• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 825 Views, 28 Comments

White Dragon - Blaze-saber

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Great Wildfire of London

Flash could hardly believe what he was seeing right now.

A moment ago, he was in his house with his sister and Twilight. And now, he was wearing a white and silver suit with dragon wings in his back and a dragon like helmet on his head as he was floating in space. "Am I dreaming or something?" He asked in awe, as he was amazed by the view.

"It is a site to behold." He heard the voice again.

"Okay, who or what are you?"

"Like You said before, I'm the dragon on your back." The voice told him. "I am called S.L.V.R Draconet Z771."

"Slvr Drac-what?" Flash tried to repeat, which caused the female voice to let out a sigh.

"Just call me Silver Draco." Flash then saw a few schematics of the armor, front and back, appear in front of him. "Now running diagnostics. Hmmm." His arms started to move on their own which really surprised him. He then suddenly did a few flips while in space and this made him to really freak out.

"What are you doing?!" Flash asked as he tried to stop. "How are you doing this, Silver?!"

"We're linked. It happened back down on Earth after I scanned your DNA." She explained. "And I'm just making sure that everything is in working order, which they are. Except I damaged my memory core and I can't remember how."

"Okay, but can we do this back down on Earth?" He asked. "I'm starting to get a little nauseous up here."

"Acknowledge, re-entry systems engaged." Silver stated before the wings on his back vanished in a flash of light.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Flash cried out before he began to fall back down to Earth. He started yelling as he entered the Earth's atmosphere, his body becoming covered in flames. But for some reason, he couldn't feel the heat at all. Silver soon made him go into a position, as if he was skydiving, before he saw he was heading straight towards the ocean.

Just before he could crash into the water, a quick flash of light from his back caused the wings to reappear and he hovered just above the water. Flash was taking a few deep breaths, as he looked at himself in the water. He was amazed to see the armor suit on his body.

"This is insane." He commented. "And a little warning next time you decide to do something like that."

"Apologies, but I was doing what you said about out of this world." Silver explain.

"It was a figure of speech! I didn't mean it literally!" Flash exclaimed before sighing. "Look, how about we head back to civilization and have Twilight take a look at you. She's smart, so maybe she can find how to fix your memory core thing?"

"Okay. If you insist." Silver replied before she made Flash go up straight and took off into the sky. He didn't think it was possible, but he was suddenly even more amazed than he was before, as he flew through the sky at what felt like mach speed. He wondered if this was how Rainbow Dash felt when she first had her wings.

Flash flew through some clouds before he noticed some buildings below, but not the ones he recognized. He saw a giant ferris wheel and Big Ben, which are only seen in one place. "How are we in London?! We've only been flying for a couple of minutes! And this city's in England! We need to be in America!"

"You said take us back to civilization and this was the closest one." Silver explain.

"Unbelievable...we need to be in America, in Canterlot City!" Flash told Silver before they heard a loud boom coming from the city. "What was that?!"

"Scanning for the source." Silver stated as Flash saw something on the visor on the inside scanning the city. Then it zoomed in on a bank with smoke coming from the bottom.

"Someone's robbing a bank?" Flash asked before he knew what to do. "We have to stop whoever it is!"


"Call it a test run to see what else this suit can do." Flash answered before he blasted off to where the robbery was happening.

At said bank, a big burst of flames destroyed part of a wall before someone came through said hole. She was woman in a black suit of leather armor, with flames printed on the front and back, with high tech red gloves and boots and a matching full head helmet. She was carrying a large duffel back and once she was outside, she sat it down and unzipped it to reveal a bunch of cash.

"I knew today would be a hot day for a withdraw." She joked, smirking under the helmet. But just as she picked up the bag, she saw someone in a white and silver armored suit do a superhero landing across the street from her. "And just who are you?"

"First off, why did you make another hole when you made one to get in?" He asked as he pointed to another hole next to the one she made. "And secondly, I don't think that's how you make a withdraw."

"One, I love to make an entrance and an exit darling." She told him before setting down the bag. "And every bank is fully open to a withdraw, but only to Wildfire!" Flash saw her hands being covered in flames before he suddenly got blasted by said flames. The blast sent him back and crashed into a wall.

"Did she just refer to herself in the third person?"

"She just blasted us with fire from her hands and that's what bugs you?!" Flash looked up, as her boots started to erupt flames from the bottom. She took off into the sky, with the bag full of money slung over her shoulder. "And she can fly."

"It's most likely the gloves and boots she's wearing." Silver pointed out before she showed a schematic of Wildfire. "They seem to generate a high temperature while the suit and the helmet protects her from it."

"Well then," He pulled himself out of the wall. "Let's go after her." In a flash of light, his wings appeared on his back before he took off into the sky to chase after her.

Wildfire looked back as she flew, spotting him coming after her. "Well, well, well, things just got a little more interesting." She joked before she fired things up and went a little faster. As the two of them flew through the sky, civilians on the ground saw.

"We're not going to catch up with her!" Flash told Silver. "Does this suit come with any bells and whistles?"

"Why would we have instruments attached?" She asked, causing Flash to roll his eyes. "But we do have this." She made his arm point forwards and aim straight towards Wildfire. Flash then watched, as his arm began to shine bright before transforming into a arm cannon with the end of it looking like a dragon head.

"Okay, that's awesome!" He exclaimed before saw that it was powering up.

"Neutralizing target in three..."

"Wait, what?!"


"Wait a minute!!"

"One." Just as it was about to fire, Flash used his other hand to push the cannon. It fired a blast and just as the orb of light was near her, it exploded that the blast knocked her out of the sky. "Why did you do that?"

"You said you were going to kill her and we're trying to stop her!" Flash exclaimed.

"Isn't that the same?"

"No! We are not trying to-" Before he could finish, he was blasted out of the sky by a fireball and crashed in the middle of the streets. As he got up, he noticed some people were staring at him. He then turned his attention towards Wildfire, who was standing in front of a crater where she crashed from.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" She shouted in anger. "You could have killed me!" She tightened her fist, as flames covered it. "Now you're going to burn!!" She shot a stream of flames right towards him, but he quickly tucked and rolled out of the way.

"She's clearly trying to destroy us, so we must destroy her first." Silver explained as she transformed his right arm into the arm cannon again.

"No, we're not!" Flash told Silver, as he kept the cannon down. "That would make us as bad as her!"

"Who are you talking to?!" Wildfire shouted at him before she fired again, a pair of wings appearing in a flash before they were used to block the flames.

"It's a long story!" He responded when the wings lifted up. "Now, give up or you're going down!"

"I don't think so. After all, you have a bus to catch!" With that, Wildfire blasted off into the air. Flash was confused by what she meant, only to hear a bus horn from behind. He quickly turned and saw one coming right at him, not having enough time to move.

A quick flash of light happened on his back as a dragon tail extended out from behind him and an energy blade appeared on the end of it.

The tail put itself in front of him and started to cut the bus in half down the middle. Flash was both shocked and amazed by this, as were some of the people who quickly got out of the way on the bus. Soon both halves of the bus went past them as the people on board looked at him when the tail retracted in a flash of light.

"Silver, did we just cut a bus in half?!" He asked before he noticed the people around him had their phones out. "Oh great, now I'm internet famous for cutting a bus."

"And Wildfire is getting away." Silver pointed out as he saw her flying away.

"Let's go after her, but we're not killing her!" Flash told Silver before the wings flapped and he flew after her. Little did he know, one of the people recording what happened was actually Vignette.

After he flew away, she stopped recording and posted the video online. "Wait till the girls back home see this." She smirked as she sent the link to someone.

Back in Canterlot City, Twilight and Scootaloo were making their way to Sugarcube Corner.

"So how are we going to tell them?" Scootaloo asked Twilight. "That a small metal dragon from a box he got from some lady jumped and attached itself to his back and put him in a suit before he was blasted off to who knows where?"

Twilight groaned. "I'm not sure how to tell them. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened, even though I witnessed it myself."

"Anything that happens in this city usually doesn't make sense." Scootaloo reminded. "Let's just hope Sunset can make heads or tails of it." They entered Sugarcube Corner to find the rest of the Rainbooms sitting at a table. Pinkie seemed to be enjoying a milkshake, as were Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"Hey Twilight, how are you?" Sunset asked when she saw her and Scootaloo. As the two walked over, Rarity got a alert on her phone.

"Well me and Scootaloo just saw something that was not of this world." Twilight stated as she and Scootaloo sat down. "Well, what happened was-"

"Girls, you must see this." Rarity interrupted, as she saw something on her phone. "Vignette just sent me a link to a video she just posted over in London." They gathered around and were shocked to see what Vignette sent. They saw a white and silver armor man with dragon wings on his back cutting a bus in half with a dragon tail. Twilight and Scootaloo instantly recognize the armor because it's the same one Flash that appeared on his body.

"That look so awesome!" Rainbow commented which caused the others to look at her with a raised brow. "I mean, that looked nuts."

"Yeah, looks like more equestrian magic is running amok." Twilight replied sheepishly, only for Sunset to shake her head.

"I don't think it's equestrian magic." This surprised the girls. "To be honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at." This just made Twilight and Scootaloo wonder. If it's not equestrian magic, then what else could it be?

Meanwhile, at Dusk Industries, within the lab where Silver was kept, Sombra stood over the table where the fake Silver Draco laid with an angry look on his face. He was told by the scientists that the Silver Draco had no energy signature on it. Said scientists looked nervous, as Sombra picked up the fake and didn't get a shock when he touched it.

"It's fake." He growled as he squeezed it tight, ignoring the pain as he did.

"We're sorry sir..." One of the scientists begged in a scared of tone. "It must have been stolen during-" Sombra threw the fake near them, the lot of them flinching when it hit the wall.

"No excuses!!" He shouted with rage. "I want to know who stole it. Track them down and kill who ever has it!! I will not have something so important be taken away!!" Another scientist sudden entered the lab and sounded out of breath.

"Sir, there's something you should see!" She cried before he followed her. They soon came into a monitor room, where a bunch of people were on high-tech equipment with a big monitor placed on the wall. "Someone in London just posted something online and we believe you might want to see it."

One of them pulled up the video on the main monitor and what Sombra saw caught his full attention. He saw a man in white and silver armor, as he cut a bus in half with a dragon tail. Sombra hadn't seen that armor in the seventeen years. "That's it! That's the Silver Draco!" He shouted. "That's the power of the Silver Draco!"

"What do you need us to do?" A scientist asked, Sombra glaring at him.

"Hack into London's security cameras across the city now!" He ordered before they all quickly got to work. "If you see anything that shows him using the suit's abilities, do everything you can to scan them!" He then looked at one smaller monitor showing the armored figure. "If I can't get any of it directly, I'll just study you."

Back in London, Wildlife continued flying through the sky as she shot fireballs right at the pursuing Flash. He was doing evasive maneuvers to avoid the fireballs and to catch up with her. "We're going nowhere with this!" He shouted.

"Yes, this is getting a bit annoying." He heard Silver say. "May I suggest neutralizing her now?"

"That's a big no!" Flash responded before he noticed some clouds up ahead. "I've got an idea. I'll need that arm cannon, but turn down the power just a bit." He extended his arm out as it transformed into the weapon from before. It then blasted a few orbs of light right at Wildfire.

Wildfire dodged as many as she could before the two of them flew into the cloud. She could barely see anything through the cloud, as Flash managed to get above her and shot down to tackle her. The two of them fell out of the sky and crash landed on the ground. "Not fun..." He groaned before a blast of flames shot him.

"Now I am really miffed!!" Wildfire shouted, as she unleashed a bombardment of fireballs right at him. "You could have just walked away, but instead you decided to play the hero!" She fired a more powerful blast that sent him flying back. "And now, you're gonna burn!!!" Another blast shot him and caused him to crashed into some power lines.

When he hit them, the cables snapped and landed on top of him whilst the electricity was still on. Thousands of bolts of electricity surged, through both of them as Flash began to scream in pain. Wildlife smirked under her mask as she watched the armored man getting electrocuted. However, Silver suddenly had flashes of people fighting in some sort of style kind of like a dragon.

Those images shot through Flash's mind before Wildfire blasted the power lines off of him.

"I could've let those power lines kill you, but I rather burn you to death than electrocute you." She told him as she walked over to him and grabbed him by the throat. "Goodbye." Just when she was about blast him, he suddenly pushed her back with the palms of his hands right towards her stomach.

This caused her to skid back before he was doing awesome acrobatics and unleashing multiple punches and eventually spin kicked her the ground. As she picked herself up, she saw him take a fighting stance like a martial arts master. "Where the bloody hell did that come from?!" She exclaimed.

"Not sure myself." He stated as he was just as surprised as her. "Silver, did I just do kung fu?"

"I think you did."

"Was it because of those images I saw appear in my head?"

"I'm not sure but-look out!" She warned him, as Wildfire shot a big fireball right at him. Flash manage to backflip to dodge the fireball before the arm cannon was equipped and he blasted her a few feet back just before she hit a car. She quickly recovered before she got behind it and blasted the car right at him.

Flash quickly raised his arm up, as it was covered in a bright light. As he brought his arm down, he cut the car in half and she saw his arm has transformed into a blade that looked like the end of a dragon's tail.

"Did your arm just transform into a sword?!" She asked in shock.

"Yeah and I'm both amazed and shocked as you are!" He responded before he used said blade to block a fireball she shot at him. As he continued to block fireballs being shot at him, the local police created a barricade in the area they are in.

"I will burn you to ash!" She shouted before he had his left arm transform into a arm cannon and blasted her back.

"She really needs to cool off." Flash commented.

"That's a great idea." Silver cried before she showed a schematics of her gloves and boots. "If we can short circuit the gloves and the boots, she won't be able to generate fire anymore. Lucky for us, they're not waterproof."

"Then let's go for a dip." He quipped before the wings appeared on his back again and he flew straight towards her. Once he grabbed hold of her, he flew straight towards the water behind them and dive down. The police officers looked over the railing as they were surprised of what he did before he quickly flew out of the water with her and landed on the ground safely.

As she huffed from that sudden action, she tried to throw a fireball right at his head. But to her shock, her gloves and boots bagan to let out sparks. "You...You damaged my tech!!" She shouted with disbelief.

"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He quipped as he pulled her over to the police. "She's all yours officers." Just as one of the police officers cuffed her, a news crew got through the barricade and went over to him.

"I'm Gayle Gossip, reporting live next to an armored hero who has just stopped the notorious robber known as Wildfire." The reporter said into the camera before she turned to Flash. "Tell us sir, who are you and why did you pursue her?"

"Well uh...I did it because I always wanted to be a hero like my father." He answered. "My father was a police officer and he always helped others no matter what. I looked up to him like he was my hero. He died when I was young and while my little sibling was still a baby." He sounded a bit sad at the memory of that day. "As for who I am..." A sudden flash of images from before appeared again before he heard two words repeat over and over again. "White Dragon?"

"You heard it here first everyone, Wildfire was stopped by the one who calls himself the White Dragon." Gossip spoke into the camera as the officers drove away with Wildfire in custody.

"I think it's time to go, Silver." Flash whispered before the wings flap to take off and took to Canterlot City.

That news report was sent all around the world and it was already becoming a major sensation.

People couldn't seem to stop talking about White Dragon, the video, or the news report. Some would have called him an alien invader, or some mutant that escaped a lab. Meanwhile, at Dusk Industries, Sombra was making his way towards the lab with a flash drive in his hand.

The scientists kept quiet when he came in and went over to the main computer. Once he was there, he plugged in the flash drive and video footage of White Dragon from different angles appeared on the screens. "I want you all to analyze the footage and find a way to mass produce the same power as this 'White Dragon'." He ordered the scientists in the room. "I don't care how long it takes, just do it."

"Yes sir." They all replied before they quickly got to work. Sombra took one last look at the armored figure and had a dark look on his face.

"Whoever you are, the Silver Draco may have chosen you, but it belongs to me." He growled in a dark tone. "And I will get it back."

Flash soon was back in the United States as he was flying through the skies. He soon reached his house and landed in the backyard. "That was insane!" He exclaimed. "It only took us like a few seconds to get here from London!"

