• Published 27th May 2023
  • 5,575 Views, 787 Comments

An Alternative Beginning - ultrapoknee

Equestria is divided in the wake of Jason's trial. New problem arise from both the political and outside horizons. While Gregory Graystone sits in the middle of it all. Can he reignite the flames of friendship and harmony?

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Chapter 17 - The Maelstrom of Malice

[Seeds Of Yggdrasil Hallways - Some Time Later]

The Crusaders all were sitting at a bench in front of one of the windows where they were watching whatever was happening outside. The sunny day had quickly vanished only to be replaced with the dark clouds that the Windigos had brought. They saw the silvery blue glow of a magical shield in place around the entire school. The skies in every direction were dark, only illuminated every so often by dragon fire as the dragons, led by Ember, led the defense against the attacking Windigos who were trying to break down the shield. Despite the shield protecting them from the wind, the snow still fell through and the ground was now coated in a thick layer of white.

Sweetie Belle sighed and turned back to her friends. “What’s going to happen to us now?”

Applebloom shook her head. She was just as confused as her friends. They’d spent their time while here visiting with the students and making some new friends. They’d even found a group of friends from other species, including a hippogriff, griffin, a young pony stallion they’d seen around Ponyville a few times, and a yak female. They’d spent some time with this group while they explored the school and had talked about their homes and things of that sort. The Crusaders had learned a lot and had promised each other that they would try and start coming to this school in order to learn more. Scootaloo was the most insistent on that.

“I wish I knew,” Applebloom said sadly.

“I wish I was back home,” Scootaloo said sadly. “Even if it wasn’t Ponyville, I did like it there.”

“I’d rather be anywhere else than here right now,” Sweetie said.

“I know what ya mean,” Applebloom said. “There’s no place like home…”

“…But it’s not the same without you two to play with,” Scootaloo said after a few seconds of silence. “I mean, I miss you two.”

“I miss you too,” Sweetie said softly.

“But what can we do ‘bout it?” Applebloom asked. “Ponyville isn’t a nice place anymore.” She had told them both about the changes in their former hometown, which had obviously shocked the two.

“I don’t suppose your families can move to where either me or Sweetie are living?” Scootaloo asked.

“Granny wouldn’t want to move,” Applebloom replied sorrowfully. “Not even if the farm got destroyed.”

“Mom and Dad have a shop they run,” Sweetie added, “and they won’t just pack up.”

Scootaloo’s ears drooped. “I figured…”

Just then, the three heard the sound of hoofsteps approaching from a nearby corner. The three listened curiously at the oddly sounding steps, only for them to realize it wasn’t hoofsteps at all. There wasn’t the familiar clop clop clop of hooves on the floor. The footsteps stopped and they heard the sound of someone taking a seat along with the sniff of a young sounding child. Curious, all three quietly made their way to the corner and peered down the other hallway. There they saw Gregory sitting at one of the benches with a young pegasus filly with curly blue mane. Applebloom recognized the filly as being one Cozy Glow, the leader of the CFE. Gregory was looking down at her, and she looked up at him with teary eyes. There was silence for a bit before she said, “D-Daddy…you hate me, don’t you?”

At this, the Crusaders almost gasped. Did Cozy just really call Gregory ‘Daddy’? What did that mean? They didn’t have time to think about it before Gregory shook his head. “No, Cozy, I don’t hate you.”

“Th-Then why did you s-say what you said earlier?” she stammered.

“About you hiding the truth from the CFE? Because you did,” he said.

“B-But they wouldn’t have understood!” Cozy shouted in what sounded like frustration. “They just see what bad he’s done!”

“Didn’t Tirek recently try and steal the magic of all the ponies in Equestria?” Gregory asked calmly.

Cozy slowly nodded. “Well…yes…but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t imprisoned unjustly before!”

“No, you may be right about that,” Gregory said, much to the shock of the Crusaders. They’d felt the effects of Tirek’s attack a few years ago and had been relieved to know he was back in Tartarus where he belonged. However, Gregory continued and said, “Still, he committed a crime against living beings. He has to pay for that crime. If you do something wrong, you get punished for it. Did he ever tell you why he was trying to steal magic from the ponies?”

Cozy froze. After a few seconds she looked down and shook her head. “I…I never asked…” she admitted. “But he’s my friend!” she shot back, looking back at Gregory. “Wh-What about other villains like Nightmare Moon! Or Discord! Or Starlight Glimmer! They got a second chance!”

“Cozy, I’m not saying you’re wrong about wanting to find the truth and help Tirek if he was falsely imprisoned,” Gregory said, “but if you want to be taken seriously again, you have to talk to the CFE and tell them the truth.”

“B-But I promised Tirek-!”

“Cozy.” The single word stopped her in her tracks. The Crusaders saw the pegasus look up wide eyed at Gregory in anticipation. The human crossed his arms and sighed. “Remember what I said earlier about Tirek possibly deceiving you?” She nodded. “Let me give you some advice. When you go into a situation like this, your best bet is to try and consider all the possibilities. Blind faith will get you in trouble if you let it. I’m not gonna say Tirek wasn’t imprisoned falsely, but you should try and think about the possibility that he was cast in Tartarus all those years ago justly.”

Cozy looked down at the floor, slowly wiping her eye with her front hoof. The two sat quietly for a while as the Crusaders watched, careful not to make a sound. Finally, Cozy looked back up at Gregory. “A-Are you gonna punish me?”

Gregory shook his head. “No,” was all he said.

“Are you mad at me? Are you gonna hit me?” Cozy curled up as if preparing to defend herself from a blow.

Gregory froze a bit and his eyes widened. “Why would I hit you?” he asked.

“My…first daddy always got mad whenever I did something wrong and punished me for being naughty,” Cozy said in a trembling voice.

“I would never hit a child,” Gregory said firmly.

That seemed to satisfy Cozy, who relaxed and looked back down at the ground. “Do you really think Tirek was lying to me?” she asked in a hopeless voice.

“I don’t know,” Gregory said, “but you should consider it a possibility.”

“But what if you’re wrong?” Cozy asked.

Gregory shrugged. “Then I’m wrong. Again, the information from the show could be wrong. It was certainly wrong about the Elements of Harmony. It was wrong about Ponyville. It was certainly wrong about Equestria Girls-”

“What’s that?” Cozy asked with some curiosity.

“I’ll tell you later,” Gregory said, “but the important thing is I can’t just go assuming things are the same here as they were in that show. Some things are exactly the same, but other things aren’t.”

“So…what do I do?” Cozy asked, looking desperately at Gregory.

“You really believe in this cause you created, right?” Gregory asked.

“I do! I said I did earlier!” Cozy replied.

“Yes, and you said why, but I get the feeling there’s more behind that,” Gregory said.

Cozy seemed to flinch at that. She looked back down. Finally, after a half minute, she said, “…I hate my old parents,” she said with a tone that made the Crusaders shiver. There was venom in her tone as she continued, “I wanted to be better than them! I wanted them to know that they’re pathetic!” She was hyperventilating now, and Gregory was rubbing her back. She calmed down and looked back up at Gregory, once more teary eyed. “I…I wanted to show them and myself that I could be better. So when The Trial happened…”

“You seized the opportunity,” Gregory finished.

She nodded. “But I really do believe in what I’m doing,” she said in an insistent tone. “I saw discrimination and hatred towards non-ponies in my old town. I once saw a crowd chase a griffin and her cubs out of town just for asking for a scrap of food! The crowd was led by my old parents!”

Applebloom was horrified by this, and judging by the looks on her fellow Crusaders’ faces, they were feeling similarly. Gregory, still apparently unaware of their presence, spoke again. “Did you know any of those griffins?”

Slowly, Cozy nodded. “I made friends with them…I hate my old parents so much! They’re complete flankholes!”

Applebloom almost gasped. If she had used that word, Granny Smith would have tanned her hide. Still, Gregory remained calm as he said, “Have you told the CFE this?”

“Why? Do you think I should?” Cozy asked.

“Right now, the CFE don’t quite believe that you really care about the cause,” Gregory said, “but if you have a more personal reason for why you’re doing what you’re doing, then it might get them to trust you more. A good leader can relate to their followers,but not manipulate them.”

“I-I wasn’t-!”

“That’s what they’re thinking right now,” Gregory interrupted her. “They want to put you under a lie detector, remember? You should be vulnerable with them to get them to even consider trusting you again.”

Cozy looked like she was considering these words carefully. Applebloom saw her slowly scooting over to Gregory and leaning against the human. “Will you help me?” she asked, sounding scared and vulnerable.

“All I can promise is that I’ll be there when you talk to them,” Gregory said.

“Th-Thanks, Daddy…”

Gregory was about to reply when he paused. He immediately turned in the Crusader’s direction. Too late, Applebloom realized that they’d been spotted. Cozy Glow looked past him and her eyes widened when she saw the three fillies. “You know, it’s rude to eavesdrop,” Gregory said sternly.

The three Crusaders walked up to the human sheepishly as they were unable to meet his gaze. “...Sorry, Mister Gregory. We weren't trying to be noisy,” Sweetie said.

Gregory crossed his arms. “I’m sure you weren’t, but you still should know better than that,” he said. “How much did you hear?”

“Pretty much all of it.” Scootaloo said.

Gregory sighed and turned to Cozy. “All of it, huh…?” He turned back to them. “Kids, you should really be with your families. I don’t know how long that shield will last against them, so you shouldn’t be wandering the hallways alone.”

Before the fillies could retort, a tremor echoed through the school. Gregory looked out of a nearby window to see several dragons and windigos flying past it. Concern began to mount as Gregory remembered that Ember was still outside. A set of hoofsteps sounded out as Twilight and the elements ran by them. Deciding that sitting down wasn’t productive, Gregory grabbed his metal pole and chased after them.

“Cozy, take the Crusaders somewhere safe!” he called back to the pegasus.

“Um, okay.” Cozy said.

Gregory ran down the hallway, his long trenchcoat flying behind him as he did so. He was hot on the trail of the six Elements, all of whom were wearing all-too familiar pieces of jewelry around their neck with the exception of the crown on Twilight’s head. He put his leather gloves on as he reached the last pony in the group, who happened to be Fluttershy. Still, he didn’t say anything as he ran past her. He patted his sides and found that his guns and knives were still there, although he didn’t know if they would help much.

Soon he had overtaken the ponies and ran past them, even Twilight. He rushed towards the front door and was met with the sight of Sandbar standing at the front, watching things going down with a look of trepidation on his face. Outside was a warzone of ice and fire. Dragons were flying through the air right outside the shield, unleashing torrents of flames upon their ghostly adversaries. The Windigos responded in kind while others were still trying to break through the shield. While the dragon fire was delaying them, they seemed to be infective in terms of destroying them for good. Anytime a dragon scored a hit against the hateful spirits, they would reform elsewhere in the storm they created. The windigos did not have this problem as their ice magic would cancel out the flames. A few unlucky dragons were even turned into solid ice. Gregory saw this and grimaced. He looked down at the earth pony. “You shouldn’t be here, Mr. Sandbar,” he said. “You should be trying to find a place to hide.”

“I-I know, but I want to help. I didn’t help before…not when…not when Jason was being hurt!” As he said this, a dragon fell to the ground with its wings frozen solid.

Before Gregory could say anything, Sandbar rushed out into the cold air. Suddenly, Gregory saw Sandbar’s hoove begin to glow a light green. A very familiar light green. The moment his hooves touched the ground, parts of it began to glow as swirling lines of green magic spread out from his hooves. Sudden tall vines began to sprout from the ground. Sandbar froze and screamed in terror as the vines launched into the air. Gregory froze in astonishment. This shouldn’t have been happening, but here it was! Earth pony magic!

The vines reached out towards the group of dragons fighting. They wrapped themselves around each dragon and pulled them back towards the school, passing through the shield as if it wasn’t even there. The vines retreated and deposited their charges on the ground. Still, Sandbar was in full blown panic mode now, backing away and rearing up in utter terror.

Moving swiftly, Gregory rushed over and grabbed the young stallion up off of the ground with a grunt. The vines vanished the moment his hooves left the ground. He leaned closer and shouted above the din, “Deep breaths, Sandbar! Deep breaths! Try and calm down!”

“Sandbar, what did you do?” Starlight asked in awe.

“He just used earth pony magic,” Gregory explained, “something that shouldn’t have happened for hundreds of years. Sandbar, in and out, deep breaths. Feel the flow of magic through you, alright?”

Sandbar stared a hole into both of his hooves as he saw a shimmering green aura around them. “I do…!”

“Ember!!!” Smolder called out suddenly as the Dragon Lord impacted the shield from the outside. She gritted her teeth as her body trembled from the ice that was half way up her arm. Smolder ran out next and began blowing her flames on the ice covered areas to thaw them.

Gregory gently put Sandbar down inside the entrance to the school. “Keep your hooves off the ground for now, until the green glow goes away.” With that, he turned and ran out into the schoolyard towards the exit, only to accidentally run into a young dragon who looked familiar. He turned and saw Garble standing there looking panicked, but holding something in his hand. A very familiar looking shield. Gregory pointed at the shield. “Give that to me, now!”

Garble complied and handed Gregory the shield. “What are you going to do? You don’t look like much.”

“No time to explain, just get back into the air!” Gregory shouted as he ran towards the school exit, He quickly slipped the shield around his left arm and when he made his way out of the school, he had to immediately raise his shield to block a nearby ice blast. Fortunately, Flash Magnus’ shield was so powerful that it deflected the blast immediately. He rushed around, looking for Ember frantically. However, what he saw instead froze him in his tracks.

There, flying above the crowd and looking down at the dragons, Jason Wright hovered. Both of Jason’s eyes, even the blind one, were glowing just like the Windigo’s eyes did, and he had a sneer on his face. His outward appearance was altered to a degree. His hair was white as the snow around them and his scars shined as if the lightning struck him and remained inside. Above all was his skin that took on an ocean blue hue.

Gregory took a deep breath, then shouted as loud as he could, “JASON!”

Jason looked at Gregory with indifference as he floated down to him. “I told you that you should’ve left.” His voice was eerily soft, barely above a whisper while his breath was visible.

Before Gregory could say anything, he felt himself being lifted up. He slid back onto something and saw, to his astonishment, that he was sitting on the back of the strange new horse he’d found. The horse seemed to be glaring up at Jason, and he whinnied in a warning tone. Confusion turned once more to determination as Gregory looked back up at Jason. “I did leave! I came here, damn it! The hell are YOU doing here now?! What happened to you!?!?”

“Now, that’s a funny story.”

[Badlands - One Day Ago]

The changelings were scrambling through the halls in a panic. “Get those nymphs out the nursery carefully. They must be evacuated above all else!” Chrysalis ordered as the drones nodded their heads.

“Do we know what the Windigos are doing now?” Jason asked.

“Sir. They’re circling around the castle. I suspect they are looking for entry inside,” a drone responded.

“But why are they here?” Chrysalis asked in frustration. “We changelings are experts at concealing emotion. The windigos are only a close second on the empath plane.”

“Can the magic dampening throne stop them if they go inside?” Jason asked.

“Maybe, but Windigos aren’t as simple as other magical creatures,” Chrysalis explained quickly. “They’re more like spirits, thus they have no physical ties to this world. They operate on instinct instead of intent. Something drew them here, but I don’t know what–”

Suddenly, a crackle went off. Jason and Chrysalis look up to see a portion of the wall begin to freeze over before several Windigos burst through. Chrysalis and her drones took up defensive position by her throne, hoping that the anti-magic would offer some kind of protection. As the windigos landed, the two groups entered a stared down. For a few tense seconds, nothing happened as the windigos appeared to be sizing the changelings up. Chrysalis gritted her teeth and flared her aura in a threatening manner. It wasn’t until the Windigos gazes fell on Jason did Chrysalis realized the problem. Her eyes widened in horror as she used her empathy sense to see that Jason was a beacon of hate and malice. “Jason! They’re here for you!!!”

Jason whips his head to her. “What? That’s ridiculous– Gaah!?” The momentary distraction gave the Windigos an opening as one of them flew straight into his body, knocking him away from the protective circle of changelings. As he hit the wall, more Windigos began to swarm him and enter his body as well. A gale of freezing wind emanated from Jason as he let out a silent scream, pushing all the changelings and Chrysalis away. Woozy, Chrysalis clutched her head and looked at what became of Jason in terror. He was floating in the air as the windigos circled him in a friendly manner. He was panting - his very breath freezing the air - as his glowing white eyes stared into Chrysalis before he shot out of the castle through the ceiling.

“...No…” Chrysalis whispered in disbelief and despair.

Meanwhile, Jason was soaring in the air as he stopped to look at his hand. Then, he turned his gaze north as a sneer appeared on his lips. With that, he turned to the other Windigos, and in a dark tone, said, “Follow” as he shot off towards his target.

[Outside Yggdrasil - Present]

Gregory frowned at Jason, who had retold this brief story with a casualness that contradicted the war zone around the school. “You came here for what purpose, then?” he demanded.

“I see everything so clearly now.” Jason lifts up his hand as frost begins to build. His gaze fell on a group of ponies behind Gregory as he continued. “The Windigos aren’t a blight or a plague. They are retribution. They seek out those who are unjust, those who hold hatred and punishes them. They sought me out because I share this feeling. And they showed me that I was still too naïve.”

Gregory reached down and whipped out one of his pistols. “The dragons have nothing to do with this!” he shouted. “Ember defended you in court! Why attack the Dragon Lands?”

“Dragons hold the sin of greed in their hearts,” Jason said with a dismissive wave of his hand, “but they are not who we are after right now. It’s them who must be punished. All of them!”

Gregory turned and saw the Elements of Harmony standing there. His body ran colder than before as he turned back to Jason. He urged his horse forward and he complied, standing between Jason and the Elements. “You would punish them when they’re actively trying to change themselves?” he asked, holding the pistol up towards him.

“What changes? Their hearts still carry conflict and malice. As does the rest of their kind. I let my past feelings spare them a more suitable punishment during The Trial. Now, I’ll correct that mistake.”

“You think a year is enough for true change?” Gregory asked. “You know it takes a lot of time to change!”

“They had a millennium to change!” Jason argued. “And still there is strife! Would movements like the CFE exist if there was a single good natured pony? No! You’ve no idea of the hatred they breed. It pollutes the very air. Now move. I must put an end to them!”

Gregory lowered his pistol. “No, I don’t know the true extent,” he admitted, “but I do know all of what happened in Ponyville. If that is but a taste, then I know there’s more. But still, I know there are good ponies around! Not all of them are like those in Ponyville! Hell! There are even some in Ponyville who aren’t like that! You saw how ponies like Starlight, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom reacted!”

Jason merely tilts his head to the side. “I should gleam a positive outlook to ponies as a whole from a former villain that struggles with right and wrong and impressionable fillies that will ultimately follow their parents' example? It seems you are still as much of a fanboy as I was, but it doesn’t matter. Last time, move!”

Gregory grit his teeth and raised his gun again. “I’ill use this if you force my hand! Just listen to reason and look around you. We’re at a school filled with many creatures. It’s led by Starlight - who is promoting equality and true friendship for every creature - it’s not at all what you think. You need to give them a chance–”

“Enough!” A gust of wind forces Gregory to cover himself before Jason appears in front of him. His fist met Gregory’s stomach as Gregory doubled over Jason’s arm. “I’m sick of your sanctimonious preaching!” Jason cocked back his free hand and knocked Gregory down with a right hook, sending him sprawling off of the horse. Gregory was quickly on his feet, thumb on the pistol’s hammer and aiming it at him. Jason rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Please, a gun isn’t made for threats. It’s meant for action!”

Gregory scowled, then shouted, “Yeah, you’re right!” He pulled the hammer back quickly and pulled the trigger. He saw Jason stumbling back. Despite himself, he felt a pang of guilt. He didn’t want to have to do this, but Jason was going to hurt the innocent with those he felt were guilty. Jason looked down at the blood leaking from a wound on his shoulder. “Don’t make me aim for some place more permanent,” Gregory said angrily.

In response, Jason narrows his eyes before flicking his hand. A windigo burst from the storm and flies at Gregory, the human narrowly dodging at the last second. However, the ghostly equine brushed past his hand holding the gun. Gregory winces at the cool contact, forcing him to drop the gun. In the next instant, Jason flicked his hand upwards and an ice dome covered the weapon. Jason now glares at Gregory as he freezes over the wound. Gregory took a few steps back until he bumped into something. Looking back, he found the horse.

The horse moved quickly, grabbing Gregory’s collar and pulling him back, sending him flipping back suddenly and landing once more on the horse’s back. Gregory pulled out his second pistol and held Flash’s shield up as the horse reared up before he turned and galloped away. He turned and aimed his spare pistol back at Jason, pulling the trigger again. Unfortunately, he missed wildly. Jason was more wary of the weapon now as he used several windigo’s to harden and block the bullets with ice.

The horse Gregory was riding seemed smarter than the average horse, as he weaved through the Windigos with expertise. Gregory pulled out one of his knives instead and began slashing at the ethereal creatures. To his surprise, anytime he struck them, they seemed to recoil in pain, but it wasn’t permanent. They seemed to be able to regenerate quickly. He looked down at the horse. “We might not have a choice,” he said solemnly to his brand new companion, “we may have to kill Jason.”

The horse seemed to understand as he turned back to face Jason. Gregory once more pulled out his pistol from its holster. “Don’t make me do this, Jason!” he pleaded. “You’re hurting innocents here! The students here haven’t done anything to you!”

“Everything holds malice,” Jason said stonily, “but I am after the ones who hold the most. Give me the ponies of this school. They will face my hatred and I’ll spare the rest.”

“Then you’re no better than the ponies!” Gregory shouted. “This isn’t justice anymore! This is revenge!”

“I’m tired of you!” Jason spread his arms out as the winds picked up and ice sickles formed in the sky. He launches at Gregory and the horse with deadly precision. The horse tried its best to dodge, but one of the shards stabbed into the flank. Gregory was luckier. He caught one of the icicles on his shield, but it was still hard enough to send him flying from the horse. The two tumbled back toward the entrance of the shield where Smolder, Garble and Ember ran out quickly and brought the two inside.

Gregory stood and held up his shield towards Jason, his spare pistol in his free hand. “Goddamn it…am I really gonna have to kill him?” he asked nobody in particular.

“What?!” Twilight’s sudden voice called out. “Gregory, what are you saying? We’re not taking anypony’s life!”

“I hope you’re right about that,” he said as he holstered his weapon and grabbed his discarded metal pole. He looked back outside.

There was a sudden flash as Sunset and Celestia appeared in a burst of magic. “Hey, everyone. Whoa!” Sunset said as she beheld the scene. “I guess it’s safe to say the Windigoss are here.”

“Is everyone well?” Celestia asked in concern. She notices the horse and her eyes wind in shock but she kept it down.

Gregory turned to them with a frown. “Welcome to the party,” he said sarcastically.

Sunset stared around, then locked eyes on Gregory’s shield. “That shield…”

“No time for that,” Starlight said, pointing back out at the magical shield surrounding the school. “Jason’s been taken over by the Windigos and is basically their leader now! He intends to punish every pony in this school!”

Gregory nodded, turned and rushed over to the injured horse who was lying on his side, injured flank up. “Can someone help me with him?” he asked. “This horse saved my life!”

“I can’t believe there’s a horse here before us,” Celestia asked in shock.

“You can gawk at him later!” Gregory shouted. “He needs medical attention now!”

“I’ll offer any aid I can, but we have no real records for this kind of animal.” Starlight said.

“Horses and ponies aren’t that different,” Gregory replied as he helped the stallion to his feet. The horse leaned his head against Gregory’s own.

Starlight shot Gregory a flat stare. “Oh, and I suppose this horse and the horses of your world are the same? Please regale us of all your knowledge since you know better.”

“Are we really doing this now?” Gregory asked angrily.

“Only as long as you keep that snarky attitude.”

“Hey!” Fluttershy stated, gaining everyone’s attention. “Please, we can’t fight right now.”

“Fluttershy is correct. Any negative emotion we have could feed the Windigos and make them stronger,” Celestia said, turning to Gregory. “I understand your concern, but try to remain calm. With as many creatures as there are here, I am sure we can help your friend.”

“Yeah…yeah…good idea,” Gregory nodded as he was already moving back to the school. “It doesn’t look too deep,” he said, “but we can’t be sure.”

“Hang on,” Sunset said as she galloped over towards the horse. She cast a spell that let her float up to inspect the injury. She nodded. “A simple healing spell should do it. We need to get him back to the infirmary, though,”

It didn’t take them to reach the nurse’s office. Sunset took over and led the horse stallion away, assuring Gregory that she’d help as best she could. Gregory collapsed against the wall and slid down it, sitting on the floor and staring up at the ceiling exhausted. Gregory felt his eyes get heavy and sleep slowly take him.

[A Few Hours Later]

When he opened his eyes again, he realized he had been moved to the infirmary bed somehow. Groaning, he sat up and saw that he was not alone. Curled up next to him, he saw the sleeping form of Cozy Glow. She was breathing slowly, clearly asleep as well. He slowly moved away, not wanting to wake her. Unfortunately, his moving around made her stir. When she opened one eye and looked up to him, he raised his hand. “Hey,” he said, sounding more sheepish than he meant to sound. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Daddy!” Cozy said while hugging Gregory, causing him to wince. “Oops. Sorry.”

“It’s alright,” he said, slowly putting one arm around the young filly. “How long was I asleep? And how’d I get up here?”

“Oh, um, that was me,” a new voice said. Both Gregory and Cozy turned to the door to see a sheepish looking Sandbar waving at him. “I, uh, helped you to the infirmary beds when you passed out. I hope that’s cool…”

Gregory slowly sat up further and motioned for Sandbar to come closer. As he did so, the human said, “Thank you, Mr. Sandbar. But I’d still like to know how long I was out and what’s been happening since.”

“Hey, it’s just Sandbar dude. Mr. Sandbar’s my mother,” Sandbar laughed before realizing what he said. “Oh, wait.”

Gregory smirked. “Did you just call a teacher dude? And Mister Sandbar is your mother? Not father?”

“Well, yeah,” Sandbar replied with a shrug. “You seem like a chill dude, teach.”

“Daddy, school hasn’t started, so you’re not a teacher yet,” Cozy stated.

Gregory chuckled. “You can never start too early, but I hear you,” he said to Cozy before turning to Sandbar. “As for you, how are you feeling? Earth pony magic isn’t something you can really shrug off. At least, not from what I’ve seen.”

“It’s freaky to be honest,” Sandbar said with some trepidation as he looked at his hoof, “but I haven’t been able to do it since we got inside.”

“I’m not surprised,” Gregory said. “Earth pony magic has never been seen before. It actually never showed up in the show, at least not the show you were in. Frankly, I’m surprised that it showed up here at all. Thing about it is, from what I know of it, this magic helps earth ponies grow plants instantly. That’s all I really know about it.”

“Hey, look, he’s awake,” another voice said. The group looked back to the door to see three more faces Gregory recognized. Yona, Smolder and Sliverstream.

“Yeah, we can see that, Sliver,” Smolder said.

Another face poked through the door, and Gregory recognized it as belonging to a certain ‘pony’ teen mare named ‘Ladybug’. Of course, he knew better. This was Ocellus in disguise. He motioned for her to enter. “Hey, you can come on in too…Ocellus,” he said with a smile. With all that was happening, he figured secrets wouldn’t be needed.

“Y-You knew?” ‘Ladybug’ asked in surprise.

“I knew from the moment I saw you back in the Shelter,” Gregory said. “You show up in the show and use that exact disguise. A disguise you can drop now, by the way. You’re safe here.”

“P-Please don’t say anything,” ‘Ladybug’ begged as she entered the room slowly. “None of the others will ever let me live it down.”

“Cross my heart, hope to die, eat a thousand needles if I lie,” Gregory said.

‘Ladybug’ nodded appreciatively. “I’ll be keeping my disguise though. I’m not comfortable out in public undisguise yet.”

“Wait, you’re a changeling?” Smolder asked, glaring at the teen filly.

“Not the time, Smolder,” Gregory said.

Smolder turned back to Gregory. “I was told to guard you by the Dragon Lord,” she said with her claws on her hips, “so that’s what I’m doing.”

“Oh! That’s amazing. I always wanted to meet a changeling. But, I could never find any of you. How does your transformation work? Is it like us hippogriffs?” Sliverstream said, getting in Ocellus' face.

“Silverstream, don’t pester her,” Gregory said as he slowly swung his legs out of bed. Instantly, Smolder was by his side helping him up. “Now isn’t really the time. The school’s shield is still under attack by the Windigos, I take it?”

“Yes,” Smolder said as she handed him his metal pole, “Jason’s been throwing everything he has at the shield, but it’s pretty tough.”

“I should hope so,” Gregory said, “I’ve heard Princess Luna made it herself.” He leaned against his pole as he grabbed his overcoat and flung it on. “What else has been going on?”

“Pony teacher wanted us to call you when you wake up. Pony princess and her student came when you were asleep. They are making plans in meeting room.” Yona said.

Gregory straightened and gripped his pole. “Understood. Give me a moment.” After retrieving the belongings that had been taken off of him, which Smolder helped with, he faced the door. “I’m ready to go.”

He headed out, shadowed by Smolder who seemed to take her protection duties of him quite seriously. In one hand Gregory held his pole and in the other the shield once owned by Flash Magnus. He was armed again as well, but he hoped he wouldn’t need to use them again. Outside the windows, he saw the flames of dragon fire mixed with the icy blasts of Windigos firing back. He couldn’t see Jason, but he knew his fellow human was out there. Once he reached the meeting room, he didn’t bother knocking. Instead, he opened and strode in, Smolder right beside him. Sittig around a large stained oak table he saw Celestia, Sunset, Starlight, Twilight and her friends, Spike and Gabby seated at the chairs. As one, they turned to him. Celestia was the first to speak. “Good afternoon,” she said kindly, “I trust you slept well.”

“I did, thanks, but probably for too long,” he said, looking for a place to sit, but since the chairs in the meeting room weren’t made for a human, he elected to stand, leaning against his pole for support. “What’s going on?”

“We’re coming up with a plan of action to take down the Windigos. Obviously, they involve the elements!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“And what about Jason?” Gregory asked. “How will you deal with him?”

“It’s clear that the Windigos are possessing him. The elements already possess cleansing abilities. Once we get them, we can free him and banish the Windigos as well.” Twilight explained.

“Okay, solid plan,” Gregory nodded, “but you’re forgetting something.”

“And what’s that?” Starlight asked.

“One, whatever brought the Windigos back won’t be solved by magic friendship lasers,” Gregory said. “Sure, if they can cleanse Nightmare Moon or whatever it did to her then they could help Jason, but the root cause for the Windigos return won’t be solved by the Elements.”

“You are forgetting the old Hearth's Warming tale of how Equestria was founded,” Celestia said. “It was the bond of three ponies of each race that repelled them before. And that was without the elements. With the friendship of the bearers focused through the Elements, it should yield far better results.”

“I didn’t forget that story,” Gregory said, “but it’s now that same bond, now corrupted, that brought the Windigos back. A bond of xenophobia and fear against all other races. I hope I’m wrong, of course, but be prepared for them to return if I’m right.”

Celestia sighed deeply at this. “Unfortunately, that is correct. Hatred and xenophobia has seeded itself deeply in Equestria’s foundation. This event will likely serve as a grim reminder of why such feelings are better left abandoned. At least, we can only hope to change the hearts of ponies one day at a time. But, that is for the future. We must deal with this threat now!”

“Oh, I agree,” Gregory said, “but I did notice something during my little scuffle with Jason.” He reached down and pulled out his remaining pistol. “Even while possessed, this thing still works. I shot him in the shoulder with it. Seems even Windigos aren’t quite immune to my weapons either, although they’re much more resilient to it than a pony and maybe even a dragon.”

“Hey!” Smolder shouted, sounding a bit offended by that.

Ignoring the young teen, Gregory continued. “I really hope the Elements can cleanse Jason, because if not, and if there’s absolutely no other option, well…” he left the words unspoken, hoping the various creatures in the room got the message.

Sunset was the first. She sighed. “Yeah…I get where you’re coming from,” she said, “but we can’t do that unless there’s no other option.”

“I know,” Gregory agreed.

“No! That isn’t an option!” Pinkie said firmly. “We don’t do that, Gregory. If we did then what’s the point in any of our friendship lessons? What’s the point of this school? We’d be robbing Jason of everything, and we already took so much from him. If you use that on him, then we’re no longer friends!”

“You think I like the thought of killing him?” Gregory asked. “I might not have another choice, Pinkie!”

“The answer is still no! If you value our friendship, then please don’t bring this up again.” Pinkie pleaded.

He looked at the group of assembled creatures, and they could all see a heaviness weighing down on him. One that was almost unbearable to see. Slowly, however, the human put his gun back in its holster. “You’d better bring him back,” he said, and his tone was one of weariness, “because if you can’t, I’ll have to deal with him, and since I won’t be using this, he’ll kill me for standing in his way.”

“I know it’s a lot to put on faith, but the elements haven’t failed us yet,” Twilight said. “If hatred is driving the Windigos, then friendship can and will push them back into the shadows. Now, all we need to do is get out of here undetected.”

“Um, I might have a suggestion.” Ocellus said, still disguised as Ladybug. She shrunk back from the sudden attention before continuing. “We could distract Jason with changelings disguised as you while you get the elements.”

“And who are you, my little pony?” Celestia asked.

Gregory put a reassuring hand on Ocellus’ withers. “Her name’s Ladybug,” he said, not willing to give Ocellus away just yet. “She was living in Ponyville, but I guess she’s a brand new student here.”

Ocellus nodded, giving Gregory a slightly grateful look. “Y-Yes,” she said softly.

“That plan might work, but we’re sorely lacking on the changeling front,” Sunset stated.

Gregory pursed his lips. “I sincerely doubt that,” he said. “I’m sure there are a few disguised ones here. You think Jason wouldn’t be doing that? Remember, there are changelings throughout all of Equestria living peacefully and have been for years. I’m sure Jason and Chrysalis wouldn’t ignore this school.” He turned to Starlight. “Make an announcement and ask them for help.”

“On it. Reminder to give you a raise for the idea,” Starlight said as she teleported.

“And, while you girls retrieve the elements, Sunset and I shall go and aid the dragons. My affinity to the sun and Sunset’s phoenix magic may prove a boon against frost affiliated enemies.” Celestia said, standing tall.

“Now, that’s a plan I fully support.” Sunset said with an eager grin as her magic flared and the two teleported as well.

[Outside Yggdrasil]

“You took your sweet time,” were the first words out of Ember’s mouth when she saw Sunset and Celestia teleport into the fray. She looked absolutely exhausted, but with plenty of fire left in her as she brandished the Bloodstone Scepter like a club. “What kept you?”

“We have a plan in motion to defeat these spirits for good. For now, we’ll lend you our magic to stall them. Although you should retreat inside and rest.” Celestia stated.

“Where’s Gre-that human?” Ember asked, giving both of them a questioning but serious look.

“He is well and resting as you should be right now,” Celestia said. “I understand the pride of dragons but you’ll do no one good if you collapse in battle.”

Ember shook her head. “I’m the Dragon Lord,” she said, “and as such, I have a responsibility to my kind. To fight beside them, to protect them, and if it occurs, die with them. As…as my father has…” Her voice faltered a bit at that, but it was brief. She stood back up, spread her wings, and glared at the Windigos. “But I don’t intend to die. Not here and not now. If anything else, I need to get this back to that human,” With that, she held up a weapon in her free claw that both ponies recognized. It was one of Gregory’s guns. The same one that he’d dropped earlier and that had been frozen.

Celesstia frowned upon seeing this. “One of Gregory’s weapons?”

Ember nodded. “Yeah. I saw the human use it against the other one. It was able to hurt him despite the powers of the Windigos. It seems simple enough to use: just point and squeeze this metal thing here. I’ll use it to end this nightmare.”

“I would ask that you hold this line of thinking,” Celestia cautioned.

“Why? My flames barely slow these spirits down and my subjects are getting exhausted. We can’t keep up a prolonged battle!”

“Yes, but we have a plan in place that doesn’t involve killing anyone.” Sunset stated. “All we have to do is stall him until the girls come back with the elements.”

“Is that so?” Ember said, looking down at the fiery maned unicorn. “Hmm…okay. I won’t kill Jason. Yet. But if you fail, I will use this.” She waved the gun around before lowering it, spreading her wings, grabbing the Bloodstone Scepter in her claws and shouting in a tone that rivaled the Royal Canterlot Voice, “Keep up! Don’t stop!” She flew into the sky and rejoined her fellow dragons.

“To me, Sunset. Focus your phoenix magic on the flyers!” Celestia commanded.

Sunset nodded as both of their horns glowed. Sunset summoned wings of flaming feathers while Celestia’s prismatic mane turned blazing yellow like the sun. They joined the dragons in the air as the heat they generated distorted the cold and let out steam. Celestia turned to three Windigos circling a downed dragon and shot a beam of solar magic towards the equine form. One shot was enough to completely disperse all them with ease. She turned again to see one charging at her right side. Celestia lifted a wing and flapped it hard, sending a heat wave to cut through the air and the Windigo in one fell swoop. Five more Windigos banded together and shot frost at the solar alicorn. However, Celestia generated a dome of heat to block the beams before she expanded it and destroyed her attackers. She turned to see how her student was doing as a smile graced her features.

Sunset might have been a unicorn, but even now she was a force to be reckoned with. She blasted a nearby Windigo with white hot flames, making its ethereal form disperse. However, as the Windigos were ethereal, they would eventually reform, but it would take time for them to do so. She had no time to think as another Windigo flew towards her with incredible speed. Another blast of her phoenix fire, which she had been honing ever since she returned to Equestria, and the Windigo was dispersed. She turned back to Celestia. “This is tedious! You know this, right?! We can’t exactly permanently destroy them! They’re too powerful for that! I doubt any of us will last a few more minutes!” She blasted another larger Windigo moments later.

“We can hold them, Sunset! Don’t falter now.” Celestia said, bucking a Windigo that got too close.

“What do you think I’ve been doing?!” Sunset shouted back before she spread her phoenix wings, dispersing two smaller Windigos with ease. She turned and flew down, spinning as she did so. “Do a barrel roll!” she shouted with a sudden grin.

“I fail to see the use in such a maneuver,” Celestia said. “Is that from your exploits in the human realm?”

“Remind me to introduce you to modern video games when this is over!” Sunset shouted as she struck a Windigo in its barrel with a fiery red glowing hoof.

“You won’t get the chance,” a familiar voice said as Jason appeared before the two. “I see you two are getting in my way as well? I knew I was too soft on you during The Trial, Celestia.”

Sunset looked between Celestia and Jason. “Oh boy…” was all she could say.

“Jason, please. You must see reason and stop this madness!” Celestia pleaded.

“Oh, but I am,” Jason retorted. “I’m finally seeing reason for the first time in years. There is to be no more leniency for ponykind!”

“Those aren’t your words, Jason!” Celestia begged. “They’re the words of the Windigos controlling you and twisting your feelings!”

“These feelings are a product of your little ponies making,” Jason sneered. “Too long they’ve pretended to act as paragons of harmony when they are worse than scum. Too long have others suffered and labeled evil while they play the hero and victim. Your kind has thrown their arrogance and hate out into the world. Now, I am giving it back with interest. You’ll get to have front row seats. A fitting fate for an enabler like you.”

Celestia gritted her teeth and shot out a beam of solar magic. Jason countered with a flick of his wrist as a tornado of ice magic shielded him. The beam impacted against the whirling winds, but the defense held. Sunset used the distraction to fly above Jason and dive-bombed him. She spun counter to his direction and canceled out his defense before slamming into him. However, Jason broke apart upon impact, revealing that he’d substituted himself for an ice sculpture. He glided over to Sunset with his fist coated in ice as he scored a left hook on the unicorn. Sunset tumbled against the ground before she recovered.

“Damn, that was clever!” Sunset said with a frown as she looked at him, blood coming out of her nose which she wiped away with a hoof, spitting out a glob of it. “Come on, Jason! I don’t wanna do this! I helped in your defense back at The Trial, but you’re hurting innocent creatures here! And I’m not just talking about ponies!”

“What you fail to understand is that there are no innocents here,” Jason replied. “If that were true, would the Windigos even exist?!” Jason summoned more Windigos as they hovered behind him and opened their muzzles. He held his hands out as the ice magic from the Windigos flowed into his outstretched hands.

Sunset saw this and gathered her magic. Her wings took the shape of a phoenix as it hovered above her. Celestia joined her and aimed her horn at Jason while forming a miniature sun. The three looked at each other and fired their respective attacks. There was a flash of light as an explosion of ice and fire magic went off and steam shrouded the area. The shock waves knocked all the parties away. However, the Windigos stabilized Jason enough to minimize the damage. Celestia and Sunset were not as fortunate as they skidded across the ground, lying on their sides. Jason landed and stalked toward them as they struggled to stand back up. “You fight so hard to preserve the malice. A shame. I guess even over a thousand year lifespan doesn’t make one wise after all.”

A blue blur slammed into the ground between Jason and the two ponies, kicking up a shower of snow. Dragon Lord Ember stood there, baring her teeth in a threatening manner at Jason. In one hand she held her scepter, but in the other she held Gregory’s pistol, which she aimed directly at Jason’s head. “That’s enough out of you,” she snarled.

Jason saw the gun and tilted his head. “Do you even know how to use that?” he asked with a hint of amusement in his tone.

“Enough to know that this thing can hurt you,” she replied, “now back off!”

Unperturbed by the threat, Jason calmly walked up to Ember with his arms spread out. He stood at eye level with the gun and moved his head to the barrel. “Then do it. Try and quell the raging storm of malice and hatred. My life was never my own - from the moment I stepped foot here in this world - so it doesn’t matter if you pull the trigger. Nothing will stop us now.”

Ember then reached up and pulled the hammer back on the pistol. “At least the other human tries to find the good in others no matter how hard it takes to find it. You’ve given up.”

“He’s sadly still blind,” Jason said with a shake of his head. “He still clings to that show, believing in fantasy while I have lived in reality.”

“Is that what you think I’ve been doing since I got here?” a familiar voice called out from nearby. Everyone turned to see Gregory approaching, giving Jason an even look with his pistol in his hand, albeit not aimed at Jason. “If you think I’m blind to reality, need I remind you I’ve been nearly killed since coming here too? Why do you think I came here to this school? I’ve seen this world. It’s just like ours, full of bigotry, xenophobia, racism, but it’s also full of good people. I’ve met them. I came here because I believe in what this school is meant for.”

Jason just shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. You can’t see what I see. You claim to be enlightened, but what have you done since coming here? You moved from one spot to the next while still mingling with ponies of the show. What is your purpose then?”

Gregory walked forward, joining Ember in the defense of the fallen Celestia and Sunset. “When the fuck did I ever claim to be enlightened? I’ve made some serious mistakes since coming here. I’m nowhere near perfect. A lot of what I’ve done here has blown up in my face and made things harder not only for me but for others. And my purpose? I didn’t come here with one in mind. Same with you. Now that I know what it’s like, I’m just going to live the best life I can.”

“Your life won’t last long with that attitude,” Jason said. Unbeknownst to the pair, Jason flicked his index finger and middle finger upwards. Two Windigos appeared again and charged at Gregory and Ember, Ember managed to dodge hers and Gregory barely dodged the one coming at him. However, it was enough of a distraction as Jason slipped behind Gregory and put him in a chokehold while holding Gregory's hand with the pistol. Ice slowly started to freeze over Gregory’s limb as he winced.

Ember saw this and flew back down to aim her gun at Jason, but Jason positioned Gregory in the line of fire. “Let him go!!!” Ember roared.

“I told you both that it’s pointless,” Jason replied. “Nothing will stop the storm. Malice shall freeze over this forsaken world!”

“Not if we have anything to say about it!” another familiar voice called out. Everyone turned to see Twilight Sparkle and the other Bearers of the Elements standing there. Each of them was wearing the Elements of Harmony around their necks save for Twilight’s crown. She stepped forward and gave Jason an apologetic look. “Jason, words and actions can’t express how sorry I am at what I did to you, but I can’t just stand back and let you hurt innocent creatures.”

The girls hovered in the air as they were encased in the Elements of Harmony’s power. Jason hissed at this and maneuvered Gregory into its path. “Those worthless trinkets won’t do a damn thing!”

That’s when Gregory acted. He might have had one hand encased in solid magical ice, but his other one still held the metal pole in his free hand. He spun it and slammed it into Jason’s head. This was enough to loosen Jason’s grip on him. Gregory kicked Jason in the chest before turning and running away. He reached a safe distance before he collapsed. However, he had enough strength to turn back to the girls as a rainbow wave of energy came crashing down upon Jason. The elements shone brightly as those not using them had to shield their eyes. As the light died down and a blanket of mist covered the spot where Jason had stood, Gregory asked a question in a shaky voice. “Is it over…?”