• Published 27th May 2023
  • 5,575 Views, 787 Comments

An Alternative Beginning - ultrapoknee

Equestria is divided in the wake of Jason's trial. New problem arise from both the political and outside horizons. While Gregory Graystone sits in the middle of it all. Can he reignite the flames of friendship and harmony?

  • ...

The Alternative Bad End

[Seeds of Yggdrasil - Windigo Attack]

Jason overlooked the school with an emotionless expression. The Windigos’ assault was relentless as they constantly struck the shield. It held, and that bothered the malicious spirits. But they were nothing if not patient. Then, the fools mounted an attack against the malignant storm. First was the dragon remnants. They tried to fight ice with fire. Jason would have laughed if he could, but the dragons seem to have forgotten that the frost can burn as well. Then, the new Dragon Lord tried to face them again. She was quick, agile and fierce. Everything her father wasn’t. But he had fallen and so would his progeny. And yet, she was now nursing her shoulder that was covered in ice.

Then, came the other human. Gregory. The Windigos’ smiled inwardly as Jason’s hatred spiked again. Here stood a man with his little metal pole, small knives and gun, thinking he could quell the storm of hatred. Here was another human that lived with those foul equines and did not suffer nearly as much as he did. A human who had made friends with the elements. The same ponies Jason wanted to befriend but they spat in his face and introduce pain and torture while embracing another with their lopsided tenants of friendship and harmony.

“Hypocrites,” Jason spat softly. He would make them pay. He would freeze them all. They would freeze them all.

“Aren’t we all?” Gregory replied dryly.

“Why do you defend them? They hurt you too.”

“I’m not defending them,” Gregory replied. “I’m defending the others inside who have done nothing to you. Griffins, yaks, dragons, hippogriffs, and more. Those students inside don’t deserve this. I will defend them all, and die trying if I have to.” He had a determined look on his face, but even that couldn’t hide the terror that seeped into his expression every so often.

“Hmm, you got one part of that right…” Jason shifted his fingers upwards and suddenly ice ensnared Gregory’s feet, locking him in place. Jason moved towards him as a ball of ice magic formed in his hand. “You’ll just die.”

Gregory’s free hand went to his side quickly, pulling out the gun at his side. Reflexively, he aimed at Jason’s chest and pulled the trigger without any hesitation. The bullet sailed through the air, its trajectory straight and true. He fired again, then again. However, the wind picked up and the trajectory of the bullets was shifted slightly. But it wasn’t enough. All three still hit Jason, but not where Gregory had aimed.

One hit him square in the stomach, the other hit the hand with the ice magic, creating a brand new hole in his palm, and the last struck his left leg, going straight through bone.

Jason stumbled and fell to one knee, but he showed no outward expression of pain. Ember was at Gregory’s side instantly with his metal pole. She stabbed at the ice - its anti magic properties breaking its hold on the human - thus freeing him. Ember saw Jason preparing another blast of ice magic, but she quickly drew Gregory’s other pistol and fired. The shot tore through Jason’s other hand while taking three of his fingers. Again, Jason did not cry out in pain. He looked at his wounds oozing with blood with indifference as the pair approached him. Unbeknownst to either Gregory and Ember, the occupants of the school emerged as the storm weakened somewhat. At the same time, Chrysalis landed a few yards away.

Gregory’s face was devoid of all emotion as he stepped forth from the block of ice, kicking it away without so much as a second thought. He quickly aimed his gun at Jason again, only now he aimed at the head. Jason saw a look of pain pass over him as he mouthed the words, “I’m sorry,” before the emotions left his face. His finger tensed around the trigger and he began to pull it back.

“Hmph, I guess it never really ends,” Jason said. Gregory could detect the slightest hint of remorse in his tone before he pulled the trigger completely.


Gregory turned away, shoulders slumped in defeat as he trudged back towards the school. Jason’s body lay dead on the ground as tears streamed down his emotionless face.

“NOOOOOO!!!!” two voices cried out. Chrysalis teleported to Jason’s side immediately, whereas a pink blur shot past Gregory and appeared beside Jason as well. Gregory winced as he turned back to see Chrysalis cradling Jason’s corpse while tears fell from her eyes. Pinkie was equally upset, her mane had lost all semblance of its puffiness and was now full on straight while her colors grew pale. It was as if the balance that Pinkie found over the past year had vanished in an instant.

Gregory walked back to the school with a blank look on his face. He wasn’t conscious of anyone else around him at the moment. His mind was still numb to what he’d done. He numbly looked up to see the school staff and the elements looking at the scene with varying degrees of horror. All the students looked ill. None of them had been exposed to death in such a manner.

The elements were all wearing faces of shock. Twilight stared wide eyed at the carnage, her sight switching from Gregory, to Jason’s motionless body and the weapon that did the deed. She even took a subconscious step away from it. Rarity fainted outright, but this time there wasn’t a reprimand for the dramatics or a fainting couch. She’d taken one look at the end of the conflict and passed out. Applejack dipped her head away in shame. The entire situation was just another grim reminder of her failings. Fluttershy had her hooves covering her muzzle in abject horror. Sure, she had seen dead animals before, but this was the first time a sentient creature had died before her. Rainbow looked like she didn’t know what to feel. She just stared in sheer disbelief at the scene. Then, Pinkie came before Gregory. She was trembling in barely restrained grief and anger. Her bangs covered her eyes, but Gregory could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. He was barely responsive as he saw Pinkie say something to him. However, he couldn’t make it out or ask what she said as the pink mare turned away from him.

Slowly, Gregory walked up to Starlight and simply said, “I resign.” He said it without any emotion and before she could reply, he stepped past her, walking slowly up towards the school.

Meanwhile, the Windigos had seemingly vanished, but the gray clouds and harsh winds were still present, reflecting the mood of everyone there. Chrysalis’ sobbing was the only sound that pierced through the whistling winds. She continued to sob while rocking back and forth with Jason’s body. Ocellus slowly approached her matriarch with Starlight close behind her. Starlight spoke up. “Chrysalis. I’m sor–”

“Shut up!” Chrysalis shrieked, her pitch matching levels of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Don’t-don’t you say one more thing!”

Starlight nodded and wisely backed away. Then, out of the school came all the other changeling students and staff members. All of them surround their queen and - for all intents and purposes - their fallen king. Jason’s visage wasn’t one of pain, hatred or blankness. For the first time in years during his entire stay in Equestria, Jason Wright had a small smile upon his face. His horrid journey had finally come to a close and he was at peace. With one last baneful and sorrow filled glare, Chrysalis ignited her horn and teleported to parts unknown with the rest of her subjects.

[Some Time Later - Gregory’s Room]

Gregory was in his room, busily packing up his belongings. He was alone, as was his choice. He was almost packed and ready to go downstairs to find a new place to go. Then again, he reasoned, who would want to have a murderer living with them? Certainly not the ponies. They had their proof that humans were monsters. The griffins probably wouldn’t want him either. He didn’t know much about the Dragon Lands, but he felt they’d reject him too. He could potentially go to the human world where Sunset was, but he rejected the thought immediately. It was a world where he didn’t belong. He knew that the changelings would reject him outright because of what he’d done. Chrysalis would probably kill him on the spot, not that he could blame her.

He’d just closed the last of his suitcases when there was a knock at his door. He paused, and without looking back, he said, “Go away.”

The door opened to reveal Dragon Lord Ember. She stepped in and closed the door behind her before looking around at the packed bags. “So, Starlight was right. You’re leaving.”

“I don’t see any other option,” Gregory said sorrowfully. “I’m not wanted here.”

“No one said anything about you being unwelcome here.”

“Tell that to Pinkie Pie, the staff and all the students…” Gregory paused as he looked down in shame before resuming packing.

“And where exactly would you go?” Ember challenged as she went behind Gregory.

“I don’t know. I’ll figure it out once I leave.”

Ember walked around and slammed her claw down on the briefcase. “That’s moronic even for you. What? Were you just going to leave without even talking to me? You know you’re welcome to come with me to the Dragon Lands.”

“Ember, you were there, you saw everyone’s reaction. Even Smolder - a dragon - was in shock!”

“Maybe the weaker races were horrified, but this is nothing new for dragons!” Ember took a breath, then in a surprisingly calm tone, continued. “The shock was probably more from surprise if anything. And yes, I was there. I pulled the trigger too. We did what was necessary and stopped a threat. So what if the ponies have an issue with it? They’re the reason it got to that point. And now they’re mad because you had the guts to do what they didn’t?”

“It’s not about having guts or stopping a threat!” Gregory suddenly shouted with a glare. “I broke my promise. I murdered someone! Don’t you get that!? There’s nothing - no amount of justification or apologizing - nothing that I can do to ever change that. I’m supposed to be a teacher, yet I taught those kids that violence is a solution. That there is no such thing as redemption or second chances! Jason wasn’t even aware of his actions. He didn’t have a choice, but I took away all the choices he’ll ever make!!!”

Ember glared right back and took Gregory by the shoulders. “And letting all those innocent creatures die was a better option?! News flash, Graystone: we had no other choice! It was him or us! The magical pony artifacts failed! It failed because they failed to uphold their values! But, not us! Besides, it was the Windigos’ doing more than anything else. That thing wasn’t Jason anymore!!!”

“You don’t know that!!!” Gregory shouted angrily, tears threatening to fall.

“Then tell me differently! Do you know anything about possession or how to break it? Keep in mind we had a possessed avatar of hatred and spirits trying to kill us! Go ahead! Give me an answer!!!” The two stared each other down for a few tense moments before Gregory looked away from her. Ember let out a puff of smoke and shook her head. “Yeah, I thought so.”

“...Even if I had no way to free him, even if the elements failed, what I did wasn’t right,” he replied. “If I had waited, then maybe Chrysalis or Celestia could’ve done something. I don’t…” his voice trailed off, and finally, the tears fell, hot and stinging. He felt even more humiliated for crying in front of Ember, but he couldn’t hold back anymore. “I-I-”

“Celestia couldn’t save Luna without those trinkets,” Ember interrupted. “Even then, she was banished. Spike often told me that the elements were never consistent in solving problems. And if Chrysalis had a way to deal with the Windigos, she would’ve done that the moment they came back. We did the best we could with what we had. It saved this school and everyone here.”

His shoulders slumped at that and he looked at the ground. Tears continued to fall, hitting the floor. “It might have,” he conceded, “but I know I’m not welcome here anymore. I saw Pinkie shouting at me. I don’t know what she said, but it’s clear I don’t belong here.” Slowly, he looked around the room. “I don’t think…I ever did.”

“Then, you can come with me to the Dragon Lands,” Ember offered again. “Leave this behind for creatures that understand.”

He took a deep breath, then looked into Ember’s eyes. He saw a surprising amount of understanding in those crimson orbs. Reaching up, he put his hands over the claws that were on his shoulders and gave a squeeze. “You know I won’t really be easy to deal with for a while,” he said. “I doubt I’ll get better fast after what I’ve done.”

A small smirk formed on her lips. “Ha. My father always said that the kill only bothers you if you let it. In this case, it was self defense.”

He let out a long sigh. “I don’t want it not to bother me, because I don’t want to become a heartless killer.” His reason slowly came back to him and he stood up straighter. “I’ll have to live with what I’ve done and learn to deal.” He stepped away from Ember and grabbed his bags. “I’ve got to put these in my car and grab my new horse companion. I don’t want to leave him behind.”

The two went down the stairs in complete silence, both carrying his belongings. There was nothing more that he felt needed to be said. When they reached the bottom floor and stepped into the hallway, Gregory stopped. There, standing in the hallway blocking his way, were the Mane Six, Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Celestia, and even Princess Luna. He looked at each of them, confused as to why they were there. He slowly walked towards them, stopping and looking down at Starlight first. “I guess this is goodbye,” he said.

“Gregory…” Starlight began with a tone of uncertainty, “I want you to know that it isn’t personal.” She paused again as she glanced at the former element bearers. “For most of us anyway. It’s just complicated.”

“I know,” he said. “Best not to have a murderer as a teacher.”

“Have you got all your affairs in order?” Luna asked.

“Except for one pegasus filly, yes,” he replied.

Luna gave a wince at this as Celestia answered, “I am afraid that Cozy is still in the infirmary. She was there when it happened and a filly’s mind is delicate. We want to ensure she is not stunted emotionally and bringing the cause of that turmoil may prove more harmful. We’re sorry…”

Gregory nodded. “Of course.” He looked over at Ember, then sighed. “Time to go, Dragon Lord. I’m not wanted here anymore.”

“No!” Fluttershy said. She stomped an angry hoof on the ground. “You don’t get to do that! You don’t get to make it seem like our feelings are a slight against you! We’re not the villains here! You didn’t trust us! You didn’t wait!”

“Knowing the devastation those weapons caused, I should’ve taken them away from you, Gregory,” Twilight said with shame in her voice. “We’ve dealt with situations like Jason’s before. It-It didn’t need to end in that way…”

“Gregory and I had this conversation already and I don’t feel like hearing it again!” Ember stated, marching up in front to defend her new mate. “What happened is not his fault. We did what we had too when no one else would or could. Blame your weakness before confronting others!”

“Is that what you think this is? Weakness on our part?” Rarity said angrily. “There was everything we could’ve done. We still had the Princesses. Or perhaps the changelings or Chrysalis could’ve reached Jason. But now we will never know that!”

“Tsk. Please, you’re all here now because of what you did to Jason. What you did to him is what led to his death. That’s why your little trinkets didn’t work because you six betrayed your creed!” Ember shot back as the former bearers flinched.

Luna walked up slowly, then turned back towards the others. “There is no point in punishing Sir Gregory here. His guilt at what he has done is punishment enough. He is not the first to take a life, nor will he be the last.” She turned to Gregory, giving him a sad and understanding smile.

Gregory saw the look in her eyes, and his eyes widened. “You do know…” he said.

Luna nodded, walking over and putting a reassuring wing over his shoulder. “I regret what I did every single day,” she said, loudly enough that everyone else could hear, “and I wish I could take it back. But I can’t, so I try to move forward.” She looked at Ember, then back at him. “You have help. Let her help.”

He looked at Ember, a small smile forming on his face. “Yes…you’re right…”

Gregory’s eyes swept through the former elements again. He noted that Rainbow and Applejack didn’t voice their own opinions. He figured it was due to their involvement in Jason's mistreatment since they are two of the worst offenders, but their eyes still held contempt for Gregory. What he couldn’t figure out was if that contempt was more from the guilt that they will never be able to make amends for their sins or the situation in general. Pinkie’s face was the worst however. She didn’t say a word, but her visage spoke volumes. Angry, Hurt. Betrayal. Gregory had broken his promise to her. And while Pinkie might not enforce her Pinkie Promise like before, Gregory knew that this promise meant more to her. He couldn’t say a word to her and turned away. He looked back at Ember, who had been helping with his bags. “Let’s go home, Ember,” he said with a broken tone.

Ember nodded, then turned to Starlight. “I’m pulling all dragons out of this school,” she said plainly.

“What?!” Starlight said in shock. “Why?”

“What, it's not obvious? Fine, I’ll dumb it down for you. I don’t want my subjects learning from this place because you’ll implant faulty ideals in the heads of my subjects. We dragons understand that, in the face of danger, you must be prepared to do anything for survival. It’s fine if the other species don’t get the concept, but to face ridicule and condemnation for saving lives is ridiculous! If the other nations want to stay, that's their choice.”

“Ember, come on,” Gregory said, “It’s time to go home.”

“Just one more thing before you depart,” Celestia said, gaining their attention. “Reports have come up in Canterlot about a number of ponies disappearing in droves. We believe they were changelings in disguise. Luna has tried to quell the panic, but it is evident that Chrysalis is making moves from the shadows. I caution you two to be careful. She won’t take this as well as we are.”

“Thanks for that, but your concern is not needed. A threat against Gregory is a threat against me and all dragons. If she wants a war, we will bring the fire and brimstone!” Ember snarled and tapped the Bloodstone Scepter against the ground to emphasize her point. Immediately, every dragon took to the skies above, several carrying Gregory’s otherworldly vehicle with them, and awaited their Dragon Lord’s command. “Dragons! Let us return home!” Ember said while securing Gregory by his waist and flying up ahead of the dragons.

Gregory took one last look down, heart sinking in more ways than one as he took one last look at the school. He sighed, then looked away. South. Towards yet another brand new home. He hoped that this time, things would start looking up…

[Changeling Hive - One Year Later]

Deep in the bowels of the ever shifting walls, several trots echoed through the halls of the Changeling castle. There was a platoon of drones marching through the castle as they were led by a changeling with emerald armor. His sharp dark blue eyes narrowed as they entered the throne room. “Commander Pharynx reporting, my queen.”

“Have you done what I asked?” Chrysalis said with her back to him. She was hovering in the air with her hoof gently petting a cocoon resting above her throne. Inside was none other than Jason Wright. Chrysalis had his body perfectly preserved and immortalized for many to see. He layed in his tomb with his hands crossed while wearing nice clothes. Chrysalis had foregone putting him in a suit as he would say he’d hate it.

“Our infiltrators are in position to move at your command.”

“Any difficulties?”

“No, my queen. Since Jason’s foresight already allowed us to blend in perfectly to pony society, we had no issue replacing key figures. We are poised to strike.”

“And the former elements, Starlight and Equestrian royalty? Have you replaced them already?”

Pharynx nodded. “They are trapped below in the dungeon. The anti-magic in the castle has made them docile and powerless.”

Chrysalis slowly removed her hoof and turned away from her lover’s resting place. “Do the dragons suspect anything?”

“The dragons have effectively severed all ties with Equestria and the Neutral Grounds. However, they have come up with a better system to detect us.”

“How so?”

“Whenever a dragon leaves the Dragon Lands and returns, they report directly to the Dragon Lord. From there, the dragons that left are doused in magical flames for ten minutes. Our disguises fall quickly to it and they are subsequently burned to death. If they attempt to flee, they are executed on the spot. Dragons have no issue with this as they can withstand the heat and they are not in disguise.”

Chrysalis scoffed as she responded. “So, the lizard thinks she is clever and fierce, does she? No matter. If we cannot slip the dagger in her sheets, we shall bare our blades at her doorstep.”

“If I may, my queen, I do not feel like a frontal assault is wise.”

Chrysalis loomed dangerously over her commander. “Are you questioning my orders?”

“No, my queen.”

“Do you think I'm a fool? Perhaps you surmised that my grief has made me mad?”

Pharynx stood up straighter and resolute. “No, my queen. Lord Jason Wright’s death was a blow to us all. I will gladly give my life to avenge him!”

“Good answer. But your concerns are noted.” Chrysalis began to walk outside to her balcony as her commander followed. In the courtyard was a massive force of changeling drones awaiting orders. Chrysalis scanned them all with a cold calculated visage before shifting her attention to the skies. The everpresent frog and frigid cold never left the skies of Gaia since Jason’s death.

A part of Chrysalis assumed it was the lingering effects of the Windigos. It made sense as there was hardly any harmony anywhere anymore. But she would like to believe it was also Jason’s spirit shrouding the planet in his presence. Chrysalis let out a bitter laugh. Jason would be stubborn like this even in his death. She looks down to her subjects and addresses them. “My Changelings! A year ago, we lost our precious king to the machinations of those foolish ponies. They preach harmony and friendship, but reveal their true colors at the sight of anything different. Then they reveal themselves hypocrites by refraining from punishing his killer and letting that dragon whore hide him from us!”

The changeling drones all hissed in disapproval. “Cowards!!!” a drone yelled.

“Indeed. So, how do we remedy this slight against us?” Chrysalis morphed into Ember as she continued. “We shall pit these two feeble nations against each other. Tensions between ponies and dragons are at an all time high. It will take much to have them at each other's throats.” She changed again into Princess Luna. “A few key infiltrators here and there to sow dissent will spark a bloody war between equine and reptile. And when both sides are weak, we shall deal the final blow!” She changed one last time to Gregory’s form. “Remember this wretched face for I want to see it in the throes of agony!!!”

As she turned, she shifted into her normal form, a wicked grin passing over her lips. The time had come to execute her plans.