"Indeed, and that's just the start of what we can do together." Silver told him before Flash realized something.

"I should probably tell Scootaloo and Twilight then I'm okay." He said as he went up the back door of his house. The moment he grab hold of the doorknob and hold it, he accidentally ripped off the door off its hinges. "Oops..." He stepped inside and tried to put the door back.

When he thought he had it back on and turned to walk, it fell to the ground and made him flinch a little. He then casually strolled into the living room before he cringed at the hole in the ceiling. "I should really fix that before mom gets home." He carefully picked up his phone, trying not to accidently crush it, and dialed up Twilight.

He waited for a few seconds before she finally picked up. "Flash?"

"Hey Twilight, I'm back at my house." He explained before he heard her let out a sigh.

"Oh thank god...Scootaloo and I are on our way back now." She told him. "We saw you on the news after we saw a video of you cutting a bus in half. How did you even get back here so fast?"

"It was because of Silver." He answered. "Oh and uh...Silver is short for Silver Draco which is the thing that was attached to my back from earlier. She said her memory core was damaged and I told her that you're smart enough to take a look at it."

"I will try but I hope you're wearing clothes after what happened when that armor appeared on you." Twilight joked.

"Okay, and I was thinking that we could see what I can do with this armor on." Flash told her as he was making his way up the stairs. "And I have a feeling that you are too because this is your kind of thing."

"Okay, but I feel I should tell you that not even Sunset knows what's on you." Twilight told him. "I didn't tell her or the girls yet. But I think we should once we figure out what this Silver Draco is."

"Good idea." He nodded as he entered his room. "So tomorrow after school, will test out what else I can do and maybe figure out where Silver came from."

"Let's go to the abandoned warehouse downtown for that." Twilight suggested. "See you when we get there."

"See ya." Flash hung up. He pulled open a few drawers before pulling out some pants and a shirt. As he sat them on the bed, he felt something pop out from his back before a small holographic dragon with metal wings hovered in front of him. "Silver?"

"Hey there." It responded with Silver's voice. "I found out I can do something when I was checking my systems. Pretty neat, huh?"

"That's cool, but can you get this suit off of me?" He asked her. "Because I need put on some clothes after you kind of burned off my other one."

"Oh sure, just give me a second." Silver told him before she closed her eyes and looked like she was concentrating. Within seconds, the armor and the helmet started to disintegrate before he was fully out of it. Thankfully, he was still in the underwear that wasn't disintegrated with the rest of his clothes.

"Thanks." He told her before began to put on his clothes. "It's weird, you're right here in front of me but I can still feel you on my back. And you're smaller. Did you shrink when you took off the armor or something?"

"Probably." Silver shrugged. "So you sure this 'Twilight' will be able to fix my memory core?"

"Trust me, she's one of the smartest people I know." Flash assured her. "But I'm curious. Those images we saw before. You think those were your memories when we got shocked?" Silver only gave an unsure shrug. "Well it must be because those images look like it was from ancient China and the guy was doing kung fu. You think you were attached to the guy before and you must have passed the knowledge on to me?"

"I'm not sure...I don't remember anything." Silver replied in a sad tone. "I don't remember if I have a family or where I'm from." Flash felt sorry for her as he pulled her in close.

"It's okay, Silver." He assured her in a comforting tone. "We'll help you find out who you are and where you came from."

"Hey Flash, we're here!" They heard Scootaloo's voice downstairs.

"Come on, let's introduce you to my sister and Twilight." He told Silver before they made their way downstairs where Twilight and Scootaloo are. Little do any of them know, something bigger was coming to Earth. And it wasn't as friendly as Silver.

Meanwhile deep in space, from within the remains of the planet that was destroyed long ago, something dark and red started to glow within the core. Sounds of shuffling could be heard before a dark figure lifted its head. "I can feel it." A venomous voice was heard. "A surge of energy...Light Years away from here...It has a new host..."

This dark figure became a dark cloud before it started to seep through the cracks. Soon the dark cloud covered covered what's left of the planet before it started to move it out of orbit. "I am coming for you...Silver Draco...coming for you..."