• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,217 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

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Dragon Lord Spike

Spike makes haste into the narrowed foyer, panting and breathing heavily through his nose with many dragons flying to reach the ultimate prize within the Gauntlet of Fire; The Bloodstone Scepter. The Bloodstone Scepter is a volcanic stone with a claw-like top holding a blood-red stone gem. Spike sees where the prize is, resting upon an orange-red crystals foundation. Twilight and Rarity are disguised as boulders with two eye peepers to see where they are going.

Hours ago.

Spike was called to the Gauntlet of Fire when his body flashed when he was with Rarity, extracting gemstones within a bat-infested cave. There he went with Twilight and Rarity in their disguise; Spike met with unfortunate familiar Dragons such as Garble and his cronies, others from the Dragon Migration, and the Princess of the Dragon Lands and daughter of former Dragon Lord, Torch. Princess Ember.

Seeing Ember for the first time and how she behaved towards her father with some resentment, Spike felt awful for her. Also, he observes the elegance and beauty in Ember's sight. Though Spike has eyes on Rarity, something is telling him that he should look elsewhere, and it's in front of him.

Now, Spike is determined to win more than ever on two occasions; Saving Equestria from the Wrath of Dragons and forming a friendship with Princess Ember.

The first trial started during the pathway to Flamecano Island. Spike is the only Dragon without a pair of wings to navigate him, but he has an ace in his sleeve; Spike is a good swimmer, and judging from the other Dragons getting knocked out of the sky, he makes haste to Flamecano Island. However, one gets whiplashed by a geyser shot by a water-eel-like-dragon and drowns. Spike dives underwater and rescues the Dragon wearing concealing armor.

Spike arrives at Flamecano with the Dragon he rescued while Twilight and Rarity follow closely with seaweed, twigs, and starfish encasing them so Dragons don't bat an eye, especially, Garble. Spike hears the Dragon coughing and removes the helmet, only to see Ember. Spike is somewhat surprised and thrilled to see Ember. Ember interrogated Spike about his presence until Rarity blew her cover, remarking Ember's question with an answer. Ember unveils the disguise to see Twilight and Rarity exposed, and she gets mad about Equestrian Ponies trespassing on Dragon Land territory. Spike explained that Twilight and Rarity are his friends and came to show support. Ember specifically states that Dragons are not fond of friendship until Spike proclaims that he does and knows how to express it.

Spike proposes Ember team up when the boulders start striking Dragons in the skies. With the fear of getting injured by the mass and velocity of the boulders tossed by Dragons' tails, Ember reluctantly agrees to pair with Spike until she decides to embark solo.

Spike and Ember work diligently together, enduring grueling obstacles at Flamecano; they avoid the boulders, spiky rocks clashing like chattering teeth during a winter storm, and sharped-end crystals stabbing in different directions in the tunnel passageway leading to a chink with many entrances down below. Shockingly, Twilight and Rarity are wearing new disguises near the edge of the entryway. Spike and Ember question their ability to appear in the right place at the right time. Spike wonders if they borrowed Pinkie's power to pop next to him.

Rarity nearly falls into a pool of boiling lava when Spike makes the save from a geyser of magma. Ember is amazed that Spike willingly put himself in danger to save a pony; also, the ponies put themselves in danger to support him. That's when Spike mentions that friendship is vital to everything; friends help one another when love, care, and unity come into play. Spike asks Ember about having any friends which she rudely replies and excludes Spike from being her friend. Ember scolded Spike that there was only one winner, one Scepter, and one Dragon Lord. Ember remarks that if she was in Equestria, Spike and she would have been friends, but since they're not, Ember departs and leaves Spike behind, hurting his feelings.


"I can't believe I'm the only dragon to make it this far!" Spike shouts in excitement.

"You're not!" Garble caught up to Spike and approached him. "And I'm not losing to a puny pony-loving dragon like you!" Garble grabs Spike's head and hoists him, preparing to drop him in the chasm where pointy rocks would pierce his scales.

Rarity yelps in horror while watching the display in front of her and Twilight. "We have to do something!"

Twilight sees a blue blur coming closer. "Look!" She uses her eyes to point to the blue blur coming closer.

Ember spears Garble; the collision causes Garble to collide with Twilight and Rarity. Also, the crash released Garble's grasp; Spike closes his eyes and freefalls into the chasm, flailing his arms when Ember swoops down and catches him from impalement.

Spike opens his eyes and becomes happy to see Ember rescuing him from a possibly fatal blow. "Ember! I thought it was every Dragon for themselves!" Ember safely puts Spike down on the pathway to the Bloodstone Scepter. "Why did you save me?!"

"That's what friends do!" Ember finally admits and accepts Spike as her friend. "And I am," Ember briefly pauses when explaining her true feelings. "I mean, we are," Ember felt a little remorseful. "I never should have left you back there. Agh, please don't make me talk about my feelings!"

"What the?" Garble gets up from the impact. He sees the ponies that messed with him and wants retribution. Garble slowly walks up to Rarity and Twilight near the edge, preparing to give them a severe beating unlike any other.

Spike and Ember observe Garble's motive, and Ember decides to help Spike by sacrificing her will to win the Gauntlet of Fire.

"Spike! Get the Scepter!" Ember takes off while Spike runs for it.

Evil intent is within Garble's eyes, but his foolishness blinds him from Ember's assault to Spike's friends' defense. Ember tackles and pins Garble to the wall with all her might; however, by getting pinned, Garble sees Spike making his way to the Bloodstone Scepter. Garble matches Ember's strength momentarily and tosses her aside with adrenaline overriding his body. Garble flies directly at Spike, hoping to grab him and harm him. Ember recovers quickly and soars after Garble, grasping his tail and tugging him away from Spike.

Spike continues his path and turns after hearing a loud thumb behind him. Ember and Garble are enduring a power struggle during their fight. Spike looks at the prize and back; he attacks Garble, freeing Ember from his clutches. Garble grabs Spike and throws him away. Spike hangs on dearly while Ember and Garble lock claws in another power struggle pushing each other with all their might.

"I'm sick and tired of you two helping each other! Dragons don't do helping!" Garble frustratedly grunts while pushing Ember.

"These dragons do!" Ember proclaims and does a front flip, grabs Garble's shoulder, and maneuvers a reverse German Suplex toss. Garble gets winded by the impact.

Rarity and Twilight applaud the teamwork of Spike and Ember in defeating Garble. They overhear more Dragons arriving and put on their disguises. Ember helps Spike get up and allows him to retrieve the Bloodstone Scepter.

Spike climbs the orange-red crystals foundation and picks up the Bloodstone Scepter. He feels intense prowess within the staff as red flares seep through his body, deeming him the new Dragon Lord. Spike raises the Bloodstone Scepter, activating the power. A surge of vivid red energy bursts through Flamecano Island, quaking the chambers and concluding the Gauntlet of Fire.

Garble gets up to attempt a sneak attack when Spike sees his activity. In a booming, echoing authority, Spike said: "Leave her alone!"

"Wh-What?" Garble turns to see Spike wielding the Bloodstone Scepter. "You?! You have the scepter?! But that means that you're..."

"The Dragon Lord," Ember finishes Garble's comment. "Dragon Lord Spike," Ember corrects the term and respectfully bows. Many Dragons present follow Ember's lead in showing their new Dragon Lord grace.

Garble sees Spike and groans. He reluctantly kneels pitifully. "Dragon... Lord... Spike..."

"That's right!" Spike gets a devious idea to give Garble his just desserts. He wickedly smirks while imagining the possibility of Garble embarrassingly giving hugs to every Dragon, no matter how tough, rough, crude, and brutal they are. "Now, go start your long journey home. And give every Dragon you see on the way a hug. Don't tell them why, Garble."

Garble groans bitterly. "Awww! But that'll be super embarrassing!" He whines a bit.

"I command you to do it!" Spike said with authority.

Grable grumbles, making his way to the first Dragon he sees. "I can't believe this..." Garble hugs him and takes off. That Dragon couldn't help but smile and laugh.

"Dragon Lord Spike. Hm, has a nice ring to it," Ember says, putting some thought into seeing a brighter future with Spike in charge.

"It sure does," Spike sees his reflection through the gemstone of the Bloodstone Scepter.

"Congratulations, my Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity shouts after Spike draws Garble away from her and Twilight's presence.

"What the?" The other Dragons near Rarity and Twilight get startled for a second.

"Nice one, Rarity!" Twilight becomes agitated at Rarity for exposing themselves again.

The Dragons remove their disguises, preparing to pounce on the Equestrian Spies.

"Don't harm them!" Dragon Lord Spike decrees. The Dragons reluctantly accept the command of their new leader.

Rarity and Twilight gallop to hug Spike and congratulate him properly since the Dragons won't harm them.

"So, Spikey-Wikey. Now that you're Dragon Lord, you're staying, right?" Rarity nervously asks.

"Of course not, Rarity. Spike's home is in Equestria; with us!" Twilight said, knowing that Spike would make the right decision.

"Uh, actually, about that," Spike holds onto the Bloodstone Scepter and contemplates, making his decision within the moment.

"Yes, Spike," Twilight and Rarity turn to him.

"As Dragon Lord, I'm not returning to Equestria," Spike firmly states.

"Wh-Wh-What?!" Rarity and Twilight shout in shock.

"You can't be serious, Spike!" Twilight shouts. "I need you back home! We need you! Please, come home..." Twilight doesn't want Spike to remain in the Dragon Lands.

"You'll do fine without me, Twilight," Spike takes a deep breath. "Look around you," Twilight does so to understand Spike's point of view. "I'm not only the Dragon Lord; I'm among my kin. I go home with you; I'm a Dragon living in a nation full of Ponies. The only Dragon."

"But Spike," Rarity complains. "Be reasonable. Who'll be there for me when I need help in the boutique or extracting gemstones in the caves? Who'll help carry things whenever I go to places? Who'll be there for moral support?"

"Who'll help me back in the Castle of Friendship, Spike? Who'll be there for me when I need help? You can't stay! You're my Number One Assistant and friend!"

"Twilight, Rarity," Spike taps the Bloodstone Scepter on the ground, making his point evident on what he wants to do. "I have a purpose here. To lead these Dragons into prosperity now."

"But Spike," Rarity reaches for Spike. "You don't belong here. What would we do without you?"

"Continue without me," Spike replies. "I fulfilled my purpose of saving Equestria from the wrath of other Dragons," Spike stares at Twilight and Rarity. "My mind is made up. You can't convince me to go back to Equestria."

Twilight's jaw dropped at the seriousness written in Spike's demeanor. "I need you, Spike! Don't you get it?!" Twilight is in tears. "I hatched you, raised you, and you've become important to me in life! Please, come home!"

Spike looks down. "You hatched and raised me; you've given me love throughout my time in Equestria. I'll always be grateful for the times we shared. Now, you have to let me go."

"No!" Twilight stomps her front hoof harshly. She doesn't want to leave Spike. She wants him home with her. "As Princess, I demand you come home with me this instant!" Twilight demands in her royal voice, booming loudly within the cavern.

Spike's eyes widen from the desperation in Twilight's tone. He taps the ground with the Bloodstone Scepter. "As Dragon Lord..," Spike starts tearing up since Twilight is stubborn. "I hereby declare that you and Rarity leave the premises of the Dragon Lands."

"Spike, NO!" Rarity doesn't want to leave without her Spikey-Wikey.

Twilight realizes the error she made when her emotions get the better of her, trying to control Spike when he's the leader of the Dragons. "Spike..."

"Leave. Now," Spike walks away from Rarity and Twilight. He stands next to Princess Ember.

"Spike!" In a desperate attempt to lure Spike back to Equestria, Rarity thought of a quick lie. "I love you, Spike!"

"So did I," Spike admits. "However, I found someone else," Spike looks up at Princess Ember with a warm smile. Ember slightly blushes and looks away; the feeling is mutual with the startup of building companionship with Spike.

"Spike..," Twilight's gaze is on Spike. "I'm sorry for how I reacted. Please.., come back with us."

"No," Spike shakes his head. "Dragons!" Spike sees a bulky blue Dragon in armor and a lavender Dragon in armor. "Escort my friends out of the Dragon Lands into Equestria. I have one last task to complete."

"Yes, Dragon Lord Spike," The two Dragons approach Rarity and Twilight.

"No! Get your dirty claws off of me!" Rarity whines and wails as the bulky blue Dragon grabs Rarity and flies out of the cave.

The lavender Dragon attempts to grab Twilight.

"No," Twilight flaps her wings. "I'll follow," She turns to Spike. "Goodbye," Twilight leaves Spike. She's sad to leave him behind in the Dragon Lands and ponders explaining everything to her friends and the Princesses in Canterlot.

Spike sighs deeply. "Ember, mind carrying me to your father?"

"Not at all, Dragon Lord Spike," Ember hoists Spike and puts him on her back.

"Follow me to former Dragon Lord Torch!" Spike shouts with excitement, hoping to rally the Dragons within Flamecano Island.

"YEAH!" All the Dragons present follow Princess Ember to former Dragon Lord Torch.