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Taylor trap in the locker called out for help, ends up summoning Hasbro heroes. Now the world of Worm now have some old fashion heroes to save the day.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 40 )

YES!!!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! Also very rare to see a Parahuman Series Worm crossover.

"Yes, but once someone I care about is harm. I'm all mama bear and you all either harm Taylor one way or another," Celestia said making the fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to shiver in fear. As she and the other Hasbro heroes aren't as they seen in their shows, mostly because they're not seeing them as ones to protect, the only one they see as worth protecting is just Taylor.

Maybe this will finally get through to their thick dumb skulls that they f***** up BIG time! By having their once-admired fictional heroes look down upon them all for their actions against poor Taylor.

Yeah I like giving people like that what’s coming to them.

I was ban from Spacebattles and the sister site for actually having the bullies punished. As they in cannon never actually had to pay for anything they did. I was following the rules and everything but the volunteers who monitor the site decided I wasn’t following the rules and ban me.

Who is tyler, and what does this had anything to do with worm.

And why does that girl had bullied schoolshooter vibe?

Worm is a superhero story look it up


That's sound ridiculous from them? You were just making stories where the bullies get rightfully punished. You aren't hurting or trolling anybody that can invoke a ban?

...so exactly which shows/franchises are involved? I know GI Joe, MLP, Transformers, Jem, but what others?

Nope I was following the rules in having the volunteers in reviewing what I wrote before I post the chapter I wanted to post.

Look out for CV12Hornet he’s the one who decided that I should be ban. They have a stick up their butt.

Look up the company Hasbro for what they own


Watch out for him on the Spacebattles website?

For anyone who is looking to post there.

I did, but it's difficult to tell what is unique to them and what they've purchased.

Well I look things up and know which are their own creations and what they just brought the rights too

nice can't wait for more soon lol:heart:

“You can add Disney to the list,” a tech said bringing up the image of the Leviathan from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

Oh shit!!!!! One of the best underrated Disney movies of all time!? 🤯

The boxes began shaking as the toys inside are freeing themselves. From a cardboard box came out a pair of 1950s pull-string cowboy and cowgirl dolls, followed by a pull string prospector doll, a porcelain doll, a miniature 80's plastic cop doll, a trio of sheep all stuck together and a horse doll. A space-themed plastic action figure spun his way free from a box, allowing a plastic Tyrannosaurus toy a plastic pink piggy bank, a plastic dog with leather ears and a slinky in the center of his body to get out. Next came Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads, 3 three-eyed rubber squeeze toys, a space overlord, a wrestler, a remote controlled toy car, a penguin, a toy tape recorder, a Etch-a-Sketch, a Mr. Spell, a blue educational robot toy, and a green plastic snake with purple joints.

Crawling out of a box is a baby doll’s head on a crab like body, followed by more toys made out of parts. Raggedy Ann and Andy help some of the smaller toys to get out of the packages. Gabby Gabby and a bunch of 1950s ventriloquist dummies also help the smaller toys out of the boxes.

A large baby doll burst out of a box with a Kent and Barbie doll holding on to him by his shoulders. A RC toy truck followed and transforms into the autobot Wheelie. He climbs up a wall to a window and opens it, allowing trolls with prehensile hair to climb into the room.

Woody the cowboy climbed onto a chair to talk to the others.

"Alright gang the power is out, let's tear this place apart and get what we came for," Woody said to the other toys.

“I heard something in here,” Kid Win said opening the door of the mail room and finding a bunch of toys and open packages.

“Why are there toys from Toy Story here?” Clockblocker ask walking in the room followed by Kid Win.

“Says they’re for Vista,” Kid Win said picking up one of the packages and reading the label.

“Oh a Disney product thing,” Clockblocker said picking up Buzz Lightyear and pressing one of his buttons on his chest and got radio chatter instead. “What? It’s picking up on the police radios.”

“It is?” Kid Win ask.

“Yeah,” Clockblocker said as he pressed the arm button and instead of a red light came out a real laser blasting the floor and leaving a mark. “Shit this is real.”

“Hands off,” Buzz said as he activates his jet pack causing Clockblocker to let go of him.

The other toys began moving and the trolls who had been hiding revealed themselves. Both Wheelie and Brains transform into their robot forms. The trolls using their hair wrap them around Clockblocker’s arms and face. Wheelie and the bigger toys went for his legs sending him falling where the others toys mob him.

“The toys are robots,” Kin Win said going for his com but was stop as Woody and Jessie pulled out a toy size blaster and hit his com.

“That’s not all,” Brains said some analog audio cassettes in his hands and toss them into the air.

The cassettes transformed revealing themselves to be minicons. Flip Side and Rosanna the two female autobots. Followed by Eject, Playback, and Rewind all five being human size each holding a blaster. The rest are animal robots, Steeljaws a robot lion, Nightstalker a robot panther, Stripes a robot cheetah, Ramhorn a robot rhino, and Sundor a robot condor.

“Oh boy,” Kid Win said holding up his hands seeing how badly he’s outnumbered and outgunned.

Never thought to see the day where Toy Story characters are savage badasses, and are working with the Autobots!?

They are living toys and once they actually get real weapons they show why living toys in horror are so deadly.


Like Small Soldiers? :ajsmug:

P.S. did you know that there is a potential reboot/sequel concept in a recent YouTube video I seen?

Then there is a Steven King's short horror stories; Nightmare and Dreamscapes series episode: Battleground that has a similar concept.

I seen the trailer and I can’t wait for the real thing

hay do you think you can make the chapters longer there a bit too short?:heart:

“Find Mr. Hebert and get him to the hospital, he’s the only one who can talk to his daughter to stand down,” Piggot said.

I highly doubt it.

“You be the prefect blend of organic and technology just as you wish,” Fairy Godmother said. She and the other wish granters created the machine so that Taylor could fine tune her own body.

“But it will take some time to install it all. Don’t want to rush things,” Doctor T'Ana said.

“You could just wish it,” Jazz suggested.

“No, I’m not going that way and suddenly someone who has anti magic power or something depowers me. Seen it happen in shows too much in tv shows. Don’t need a weakness like that, I want to be stronger and smarter than I was before. What’s the use of having all of this stuff around if it’s never used. This isn’t a show where the status quo is kept so that the show can go on. Like so many times the plot could had been avoided if someone had just used their brains and not do it for the sake of the plot. Besides I need to be able to be able to use my summoning power better. I can’t send any of you back to your right universes as, I am now,” Taylor said.

I know this is a constant pattern, but you really like to criticize a lot on every single "plot" in every franchise that I seen from you?

“I wish for them to have never ending night terrors that will last for 3 years that can’t ever be block and that they can’t feel pleasure or taste anything, just feel pain,” Taylor said to the wish granting fairies.

I knew it.

“As for my bullies, I want them alive, so I can crush them myself,” Taylor said thinking of a I must scream but, I have no mouth to do to them.

“Are you really going to do that to them?” Saturn Girl ask shock at what Taylor is planning.

“The reason why they were allowed to do what they wanted is because one of Hess being Shadow Stalker. I want to make them suffer. This isn’t a show where the bullies never get what’s coming to them or me befriending them like so many shows have happen. They nearly killed me and I’m going to forgive them for that or what they did. I want to look them in their eyes as they beg for mercy and I have none to give. And tell the other DC heroes that I don’t want any of them around when I go deal with them. And Batman, I know you’re listening. This isn’t your show and the reason you hold the idiot ball in always saving Joker no matter what he has done is because, of plot and that he makes lots of money for the company. You’re no longer bond to that and some villains in this world have a kill order to make sure that they can’t keep on killing with no remorse whatsoever. So even if you do take down the members of Slaughterhouse 9 they will be executed unlike in your world,” Taylor said. (3)

"Very true the only reason why the villains in the comics and the shows are never killed, is because the show would be over," Mercy said.

"And we only lock up criminals for light crime, not just allow the ones who kill and keep on killing to live. And that was before my world lost technology," Galadria said.

"That's why, villains who shown they are irredeemable are to be killed. Or captured and given over to the law of this world, and then put to death," Taylor said.

"Works for me," Mercy said.


2 - Hasbro made toys and games for those franchises. And Batman Beyond being apart of the Justice League universe allows me to bring in anyone from DC.


Nope as I just don’t like it

Plus it’s just battle tops that in the old day you wrap string around and spin it and hope that it will knock the other top down.

The members of Cauldron all stared at the god like alien in front of them. All knowing that there is nothing they can do against him, and even if they did have something that could work on him, there is an entire race of beings just like him. But there is also hope as he and his race could easily handle Scion.

“If you’re wondering we already took care of Scion,” Discord said appearing in the room as well. “And yes Q does have the power to take care of the Endbringers, but he and the other Q are busy handling much bigger threats.”

“The Endbringers are easy, compared to some of the stuff me and the other Q are doing. Keeping this galaxy from slamming into another is hard work, and the race that Scion is from is being hunted by the other Q. We haven’t had this much fun in eons,” Q said.

“What is Hebert planning?” Doctor Mother ask.

“That be telling,” Discord said.

“We’re letting Taylor decide on her own. You have no idea what she did for my race. Being bored to death with nothing new or anything else. The others also have much to be thankful for being summon to this new universe. It has given many new outlooks and no longer bond to the rules and mindsets of their old universes. We are on her side, and your plans are now completely useless,” Q said.

“And we won’t take it too kindly if something happens to her. And keep this in mind are those 3 really worth Taylor not having her revenge and getting it all out of her system. Compared to not letting her and keeping them safe, which will cause her to become another S class threat. Not to mention we all would still be on her side,” Discord asked and disappears with Q.

Okay, okay, they f**king get it! No need to keep repeating the same words and same threats to them over and over, all right.

They ALREADY know that Taylor has very powerful friends and allies on her side from fictional media. So messing with her in any way is already the most dumbass idea to begin with.

They got the drift. You kinda treated them like they don't have common sense, or have short-term memory loss?

Sorry if I act angrier than usual, I'm just very stressed out from the stupid veteran difficulty from the old CoD WW2 games. ( CoD 2, CoD 3, and potentiality CoD: World at War. )

The original Modern Warfare Trilogy's, or WW2's ( 2017. NOT the Vanguard. ) own hardest difficulty. Or Infinite Warfare's Specialist version were bad enough as it is.

At least Advanced Warfare is somewhat easier for me, due to the nice upgrades.

Despite getting those hard earn achievements from those specific games. Why is it that both the old CoD 2 and 3, give me most stress, and pulling aimbot bullshit than the rest!?

“We’re fuck,” Clairvoyant said.

“At least we don’t have to worry about the Endbringers anymore,” Contessa said.

“Spread the word that nothing is to be done till Taylor Hebert makes a statement. And the girls who cause this mess are completely expendable, they are not worth getting on the bad side of Hebert. If they die so be it, they’re not important, Taylor Hebert is more important than them. That goes for everyone else who let this happen,” Doctor Mother said to the others.

They have little time to fix the mess and if they need to let the ones responsible be killed so that it be over and done with. So be it, they're not worth the cost. They caused the problem and they can deal with it themselves. (3)

See what I mean, they got the message not to mess with Taylor. And let the three bullies get their consequence.

update on the next chapter?

“No you don’t, you will try to save the members of Slaughterhouse 9 and they return the favor by killing more people. Do that, I’ll kill you myself. As you’re the idiot who will get others killed for a belief that what you’re doing is right,” Taylor said leaving Batman *stunned* as she walks away from him and into the control room of the tower.

“Was it worth it?” Batman ask Taylor appearing at her side.

“Of course it is. This isn’t a fictional world and the reason why Joker is allowed to do what he does in this world, is because he makes lots of money and all the lives he has taken are all fictional. Besides you telling me it’s wrong when we all seen what’s in your head, where you only think of that night and you killing your parents because you think you deserve it. When I can control my power, I’m so going to summon your parents to set you straight as that’s the only way to break you. For them to tell you to your face to knock it off,” Taylor said walking with him having long learned how to deal with someone like Batman. (2)

“You didn’t tell them it would only last for 3 years,” Batman said.

“Oh well, it be a surprise for them. Too bad they can’t be interacted with till the time loop ends, and that they will continue to age so when it ends they be 3 years older. And stop this, I’m happy and got my revenge. I can move on. You should try it. Besides they’re not dead, just wish they were and sentenced to 3 years in a time loop. They live, just have never ending nightmares and be mentally scarred from what happen to them,” Taylor said not caring at all what Batman thinks.

“You could had just handed them over to the law,” Batman said.

“That was never on the table,” Taylor said.

“What now?” Batman ask.

“Kill off villains and Endbringers. This isn’t fiction where never killing the villains doesn’t end up causing a bigger problem later. It’s either killing the villains or sending them off to the Birdcage. But the ones with the kill orders on them, they’re killed on sight for a reason,” Taylor said.

“I know,” Batman said.

“No you don’t, you will try to save the members of Slaughterhouse 9 and they return the favor by killing more people. Do that, I’ll kill you myself. As you’re the idiot who will get others killed for a belief that what you’re doing is right,” Taylor said leaving Batman stun as she walks away from him and into the control room of the tower.

Why do you even summon Batman in the first place, IF you're gonna heavily complain about his highly flawed moral views on torturing/killing heartless evil bastards?

Even if she is totally in the right. It does get very tiresome and possibly cliche for seeing Taylor ( Or even Sunset in other stories. ) complain/criticize morally wrong and hypocritical idiots 24/7.

P.S. The Ghost Rider's Pretence Stare time loop for over three years is not only worse than death, but very satisfying.

Although, too bad you don't have John Kramer/Jigsaw to use his gruesome traps against them. Since the Saw Franchise has nothing to do with Hasbro.

Batman was part of the group summon


Okay, aaaannnndddd the other stuff I said?

I never had Taylor tell Batman off. The morals he has in not killing doesn’t work outside the DC verse as some people just need to die.


I never had Taylor tell Batman off.

I think you should remove *never*, because Taylor did tell Batman off.

And I referenced the Saw Franchise might sadly not be used.

Never had Taylor did that before. And seeing how this is the worm world, the No killing the villains won’t work for many of them.

As for Saw I never like the movies, with how in the world he managed to get all the stuff and buy the buildings for his traps.


Most of those buildings are like run down, dirty, and abandoned.

So the prices are cheap. :rainbowderp:

And he was a very talented engineer that made those "materials" and stuff.

I do know some of the lore/history, despite the confusing jumbled timeline from each Saw movie and their constant prequels, mid-sequels, and flashbacks.

And personally, I don't think you really need John to make those traps, since a whole lot of his "apprentices", and copy-cats make their own versions.

You just must have a rather brilliant, but nasty and brutal imagination to think of the concept of these traps, how to make them, and how it works.

Yeah but with all that he’s able to do, most of the time the only reason why the victims die is because of them being so dumb. Like the kids trap in the old house, there are so many ways to escape or break out. Like how the hinges of an old door would be all that’s needed to break and seeing how there are stuff in the house all they need to do is use something to pry the hinges off.


I'm just saying that you could use it as a torture method. There are so many options.

Taylor having all these very OP beings makes herself a Total God by this point.

And that I’m not having her hold back or not use them like she should just for drama

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