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The mirror sent Sunset into the Warhammer 40K universe to meet her father.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 92 )

This flies in the face of most of established 40K. First;
1. Guilliman is not literally a son of the Emperor. He was grown in a vat, like the other 19 Primarchs.
2. The Emperor can no longer speak or move. His body is dead, for all intents and purposes, and only his mind still functions.
3. Celestia would have been purged as a foul xeno. Likewise as Sunset, as most abhumans have been wiped out.

There are also the grammar problems and errors. You use the past tense correctly at first, but then switch to present for no obvious reason.

He still calls him father so close enough even if it's adoption they're still family.

The Emperor has been healed from the skeleton remains to more flesh and blood.

The ponies aren't ponies but more abhumans.

And I did write about the Custodes read it better

He the Mother Bucking Emperor! What he says is law, so he had a child with Celestia and had a daughter. He says it alright it's alright. who going to argue with him.


Also read the description. Sunset went thru the mirror and met her father, which suggest they met thru the mirror and way before the Xeno threats and such happen.

But yeah where are the Custodes, they should be there, unless they are spreading word or so.

Doesn't change the fact that abhumans are almost unheard of at the top levels of Imperial society. Nork Deddog is an exception to this.

It might be best to give this an AU tag.

Hey Diablo! Are you a 40K fan?

Yes and no. I never played the game but read the books and watch If the Emperor had Text Speech.

Played Dawn of War? I reccommend it.

I like it. Needs more kitten though.

Oh yes played a few of the games.,

Anyways hope to see this continue and see how things go in this universe.

But all the tales he has heard one fact remains in all of them, his father is now able to talk for the first time in eons.

Yes he has, right after his resurrection at the end of terra crusade. When emperor told him that he is a mere pawn, a tool to be used.
And why did anyone believe her? Its same thing like that one time with false primarch. And Guilliman out of all believe this just because?

"I'm an alicorn like mom. After, I healed daddy, he help me become an alicorn," Sunset answers.

Emperor does not have such power.

I hope these questions get answered eventually.
1) How did Sunset Shimmer get to the Emperor?
2) Hwo did Sunset Shimmer heal the Emperor?
3) If Sunset is the Emperors true daughter, when did he and Celestia make her?

While the author may go in direction, I would like to point out that Celestia is NOT Sunset's mother.


you do know that rattlings and Ogrym are abhumans right?

Indeed I do. You're talking to a guy who has played Imperial Guard for decades.

However, this does not mean that abhumans are by any means accepted. Even ogryns and ratlings have been subject to violent purges over the millennia, and there is an overall disdain for them. For instance, Ripper guns are designed the way they are because it is assumed Ogryns are too stupid to use a fully automatic weapon with discression.

good point maybe the author just used the wrong description seeing as Sanguinius also had wings and he wasn't an abhuman

well it's not like its normal for humans to have wings to begin with so close enough

Quite right. Quite why the Emperor (who, let's face it, is something of a xenophobe) would sanction the crossing of his DNA with Celestia, a Xenos organism, is odd to me. But maybe that's just the stories internal logic.

It may be easier to simply give Sunset a jump pack.

well Jakaeros are okayed by the imperium

That's mostly for practical reasons rather than anything else. Without them, you lose access to Digital Weaponry.

exactly maybe the emperor okayed Equestians or maybe they are a lost human colony that mutated like those catfolk humans or the squats

Psychic capacity, maybe?

yeah like something common in a couple other 40k fictions like they have a calming/cleansing presence in the warp

Given experience of playing against Eldar, something like that would be very useful on the front lines.

Sunset being the child of the emperor and celestia has both of their powers combine in her. Ita just that her being a child she cant use it yet without it killing her if she tries. And celestia in the fic is just as powerful as her husband just not as skilled as he is in using it because of him being much older and have more experience in using his powers over her. And she still can move stars and planets around.

Just a word of advice; don't make her too OP. I get she has traits of two extremely power psychers, but not even the Emperor can overpower the Chaos Gods, psychically speaking.

Well the Emperor certainly was seriously Hamstrung before Sunset came to heal him.
It's an interesting idea you are trying. Can't wait the interactions of this new Emperor with the Tau and the Eldar while holding all his Hamfisted companions from following 10k years of brutal doctrine.
I am looking forward to how this new reborn Inperium begins to deal with the many dangers of this new galaxy. Tyranids, Necrons, and Chaos. Good times, good times coming

This has certainly improved since the last chapter, but I must say that 'Bill' and 'Victor' are not names that particularly fit the setting.

The Kill Team rulebook contains a good list of 40K names. Adeptus Astartes names would fit the bill nicely.

Yeah all the cannon names are but seeing how there are plenty of nameless redshirts in the background. I'm not going to be making up long winded names fir them when they give out their names. And there be plenty of people with names like that just not cannon ones

Fair. Still, I personally imagine Imperial Guard with those sorts of names.

Yeah.... I just remember the joke on Kitten when he named all his titles he has.
I hate to imagine what the others may be like as well, i mean ...can you imagine.

also hope you point out the reason why so many go to chaos is well how horrible their lives are the regular citizens.
I mean Nurgle can easily get millions of followers with how bad the health care is for the the regular citizen.

I do not think Celestia should be so high and mighty.
Sure she has not ' killed' of the hostile species, but she has ignored them and let all of them that she not approves off fall into oblivion. The rest that she decides are to bad, are put in permanent prisons.

So they are basically the same but on a different scale.

The emperor Ham and his friends Bur and Ger

The Emperor health has improved to the point where he's able use his vast powers to begin the repair to the webway that he's been keeping from opening and letting demons to overwhelm Holy Terra.

Clever use of an obscure piece of 40K lore.

I thought the primarchs were genetically engineered infants when the warp storm scattered them to the end of the imperium where they were raised and grew up and eventually became they leader of each said planet.

No one noticed that he misspelled the title? Just me? Okay...

The Emperor health has improved to the point where he's able use his vast powers to begin the repair to the webway that he's been keeping from opening and letting demons to overwhelm Holy Terra.

No, he designed it but mechanicum build it same with golden throne.

He has also been fixing his empire and reversing the decay that has happen since he was gone from leading it. He sent Guilliman to The Rock home of the Dark Angels to free his brother Lion El'Jonson from stasis.

Oh yea its not like he is in a coma after been mortally wounded by Luther. Oh wait.

Then there is his fallen son Sanguinius whose body lay entombed on the world of Baal. He has ordered the Blood Angels to open his tomb and bring his body to Terra where he'll try to bring his son back to life.

No he can not he has never done that, he is not literal god. He cannot claim souls, but he has conquered spirits like that of Ferrus Manus at the impossible city.

They were all born as adults with all the knowledge already in their brains.

No they were not, they aged rapidly to their full height but they were children switch still needed to learn. But because they were engineered they did it extremely guickly.

Yes and no, They were more or less preprogramed fore sertain roles and was more like grownups in child bodies for a while.

It still took them less then a year in most cannons for them to be full grown adults so them not having a childhood still counts

1 - From what I heard Games Workshop is going to rewrite the cannon of Warhammer where Sanguinus wasn't killed just mortally wounded. Which anyone who read the first gamebook to the newest one, many things have been rewritten since the first gamebook.

40K has been a very static setting for decades.

The issue with Sanguinius is still up in the air. There are other Primarchs that can return without touching that particular can of worms.
That being said, Guillimans case was one where it was never clear if he was dead or not and so they used that ambiguity to bring him back. Sanguinius is dead as dead can be, so I hope that he stays dead, it makes his sacrifice have a lot of meaning and makes him a better character for it.
As for this story, I can't wait to see what happens with Sunset and what she will do for the Imperium

i do wonder down the road how this sunset will see twilight sparkle who replace her in ponyworld as the princess student.
personal if those two meet I hope they end up become fast friends,

They do become friends, but the road to friendship for those two is always begun with pain.

Simply put, I think that if we ever get to that point, it will be a case of Sunset needing some reformation, maybe even from Chaos and Twilight coming to save her.

Harsh, but its no different from the EQG original

Please work on your grammar! Your use of tense is so atrocious that it‘s painfull to read.

"Wait till you have children of your own. Children always change everything," the Emperor said.

Truer words are seldom spoken.

i kind of want the princess to show up drunk and in heat and grab him and drag him to the bedrooom for angry regretfully sleep that end up wiht her knock up wiht twilgih sparkle and hide this fact,

This would be perfectly in line with this story.

But before we get to Twilight, let's see what Sunset can do and how she will develop in the Grim Darkness of the Far Future.

Though now it is not as Grim, because the Emperor is back 1, he is being forced to deal with his many mistakes 2 and has an angry and loving wife who won't take him back until he fixes his mess 3 and he has a very cute and extremely powerful daughter to take care of 4, one who is extremely temperamental but always looking for a better tomorrow.

i was think, one of the primarch watch who with sunset and ask and sunset say somehtign like "i guess it most that time of year where mom get very drunk and moody and we all stay away from her....." ie it anniversary of when she banish luna, which is same day the two made love and had sunset......

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