• Published 5th Jul 2023
  • 558 Views, 47 Comments

The Crescent Pact - Chromentazol

The Crescent Pact remained in the shadows for 200 years, preparing to usurp Celestia. Aphelion, a member of the Pact, begins to learn the truth about its real goals.

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14 - The Morning

The trip back to Canterlot was spent in worried silence. Not long after sending his message, a golden chariot pulled by pegasi from the royal guards landed near Aphelion's hotel. Soon after landing, Sandstorm had rushed out to meet, then demanded that one of them bring Misty to the Manehattan hospital. Aphelion followed her and explained the situation more calmly, though he had struggled to stand still due to his general exhaustion and dizziness. Eventually, one of the pegasi guards carried Misty to the hospital as fast as possible, Sandstorm galloping behind them. While the two mares were technically under arrest, the royal guards allowed them to remain at the hospital for the time being. Misty would stay until her health improved, and Sandstorm was allowed to remain within the hospital grounds as long as a guard stayed with her, to ensure she wouldn't run away. This was all at Aphelion's request, which surprised Sandstorm when the guards agreed.

And thus, Aphelion was the only one of the three coming back directly to Canterlot. The trip to the capital took longer, as there was one less guard able to pull the chariot, which gave Aphelion time to be alone with his thoughts. Looking at the moon and staring at the face across its surface, he sighed. This mission, just like the previous one, had gone terribly wrong. This time, however, ponies had gotten hurt and Steady was captured by the Crescent Pact. Aphelion had no idea how Celestia would react to the news and if this situation would void the deal they had concerning his sentencing.

Aphelion only stopped worrying when the chariot traversed an area of turbulence, causing it to shake violently. Holding on to his seat, Aphelion instantly felt sick. One of the guards glanced back at him, then shouted.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. If you need to throw up, please do it outside of the chariot."

With a weak nod, Aphelion approached the side, holding it with his forelegs and looking at the ground below. Thanking the stars for not being afraid of heights, he emptied his stomach, the sickly contents raining on the forest below. This was going to be a long day, Aphelion thought.

Reaching the castle just as the sun rose from the horizon, the chariot landed in one of Celestia's private gardens. Aphelion stumbled out, his legs still shaking from the hangover, the lack of sleep and the severe magical exhaustion. It took him a moment to fully register the forms waiting in front of him, eventually recognizing a maid and a butler trying to get his attention.

"Sir?" asked the butler, a brown unicorn with a slick auburn mane. "Are... Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yup, I'm feeling top. Top toppity-top. Just swell," Aphelion attempted to smile.

The maid, which Aphelion recognized as the one that took care of him earlier, stepped up. She had tied her brown mane into a bun, though she still looked frazzled and not quite awake herself. Despite this, Aphelion still thought her cute and blushed slightly after recognizing her. Glaze cleared her throat. "Uh... Well, then, sir. If you could follow us... Princess Celestia is waiting for you," the difference in the way she spoke was obvious to Aphelion. He assumed that the butler next to her must be her superior.

Taking a deep breath, Aphelion nodded. "Alright, lead the way," he had hoped that Celestia wouldn't be able to receive him as soon as he landed in Canterlot, just so that he could take a nap and a much-needed bath. Following Glaze and the butler at a snail's pace, Aphelion felt his headache coming back with a vengeance. Eventually reaching a fancy gazebo in what Aphelion assumed to be the middle of the private garden, he saw Celestia casually sipping tea while looking over the horizon. The table in front of her was filled with varied breakfast food and beverages. Around the table, there were three additional empty chairs. One for him and two for Misty and Sandstorm, Aphelion assumed. Upon reaching the gazebo, both Glaze and the butler kneeled down. Aphelion followed their lead, though he almost lost his balance doing so.

Turning her head towards them, Celestia put her cup down. "You may rise," she spoke with a tired voice. Looking up, Aphelion saw the bags under her eyes. Evidently, he wasn't the only one who had a difficult night. Glaze and the butler took position on each side of the gazebo, ready for any potential requests. Aphelion slowly approached the table and sat down in front of the princess, unsure of what to say. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, searching for the words, but none came. Celestia was the first to break the silence.

"I have received your letter, Aphelion. I am sorry to hear that things did not go well."

"I... I'm sorry for screwing it all up," he eventually replied, slumping his shoulder.

She raised an eyebrow. "Based on what you have written to me, I do not see how this is your fault. Though I think a more... Detailed version of your night in Manehattan would help clear up the story."

He sighed, then started retelling every event from his point of view, as well as what was relayed to him by Steady before they had left to search the forest. Aphelion's retelling was fully transparent, as he saw no point in hiding anything to the princess. He did notice her wince when he mentioned the spell he had used to find Sandstorm and Misty, however, but decided not to ask her until after he was done explaining everything.

"...So, that's why Misty and Sandstorm aren't here," Celestia finally said after Aphelion finished his retelling.

"Yes... Misty was in no state to travel, and Sandstorm wouldn't leave without her. I, uh... I took the decision to let them stay behind with a guard. Sorry."

"Do not be. You have made the right choice. I doubt they will attempt to run away again, and by showing them kindness, they will in turn be more cooperative."

Aphelion looked away. "...If you say so. But still, I..." his sentence was cut by a loud rumbling coming from his stomach. His eyes going wide, Aphelion blushed. "S-Sorry, haven't eaten in a while."

With a light chuckle, Celestia nudged at the table. "Well, then, eat. This is time for breakfast, after all."

Tentatively reaching for the food in front of him, Aphelion noticed a plate filled with croissants. Grabbing one, he munched on it silently while looking at the ground. His eyes lit up as he tasted the pastry.

Celestia smirked. "So, would you say this is to your taste?"

"It's... One of the best croissants I've ever eaten."

"I'm glad you are enjoying it. I asked the royal kitchen to bake them for you... As well as the other two mares."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to remember my favorite pastries," he chuckled. Aphelion felt conflicted, however. While it was nice to see the princess caring about him, he still wondered why she went through the effort, especially given his past and his recent failures. They continued eating in silence, both simply enjoying each other's presence, before Aphelion spoke up again.

"So... What's next? What do we do about Steady?"

"That is a good question. For now, we will investigate in the woods around Manehattan. We are hoping to find any lead that would help us find Purple Comet's location. We will also greatly appreciate your help, Aphelion. Anything you can tell us about the Crescent Pact could lead us to Steady's rescue."

"I'll cooperate in any way I can."

She smiled. "I am glad to hear. However, I am afraid this matter won't resolve itself in a speedy manner. The members of the Pact pride themselves in their ability to remain hidden from the public. I also believe that they will keep Steady as a sort of... Bargaining chip."

"Right, but... They are certainly going to try and get intel on you from Steady."

Celestia sighed, staring at her cup. "Yes. I do not doubt that Steady will try his best to remain tight-lipped, but I also know that every pony eventually reaches a breaking point... Especially given the Pact's propensity for dark magic."

"...Like the spell I used in Manehattan?"

"Yes. You called it 'Astral Projection', but it is something much more insidious than this. I do not blame you for using this type of magic, as you were always taught it was something acceptable. You will have to spend some time... Adapting your spells, however."

"I will," Aphelion solemnly said. "I have to ask, though. What made it so bad?"

"It wasn't an actual astral projection. Instead of creating an arcane conduit which you could have seen and spoken through, you instead ripped your own soul from your body. It was less of a projection, and more akin to a... Very violent throw. It was originally created by..." Celestia took a moment before finishing her sentence as she looked at the sky. "...It was created by somepony very dangerous. Though, like you, I know they can still be redeemed."

Aphelion was just about to ask more questions when he noticed the princess' eyes watering. "...Are you alright, Celestia?"

With a faint smile, she closed her eyes. "I will be. Anyhow, I must take my leave now."

"Oh, already? Where are we going?" Aphelion stood up from his chair.

"Not 'we', I am afraid. For this year's Summer Sun Celebration, I have decided to make an appearance in Ponyville. I have sent somepony to make the preparations this very morning and I must now get ready for tomorrow."

"I thought the celebration lasted all week."

"Only in Canterlot. In the rest of Equestria, ponies usually celebrate on the solstice only."

Furrowing his brow, Aphelion hesitated for a moment before speaking. "...Princess, are you sure this is a good use of your time? I mean, I get it's to celebrate the 1000th celebration and all, but given the situation, wouldn't it be wiser to remain in Canterlot and try and find a way to bring Steady back?"

Celestia chuckled. "While you make a good point, I have a duty to uphold. Besides, this year's celebration is going to be... Special."

"Special how?" he raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.

"I'm sure you've noticed the slight difficulties I've had when raising the sun for the past few weeks... You know, with that telescope you've had pointed at my room for the past month," Celestia smirked, while Aphelion's face drained of color in shame. Both Glaze and the butler, having remained nearby, gasped.

"I, uh... Yes, I did notice that." Aphelion looked to the side, unable to look the princess in the eye.

"There was a reason for my recent... Struggles. Something a millenia in the making which, I'm afraid, takes precedence on Steady's situation. Don't worry, however. I will send for somepony to take the lead on this issue while I am away."

Reluctantly, Aphelion nodded. "Alright. And what'll happen to Misty and Sandstorm?"

"Once they are out of the hospital, they will be incarcerated until they can face judgment. Their crimes are numerous."

"Right, but they surrendered themselves voluntarily... And they kind of took down Mud's organization, too."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Yes, they did. Your point is...?"

"Aren't they owed some leniency?"

Her face remaining expressionless, Celestia stayed silent as she looked at Aphelion. Feeling the need to justify himself, he continued. "It's just that... As you said, ponies deserve second chances. Sure, they should be punished for the bad stuff they did, but... I honestly believe they are good ponies, deep down."

With a simple nod, Celestia spoke up. "Very well. I will take these things into consideration, as long as you can vouch for them."

"Yes! Thank you, princess!" Aphelion said, with a beaming smile.

"Alright. I will be leaving, then. I shall see you soon, Aphelion. In the meanwhile, I advise you to take the day to rest... And to take a bath. You do smell like you've been drinking and throwing up a lot."

Feeling his enthusiasm being replaced by shame in an instant, he lowered his head. "Y-Yeah, it's probably a good idea. Thank you," he said under his breath. On his side, he could hear Glaze chuckling, then clearing her throat when every pony in the gazebo turned toward her. And with that, Aphelion was led back to his chamber to rest while Celestia prepared for what she hoped would be the beginning of a new chapter in her life.