• Published 9th Jul 2023
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Filmatic Escapades: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie - Toonwriter

The Mane Six and their friends embark on their second movie adventure right after hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's freedom.

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Arrival on Phaedos

Our heroes zoomed from Earth and off to the planet Phaedos. Witnessing this from the observation deck of their castle on the moon via the telescope were Rita, Zedd and their goons.

“I can’t believe it! How could he let them slip through his hands?!” The witch ranted, “He’s no better than the rest of the hired help around here!”

"Oh, give it a rest!" Lord Zedd snapped in annoyance.

"Nah, she's right." Rito quipped, "We thought he'd take down the Rangers for good!"

"Unfortunately, it seems that Ivan Ooze isn't as good as he said he is," Finster added with honesty.

Chrysalis looked annoyed, "And to think, he would have destroyed those meddling ponies too."

"Hmph! Some powerful villain!" Cozy Glow scoffed.

"Maybe I should steal his power and permanently make it my own." Tirek remarked spitefully. Then he thought out loud, "I wonder how his power tastes?"

Suddenly, the chamber doors slowly opened with a loud creak, gaining the villains's attention. Walking through the open doorway was the last person they wanted to see, Ivan Ooze, who was looking as though he had just won the lottery.

"Hi, honey! I'm home!" He announced proudly.

"You egg-sucking purple pinhead!" Rita shouted angrily while glaring at Ivan, "The Rangers are going after the great power! I thought you said this guy was the master of disaster! He's nothing but a slime-infested jelly doughnut!"

Ivan's expression immediately soured, sighing in annoyance as Rita ranted about him. He simply waved his hand and flung ooze at her. Before the witch could say another word, the slime landed directly on her mouth, shutting her up as she managed a surprised yelp.

"Finally! Someone shut her up!" Zedd exclaimed in relief as Rita tried to pull the slime off her lips, only to let out a muffled cry of pain as electricity zapped her fingers and shocked her.

"Your feebleness is staggering." Ivan said as he approached the villains, "You obviously need a vacation. I think circumstances force us to choose a new leader, and I pick... me!" Almost immediately after saying that, he made a cocky laugh.

"You can't do that!" Rito objected, looking to Scorpina as he asked her, "Can he do that?"

"Don't ask me." Scorpina replied with a shrug.

"Who does this clown think he's dealing with?!" Lord Zedd asked in outrage as Ivan walked up to his throne.

Ivan simply took a seat on the throne, "The Boogeyman is taking over!"

"That's Lord Zedd's throne!" Squatt cried.

"Ooh, he shouldn't have done that." Baboo said in a "Now he's gonna get it" tone.

"No one double-crosses Lord Zedd and lives!" The red skeleton-like villain shouted angrily as he shot a stream of electricity at Ivan from his staff.

However, the electricity had no effect on the ooze-like being and he laughed.

"Oh, stop it, it tickles!" Ivan said.

"What the Tartarus?!" Tirek shouted in shock as he recoiled in fear along with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

"He really IS powerful!" Baboo cried fearfully.

"Maybe even more than Lord Zedd and Rita!" Squatt added, sharing Baboo's fear.

Their leader suddenly ceased trying to zap Ivan as he looked stunned himself, though it was hard to tell because he was wearing a mask.

Ivan then glared evilly at Zedd with an evil chuckle as he said, "My turn."

Finster and Rito inched nervously towards Rita and Zedd as the purple warlock glared at them with a sinister smile. He suddenly zapped the four with his own electricity and the four villains seemingly exploded into sparks. However, upon retracting his magic, a snowglobe formed in his hand. Ivan looked down at the snowglobe and laughed with glee. Inside the snowglobe was cutout buildings and landscaped representing Angel Grove, along with a tiny sign that said "Greetings from Angel Grove." But what he found funny was the fact that Rita, Zedd, Finster and Rito were shrunken down and inside the globe.

"Way to go, bonehead!" Rita said sarcastically in a squeaky voice.

"It's getting so you can't trust anyone in this galaxy!" Lord Zedd remarked angrily, also in a shrunken voice.

"Why are we here?! We didn't do anything!" Rito exclaimed in frustration to Finster, speaking in his own shrunken voice.

"The only thing we did was agree with Rita about Ivan!" Finster added in outrage in his own squeaky voice.

"Oh, I love snowglobes." Ivan said gleefully as he shook the snowglobe in his hand.

"AAAH!!! EARTHQUAKE!!!! EARTHQUAKE!!!!" Rita screamed from inside the snowglobe.

Almost immediately after hearing that, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow burst with hysterical laughter.

"She sounds so funny screaming like that!" Cozy exclaimed through her laughs.

"Oh, man, I never heard anything so hilarious!" Chrysalis added, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Neither have I!" Tirek agreed with a laugh.

Ivan turned his attention to Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy, Goldar, Mordant, Scorpina, Squatt and Baboo. "The rest of you have a choice. You either serve me..." He spoke, then showed them the snowglobe for emphasis, "... or you can join these four insufferable dinkledorks!"

"Goldar, get us out of here!" Zedd commanded angrily.

"Don't listen to that purple booger!" Rita shouted.

"Don't you dare betray me!"

"Please help us!" Finster pleaded desperately.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be in here forever!" Rito cried fearfully.

The remaining baddies looked between each other, then back to Ivan.

"Ah, we never liked those dinkledorks in the first place!" Goldar commented rudely.

"You said it, they stink!" Mordant agreed rudely.

"Bunch of jerky bossy boots!" Squatt agreed.

"Yeah, who needs them?" Baboo agreed.

“So… what are we gonna do about the Power Rangers and Power Ponies, o my hideous one?” Scorpina asked, changing the subject.

"Ah, yes. The Power Rangers and the Power Ponies." Ivan said as he stood up from the throne while putting down the snowglobe.

He sniffed a bit, then hawked and finally, he spat, sending a small purple booger across the room before it landed on the floor.

"Good distance." Mordant remarked.

"Yeah." Goldar agreed.

Ivan gave out a relieved sigh before the slimy booger slowly pulsed and grew bigger. The other villains watched in awe and curiosity. Finally, as Ivan chuckled with pride, the blob grew and shape-shifted into giant humanoid black birds wearing purple armor. The giant birds cawed and chattered as they flapped their wings while standing in place.

"Wow!" Cozy exclaimed in amazement.

"Those are the ugliest, downright vicious birds I've ever seen!" Tirek said before grinning, "I love them!"

"They look almost better than the original form of my kind!" Chrysalis remarked, "Almost."

“SHUT YOUR BEAKS!” Ivan commanded the bird-like creatures, making them shut up, “Now, my Tenga Warriors… you will fly to Phaedos… you will find the Power Rangers and Power Ponies… AND YOU WILL TEAR THEM APART!!!

Obeying Ivan's command, the Tenga Warriors started flying through the balcony opening while squawking.

“Go sic ‘em, tweeties!” Goldar said.

"Happy hunting!" Mordant said.

Ivan laughed evilly as the Tengu Warriors flew away from the lair and off to Phaedos to carry out his command.

"Fly, my pretties! Fly, fly!" Chrysalis shouted with an evil laugh.

"Go, birdies, go!" Cozy shouted.

"Yeah, hunt them down!" Tirek said.

"Look at 'em go!" Baboo cheered.

"Yeah, fly on, Tengu birds!" Squatt cheered.

"Get those Rangers and Ponies!" Scorpina shouted with confidence.

Then Zedd and Rita's former minions all joined Ivan in laughing evilly as the Tengu Warriors flew.

Speaking of the Rangers and Ponies, they soon arrived on the planet Phaedos. They landed on a rocky surface near the ocean shore, Rainbow once again standing in a puddle.

"Ohh, not again!" Rainbow complained.

The others barely took notice of Rainbow’s complaint as they observed their surroundings in awe.

“Oh, my gosh. Look at this place!” Kimberly spoke.

"This is so incredible!" Ben exclaimed in amazement.

“Guys! Over here, quick!”

The two groups turned in the direction of Aisha’s voice, realizing she broke off from them to check things out. Immediately, they followed the sound of her voice and found her and Applejack standing over what looked like the skeletal remains of an alien creature with horns protruding from the top of its skull. Also on its skull was what looked like a headset with a microphone. Fluttershy took one look at the skeleton and nearly fainted.

