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Chapter 7

(AN: Sorry for the wait. My semester had a bad few weeks since I’ve been studying for the first exam. I failed anyways, so that was a complete waste. On top of that, I’ve been working on the draft for my other story, which is equally as time consuming.

I’m really sorry for disappearing for so long. I’m hoping to be able to get the stories up at a reasonable pace at the very least, so I’ll try and work harder on getting these done. Thanks for your patience! )

Rosa let out a gasp as she woke up, her eyes shooting wide open. She felt sweat on her brow and her body in a chill as she remembered everything that happened: the Gouf Flight Type's ambush, the thermonuclear explosion, and running into...she didn't even know what she ran into. All she knew was that she left her mobile suit, and that Monroe had started carrying her through a desert and-


Sitting up abruptly and without any preparation of what was to come, she tried to get to her feet before she felt a pulse of agony in her stomach, as well as sheer aching pain in her limbs. A whimper escaped as she found herself lying down again. Rosa saw that she was no longer sitting in her Hizack Custom. In fact, she was somewhere else entirely. It looked like a hospital room of sorts, with rows of empty beds. Golden ornate decorations covered the wooden walls, and the floors looked to be made of tiles. It was much cleaner and spacious than anything Rosa had ever seen before.

She looked down to see she was lying on one of those beds herself, with white sheets decorated by tiny embroideries of flowers. She was no longer in uniform, instead clad in her underwear. "Where am I..." she whispered as she hugged herself, her hands feeling cold against her warm body.

"You're aboard the Hoof of Celestia. We've been monitoring your condition, and your ails seem to be limited to exhaustion and malnutrition," a male voice said. "Don't worry, rest and food will get you back up very soon."

Rosa slowly turned her head to thank whoever had taken care of her before she stopped. Next to her bed was not a person, but a gray horse. It was almost comically small compared to a horse back on Earth, likely around 3/4ths of her height if she could stand up. It had large human-like eyes, and it wore a stethoscope around its neck.

Chuckling nervously, Rosa slowly sat up: carefully this time. "Heh. Very funny, Monroe! Talking horse prank!" she said, looking around the room to try and locate her partner. "Come out now!"

"Actually, I'm a pony. An Earth Pony, to be exact," the voice said again. No one else had entered the room, and the horse - no, pony was still here. This time, Rosa saw its lips move when the voice spoke. Furthermore, she actually heard the voice coming from the pony.

Rosa's eyes were widened, utterly silent as her brain put two and two together. "Holy..." she whispered before her eyes rolled to the back of her head, flopping back on the bed as she was once again unconscious.

The Earth Pony tilted his head, clearly confused. "What an odd reaction," he muttered before he lifted the tube of his stethoscope, placing the bell on the woman's chest to check her heartbeat.

Elsewhere aboard the large and airship, Monroe sat on the floor in front of a table in the winged unicorn's quarters in front of its occupant. They were lavish, resembling a very old 18th Century bedroom for kings and queens more than a shipboard room. The bed was massive, easily enough for two horses to lie in with plenty of covers and pillows. The walls, floors, desks, dressers, and drawers were all white with ornate gold decorating them. A set of stained glass windows adorned the back wall facing the aft of the airship.

"Then again, she's apparently some sort of princess," Monroe thought to himself. Princess Celestia was on the other side of that table, sitting as well as she frowned at the man in front of her. At the table was a large ornate kettle with two porcelain cups, steaming with tea.

"So, you're soldiers of this...Earth Federation," the princess said as she hummed thoughtfully. "Not many powers operate by a Federation, at least not many that I can remember. I believe the Griffon Kingdom attempted such control before it entered a state of anarchy and following that: a monarchy."

"Griffons? You have...those too?" Monroe asked.

"We have all sorts of species. How do you know of Griffons?" Princess Celestia asked.

"They were mythological creatures in legends back on Earth. At least before everybody started moving to space almost a hundred years ago. Classes kept me up to date on those growing up," Monroe said. "I don't suppose you have dragons and typons and minotaurs and all that stuff."

"I can't say I'm familiar with Typhons, but we do have dragons and minotaurs in this world, yes," Celestia said.

Monroe fell silent for a second before rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I'm gonna stop asking too much before my head explodes..." he mumbled.

"Yes, I believe there will be ample time to properly explain everything about this world, as well as potential ways that you may have gotten here," Princess Celestia said, minorly amused at the man's confusion. "I believe you were explaining a bit about your world? Specifically how you entered space?"

"Yeah. About...eighty seven years ago, we colonized space. We have cities on the moon and we turned asteroids into living spaces as well. Most of our colonies are built, though. The Federation holds control over the entire Earth Sphere," Monroe said. "They retain control of some colonies in space as well. Only a few of them."

"A few? Out of how many in space?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Hundreds. Groups of colonies are split off into 'Sides'. Since they all cover different sides and distances around the Earth. Some of them belong to the Federation. Others...belong to Zeon," Monroe explained. Princess Celestia took note of how quickly his tone turned dark at the last name.

"Zeon?" Celestia asked, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"A Principality that declared war on the Federation," Monroe muttered, and Celestia found herself concerned over the sudden change in body language. He wasn't just mad, he was fuming. "They wiped out our fleets, massacred the billions of innocent people in our colonies before dropping one of them on Earth. It destroyed one of our continents and killed billions more."

Princess Celestia wasn't sure how to process the gruesome information. The thought of so much death was something she never truly thought about: but to see somepony speak of it like they'd seen the events happen firsthand was haunting, to say the least. Destruction and murder on such a scale had never been conceived in all of Equestrian history, much less the thought of a declaration of war. "This...Principality. Why would they do such a thing?"

"Hell if I know. Their 'official declaration' involved independence. But something tells me they just wanted an excuse to murder. They invaded Earth months later," Monroe said as he got up, stretching his arms. His fists were clenched hard and he still looked ready to destroy something, at least until he took a breath. The princess lifted one of the cups with her magic before levitating it to the stressed human. "Thanks..." he said as he gripped the cup and took a little sip. He sighed, feeling some of the tension leave his body. "You know, magic isn't a thing where I'm from. I doubt I'll ever get used to that."

"You also mentioned you would never get used to talking horses," Princess Celestia said with a wry grin. That grin died down moments later as she thought over the words describing the Principality's horrific actions. "You said they wished for independence. Was your government cruel?"

"I dunno. Politics wasn't my thing. But if you want independence, you don't..." Monroe sighed as he sat back down, finishing his tea. "I...I'm sorry. I'm just...stressed," he muttered.

"I can tell," the princess said kindly. "No creature deserves to go through such pain and suffering, much less billions. But that does bring me to my next question. You speak of such brutal history. Where does this history take place?"

"On Earth...which I'm guessing we're not on, considering I'm talking with a magical horse with wings and giant airships without a single human city or town in sight" Monroe said. Princess Celestia shook her head, and he sighed. "I thought so."

"Which begs the question, how did you end up here?" Princess Celestia asked. "And who else came with you?"

Monroe opened his mouth before stopping. He'd almost mentioned the Atlas: and that was enough cause for alarms to start ringing in his head. It was bad enough that he'd ranted about the One Year War, but it would be another thing if the magical ruler of an entire magical kingdom learned that there was a massive warship flying above them.

"...as far as I know...my partner and I. And at least one Zeon mobile suit as well," Monroe said as he sighed. “We fought one before our transport got blown up. We were walking away when…”

“When we found you near the edge of the Badlands,” Princess Celestia finished. The man nodded, and the princess tapped her hoof against her chin thoughtfully. “So there’s more of these…”

“Mobile suits,” Monroe said.

“Yes,” Celestia said. “What are they, exactly?"

"Weapons," Monroe said. "Zeon made them to destroy ships. Then we made them to fight back. And now mobile suits are just everywhere. I don't really wanna talk about it..."

Princess Celestia fell deep into thought, unsure of how to feel. "Much of what he talks about is of war and destruction. But he's clearly not an evil being..." she thought to herself. "What do I do..."

"Umm...is it okay if I check on my partner?" Monroe asked as he got up. "I wanna make sure she's alright...and that nothing bad is happening or anything."

"Of course. Feel free to-" Princess Celestia said, only to cut herself off when she noticed him leaving already, not waiting for actual permission to head out of her room. "...leave..." With an exhale and a sight nicker, she got up and made her way out of her quarters to make sure the human knew where he was going.

Sure enough, she found him entering the airship's hospital deck without any interruptions. He hadn't been stopped thanks to the Royal Guard remembering their orders to let him freely roam the ship. Princess Celestia stayed back as the man approached his partner, sitting on the floor by the bed.

She exhaled lightly. She'd ask more questions later, but for now - the remainder of the trip would be spent in silence.

- elsewhere in Equestria -

The Gaw: as Twilight Sparkle learned it was called, didn't look comfortable at all. Everything was made of old and worn metal, and piping could be seen in the ceilings of the halls they walked through. Automatic sliding doors led to rooms left and right, and everything only seemed more and more cramped. The Elements of Harmony, alongside Fleetfoot, only continued to be escorted towards where the leader of these people was currently at.

On the way in, Twilight Sparkle thought about when they'd passed the cargo bay the mouth-like opening led into. The Royal Guard assigned to walk alongside them were ordered to stay outside the large aircraft, as were most of the armed human soldiers. The interior of the plane was impressive: spacious with all sorts of constructs inside ranging from metal arms hanging from the ceiling to large catwalks on the sides. Inside were large blocks of sorts, which had several other people living in them. Perhaps it was a massive flying home? All she could think about was the engineering prowess put into designing such a behemoth of an aircraft.

"Twi," Applejack whispered. "We're here..."

The Princess of Friendship turned to see the last door in the hallway opening, with the two armed guards escorting them standing at attention, one on either side of the door. They'd been quiet - but Twilight didn't miss how their eyes seemed to be locked onto the ponies the entire time. Deciding not to make any remarks about that, the mares moved inside.

The bridge of the Gaw was much less spacious - consisting of a single room with command consoles and computers at the other side of the room and the walls. Two seats faced the two large windows that looked out over the camp of vehicles, metal golems, and the humans all around. At the center of the room was a single table with buttons and controls on the sides, likely a command station of sorts.

Standing against the table was a human - tall with a toned physique. The human male had thin grey eyes with slightly tanned skin, and he wore the same green uniform as the others, though it was kept in much better condition. He wore a black half cape of sorts, one that draped down his front and his back - sporting a golden emblem of sorts on it. His shoulders had epaulets, and he wore a gray helmet on his head. There was nobody else on the bridge, making the whole area appear as though it were his personal throne room.

"A throne room without a throne..." Twilight thought to herself. Despite how it looked, the man occupying the room gave off a sense of authority - one that made her acknowledge the simple and unassuming fact that this man was the one in charge.

"I am Captain Engel, commanding officer of Phoenix Flight," the man said. "And I have several questions."

"I understand. We have multiple inquiries ourselves," Twilight said. "First of all, what are humans doing in Equestria?"

"Humans? Are there others like us?" Engel asked, his eyebrow raising. He was clearly not expecting some familiarity from the aliens of this world, and Twilight was quick to capitalize on this.

"No," the princess quickly explained. "But there are other worlds accessible via magic. I've been to one world in particular, one of which had humans. Before you ask, they looked nothing like these people. Technology such as this doesn't exist, so it couldn't possibly be your home."

"Our home isn't on any planet," Engel said, turning around and looking out at the main windows of the Gaw. "Our home is in the stars: in our colonies in space." He sighed, his stern posture momentarily giving way to something...morose. "We are from the Principality of Zeon."

"Zeon?" Rarity asked. "Is it a kingdom of sorts?"

Engel turned to face the unicorn with a puzzled expression, before it gave way to an amused chuckle. "Well in a way, it is rather similar," he said. "Zeon is ruled by a family - the Zabis. Though, they're all dead now. We lost our independence to the Earth Federation...so we of Phoenix Flight spend our days running and fighting their tyranny."

"That...sounds horrible. Anypony should be given the right to be free," Fluttershy whispered, making her way forward to approach Engel. She didn't retreat when his eyes dropped to gaze upon her, and the mares could see his hardened stare soften.

"What happened to Zeon?" Applejack asked.

"We lost the war. Zeon and its people fought the government on Earth for independence in space. They overpowered us with numbers and our own technology. Mobile suits," Engel said, pointing to the golems outside the plane.

"Mobile suits? The living golems?" Twilight asked.

"They aren't living. Each mobile suit is controlled by a human," Engel explained. "They were our trump card, a way to beat down the Federation to keep our colonies safe. Then the Federation built suits of their own...and we lost. We became trapped on Earth with no way to return to space."

"Wait, if your war was to protect your home in space, how'd you end up on land?" Fleetfoot asked.

Captain Engel turned back to face the sole Wonderbolt of the group. "We assaulted Earth. Our plan was to take over the planet and force a surrender," he said. Upon hearing the shocked gasps of the mares around him, he quickly continued speaking. "We would have left their people unharmed once we won. The plan was to always return to space. But we were forced to retreat. Some fled back to space. Others became trapped, like us."

"And this Federation...they continue to hunt you?" Twilight asked.

"They only see us as scum to be scraped off their boots. As long as we're on their land, breathe their air, they'll continue to want to kill us," Engel spat, a surprising amount of sudden hostility escaping him. Then he sighed, leaning his arms on the console of the Gaw's bridge. "But...but we aren't on their world anymore. Which means the space above no longer has home. For any of us..."

The sadness in his tone softened the ponies. "So you just want to go home?" Pinkie Pie asked, her own hyperactive positity dimmed down by his story.

"Yes. Is that so much to ask?" Engel whispered. he stood up promptly, and he walked over to the large table console in the center of the room. "It doesn't matter at this point. I called you up here to get some answers. But that isn't all. There's something more important to alert you to. And far more dangerous."

He tapped on several controls before the table's edge folded over to reveal a screen. On the screen was a still image of an aircraft: one much sleeker than the Gaw. While the Gaw was stout, tall, and rounded: this plane was long and angular with sharp edges and fins.

It was much more intimidating to look at, especially since it looked so much like a predator of sorts. The streams of what appeared to be energy of sorts shooting out from much of its body did little to calm the ponies.

“What...is that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That is a Garuda-class Flying Battleship. It's five times longer and wider than our ship, and armed with enough weapons to destroy a small country on its own," Engel said. The ponies all exchanged looks of nervous fear, and he frowned deeply. "It's a Federation ship, and it's here, likely in the skies above your nation."

That sprung the ponies back to reality. "Here? What do you mean?!" Rarity squeaked. “It’s flying right now?”

"That’s likely the case. Whatever brought us to your world...it brought that thing as well," Engel said, tapping the large and enhanced image. "It's what we've been running from before we appeared here. The ship itself can destroy all of Phoenix Flight, and that doesn't include all the mobile suits they have onboard. And trust me, they have a lot."

He zoomed in on the picture, and the Elements of Harmony gaped at what they saw. A red and white mobile suit stood at side of the craft, right under the wings: holding a sort of weapon in one hand while a large shield was mounted on the arm. What didn't surprise them was the mobile suit: but rather the size comparison between the mobile suit and the rest of the plane.

The aircraft truly seemed to be a monster.

"You need to prepare. I don't know how big your kingdom is or how far your government control goes, but they won't care. As long as they think we're here, they will destroy anything and anyone who gets in their way," Engel said.

"What about you? We need to get you to Princess Celestia. She'll hear you out personally, and we can make plans," Twilight said.

"That's right! The Royal Guard is under her command: if there's anypony in Equestria who will listen to you and understand, it's Princess Celestia," Rarity vouched.

“Princess, huh? Not a queen?” Engel asked.

“Equestria isn’t ruled by queens. Unlike…never mind,” Twilight muttered, remembering the near disaster that was the Canterlot Wedding. "I would need to return home to write to the princess. Then it shouldn't take much more than an hour of waiting."

"I...see," Engel muttered. "Can't believe I'm really considering this..."

"I know we may seem...alien to you," Fluttershy said. "But we would never wish harm on anypony. It's our job to ensure positive relationships and to ensure that every living thing gets along..."

The captain of the Gaw didn't seem as convinced as the ponies would have liked: at least until a few moments of thought had passed. "Very well. I'll meet with your superiors. Me and a few others of my choosing," he said. "Unless that isn't something you'd like?"

"Ooh! More humans?! Do you all like sweets! I have cupcakes, pancakes, cookies, muffins, and more! What about hosting a party for everypony here? Like a 'Welcome to Equestria' party!" Pinkie Pie squealed as she jumped right into the Zeon captain's face, startling him enough that he stumbled back into the inactive helm controls at the front of the bridge. Twilight quickly captured Pinkie Pie in her magic once more before pulling her between Rainbow Dash and Applejack, both of whom quickly pinned her between their bodies.

"I...apologize," Twilight meekly said. "Pinkie Pie is great, though she likes to celebrate a bit too much. That's just her way of welcoming you."

The captain sighed as he stood up once more, brushing his uniform off. "I...can see that," he said. "I also saw her scaring my people and jumping on one of our fighters outside. Alright, I'll give your diplomacy a chance. Allow me to let my people know. And to choose who comes with me."

Princess Twilight Sparkle nodded and bowed respectively, as did the others. Fleetfoot didn't bow - her eyes narrowing all the while. "Of course. Thank you for considering our proposal. I apologize that we haven't answered any questions of yours."

"I can always ask later. I shouldn't keep you from doing your job," Engel said. "Good day."

That was the end of that conversation. As the ponies made their way down the halls to leave the Gaw and make their way back to their ship, they remained silent, mostly due to the Zeon soldiers escorting them back. Thankfully, they stopped at the opening leading to the cargo bay, where the mares could see the Royal Guard ponies waiting patiently and diligently for their return.

As Engel's voice came over the speakers, calling all his people over to talk to them, Fleetfoot took the time to speak up. "I don't like this, princess," she said. "He could be scheming. And you heard him, they were all fighters at some point. These might all be war machines."

"We need to be able to convince them that we truly have goodwill towards them." Twilight said as she looked back around them. Sure enough, the mobile suits had begun walking towards the Gaw behind everyone else. "Mister Engel doesn't seem to be a bad person."

"He's bein' honest," Applejack said. "He talks like us, with emotions and everything. And Ah didn't see an ounce of deceit in his bones."

"You never know. I'm just warning you to be prepared, princess. If the...the Garuda he said is here, then there's no way to avoid a war. You heard him when he talked about this Federation. That was hate."

Twilight and Applejack looked at each other with more than a little uneasiness. "Then...we help them. We'll find this Garuda and make sure no more fighting happens."

"And what better than a party to get the friendship rolling?" Pinkie Pie chimed in.

Twilight sighed as she looked back to the Gaw, surrounded by the several machines, either flying, wheeled, or legged. It was an odd and rather unnerving sight to behold, especially since she now knew them all to be war machines.

"...it might take a bit more than a party," the Princess of Friendship sighed.

- a few hours later, at Canterlot -

The airship landed at Canterlot Castle's own private landing zone: which was right next to a large garden behind the castle, obscured from the massive city they flew over via large white walls. Rosa and Monroe stood at the main ramp as it lowered, revealing the gardens for them to witness with their own eyes.

Several pure white stone statues littered the area neatly, with winding cobblestone paths connecting each one. Trees, ponds, small hedge walls, and trimmed bushes were everywhere, reminding the two humans of the sorts of environments that medieval castles would have in their backyards for kings and queens to enjoy.

"I shall have quarters ready for you. Then we shall discuss more. I promise only the best treatment and accommodations for guests," Princess Celestia said as she exited the airship, flanked by two Royal Guards on each side of her. "Please feel free to explore the gardens."

"What about our mobile suits?" Rosa asked. She was leaning against Monroe, a little fatigued but otherwise healthy enough to be up and about.

"They're unloading them now. They shall not be touched: only to stay in the gardens. The last thing we wish is for the populace to see your machines walking about. The scare would be quite drastic," Princess Celestia said, a kind smile on her face.

Sure enough, the larger cargo ramp on the other side of the airship was open, with the first Hizack sliding out. Monroe was thankful for the ship being massive, and the gardens being more so. "We...appreciate the rescue, princess," Monroe said.

The white alicorn simply smiled. "Of course," she said kindly as she walked. She made her way inside the castle with the guards, making her way to the housekeeping areas in the castle. "Guards, please check on our other guests. The Wonderbolts must be eager to meet the ones who set fire to the Everfree."

All four of the armored ponies froze, shocked: though they hid this well. "P-princess? How do you-" one of them said.

"There were large footprints left at the edge of the forest where the fire was concluded to have started. And those same prints were left by those...mobile suits when we found them near the edge of the Badlands. Not to mention the destruction afar that they seemingly left behind when we first came across them," Princess Celestia said. "We are not to harm our guests, but we shall confront them with the truth the moment we confirm this fact."

"So it isn't confirmed?" another guard asked.

"No, it is not. But plenty of evidence leads to them. We shall not be making accusations, nor will they become our prisoners, but we will show that we are aware of any seemingly deceitful intentions, either to trick us or to simply hide something - something dangerous," Princess Celestia said.

"And the goodwill?" the first Royal Guard asked.

"I was serious about that," Celestia assured. "Regardless of war or torment, creatures may not necessarily be bad. Crude and blunt as this Monroe is, he is clearly a good individual. He cared for his partner and willingly answered questions I asked. I could tell that there were no lies to most of the questions he answered."


The guards stopped, as did the princess. A stern look was on the alicorn's face: one that proved how seriously she was taking the matter.

"He mentioned both him and his partner, alongside a...Zeon machine here in Equestria. I believe he's lying." Her eyes narrowed as she revealed her thoughts. "I believe there are more humans that have been transported here. More mobile suits. And if I'm correct about him not lying, then Equestria may be in more danger than ever before."

She was interrupted when the sudden green flash of light appeared before her eyes. A rolled up letter dropped to the ground, a telltale sign of her former student writing to her. Picking up the letter with her magic, Princess Celestia opened it and began to read. It didn't take long for her eyes to widen in worry as she sped through the neatly written words, something the princess's guards picked up on quickly.

"Princess. Is everything alright?" one of the Royal Guard ponies asked in concern.

Celestia simply lowered her letter. "I fear things have just gotten more complex than I’d like," she said before she continued to walk, a little bit faster now. Her letter hung in her magical grasp all the while: letting one of the guards read it as it swayed in front of him.

Dear Princess Celestia,

We completed our investigation and made contact with those. It turns out, these are humans, and their landed fleet are part of a group known as the Principality of Zeon. They were trapped here after running from a tyrannical government known as the Earth Federation Forces. The Zeons mostly consist of innocents, families of those who fought in a horrible and gruesome war for freedom. As far as they have told me, they lost their war and were trapped in their world, in a constant fight for survival. But now they're here, and I believe we can give them a chance to heal, or at least help.

Their leader said that their home was in space: in colonies floating near the moon. How incredible is that? However, something else has come up - Zeon's people aren't the only ones who were stuck here. An aircraft of monstrous proportions belonging to this Earth Federation has been spotted by them before they landed. I believe one of their golems - they call them mobile suits - may be responsible for the fire started in the Everfree. I wish for you to meet this Zeon group's leader in Canterlot Castle. They agreed to return with a few others, and we will disembark for Canterlot as soon as you provide any kind of permission. If we're quick, we can help the Zeon humans return home and prevent their enemies from attacking them - or worse.

I eagerly await your reply.

Sincerely, your former student,
Twilight Sparkle