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Chapter 19-We Got the Magic

Just as Opaline went in for the killing blow, there was a sudden blast of energy. Rainbow light poured from a source somewhere near Sunny, throwing the would be Queen back. "AHHH! WHAT WAS THAT?!"

Sunny began to sit up, and tried to trace the source of the light. Rainbow coloured light had surrounded Opaline, preventing her from moving an inch. Sunny tried to figure out what had just happened. Was it some previous unknown ability she had? A feature of her blended biology? Or was it something else?

She glanced down, and noticed the locket she had been wearing was now open, and some sort of rainbow light was flowing out of it. This very same energy had come into contact with Opaline, and seemed to be what was holding her in place and rendering her unable to move.

Sunny then remembered what Mrs Roselawn had said to her back in Truro, in what seemed like years ago.

"This has long been waiting for one pure of heart. One with hope in their heart. One willing to fight for a better tomorrow. When the stars fall and all seems lost, seven colours shall light the doorway and restore the light. Remember, the one who has friends is the richest of all people, for they are never truly alone."

Sunny surged to her feet, seeing the Rainbow was starting to dissipate. Opaline looked enraged. "What sorcery was that?"

Sunny smiled. "You can take my magic from me, but you can't take what fundamentally makes me... me."

"What would that be?!"

"Hope. Hope for a better future. Hope for everybody to achieve their full potential and earn their happy ending. That's why you and I will never be the same, Opaline. Because I have hope for a better tomorrow, and my friends march by my side!"

As she finished her sentence, there was an intense flash of golden light, and Sunny's energy wings erupted into life once more, and the familiar golden glow emerged over her skin.

Sunny Starscout was back to full charge. "You ready Opaline? Let's dance."

Opaline roared and charged in, energy bladed forged from her gauntlets. "YOU THINK THAT LITTLE TRINKET CAN SAVE YOU? THIS WILL NEVER BE OVER!"

Sunny parried the blows, and both figures repeatedly traded hit after hit, both refusing to give an inch. The resulting blasts of light moved so extremely quickly it was very had for anybody observing to figure out what was going on. As noted before, the resulting fight closely resembled two gods who had fallen to Earth and were fighting for supremacy. And neither was giving an inch.

Sunny, however, seemed to be gaining the upper hand. With a well timed energy blast she hurled Opaline back, who skidded to a stop a few inches away.

Opaline was breathing heavily. "How... what..."

"Tired already?" Sunny smiled. "Because I'm just getting warmed up. You might as well give up. It's over."

Opaline charged, roaring like a demented lion. "NOTHING'S OVER WHILST I'M STILL BREATHING!"

Sunny charged as well. "Then let's finish this!"

Suddenly, a series of explosions echoed from the side of the battlefield. Lady Haven got on the radio. "Explosions confirmed on the side of the field. Can somebody explain what's going on, over?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came on the radio. "Sorry I'm late, Elizabeth. Tell the men the cavalry's arrived."

"William?" Lady Haven looked up and saw a British Army tank column pulling onto the field. The tanks were battered, but very much operational, and opened fire on targets in the field.

"Guilty as charged. We'll clear these targets up."

Confused assets on the ground were now being attacked from multiple directions, and Opaline's army was now under pressure from multiple directions.

"Press the advantage!" Zipp called. "Open fire!"

The artillery batteries began to boom once again, as near them some more troops began to arrive. Armoured Personnel Carriers deployed onto the field, providing fire support as they began to unload troops onto the battlefield, who engaged the enemy without mercy.

Pipp glanced back, and her eyes widened with surprise when she saw who was arriving. "Look!" she said. "It's our friends from Darlington!"

And it was. A small team of engines was arriving on the field, towing artillery pieces and anti tank guns. Fergus was the first to arrive. "Didn't think I'd be doing artillery tractor duty again, but you never know!" he said.

He and the other engines were uncoupled from the guns and then placed nearby, whilst soldiers took up position on the guns.

"Battery 2 ready to fire. Nominate targets."

Pipp switched to her phone, and scanned over the terrain. She tapped one set of coordinates with heavily dug in forces. "Targets sent. You are clear to engage."

"Copy. Fire for effect!"

The roar of artillery soon joined the chaos and noise of the battlefield, as explosions rained down upon the landscape. This helped to clear the way for the assault troops, who were moving forward to clear the terrain of enemies.

Opaline was in a state of disbelief. "Where did they get all these soldiers from?" she asked, utterly flabbergasted.

"Turns out having friends gives you useful allies in all places," Sunny smiled, as they continued to fight. A formation of helicopters flew overhead, looking for targets.

Unfortunately, the sky was then lit up with flames and lock tones, as hidden batteries opened fire on the helicopters. Most of them were shot down in the process, and those that survived limped back to their origin point.

There was suddenly another radio call. "HMS Duke of York on standby. Aircraft ready for bombing run. Nominate targets, over."

Lady Haven switched back to the radio. "That's a negative, over. Anti Aircraft batteries are in action in the area, over?"

"Copy, holding for batteries to be cleared."

Another radio message arrived. "Anvil Actual, column splitting off to engage anti aircraft targets-"

There was suddenly an explosion, and one of the anti aircraft guns went up in flames.

"What in the-"

Alphabittle and Hitch emerged from the tunnel and onto the battlefield. Before them was a scene of chaos. Hitch noticed his friends on the field. Determined, outnumbered, but still fighting back. The enemy were increasingly moving forward, even if reinforcements were helping to turn the tide of the battle.

A series of loud bangs overhead drew his attention to the skies. Drones had been deployed into the area to act as scouts or as combat assets, but these were being repeatedly shot down. Missiles and bullets streaked through the skies from anti aircraft fire, which was preventing air power from deploying.

"Marksman Anti Aircraft guns!" Alphabittle said. "And some of the Stormers too! I wasn't aware the British Army fielded these machines!"

"Opaline may have picked them up from overseas," Hitch said. "But as long as these are operating, we can't control the air."

Alphabittle nodded. "Good thing I was in the Royal Engineers for a stint." He produced some explosive. "Slap these on the hulls of those vehicles. It'll produce a pretty big bang and light those things up like the Fourth of July."

Hitch nodded. "Who as the detonator?"

"I do," Alphabittle replied. "It's a remote start weapon, so you'll need to be clear of the blast range."

Hitch grabbed his examples and soon got to work, dropping the explosives in convenient places. He placed it on hulls, underneath treads, and to fit on bits of mechanical work. The sheer noise of the explosions from the weapons was allowing him to move basically undetected, as the crews were focused on other things, not to mention all the noise. The ground shook from the force of all the weapons firing, thousands of tons of munitions being expended in sweeping the skies.

Hitch was finally done placing his explosives, and sprinted for the edge of the lines. Alphabittle was almost done planting his, when suddenly a soldier caught him offguard and knocked him to the floor.

Although the man had the drop on him, Alphabittle was soon able to gain the upper hand, bashing the other figure into unconsciousness. He climbed to his feet. "Sweet dreams. I've still got it."

He saw Hitch approaching at speed. "Explosives deployed?"

"Yes sir!" Hitch replied, as he approached. "Let's get out of here!"

Both of them vacated the blast zone and hid on a hill, before waiting. After a few moments, Alphabittle pushed a button.

And in that moment, it was as if New Year's Fireworks had come early. Or late. Depending on your perspective. A series of bright explosions lit up the battlefield as the landscape was blown apart from exploding vehicles, wreckage and rubble flying everywhere.

"Skies are clear," Alphabittle smiled. He then noticed Hitch pulling open a hatch. "What are you doing?"

"There's somebody in here," Hitch said. Once the hatch was open, he shone a torch in. "HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!"

"Don't shoot!" replied a northern voice.

Hitch's eyes widened in surprise. "How can you be here?"

Back on the other side of the battlefield, Lady Haven saw the anti aircraft batteries explode, and got to her radio. "HMS Duke of York, targets are cleared out. Fire mission to follow. Await coordinates, over?"

"Understood, awaiting targets."

Pipp got to it, marking key clusters of enemy troops for the bombers, before hitting SEND.

Minutes later, the familiar whine of jet engines roared as the aircraft passed overhead, dropping bombs on their targets.

"Bombs away!

"Tally ho!"

"Admiral Seaspray sends his regards."

The explosions helped to clear up the battlefield, and the columns could finally push forward.

Opaline was aware her plan was falling apart, so resorted to desperation. "CHARGE!"

Unfortunately, Sunny was there to block her, and hold her in place. "Not so fast, Opaline. I think there's something you need to give back."

Just then, a shot hit Opaline's armour, and she shook.

"Hey, Sunny. Just helping out."

Sunny was amazed. "Hitch? You're here?"

"Let's just say I've gotten very good at falling off things and surviving."

Sunny focused, as the locket began to glow once more. "Now then, let's make this a bit more fair, shall we? After all, theft never pays!"

The locket seemed to be glowing ever more fiercely, and not only that dragging something out of Opaline. The woman howled as the magic she had stolen was removed from her. "NO! THAT MAGIC IS RIGHTFULLY MINE!"

"Nothing is ours by right," Sunny said. "And as you hurt my friends, the gloves are off."

The magic began to dance through the skies once more, just as it had done nearly two summers ago. Flowing through the skies, it returned to the engines from whom it had been stolen, and they were restored to sentience.

Opaline breathed heavily, feeling the loss of all her power. "What... did... you... do?"

"Only returned what was stolen to its rightful owner," Sunny said. "Now then, will you come quietly?"

Opaline fired a blast to knock Sunny back. "NEVER!"

She ran for the edge of the battlefield and jumped into an engine's cab. "RYAN! COME WITH ME NOW!"

The engine blasted away, off of the battlefield, and towards another location.

Sunny jumped into Salty's cab. "Opaline is escaping. I'm giving chase, over?"

"Understood, Sunny. We'll mop up here."

Sunny gunned the engine and moved the diesel shunter onto the line, and then hit the throttle to chase after Opaline and Ryan.

She gritted her teeth as the chase began. All those who had suffered in this war.

All those Opaline had wronged.

All that had been pushed out of their homes.

And all who had made the ultimate sacrifice against Opaline's army.

This was for them. They would be avenged. Opaline would not get away.

Salty looked around. "Like chasing the Bismarck, this!" he said. "Hopefully we're going the right way!"

"Don't think there's much chance of that," Sunny replied, as she saw the shape of an engine in the distance. It was time to finish this.

Author's Note:

The Rainbow of Light is an artefact originally seen all the way back in 1983's Rescue at Midnight Castle, where it is used in the film's finale to defeat Tirek. Its appearance here references its use in Roots of All Evil, Part 2, where it was included as a G1 reference.

'Tell the men the cavalry's arrived' is a colloquial expression meaning that whomever was needed most has arrived. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown, but it is often associated with the narrative trope in Western movies of the US Cavalry arriving just in time to save the heroes. A notable real life example of this phenomenon was the siege of Vienna, where a massive cavalry force arrived to break the siege. This incident formed the basis for the Sabaton song Winged Hussars.

Both of the anti aircraft platforms mentioned by Alphabittle are real; the Marksman is currently in service with the Finnish army, and is built using the chassis of an existing tank with a pair of autocannons mounted on the top.

The Alvis Stormer is the standard anti aircraft vehicle in service with the British Army, and is built from the CVR chassis. Featuring eight HVM launchers grouped into two batteries, it serves a similar battlefield purpose to the Stryker SHORAD, and most notably saw service in Ukraine in 2023 under Ukrainian flag.

And now, the final engagement is here? Who will emerge victorious from this battle? Will Opaline escape, or will she finally face the consequences of her actions?