• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,191 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

  • ...

Crystal Empire

Spike's reign as Dragon Lord has slowly changed the Dragon Nation with his teachings and the pearls of wisdom he shared with every Dragon about the values of love and Friendship; he demonstrated how friends should cooperate even when there's indifference among species. Having Discord around for his teachings proved to be a blessing in disguise; with the younger generation understanding how Friendship works, the name-shaming can die down, allowing neighboring species to give Dragons a chance for peace.

What surprised Spike more was greeting the adult and elder Dragons that partook in the class. They want to instruct their broods into becoming better Dragons, not hellbent on rage and destruction upon those they hate. They even appreciate Discord and his childlike behavior with his age and how mature and patient the Draqonecuus is whenever they were to act up rudely or disrespectfully since they endured harsh treatment from outsiders.

Spike and Ember traveled around the Dragon Lands, finding his mother after asking every Dragoness about the eggs they conceived. Even Discord was obliged to locate Spike's birth mother; however, his Chaos Magic could not detect the whereabouts of Spike's mother or family. The Bloodstone Scepter has a hard time tracing and sensing Spike's biological parents; former Dragon Lord Torch doesn't understand why the Bloodstone Scepter has difficulties when he uses it occasionally and not once has any tribulations. Torch taught Spike everything about the Bloodstone Scepter and warned him about the other abilities he didn't discover. He told Spike that the magic within held many properties since the birth of the Dragon Nation.

It's been three months of his reign, and Spike enjoyed every bit of his species. Thanks to Ember, Garble, Smolder, and all the other teenage Dragons he spent time with, Spike became a skillful hunter knowing how to spot tracks and ambush most creatures. Spike asked the Dragons how they obtained their wings. They spoke about the Molt, an unruly transformation filled with side effects that feels like a sickness. The Molt can happen to any young Dragon randomly, and they advise Spike to prepare for the unexpected.

Dragon Lord Spike sits at the edge of a mountaintop in the Dragon Lands, pondering about visiting Ponyville or the Crystal Empire. He misses his friends but worries that Twilight and the others want him to give up his reign. Discord poofs next to Spike, hovering while eating a bowl of peanut shells.

"What's the matter, Dragon Lord Spike? Feeling lonely?" Discord munches on the peanut shell, complimenting the crunch and saltiness of his favorite food.

"I'm grateful to be among my species and helping them every way I can, but I miss seeing my friends. I miss going to the Crystal Empire," Spike sighs heavily. "I want to visit, but I can't leave my nation unattended..," Spike takes a deep breath. "Any suggestions or advice?"

"Just go, Spike. You are the King among your people, and you decide what's best for everyone and yourself. You have more freedom to do anything and should not stress yourself. You're not abandoning your kingdom for visitations. A visit is a visit. Go out and enjoy yourself. Perhaps there are answers outside that can solve any problem with the Dragon Lands, and you can use that experience to your advantage."

Spike chuckles at Discord's straightforward answer. "Thanks, Discord. You're the best."

"Happy to help and represent. Also, as Ambassador of Dragons, I advise you to take a small group to either the Crystal Empire or Equestria to show that Dragons are not what Equestrian Ponies believed them to be. Show how wrong they are and prove that Dragons can co-exist with Ponies."

"I would have never thought of that, Discord. It'll be perfect for an engagement exercise!" Spike is glad Discord thought of an ingenious idea. He smiles widely at the possibility of creating a better tomorrow. "Thank you, my friend!"

"Ah, what are friends for?" Discord throws the bowl of peanut shells away to hug Spike. He puts him on his shoulders and flies to his home.

Discord's home is at the corner of the volcanic island near the Dragon Land's territory; it's the only piece of land abnormal across the nation. The ground is a massive garden with flowers producing candies; the smoke from the volcano smells like chocolate, and the lava within is chocolate ice cream; the rocks are gumdrops. Discord planted trees with faces on them that talk and alert anything dangerous. His actual house is a log cabin to have that cozy feeling; however, within the home of a Draqonecuus, there's a labyrinth maze with stairs going upward, sideway, and downward that will give any creature nausea and motion sickness. The wallpaper consists of bubble wrap and polka dots that open portals into different areas of his home.

Discord and Spike enter the log cabin and jump into a polka dot portal; the duo gets teleported to the basement where Smolder, Garble, and Ember are taking lava baths.

"Hey bro, how are you feeling?" Garble asks Spike since he needs time to be alone earlier.

"Better, and I have an announcement."

"What is it?" Smolder is eager to know about Spike's decision.

"We're going on a field trip to the Crystal Empire!" Spike shouts with pride, hoping to energize his family and girlfriend.

"CRYSTAL EMPIRE?!" Garble and Smolder get excited and imagine everything edible since crystals are part of the gemstone family.

Princess Ember knew about the Crystal Empire from the many tales Spike spoke of, but to visit the location where Spike is known as the Brave and Glorious, Ember is curious about the residents of the Crystal Empire and how they would feel about Dragons among their kingdom. She hopes the Crystal Ponies are friendlier and more optimistic than Equestrian Ponies, who are quick to judge.

"Indeed. We're going tomorrow, and I'll show you how awesome the Crystal Ponies can be," Spike smiles more at the idea of Crystal Ponies and Dragons getting along nicely without any issues whatsoever.

The following day, Spike entrusts Discord with watching over the Dragon Nation while he rides on Ember's back to the Crystal Empire. Garble and Smolder follow Ember's path and listen to Spike's direction. Discord offered to teleport the core there, but Spike respectfully declined the proposal. He wanted his friends to remember the pathway to the Crystal Empire whenever they wanted to visit.

Four hours later. The flight has been rough since Spike forgot his way to the Crystal Empire, and he should have suggested following the train route than guessing where to go. Flying over the snowy mountains reveals the stunningly beautiful Crystal Empire in all its glory. Green pastures all around the kingdom; crystalized pillars with three rhombus geode crystals floating up and down, representing the gate to the Crystal Empire; a tall white magnificent castle with reflective surfaces of crystals to make itself sparkle and shimmer in radiance. There are many shades and colors of crystal and gemstones, operating as the housing for all the Crystal Ponies.

Smolder, Garble, and Ember are awestruck and astounded by the beauty of the crystals and the kingdom itself; however, the inhabitants are nowhere in sight. Spike wonders where the Crystal Ponies have gone to. Spike commands the trio to fly toward the Crystal Castle to speak with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.

"DRAAAAGOOONS!" Several Crystal Guards shout in horror. They see Garble, Smolder, and Ember descending.

"Cadance, bring Flurry inside!" Shining Armor commands while instructing the Crystal Unicorn Guards to fire magic blasts at the ferocious Dragons. "First gotta deal with a Changeling, now Dragons!" "OPEN FIRE!" Shining Armor ignites his horn and shoots multiple magic beams at the Dragons descending. His squadron proceeds to attack the Dragons.

Garble, Smolder, and Ember gasped horridly at the assault; they were expecting a warm welcome. Spike launches himself off Ember's back and uses the Bloodstone Scepter like a baseball bat in a swinging motion to intercept the attack from the Unicorns; he redirects it at a building, shattering it to protect his friends and family. He lands on the ground, not sustaining any ankle injury from above a hundred feet in the air.

"WHOA!" Shining Armor, several Crystal Guards, Ember, Smolder, and Garble shout in unison; they are shocked to see Spike reflecting immense magic power away with the Bloodstone Scepter.

"I have never seen my dad using the Scepter to block magic-based attacks like that!" Ember thought to herself. She lands next to Spike with Garble and Smolder.

"You made us attack the Brave and Glorious!" Several Crystal Guards are irate that Shining Armor gave the command to fire on their beloved champion.

"Spike! Thank heavens it's you!" Princess Cadance saw the fallout and is happy to see someone she trusts. She's unsure about the Dragons behind him.

Shining Armor tries to put two and two together about Spike's involvement with the Dragons. "Spike, who are they?"

Garble wants to break Shining Armor's neck for having the nerve to attack his sister and friends but refrains from ascending into hatred. Spike's teachings are to forgive those who didn't know better.

"I am Princess Ember of the Dragon Nation!" Ember formally announces her entitlement to scare Shining Armor for making a bold move attacking the Princess of Dragons.

"Pr-Pr-Princess?!" Shining Armor's heartbeat skips a beat in horror. He doesn't want to initiate war with the Dragon Nation due to his blunder.

"We're Garble and Smolder," Garble and Smolder address themselves to everypony.

"Forgive us for attacking the Brave and Glorious' friends. We thought you Dragons were evil," The Crystal Guards are first to apologize. The statement of calling Dragons evil hurt Spike and the others. Spike had hoped the Crystal Ponies knew better than to name-shame Dragons.

"Spike?" Twilight Sparkle arrives at the Crystal Castle with Starlight Glimmer. It's the first time since the duo saw each other three months ago.

"Twilight," Spike sees Twilight approaching, and he has some bitterness since Twilight used her royal tone, demanding him to return to Equestria.

"Hey, Spike, long time no see," Starlight is elated to see Spike and smiles at his friends. "Welcome to the Crystal Empire!"

"Finally!" Garble shouts in relief after somepony greeting his kin in politeness. He flails his arms up like he's praising a hallelujah. "Someone not looking to attack us!"

Twilight steps back a bit; She's fearful of Garble and wonders who is the other Dragon that resembles Scootaloo.

"I'm terribly sorry for commencing violence instead of asking questions; the Crystal Empire is.., well..," Shining Armor stutters with his speech since he nearly caused a war between Dragons and Ponies.

"Under lockdown with everypony on edge due to a Changeling sighting," Sunburst says, using his magic to levitate Flurry Heart's crib to greet every creature. He's calm seeing Ember, Garble, and Smolder.

"A Changeling?" Twilight is stunned to hear another monster looking for trouble within the Crystal Empire.

"That's not good," Spike believes the Changeling could be a spy scouring the area, looking for any weaknesses to subdue everypony within the Crystal Empire.

"No, it's not. After Queen Chrysalis took my place at our wedding and invaded Canterlot with her army of minions, we're not taking any chances," Princess Cadance said; she remembers the horrors and scars Queen Chrysalis inflicted and nearly dominated all Equestrian Ponies during the Canterlot Seige.

"Changelings feed off of love. And ever since Flurry Heart's Crystalling, the Empire is filled with more love than anywhere in Equestria. It's possible they've come for the baby," Sunburst said, theorizing the cause for the Changeling's motive.

Smolder, Garble, and Ember growl in anger; the idea of a creature stealing youngling triggers their enraged state.

"No one is taking a youngling and getting away with that!" Garble shouts, pounding his palm with brute force, causing a loud pop, indicating he wants to throw down.

"I agree! We should stay and hunt that punk!" Smolder said, hoping to fulfill some purpose that could be helpful when searching for the culprit that took the Dragon Eggs away.

Everypony steps back from the enraged Dragons and wonders why they feel aggressive. Throughout Spike's reign as Dragon Lord, Spike asked Princess Luna not to reveal the Dragon Egg raiding information to anypony else, especially Twilight Sparkle. Spike knows that Princess Celestia wants to help uncover the mysteries and locate all other Dragons born across Equestrian lands. Also, Spike hasn't informed Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about his ascent to Dragon Lord; he wonders if Twilight and her friends spoke about his accomplishment.

"We have posted the extra guards for security reasons due to Changelings' unique abilities to copy everyone's physique. That's why we're asking for identification," Shining explains the crisis in the Crystal Empire.

"Twilight, Spike, we're sorry for all of this. Flurry Heart's really been looking forward to seeing you," Princess Cadance sincerely apologizes under unfair circumstances revolving around a threat.

Twilight approaches Flurry Heart and smiles lovingly at her niece. "Oh, she's gotten so big! Starlight and I will do whatever we can to help protect her."

Starlight nods, agreeing to Twilight's proposition.

"To be honest, having you here is already a big relief," Princess Cadance knows by having Twilight around, the Changeling will get captured and taken care of.

A Crystal Guard whispers in Shining's ear with excitement. "Hmm. The Crystal Guards were wondering if Spike the Brave and Glorious would like to join in the search for the Changeling."

"We're with you, Spike," Smolder does a fist pump, letting Spike know that she, her brother, and Ember got Spike's back.

"No," Spike shakes his head. "As Dragon Lord, I want you three to interact with the Crystal Ponies."

"Dragon Lord!?" The Crystal Guards are unaware of Spike's ascension to kingship and become overjoyed about his crowning reward. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were in the dark about Spike becoming a ruler of the Dragon Nation.

Twilight forgot to mention Spike's sovereignty when she wrote to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor during the three months. She focused on elevating Starlight Glimmer's Friendship studies, going around on Friendship Quests, and hanging out with her friends. Twilight yearned to be with her family since Spike stood with the Dragons.

"As you wish, Dragon Lord Spike," Ember, Garble, and Smolder reluctantly accept Spike's command. Ember is not fond of leaving Spike alone with the Crystal Guards, but she trusts his decisions to tackle the situation at ease.

Twilight is unsure about allowing Spike to go along with the Crystal Guards. Her motherly/friendly instinct kicks in. "Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, Spike. It sounds dangerous."

Spike had hoped Twilight understood and respected his authority. Unfortunately, Spike sees Twilight still babying him due to his size. "Twilight, I am the Dragon Lord; I can make my own decisions. Also, during my time with the Dragons, I underwent training to became a hunter."

"A.., WHAT?!" Twilight doesn't like the sound of Spike possibly hunting other animals for food. She thought Spike would know better that eating greens are healthier for the body than anything.

"You know how to hunt, Brave and Glorious?" A purple Crystal Guard asks Spike out of curiosity. He and his brethren are intrigued by the prodigious technique for locating enemies.

"Yes. I've hunted many creatures and know what to look out for."

"That settles it. Spike, my second platoon shall aid you for the hunt," Shining Armor commands a unit of ten Crystal Guards to follow Spike's command.

One of the Crystal Ponies leaves their hiding spot and greets Spike immediately. More of them appear, shouting praises, taking pictures, and chanting his name. Garble, Smolder, and Ember no longer doubt Spike whenever he mentions how Crystal Ponies adore him for saving the Crystal Empire. Spike points to his statue behind the trio. They see him holding the Crystal Heart in his claw.

Spike tells his peers to interact with the Dragons standing aside; the Crystal Ponies turn their attention and speak with them, asking many questions and asking if they want to devour gemstones they've grown. Despite the Changeling sighting, the Crystal Ponies pleaded with Princess Cadance to set up the Crystal Faire in honor of Spike and his Dragon companions. Princess Cadance complies with one condition. The Changeling must be apprehended first before initiating a wonderous event.

Spike leads the second platoon outside the Crystal Empire, heading into the snowy region near Yak Yakkistan. Spike looks at the snow to find tracks directing to a hiding spot.

"Spike the Brave and Glorious; you've faced the evil Changelings before. What can you tell us?" A yellow Crystal Guard asks Spike.

"Changelings are tricky to come across since they can transform into any living creature. They could have the perfect appearance, but they do not obtain any memory. They vaguely speak if they didn't study who they go after," Spike calmly replies as he navigates his team. Usually, the topic of Changelings would fear him, but since he went out on his own and hunted vicious beasts during his reign as Dragon Lord, Spike doesn't think Changelings are that monstrous. Another thing, the Changelings are a nation, and Spike believes in the possibility of greeting friendly Changelings.

"You hear that? These monsters can look like any of us, so be on guard, guards! Even more than normal!" The Crystal Guard alarms his brothers in case of any suspicious activity during their travel.

"Changelings can be anywhere, so we better cover as much ground as possible," Spike looks around the surrounding area, determining where to send each group to investigate. "Do any of you have a compass?"

"Right here, Brave and Glorious," A Pegasus Crystal Guard tosses Spike his compass. It's a crystal shard with a magic arrow pointing.

Spike catches it and reads the compass. "Alright, we're in the south, leaving us three different sections to inspect," Spike takes a deep breath. "You five," Spike points at the Pegasi Crystal Guards. "Search the east side of the snow regions!" Spike witnessed how swiftly they moved without flying. "You five," Spike points at the Unicorn Crystal Guards. "Search the west side of the snowy regions!" Like the Pegasi unit, the Unicorns move swiftly, leaving Spike to search the north and around the area. "Impressive."

Spike walks around slowly to see if the Changeling has decided to transform into a smaller animal to evade the idea of leaving tracks for anyone to follow pursuit. Spike looks around for the smallest detail to inspect before proceeding to the mountains. He notices a rock with a slight crack on the bottom.

"That looks interesting." Spike walks towards the rock and feels the snow is hollow. "Gotcha!" Spike pierces the snow with the Bloodstone Scepter, creating a hole that turns out to be a mistake. Spike falls and slides down an icy cave. "Not good! Not good! Not good!" Spike yells and observes a rock sticking out. He grabs hold, preventing himself from falling into a dark chasm. Spike sighs in relief. "Next time, I'm bringing Ember!"

Spike gets up and walks over to a reflective surface. He sees himself without the Bloodstone Scepter. "Don't even try to run Changeling."

"Darn, it! I thought you wouldn't notice!" The Changeling disposes of his transformation, revealing his true self.

Spike reads the Changeling's body language and detects no malice. He senses sadness lingering in the Changeling's heart. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not.., well..," He turns away in shame. "I've been soooo lonely and starving. You think of me as a monster, don't you?"

"No," Spike shakes his head. "I remember seeing your species attacking during the wedding at Canterlot," Spike hears the Changeling sighing in frustration.

"I was part of the attack on Canterlot during the royal wedding, and I witnessed Friendship, Love, and Unity in its' purest form; I couldn't just steal and feed on it. I wanted to share it! All I want is a friend. I couldn't live with my kind anymore since they don't share. I set off looking for love to share, but..," Thorax sighs heavily. "There's so much love in the Crystal Empire, and it's drivin' me crazy!"

"That would be the Royal Crystalling. It's a giant outpouring of light and love for a new baby," Spike explains why the Crystal Empire recently received so much love.

The Changeling sighs and looks down. "Ooooh, who'll want to be friends with a Changeling?"

"I would," Spike offers a claw to shake the Changeling's hoof; the Changeling looks up, surprised that someone wants to be his friend. "I'm Spike," Spike smiles to show kindness. "What's your name?"

"Oh.., uh.., I'm Thorax," Thorax shakes Spike's claw; he's happy to have Spike as his first friend. Then he hisses at Spike for sensing his love to make new friends, but Spike doesn't flinch at the hissing. "You.., You aren't afraid?"

"Honestly, Thorax," Spike chuckles. "I hunt vicious animals whenever I get hungry. A Changeling hissing at me due to hunger is nothing compared to avoiding a Hydra from eating me."

"Well, it was kindness that triggered the hissing. You're brave, Spike, of not flinching when I hissed."

"In the Crystal Empire, I'm known as Spike the Brave and Glorious!" Spike does a signature pose that matches his statue.

"What about outside the kingdom?" Thorax wants to know more about his new friend.

"I'm Dragon Lord Spike!" Spike does a new pose while holding the Bloodstone Scepter with his left claw.

"Wow, I'm shocked. My first friend is a King over the Dragon Nation. Do they share love like the Crystal Ponies?"

"I'm sure when I speak to them. They'll welcome you with open arms and hooves. The Crystal Ponies trust me; they'll believe you're a great friend since we're friends. Come with me to the Crystal Empire. I would advise turning into a Crystal Pony first so we don't attract unwelcome attention with fear running amuck," Spike reassuringly says when he puts his right claw and arm around Thorax's neck.

"And the Dragons?" Thorax hopes they'll be as friendly as the Crystal Ponies.

"They welcomed Discord, the Lord of Chaos as an official brother. The Dragons will welcome you as well. I'm teaching them that hatred is not the way of life or living. Hatred is strong, but love overcomes hate."

Thorax feels confident and transforms into a light turquoise Crystal Pony with a dark arctic bluish-gray mane. His cutie mark is an urn vase with horseshoes on, resembling the color of his body.

"Nice form. Follow me, and you'll embrace the new friends that await you," Spike confidently says, knowing the Crystal Ponies will adore and befriend Thorax without having an issue.

As Spike navigates Thorax to the Crystal Empire, Garble, Smolder, and Ember are having a blast with the Crystal Ponies for hours. They are eating crystal corn and compliment that it tastes similar to gemstones, trying to play the flugelhorn and failing miserably but laughing at each other's attempt, listening to their stories of Spike the Brave and Glorious. Ember, Garble, and Smolder told the Crystal Ponies story after story of how Dragon Lord Spike has slowly turned the Dragon Nation into a friendlier, peaceful nation, speaking about how love triumphs over hate and how they want to extend their Friendship with neighboring countries. The Crystal Guards patrolling the streets saw the Dragons and apologized again for their blunder when they obeyed Shining's commands.

Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst, while carrying Flurry Heart, come out with a squadron of Crystal Guards, wanting to speak with Ember, Garble, and Smolder about Spike's progress since he hasn't written them any letters about his reign. They find the Dragons hanging out with a swarm of Crystal Ponies by Crystal Beau's backyard. Crystal Beau is a stallion with a light teal coat, deep teal mane and tail, purple eyes, and a cutie mark of a bow and arrow; He's the one grilling the crystal corn as Smolder shows how Dragons cook a chicken.

The Crystal Ponies are in awe of learning about the Dragons' culture. First, they didn't know that Dragons needed to consume meat since it's equivalent to eating veggies. One of the Crystal Ponies named Ivory Rook, another earth stallion with a light yellow coat, blue mane, tail, light blue eyes, and a cutie mark of a crenelated tower, asked what veggies do to their bodies since they don't eat as much. Garble replies, letting every Crystal Pony know eating greens would delay Dragon's growth and strength; eating much of it can sustain fatigue, causing them to become less durable. Ember interjects the explanation about the importance of gemstones. Not eating enough will allow Dragons' immune systems to fail, allowing sickness and injuries to overwhelm them.

Twilight overhears the explanation and feels queasy about controlling Spike's gemstone eating habits. She would give him small portions in fear of having too many would allow Spike to become greedy and turn into a raging Dragon hellbent on hoarding everything he sees as precious. She now understands how crucial meat is for a Dragon and how sickening the side effects of eating veggies can restrict Spike's growth and strength.

Princess Cadance flies into Crystal Beau's backyard, asking the Dragons for a private session with the Crystal Guards. Every Crystal Pony groan, not wanting to have their activities halted due to Princess Cadance's request. Ember, Garble, and Smolder comply with the private discussion, informing everypony they'll return once the conversation is over. The Crystal Ponies cheer and decide to bake a gemstone cake to surprise the Dragons when they return.

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor lead everyone to the Crystal Castle to discuss Spike's progress. They went up a long flight of stairs to the throne room, where many Crystal Guards were in position to protect everyone from the Changelings. Ember, Garble, and Smolder look at the beauty all around before fixing their gaze on the Princess and her friends.

"What's up? Why did you want us here?" Smolder asks. She wants to hang out with the Crystal Ponies in Beau's backyard.

"Yea, what's is this all about?" Garble is curious about the sudden summoning.

"Does it relate to Dragon Lord Spike?" Ember asks. In the back of her mind, maybe Spike's friend, Princess Celestia, told them about the Dragon Egg raiding and uncovered solid evidence for finding the culprit that initiated the atrocity.

"Yes," Princess Cadance nods. "We haven't heard or seen Spike in a long time."

"Also. We wanted to know why some creature taking younglings made you three upset. Last I recalled, Garble and other Dragons went on a Phoenix Egg raid, wanting to smash the eggs," Twilight painfully reminds Garble of his regretful deed.

"Look, there's a reason why we reacted the way we did; when it comes to younglings. We will gladly explain the details if Dragon Lord Spike permits it," Smolder replies.

"Please, don't bring up my past," Garble hates the character he used to be when he took many eggs and smashed them for fun. "I'm different now than I used to be."

"Why do you need Spike's permission?" Sunburst asks the Dragons. "It's your history and reason we need."

Spike comes in with Thorax disguised as Crystal Pony. He hears the commotion about the possible discussion of the Dragon Egg raid. "Because there are pivotal events no other country should know of yet."

"Spike?" Everyone turns their attention to Spike and his new friend.

"Hey, Spike, who's your friend?" Twilight turns to Thorax's disguise.

"Oh.., um..," Thorax hesitates with his answer and comes up with a name on the fly.

"Crystal Hoof," Spike pitches in for Thorax with a brilliant cover name. It's until things settle down for him to explain to everyone.

Princess Cadance has met with all her subjects during her reign and has never seen Crystal Hoof before. She trots up to him. "Well, any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of mine," Princess Cadance warmly greets Spike's new friend and stands aside to allow him to greet her daughter.

Thorax's heart is pumping with excitement from the kindness given by Princess Cadance. He sees how everypony else is smiling at him, showing love and affection for greeting a new friend. Ember, Smolder, and Garble read Thorax's body language, and like all the other Crystal Ponies they hung out with, they deemed him cool.

Thorax comes closer and sees Flurry Heart for the first time. His eyes widen with astonishment and happiness. "Oh, she's so beautiful! There's so much l-love around her...! I.., I...!" Thorax reverts from his disguise and hisses in hunger, scaring the daylights out of everypony.

"Whoa!" Ember, Garble, and Smolder jump back and believe the Changeling is about to devour Flurry Heart's love to feed.

Thorax sees the hostility from everypony. Twilight and Starlight are preparing themselves to attack Thorax. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are disgusted that a Changeling attempted to feed the love out of Flurry Heart. The Crystal Guards are preparing to apprehend the Changeling.

"I..." Thorax hisses. "I'm so..." He hisses again while stepping away. "...sorry...! I can't.., Can't..." Thorax hisses in hunger. "...stop!"

Ember, Smolder, and Garble hear the terrifying words of a Changeling that sounds remorseful. They know there's good inside of him by reading his body language.

"Spike! Get away from the Changeling!" Twilight instinctively suggests as a mother/friend would. She ignites her horn, conjuring magic to attack Thorax.

"Wait, no! You don't understand!" Spike said, defending Thorax as he continued to hiss.

"This Changeling replaced your friend to get close to the baby! What other explanation could there be?!" Sunburst exclaims, pulling Flurry Heart's crib behind him with his magic.

"Stand aside so we can apprehend this monster!" Shining Armor demands. He and the Crystal Guards trot closer to arrest Thorax.

"HE'S NOT A MONSTER, AND HE'S MY FRIEND!" Spike angrily bellows and uses his Bloodstone Scepter to strike the floor, causing a small earthquake to show he's serious. The entire Crystal Empire felt the earthquake, and every Crystal Pony worries about the crisis.

Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, and several Crystal Guards stumble and fall from the rough quaking Spike unleashed. Flurry Heart starts crying.

"You can't be serious, Spike!" Shining Armor stands up, using his right hoof to point at Thorax. "Changelings are monsters that feed on love! They imprisoned my wife, possessed me, and nearly dominated Equestria! Monsters like him don't belong here!"

Thorax is ready to cry when Ember, Garble, and Smolder stand beside him. Thorax feels the love coming from the Dragons.

"THE ONLY MONSTER I SEE ARE THOSE QUICK TO VIOLENCE!" Spike stomps up to Shining Armor angrily.

"Spike, calm down!" Twilight urges Spike not to allow his emotions to speak on his behalf.

"Spike, Changelings can't be trusted!" Starlight warns Spike wholeheartedly after hearing the tales about what Changelings can do to Ponies.

"Spike, listen to yourself, Changelings are monsters that feed on love, and it's evident that the Changeling is feeding off your love to manipulate you! Just as how Queen Chrysalis has done to me!" Shining Armor pleas for Spike to snap out of whatever hold Thorax had on him.

"Do you assume all Changelings are evil just as how you viewed Dragons?" Spike asks everypony that are against Changelings.

"WHAT?!" Everypony shout in horror.

"Earlier today, you attacked my friends and girlfriend because you saw them descending. You were only sorry because you saw me; If I wasn't with them," Spike points at his companions. "Would you continue the onslaught?"

"Well.., uh...," Shining Armor hesitates to answer.

"Crystal Guards?" Spike turns to them. "Who taught you how to fear Dragons and Changelings?"

"Brave and Glorious," Some wanted to answer immediately but felt a gut-wrench twisting in their hearts.

"Princess Cadance and Shining Armor told us about larger Dragons and Changelings are evil. Monstrous with powers and strengths unlike any other," A purple earth Crystal Pony answers while removing his helmet. "When we saw you, we thought you were the only nice Dragon while everyone else are devilish creatures."

Many Crystal Guards remove their helmets in unison. They sense a scolding from the Brave and Glorious and don't want to hide behind their armor. It's their way of showing respect when they are wrong.

"If they didn't invoke you with that fear, would you still attack us?" Spike asks the Crystal Guards.

"No," The Crystal Guards shake their head simultaneously. "We would allow you to arrive peacefully and introduce yourselves."

"Spike!" Shining Armor becomes agitated. "There is no such thing as a good Changeling. Why are you siding with that monster?!"

"How would you know about good Changelings? Have you talked to one?" Spike uses the Bloodstone Scepter to tap the ground like a gavel.

"I've seen thousands of those monsters attacking! You've seen it!" Shining Armor exclaims and glares at Spike. "You are literally standing next to one!"

"Wanna talk about monsters, huh? Why are you comfortable with Starlight Glimmer!" Spike points the Bloodstone Scepter at Starlight.

"Huh?" Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and the Crystal Guards turn to her. Starlight Glimmer blushes in embarrassment.

"Spike, don't bring Starlight into the conversation," Twilight doesn't want Starlight's misdeed to become a topic of discussion.

"What does Starlight Glimmer have to do with being a monster?" Shining Armor is confused about Spike's rude remark.

"She stripped many Ponies of their cutie marks for her version of equality!"

Thorax, Ember, Garble, and Smolder horridly gasp at the revelation; Starlight Glimmer curls on the floor, covering her face in shame.

"Then, when she wanted revenge, Starlight altered the timelines that brought misery, devastation, and an apocalyptic future!" Spike painfully reminds Starlight of her past sins. The Crystal Guards step away from Starlight. Starlight starts crying.

"Spike! You've gone too far!" Twilight starts getting angry at Spike for causing a rift. "That's enough from you!"


"Spike-" Spike interrupts Twilight's speech.


Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst listened wholeheartedly to Spike's rant. They look at Thorax, crying because of the fear the Ponies want to unleash when they feel threatened. Twilight sees Spike huffing and puffing while withholding his tears in anger and sadness. They feel guilty about how they reacted.

"Twilight!" Spike grits his teeth while trying to suppress his anger. He inhales deeply to calm himself. "Do you remember the first time we saw Zecora and how everypony hid from her because she was different? I wrote that letter to Princess Celestia about how we shouldn't judge a book by its' cover. It seems that you've forgotten that Friendship and life lesson."

"Spike, I'm..," Twilight looks at Spike's eyes and sees disappointment written on his face. Twilight feels ashamed of herself for allowing history to repeat itself.

"I expected better from you, from all of you," Spike walks up to Thorax. He's unhappy with everypony.

"Brave and Glorious," The Crystal Guards trot up to Spike. "Will we see you again..?" The Crystal Guards are nervous about Spike possibly refusing to return after the hostility shown to Thorax.

Spike turns to Ember, Garble, and Smolder. "From what you saw, would you consider returning for another visit? Be honest, guys."

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are more worried than anypony else in the room. They hope the Dragons can give them a second chance to redeem themselves after hearing a heartfelt learning experience of approaching every creature. They want to change their habits and start greeting and being more open-minded to all possibilities whenever someone enters their kingdom.

"Crystal Ponies are cool! Equestrian Ponies, not cool!" Smolder says, throwing the thumbs down at Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Sunburst, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer.

"What, my sis, says," Garble concurs with Smolder's statement.

"I would come and be with the Crystal Ponies because they welcomed us like we were their family. Equestrian Ponies must get their act together before their racism starts a war with another country," Ember coldly states after watching the wrathfulness from everypony wanting to harm Thorax.

"RACISM!?" Princess Cadance, Twilight, Shining Armor, Sunburst, and Starlight Glimmer felt hurt by that awful remark.

"Shining Armor was the one who attacked us. Who also commanded the attack without allowing us to explain our reasoning for visiting a beautiful kingdom. Watching the display of approaching the Changeling made me sick to my stomach. You, as a nation, a species, need a reality check. It seems for anypony that comes, there is peace. A different species, whatever name Ponies named them to be, shun, hate, or attack without reason. The hate you have for Thorax because he's a Changeling, is your motivation. Our motivation is love. Which is why we're taking Thorax to our land, where he will be safe!" Ember turns to Thorax, throwing the thumbs up.

"We got you covered, brother," Garble pats Thorax's head.

"No one will be messing with you anymore," Smolder reassuringly expresses, showing and sharing love with Thorax.

"Thank you..," Thorax cries in happiness. He feels that he made three new friends with the Dragons.

"Come with us; we have a party to return to before going home," Ember leaves the throne room with Garble and Smolder. They want to bring Thorax to Crystal Beau's home.

Spike stands with his Bloodstone Scepter in hand after watching his friends depart. "Crystal Guards are welcome to join us at the party," Spike takes a deep breath. "As for each of you standing. Your way of Friendship is flawed. There's good and evil in all countries, but don't focus on the negativity. It'll discourage you from making new friends who can be crucial later in life," Spike says and turns his back. He walks and leaves the throne room, hoping his message will impact and make them see change before it's too late. The Crystal Guards follow Spike, not wanting to align themselves with those Spike is not fond of.

Starlight sniffs and watches Spike leave. She heard everything from his rant to a pearl of wisdom. "He's right. I was a monster. I had the audacity of attacking that Changeling, thinking he was a monster without hearing his side of the story. What kind of friend I am?"

Twilight feels sadness and remembers how distant Zecora felt when she first arrived in Ponyville. "I'm supposed to represent Friendship, and I wanted the Changeling gone! I didn't even bother listening to him! What kind of Princess am I that doesn't give Friendship to someone different?!" Twilight imagines herself face-hoofing in anger.

Princess Cadance trots to the balcony and sees many of her subjects welcoming Thorax, offering him hugs and high hoofs. She's amazed by how quickly the Crystal Ponies are open to extending their Friendship to a creature she feared. "Why did I allow fear and anger to overwhelm me? I'm the Princess of Love that didn't show any to a nice Changeling. I showed hate because of that invasion..." Princess Cadance sheds a tear at the mistake she committed.

Shining Armor sees himself in the reflection and sees a strong stallion capable of anything when he puts his mind to it. He had no problems welcoming a brother like Crystal Hoof since he's close with Spike. When he witnessed his Changeling form, his instincts took over, wanting to slay the demon that once took possession of him, locked up Cadance, and nearly destroyed all of Equestria. Now, he's remorseful of his actions and remembers a time when Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, longing to bring the eternal night and suffering, King Sombra ruling the Crystal Empire with an iron hoof, from Twilight's testimony about Trixie seizing Ponyville and enslaving the town with the Alicorn Amulet, the time when Twilight mentioned a mare named Sunset Shimmer who nearly took over one world and wanted to conquer Equestria. There are many Ponies in Equestria who committed heinous crimes across the lands, and who is he to judge?

Shining Armor turns to his wife on the balcony and notices Princess Cadance tearing up. He looks around and observes each of his friends and sister in disarray. "Alright, I admit. I'm in the wrong for allowing personal reasons to override my rationales about Changelings and every other creature that are not Ponies. I understand why Spike would call us racist. Our forefathers hated each other, and since we're united, the hatred turned to different creatures not native to us. I have a lot of mental training to endure to become a better Pony willing to talk with every species."

Sunburst takes Spike's message to heart and vows to wait and listen before assuming the worse whenever he greets different creatures across the globe. He wants to earn Thorax's forgiveness and become friends with him.

Spike sees the crowd greeting Thorax and showing no fear. He smiles, and a group of Crystal Ponies comes from behind, hoisting their champion in the air while carrying him to Crystal Beau's party in the backyard. The group couldn't help but take pictures of Spike and chant his name in delight. Spike couldn't help but chuckle and savor the attention.

"Ah, crud!" Smolder forgot about the chicken she cooked. It's burnt and black on the grill.

"Heya, Dragons!" An earth Crystal Pony named Fleur De Verre comes out with a seven-layer gemstone cake with the help of a few Crystal Ponies. Fleur De Verre is a mare with a cream-colored coat, pink mane and tail, purple eyes, and a cutie mark of a fleur-de-lis.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooo!" Spike, Ember, Smolder, and Garble see many colorful gemstones sticking out of the cake and inside once Ivory Rook cuts a slice for his favorite champion.

Thorax smiles and holds his stomach. He's craving to digest love when several Crystal Ponies form a heart-shaped ring around him. "Huh? What is this?" Thorax is confused but feels the warmth and kindness of each Crystal Pony.

An earth Crystal Pony mare named Sapphire Joy speaks on behalf of her brethren and sistren. Sapphire Joy has a light blue coat, bright pink and purple mane and tail, deep blue eyes, and a cutie mark of plant growth. "From what our Princess warned us about the Changelings, you feed on love. However, from the Brave and Glorious's perspective, he treats you like a brother. So, we will treat you as our friend. We want to share our love so you can feed."

Thorax sees the other eleven Crystal Ponies nod in agreement. They smile lovingly, allowing Thorax to feed the love. Thorax opens his mouth, allowing a surge of pinkish energy to come from the hearts of every Crystal Pony. The Crystal Ponies start to feel fatigued, and Thorax closes his mouth, allowing his friends to regain their strength quicker.

"Oh, wow! That tasted delicious!" Thorax licks his lips and hopes the love he consumes will be enough to travel to the Dragon lands. "Thank you, everypony! I needed that meal, hehe."

"You're welcome, bro!" An earth Crystal Pony stallion named Rubinstein says. Rubinstien has a purple coat, light blue mane and tail, deep blue eyes, and a cutie mark of a crenelated tower.

"We're always happy to assist any friend with Spike the Brave and Glorious!" A Crystal Guard says. Every Crystal Pony concurs with the statement.

Spike burps the loudest after eating the delicious gemstone cake. He, Ember, Smolder, and Garble ate their full and continued to party with the Crystal Ponies. They sing, laugh, dance, and eat different foods.

After two hours of fun, it was time to leave. Spike thanks every Crystal Pony for taking the time to learn and make new friends. He appreciates them and promises to return again. Every Crystal Pony cheered joyfully. They chanted we love you.

Spike climbs on Ember's back and holds on tightly. "Thorax, follow us to the Dragon Lands. Once we're there, I'll help you settle in your new quarters."

"Sounds good! I'm so excited to meet more Dragons!" Thorax couldn't contain his excitement. "I'll see every Crystal Pony soon!"

"Let's fly!" Garble takes off first.

"Race ya!" Smolder flaps her wings and flies ahead of Garble.

"You're on!" Garble flies after her sister.

As Ember takes off, Spike looks back at the Crystal Castle and hopes his friends understand the gravity of the situation. Also, he wanted to apologize to Starlight for adding her as the monster subject when his rage got out of control for defending a friend in need. "Be well and listen well."

From the balcony of the Crystal Castle, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst wave bye to Spike. They have much on their mind to improve themselves for everyone they see. They want redemption for the mistreatment they gave Thorax and for upsetting Spike. More so with Shining Armor since he was the first to show aggressiveness to the Dragons when they first arrived.