• Published 9th Jul 2023
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Filmatic Escapades: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie - Toonwriter

The Mane Six and their friends embark on their second movie adventure right after hearing news of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow's freedom.

  • ...

Ivan's Oozy Deeds in Action

Back at the Command Center, Zordon lay in the center of the time warp looking worried as Alpha approached him."Alpha, I'm getting concerned about the Rangers..." The Rangers' leader spoke with concern in his voice.

"Please, Zordon, save your strength." Alpha said in concern, "You need to rest."

"We must try to communicate with them." Zordon said, "It is possible I can help them."

"Perhaps, if I could locate a vertical deflector, then we could make contact through the Viewing Globe." Alpha suggested.

"Please. Please hurry."

"Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! Hold on!" Alpha said as he headed off to work on the Viewing Globe.

Back in Angel Grove, at the fair for Ryan's Comet, a lot of children gathered at the center of the festival. They were gathered before what looked like a pale purple-skinned man dressed in a dark blue wizard's hat and dark blue wizard's robes. In his hands, he was holding two plastic jars containing purple slime. What the kids didn't know was that this man was none other than Ivan Ooze in disguise.

"Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes. I promise you all, you just can't lose when you've got your own supply of Ivan's ooze." Ivan said in rhyme.

"What are we supposed to do with it?" One of the kids asked.

"Show it to your parents, show it to your friends," Ivan replied, still speaking in rhyme, "When you've got your Ooze, the fun never ends!"

"This is kinda gross." A boy said in disgust as he pulled up a bit of the purple slime from an open ooze jar.

"You may have heard that looks can be deceiving," The disguised villain rhymed with a grin, "I'm sure that when you've tried it, you all will be believing. And did I mention? It's free!"

Within the crowd, Fred just looked on with skeptical curiosity.

"I'll take some!" A kid dressed in a baseball player uniform exclaimed.

"There you go!" Ivan said with a grin as he gave an ooze jar to the kid, "Who else?"

Within seconds, all the kids in the crowd let out cheers of excitement and requests to have some jars of ooze. It wasn't long until every kid had either a single jar or a box full of jars. Fred looked at the single jar he held with curiosity, not sure what to make of it.

"Okay, there's enough for everybody." Ivan said as some of the kids reached out for the jars of ooze, "Take it home in boxes, take it home in cases! If your parents try to stop you, JUST THROW IT IN THEIR FACES!"

All the kids, except for Fred, cheered eagerly at hearing this while the disguised villain raised his jar-holding arms in exhilaration.

Back at the Grand Palace Cinema, Bethesda, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream all looked concerned at the scene they just watched.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Starlight commented.

"Me too." Trixie agreed.

"I know they have Dulcea, but Twilight, her friends, and the Power Rangers still need help!" Scootaloo cried.

Apple Bloom looked to her pegasus friend, "Yeah, but what can we do?"

"If only we could do something." Sweetie Belle said, "Maybe either infiltrate Ivan Ooze, or try to go to Phaedos, or... maybe even help Fred with whatever problem he'll soon be facing, and then... try and convince the kids what they're doing is wrong and save their parents, or something."

Bethesda heard the unicorn filly's words and smiled as if he had been waiting for somepony to say something like that.

"My little pony, you just said the magic words." Bethesda said with a wink.

"I did?" Sweetie asked, looking confused.

"Yes." The dark blue unicorn nodded in reply, "Do you recall Applejack's words to you before she and her friends entered the film?"

Apple Bloom suddenly remembered her sister saying, "Perhaps y'all could get in this adventure in a different way." All of a sudden, the little filly looked excited with an audible gasp.

"Are you sayin' what Ah think you're sayin'?!" Apple Bloom asked in excitement.

"As a matter of fact, I am." Bethesda replied with a grin.

"You mean we get to go into the film after all?!" Toola Roola asked excitedly.

"Sweet!" Coconut cheered.

"All right! Action at last!" Trixie exclaimed with a grin.

"Let's go!" Starlight said in a tone of eagerness and confidence as she and the Equestrians watching with her got onstage.

Suddenly, the screen faintly glowed. Just before the ponies could step through, though, Bethesda stopped them.

"Hold on, you'll need the same spell to turn you all human as well." The blue unicorn insisted to the other ponies.

"Right." Starlight said with a nod, understanding what he's talking about.

"I'm just so excited I could burst!" Sweetie exclaimed, her horn giving off a spark for emphasis.

"Me too!" Coconut agreed, trotting in place.

Bethesda smiled to the ponies. "Are you ready?"

"For Princess Twilight and her friends, for the Power Rangers, for Equestria and Angel Grove, and for all other worlds, we are ready!" Starlight confirmed in determination with a nod.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready." Trixie added, sharing Starlight's determination.

"We're ready, too!" Apple Bloom said confidently.

"Yeah!" Sweetie, Scootaloo, Toola and Coconut agreed in unison.

"Then you're all set," The blue unicorn replied with a smile, "Go forth, my little ponies."

And with that, the group of ponies went into the screen. Little did they know they were going to play a major part in this adventure.

Meanwhile, back in the film and on the planet Phaedos, Twilight, her friends and the Power Rangers continued following Dulcea to wherever they were going. They walked along the top of a cliff that overlooked the ocean and the shoreline as the sun began to set.

"Dulcea, where are you taking us?" Billy couldn't help but ask the woman in question as she stopped briefly to look back to the others.

"You shall know soon enough." Dulcea replied before resuming leading the way.

"We have to hurry," Kimberly said, "Zordon won't last much longer."

Their travels took them from the shoreline to a desert. Soon, they reached a mountain and climbed to the top. By the time they reached the top, the sun was slowly setting beyond the horizon and they found themselves at what looked like the ruins of a great plateau overlooking a vast jungle with a mountain at the center of it.

Applejack let out a descending whistle, "I've never seen anythin' like it."

"Wow." Tommy spoke in awe.

"Amazing." Aisha commented.

"What is this place?" Tommy asked as they walked to the center of the plateau.

"These are the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple," Dulcea replied.

"Nin... jetti?" Rainbow repeated in confusion, but then smiled, "What, like some kind of awesome ninjas?"

"You could say that." Dulcea confirmed.

The master warrior walked to the balcony overlooking the jungle as the rest followed. "There, beyond the Niola Jungle, is the monolith. Inside waits the power of the universe." She spoke, looking to the same jungle.

"The Great Power..." Twilight mused quietly as she looked to the jungle, namely towards the tall rocky monolith.

"The monolith is heavily guarded against intruders. No one has ever survived an attempt to reach it." Dulcea continued.

"Then how can we?" Aisha asked in wonder.

Dulcea smiled before she turned to the Rangers and the ponies as she replied, "You were chosen by Zordon. I have faith in his wisdom."

"Can you help us?" Tommy requested.

Dulcea turned and walked towards a stone of sorts as she replied, "We will call upon the sacred animals of the Ninjetti for help."

Twilight, Tommy and their friends looked between each other, then back to the monolith and the jungle surrounding it. They then walked up to the stone with Dulcea, surrounding it.

Back in Angel Grove, a Toyota Land Cruiser drove down a driveway to a decently sized house. Driving the car was Fred Kelman's father. Upon stopping before the garage, Mr. Kelman turned his car off, got out and entered his house.

"Fred?" He called out, shutting the door behind himself.

He then walked up to the counter in the living room, placing his keys down. Suddenly, he noticed the small jar of Ooze on the counter and picked it up. The first thing he noticed upon close inspection was the label reading out the title "Ooze." Below the picture of Ivan's disguised face were words that gauged the firefighter's curiosity.


Mr. Kelman picked up the jar and looked at it before he twisted the lid to open the container. Then he took a sniff of the inside of it before pulling back a bit with a look of slight disgust. After putting down the lid and the jar, he reached into the contents of it and pulled a bit of the purple ooze out, but he didn't know that it was a big mistake he made as purple electricity came from the jar and into his ears. He slowly turned around as if in a trance as his eyes glowed purple, walking away like a hypnotized zombie from the counter and out the front door. What he left behind was a half-empty jar of Ooze as the remains leaked on the counter. Outside, the firefighter slowly walked up his driveway and down the street where he walked alongside hundreds of adults who also walked like hypnotized zombies.

Meanwhile, back at the Command Center, Alpha was working on the wiring of the Viewing Glove. Upon finishing while holding pincers, the robot said in satisfaction, "There, that should do it. Let's give it a whirl!"

"... strange events..." A voice spoke through the speakers on the module.

The viewing globe immediately turned on to static before fading into what looked like a news report. Judging by the background, the female news anchor, clad in a red business suit, was standing at the same construction site Ivan's chamber had been unsealed at.

"Angel Grove Police have been fielding hundreds of calls from concerned citizens," The news anchor continued as Zordon leaned up as best as he could to see the news report, "as the number of missing parents continues to grow."

The viewing globe went static again before fading into what looked like a commercial, with a familiar disguised wizard coming onscreen as he walked in view, standing in front of boxes and stacks of his ooze jars while holding onto one of the jars.

"Hi, folks, Ivan Ooze here." Ivan greeted, "Are you bored with your work? Are you bored with your life?" The villain grinned evilly as he finished, "Then come on down to Ooze City, and let's get sticky!" As he said "sticky," the villain held up the ooze jar in his hand.

"Ay yi yi yi yi!" Alpha exclaimed in shock at this.

"Ivan's evil plot is taking shape," Zordon managed to speak through labored breaths, "I just hope they're not too late."

Back on Phaedos, night had fallen and Twilight and Spike had just finished setting up a bonfire with help from Dulcea, who had placed the firewood in the fire pit at the center of the plateau. With that done, the alicorn and young dragon joined their friends and the Rangers on one side of the bonfire as the master warrior walked back to the stone on the other side. Upon propping up her staff against the stone, Dulcea produced from her belt a small bag and poured its contents- small crystals- into her open palm.

After turning around and walking close to the bonfire to face the heroes, Dulcea explained, "Buried deep within each of us is an animal spirit waiting to be released. Close your eyes and look deep inside."

Tommy and Adam exchanged looks of curiosity and obliged by closing their eyes. Kimberly and Billy followed suit after looking nervously at each other and Rocky and Aisha immediately closed their eyes. Then, Dulcea blew the crystals from her palm into the bonfire, which roared as it expanded briefly. Twilight and her friends looked above the bonfire to see a tornado of crystals spinning over it. The ponies and dragons could only look on in awe as the crystals soon surrounded the Rangers and they were suddenly wearing ninja-yoroi that matched their ranger colors; Tommy in white, Adam in black, Kimberly in pink, Billy in blue, Rocky in red and Aisha in yellow.

"Astounding!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Whoa, that's amazing." Spike managed to say in awe.

Upon opening their eyes, the Power Rangers looked amazed themselves at their new attires. Dulcea simply smiled proudly as she looked on. What the rangers immediately noticed, along with the Equestrians, was that they each had a medallion on their chests, each one representing an animal. Kimberly's medallion depicted a crane, Tommy's a falcon, Billy's a wolf, Adam's a frog, Rocky's an ape and Aisha's a bear. All of them looked even more amazed. Well, everybody except Adam, who looked disappointed that his medallion featured a frog.

Then the Rangers took off their hoods and masks one by one before Dulcea walked up to Aisha, her staff once again in her hand.

"Aisha, you are the bear, fierce and unstoppable." The green-clad female spoke.

The yellow-clad teen smiled excitedly upon hearing that. Next, the master warrior walked up to Rocky.

"Rocky, powerful, smart... you are the mighty ape."

The red-clad teenager looked down at his medallion, then back at the woman with a smile while putting a hand to it.

After walking up to Billy, Dulcea spoke to him, "Billy, you are the wolf, cunning and swift."

Next, she walked up to Kimberly. "Agile Kimberly, light as a feather, you are the crane."

Then, as the pink-clad teen looked at her medallion, Dulcea walked up to Adam. "Adam?" At that moment, she noticed his disappointed frown before asking, "Adam, what's wrong?"

"I'm a frog." Adam replied with a frown.

Dulcea smiled once again, “Yes, a frog, quick as lightning.”

Seeing Adam wasn’t looking anywhere near reassured, Rarity smiled as she walked up to him. “And also the kind of frog that you would kiss…” She then leaned up and kissed his cheek, “… to get a handsome prince.”

The Asian-American teenager suddenly smiled shily from the unicorn’s reassuring words. And finally, Dulcea turned her attention to Tommy. “And you, Tommy, are the falcon. Winged lord of the skies.”

The white-clad teen put his hand to the falcon symbol as he smiled. Then as she walked past the heroes up the steps a bit, the warrior woman continued to explain. "To be in harmony with a sacred animal spirit is to have the force of the Ninjetti." She turned to face the teens and the ponies, "To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible."

Tommy looked a bit nervous as Kimberly looked from him to Dulcea. Rocky and Aisha smiled to each other, but they felt their smiles disappear at hearing what Dulcea said next.

"But... I'm afraid that, other than with the help of your equestrian and draconic friends, you must do this on your own."

Rainbow looked a bit nervous at hearing that. "Wait. What?" She asked, looking at the master warrior.

"You're not coming with us, Dulcea?" Aisha asked in concern as Dulcea walked away from them a bit.

She stopped and turned to face our heroes once again. "If only I could. One step beyond this plateau and... I would begin to age as rapidly as Zordon is now." At seeing them look worried and disappointed, she continued, "The strength is inside you. Trust it. Your sacred animals will be your guide."

"We'll do our best, Dulcea." Ben said with a nod. Some of the others nodded in agreement.

"May your animal spirits watch over you." Dulcea spoke before she glowed with the same aura of the crystals over the bonfire and then transformed into a small owl.

“She turned into an owl!” Fluttershy exclaimed in surprise.

The now human-turned-owl gave a little hoot and flapped away without much of a warning as our heroes looked on.

Back at the Kelman House, Fred went inside into the living room.

"Dad?" Fred called out as he looked around.

He walked up to the counter and looked to it. The only proof he had of his father being there were his house keys and the opened jar of Ivan’s Ooze. Figuring his father was upstairs, the young lad walked up the stairs.

“Dad!” Fred called again, walking up the stairs and towards his dad’s room, “Dad, where are you?”

Outside the Kelman Residence in a part of the neighborhood close to it, a portal opened up. Starlight first walked out of the portal on her back legs. She was now a human teenager, wearing a pink beanie with white stars embroidered on it, a black vest with a teal t-shirt underneath, pre-ripped lilac pants, and black high-heeled boots. The first thing she noticed was that she was walking upright like a human.

“Huh, that’s interesting.” The now human Starlight commented, looking over herself. “Hey, my skin isn’t pink like when I went to Canterlot High…”

Trixie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders came out afterwards, and they were walking on all fours briefly. Being the first to notice this, Starlight giggled a bit. "Girls, stand up." She told them in amusement, "You're not ponies anymore."

Trixie noticed this and yelped. Of course, she was actually yelping at seeing her new look. She was wearing her same pointed hat and cape, but also a light blue vest with a white shirt that had fringes on the sleeves, blue pants and dark blue loafers.

"This is... strange to the Great and Powerful Trixie." The light blue-haired now human teenager spoke, wiggling her new fingers a bit.

"Whoa... look at us!" Apple Bloom exclaimed in amazement.

Apple Bloom noticed she, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo still had their same hairdos. But the former wore a white t-shirt, red short overalls and yellow sneakers. Sweetie Belle wore a white sleeveless blouse, a purple skirt and white mary-janes. Lastly, Scootaloo wore an orange t-shirt, pink shorts and orange sneakers.

"Wow!" Sweetie said as she looked at herself.

"We're... humans!" Toola Roola exclaimed.

Toola noticed her hair was mostly unchanged, but slightly longer and she was wearing a short-sleeved pastel colored cardigan with a pink dress underneath and lilac boots. Coconut, however, was wearing a light blue dress with light blue and magenta stripes on her skirt, gray shin length socks and pink flats.

"This is ridiculous!" Coconut remarked in surprise.

Starlight turned to the others, "I know it's crazy how we're human now, but I'm pretty sure we got a job to do."

"You're right, Starlight." Trixie said.

At the same time, at the Kelman House close by, Fred came outside, a look of concern on his face. As it happened, several kids approached him, all looking forlorn.

"Have you seen my parents?" A kid asked in worry.

"I can't find my dad either." Fred replied.

"What's going on?!" Another kid cried.

The pony-turned-humans approached Fred and the other kids. "Hey, is there anything we can do to help?" Apple Bloom asked them.

"What seems to be the problem?" Starlight asked.

"Our parents have gone missing!" Fred answered them, looking concerned.

"Missing?!" Scootaloo gasped.

"That's terrible!" Sweetie cried.

Trixie looked to Starlight and whispered, "You think it has anything to do with that slimy stuff Ivan was handing out earlier in the movie?"

"It's gotta be." The vested girl whispered back. Then she turned to the group of kids and said out loud, "Don't worry, kids, we'll help you find them."

Suddenly, a wild kid wearing grunge clothes ran by, howling like a banshee, startling Starlight, her group, and Fred. He's holding a container of ooze in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. He smashed a couple of trash cans with his bat.

"OOZE, OOZE, OOZE RULES!!" The kid hollered before bashing in a mailbox, then ran off.

"Whoa! Who was that maniac?" Scootaloo asked.

"That guy was the student body president!" Fred replied, a bit startled by the wild kid's actions.

"... maybe the ooze doesn't just have something to do with the parents disappearing." Trixie muttered in concern.

"You might be right, Trixie." Starlight said in a serious tone, "We gotta get to the bottom of this."

Sweetie approached Fred and the other two kids. "Hey, do you remember meeting anybody strange or seeing anything strange happen lately?"

"Sweetie, we know what happened lately." Scootaloo whispered to her friend.

"Yeah, but they don't." Sweetie replied in whisper.

"Well, we met this weird-looking wizard at the Angel Grove park, where he gave us these jars of ooze." One of the kids responded to Sweetie's question.

"You suppose this weird-looking wizard and the jars of ooze he gave ya have something to do with that kid actin' crazy and your parents disappearin'?" Apple Bloom asked them.

"I think it's gotta be." Fred said, "When I entered my house, I saw the jar of ooze I left on the counter, open with some of the stuff left over."

"Oh no!" Coconut exclaimed in concern, "Your dad must've opened it and touched the ooze by mistake!"

Toola gasped as she said worriedly, "Maybe it put him under an evil spell!"

"If that's the case, where could they have gone?" Trixie couldn't help but ask.

Starlight thought about this for a moment. "Hmm... Maybe we should check the construction site where that big purple egg was."

"Purple egg?" Fred asked, looking curious.

"It's a long story." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah. We'll explain on the way." Apple Bloom said.

Meanwhile, at the same construction site, all the parents of Angel Grove were put right to work and digging up the rubble. Nearby, Ivan was sitting on a large rock, a goblet in hand as Goldar, Scorpina, Tirek, and Chrysalis, stood by his side while Cozy Glow hovered.

"I forgot how slow parents are." Ivan remarked in a bored tone. "I thought my Ecto-Morphicons would be dug up by now."

“Perhaps a little crack of the whip will “encourage” them to speed things up.” Chrysalis suggested, looking very devious.

"Nah, too cliché." Cozy Glow remarked.

“I have a better idea. Let’s have some fun instead.” Tirek replied, swiftly turning to look at a working adult, “You there!”

The adult dropped his shovel in startlement from being suddenly called while looking towards the red centaur.

"Dance." Tirek ordered him. Without question, the adult started dancing in a ridiculous manner.

Catching on, Ivan looked to the dancing adult. “Do the “Swim.”” He commanded.

The dancing adult stopped his current dance and started doing a “swimming” dance, much to the villains’s amusement. Even Ivan looked as though he was starting to have fun from watching.

"Yeah! Get down, baby!" Cozy exclaimed with a grin as she danced along.

“Ooh, ooh! Do the Macarena!” Scorpina ordered, smiling excitedly.

Then the adult worker started dancing the Macarena, making Scorpina and Cozy Glow laugh.

Goldar laughed before making his own suggestion: “Ballet!”

After he stopped dancing the Macarena, the adult worker started dancing ballet, making the villains laugh heartily.

"Ohh, this is priceless!" Chrysalis laughed.

Goldar looked behind them to the sky, then back to Ivan. “Hey. Hey, boss! They’re back!”

Everyone else looked up to see a familiar flock of birds flying down towards them.

Ivan smiled, placing down his goblet. “Ahh! My Tengu!”

"I bet they killed the Power Rangers and those dumb ponies!" Cozy Glow expressed with a smile.

"Let's go ask them and see!" Tirek said with a grin.

Within seconds, the Tengu Warriors landed before the villains while continuing their screeching. Ivan approached them, waving his arms. “Stop your screeching,” He ordered and they obliged, “How did you fare?”

“Hmm, it couldn’t have gone better!” One of the Tengu Warriors replied in a nasally voice.

"AH!" Ivan exclaimed in delight with a laugh.

"I KNEW IT!" Cozy cheered while pumping her hooves.

“Threw one of ‘em off of a mountain, one into a raging river.” Another Tengu Warrior added, this one sounding like a laid-back surfer.

“So… they’ve all been destroyed.” Ivan spoke eagerly.

“Well, we were about to destroy them-” The nasally-voiced Tengu began.

"What?! You didn't kill them?!" Ivan asked in shock and anger, "You call yourself Tengu Warriors? You're more like Tengu turkeys!" The Tengu birds flinched at hearing this, "I'll have you all stuffed and roasted!"

"But-But master, there was this... this monster with these huge sticks!" The nasally-voiced Tengu said, "It kept twirling them around!"

“Sticks?” The ooze sorcerer repeated, “Did these sticks have a whistling sound?”

“More like nails on a chalkboard.” The nasally-voiced Tengu replied.

"Dulcea." Ivan growled, "That miserable, manipulating, loathsome she-devil of a witch! If she leads them to the great power, everything will be ruined."

“You want us to take another whack at it?”

"How about takin' another quack at it?!" The purple villain asked angrily.

He then shot purple lightning from his fingers at the Tengu Warriors, zapping them. Almost on impact, the bird-like beasts exploded into hundreds of feathers, the last sound they made before they exploded being their pained squawks.

"Whoa!" Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow exclaimed in startlement from seeing this.

"Note to self: Never make Ivan angry." Chrysalis remarked nervously.

"That's for certain." Cozy agreed, equally as nervous.

After removing some feathers from his face, Ivan said out loud, "No time to waste. My Ecto-Morphicon machines must be unearthed by sundown!"

Back on Phaedos, the sun was slowly rising as the Rangers and Equestrians woke up and stretched. Tommy walked to the edge of the plateau and looked over to the monolith in the middle of the jungle before Kimberly joined him and looked over in the same direction he was looking. They were soon joined by Twilight, who looked towards the jungle with concern and determination. Ben walked up to the purple alicorn, sharing her determination and concern, as did Nyx and Spike after they joined them. Eventually, the rest of the Rangers and Equestrians walked up and stood with them, all looking towards the jungle.

Finally, Tommy nodded in determination. “It’s time.”

"Let's go." Twilight said.

Then the heroes began their journey from the mountain temple towards the jungle of Phaedos. They walked across the vast plains to the jungle. Once inside, the heroes continued their trek while being cautious of their surroundings.

"Man, this jungle goes on forever." Billy commented.

"We gotta keep moving, guys." Tommy urged, "Zordon's time is running out."

Back on Earth, the parents of Angel Grove were still busy excavating the construction sight to dig up Ooze's Ectomorphicons. Hiding behind a pile of boulders was Fred along with Starlight, Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Toola and Coconut.

"Boy, all those poor adults are really under Ivan Ooze's clutches." Scootaloo said in concern.

"How will we get them back to normal?" Apple Bloom asked in concern.

"I don't know, Apple Bloom." Starlight replied before looking to the others with a determined look, "But somehow, we've got to!"

As they spoke, the group carefully crawled behind the boulders to avoid being spotted. Before long, Fred saw his dad nearby, striking a boulder with a pick axe.

“Dad.” He said quietly, rushing over to him.

"That's his dad?" Toola gasped.

Without saying anything, the pony-turned humans followed Fred over to his dad, who just kept working as if he didn’t know they were there.

“Dad. Hey, Dad!” The boy spoke, trying to get his father’s attention, “Dad, what’s wrong with you? It’s me, Fred! Dad, we gotta get out of here!”

“Mr. Kelman? Hello?” Scootaloo asked, trying herself to get the man’s attention, “Are ya deaf or something?”

"Mr. Kelman, answer us!" Sweetie said.

"Hey, you!"

"Uh-oh!" The CMCs yelped in unison and worry on hearing that just now.

Fred and the others turned to see Goldar standing at the top of a rocky hill with Mordant, Scorpina, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.

“Get down!” Trixie whispered in panic, ducking behind a nearby rock.

The others quickly followed Trixie's lead as Goldar shouted to a worker, pointing at it, "Get back to work!"

The worker in particular was just sitting on a pile of boulders and stood up, slowly tossing smaller rocks away. Starlight and Trixie looked relieved, knowing they and the others weren’t the ones that Goldar spotted and called out while Fred, the CMCs, Toola and Coconut watched in concern.

“Yeah, pick up those rocks!” Mordant ordered.

"Tote that barge! Lift that bale!" Chrysalis ordered.

"Keep working, slaves!" Tirek shouted.

"Yeah, work faster!" Cozy Glow ordered.

"Put your weak backs into it!" Scorpina shouted.

"Yeah, I had a weak back... about a week back!" Mordant said with a laugh.

"Tirek! Chrysalis! Cozy Glow!" Apple Bloom whispered.

"Bethesda was right!" Coconut remarked with a whisper.

Before anything else could be said or done, Ivan Ooze laughed as he joined the villains standing atop the hill, his arms briefly glowing. At the bottom of the hill was what looked like a dug-up giant robotic arm.

"Feast your eyes on the exoskeleton of the barbaric Hornitor!" Ivan bragged with pride, "The dreaded Scorpitron should be close by. Once my lovely little Ectomorphicon machines are up and running, spreading ooze throughout the world, I shall annihilate Angel Grove, and then... THE UNIVERSE!!!"

Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Goldar, Mordant and Scorpina laughed with Ivan wickedly.

“We’re taking over the world, we’re taking over the world!” Mordant and Cozy Glow sang as Fred, Starlight, Trixie, the CMCs, Toola and Coconut looked on in worry.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is willing to bet that guy had something to do with the parents being here.” Trixie spoke, glaring in Ivan’s direction.

"What're we gonna do?" Sweetie asked in worry.

Starlight looked concerned as she whispered, “Twilight, guys… please hurry.”

Comments ( 9 )

It Took You A Long Time Enough To Post A Chapter.

I like the additional stuff. Also I never realized until recently that Ivan Ooze was the same guy who played Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Hey, life was keeping me busy.

I never realized it either.

When Are You Going To Continue The Story?

I will. I'm working on it.

It’s Been While Since You Last Posted.

Ah, you know how it is with life.

I Heard That But I’m Going To Continue To Be Patient.

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