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Saturday : so long old friend

Saturdays are usually the day of the week where most can rejoice, as it means that it was the start of the weekend meaning no school and work for some. Most would be happy that they've two days to relax after a stressful week, but alas today wasn't the day to relax as there was some business to attend to.

As Sunset sat on her bed fully dressed but still barefooted, she stared at the alarm clock on her nightstand which read 10:32am she knew that today was the day. But a part of her wasn't ready to head out as she knew what was to commence in another hour. The thought of seeing her once closest friend in a casket surrounded by many of her friends and family mourning over her would would be the most heartbreaking sight, she didn't even feel like having breakfast as her apatite that morning was basically gone. But she knew that her friends needed her support now more than ever.

The Crusaders however, after reconciling with the trio yesterday, Sunset told them that they didn't have to go if they wanted too out of fear of both their former classmates still holding ill towards them after the Anon a Miss stunt and Applebloom having a breakdown the second she see's her deceased sister. The girls simply gave a nod not giving a complete answer before they went home after having dinner courtesy of Big Mac and granny smith, Sunset at one point wanted to text them before heading out to see if they were going after all.

But she chose to let them decide on their own as it would have been the best to give each of them space, as she once again stared at the alarm clock on her night stand. She knew that the eulogy was to commence in another hour which gave the fiery teen enough time to pick up and escort her two guest who were to also attend. Suddenly her phone vibrated indicating a new message, she picked it up and read.

Pinkie pie

"We're about to head out Sunny, do you want us to wait for you before departing?"

Sunset waited a second before writing back

"No, you guys go ahead and head out. I'll meet you there , I just need to pick up a few more guest first who want to give their condolences as well"

Pinkie pie

" OK Sunny we understand, we'll save you a seat for you and your other guest"

"Thanks Pinkie, I'll be there soon

Pinkie pie

"Okie dokie, see you soon Sunny"

"You too"

With nothing more to say, Sunset placed her phone in her pocket before slipping on her shoes. As she stood up from her bed, Sunset stared up into the ceiling of her apartment and gave a short prayer. She took a long deep breath before collecting herself and made her way downstairs, she snatched the keys to her motorbike from the coffee table before unlocking her front door. At long last she stepped out as the morning sun eliminated her surroundings.

An hour later

The Canterlot city cemetery, one of the most gloomiest and unsettling locations in the city. Being here brought great fear and pain to those whom recently lost a loved one , but the atmosphere today was just as gloomy as there was to be another soul to reside with the other departed. As everyone continued to set up the chairs for the eulogy that was to commence in 10 minutes, each one of them had various looks on their faces raging from sadness to depression at the thought of who has left this world. That being applejack.

Everyone was present for the heartbreaking ceremony including most of the students and staff from Canterlot High, the entire Apple family, and even some of the students from Crystal prep showed up to give their condolences. After hearing news about AJ’s suicide , the entire Apple family was devastated with the thought that they’ve lost another member of the family. Pear bottom and Apple Macs death was heartbreaking , but the thought of losing someone so young devastated each and every one of them. Braeburn took it especially hard as his cousin was like a sister to him as they’ve always had each others back since they were kids.

A part of him and everyone else in the family wanted to be upset at Applebloom and her friends for starting that Mystable incident in the first place, they never the less knew that AJ’s death wasn’t entirely her fault as she wasn’t expecting this to happen.

As for the remaining elements of harmony in this world, they were just as devastated at their friends death. Dash took it especially hard as even though she knew that it wasn’t her fault, she never the less wished to take back what she said to Applejack that day and to apologize. As they continued to moan, they were soon interrupted by the arrival of Sunset who. Arrived just in time with the eulogy to commence in 2 more minutes. And to their surprise they found not only Sunset, but princess Twilight as well, no doubt she was the extra guest that Sunset invited to the funeral as well. The duo then walked up to the group.

“ Hello girls “ Twilight said quietly.

“ Hi Twilight” Rarity replied. “ Thank you for coming”

“ It’s no problem, she may not be the Applejack from my world” She begun. “ But she was still my friend just like my Applejack, speaking of which I too invited someone who wanted to give her condolences as well” The girls raised an eyebrow as they wondered who Twilight could have possibly invited to the funeral, but the soon got their answer as a blonde headed teen walked up to them causing their jaws to drop in shock at whom was standing right in front of them.

And there stood Equestrian Applejack.

“ Howdy y’all” She said. “ It’s nice to finally meet y’all after all this………….” Her words were cut short as Rarity rushed forward and brought the former earth pony into an embrace as she tried her hardest to hold back her tears.

“ I know you’re not our Applejack” Rarity replied. “ But it’s so nice to see AJ's face again darling" Equestrian Applejack smiled and soon returned the hug, while it wasn't her Rarity it still felt nice to her. And with them losing their version of her, she knew that they were hurting deeply and with her being here made them feel a little better. Suddenly a voice called out interrupting the hug between the duo.

" Guys it's time" Gilda said to the group, each of them gave a nod signalling that they were ready for the service. With nothing more to say, they joined their burly friend and proceeded to take their respected seats just as the eulogy was to commence.

Soon the eulogy commenced as everyone took their respected seats, the atmosphere was a mix of both despair and sadness amongst the crowd. Losing a loved one and a close friend can bring a negative outcome to those at their funeral, with the apple family wondering if life will ever be the same now that they’ve lost another member of the family, and the rainbooms and the student body wondering if CHS would ever be the same without Applejack especially since she was the wisest among the group. It wouldn’t be easy to move forward after the death of a loved one, but each of em knew that they would want them to move on and not spend the rest of their lives grieving as it wouldn’t be healthy for any of them.

At long last Granny Smith walked up to the podium ready to begin the eulogy while trying her hardest not to stare directly into her grandchild’s open casket, after a minute of collecting herself, the elderly matriarch finally spoke up.

“Hello ladies and gentleman” She began. “ We are gathered here today to say goodbye to a beloved member of both the apple family and Canterlot high, Applejack Miranda Apple. When I heard the news of my granddaughter hanging herself off of the basketball hoop in the school gym, I wanted to believe that it was just a cruel prank or a bad dream. But it wasn’t, it was reality. My granddaughter is dead, I never thought I’d experience that trama again. After the death of my son Brightmac and daughter in law Pearbottom. I never wanted to go through that heartbreak again, when I took in Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom, I swore that I’d protect and watch after them with my life so that I’d never lose them either”

“But alas I have lost one, and the worst part was, she was to turn 17 this month” Granny gave a small sniffle after the realization of Applejacks would have been birthday, Pinkie took it especially hard as she was so excited to plan out her farmer friends birthday party . But now it was too late “ I never expected to lose another member of the family so young, If I had known she was going through so much trouble after losing Sunset's trust, I would have token her to therapist or consoled her. But it seems that I was too late and arrogant, what I would give to have magical powers like the rainbooms so that I could go back in time and save my granddaughter before it was too late”

A look of pity formed on Twilights face after hearing Granny’s statement, while she too wished that it would have been that simple. she also knew that using time travel magic to bring back a loved one would bring out some dire consequences to the present day, especially given her past actions with such magic.

“Speaking of granddaughters, when I heard of what Applebloom and her friends did. I was just as sore as all of you was when they confessed, It disgusted me that my own granddaughter broke the trust of not only the apple family but her sister as well for spreading her deepest secret lover some pity jealousy” The crowd had moved expressions after being reminded of Anon a miss and the perpetrators behind it all.

“I’d be lying if I said that I actually blame Bloom for AJ’s death as her Mystable stunt is what drove sunset here over the edge, but I knew better than to believe that this was entirely her fault as i knew Applejack was going through a lot lately which really pushed her over the edge. I know you’re all probably still mighty sore at my granddaughter, but I ask of you please find it in your hearts to forgive her and her friends one day. They made a mistake and they especially Applebloom have suffered enough, so please do it for not me but for Applejack as she wouldn’t want ya’ll to hold a grudge against her little sister especially after how she reacted to her death” The entire crowds reactions turned to wonder as they began to question themselves if they could truly forgive the CMC’s, but they also knew that Applebloom suffered enough as is and needn’t anymore trauma.

Granny then finally mustered up the courage to finally look at her granddaughters casket “ Goodbye babygirl, your with your ma and pa now” She then looked back at the crowd and spoke again “ If there's anyone who wishes to say a few words on behalf of Applejack, come on forward” a hand was soon raised after Granny’s proposal, some of the occupants looked back to find the hand belonging to non other than Rainbow Dash. The athlete was silent as she got up from her seat and stepped forward onto the podium to give her condolences to her deceased friend, she took a long deep breath before finally pumping up enough courage to look on at the crowd and speak up.

The young athlete started out with an apology to not only the Apple family but for the entire student body as well, she then cursed herself for ever picking that fight with AJ during study hall a month ago wishing that she could take back her harsh words towards her. Even though Sunset and everyone else stated that it wasn't her fault for Applejacks suicide, the rainbow haired girl continued to blame herself wishing that she could have done something to stop her before she took her own life. Not having the strength to continue on any further, the athlete just uttered one more " I'm sorry" before breaking down as the occupants looked one with pity all over their faces.

She was given a surprise when she found the matriarch of the Apple family Granny Smith bring her into a warm and forgiving embrace. The athlete was caught by surprised not expecting Granny smith to comfort her despite the fact that she's been giving Applejack hell ever since Sunset went on "vacation". The other members of the family and members of the student body gave reassuring nods towards the element of loyalty hinting that they were on the same boat as the matriarch, and that they held no Ill towards Dash. She then returned the hug happy that no one was upset at her before returning to her seat.

Granny then proceeded to usher the next person who wanted to give their condolences towards her granddaughter, a pair of hands rose but not from the audience, but from a familiar trio. There stood the reunited CMC's standing in the center of the eulogy isle, the crowd mainly the CHS students had mixed responses at the trio given their actions last December as they walked forward towards the podium. Sunset got off her seat to meet the trio.

"Girls, you don't have to go up there if you don't want too" Sunset reassured.

"No, it's alright Sunset" Applebloom nodded. " We'll be fine I promise, It's about time we took responsibility for our actions, there's no more running away"

The trio then made their way up towards the small stage not even waiting to hear Sunsets response, as they got close to the stand, bloom took a minute o collect herself alongside her friends who knew that everyone was gonna have various reactions to seeing “Anon a Miss” at the funeral.

“Hello everyone” She began. “ I know you all weren’t expecting me and my friends to show up. Especially after what we’ve done”

Most members of the crowd mumbled and whispered to each other after hearing Blooms opening statement. “ And honestly we don’t blame ya’ll for being angry, what me and my friends did to you guys was wrong and look what it cost me? Because of my foolish plan I lost my big sister and she’s never coming back, I started Anon a miss in a pitiful attempt to get my sister back only to lose her. To everyone whose reputations were hurt due to Anon a miss, I’m truly sorry for me and my friends actions. But please if your gonna be angry at us, take it out on me instead, this whole thing was my idea in the first place and I practically dragged my friends along with me”

Scootaloo and Sweetie belle were in shock that their friend was willing to take the entire blame for Anon a Miss, even though they too were onboard with the plan.

“I should have done the right thing and just told Applejack about how jealous I’ve been about her spending more time with me, but after she cancelled our sister movie night to hang out with Sunset and didn’t even bother to include us. I just snapped and took the bullying path, and look what it’s cost me? My sisters dead and if Sunset ended up going down the same path as her, I would never forgive myself”

Tears started to form as Applebloom continued. “ I was a monster , I ruined so many lives last Christmas. I was no better than the Dazzlings or even the old Sunset, I hurt so many people and I can never reverse it. I know this won’t mean much but, I’m truly sorry for me and my friends actions. Pinkie everyone, I’m sorry for making ya’ll turn on Sunset, to my entire family I’m sorry for going against what the Apple family stands for, Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna, I’m sorry for being such a terrible student, to every CHS student I’m sorry for ruining your reputations and spreading your deepest darkest secrets”

“But the biggest apology I owe is to you Sunset Shimmer, I know ya’ll already forgave us but I’m sorry for framing ya’ll. You have changed your ways and redeemed yourself, and i had no right to take all that hard work away from ya’ll over some stupid act of jealousy, I hope you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive us one day” Bloom then turned towards her sisters casket. “ Big Sis, I’m truly sorry for breaking our trust in each other. If your hearing this from up above, I hope you can forgive me too”

Bloom said nothing more and silently wept as her friends brought her into the group hug as the audience watched on with looks of pity on their faces after hearing the sophomores apology. With nothing more to say, the trio left the stage and took a seat with the rainbooms who were quick to comfort them. Granny Smith once again ushered anyone else to come on stage to give their condolences. Everyone else in the audience got the chance to step forward and say a few words to the dearly departed, and when it was finally the remaining Rainbooms and Sunsets turn, each of them shared all the happy memories that they’ve shared with their farmer friend all while wishing that she was here with them right now. Twilight and equestrian applejack even stepped forward as well and said a few words themselves, while equestrian Applejack never met her human counterpart and only met the Rainbooms for the first time today, she never the less gave her condolences while also feeling sad about not being able to meet her human counterpart.

An hour later

Soon the eulogy came to an end as all the spectators began to make their way home while some of them stayed behind for a little longer to see Applejacks gravestone one last time. The CMC’s, Sunset, Twilight, and the remaining Rainbooms were amongst them to see their deceased friend one last time before heading home. The sight of the tombstone brought depressed shivers among the girls knowing who was down there.

“Here Lies applejack, An Apple, An Honest girl, A wonderful sister, And a friend”

The girls tried their hardest not to shed a tear as they knew applejack wouldn’t want them to mourn for her and to stay strong, despite her no longer being in this world. Everyone had various reactions as they stared at the tombstone, with Applebloom kneeled down close to it with a look of our sadness, Dashes expression hidden in the bangs of her hair, and Pinkies hair was deflated and turning a pink grayish color which always happened whenever she became depressed.

“I can’t believe she’s really gone” She said quietly , Dash then placed a comforting hand on the party girls shoulder.

“I know Pinkie, I know” she replied. “ I’m so sorry, she didn’t deserve this. What I would give to see her again”

“We all do Dash” Twilight jumped in. “ But we must be strong, It’s what applejack would have wanted. It’s not gonna be easy, but we will pull through for Applejack”

The others nodded in unison as they knew Twilight was right , they had to try their hardest to stay strong for their deceased friend. As she wouldn’t want them to spend the rest of their lives mourning for her, Equestrian applejack then kneeled down next to Applebloom who was still staring at her sisters gravestone.

“ It’s gonna be alright Bloom” She said in a comforting tone, Bloom however didn’t make eye contact.

“Honestly, I don’t think it’s ever gonna be alright AJ” She replied, there was silence for a minute before the young teen continued. “ AJ……….do you think my Applejack would have forgiven me?”

“Of course she would have sugarcube” She reassured. “ I may not have known your version of me, but there’s no doubt in my mind that me and her aren’t so different. Take a look at me for example, back at home me and your counterpart have our quarrels from time to time and there was even an event similar to you guys Anon a Miss incident a year ago. But I still love my Applebloom, no matter how many fights we get in we still love each other and nothing will ever change that. I know she was mighty pissed off at ya for your Mystable stunt, but deep down she knows you’re truly sorry for what you’ve done. And theres no doubt in my mind that she still loves you regardless of every stupid thing you’ve ever done”

At last Applebloom finally made eye contact with the equestrian version. Of her sister as fresh tears started to form along with a smile, she then wrapped her arms around the former earthponys neck into an embrace to which the element of honesty was quick to return as a warm smile formed on her face as well. “Thank you AJ” Bloom said with a sniffle. “ Thank you for being here with us”

“It was my pleasure sugarcube” Applejack replied, and soon the others walked forward and joined in the hug as well.

“It was my pleasure”

Author's Note:

I decided not to give Rainbows section in the funeral scene dialogue as it sounded way too similar to her conversation that she had with Sunset in the gym lockerroom.

But anyways another chapter down folks, hope you’re enjoying the story. Now all thats left is the epilogue and the story is complete, Until then I’ll see you guys around:heart: