• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 825 Views, 28 Comments

White Dragon - Blaze-saber

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Hunt is On

Flash was seen laying in his bed, sound asleep before a sound of an alarm was heard and woke him up. He groaned a little bit as he set up and pressed down on his alarm clock, only for him to accidentally crush it. "Oh man, I forgot about that…" He said to himself as he remembered he has superhuman strength, ever since Silver Draco attached to him. He gets out of bed and stretches his arms before he notices Silver was nowhere to be found.

Got out of bed and looked around for her before he had a thought about where she was. He walked up to the mirror and turned around before he lifted up his shirt and saw the metal wings were attached to the rest of the metal dragon. He saw that it had dug into his skin while most of its body was sticking out. "Morning." He heard Sliver's voice in his head.

"Morning, Sliver." Flash responded before the metal Wings popped off and formed the small holographic dragon. "You think you can dial it back on my strength a bit? I destroyed my own alarm clock."

"But if I do that, you'll be acceptable to any danger that we may come across."

"The only danger around here is my mom if we hadn't covered up those holes we made when you kidnapped me." Flash retorted as he went into his bathroom. "If she had seen them, I would have been dead. I'm just glad Scootaloo went to her Apple Bloom's place for a sleepover." He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste before all of the toothpaste was squeezed out when he grabbed it. It splat on the mirror before he carefully wiped a bit of it on his toothbrush.

"Why, is 'my mom' very dangerous?" Sliver asked as she floated over to him as he began to brush his teeth. Because we can easily neutralize her–

"NO!" Flash quickly interrupted her. "We are not destroying my mom, we're not destroying anyone! Are we clear?"

"Fine, fine, we won't do any neutralizing." Sliver stated in an annoyed tone as she crossed her arms. "But we should be on alert. I can't shake the feeling that something is coming for us and I do not want to take any chances."

"Look, right now I have to get ready for school and then after, we have to meet Twilight at a warehouse to see what else we can do." Flash reminded her as he was finished brushing his teeth. "Plus, we have got to find a way for us to use that armor without burning my clothes off." After finishing up in the bathroom, he got dressed for school as Silver hovered over him.

"I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is coming and–" Before she could finish, Flash quickly grabbed her and placed her in his backpack. "If this is how you treat your friends, I hate to see how you treat your enemies!" Flash just rolled his eyes before he went out of his room and down the stairs.

After a quick breakfast, Flash was in his car and driving to school as he placed his backpack in the passenger seat next to him. Silver unzipped it a little before she popped her head out. "All I'm saying is that there's a 87% chance of a possible threat to come right at you. She told him as he just rolled his eyes. "I looked into your head and saw some memories of the dangers you're in while at school. This fall formal with his Sunset Shimmer girl, the Battle of the Bands where you were under the control of three girls called the Dazzlings, and of course during Camp Everfree. There was also the fight with Wildfire the other day in London. Your world is filled with many dangers and I'm just wanting to protect you. But luckily for you, I have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal."

"Look, we can't just assume everything is a threat trying to kill us." Flash told her. "If you did see my memories, then you would know that there's always a way to resolve things without violence. After school, Twilight will explain to you about things like that while we've seen what we can do and check out those 'weapons' you were talking about."

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when a bazooka crazed maniac comes right at ya." Sliver said before she went back into the bag and zip it back up. Flash soon drove into a school's parking lot and got out with his bag.

"Just stay quiet and try not to draw too much attention." He whispered to her before he entered the school.

"Okay, I'll try." He heard Silver reply. "Oh what's this? Oh a journal, neat. Dear journal, I can't get over how amazing the Rainbooms are whenever they work together. All seven of them are beautiful in their own way. Fluttershy is always kind to all both humans and animals while Rainbow Dash can be a little self-confident sometimes, she can be really loyal to others. Applejack is super strong and it's always honest when it comes to it while Rarity makes amazing clothes as she's always generous to others. Pinkie Pie can be really fun and throws the best parties as she makes everyone laugh and Sunset has come very far since the Fall Formal and it's amazing how she can be sincere about others now. But out of all of them, Twilight is really beautiful, super smart, and only knows what to do when things are tough. All of them have amazing singing voices and it's always great to hear them sing whenever I do my homework." Flash blushed a little after hearing Silver read his journal entry before he went up to a wall and slammed his backpack against it. "Ow!"


In class, Flash brought his backpack as it was sitting under his desk while he was paying attention to his teacher. "The integral measures the area of the curve from point 'A' to point 'B'." The teacher told the students. "Copy these equations down, this is all going to be on your final."

"The equations are lies, Flash!" Sliver stated as she was moving around in his backpack while he tried to keep it still. "This creature has no idea what they're talking about. Don't trust it." this caused a couple of students sitting next to him to give him an odd look.

"I left my iPod on." He told them as he acted casual.

"No, you didn't. Don't lie." Sliver told him before Flash kicked his bag. "Ow! Stop doing that!" After the school bell rang, Flash was walking towards his locker before he accidentally bumped into Trixie. "Ah, we're under attack! Sliver started to fly in his backpack as he held on tight to keep her from attacking Trixie.

"Sorry, looking after a little project for Micro." Flash explained with a nervous smile.

"Whatever." Trixie said as she just continued on while Flash had an irritated look on his face.

"Okay, that's it!" He grunted as he made his way towards the soccer field and hid under the bleachers. He then sat down his bag and unzipped it. "Out, we need to talk about this!"

"Talk about what?" She asked whilst flying out the bag.

"You! You need to stop talking whilst we're surrounded by people!"

"Look, I don't know why but I have this feeling like something big and bad is coming this way." Sliver told him. "I don't know what it is but I can't shake the feeling off. I don't know why my memory core is damaged, but I have a feeling it was done by someone on this planet."

"And I'm sorry to hear that. But you need to realize that if people find you, I'm gonna get in real big trouble. So you need to stay quiet and stop disrupting my life."

"Well too bad because now I'm a part of your life. In case you forgot, I'm attached to your back and there's no way for you to remove me unless you want your spine to be taken out as well. Like it or not, you and I are stuck together and I am going to protect you from anything that might harm you!"

"Well I didn't ask you to attach to my back. And I didn't ask for your protection. And yes, things around here get a little crazy. But I don't need you buzzing in my ear every minute about possible dangers. I'm a big boy and I don't need you badgering me."

"You know that big boys don't say stuff like 'I'm a big boy.' And I'm not buzzing in your ear, this is me buzzing in your ear!" Silver then flew up to his head and started making loud buzzing sounds into his ear.

"Augh!" He grabbed the robot and threw her away from him, Silver slamming into the bleacher and crying out as she fell to the ground. "DON'T DO THAT!"

"Hey you started it!" She retorted before she started zapping his feet.

"Gyah!" He tried to kick her, but she leapt into the air and fired another bolt. "Stop that! If someone sees you, we're screwed."

"Ha, like that will ever happen!" Sliver exclaimed. "Besides, I'm just trying to prepare you for whatever happens–Gah!!" A soccer ball came out of nowhere and knocked her down to the ground. Flash quickly rushed over and saw her eyes swirl as her body twitched.

"Hey, do you mind passing the ball back?!" He heard Rainbow Dash call out before he quickly put Silver back in his bag and zipped it up.

Raven pulls up to a house before pulling out her phone. She pulls up her text messages and finds one that was sent by Chemical Shock. "Okay, this is the place." She said to herself before she got out of her car and walked up to the front door. She then rings the doorbell and waits for an answer before she hears someone on the other side unlocking the door before opening it.

"Good, you got my text." Chemical said before he yanked Raven into his house. "Now what did you do with it?!"

"Can you calm down first and tell me why you asked me here?" Raven retorted before Chemical quickly went over to his living room table and opened up his laptop. He then typed in a few keys before he turned it around and showed an online newspaper with 'White Dragon' as the headline with White Dragon on the cover of it.

"This! This is why I texted you!" He exclaimed. "This full body armor came from the little metal dragon you were supposed to take away and hide! But it looks like someone found it and has managed to activate it!"

"Look, I wasn't able to hide it but I gave it to someone." Raven explained. "I didn't have time to get away with it so I gave it to some teenage boy with blue hair and I told him not to open the box!"

"Unbelievable!" Chemical complained as he started to rub his forehead. "Teens these days don't do what they say! This teen boy you speak of is probably the guy who now has the metal dragon on his back and will be hunted down by Sombra if we don't get to him first!"

"Look, just take a deep breath and calm down." Raven told him before she sat down next to him. "We'll just go out and look for him. Once we tell him all about that thing and tell him how much danger he's in, he'll understand or something like that."

"Are you sure?" He asked only for her to shrug her shoulders. "Okay, can you describe more of him so it'll be easier for us to find him?"

Meanwhile, Flash and Twilight were in his car after school was over as he was driving to the warehouse Twilight told him about. In the backseat is Scootaloo as she insisted on coming because she wanted to see what the armor could do as well. They soon pulled up to an abandoned warehouse as there were a few abandoned barrels and broken windows around. There were also a few old abandoned cars as well. The three of them soon stepped out of the car as Twilight pulled out a few things from her bag.

"Okay let's see, energy reader, power scale, and of course my aerial drone camera." Twilight said to herself as she was taking it through her bag.

"This is going to be so awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly. "I mean, we saw what you did online when you were in London. But seeing what you can do in person is going to be so awesome!"

"Yeah, I guess that it is kind of exciting." Flash said before Twilight walked over to him with a tracksuit. "What's this for?"

"Well since I know that you don't want to have your clothes disintegrated when you transform into that armor, I brought my dad's tracksuit for you to wear." Twilight explained. "My mom has been trying to get rid of it for years now, so we'll both be doing my dad and my mom a favor."

"Okay, thanks." He said before he took the tracksuit and went behind some large crates to change.

"Hey Twilight, why did you bring your camera drone?" Scootaloo asked. "I thought we were keeping this a secret."

"When doing an experiment, a good scientist always documents their findings." Twilight stated. Later after he had put on the tracksuit, the three of them went to the roof of the warehouse as Flash was seen standing on the edge of the roof. Twilight had turned on her camera drone as it started to fly in the air. "Okay Flash, now just transform into that armor so we can get started."

"Okay, you heard her Silver, let's armor up." Flash said as he waited for the armor to appear, only for nothing to happen. "Oh wait, Silver's still in my bag. Could you get her out sis?"

"Sure." Scootaloo went over to his bag and unzipped it. Inside she found Silver looking a bit upset with her arms crossed. "Hey Silver, it's time to show us what you can do."


"What do you mean, no?"

"I'm not giving him my awesome armor. He doesn't appreciate me."

"What's taking so long?!" Flash asked as Scootaloo brought over his bag.

"She said she won't give you the armor because you don't appreciate her." Scootaloo told him.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked before Scootaloo reached in the bag and pulled Silver out.

"I'm not giving him the armor!" She cried, "He doesn't want it so he doesn't get it." The girls looked confused, whilst Flash frowned.

"Come on, enough playing around. Armor me up."

"So I'm just supposed to do whatever you tell me to do? Yeah, no. I'm not some puppy you can order around. You don't appreciate me, so you don't deserve me."

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate you, it's that you can be overprotective." Flash explained. "Plus I was only trying to protect you when I told you to keep it down. If anyone found out about you, they would dissect you."

"Ha, you sound like you care. Got a funny way of showing it. You tried to kick me!" Twilight and Scootaloo were shocked by this.

"Only because you tried to zap me," Flash countered.

"Only because you threw me against a bleacher!"

"Only because you were screeching in my ear!"

"ENOUGH!" Twilight cried, "you're both acting like babies."

"He/she started it!" They both cried, pointing at each other. Twilight groaned and couldn't help but facepalm.

"Look, can you just armor him up so we can see what you can do together?" Scootaloo asked, only for Silver to cross her arms and look away.

"Okay, if that's the way you want to play it…" Flash said before he started to walk away from the edge.

"Flash, what are you doing?" Twilight asked as he looked like he was about to do a running start.

"You're bluffing," Silver told him. Flash smirked and looked at the edge, taking several deep breaths. The girls also thought he was bluffing, before he started running. They expected him to stop right before the edge, but he didn't and leapt over it.

"FLASH!" They screamed, as Flash flew through the air.

Silver quickly flew over and attached herself to his back. Then in a bright light, the suit started to materialize on his body as it started to burn away the tracksuit. One the flash of light happened, a pair of dragon wings appeared and he started to fly in the air. Flash cheered before laying down to Twilight and Scootaloo and landed on the building. "You sneaky son of a gun."

"I knew you couldn't resist." He commented in a smug tone.

"Okay, now that you're all suit up, we can start testing how you in the suit work." Twilight said as they began to test out his new abilities. Twilight started by using her magic to levitate a few cars and through them at Flash. Flash caught each of them as she began to stack more cars on top of them until they're at least twenty or thirty cares.

Later, Scootaloo set up a few glass bottles along a railing as Flash ready the dragon arm cannon. He took aim at one of them as Scootaloo joined Twilight behind a wall before he fired a blast. The force of energy pushed him back a bit and the blast took out all the glass bottles along the railing.

As Twilight was writing notes on their progress, Scootaloo was riding on his back as they were flying in the air. Later, Silver detached herself from his back as she sat in front of Twilight while Flash and Scootaloo were trying to figure out what else he can do. "So, this holographic form of yours looks like it can go through things yet it feels so solid whenever one of us touches you." Twilight pointed out. "Can you explain to me how that is possible?"

"Well, I'm not sure myself but I think you can call it 'hard light.'" Silver told her while Scootaloo started poking Flash on the back. "It's more complicated than it sounds if I try to explain it to you."

"That's okay, but do you think you can pull up a blueprint of yourself?" Twilight asked. "I want to see if I can fix your memory core." Silver nodded before she closed her eyes. When she opened them, she projected a holographic blueprint of herself except the writing on the design of her was in a language not of this world. This caused Twilight to blink a little before she let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, I don't think I can fix your memory core if I can't read that."

"Yeah, I figured that. I tried changing it so you could read it, but no luck."

"Hey Silver, what can this suit do besides having blasters and fly?" Flash asked before Silver thought for a moment. Silver then flew over and retouched herself to his back before a quick flash of light appeared on his left arm and it became a claw with four pincers. "Whoa! What can this do?!"

"Try picking up that steel beam over there." She instructed. Flash decided to humor her as he walked over and used the claw to pick it up. The pincers opened when he reached down to grab it before they slammed down and crushed it.

"Awesome!" Scootaloo cheered. "What else can you do?!" Silver detached herself from his back and floated over to her.

"Well like I told your brother, I have an arsenal of weapons at my disposal. Not only that, but I can add more with just a simple thought from him. Whatever he can think of, I can create."

"Really?" Flash asked before he started to think about something. "Silver, I want to try it out. I think I have a couple of ideas that might be useful." Silver floated back over and reattached herself to his back. She then saw his ideas and she was intrigued by them. Flash then balled up his fist as it got covered in a bright light. Once it died down, it was a white rocket with golden outlines. His left leg then got covered in a bright light before it turned into a big drill.

"Wow, that's very creative, Flash." Twilight complimented. "Where did you come up with that?"

"Saw it on a TV show from Japan." Flash answered her. They then started to make new things like a gatling gun on his right arm, a rocket launcher on his right leg, and other things he could think of. Twilight then heard her phone start to ring before she took it out of her pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hey mom." She said to whoever was on the other side of the call. "I'm just with Flash Sentry and his little sister for a little experiment. What? You really mean it? Sure, I'll ask if he would like to come. Thanks again mom, love you!" After she hung up her phone, she walked up to Flash with a bright smile. "Flash, I have some big news for you."

"What's up Twi?"

"My mom's boss is hosting a party tonight and since my mom is one of his top workers, she is invited to go." Twilight told him. "She was told that she can bring me along since I've been intrigued about his work for some time and she said I can bring anyone I like to bring."

"And you want to bring me along?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"You wanted to work at Dusk Industries, so I thought this might be a perfect opportunity for you to meet the CEO of it." Twilight explained.

"Wow Twilight, that's very kind of you!" Flash exclaimed as he carefully gave her a hug. He realized what he was doing as he quickly pulled back and blushed under the mask. "So…uh, what time is the party?"

"Just around ten, be sure to wear a black suit." Twilight told him with a smile.

"Sure, I'll see you then." Flash replied before Silver detached herself from his back and floated over to Scootaloo.

"I know what you're going to ask, and it's a long story." Scootaloo said before Silver could say something. "I'll tell you about his feelings for her, and his feelings for another girl also named Twilight."

At the top floor of Dusk Industries, Sombra was watching the footage from London as he watched White Dragon fight against Wildfire in his office. Sombra remembers how the host of the Silver Draco used to fight before and can tell the difference to this new host. "Did something happen to her memory when I took her?" He asked himself before he tightened his grip on his own hands.

The doors to his office then opened as someone walked in. It was a man with pure white skin, dark blue hair with black streaks, and green eyes. This man was also wearing a black leather jacket and torn jeans as he walked over to Sombra. "You called for me?" He asked.

"Yes I did, Shade Prowler." Sombra responded as he stood up from his desk. "No doubt that you've heard the news about a hero that goes by the name 'White Dragon.'"

"Yeah, I heard he cut a bus down the middle in half before taking down some hot chick." Shade said as he sat down in a chair and put his feet up on the table. "But something tells me that you didn't call me just to fanboy about him, right?"

"That's right, you know that the Silver Draco is mine and was recently stolen." Sombra mentioned in an angry tone. "So tonight, I'm hosting a little party and that's where you come in. You helped me get the Silver Draco and now I need your help to either take it back or study whoever has it now more."

"If you are going to hire me to do it again, the payment will be doubled then it was the first time." Shade mentioned. "Plus I think I might need better equipment."

"I'll pay you whatever you want, and as for your equipment." Sombra said as he went over to a bookshelf and pulled out a book like a lever. The bookshelf then split open to reveal something inside. "I already took care of that. Just be ready when to take care of this new White Dragon." Shade looked at what was in the secret compartment and had a grin on his face.

Soon night falls as Flash is seen wearing a black suit he wore during the Fall Formal as he is driving to the address where the party is being held. Soon he parked in front of a building where he saw lights shine bright at the penthouse of the building. He steps out of the car before he hears a familiar voice call out to him. "Flash, over here!" He turned to see Twilight wearing the dress she wore during the party at Camp Everfree. With is her mother, Twilight Velvet and a man with dark blue skin and hair while he has yellow eyes.

"Hey Twilight." Flash greeted as he walked up to her. "I can see your parents are here too."

"You must be Flash Sentry." The man said as he walked up to Flash and shook his hand. "I'm Night Light, Velvet's husband and Twilight's father. They both told me a bit about you."

"Well it's nice to meet you, sir." Flash responded with a smile.

"My wife told me you tried to apply for a job at Dusk Industries before a little incident happened. You would've loved to work there."

"Alright honey, why don't we just go up and enjoy the party." Velvet suggested. "Maybe you can meet Sombra there and see if you can get a job from him."

"That would be nice, thank you." Flash walked over to Twilight as her parents went inside. "I got to say, your parents are really amazing."

"Thanks Flash, but I can tell by the lump on your back that Silver is tagging along." Twilight mentioned before the lump started to move and Silver popped her head out from the back of his shirt.

"I'm just here to keep an eye on him and want to see how a party goes." Silverstream explained herself. "I saw his memories of parties being thrown by a girl with cotton candy for hair. So, I kind of want to know how this party is compared to one of hers."

"Anywho, let's go in and have fun." Flash suggested as Silver quickly went back down and the two of them joined Twilight's parents inside. They took the elevator up to the penthouse where a bunch of people were enjoying the party while music played. Some of the people were talking amongst each other. Two of the people in the crowd are Raven and Chemical Shock, but Chemical looked a bit uneasy.

"I don't like this…not one bit." He whispered to Raven. "We should be finding that kid who has the Silver Draco, not here."

"Look, just stay cool." Raven whispered as she gave him a glass of champagne. "I know that finding him is important, but you need to act casual so Mr. Sombra won't expect us. So relax and just have fun with it." Chemical took a deep breath before taking a sip of the champagne while looking amongst the crowd. His eyes then caught sight of Flash walking in with Twilight and her parents before he did a spit take.

"Th-That's him!" Chemical exclaimed as he shook Raven and pointed to where Flash is. "That the guy you gave it to!" Raven looked to where he was pointing and her eyes went wide.

"You're right!" She said before the two of them tried to make their way to him. They made their way through a crowd of people, bumping or parting ways through the crowd as they tried to make their way to him. But the moment they got to the spot where they saw him, he was nowhere in sight.

Meanwhile, Flash was with Twilight as they were talking in private by the bar. "I got to say, your mom's boss really knows how to throw a party." He complimented.

"I know, but I was really hoping we could see Mr. Sombra." Twilight said as she looked around the place. "You would have thought the host of the party could at least come to his own party."

"Yeah, I wonder where he is." Little do any of them know that Sombra was in a room with a two-way mirror looking down at the party. He then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Everything is in place. Are you in position, Shade?" He spoke into the phone.

"Just give the word and I'll do my thing." Shade replied before Sombra looked back at the party with a small grin on his face.

"Do it." With that, an explosion burst open the door and startled everyone. Everyone looked and saw someone emerging from the smoke of the explosion. It looked to be a man wearing a full body black suit with purple lines on the body. There appears to be white armor up his arms and legs while he wore a black helmet with a white mask on his face.

"Hey you!" A security guard called out as he walked up to the black figure. You're not supposed to be--" The moment the security guard grabbed hold of his shoulder, the black figure grabbed his arm and put them over before breaking his arm and punched his lights out. Some of the people were frightened by what this man did before this man touched the ground and his hand glowed before something began to spread out along the ground.

Something then began to crawl along the ground before reaching towards the elevators and other exits. "What's going on?!" Flash asked as he, Twilight, and her parents witnessed what was happening.

"It looks like he's using nanotech to block off the entrances." He heard Silver tell him in his head. "And before you ask how am I seeing all this while being under your shirt, I'm seeing through your eyes."

"Alright, here's how this is going to go down!" The armored man spoke up. "All of you are my hostages and let's just say I'm doing this to draw in someone! For every hour this person doesn't show up, I'll start killing all of you one by one!" He then ball up his fist as it began to transform into a rifle gun. "If any of you try to be a hero and take me down, I'm taking you down!"

"We need to take care of this."

"But don't transform me into that armor right in front of everyone." Flash whispered to Silver. "We need to keep it a secret."

"If you're talking to Silver about how to transform with no one knowing, I think I may have an idea." Twilight mentioned before she started whispering in his ear.

"So, you all might want to get comfortable." The armored man told them. "Because after an hour, one of you is going to be dead soon." Twilight's parents pulled her in clothes before they noticed Flash sneaking up behind the black armored figure. Flash then charged right at him before the black armored figure quickly got him by the throat. "Oh, trying to play the hero aren't we?"

"I don't know who you're trying to get attention…but I really doubt he or she would like this…" Flash told him as he was getting choked.

"I hope they don't like this. That's why I'm doing it. If they're really the hero they pretend to be, they'll show up."

"Hero?" Flash asked, but had a small incline he knew what this guy was talking about. He reached up and grabbed his fingers, barely managing to loosen their grip so he could take a small breath. "You're after...that dragon thing...aren't you?"

"Yeah, I heard he was the top news and I want to see how good he is." The armor figure walked up to the windows. "But maybe I should do something to get his attention, like this!" He then threw Flash out the window and Flash began to fall.

"Silver, now!"

"You got it, Flash!" Silver replied as she began to form the armor on him. Back in the penthouse, the armored figure looked along the crowd as he let out a scoff.

"Let this show that being a hero gets you killed." He told them before he was suddenly blasted from behind and skid across the ground. He quickly got up and saw White Dragon flying into the building before landing on the ground. "Well, if it isn't the man of the hour."

"You know, that kid was lucky I was flying by when you threw him out that window." White Dragon said as he acted cool. "But now that I get a good look at you, you look like a knock off of Batman and Deathstroke fuse together."

"The name's Dusk Hunter, and now that you're here," he put his hands on the ground and started to absorb the nanobots on the entrances and absorbed them. "I can finally get my payment." He quickly fired a couple of grappling hooks to the walls behind white dragon before he quickly zipped right at him and kicked him right out the building. The two of them soon landed on a different rooftop as White Dragon crashed while Dusk Hunter landed safely.

White Dragon quickly got up before his arm transformed into an arm cannon and took aim at Dusk Hunter. He began to wrap it fire while Hunter was doing somersaults to dodge each blast before his own arm turned into a blaster like White Dragon. Hunter then started firing back and blasted White Dragon into a wall. White Dragon groaned before Hunter quickly charged at him, ready to deliver a punch to the gut before White Dragon quickly flew up and dodged the attack.

"Man, this guy really packs a punch." He commented as Hunter created a jetpack before blasting off to chase him. "How is he doing all of this?!"

"It looks like he's controlling nanotech with just a simple thought!"

"Great, now how do we take him down?!" White Dragon looked back and couldn't see Dusk Hunter in sight. "Where'd he g--" Hunter came down on top of him as the two of them were heading straight for the park. They soon crashed into the river before quickly recovering. The two of them then got into a battle stance before they began to fight. They each formed a blade on their arms as they clashed.

Dusk Hunter then spun and kicked him in the ribs before forming a blaster on his arm and shot him a few feet back.

White Dragon barely managed to stay upright before looking down at the water they were in. "Silver," he whispered, "do you think that suit's conductive?"

"Only one way to find out," Silver replied before his sword started sparking. Flash leapt into the sand and stabbed the river, unleashing bolts of lightning that charged the whole thing.

Dusk Hunter saw this coming and leapt into the air, avoiding the lightning surge. "Nice try." His suit opened up at the hips and shot out a pair of cables, which flew past White Dragon and embedded themselves in something behind him. They then retracted at high speed, Dusk flying at the armored teen before smashing his feet into his chest.

"AUGH!" White Dragon was pushed backwards by Dusk, until eventually he ran out of cable and stopped. The hero just kept going, flying through the air with little control. The wings on his back formed in the flash of light that stopped him in mid air. "This guy is on a whole new level…" He groaned while holding his side.

"I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed." Dusk Hunter mentioned as he looked up at White Dragon. "The last guy who had the Silver Draco was better than you and put up more of a fight."

"What?" Flash could hardly believe what he was hearing. "You know about Silver?" Dusk said nothing and Flash raised his arm cannon. "You better answer me? What did you do to Silver?"

"Why, is there something wrong with that thing?" Dusk asked before letting out a scoff. "Must have done too much damage when I killed that police officer." He then took a knee before his boots turned into jets and blasted right towards White Dragon.

As White Dragon started to shoot at Dusk, Dusk created a shield to block each blast before knocking him down with said shield. That hit symptom flying and crashed onto a rooftop. "He…He knows me and someone who I was once attached to?" Silver spoke up with disbelief.

"And he also said that you were attached to a police officer." Flash pointed out. "He definitely knows more and we need to find out what!" Dusk Hunter then landed on the roof as White Dragon stood up. "Alright pal, I want answers!"

"Maybe you can get them in the afterlife." Dusk told him before he charged right at White Dragon as his hands looked electrified. He then grabbed him by the throat and by the back as he began to electrocute both him and Silver.

Both of them screamed in pain, Silver trying to free herself and generate a weapon. But before she did, images suddenly flashed in the forefront of her mind. That image was the White Dragon, but not Flash. Whoever this was, they were fighting against someone else and showing a lot more skill then Flash currently had.

The image then changed to show Silver on the shoulder of someone. They were wearing a police uniform, but their faces were still blurry.

Flash finally managed to pull Dusk's hand off of him and kicked him in the chest, knocking the man back as the charge stopped. Flash groaned and looked at his back. "You okay?"

"I…I just…We need him to shock us again!"

"Say what?!"

"The electricity that he hit us with cost some memories to come back to me! Like how we got electrocuted when we fought Wildfire back in London!" Silver explained. "Maybe if I absorb more electricity, you'll survive and I'll get more memories back! And probably unlock something that's been hidden because of my memory loss!"

"No way. I am not letting myself get zapped." As he said that, Dusk charged forward and swung his katana around. Flash started avoiding the swings as best he could, summoning his crab claw as he did. When Dusk tried for a downward swing, Flash used his claws to catch the blade. "Gotcha!"

"Do you?" Dusk's shoulders suddenly opened up, a pair of small nozzles folding out. The next thing Flash knew, a white liquid shot out and hit him.

"Gaaah!" He staggered back, as the slimy goop began to harden and trapped his arms to his chest. "Gross!" Dusk then started slashing at him again, Flash barely able to avoid the swipes. He couldn't summon his wings and though he could feel the rock-like substance slowly breaking as he forced it, he couldn't do that and protect himself at the same time.

"Do something?" Silver cried, as Flash leapt back.

He almost lost his balance as he landed, the White Dragon continuing to struggle against the concrete. "Wait!" He then had an idea, "oh yeah!"

Dusk Hunter prepared to charge at him. But as he did, the White Dragon's right leg suddenly glowed and transformed. When the light faded, a white box could be seen around his lower leg which had a gatling gun stuck to the side.

"What the–?!" Dusk exclaimed before the gatling gun on his leg started firing. Dusk Hunter started running as he tried to dodge the bullets being fired at him before he ducked behind a wall. "The hell was that?!"

"Just something I thought of!" White Dragon shouted. This allowed him to finally break out of the rocky substance, as his gatling leg vanished. His right arm then transformed into the rocket fist he had practiced with earlier. "Now start talking or you're going to get a rocket to the head!"

"Look, it's nothing personal but I was hired to get the Silver Draco back!" Dusk shouted from behind the wall. "The guy who hired me prefers to be called Umbra Lord instead of his real name when I talk about him!"

"And who's Umbra Lord?!" White Dragon demanded. "Not only that, but who was the police officer that had Silver before me?!"

"If I talk, I'm dead! He made that very clear!" Dusk retorted as he started to make something in his hand.

"Well maybe I can make you take the--" White Dragon started before Dust Hunter threw a grenade before it exploded and caused a smoke screen. White dragon looked around frantically as he kept his guard up.

"This isn't good," Silver stated as Flash staggered around. "This stuff is confusing my sensors. Get out of it before-" She didn't get to finish, as Flash was suddenly shot by something from behind and blasted forwards.

"This is not good!" Flash grunted as he looked around frantically. "He's using this smoke to hide himself and attack us from the shadows! Please tell me we can create some sort of fan to get rid of it!"

"We can…" Silver started before they got blasted again. "If he can stop blasting at us!"

Flash picked himself up again and pointed both his blasters forward, constantly spinning around as he tried to figure out where Dusk was. But when he finally sensed someone approaching, the figure moved too fast and Flash couldn't react in time.

"Augh!" He was punched in the face, forcing to stagger back as he fired his blasters. But they missed and Dusk got in close again, dealing another two punches to his gun before leaping up and stamping on Flash's chest.

The armored teen was knocked back and tripped over something, knocking him to the ground as he groaned. "Get up!"

"He's too strong," Flash groaned. "His fighting skills and his tech together are too good." It was then that he realized what they had to do. "We gotta take the tech out of the equation."


"Can you create a weapon that can unleash an electromagnetic pulse?"

"Yes. But making one that won't affect me will take a few minutes." Flash picked himself up, "Can you hold out without me that long?"

Flash took a deep breath, "Let's find out." White Dragon then stood his ground as he either took a hit from a blast or dodged it. There were a few good hits getting to him as he waited for Silver to complete the pulse. "How much longer, Silver?!"

"I don't know. I'm working on the fly here." Flash groaned as he dodged another blast. As he did, he found himself staggering into a trashcan and accidently put his hand in it.

"Ew," he pulled it out as he sensed footsteps behind him. An idea formed in his head and he pretended to be having trouble, falling to his knees and panting.

"Awe," he heard Dusk's voice, "Are you tired. Don't worry, it'll be over soon."

"Yeah," Flash nodded as the presence got closer. "FOR YOU!" He grabbed the can and swung it around, sending the trash flying right into Dusk's face.

"AUGH!" He cried, feeling old banana peels and other gross stuck to cover him. He wiped something off his helmet and as he did, he saw Flash holding the can up before slamming it down on top of him. "HEY!" He was stuck inside the trash can, unable to continue to produce the smoke.

This allowed Flash to run away, "Silver!"

"It's ready." His arm transformed into some kind of railgun, lightning sparking between the prongs. "But it'll take time to charge. About a minute." Flash nodded. But as he did, Dusk let out a mighty roar and ripped through the can.

His back then morphed into a rocket and exploded, propelling him forwards. Before Flash could react, the mercenary tackled him and grasped him around the neck. "Looks like I underestimated you." Dusk commented. "You're better than I thought you were. But, all good things have to come to an end." Flash then felt another surge of electricity course through him as he began to cry out in pain.

Silver screamed with him as she began to have more memories flash in her head.

Most of them were too blurry to make out, but one in particular was clearer than the others. It was an image of the White Dragon, fighting what appeared to be a black version of himself. The two were locked in combat, frozen as they leapt at each other ready to destroy one another.

Flash screamed out as he continued to be electrocuted. Dusk laughed and formed a blast on his arm, which she raised up to stab down into him. "Say goodbye."

Flash took a deep breath and smirked, "Goodbye." The next thing Dusk knew, the EMP arm was thrust into his chest and fired.

The pulse blasted Dusk Hunter backwards, sending him flying backwards as he screamed. It also caused his tech to completely fry, the nanobots that made up his suit beginning to disconnect and all off him like sand as he was thrown through the air. By the time he crashed into the ground, he was only wearing his helmet and a black jumpsuit.

He groaned as he laid there, whilst the White Dragon fell backwards and landed on the ground to hold his head. "That…wasn't...fun…"

"You can say that again." Silver agreed. "Let's hurry up and ask him some questions. Because right now, I have plenty for him." Soon they had Dusk Hunter sit up while his arms were tied up. Silver detached herself from White Dragon's before she hovered in front of him with a glare. "Start talking, right now!"

"Look, I was hired to take you back to Dusk Industries after I killed your new host." Dusk Hunter told them.

"Someone from Dusk Industries hired you?" White Dragon asked in shock. "But what do they want with Silver and who is the police officer you mentioned before?"

"I can't really remember his name. At the time, I didn't really care." Dusk answered, Flash frowned, wishing he could have gotten some more details. "Look, it's something personal, kid. But hey, maybe you should work for the guy. They pay well and you'll live while also keeping a very powerful weapon."

"After hearing what you just said about Dusk Industries, I would rather be a foot massager to an angry bear than work there." White Dragon told him in an angry tone before he turned to leave.

"Your loss." Dusk shrugged before he stood up. "The CEO of that place pays six figures, but I guess some people choose to be poor." A sudden smoke bomb suddenly dropped which got both Silver and White Dragon by surprise. When the Smoke cleared, he was gone.

"Did he say six figures? Nah!"

"Flash, are you okay?" Silver asked with concern after hearing how angry he sounded.

"Y-Yeah, I'm good…" He replied before he suddenly got a text message from Twilight. "Twilight just texted me. She wants me to meet up at her place for a little talk or something. She has some spare clothes waiting for me there."

"What do you think she wants to talk about?"

"Let's go there and find out." He told her before she reattached herself to his back. His wings then formed before they took off.

Meanwhile at a lab at Dusk Industries, Sombra enters just as the scientists are finishing up something. "Well, did it all come through?" He asked them before one of them walked up to him with a flash drive.

"White Dragon may have knocked out the camera with an emp, but we got enough valuable data." He told him before Sombra took the flash drive. "Do you want us to get to work on this project now sir?"

"Yes, program each bot with the data from this flash drive and be sure to leave nothing out." Sombra told them as they all quickly got to work. He then took another look at the drive as he had an evil grin on his face. "Soon, they'll know who the king of this world is."

White Dragon soon landed behind the house of Twilight's before he saw some of his clothing and shoes sitting on top of a recycling bin. He walked over to it as Silver detached herself from his back as the armor disintegrated when he grabbed his clothes. After putting on his pants and shirt on, Silver quickly climbed into his shirt and reattached herself before he walked around front. "I really should talk to Twilight about what I just found out." He whispered to Silver after he rang the doorbell.

"Maybe after you talk to her about Dusk Industries, we should talk about that memory about that other White Dragon and that thing in black armor." Silver mentioned while sounding concerned. "Just the thought of it, gives me the chills."

"Okay…" Flash replied before the door opened up and he was greeted by Twilight, only she looked a little nervous. "Hey Twilight, are you okay?"

"Just come in and well…let's just say that it's not easy to say." Twilight told him before she stepped aside. Flash walked in and saw her parents, Scootaloo, his mother: Misty Veil, Raven and Chemical Shock.

"What's this about?" He asked before Chemical walked up to him.

"Nice to meet you, Flash Sentry." Chemical said. "Or uh…White Dragon…heh…We really need to talk." Flash was shocked by this and knew that this was going to be a long talk.

Somewhere in the mountains of China, inside is a familiar dragon-like ship that didn't look all that frozen. Inside, a familiar robot wearing some rags as a hood over her head looked to be powered down before a red light started to lit up on a console. The robot soon powered up as the eyes turned on before it walked over to the console. It soon tapped a few buttons before the screen lit up and saw a very familiar energy signature.

"Is…Is that the Silver Draco?" It spoke in a female voice. "At long last, I finally got a lock on where it is!" It then started to type in a few things on the console. Once I defrost this ship, I'll make my way towards you, my new master!" As it continued to type in somethings, the lights on the ship started to light up while it slowly defrosted.

Author's Note:

Here is what the villain he's facing in the story looks like: