey Heartless, so Sombra could snatch all of their freed hearts, before knocking their foe into the wall that was behind him. When that happened he shifted his stance and the rock wall shattered, revealing that there was more to the area, in fact there was a waterfall not too far off in the distance that they could see, though doing that caused Tarzan to rush him and prompted the Sneak, who had smashed the rocks apart, to knock him backwards. As Tarzan recovered, however, Zombie Clayton climbed onto the back of the Sneak as the two started to clash with the group, where everyone found that while the creature was invisible, as it seemed to bend the rays light to render it invisible, it did provide a challenge of sorts since they had to wait for the Sneak to attack first, just to be sure it didn't hit them back like it did to Tarzan. Unfortunately it didn't look like it had the power to maintain that part of it's power for too long, as the first couple of hits forced it to phase back into reality, allowing them to lash out at the beast before it could do much as they also avoided the shots that came from Zombie Clayton.

When they dealt enough damage to their foe Sombra and the others watched as Zombie Clayton stepped back, as he fell off his mount at some point, only to be crushed by the Sneak's body, where she noticed that small white and black bits flaked off of the former body as it faded away, though she made sure to capture the heart.

The gorillas, as it turned out, were more than happy to assist them in their quest, as Kerchek picked Sora up and threw him up onto the level that was beyond where they fought the pair of enemies, prompting some of the others to do the same to Goofy and Donald, while letting Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant make their way up on their own. Tarzan joined them as he beckoned for them to follow, even though he also brought along Jane, leading them through a cave that was behind the waterfalls, as there was more than one in the area by the looks of it, before stopping in what appeared to be a large area of some kind. Such a thing allowed them to see one thing of importance, as it looked like the Keyhole was resting nearby, but as Sora looked around he realized something, his friends weren't here at all, despite what Tarzan had said, prompting the gorilla man to utter the same phrase again. The interesting thing was that the waterfalls actually echoed far down the path that brought them here, allowing them some beautiful noise as they thought about what Tarzan was saying, before most of the group realized what Tarzan was trying to teach them.

His statement, as Jane was able to replicate, meant 'heart' and that he meant 'friends in your heart', causing him to look at all of them for a few moments as they thought about what he was trying to tell them, before he turned his gaze back to the heart of the area.

"Friends, same heart... Clayton, lose heart. No heart, no see friends... no heart, no friends." Tarzan stated, as if he might have solved one of the greatest mysteries of the world, where Sombra had to think about what he had said and what it meant as Sora sealed the Keyhole, allowing her to collect another heart fragment in the process, this one possessing the same dark emotional sensation while representing one's desire.

"One down, more to go." Sombra said, as there were many more worlds for them to explore and more Keyholes to seal, a fact she knew the others understood well enough, though as Sora and Donald apologized to each other, and Goofy picked up another new gummi block, an idea came to mind on how to punish the duck, "Also, Donald, for the stunt you pulled you aren't getting desert for a week!"

Donald was shocked by this turn of events, while the others knew to have a laugh, as if figuring that Sombra would go easy on him after the second or third day, though it only made all of them wonder what the future held for them and whatever world they ended up visiting in the near future.

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