• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 668 Views, 11 Comments

Marvelous Twilight - Shark

A mysterious power accidentally brought Twilight to the Marvel Universe where she meets Spider-Man

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Chapter 1 New Hero In Town

Chapter 1

A Day in the Life in Equestria as the princess of friendship having your own School gone through Many Adventures have a lot of Close Encounters and a lot more.
It must be very tiring for Twilight as she filed papers teach students about the value of friendship, and going through Many Adventures over and over again, defeated enemies, befriended enemies, all of it Twilight has been through a lot luckily for her it's the summer and all her students are going to be gone for the whole summer this will give her enough time to relax but as the princess of friendship and pretty much the wackiness of her own world she pretty much knows that she won't even get a break.

The next day Twilight was in her castle she already told Spike that he can spend all day with Rarity, Twilight also send Starlight with Trixie and gone through their own adventure, Twilight told her entire friends that she's going to just be relaxing for a couple of days, she want everything to be quiet she told this countless times to Pinkie Pie which the Pink Pony pinky swear.

"Ah It is so quiet here I really do need it this no problems no evil vengeful villain no struggling no other things just in my house well Castle in my room relaxing not a care in the world." Said Twilight as she was resting on her bed looking at the ceiling no thoughts in our head just quiet Twilight thinks of the journey she been through and she realized something she's no longer busy so she can finally accomplish doing the things she always wanted to do she always wanted to make them experiments work she has a lot of them in her head of so many tests that she has no time to the school and being a princess so this may be a good opportunity for her to try all these new tests these ideas that you have in her mind that she was holding in for like many years and now she will take this opportunity immediately.

She bursts out of her room flying towards her lab and she immediately use her magic to levitate hundreds of books towards her lap and she also levitate other scrap metal and machine she started building she has so many things in her mind that she wants to do and yet she started going all out, but not everything is going to plan in Another Universe far far away from Equestria own universe, the Mad Titan known as Thanos has been finally defeated in a long week battle defeated by Earth mightiest heroes the Avengers as Thanos is in his knees the entire Avengers were locked on him ready to kill them if he makes another move the mad Titan Smiles at them as he uses Infinity gauntlets to shoot one last final power but the blast of Thor and Iron Man and vision and Captain Marvel hitting the gauntlet containing so much power that the gauntlet glow brightly and exploded was a big impact pushing everyone away the Mad Titan himself yelled in pain as his hand was no longer there The Infinity Gauntlet is no longer.

Instead all six Infinity Stones are started hovering on the air containing so much power until they shattered, the power of the Infinity Stones have exploded giving off a powerful wave throughout the entire galaxy but not only its own Galaxy is pushed through the entire Multiverse to most other beings across the Multiverse will think of it as an earthquake unknowing what it is until it stopped in a strange equestrian world.

Several hours have passed and Twilight has finally accomplished building whatever she was working on it was a giant mechanical machine with a massive Crystal similar to the one where Twilight has to go to the human world but instead of this machine traveling through different worlds it was like a window seeing what the other world looks like. Twilight smiled she use her magic to bring more power to the machine as she pulled the lever ready for its first test as the machine start to Glow brightly and brighter, Twilight smiles as a machine starts to turn on but then her smile vanished right away until she felt a massive earthquake, she looked around thinking it could be another dragon or another attack she grew very irritated if this could be another enemy trying to attack them.

At the earthquake finally stopped trying to looked around expecting someone to burst out the door revealing themselves or to be her Panic friends but no nothing happened until she turned around noticing the machine started to grow brighter and brighter her Smiles returned until it disappeared again when she noticed the magic inside of it is very different so different that when the machine now finally loaded up it exploded in a bright light and Twilight was caught in the middle of it she use her magic to create a barrier protecting her but she can tell she the bright light is taking her somewhere do I use her magic to teleport all there but no use the power was unlike anything she have ever seen and she can tell this isn't her magic she put it it was something else the bright light gray and blinding Twilight forcing her to close your eyes the light finally disappeared revealing the machine was busted destroyed smoking and finally falling apart but Twilight was not in the room she was nowhere else.

Twilight open her eyes noticing she's in a portal teleporting through countless different worlds she tried using her magic to get her out but instead she kept falling she tried using her wings but every time she flop her wings she still feels like she's falling as she sees down she noticed that the end of the tunnel grew brighter and brighter so much that Twilight cover her eyes again try was scared doesn't know where she's heading.

"GOOD MORNING NEW YORK!!!" Said the mask superheroes swinging around the city as he waved around seeing people waving back at him, they're friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Spider-Man swing around New York stopping a few criminals in his track a couple hours have passed as he swing landed on a rooftop he looks at the sky full of the Avengers are off work he's a little bit upset that he didn't join them but it was a good idea for him to stay to keep an eye of the whole city once they're gone it wasn't easy but he would like to see something different for a chance in a good way not a bad way.

Before Spider-Man swing away he noticed a mysterious bright light on Sky this peak is curiosity hoping this isn't another alien attack from Thanos his swing closer to the bright light seeing it what it is just a bright light until, the light grew much brighter until he noticed a girl falling, the girl open her eyes and immediately know she's falling she tried fapping her arms but notice she doesn't have her wings Spider-Man swing by and caught her before she hit the ground the girl eyes widen looking at the person who caught her she immediately started panicking and she noticed the person was wearing a mask in a full-on red and blue spandex she screamed until they both landed on a rooftop Spider-Man let go of the girl and the girl immediately fall down on the ground she was walking all fours until the girl looked at herself realizing she's no longer a pony, Twilight stands up a little bit flimsy but this isn't her first time walking with two legs she's back as a human but this time she looks very different from the world that Sunset shimmers is it her skin isn't purple instead a light brown color, her clothes were also different she wasn't worried her usual attire from sunset's world but instead she's wearing what looks likes a purple armor with her cutie mark on her chest plate, she doesn't remember wearing this armor before, her hair still the same thing but she immediately noticed she has brown tips like she dyed her hair she really got more confused wondering happened.

"So who are you, you from Asgard or you're from another galaxy, or you're a new super hero in town, who got teleported" said Spider-Man.

Twilight stopped and turned looking at the mask man she looked at him strangely what he said. "W-what?! Super hero I em not a super hero but there were sometimes people call me a hero but?"

Spider-Man looked at her questioning what what kind of interdimensional Adventure this girl got herself into. Twilight was not talking to Spider-Man anymore she was just talking to herself asking if she's a hero or not. This went on for a couple minutes, Spider-Man walked towards twilight snapping his fingers getting her attention.

Twilight blinked and looked back at the web swinger, she felt embarrassed for muttering again some old habits are hard to get rid of. Twilight focus came back she properly introduce herself even bowing like a princess.

"Hello there sorry about that hello my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, well in this world its just Twilight Sparkle."

"So your from another universe right, and telling about your attitude this isn't your first traveling through another universe."

"Haha yeah but this is my first travel to another universe, well I been travel through the same universe, have you traveled through another universe?"

"Well yeah I been through many, met other versions of me."

"Really, met too, well I met one version of me, a human version of me."

"Cool wait a human version of you, your not human?"

"Nope I'm a pony well was a pony, there's alot to talk about."

Twilight and Spider-Man both sit down and started talking about there worlds and there Adventures, Twilight was surprised to hear that this world there is powerful being that can destroy planet. Spider-Man is not new to the multiverse but he was little bit surprised that there's a world filled with magic pony, dragons and mythical creatures. He should be shocked but meeting Spider-Ham the multiverse can get weird.

The two of them talked for hour about there Adventures even the strange one.

"Wait your telling me there's a talking raccoon who loves weapons who is a partner to a talking tree in space?!"

"Yup and there's a telepathic dog too."

Another hour

"So wait, you and friends defeated a giant magic sucking Minotaur by using the magic of friendship?"

"Yes that is true wasn't easy."

"Eh taking the power of friendship to a hole new level."


"So you got your powers from a radioactive spider when you were younger."


"That is so irresponsible How could a high tech facility of technology and science make a simple mistake like that!? That's spider could bring serious consequences around this whole city."

"Tell me about it."

"Your lucky that spider only bit you."

"Actually I'm not the only person to get bit, there's this girl name silk."


"Ok you were just a normal unicorn in a high degree School of Magic by the actual princess of Equestria herself and then years later she turned you into an Alicorn to become the princess of friendship, not gonna lie that kind of feels like just using you as an excuse for she won't do her own work."

(Twilight Paused)
"Ok i should be offended by that, but it does feel like sometime."

"Like the watcher."

After a long talk Spider-Man now fully understands about Twilight something with Twilight, she was bit surprised that some heros hide there identities and others don't. Twilight told Spider-Man about her machine the real reason she here, the strangest thing is why she's wearing purple armor. Spider-Man told Twilight he knows a few people who could take her back to her own universe but the problem is that there off world, so my take couple weeks for them to arrive. Twilight jaw dropped a couple of weeks, sure she stayed for week or two in sunset world but this world is new, sure it does have magic but there different from Equestria, she does know what to do here.

Spider-Man put his hand on Twilight shoulder comforting her, he know how if feels to get stuck on one universe, so Spider-Man told Twilight he will help her out until they get her home, she smiled happy to hear that. As they finished talking they hear a loud boom, Spider-Man spider sense are tingling something bad is happening, Spider-Man stand up look at the Direction of the source. Twilight looked at him questioning what was that, as she stand up as well she walked towards Spider-Man asking what was that.

"Im not sure but it doesn't sounds good. Look like our conversation have to wait, wait here." Said Spider-Man as he ran and jumped off the legde, this scared twilight forcing her to run next the edge seeing Spider-Man swinging towards the sound. Twilight smirk thinking why she's worried but then stopped and looked at herself again, yup purple armor with a long scarf too small to be a cloak. She shook when she heard another loud boom again, twilight look at herself he can sense you magic in her but it was stronger not like in sunsets world.

The magic flows through twilight it feel like she can still use her magic like back at Equestria, she can even fee, hers while shocked her as she doesn't have wings but she feels them. She walked towards the edge of the building scared of at the same time calm, she closed her eyes as she continued walking towards the edge until she notice she's not fall, she open her eye looking down revealing she no longer on the building, she was hovering in the air. Twilight freakout seeing she's flying, but laugh seeing she still go her abilities. The loud boom happened again, twilight at the Direction Where the noise came from, with determined eyes she flow towards the sound.

Spiderman swing around towards the noise that takes him to time square as he land on a wall seeing what the noise was coming from, reveal to be rhino smash and throw police cars.

"We need more back up, TAKE COVER!" Said the police man

As Rhino grabbed another car ready throw he was hit by a web shot getting his attention, he turned around in rage full knowing who did that.


"Hey rhino long time no see, how you doing!"

Rhino throws the car at Spider-Man, but he caught it in the air with his webs and swinging it back towards rhino hitting him,
He flew back losing his balance, he slam his fist on the ground getting frustrated, rhino standed back up screaming at Spider-Man, who was on the ground watching.


"Ah come on rhino you got to your words like you mean it!"

Rhino ran towards Spider-Man trying to hit but Spider-Man dodge, he shoot his webs at rino trying to make fall again but rhino grabbed spidy webs swing him around throwing him towards a building. Rhino begin to run towards Spider-Man who was in the building, as rhino run he rammed car around pushing them around, as the cars scatter around one car was about to land on a group of poeple, as the close there eyes expecting the crash there was nothing, everyone looked back seeing the car hovering in the with a purple ora around it as many people question it thinking it could doctor strange, twilight reveal herself hovering in the air, as she put the car down and flow down towards the poeple asking them if there ok. Many of the people eyes were widen seeing this mysterious girl, a middle age woman asked who is the new hero.

Twilight looked at her and notices that everyone is asking the same question twilight looked at them and gave them answer.

"My name is Twilight Sp-"
Twilight was interrupted as she turned around seeing Spider-Man thrown into a car, she got worried about him, She turned looking at Rhino ready to change at him, twilight flow towards Spider-Man as fast as she can, she also noticed that Rhino began running.

"For a big guy he surely moves fast, thats actually very impressive!" Said Twilight as made it to Spider-Man side she turned around and began to summon her force field protecting her and Spider-Man, she focus all of her powers on the force field. As Rhino ran towards the shield hitting it with a massive impact that shook the ground, Rhino smirked at the massive cracks then looked at twilight still smiling.

"So the spider has a new friend with him and she's the magic type, no matter I will break you as well."
Twilight looked at Rhino struggling to keep the shield up.
"Why are you doing this, your causes so much damage and scaring people."

Rhino lose his smirk with a angry expression.
"Scared, child do not know what I've been through, I was trapped in the suit I asked for people to remove this prison from me, and you know what they did, they refuse made me more of a weapon than a person and then once I rebelled they throw me away in jail, no one would listen so I'll do my own way now."

Twilight still looking at Rhino feeling sorry for the guy.
"Well you don't need to do this, we can help you we can remove you from your own suit you can be normal again."

"Normal I asked them to remove it they refuse will you not even listening don't try to talk me out of this the spider tried doing that in the beginning every single time now, ENOUGH TALK!

Rhino jumped and slamming on the shield shattering it, as twilight try to keep her balance, she looked back see Rhino shoulder launching her into a building. Rino smiled then noticed that Spider-Man isn't there, he looked around until Spider-Man launch himself towards Rhino with alot of force making Rhino lose his balance, as they fight. Twilight slowing got up, she looked around and noticed the poeple were looking at her, she turned around seeing Spider-Man fight against rhino, twilight jump out of the building and flew towards the fight.

As Spider-Man and rhino fight each twilight looks around see that poeple have moved away and she noticed the cars and she got an idea, she use her magic to hover the car in the air she yelled at Spider-Man to keep Rhino still. Spider-Man looked back at twilight noticed the floating car, he jumped shooting webs around Rhino trying to trap him but R&ino tries to rip the webs off of him but Spider-Man keeps shoot webs.

Rhino is covered with webs making difficult for him to break out, Spider-Man move out of the way as he twilight send the floating car at Rhino the only thing that rino can do is say the word.


Rino was buried underneath a pile of cars, as twilight floated down next to Spider-Man they flinched, Rino crawl out of the cars he looked at twilight and Spider-Man, he didn't say anything and collapse on the ground. The two heros sigh in relief seeing the big Brute knockout, they both stopped when they heard cheering they looked around seeing the poeple cheering the hero.

Spider-Man and twilight left the area as they left the police officers arrived taking the unconscious Rhino away, the two heros stopped on a roof top, Spider-Man turned looking at twilight.
"So how your first day as a hero?"

"Its existing and terrifying, face someone like him before but, I do feel sorry for Rhino, all he wants is to be out of his suit."

Twilight looked at the ground and looked up seeing Spider-Man face.

"Why didn't no one got him out of that suit?!" Said Twilight

Spider-Man looked at ground not saying a word, twilight know Spider-Man has an answer but it looks like she not gonna like it, Spider-Man walked towards the edge and stopping looking at the city, twilight followed him waiting for an answer.

"No one got him out of his suit is because is because they can't."

The respond made twilight curious of what he said but slowly starting to understand, Spider-Man turned looking at twilight and finish his sentence.

"Rhino's permanently stuck on that suit they can't remove it no matter how hard people try is permanent he thinks there's a way but other people tried."