"Whoa, looks like somebody had a bad day." Aisha remarked.

“What even is that?” Rarity asked.

"I think the question is, what was it?" Billy replied with a question.

"Definitely not the welcoming committee, that's for sure." Kimberly commented.

“Come on, guys. We got a job to do.” Tommy urged them.

"Tommy's right. Let's go." Twilight said.

Then the group headed off in a direction away from the water, Fluttershy immediately moving almost hastily, not wanting to see the alien skeleton any longer. The groups walked off away from the alien skeleton to figure out where to go from there. Little did they know that they were being watched by a figure from atop the cliff. Whoever they were, they wore a dark green cloak that concealed their entire body and with them, they carried a wooden staff. The figure watched them before they wandered off.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Ivan Ooze and his new minions all were at an abandoned toxic chemical factory.

"Taking over the world is one thing," Ivan commented, looking at the abandoned warehouse, "Finding good help to run it for ya, that's the killer."

"Would you like us to make a few calls?" Cozy suggested sweetly.

"Yeah, we could call the villains of Equestria and have them join us." Tirek added.

Ivan turned to them with a grin. "No need. I'm going to recruit the parents of Angel Grove!"

"Uh, no offense, boss, but I think they might find you a little disgusting." Baboo said honestly.

Mordant followed this up by literally burping for emphasis.

"Now who's being disgusting?" Scorpina retorted, looking disgusted.

"Well, I suppose you'd be the experts on that." Ivan said sarcastically before he got ahold of Mordant by the snout as he finished, "You forget, I'm a master of disguise."

"How could I forget? I never knew." Mordant said stupidly almost immediately after the purple villain let go of his snout.

"If you're gonna disguise yourself, then what're you gonna do with the adults of Angel Grove, Your Repulsiveness?" Chrysalis asked.

"First, I'll turn them into zombies, and then order them to dig up my Ectomorphicons." Ivan explained.

"Uh, how are you gonna do that?" Squatt asked.

"By showing them the wonders of being wicked... with a little bit of Ivan's Ooze!"

He then shot electricity towards a machine, activating it. All of a sudden, purple liquid poured out of the pipe into the pot just below while Ivan laughed wickedly. He shot electricity at another machine, making purple liquid pour from that pipe into a pot just below it.

"Whoa!" Cozy exclaimed in amazement.

"Ooooh!" Squatt, Baboo, and Mordant exclaimed in unison.

Ivan continued laughing as he next zapped machinery behind the group, turning it on.

"Finally, I get to finish what I started six thousand years ago!" The purple wizard exclaimed with exhilaration.

"Ho!" Mordant laughed with the same exhilaration.

"Yeah!" Tirek exclaimed with a confident grin.

"Little do they know, my weapons of destruction lie buried beneath their feet." Ivan declared, smiling sinisterly before he began laughing evilly. The other villains joined in the evil laughter.

"Stop it!" Ivan snapped, making them shut up, "Get to work!"

"Yes, your royal heinous highness!" Mordant said.

With that, all of the villains started to get to work on their plans of world domination.

Back on Phaedos, the Rangers and Ponies continued walking along the shore. None of them knew which way to go from there, but it was better to try and go somewhere than just waiting for something to happen to them. Kimberly stopped to look out at the ocean just as a wave crashed.

Tommy noticed that and walked up to Kimberly, asking her in concern, "Hey, you okay?"

"... I was just thinking about Zordon," The pink ranger replied, a sad smile on her face, "Ya know, everything we've been through together."

Tommy put a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder as he said to her, "Look, he's gonna make it." Then he finished in a confident tone, "We'll find this power, and then send that slimeball Ivan Ooze back to the sewer he crawled out of."

Twilight stopped walking and had been witnessing this conversation from nearby. Upon hearing the White Ranger's encouraging words and seeing Kimberly smile, she couldn't help but smile sweetly. Even when things seemed pretty bleak for her and her friends, new and old, it was good to know there was an upside.

"Come on." Tommy urged Kimberly as the two turned to continue walking...

...only for Kimberly to scream when she looked up. Twilight, looking alert, spun around and screamed herself and ducked, just barely avoiding getting swiped by a Tengu Warrior. Tommy and Kimberly ducked from the Tengu Warrior as well.

"Whoa! What the heck was that?!" The white-clad teen asked in startlement.

"I don't know, but here come more!" Twilight shouted, looking to the sky.

The other Rangers and Ponies all braced themselves as the other Tengu Warriors flew towards them.

"Get down!" Billy shouted as he and the others ducked from the evil bird-like creatures.

"Those are the ugliest birds I've ever seen!" Rainbow remarked just as soon as the Tengu Warriors swooped over them.

"And their armor is ghastly!" Rarity commented in disgust.

"Twilight, Tommy, Kimberly, look out!" Ben shouted as he looked in their direction.

"Here it comes again!" Nyx cried.

Tommy, Kimberly, and Twilight spun around to see the Tengu Warrior swoop down towards them. Before it could make a grab at her, the lilac alicorn used her magic to teleport to the rest of the group.

"Let's move!" Tommy shouted as he and Kimberly flipped off the rock, joining their friends before they got into battle-ready positions.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Think it's time to power up?"

"I don't think it's time, I know it's time!" Twilight replied with determination.

"Then let's do it!" Rainbow shouted.

"LET'S GO, FRIENDSHIP FORCE!!" The equestrians cried out, holding out their morphers and instantly transforming into their Power Pony selves.

"All right, you vultures! Come get some!" Rainbow shouted while glaring at one of the approaching Tengu Warriors flying at her.

Twilight blasted an approaching Tengu Warrior with her Ice Beam, freezing him in a block of ice before Spike swatted the ice block into a nearby rock formation using his temporarily enlarged tail. Upon impact, the ice block shattered and the Tengu Warrior fell over unconscious.

"Yeah, got one!" Spike cheered.

"Nice work, Spike!" Twilight praised with a grin.

Nearby, Fluttershy found herself cornered by a couple Tengu Warriors. At first, she looked frightened, but after taking a breath, she glared at them with tranquil fury.

"You leave me and my friends alone!" Fluttershy shouted with determination.

She suddenly bulked up and the Tengu Warriors looked immediately alarmed. They attempted to make a break for it, but they were caught by the now large and bulky mare who started swinging them around like ragdolls.

"You think you're so special?! ATTACKING ALL OF US?!?! WHAT WOULD YOUR MOTHER THINK OF YOU BEHAVING LIKE THIS?!?!?!?!" She roared, bashing them into any surface she whacked them against.

"Get 'em, Saddle Rager, get 'em!" Nyx cheered but yelped on seeing some more Tengu Warriors flying at her before she dodged them.

The warriors that Nyx dodged soon found themselves snagged by a lasso, held by Applejack. "Take this, ya feather-brained varmints!" She exclaimed, swinging them in Pinkie's direction.

Pinkie, using her super speed, ran between each Tengu Warrior tossed her way and kick-launched them to Rarity. “Rarity, catch!”

Smirking, Rarity conjured up two giant baseball bats and swatted the incoming bird-like creatures with them into a nearby rock wall.

"Home run!" Rarity cheered.

Twilight turned to witness this and smiled. "Nice one, Rari-!"

Before she could finish her sentence, the lilac alicorn felt a Tengu Warrior ram into her, knocking her off the rock she was standing on.

"Look out!" Rocky cried as more Tengu Warriors came swooping in, causing the Power Rangers to duck so they could avoid the humanoid birds.

Rainbow glared at an oncoming pair of Tengu Warriors. "You guys hungry?! I'm about to whip up some fried chicken!" She shouted, readying her amulet to presumably zap the birds with lightning, only to be swiped by a passing Tengu, causing her to lose her concentration, "Hey!"

This in turn caused her to send a lightning bolt in an unaware Ben’s direction. Thankfully, the bolt missed him by mere inches.

Ben glared up at the Tengu that hit Rainbow as he shouted, "You're gonna regret making her almost zap me, you buzzard!"

While the Equestrians were busy taking on their share of Tengu Warriors, more of the creatures were circling and attacking the Power Rangers.

