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Sorry for the delay guys, I took a short hiatus after finding out my buddy Dragon in Black has been going through a lot lately:fluttershysad: I'm not gonna say much as it's not my place to address his personal problems and I gotta respect it, if your seeing this man I hope your doing ok and remember that we're here for you my friend:heart: Give this man all the love he needs fellah's as he needs it right now and I don't want him going down a dark path. But anyways I'll have thursday worked on and up by either next week or early october, until then I'll see you guys soon and Dragon in Black i hope your doing well my friend:heart:

Author's Note:

I accidentally posted it on the wrong story sorry about that fellahs, but anyways liek i said ill have the next chapter up soon. until then give my buddy Dragon in black as much love as possible cause he needs it right now:heart: