• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 558 Views, 47 Comments

The Crescent Pact - Chromentazol

The Crescent Pact remained in the shadows for 200 years, preparing to usurp Celestia. Aphelion, a member of the Pact, begins to learn the truth about its real goals.

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Bonus Chapter 2 - The Expedition Logs

Author's Note:

Another bonus chapter, to show what's happening with the Crescent Pact while the story unfolds in Manehattan. CW for horror and violence (though I don't think it really counts as gore or anything). If that's not your cup of tea, don't worry, this is just an optional one-off.

Once again, I decided to make this a bonus chapter since it's a bit more experimental (at least for me, I'm still new to fanfic writing after all). You can safely skip this chapter if you'd like, though it gives an insight in how the Crescent Pact treats its members

Log #4, June 10th

We've finally crossed the polar circle, despite the constant setbacks. Once we reach Point Nyx, we'll have to make the rest of our trip on hoof. Of course, Glitter is already complaining about having to do any form of physical activity, but that's unicorns for you. Personally, I can't wait to step off this shoddy boat: I've been seasick ever since we left port. A trek on the sea ice sounds like heaven to me, right now, though we'll have to hurry. We need to get to the ritual spot at least a day before the solstice to prep everything but at the speed we're going, we're going to cut it very short. Let's just hope there are no additional obstacles on our way.

Besides, we had to pack light on food. Glitter and I are fine rationing ourselves, but I swear Wind's stomach is a bottomless pit. I'm pretty sure I saw him sneak away with some of our cans last night, but I sure as Tartarus am not going to confront him. He's already on edge, something about the cold air irritating him, and I'm pretty sure he could beat me to a pulp despite my earth pony strength. If push comes to shove, we'll have to hunt and fish to survive, but I'm afraid my colleagues will find this idea abhorrent. Then again, if Wind keeps eating our rations and if Glitter slows us down by being a wuss, we won't have much of a choice, won't we?

Log #5, June 13th

We've finally reached Point Nyx, but we're already a day behind schedule. There was an iceberg we had to avoid, followed by an issue with our ship's motor. Needless to say, we're not feeling good about this. Glitter's been complaining even more than he already was, but at least he's been staying productive. Since we had to stay on the ship for an additional day, he took the time to calibrate some of our tools and start the calculations in advance. We can't really finish that part of the work until we get to the ritual spot, but that's a good few hours gained, at least.

Unfortunately, Wind hasn't been nearly as useful. He started getting... I don't know, territorial? I think something's wrong with him. He also went from trying to hoard all of our food for himself, to refusing to eat more than one meal a day. While that means we probably won't run into too many issues food-wise for the rest of the trip, I'm getting worried for his wellbeing. Hopefully, getting off the ship will help him clear his mind of whatever's bothering him... Though I don't know for sure what's going on. Glitter is currently finishing packing his sled (taking his sweet time, as always), so I expect we'll start walking in about an hour.

Another thing that's worrying me is what's going to happen with our sleep schedule. At this time of the year, the sun doesn't really set. We can still see it move around, but it's going to be facing the northern side of the globe for a long while. I don't really know the logic behind it, since Celestia basically controls the sun. Glitter said it all made sense, but I'm just too dumb to understand. Maybe he's right, or maybe he's just trying to suck up to Lord Comet by repeating verbatim whatever he's been saying these days. Anyway, getting off track here. Since there's no longer really going to be nights, and since we're no longer gonna be in the boat with dark cabins to sleep in, tracking the time of the day's gonna be weird. Dunno how well we're gonna sleep in our tents with constant sunlight reflecting off the snow and ice. Maybe I'm overthinking things, though. I should focus on our mission. Once we're done, we're sure to climb up the ladder in the Pact. I can't wait to not have to do this menial grunt work anymore.

I think I can hear Glitter screaming. Yup, I checked, he cut himself on one of the tools like an idiot while loading his sled. Damn it. I'll better take care of this, or otherwise we'll be stuck here forever.

Log #6, June 14th

We finally started making some real progress towards the ritual spot. Yesterday, Glitter cut his left foreleg pretty deep with some sort of crystal. It took me an hour to patch him up correctly (tough to do when your bandages basically froze during the night because somepony forgot to turn the heater on in the storage room (I'm talking about Wind, because of course it's him)), and another one just to calm him down. So, more delays. We only started moving at around 3PM, and even then, it was painfully slow since Glitter had to wince and complain at every step, because the dumbass cut himself basically down to the bone.

Wind's mood is somewhat better, at least. I think he was seasick like me, he must've hidden it for some reason. I'm guessing some typical pegasus pride crap. Now that he can walk (or rather, fly) more freely, he's been more friendly. Actually helped Glitter walk, too, which was surprising (but nice). They seem to be getting along pretty well, they've been talking a lot. Didn't hear what about, as I'm the one taking the lead on this, so I'm always a few meters in front of them.

By my estimations, we'll reach our destination on time - but we really can't afford any other delays, at this point. Well, let's hope things get better. It's just a long trek ahead of us, now.

Log #7, June 15th

Just shut UP or I'm jamming the splinters in your BUCKING THROAT I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN READING MY JOURNALS WIND

Log #8, June 16th

Things are bad. On the night between the 14th and the 15th, we were attacked during the night by somepony. No, scratch that, by something. There was a snowstorm, so we couldn't discern the details that well, but still... We saw a figure standing outside the tent, making a crap ton of noise. By the time we got out to see, we noticed this... Creature just standing there. Bipedal, white fur all over, almost 3 meters tall. It had destroyed two of our three sleds - probably to get to our rations - and it was about to run off into the sea ice when we called out to it. Alright, I'm the one who got his attention. Wind and Glitter just stood there, frozen in shock.

When it saw us, it tried to swipe at me. Scratched my left ear before Glitter conjured the sound of thunder with his magic to scare it away. It worked, and it scurried somewhere in the storm, but we couldn't see anything more. Rest of the day was spent with us yelling at each other while trying to salvage whatever we could from the sleds. Thankfully, the tools were intact. Unfortunately, we lost half of our rations. We also had to load everything on the surviving sled. Wind damaged it accidentally as well, and now it's constantly off-balance. We're three times as slow when pulling it because of the weight and the bucked-up balance.

Needless to say, tensions are very high. We need a miracle to make it on time. Not much else we can do, however.

Log #8, June 17th

Lord Comet helped us. We now have a chance at succeeding, but... I can feel the potion's effects already. Glitter and Wind have been completely silent, but I can see on their faces it's the same for them. Since we can no longer feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and since we now each got the strength of five ponies, we can probably reach our destination in three or four days, only ever stopping for the occasional vomit break. Thing is, I don't know what we're vomiting since we haven't eaten anything since yesterday.

There's also the issue of the antidotes. We all know what's going to happen to us if we don't get one on time. And Lord Comet said there's only going to be two for all three of us, since we disappointed him... I hope he just said that to scare us into not messing up anymore.

Wind's done with his hourly stomach emptying. We're moving again. Want to write more but can't.

Log #9, June 18th

More walking. Non-stop walking. We don't vomit anymore. I keep hearing them whisper. I don't think I'm safe.

Log #10, June 19th

There's a reason why ponies go to sleep every night. I can't feel fatigue, or tiredness, but this is worse. I can't tell what's real and what's not. I think the beast that attacked us a few nights ago is following us. I didn't say anything to Wind or Glitter, though. One, I don't know if it's real. Two, they're plotting against me. I just know it. There are just two antidotes. My job is to guide them to the ritual point. They won't need me after, unless one of them disappears. That's why I'm not telling them about the beast.

The following entry is unreadable, the page being filled with inane ramblings and drawings overlapping each other.

Log #12, June 21st

We reached our destination this morning. That's when they attacked me. While I knew it was coming, and even despite the increased strength from the potion, I couldn't defend myself against two of them. They tried to bash my skull with one of the sled's pieces that fell off during the trip. I'm going to be honest; I don't remember much after that point. I fell unconscious. I woke up some time after, my body bruised all over. I assumed they continued beating me for a long time after I fell. Thanks to the potion, I somehow survived. Or, rather, it brought me back to life because they couldn't crack my skull open despite everything.

They did the ritual while I was out. I have no idea what happened exactly, but it was done on time... And I'm thankful I was unable to witness it. When I came back to my senses, I just saw

In the middle of the circle, there was

They were

So much blood. They ate each other's

They were gone. Soon after, Lord Purple Comet appeared, with exactly one antidote. He didn't say anything. He just smiled. That smile... It will haunt me for the rest of my days. What exactly have we done here?!

He brought me back home instantly. Said I did a good job, that he was proud of me. That he'll need me to lead more expeditions in the future.

I was too afraid to say no.

My next trip is next week.