• Published 6th Jan 2023
  • 668 Views, 11 Comments

Marvelous Twilight - Shark

A mysterious power accidentally brought Twilight to the Marvel Universe where she meets Spider-Man

  • ...

Chapter 4 Nick Fury

Chapter 4

"So mind telling us how did you end up here in the first place." Said Twilight as she and Spider-Man both following rainbow and Nick Fury. Rainbow look back at Twilight then she looked back at Fury he knots giving her the order to tell her everything with a right grin rainbow burst out like an excited kid going to a candy store.

Well this is going to be a long story well not that long but still long.

A week ago me and Fluttershy are both wondering what happened to you spike told us everything you want to have a break peace and quiet we understand so we let you rest but then a couple days later you barely even came out of your own room Spike even went there and found nothing he came back and told us about it all of us got a little bit more worried so all six of us including Spike want to find you and make sure you're safe so all of us split off wondering that you could gone to Canterlot the Crystal Empire or maybe somewhere else.

So as we split up me and Fluttershy decided to go back to your Castle to see if something happened to you so we looked around we found nothing then we went to your bed but then your bed was untouched then we went to your laboratory thingy and we found a strange machine it was giving a strange feeling and yet it has a strange orb in the center of it this order was so odd it's like a crystal ball except it looks like a portal but has a form in shape of a crystal ball by curiosity me and flesh I went a little bit closer but still keeping our distance then we realize that the orb was not sucking us in so we thought it was safe so yeah me and Foster looked around trying to find any leaks where you have gone but then our minds are still stuck at that orb my P curiosity I went closer to it as I got closer Fluttershy asked me to be very careful to be feeling honest with you I agree with her I don't know anything about magic but still whatever this thing is I was wondering if this thing could be responsible of where you have gone believe me your egg head does some pretty crazy and very scary things sometimes.


So I got closer and place my puff on the orb touching it it was solid but at the same time not like some kind of mushy water balloon but then suddenly the orb started growing originally it was a size of a soccer ball then it's our growing and growing and then me and Fluttershy instantly feel that we're being pulled into it me and Fluttershy instantly tried to run away from it but it then it grew bigger and try to pull us in it like some kind of massive vacuum without hesitation I push Fluttershy much farther away for she won't go through the portal but doing that I will soon pulled into the orb everything was so colorful when I answered through it like it was a strange fever dream every time I look everywhere there were so many colors but yet at the same time I'm starting seeing different versions of me very different versions of me there is one version of me in some kind of Rainbow Factory and there's another version of me going with Pinkie Pie helping her with cupcakes but it was giving me a strange and yet scared feeling.

And then there is one version of me where we are all cartoons and property to a company called Hasbro and i was voice by a strange human lady like you described except she voice Applejack as well it was very strange I have no idea what I gone through luckily for me director Fury told me that I traveled through the Multiverse, it was odd but amazing at the same time who knew other versions of us actually exist.

"I know that feeling very well." Said Spider-Man

"Rainbow get back to the subject what happens next."

Right so after that huge travel through the Multiverse I suddenly fall off falling into the sky I panicked and tried to look around thinking I was still in them fever dream but no I was still here I looked at the city and realize that hey I must be back in ManeHatten nope apparently everything was so different I was falling but then when I looked at my body I realized I was different but I still remember I was falling so without hesitation I opened my wings and started flying up as I flew I looked around the whole city realizing that everything looks so different the people were not ponies they were humans and then I stopped on the cloud standing on top of it and then I looked at myself realizing that I am straight up different as well I have fingers hands I was walking with two legs the only main I have was my hair but then that wasn't the shocking part the shocking part when I looked at my wings at first it was awesome because oh snap I got metal wings but then I realized, WAIT I GOT METAL WINGS.

I panicked so well I kind of scatter around I didn't run around in a full panic because I don't know how to walk with two legs so I was literally crawling around in the Panic on top of a cloud, after panicking after a couple of minutes I tried to calm myself trying to get my cool back again so I looked at myself again not a pony okay I pinched myself to see if I'm not dreaming nope I'm awake so this isn't a dream I got metal wings I got a little more worried thinking something happened to my real wings then I looked at myself again and then these two jiggly things on my chest were very odd very strange to be honest.

Okay but here's the crazy thing I suddenly realize that the cloud I was standing on it was not soft like back in Equestria instead it was hard like ground hard then suddenly the clouds started moving I'm not moving the cloud and then out of nowhere the clouds literally scattered around and revealing a machine a giant floating machine around me revealing to be the Helicarrier, I was amazed of seeing how big this giant ship was believe me we seen a blimps before but this this was something more awesome than anything back in Equestria all right.

But when the clouds been cleared Shield soldiers came out pointing their weapons at me most of them asked me why am I trespassing in shield property, I'm going to be honest with you when I first saw them they look awesome but I have zero knowledge what those weapons were they don't look like swords and Spears.

"The high-powered automatic weapons set to stun." Said nick fury

I was still in the ground have zero knowledge was going on until Nick Fury himself showed up and looked at me he asked me a few questions how did I end up here who am I and well they told me a lot of complex questions that I have no idea to be honest until a soldier brought a tablet to Nick Fury he looked at it apparently it's a scanner that well scanned me I find that very creepy but at least it calmed down some things and without hesitation this guy seriously figure it out.

You're from Another Universe that's what he told me I'll take my head because well at the time I have no idea what it is and didn't know what that name is but I was fully understanding what he meant I mean remember that time you went to sunset's world it was very strange but here this is very very strange so anyways me and him went back and forth talking to each other I told him I'm not a flat I told him who I am he was a little bit surprised and and guess what he says my name sounds like a-

"Hey kids character from a Saturday morning cartoon."

"Wait you watch Saturday morning cartoons?" said Spider-Man, Nick Fury glares at him even with the mask Peter can still feel the death stare from Nick.

Okay so they told me to follow them since they already scanned me and they found I wasn't lying they want me to come inside into the shield lab for they can do some tests on me at first I thought they were going to do experiments on me like you know those horror movies or the stories of aliens falling down from the sky and then the government tries to take them and experimenting on them to do photos with you I thought I was about to book fly up in the sky and run away from these guys but lucky for me Nick Fury did say that they're not going to experiment on me they're just going to test me to see if I'm from somewhere else

they 100% believe I'm from a world of ponies but yet some of them do do to the Multiverse that's what they say okay so as I was following them they suddenly realized that I was walking all fours have no idea how to walk with two legs so that was a problem for them not for me because I mostly walk with four legs and our entire lives you know originally a pony, they told me can I walk with two lights I told them I did try a couple times as a pony but I do have that trouble of balancing it but since my arms are well much shorter than my legs I thought I'd give it a try no doubt about it I was a couple of times I did fall down but I came back right away and because of that I managed to do it really fast like no problem

She keeps falling over and over and over again until we made it to the lab

I see continue

Okay so after falling down a couple of times we finally made it to the lab and the lab was so Advanced they got in that machine that pretty much makes everything equestrian nothing but just Child's Play and here's a surprising part apparently my mechanical wings are not attached to me instead it's a backpack so I remove the backpack and at first he didn't scare me the fact I don't have wings anymore well I do but my mechanical wings are there but my real biological wings are no longer there freak me out a little bit so they put my wings in a table to scan it to see what kind of technology is it apparently they told me the technology that my wings are made out of is the same advanced technology here on Earth because I told him everything Equestria does not have advanced technology like this not I'm aware though

Why are you looking at me like that

Nothing back to the wings apparently the Discover that my wings are connected to a signal they tried to find where the signal is kind from but they can't find nothing you don't mind if a nerd type so I have no idea how this stuff works but things became even more interesting when they started testing me they took a sample of Bloods it kind of freaked me out to see blood but you have to check my bloodstream they scanned me like they did with My Wings and guess what they discover there's some computer chip on the back of my head

WHAT!! Said Twilight who was looking at fury wait for an answer.

It's a small advanced microchip more advanced than we ever seen before we did more research on agent Rainbow Dash brain to see what kind of microchip this is we discovered that this chip is a brain link apparently it links to her mechanical wings she can move them with her mind like the real limbs and what strangest part is it's much more advanced that Rainbow Dash can actually feel the wings like they're being touched there are some things we were concerning with with the advanced technology she could become a target with my control technology like Ultron but apparently technology we found on that is much more advanced this chip somehow has an emergency link strong one too my best hackers try to hack on her brain link it fried our super computers.

And that is so awesome actually explains why my mechanical wings felt so natural but when I take them off I cannot control them.

"Well that's a good thing but there's another thing how come Fury calls you agent?" Said Spider-Man

"Yeah how did you end up as an agent to Shield?"

Okay so a day later after they finish testing me they actually discovered that since I am from Equestria not originally human the magic that is inside of us have somehow made us much stronger so we're actually much more stronger than an average human, and fury wants to make his own Super Soldier.

Twilight and Spider-Man looked at Nick Fury realizing that Fury face already explained that he did not tell Rainbow Dash about the super soldier program that created Captain America, this is just dumb coincidence.

So they told me they want me to join Shield and they showed me a lot of information of a world full of superheroes and be honest it was a lot to take in like a lot to take in but I did not try to think that much so I thought it would be awesome to be a superhero again remember that time that all of us were teleported into specs comic book as the Power Ponies speed was awesome believe me but flying extremely fast it's my cup of tea so I accepted the offer.

Remember that looks at Nick Fury asking him to tell them every single details of training

Agent Dash had to go through a couple of training facilities before she's an official agent of shield, since she's from another world and had much more stronger abilities than average human, the training facilities are nothing but just Cakewalk for her,but there's one problem that she has. she doesn't know how to fight property, she has no knowledge of how to use weaponry and although her speed is impressive in air, she literally has trouble walking with two legs, so we have to start from the ground up.

A day later after Rainbow Dash first appeared in the shield Helicarrier we began her training first thing first is to get her to walk properly which completely surprised a lot of people here the fact is she managed to pass in a record-breaking time with the other training facilities but walking took the most longest.

Rainbow Dash smirk probably Twilight immediately rolled your eyes but still smiling glad to see a familiar looking face with rainbow.

After a couple of days have passed Rainbow Dash can fully run and walk and perfectly balance yourself properly the next thing we have to teach here is weaponry although physicality she's athletic making it much more easier for her for physicality but when we first started teaching her how to use fire alarms she panicked a lot.

"Those guns were really loud Fury."

"Do you have cannons in your world?"


"There you go a gun is basically a small cannon."

"Anyways after a while Rainbow Dash finally knows how to use weapons now and hand-to-hand combat we taught her many different moves was kind of surprising she picked it up really fast a couple of days have passed so we send Rainbow Dash on her first text she was a big cocky at first she messed up and made a lot of mistakes but after a couple of days of a failure she got it right this time and we sent her off to her very first mission is to find and report any strange anomalies."

Twilight and Spider-Man looked at each other then look back at Fury Nick Fury and Rainbow Dash both stop next to a metal door.

"There's another reason why we brought you here these anomalies are the things coming out of the portal that you created they like I said said they scattered around the entire and whatever it is opening something is coming out that's why I said rainbow dash out there."

As the metal door open revealing to be a research lab has every information of every superhero, villain, anomalies beings and more all of them every information in this facility. Twilight's eyes widen in Glee getting excited to see the new technology and advancements that she have dreams of scene she tried her best restrain herself after hearing information what Spider-Man told her about Fury and shield she does not want to give them the wrong way.

Spider-Man walk towards Fury asking him a couple of questions he still hasn't answered especially with Twilight and her friend Rainbow Dash Fury was already expecting this question he already know the Spider-Man is a smart man and he knows that Fury isn't telling them everything.

"So rainbow what did you find out there?"

Try to look that Rainbow Dash she rolled her eyes at the question.

"Nothing too exciting found some animals that are native to our world found some crystals, some plants nothing too exciting, oh there was this Diamond dog that came in but he just turned into an actual dog, now that diamond dog is in a cell, and you know what's the shocking part, dog logic works on them, it's like they immediately lose their Savagery and greediness and become actual dogs when you pet them and scratch them."

Twilight's eyes widen looking at rainbow hair friend then an idea just popped up in her head that she started questioning the former Pegasus.

"Rainbow did you scratch and pet a diamond dog and it lets you do that?"

Rainbow Dash didn't say anything her mouth was open but no worries we're coming out of it she looked away from Twilight's face and looking at the distance staring blankly Twilight tilted her head thinking what rainbow does did to the Diamond dog until Twilight's eyes widen.

"Rainbow the dog is not in a cell is he?"

Rainbow Dash still refusing to look at Twilight her mouth is still open trying to form words but couldn't Rainbow Dash face grew a little bit embarrassed she slowly turned her head looking at Twilight and slowly grunted a few words.

"Back at Equestria I'm not much of a dog person obviously I prefer a pet that can fly like tank but here I don't know why but I have an urge to pet a dog and now that Diamond dog who is now an actual dog is in my room and....... he's...... my...... pet.......now."

Twilight's eyes are still widen of hearing the response what rainbow said, this world is weird and she knows Rainbow Dash for years, she never seen her do all that maybe it's the side effect in this world or maybe it's a part of her that is slowly coming out but, that's impossible Twilight know her friends she knows how Rainbow Dash Acts, why she's acting differently in this world no doubt to her, she's also starting acting a little bit differently maybe this world is giving them an effect, she doesn't know why but she will do more research about that when she's not busy.

After a couple of minutes of talking to each other Twilight gone a little bit pale when she saw Rainbow Dash did a serious face Twilight seen Rainbow Dash did a serious face before but this one was a little bit more concerning her face was still the serious face that Rainbow Dash does a lot when she's ready to tell the full truth but this one was different it looked concerning, Fury notices as well Twilight and Spider-Man tilted their heads questioning what's going on Rainbow Dash walk towards a few scientists asking them to give her a tablet they did and as rainbow dash walked towards Spider-Man and Twilight with Fury be her side.

"There's something I haven't told you guys yet, something that this may shock you guys, it shocked me at first but I think it's better for you guys hear this as well, this is only confidential, so no one I mean no one should know about this, only you guys know believe me it took me awhile to get Fury to agree to this."

The three people were looking at Fury he nodded his head towards Rainbow Dash giving her full permission to do it very ask every scientist to leave the laboratory now as everyone left Fury walked towards a computer closing every door soundproofing the room.

"Fury what's going on here, you told me secrets before but this is something else." Said Spider-Man trying to joking around, but fury and rainbow dash didn't flinched. Twilight grew more concerned of her friend Rainbow Dash and Spider-Man will get along really well but if Rainbow Dash is not joking around like usual this must be very serious to her.

The two Heroes notice that Rainbow Dash was holding the tablet on her chest wrapped her arms around it like she's protecting it and concern of it, Twilight walk closely to Rainbow Rainbow Dash stood back a little but she slowly as well came closer to Twilight.

"Rainbow whats wrong?"

"Well you guys knew I have metal wings and in this world I don't have organic wings like back in Equestria I'm just a normal human like everyone else except stronger and more powerful and awesome but when I was wearing my wings they felt so real it felt like there are a part of me and when Fury and shield we're doing test on me they discover something."

Rainbow slowly gave Twilight the tablet Rainbow Dash revealed that the tablet will explain to everything, as Twilight looked at the tablet her eyes widen in shock this game Spider-Man worried he walked towards Twilight and looked at the tablet he was also shocked. If they don't understand which they already understand fully Fury spoke explaining more details about it.

"Agent Dash has a cybernetic chip on her brain we did more research about it and this technology was nothing we have ever seen we question and try to make theories none of them make more sense since you and Rainbow Dash are from Equestria another world not parallel to ours and it doesn't have that much technology like you stated we still don't know why there's an advanced microchip in her brain, the reason why she can feel her wings like it's her real wings is because of that chip what's shocking towards us about that chip it's a fact is that was undetected metal detectors even a strong super scanners did not pick it up we noticed it by accident biomedical check one of the doctors was literally checking on Rainbow Dash head until she felt a bump on the back of her head we scanned her we didn't find anything but later on we did."

"Twilight what's more scary about that is we literally don't know nothing about this chip on my brain, we could remove it but it's so connected in my brain that removing it will literally have to remove a massive part of my brain, and not only that if a Super Genius or super egg head like yourself could hack my mind, I could become nothing but just a puppet to them or if my wings were torn apart while I was wearing it, it would feel like I actually got my wings ripped apart, I can go into shock or my brain would not handle it." Said rainbow dash

Twilight looked at a friend her eyes in horror, Spider-Man was giving the same reaction, he really does not want any bad guy to take over Rainbow Dash mind, it will be like the Winter Soldier worse.

"Rainbow how's that even possible back any Equestria our technology was primitive compared to here on Earth you were nowhere near any technology how's that even possible that?"

"Twilight it's okay like Fury says we don't know anything about this and I'm starting to think of this technology is much more advanced hacking my brain won't be that easy I hope."

Spider-Man looked at Fury hoping that her Theory could be true.

"Is that possible I mean speaking scientific here like you guys said her microchip is much more advanced than anything here so it will be much more difficult to well hack it?"

Fury grabbed his chin thinking of what they said it could be possible he thought Rainbow Dash microchip is much more advanced than anything else but he met an even fought against beings who are much more smarter than him if someone finds out about this microchip they would literally do anything to get it.

"It could be possible but we're trying to do a little bit more tests about it and if you ask about these files don't worry they're not going to the system if someone try hacking through Shield headquarters they won't find Rainbow Dash data they're somewhere else but I'm not telling you anything where it is and don't try asking Agent Dash about it she doesn't know."

That's a relief said Spider-Man Twilight hugged her friend rainbow concerned about her friend although they've been through some crazy things this is something that neither of them have been through but she hopes everything is okay with Rainbow Dash Spider-Man walk towards Twilight comforting the two girls as the tension finally calm down Fury walk towards the computer Unlocking The Doors.

There's a lot of things that Twilight and Rainbow Dash need to learn about this world since the Avengers are still off world it's up to the shield and even Spider-Man to help these girls out but since the public already knows about Twilight Fury walk towards Twilight.

Twilight since you told the public you're at your name and your will hanging out with Spider-Man even living with him.


"RAINBOW!!!" Said Twilight blushing

"Like I was saying you gave the public your name and Spider-Man mostly keep his identity safe but you are also doing the exact same thing like he's doing but if you and him are going out in public you need to have a different name a civilian name."

"Wo what about Twilight twinkle!"

Fury turn around looking at Rainbow giving her the look to stop which Rainbow Dash stop joking around. Twilight looked in the ground she never actually hide and she was a different name to hide from the public but to protect Spider-Man's identity she has to she looks back at Fury she told him that she'll find a name and she'll contact him about the name Fury nods to the agreement. Rainbow Dash walk towards Spider-Man she was still smirking at the Webhead she asked him is he treating Twilight really well taking her out a couple of times Spider-Man although still wearing the mask he's still blushing underneath he tried to act normal but rainbow dash can easily tell.

After a while talking rainbow and Twilight and Spider-Man both talk to each other about their situation Fury even give Twilight a tour of Shield's Laboratory Fury is curious of how smart Twilight can go since he noticed that she is a fast learner can she accomplish the same level intelligence to other intelligence superheroes he questions when he put that question in the back of his head, Rainbow Dash took the two Heroes towards her room showing them around although Rainbow Dash doesn't have much it does have everything needed in a room a bed a TV a bathroom and a dog, wait dog.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash both explained that the dog was originally a diamond dog and at the promotic dog who is mostly greedy and live in mines now the dog somehow entered in Earth and instead of turning into human it actually turn into actual dog, Twilight look at the former Diamond dog she can tell it was a diamond dog but it looks more like an actual dog rather than the Diamond dog she's more familiar with and what Rainbow Dash told her was all true the Diamond dog was acting like an actual dog literally giving no signs of its former self.

Twilight even looked around Rainbow Dash room trying to find any signs that the Diamond dog normally have, like shiny pieces or jewelry or anything that is jewelry or Diamond related Diamond, diamond dogs are known to pile them up but Twilight found nothing in Rainbow Dash room, there's literally nothing, if Twilight brought someone who is from Equestria and show them the Diamond dog in Rainbow Dash room in this world, they would think that rainbow just disguised that dog into a diamond dog and they still think it looks more like a dog.

"A pitbull tough and strong and very joyful and playful." Said Spider-Man as he pet the dog. After the tour around the shield Helicarrier, Twilight was amazed by the technology of this world this is all new to her but for her partner he's seen it so many times he's already used to it but yet he still gets surprise with the new machine they make.

Rainbow and fury took the two Heroes to the main hall showing them a hologram of the Earth and showing red rings popping up out of nowhere around the planet, revealing the portal sightings in the radio waves, they've been getting the same ones that Twilight and Rainbow Dash when they entering this world, Twilight grew more worried seeing multiple circles popping up all around the planet, she was worried before of the machine going haywire this just made her even more worse.

Twilight was going to reply but Rainbow Dash Cut Her Off telling her that's why they sent her around the planet extremely faster than the quinjet and she discovered that most of these sightings are exactly what Rainbow Dash told her, nothing but just plants, crystals elements but only small animals back from Equestria nothing too serious, Twilight is glad that nothing bad is happening but still they must find a way to shut down that machine, but in Twilight's mind, she doesn't know why but she turned looking at Spider-Man who has a hand on his chin thinking about the outcomes, Twilight knows Spider-Man is not new to interdimensional travel the spider verse of course, but this isn't like that, Twilight knows this portals could dangerous with known creatures although Earth can defend them pretty easily against these creatures from Equestria but, what got her even more scared is a fact is that the villains she fought against, what happened if one of them enter in this world like Sombra, chrysalis and the others, she go even more worried she knows that some villains could be similar but yet again this could get very dangerous, she still has that thought in her mind if Sombra and Carnage join forces gives her shiver in her spine every single time she thinks about it.

Spider-Man turned looking at Twilight she was looking in the ground a little bit upset with everything what Twilight have been through and what she did with the portal, Spider-Man can tell she felt responsible for this but she didn't do it on purpose, he walked towards the former princess and put his hand on her shoulder, Twilight looked at him although he was wearing a mask she can tell he was smiling trying to make her feel better, but the feeling was instantly ruined when Rainbow Dash was straight up smirking at them.

But that didn't last that long The Shield alarm has alerted, the globe started turning red, Spider-Man, Twilight and Rainbow and fury, all of them everyone in the room looked at the globe noticing something odd, they're getting a higher radio signal much larger, not only that it was very similar to Twilight and Rainbow Dash when they came to this world, it popped showed up in China it was very clear but then it disappeared, completely gone off the map, Fury ordered everyone to locate that signal immediately as they did no one actually found it again it disappeared but, then it reappeared again in the area where was first located but this time it was much larger, scientists around the area stated whatever was that it now has much more energy than before.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash paled, both of them were immediately thinking about one person, but they were immediately shocked when noticing that the red circle started to shrink down until it was the same level as it was first located, Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at each other questioning what just happened, they immediately thought maybe the magic here is very different from Equestria that's what they first thought, but then the red ring disappeared again, everyone was questioning what's going on, but then the red ring appeared again, no longer in China but instead in the forest of New York.

Fury ordered everyone to be prepared and head to the forest, Fury looked at Rainbow Dash, her face went serious she saluted and she ran leaving the room, Fury looks at the two Heroes asking them to help her in case something goes wrong, they both nodded Spider-Man and Twilight ran towards Rainbow Dash catching up to her, Rainbow Dash turned her head looking at the two Heroes, she smiled happy and whatever, this thing is she doesn't have to face it alone, as they the Helicarrier, Rainbow Dash Wings spread out then the engine of her backpack exploded with energy launching her off the ground, as she flew Twilight as well flew off the ground, Spider-Man jumped as high as he can trying to catch up to them, he shoots his webs and Twilight caught it with her hand carrying them to the nearby Forest.