“They’re everywhere!” Tommy exclaimed, noticing more of the bird-like beasts swooping their way, “Take cover!”

Then the Rangers jumped away in opposite directions, all while ducking from the Tengu Warriors swooping over. Adam and Billy got kicked to the ground by two incoming Tengu Warriors. Meanwhile, a couple more went after Kimberly, Rocky and Spike, all three of whom kicked the creatures away.

“Back off!” Aisha shouted, kicking a Tengu Warrior with a grunt.

Soon, some of the bird-like creatures landed to fight against the Rangers and Tommy kicked one of them.

"You want a piece of me, birdie?!" Spike asked daringly while getting into a fighting stance.

He leaped up and whacked a bird in the face with his tail, knocking it to the ground. The baby dragon turned to see a Tengu Warrior flying towards its intended target, Billy. The dirt blond-haired teen dodged another Tengu Warrior’s punch before kicking the latter to the ground.

“Billy, behind you!” Spike shouted, alerting Billy.

Seeing the approaching flier, Billy charged and did a midair flip over it, causing it to fly into a nearby rock wall before it squawked painfully as it slowly fell backward with a creak until it landed its back on the ground. At witnessing this, Spike couldn’t help but laugh at the bird-like warrior’s pain.

Billy looked in Rocky and Spike’s direction. “You know the funny thing about morphing?”

“What’s that?” The latter two asked in unison.

"You don't appreciate it till you can't do it anyMORE!" Billy replied, shouting "MORE" when he was pounced on by another one of the Tengu Warriors.

Before either the Rangers or Equestrians knew it, they were quickly being swarmed, pounced, and even kicked by multiple Tengu Warriors. Some of our heroes ducked or flipped away as best as they could. Kimberly kicked a Tengu Warrior in the abdomen, making it stumble away as she was unaware of another flying at her.

“Kimberly, behind you!” Tommy and Twilight cried at the same time.

It was too late as the Tengu Warrior grabbed ahold of the Pink Ranger with its talons and lifted her up in the air.

Tommy kicked an approaching Tengu to the ground with a karate cry. He immediately turned his attention back to his girlfriend.

“Hang on, Kimberly!” He called.

“As if she has a choice!” Applejack remarked in concern, watching as the Tengu carrying the Pink Ranger flew about and the latter attempted to pry its talons off her shoulders.

Without warning, both the cowmare and the White Ranger got tackled by more of the avian monsters. After dealing with a couple of Tengu Warriors, Fluttershy looked up to see Kimberly helplessly being carried by one of them.

"LET HER GO!!!!" Fluttershy shouted in rage as she flew up in the air after the avian creature holding the brown-haired girl.

“Somebody help me!” Kimberly exclaimed in panic.

Before the other heroes knew it, they found themselves being overwhelmed one by one by Tengu Warriors.

“They’re too strong!” Aisha screamed.

“We need our powers!” Adam grunted, trying to fend off the Tengu Warriors overrunning him.

Spike looked to Twilight, “Hurry, Twilight! Blast that creep carrying Kimberly!”

“I- I can’t! I might accidentally hit her instead!” The Alicorn exclaimed, trying to aim at the Tengu still carrying Kimberly despite being overrun by Tengu Warriors herself.

"I'LL SAVE YOU, KIMBERLY!!!" Fluttershy roared as she flew towards the Tengu Warrior flying around while carrying the helpless Pink Ranger.

As the heroes struggled, the same cloaked figure from earlier watched from a nearby cliff.

“LET ME GO, BIG BIRD!!!” Kimberly grunted, still attempting to pry herself free from the Tengu Warrior’s talons.

"PUT HER DOWN, YOU BIRDBRAIN MEANIE, OR I'LL RIP YOUR FEATHERS OFF!!!!" roared Fluttershy as she attempted to get close to the black-and-purple avian warrior holding Kimberly.

But before she could get any closer, a strange squawk echoed across the area and everybody turned their attention to the cloaked figure standing at the top of the cliff. This sound caused the Tengu Warrior to release Kimberly, dropping her to the ground. Fortunately, Fluttershy caught the white and pink-clad brunette on her back before landing.

The pink-maned pegasus reverted to her normal size and looked at Kimberly. “Are you okay, Kimberly?” She asked in concern.