Twilight was shooked of what she heard, she never thought of that fate. Twilight looks at the city thinking about rhino and then thinking about her friends, she hopes everyone are doing ok while she gone, the sun was down and night time has arrived. Twilight looked at Spider-Man telling him she will see him again tomorrow, as she said Spider-Man tilted his head in confusion, Spider-Man stopped twilight.

"Wait twilight, do you have any where to sleep, I mean your from another world with ponies and you don't have money for a motel."

Twilight Paused and think what he said and he does make a good point, when she traveled to the human world she always welcome to stay in her friends house but here she has no place to rest, maybe she can sleep in the library again but the public library might be close already, she looked back Spider-Man.

"Do you have any money for I can stay in a motel?"

"Sorry twilight i don't have much money im saving it to pay my rent, here in New York some motels are expensive."

Twilight thinks about it and then she got an idea she walked towards Spider-Man asking him if she can stay with him until the Avengers show up. Spider-Man recoiled back this surprised him he wasn't expecting that, but she doesn't have any where to go, and plus she a pony who transformed into a human so there something here that make confuse and shock, he knows it because it happen to him.

After thinking Spider-Man told Twilight she can stay with him, twilight smiled happy of the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. As the moon shines the night sky Spider-Man swings around the city with twilight following him, as they made it to Spider-Man apartment, Spider-Man open his window and crawled inside as do twilight.

She looked around the apartment it kinda remind her of the other world, as she continued walking around the room she saw Spider-Man desk it has some tools and some metal pieces and a few letters.

"You have a nice room Peter."

"Thank you."

Spider-Man Paused he never told Twilight his name, the hole room was quiet Twilight turned around looking at Spider-Man with a questionable look. Spider-Man ask how she know his name, twilight revealed she saw a letter with the name Peter Parker, and sense Spider-Man is the only person who live here so his real name is Peter Parker, Spider-Man looks at the letter seeing his name on it.

Twilight ask him why keep his identity a secret, Spider-Man removed his mask showing his face, he revealed that more and more villains started showing up, most heros do reveal their identity but not him, villains would know who he is they would tracked him down and mostly kill him but the worse part they would hurt his family just to get to him.

"With great power comes with great responsibility that's what my Uncle Ben told me and I always keep it that way."

Twilight understand she promised to keep his identity a secret, Peter smiled glade that twilight understand, as Peter removed his suit changing into his civilian clothes he looks at twilight who was trying to remove her own suit, she did struggle but in a while she managed to removed her suit, but when she turned looking Peter, he was look at a wall not looking at twilight.

Twilight started questioning what hes doing, Peter revealed he staring at the wall because twilight isn't wearing anything. Twilight tilted her head, she never wore clothes well she does wear dresses for parties and celebrations. Peter told her she doesn't wear clothes as a pony but she not a pony, twilight eyes widen getting what Peter is said she walked towards the bathroom grabbing a towel and covering herself with it.

Peter looks back seeing twilight covered herself, she ask if he has any clothes that would fit her, Peter walked towards his closet trying to find any clothes that might fit her but they are to big for her until he found his high school clothes, he completely forgot he still has them and looking at there size they would fit on twilight, luckily for them they were still clean.

He pass them to twilight as she change into them, she continue looking around seeing the rest of the room, she did spotted a few pictures could be his family and one of them is a newspaper of something she probably should ask Peter about that later I know that Peter doesn't have that much in this room accept the equipment he has on his desk.

Peter told Twilight she could sleep on his bed and he sleeps on the coach, twilight surprise of what Peter said, but she could expect it, its his bed but Peter intended, as twilight went to Peter's bed she keeps thinking about her friends and the princess, she did told them she taking a rest but it has been hours since she came to this world but the real question how did she end up here in the first, she knows it was the machine she build but that thing was not supposed to do that, either someone tempered it or teleported her on purpose, she immediately think about discord but yet again he has been calm and if this was discord doing shouldn't he show himself already.

So after thinking it wasn't discord but who or what brought her here in the first place, twilight thinks of a plan tomorrow she hopes this team call the Avengers could help her but that may take awhile.