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Chapter 18-The Faithful Few

Opaline was quite surprised when she suddenly heard noise from the edge of the crater where her soldiers were encamped. "What is that?" she asked.

"Large dust clouds approaching on the horizon!" called a soldier on lookout. "Estimating numbers now!"

"Well, make it quick!" Opaline snapped. "I suspect our friends from earlier are back for another round."

And sure enough, they were. "Ma'am, they're being led by a diesel engine- and the other one! Confirming light armour and several self propelled artillery vehicles- they're seriously well quipped!"

"Form a firing line and prepare to repulse them!" Opaline shouted. "Volleys and steel will drive them back!"

The army was now on the verge of the crater. Sunny leaned out of the cab. "Here we go. Now or never, Salty."

Salty noted this. "If we are to die this day let us die in glory."

Sunny shrugged. "I'd prefer not to die at all, but OK then." She blasted his horn twice, the signal to advance. "CHARGE!"

"FOR SODOR!" the ragtag army called in response. The artillery formed up to begin a bombardment of the crater, whilst many of the other soldiers charged directly into the crater. Bayonets drawn, they charged into a hail of weapons fire.

Sunny and her closest friends led the assault. They had all been equipped with this new armour, and charged into combat. Pipp was helping to coordinate artillery fire, whilst Zipp was leading from the front, barking orders. Although not a Duchess yet, she was the first Haven to lead an entire army into battle in centuries.

Opaline's troops fired off a single close range volley at the attackers, cutting several down in a storm of bullets, then counter charged in response. Before long, bayonet met bayonet at short range, soldiers thrusting and crashing into one another in a desparate attempt to gain the upper hand.

Salty had dropped behind the enemy lines, and was knocking trucks into the way of the enemy troopers, preventing those with longer ranged weapons from drawing line of sight to the allies.

Artillery shells exploded all around the region as batteries on both sides opened up. Lady Haven was helping to direct the allied artillery fire based on the coordinates that Pipp was feeding her. "Maintain fire! Coordinates to follow!"

"Yes ma'am!" shouted one of the gunners. "Shell loaded! Fire for effect!"

A fresh wave of shells slammed down on enemy lines, helping to at least partially break up the chaotic close combat that had erupted in the centre of the battlefield.

Sunny spotted Opaline prowling about, fully powered up and with wings glowing furiously. She smiled. "Now time to give the bait."

She jumped from Salty's cab and in an instant ponied up, a massive blast of light bringing her energy gauntlets into being, and her wings erupted outwards in a shower of energy. "HEY! OPALINE! OVER HERE!"

Opaline swung round. "So, fighting one on one? Why don't you just give up now and surrender!"

Sunny charged in, her arm positioned to turn the energy into a dagger. "I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!"

Hitch was still locked up in his prison cell, unable to sense where he truly was. He looked about, hoping for some sort of clue as to his current location, but nothing. He groaned as he lay there. He had long since given up on trying to break the bars in front of him, as they were too strong to simply be battered down.

The guard would notice, anyway. He was watching him like a hawk.

Hitch looked at him. "You know they'll try you for treason, right?"

The guard snorted. "Will I? There is no earthly way that we can lose this war. Opaline herself wills it, for the forces of the universe are on our side."

Hitch sighed. "Aren't you scared of being under her thumb?"

"Working for our rightful ruler? Don't pull my leg. We will-"

Suddenly, gunfire opened up down the tunnel, and this was followed by shouting and other confusion. The guard looked towards the noise, and went that way.

Hitch hadn't had time to react, and having said that it wouldn't have helped. After all, the guard wasn't carrying the keys on his belt. Bad for him, I guess.

Hitch knew his chances of getting out were low, so he waited to see what was going on.

Suddenly, the gunfire stopped, and several figures in uniforms pulled closer. Many of them secured the perimeter. They looked to be special forces of some kind based on the gear- Hitch identified several German made rifles and the tactical gear was above what the CCF would be supplied with.

One of their number suddenly produced a key and opened the door for him, letting Hitch out of his captivity. "Thank you, sir," he said.

The figure nodded. "Alphabittle figured you would be held here," he said. "Apparently Opaline is predictable."

"Alphabittle?" Hitch asked. "What's he doing here?"

"A thank you for saving your butt would be nice," Alphabittle said, as he appeared round a corridor.

Hitch nodded. "Thank you, sir, but are you sure you can keep up?"

Alphabittle snorted. "Of course I can keep up! 61 isn't that old!"

That all cleared up, they made their way out of the prison complex, following a vast maze of underground tunnels back towards the surface of the landscape. They had a sense of which way to go- just follow the explosions towards the surface.

They made their way to the surface to witness a large scale battle underway, albeit one more reminiscent of the violence of the trenches than that of the modern day world of covert operations and fighting from the shadows.

Hitch spotted Sunny and Opaline brawling in mid air, exchanging blows furiously. He also noticed something else, something he hadn't seen in a long time.

Sunny looked absolutely pissed off.

"Incoming!" shouted one of the soldiers. "Contacts closing to range!"

Alphabittle passed Hitch a weapons. "How good are you with an MP5?"

"Pretty good, though a DeLisle Carbine would be nice."

The offensive had stalled.

The LLF had been brought to a halt outside Vicarstown by entrenched enemy fire. Weapons were firing and discharging all across the battlefield, and the city had been turned into a fortress. Any urban environment is nightmarish to fight in, as even the most poorly equipped of forces can hold a larger one back for considerable amounts of time in such terrain.

To this end, they had been forced to unload the tanks nearby and effectively use them as artillery. Forward spotters were calling fire down upon the area as shells rained down upon Vicarstown. Either they would shell them into submission or completely flatten their defences.

As buildings had substancial holes blown in them and weapons fire continued to echo, the engines were forced to wait.

"Counter fire from mortars!" shouted Radiant Hope. "Incoming fire!"

A tank commander got on the radio. "Send a team forward to silence those mortars! They're targeting our spotters!"

Radiant Hope looked over. "Tempest, you're up. Take five men and neutralise those mortar positions."

Tempest Shadow nodded and collect her gear. Some armour, a submachine gun, and a few grenades, along with the relevant ammunition required. "This way!" she called to a group of soldiers.

They followed her out of the camp and into the wartorn streets. The streets looked less like a quiet British town and more like the shattered remains of Occupied Europe in WW2. Buildings had holes torn in them, and rubble was spilling onto the street. Explosions from shells boomed all around, and some buildings had fallen into the road already, which was making navigation difficult.

Tempest carefully picked her way over the terrain and motioned her troops forward in the process. "Towards the mortars," she said.

One soldier set up in a building overlooking the square where the morters were positioned, and set up a sniper rifle.

Tempest looked to the others. "Ready grenades."

Each soldier took a grenade off their belt, and prepared to throw.

Tempest switched to her radio. "Switch them off."

"Copy that."

The sniper rifle fired, dropping one of the mortar soldiers.

Tempest looked over. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

She and the other four soldiers all tossed a grenade at once into the mortar pit, causing the grenades to land with deadly accuracy against the enemy. Explosions soon rocked the crater, and once the smoke had cleared Tempest and her soldiers charged in.

The crater was only full of bodies, and those soldiers still alive were soon made short work of by weapons fire from the allies. Tempest pointed. "Disable those mortars."

As another solder stepped forward, she switched to her radio. "Mortars neutralised. Threat to forward spotters neutralised. Withdrawing to siege lines now."

A pop of explosives indicated the mortars were out of action, and they quickly pulled back to the siege lines as the shelling continued. Vicarstown was slowly, surely, being battered into submission.

It was only a matter of time before the defenders surrendered.

Opaline and Sunny brawled at close range, energy blasts and energy blades hammering against one another and causing bright flashes of light. To anybody observing, it was as if two gods were duelling in person in the moral realm.

Opaline took to the air to try and gain the advantage, but Sunny leaped into the air and fired off a blast of energy to throw her back. Blades slammed into each other once more as both of them fought to gain the strategic advantage on the field. The fighting continued onwards through the skies with endless ferocity.

Opaline bellowed at Sunny. "We are meant to rule over these lesser beings! Why would you reject your birthright?"

Sunny snorted. "You think I'd want that? Freedom is the right of all living beings, and nobody has any inherent right to rule anybody- not by accident of birth or anything else! Besides, why would we want a violent monster like you in charge?"

"Says the girl who attacked her own parents and friends," Opaline snorted.

Sunny growled. "I'm not falling for that bullshit again, Opaline. That was your fault. I lead, you command. That's the difference between a leader and a tyrant."

"We aren't that different at all, Sunny," Opaline said. "We both use the magic that flows in our veins to further our own ends. This entire scenario was the result of trying to achieve something you wanted, wasn't it?"

Sunny snorted. "Bringing the crystals together did a lot of good for the world!"

"And just so happened to give you the friends you so desperately craved."

A suddenly blow knocked both of them back to the ground, and they slammed into the floor, mud and dirt flying everywhere. Around them the tide of the battle was turning. Despite numbers being against them, the superior training and combat experience of Opaline's troops was beginning to take the upper hand. Slowly but surely they were being pushed back towards the edge of the crater.

Opaline turned to where Salty was, and smiled. "I thought I'd missed one," she smiled, and drained the diesel of the magic.

"Salty?" Sunny called. As she looked up, she only saw a front radiator grille where a face had once been.

She groaned as she tried to get up, and raised her arm. Only to see the sheen was gone completely.

She checked over her shoulders and suddenly saw her wings phase out. "No! No! Come back! I need you!"

Opaline stalked over. "Seems you still can't control it properly, can you? No real surprise for a half breed like yourself. Never let common blood contaminate the bloodline."

"What are you saying?" Sunny said.

"You fool," Opaline said. "You're distantly related to me. One of your mother's ancestors was Robert Stuart, the son of James I."

Opaline loomed over Sunny, who looked up in dread. "One saying I was always taught as a child is that society is like a tree- although each leaf is individually weak, collectively the tree is strong."

Her hand began to glow with energy. "But every leaf falls from the tree and dies alone. Any last words, Sunny?"

Author's Note:

The opening stage of the battle is based on the storming of Redoubt 9, a sub battle of the Siege of Yorktown in which American troops charged downhill into a massive storm of British fire- and still took the fortification. The battle is notable for being the episode that made the reputation of Alexander Hamilton. Some elements are also derived from the Battle of the Crater, an engagement of the American Civil War which saw Union troops charging into a massive crater produced by siege works.

Can any of you identify who Sunny is quoting at the end of the first section?

The DeLisle carbine was a firearm manufactured for commando units of the British Army in WW2. Designed for covert operations, its use of an integrated suppressor and subsonic ammunition made it one of the quietest firearms ever made. Although originals are now quite rare, American manufacturer Valkyrie Arms makes a reproduction; presumably Hitch used one of these. The idea for Hitch to use one was proposed by Thomlight Sparkle 1; apologies in advance for taking so long to incorporate this idea.

The siege of Vicarstown is inspired by WW2 era sieges during the final advance into Europe in 1944 and 1945, combined with elements of the Siege of Vicksburg in 1863, a now largely-forgotten Civil War battle which took place at the same time as Gettysburg and yet arguably was more significant as it chopped the Confederacy in half.

It's again not looking good for our heroes. How will they get out of this one? Find out more tomorrow!