"Yeah." Kimberly replied with a nod.

"What the Tartarus was that?!" Phobos asked in shock upon hearing the squawk.

“I think it came from there!” Nyx replied, pointing to the cloaked figure on the cliff.

"Who's that?!" Rainbow asked.

As if to answer the rainbow-maned mare’s question, the cloaked figure leaped from the top of the cliff onto a lower ledge. The figure then threw off its cloak, revealing it to be a young woman with wavy red hair. She wore only a green headband, a dark green, nature-inspired combat outfit resembling a stylized bikini, and matching knee-high boots.

Looking determined, the woman leapt from that ledge and down to the battlefield below with her staff in hand. She struck any Tengu Warrior she encountered, including any that lunged at her. Twilight and the others could only watch in awe, amazed at this woman’s fighting skills. Suddenly, the woman split her staff in two and spun them around, creating a shrill whistling sound.

"GAH!! My ears!!" Pinkie cried as she plugged her ears from hearing the whistling sound.

The rest of the heroes also covered their ears, affected by the whistling sound. However, the sound affected the Tengu Warriors, who squawked and screeched in agony as they scrambled to their feet and began flying away, much to the Rangers and Equestrians’ amazement. Once the avian beasts were out of sight, the woman ceased twirling both ends of her staff and started twisting the two ends back together.

As soon as the Rangers, ponies and dragons stood up, they slowly approached the red-headed woman. Before they did so, though, the Equestrians powered down from their Power Pony forms and back into their normal looks.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow cheered enthusiastically.

“Better than awesome, that was amazing!” Rocky praised, approaching the warrior, extending a hand out, “Thanks!”

Of course, the female warrior hit Rocky's hand with her staff, causing him to recoil in pain with a grunt.

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted in protest.

"If you want to thank me, go back to wherever it is you came from." The woman said sternly.

"That's... easier said than done," Twilight replied, looking cautious.

"Yeah, we can't go back." Aisha added.

"We were told there was a great power here," Billy inquired, "Is it true?"

"Yes," The green-clad warrior replied with a nod, "The ground is littered with the bones of those who have tried for it and failed."

"That explains that creature skeleton we saw earlier," Applejack remarked in concern.

The rangers and equestrians looked between each other with the same concern. However, Tommy approached the female warrior with a look of determination.

"Well, we're different." He spoke with a determined tone of voice, "We won't fail."

Just then, the green-clad woman swung her staff, hitting Tommy and causing him to tumble to the ground, and then held him down with her weapon.

"Leave Phaedos before it's too late." She warned him.

This caused the remaining heroes to back off a little, looking even more cautious.

"Look... we don't want any trouble," Aisha insisted, holding up her hands, "Our leader Zordon-"

"Zordon?!" The woman asked in shock while holding her staff down, making Tommy grunt in a little pain, "Did you say Zordon?"

"You know Zordon? Who are you?" Kimberly asked.

After a brief silence, while looking down at Tommy, she got her weapon off him as the White Ranger stood up, holding a hand to where the weapon was touching him before walking backward to the other heroes.

"I am Dulcea, master warrior of the planet Phaedos." The green-clad warrior introduced herself, "What has happened to Zordon?"

"He was attacked by some literally slimy creep named Ivan Ooze." Twilight replied, looking mad at just mentioning his name.

"Ivan Ooze is free?!" Dulcea asked in shock.

"Wait, you know that ghastly beast??" Rarity inquired.

"Ivan Ooze is a monster." Dulcea replied, "If we don't hurry, your planet is doomed. Follow me."

With that, the redhead warrior began walking along the shore, leaving the Rangers and Equestrians to look between each other.

"Can we really trust her to help us?" Applejack whispered.

"Well, she did help get rid of those scary bird monsters." Fluttershy replied.

Looking determined, Tommy went to follow Dulcea. "Come on, guys." He urged.

"Yeah, let's go." Twilight said, sharing Tommy's determination.

Not needing to be told twice, our heroes followed after Dulcea along the shores of Phaedos to wherever she was leading them. All they could hope was that she'd lead them on the right path to the Great Power they had heard of.