[Hive Dungeons]

The captive ponies in the cells all looked miserable. The anti-magical properties of the prison cells not only kept them from fighting, but kept them low on energy. Luna’s and Celestia’s cells were larger and the magic drained from them was the only thing keeping the sun and moon from stopping in their motion. They couldn’t do much other than move around or sleep and eat.

Celestia looked over forlornly at her sister, who was lying in her bed, her head facing away from the door. She moved over to her sister and gently stroked her mane while she surveyed the rest of the dungeon. Beside the alicorn sisters were the former element bearers. While Celestia could not fathom why she and her sister were given free reign to move, she understood the sight before her. All the former bearers had all of their legs bound by changeling slime. The secretion was also adorning Twilight’s and Rarity’s horns as an added measure against usage of magic. All of them looked positively worn down and haggard. Before the solar alicorn could say anything to them, the doorway to their prison slid open.

Footsteps hitting the ground rouse many of the captive to attention as they beheld their warden in shock. Jason Wright smiled devilishly at them, but he was free from all his scarring like the day he first came to Equestria. “J-Jason?” Twilight asked weakly.

“I’m afraid not, Twilight,” Celestia said grimly.

“Ah, what gave it away?” ‘Jason’ asked.

“...Why are you posing as him?” Pinkie asked in a muted tone.

“T-That ain’t right!” Applejack grunted out.

“Have you no shame for your beloved?!” Rarity shrieked as best as she could. She saw Fluttershy shy away from the disguise and whimpered.

“Yeah! I thought of anyone, you’d have the sense not to disrespect the dead—”

“Finish that sentence, cur, and I shall make your stay far worse than it already is!!!” ‘Jason’ shouted, cutting Rainbow Dash off. He sighed while regaining his composure. “Now, I am sure you are wondering what’s going on? Why are we here? What’s become of Equestria in your absence?”

“Tch. The answer is obvious!?” Luna spat, raising her head. “You want vengeance. A pound of flesh for your loss. Retribution for Jason Wright’s demise.”

Jason stared blankly at the Luna diarch before responding. “Hmm, I can definitely see how you come to that conclusion given your present circumstance, but you’re not grasping the whole picture. You are not the object of my revenge, but a symptom of it. If I truly wanted revenge against any of you I'd simply drain you all of your love until you were nothing but a lifeless husk. Trust me. It’s not a pleasant way to go.” Jason said with no small amount of glee.

“Chrysalis. What happened to Jason was regrettable, but why would undue the work he has done for your changelings?” Celestia asked.

“I concur!” Luna stated angrily. “The changelings were fully integrated in our society. Perfectly concealed and free to feed on our love. Any attempts to find them were thwarted no doubt by your agents. But, it was Jason’s wish for their prosperity!”

Jason cackled. It sounded mad and hollow with hints of sorrow that unnerved everyone present. “Yes, that he did. His ideas were so much more sound and thought. He created the perfect means for my subjects – our subjects – and got his justice. Yet the lesson he tried to impeach upon the world was not learned. The hunts continued and the ponies remained stubborn to their innocence. But then, why isn’t he here right now? If you catch the guilty and expose them, then why do you still go unpunished? Why do you get to laugh as he rots? Why do you get to love while he decays? Is that harmony?! IS THAT FAIR!?” Jason leapt at the cage and glared down at the Princess. When the two didn’t flinch, he twisted his neck behind him as sickening cracks rang out. He looked at the elements who shied away from the display.


“No!” ‘Jason’ interrupted as he moved closer, realigned his neck to the right direction while he approached. “No, I don’t think that is fair at all,” ‘Jason’ continued. “There will be no more half measure. No more negotiations. True retribution. True justice starts now!”

“So, what then? Will you replace more ponies? Capture and feed on their love by force? If you seek to wage war with us then at least do so out of the shadows!” Luna declared with a stomp of her hoof.

Jason laughed again. “Oh, Princess. You know so little of me. Why would I waste my time fighting you vile ponies? The dragons are doing a fantastic job of that already~.”

At Chrysalis’ words, the dungeon went silent. “W-What are you saying?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, Ah know we're on the outs right now, but Ember wouldn’t go fussin’ on about war!” Applejack stated.

“Oh, you sad little sadists, I’m afraid you’ve been out of the loop for far too long. Here, let me enlighten you.” Chrysalis’ horn shot out of her head through the disguise and displayed several images. It displayed locations all over Equestria ranging from Manehattan, White Tail Woods, Rainbow Falls, Dodge Junction, Appleloosa, and finally Canterlot. All of them were burning. All of them had bodies of ponies and dragons alike strung about on the ground; dead. The ponies all gasped in horror before Rarity spoke. “You’re just trying to scare us into believing these falsehoods!”

“Yeah, you’re trying to manipulate us with fake memories and images!” Twilight said matter of factly.

“Am I? Well, I happen to have corresponding newspaper articles from trusted sources as well.” Her horn glowed again as she levitated several papers from multiple sources. “You can check from a glance the symbols of these fine establishments to know they are authentic. I believe the headlines say it all.”

“No…!” Luna gasped as she read each paper.” how could this be? Blueblood wouldn’t declare the dragons a threat!”

“Oh, he wouldn’t. But, you know that I can be very convincing.” Chrysalis said, morphing into the stallion in question. “It didn’t even take much to rally all the ponies into the idea with you xeonophobic tendencies and all.”

“Cadance wouldn’t allow this! Despite her feelings, she knew Blueblood and I were making progress in changing Equestria’s mindset! She would’ve seen through this ploy!”

“If she was still allied with Equestria, but…” Chrysalis changes into Luna this time. “Especially, when her dear sweet aunt denounces her as family and declares the Crystal Empire as an enemy state. Thus prompting Shining Armor to dismantle the train and all trade to Equestria indefinitely.”

Another mad cackle made the ponies sink further into despair. “No, how could you do this?” Celestia asked.

“Very simple if you paid more attention during your rule. But alas, you ponies insist on learning the hard way. Only this time the lesson will stick when all of ponykind is reduced to ashes. I imagine by the end of this year - and with how ferocious the Dragon Lord has been fighting - the Equestrians will soon enter the endangered species list.”

As Chrysalis began another bout of insane unhinged laughter, one of her drones enters the cells. “My queen! We have him.”

“Oh, excellent. I knew that lizard would leave him alone eventually. Is he finding his room accommodating?”

“He is thoroughly restrained as per your instructions, my queen.”

“Then, let’s not keep our friend waiting.” Chrysalis said as she morphed back into Jason’s form. He turned back to the prisoners and grinned. “I think you all should watch this.” She cast a spell that displayed a darkened room. A figure lay on the floor, a familiar bipedal form. He was thoroughly injured and bleeding from several deep gashes on his person and was barely moving. ‘Jason’ laughed as he left the room.

Everyone in the room stared in horror at the beaten form of Gregory Graystone as he lay there. The hovering magical screen showed him trying to move, but being weakened by whatever had happened to him, he seemed to be finding it difficult. Luna’s face was pale. “We should never have let him out of our sight…” she said.

“But, it makes no sense! How did she capture him?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Look, something’s happening!” Fluttershy said.

The door to Gregory’s cell opened as ‘Jason’ walked inside. Gregory had yet to raise his head while ‘Jason’ pulls up a chair. “Damn, you look like shit.”

Gregory didn’t move too much, only lifted his head. “Drop…the act…I know you’re…not Jason…” he said weakly.

“Oh, this isn’t an act. I’m not playing at your sanity. That’s too easy. I want you to know why this is happening.”

“I know…exactly why,” Gregory said, spitting out a glob of blood. “I killed Jason…and now you want to torture me…”

“Hmm, that’s good. I must say that it is hard to find prisoners that still retain this level of cognisance. It saves a lot of time.”

Gregory turned, and every pony in the room gasped at how he looked. He had bruises on his face and a black eye that had swollen his eye shut. “Humans…are tougher…than you think…” he said. “How else…would Jason have survived the pony’s torture for three years…?”

“Is that a challenge I hear? I do believe I am being challenged. Yes, you humans are a sturdy bunch. I wonder if you can measure up to Jason? Perhaps you can even surpass his record. I can’t wait to find out.”

Gregory scowled. “Jason would be so ashamed of you…Chrysalis…”

Chrysalis dropped her playful demeanor and walked up to Gregory. She looked at her nails before viciously slapping him across the face, leaving another gash. “Don’t speak as if you know him. You two were not friends. You two did not hang out. You know nothing. All you are is his killer!”

“I know he continued to offer me safety,” Gregory replied, recovering some of his strength. “And you think I don’t know what I did? Nothing you do to me can compare to the pain I feel every day knowing what I did.”

“Hmm, I can try my best. You see, there is always something more to take. You might think you are at rock bottom, but this is just the beginning. For instance…” Chrysalis snapped her finger and an image of Gregory standing over Jason appeared. He had his gun in hand as he pulled the trigger and a loud bang echoed in the room. “Your finest moment. A wayward human accepted as the pony’s champion, striking a threat, what a hero.”

“I see that every fucking night in my nightmares,” Gregory said with a heavy tone.

Celestia turned to Luna. “Is that true?” she asked breathlessly.

Luna hesitated briefly before nodding. “Yes. I never felt a nightmare with such intense emotions. I hold no doubts that if Gregory was a magical creature, he would spawn another Tantabus with his nightmares. I’ve done my best to mitigate the nightmare, but they are plagued with a guilty mind and I can only devote so many nights to Gregory alone…”

Celestia went to reply but Chrysalis spoke again. “Only in your nightmares? That hardly seem like proper recompense. After all, you get to wake up and enjoy peace from there, So, seeing this play over and over in your waking hours works out.”

“Enjoy peace? Hardly.” He sighed. “I get to live with the knowledge that I’m well deservedly despised.”

“Please, ponies arre fickle in their likes and dislikes. They would’ve rationalized your actions sooner or later.” Chrysalis scoffs. “Besides, you also get to live in the nonexistent bosom of the Dragon Lord,” Chrysalis sneered. “A faithful mate to have and to hold. A mate that will eventually chip away at your guilt and tell you everything will be okay. Does she mean nothing to you?”

“I’d say leave her out of this, but I know you’d stoop low enough to use her to torment me,” he spat.

“Hmm, is that not my right as a widow? Your actions torment me, yet you don’t see me crying the victim. I’ve always been more hands on. Now, I have a little present for you.” Chrysalis leaned closer and tapped her glowing horn to Gregory’s forehead. Gregory weakly grunted, expecting more pain, but looked surprised when nothing came. “Oh, that wasn’t the surprise. That little spell is there to make things interesting for this next part. Bring them inside!”

The doors opened again as nine familiar creatures filed into the room. Gregory stared up in horror at one figure in particular. “Ember? No, that’s not her!”

“Are you sure?” Chrysalis down at the captured Dragon Lord as she struggled in her bindings.

Gregory shook his head, as if he was trying to clear it. “What did you do to me?!” he demanded.

“I told you. Just something to make the game more interesting.Now, it’s time to play.” Chrysalis snapped her fingers and Gregory’s bindings left him. Before he could question, Chrysalis threw his pistol to him.

Gregory looked at the pistol, then back at Chrysalis. “What is this?” he demanded.

“Killing is making a choice. You chose to end Jason’s life. Now you must choose which life matters more to you; your lover or your friends.” Chrysalis said with a malicious smile.

Gregory began wavering and the ponies in their cells watched in horror as he picked up the pistol. He looked to see if it was fully loaded, then snapped the clip back in place. His eyes seemed to be glowing a bit now, but his teeth were gritted as if he was fighting back. Fluttershy couldn’t stand it. She turned away. “What is she doing to him?” she asked in a trembling tone.

“I don’t know. He’s just sitting there twitching.” Rainbow said.

“She’s attacking his mind.” Twilight deduced.

“Now for the rules,” Chrysalis sneered. “Option one. You love your mate, correct. All you have to do to stave off her death is kill these vile pony scum. You can do it all at once or one at a time. They were the ones who set us on this path, so there is no escape for them. Kill them - live with that pain - and I'll let you both go. Option two is a personal favorite though. Kill Ember and we’re even. Experience the pain you cause me and you can go back to harmony and friendship. Choose wisely now.”

Gregory’s hand began to move. The pistol was raised up, pointing at the false Elements of Harmony, then the false Celestia and Luna, then at Ember. He gritted his teeth, then did something that seemed to catch even Chrysalis off guard. “Even if…they’re just fakes…I’ll go…with option…THREE!” With effort, he put the pistol to his own head and pulled the trigger.

The room shifted and Gregory woke up with a gasp and shot back up. He looked around his surroundings, expecting to see heaven or even hell, only to find himself back in Chrysalis’ hive with gun in hand and his friends and lover still bound. “Come now, did you really think I’d make things that easy for you? Although, I must admit that option three is rather cowardly. You would leave your friends and mate to an uncertain fate? And creatures say I am cruel.” Chrysalis laughed. “Now, choose.”

With an even more valiant effort, he tossed the pistol away from him. “No…” he said, although he was clearly slipping.

Chrysalis appeared behind Gregory and whispered in his ear. “I will invoke every agony upon you. Every violation imaginable. And when your mind, body and soul is well and truly broken, then you will have my permission to die!”

He shuddered as she tore his clothes away, leaving him completely naked. His eyes were glowing a bit brighter now. They were a sickly green and his irises were almost gone. “Fuck…you…bitch…”

“Oh, I love it when they play hard to get. But let’s make things a little more exciting, shall we?” Chrysalis' horn glowed as Gregory suddenly found his gun arm slowly raising. At the same time, Chrysalis aura encompassed the ponies and Ember while spinning them in a circle. “It’s time to choose, Gregory. Either you pull the trigger now or I do it for you. Better hurry, this level of control gets tedious even for me. I might slip~.”

His expression turned to utter hatred, and the spell he was under seemed to falter. He seemed to be fighting to the last. Still, he was unable to resist for long. A single shot rang out. He looked at who he had shot, and screamed in horror.

Chrysalis grinned. “Good first choice! But the fun’s only just beginning!”

[Some Time Later…]

Bang. Bang. Bang. It was all Gregory could hear, all he could feel when he pulled back the hammer. His emotions were all over the place. He couldn’t tell what was real and what was fantasy. Everything was a big blur and he was finding his grip on his sanity slipping. He’d seen the ponies die over and over again. The tears didn’t come anymore, he was all dried out. He held on as best as he could, but he feared Chrysalis would win. In fact, he knew it was so.

He had failed. He was nothing. He knew that now. The loathing he felt for himself was just too much.

“Ahaha. This is great. It’s the final two contestants. The lover and the best friend. Who will live and who will die? But, first, let's hear from our lovely volunteers.” Chrysalis snapped her fingers as the mouth gags fell from Pinkie Pie and Ember.

“You foul oversize cockroach! I’ll burn you chitin to ashes when I get out of here!!!” Ember roared.

“Oh, quite the mouth on her. I wonder if you have had a chance to put it to good use yet?” Chrysalis asked salaciously.

“Gregory?” Pinkie asked in concern and fear.

“Everything is death,” he droned. “Death is the absolute. I am nothing but a monster…I will burn in hell for all eternity…”

“Stop this. He’s had enough!!!” Ember shrieked, tears threatening to spill.

“They will never forgive me. It’s what I deserve…I am a monster.”

“Hmm, he does seem rather down for the first session. But that’s all this is right now. Just the first of many more fun games to come. Now, let’s finish this up. I got another surprise for you. Come on, Gregory. You can do it. Pick one.”

He looked up in anguish. “Please…mistress…I can’t…”

“Ah, ah, ah. Your mistress gave you a command. Do it!”

Broken, defeated, he looked up with sorrow at the two. “I…I am…” he faltered. “It’s…”

“Gregory! Come on. Snap out of it!” Ember said. All her words did was get the gun leveled at her. “Hey, watch where you’re pointing that! It’s me, Ember!”

His hand wavered. Something clicked in his mind. A memory. He felt fresh tears falling. “Our…our future child shouldn’t hatch in this world…” he finally managed weakly.

Pinkie looked at the broken state of her friend and the heartbroken visage of Ember and let out a shuddering sigh. “Gregory. Look at me.” Gregory did so while also training the gun on Pinkie. “It’s okay, Gregory. I’m sorry I was angry with you. But I want you to know it’s okay. Go and live a happy life with your marefriend. Or, dragon friend. Sorry, I don’t know the term.” Pinkie stuck her tongue out as tears streamed down her face. One last act of optimism from the bubbly mare.

The tears continued pouring down his cheeks. “Pinkie…I’m so…so…sorry…” The pain of his resistance continued growing and his finger tensed. “I…I’m a monster…” With that said, his finger twitched above the trigger before pulling it back. The last shot seemed to echoe forever as pink fur was stained with red.

Gregory dropped the gun, looked to the ceiling, and screamed in utter despair as his friend died. The spell on him began to lift and he saw the carnage of all the six former Elements. He saw the look of horror on Ember’s face. His screams echoed louder.

Then, the screaming stopped. Gregory gasps as he fell on his hands and knees gasping for breath. The haze and despair was gone from his mind and he could think clearly again. He looked around to see Chrysalis smiling down at him as she gave him a round of applause. “Bravo. Bravo. What a good showing for this session.”

Realization donned on Gregory as he glared up at the queen. “You’re…sick!!!”

“Hmm, guilty. I told you that there was always something to take.”

“You’re not going to release me, are you?” he said.

Chrysalis smirked. “Unlike you, I’m a mare of my word. You and your fuck buddy will leave this place alive.” Chrysalis had a thoughtful expression. “If she was here of course. After what you experienced, It’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t.”

Despair flooded his soul as he looked at where Ember, or her illusion, had been. She was gone, as if she wasn’t there. The bodies of the six mares were still there, of course, but there was no sign Ember had been there. That was when he felt the snap. He began to make a gasping noise, which slowly became a chuckle. Then a demented laugh. He felt tears pouring down as he fell to the floor, laughing in his madness.

“Aw, aw, aw. I’d save that madness if I was you, after all…” Chrysalis snapped her fingers again and the room became lit. Gregory’s eyes widened in horror at the six bodies on the ground. All of them were random mares. All of them with bullets in their temples. “You’re going to have to explain to the families about the mess you made. Don’t worry though, I’ll let you rest now. Stew in that insanity before I come back for a fresher tomorrow. We’ll have loads more fun cackling in despair, sobbing in grief, and raging throughout the coming days. Have a good night, Gregory.” Chrysalis said gleefully as she exited the room.

The madness deepened, and he laughed even harder. “Dippy Duppy Murder Guppy! Time to die an insane puppy!” He giggled insanely as the real former Elements of Harmony, Celestia, and Luna, watched the human’s descent into madness.

Celestia felt tears of empathy flow down her cheeks. She couldn’t bear to see the human breaking like this, but she was physically unable to look away. This was all of their punishment. They would watch a second human be destroyed by this world.

[Outskirts of Trottingham]

“RAAHHH!!!!” Ember roared as she stabs her scepter down into the chest cavity of an earth pony stallion. He struggled and gasped for air until the life left his eyes and Ember removed her weapon. She nimbly ducks under a magical bolt before launching a fireball in retaliation. She was rewarded with the guttural screams of her fallen foe. She took to the skies as some pegasi flew overhead. She immediately gives chase while priming her claws. She raked down and severed the wings off of one of the ponies.

She was about to get the other two when Smolder latched onto a pony’s neck and ripped out their throat while Garble snapped the neck of the last one. “Report!” Ember ordered.

“We just finished wiping out a bunch of them in the north,” Grable said.

“We were heading to the east to regroup with the main force when we bumped into you,” Smolder stated.

“Then, let’s go. The sooner we’re done with this war, the sooner we go home,” Ember stated.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want to keep you human friend feeling alone.” Garble joked. However, a glare from Ember made him quiet down.

“Are you sure we couldn’t bring him along? Those weapons of his could’ve helped a lot,” Smolder said.

“He is right where he needs to be and this is our war to finish.” Ember stated sternly. “I’ll finish this and we can have our lives together…”