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Chapter 8

- in the Dragon Lands -

"Are you sure going in person is the right thing to do?" Ensign Lassus asked. He sat in his Asshimar, flying high into the sky after having launched from the Atlas's bow flight deck. Behind them were two Base Jabbers, one of them carrying a pair of RMS-179 GM IIs, both of them armed with a beam rifle and a shield. The second Base Jabber carried an RGM-79SP GM Sniper II, which remained in the back of the small formation.

"It's ideal. The four of us all have beam weapons, so there's little chance of being taken down so easily. Besides, if your new copilot is correct, then a show of force is probably what's needed to convince them that we're not enemies," a female voice said, a young yet stern voice.

"I...understood," Lassus said, bringing his hand up to open his helmet's visor. A nasty bruise was visible on his cheek, and several small bandaged cuts were on his face: courtesy of a small blue female dragon swinging his own bullpup's stock through his helmet. Next to him in the cockpit was the culprit, who he learned was named Ember.

"You don't get along?" Ember asked. She was standing next to his seat, claws gripping the side of his seat.

"Lieutenant Rira doesn't get along with anyone," Lassus muttered. "She's a sour bitch. She may be good at being a sniper, but that's all she's got."

"I heard that."

"Good," Lassus snapped before cutting short distanced radio contact. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he continued to maintain altitude. "...today's going to shit..." he grumbled.

"Why is she so...sour?" Ember asked.

"She lost her older sister a few months ago," Lassus said. "A battle in space against rebels. Only...turns out those rebels were the good guys, so Rira's not too happy about her sister dying as an enemy..."

"Bad guys? Good guys?" Ember asked. "Okay, what's going on?"

"It's complicated. How much do you know about politics?" Lassus asked.

"Politics? What's that?" Ember asked.

"And there's my answer," Lassus muttered quietly. A small ping caught his attention, and he turned to see the Base Jabbers carrying the GM IIs approaching his flank. "What is it?"

"We're about half a klick away from our destination. Get ready," one of the GM II pilots said, the mobile suit's shield arm waving. Lassus turned to face the volcanoes that lay ahead: bringing his helmet's visor back down. Ember eyed the view up ahead, sighing as the familiar sight of home entered her eyes once more.

Sure enough, there were hundreds of dragons flying in the air around and above the cluster of volcanoes, all big and small with a wide variety of shapes, wingspans, neck lengths, and more. But the one noticeable dragon out of the bunch was the largest of them all, a dark and pale blue dragon of monstrous proportions standing atop one of the ledges of the taller volcanoes.

Lassus eyed the wings, easily large enough to dwarf the size of mobile suits, as well as the large pair of curved horns on the dragon's head. "Is that who we're facing?" he asked.

"Yep. That's Torch. Ruler of the Dragon Lands and protector of our way of life," Ember sighed. "And he's also...my dad."

Lassus winced. "So I take it he won't be happy that we basically stole and returned a dragon princess," he muttered.

"I'm not a princess," Ember snapped before her eyes fell back to the massive horde ahead. "Land here. Fly any closer and they'll attack."

"Descend here," Lassus quickly ordered over the radio, and his Asshimar shot up to face the sky. "Hey, might wanna brace yourself..."

"What for?" Ember asked before she heard the entire machine around her begin to whir. "Hey, what's going on?"

The entire flying mobile armor shot upwards for a split second before it began to change. The large wheel shape of the main body split apart: with the sides unfolding into large arms and shoulder plating, the beam rifles still externally attached to them. Two 90mm cannons slid out of their housings over the newly revealed hands, clicking into place as the bottom half of the machine began to shift and unfold. The very front retracted and turned to reveal a large shell-like helmet covering a mono-eye system. A large and tall fin sprouted out the very top of the head, almost like a sharp and angled plume of sorts.

The back of the machine slid forwards, revealing a large block with two large thrusters and several smaller drive cones. The bottom half slid down. The wings on each of side of the machine retracted to reveal knees, legs, and feet sliding out. The pair of thrusters on each leg burned as the massive machine dropped from its sudden transformation, landing on the rock with a massive earth cracking thud.

The massive mobile suit's mono-eye flared as one of the escorting Base Jabbers landed behind them, the two onboard RMS-179 GM IIs hopping off with equally loud thuds on the ground. The RGM-79SP GM Sniper II remained on its Base Jabber, its beam sniper rifle gripped in its hands as it maintained a steady altitude behind them.

The Asshimar’s hatch opened, the chest plates sliding open for Ember and Lassus to step out on a lowered platform. Ember hopped out, gliding towards the nearby cracked with her open wings while the ensign closed his cockpit hatch quickly. As she made her way down, Ember looked up at the machine above, eyes wide at the sudden change. It was different in almost every way: yet she could somehow see just how this...Asshimar could change to a much smaller wheel shape.

Not that the flying wheel shape was small by any means.

“Daughter. You finally return,” Ember’s father growled, his gruff voice booming loudly and echoing through the area. Lassus winced at the loud volume, his ears ringing even through his helmet.

"...hi, dad," Ember said. "I was just exploring."

"Exploring," Torch remarked, his voice not at all sounding amused. Lassus couldn't help but think about the fact that this dragon girl's father was about as far from any caring parent as he could get. "And what are these...things?"

"These things are...what I found when exploring," Ember said. "They seek an audience with you."

"An audience. And why must I grant an audience to such unworthy newcomers?" Torch asked in annoyance.

Unfortunately, nor Ember or Lassus could speak up when another voice boomed equally as loudly. "As far as I know, brute force is the only language you oversized lizards speak," Lieutenant Rira scoffed, her voice echoing out of her GM Sniper II's main speakers from afar.

Lassus winced, and he was certain hie fellow GM II pilots did the same. The other dragons glared and growled, the sheer number of them Ember whirled around, her eyes wide at the sudden interruption.

Torch let out a loud snarl, hot air shooting from his nostrils with incredible force. "What have you come here for?" the massive dragon asked, slowly and surely speaking each word carefully, the weight behind each syllable potently hanging in the air.

"We're here to let you know of our presence," Lassus said, quickly taking the chance to speak before Rira could antagonize them any further. "We want nothing. No...hoard, no riches, no real territory in these lands. This isn't a warning: just a sort of notification so you're aware. We talked to your daughter and brought her back under our own power as a sign of good faith. Our only wish is that we remain neutral."

The dragons in the distance all looked at each other, clearly confused. No spoken threat of violence? No offer of friendship extended? Ember let out a sigh, somewhat relieved that the words seemed to get through to the others if they were thinking it over.

The real challenge was her father.

"So that's it?" Torch growled.

"Yes," Lassus quickly said. "We've said all we need to. Don't send anybody after us. We'll be out of your hair...er, scales in a week anyways. Just let us mind our own business."

"Dad, they mean it!" Ember yelled. "They won't stay long!"

Torch growled, clearly not intent on taking his daughter's words at face value. However, after several more moments of thought, the massive dragon's snarl died down - now sporting a normal frown on his face.

Taking his silence as unenthusiastic approval, the Asshimar turned around before transforming, blasting away across the Dragon Lands. The pair of GM IIs boarded their Base Jabber as well, flying after the transformed mobile armor with the GM Sniper II behind them.

"Disperse!" Torch growled. "We'll let them go. This time..." The massive dragon lord looked down as Ember flew over to her father's side, anger etched into his features. "You're going to explain everything."

Ember gulped, but nodded. As long as she wasn't in trouble, then she would be fine.

"You're also going to be grounded."


- on the way to Canterlot Castle -

The Olive Branch flew towards the clouds above, now on its way to Canterlot Castle. Having stopped at Ponyville long ago so Princess Twilight Sparkle could write to Princess Celestia, the few humans that had come along had remained on the ship, out of sight of Ponyville's residents. Needless to say, the wait at the village wasn't long by any means: and the princess had left Ponyville once again to board the airship.

Captain Engel stood at the upper deck of the Olive Branch, accompanied by two other subordinates: pilots of Phoenix Flight’s Dopp Squadrons. Bolin Hahn and Lyla Holt stood near the captain, wearing normal Zeon uniforms and tactical gear - which consisted of a vest, equipment belt, and a small backpack: courtesy of the few members of the Zeon infantry in Phoenix Flight.

Both Dopp pilots held the standard assault rifle of the Zeon Terrestrial Assault Forces, which was the Munzo Defense Force Assault Rifle. The rifle was originally designed for colonial defense and police forces, though it had become the weapon of choice for Zeon's war on Earth: with manufacturing plants in all Zeon controlled colonies seized by the Principality to churn out as many guns as they could to supply the millions of Spacenoids for their attack.

Lyla looked down at her assault rifle. It was by no means glamorous: with a dirtied wooden stock and scuffs clearly seen on the stamped metal parts. Furthermore, she hadn't even fired it once: having never been able to fire a gun due to her role as a pilot, as well as the limited ammunition Phoenix Flight had. "Captain...is it wise to go on their ship? We have Doras and Medeas," she said.

"We can't spare the fuel," Engel said, turning back to face the young pilot. "Running from the Federation with very few chances to resupply has taken our toll on us. Until we can secure more fuel, then all craft will be grounded." He sighed and turned back to look at the sky, the wind gently blowing against his uniform. "Besides, I doubt a world like this has the fuel we need. Airships such as this don't need fuel..."

"We're also stuck if they decide we can't go back," Bolin pointed out.

"We're relying on good faith. They've seen our mobile suits, our vehicles and aircraft. If we insisted on playing things safe for ourselves, there's a chance we might compromise potential allies. And I won't risk us coming under attack," Engel said.

"We understand, sir," Bolin said after a moment of thought.

Lyla frowned as she looked back towards the ship, where several armored pony guards stood, either working the ship or remaining on guard. Despite them being talking colorful horses that seemed more cartoonish than anything, the guards seemed to be much more militaristic than most of the Zeon people she'd seen.

Then again, she hadn't with Phoenix Flight for long. Lyla eyed the view far ahead, seeing the mountain and the tiny speck on the edge that was apparently the castle. Below it in a far more visible fashion was a massive waterfall, looking like a thin stream of raining mist that only dissipated the further it dropped. "It's...weird," she mumbled.

"Yeah. It is," Bolin said. The captain let out an affirmative sigh, and the three continued to silently stare out towards the distant castle high in the air.

On the other side of the airship, Fleetfoot eyed the three humans with clear suspicion. Alongside her was Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were below deck, with Twilight Sparkle and Spike "I don't like this," she muttered.

"Neither do I, but it only makes sense to reach out," Rarity said. "You heard them. These ponies-er, humans have been scared for so long. If we give them a chance-"

"I'm not worried about them being violent. Sure they all have weapons, but you saw most of the humans there. Families and such. They want to protect those they love. But like I said earlier as well, they could be scheming. Nopony needs to be evil to do bad things. If that captain believes he needs to pull something on us in order to keep protecting them, he'll do that."

"Do you think he's that desperate?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"I can't say. But with that Federation craft possibly in the skies, then there's a good chance that something terrible will happen," Fleetfoot sighed. "I hope nothing crazy happens."

"You mean on top of all the crazy things that have already happened?" Applejack asked.

Fleetfoot let out a tired scoff. "You know how it goes. If something crazy happens once or twice, it won't stop there. You mares of all ponies ought to know that," she said.

The mares all sighed - already knowing all too well just how much danger Equestria and its citizens truly faced. The conversation died there as the airship maintained its heading.

The arrival at Canterlot Castle was as glamorous and overwhelmingly shocking as the humans thought it would be. The sight of the waterfall up close made for an incredibly magical view, and the sight of the castle itself was utterly massive. Not only was the view of the castle standing off the edge of the mountain completely breathtaking, but so was the ginormous city near it.

Lyla held in her astonished gasp as she stared out at the tiny dots moving in the cobblestone city streets, seeing them to be ponies as they got closer and closer ever so slowly. Despite the trip essentially being over, it all seemed to take forever to truly absorb this. "There's nothing like this back home..."

"Yeah. Kinda sad nothing we know looks as fancy as this, huh?" Bolin sighed as he leaned on the airship's railing.

"Stay focused," the captain said, snapping his two pilots to attention. "What we need to do now is to talk things over with the princess here. If we're lucky, we can explore the city on foot when things are said and done." Lyla and Bolin exchanged controlled excited looks at their commanding officer's words.

The Olive Branch landed near the front of the massive castle, with the ramp lowered to reveal several Royal Guards waiting for the new arrivals. The Elements of Harmony all left the ship alongside some of the Royal Guards on the ship, followed by the three Spacenoids onboard.

Fleetfoot and a few flanking guards exited next. "I need to get back to the Wonderbolts," the uniformed Pegasus mare said quickly. "I have a report to make."

"Alrighty, take care!!" Pinkie Pie cheered as the white maned mare shot into the air, disappearing into the castle walls as Captain Engel watched.

"Flying horses. I doubt I'll ever understand..." Bolin mumbled.

"Up bup bup. Ponies," Lyla scolded lightheartedly.

"Same difference," Bolin complained.

"Not really," Lyla teased.

The throat clearing of Captain Engel cut their banter short, and Princess Twilight sighed to herself as she looked back to the front. "They can crack jokes, at the very least. That should make things a little easier," she mumbled.

"Do have a little faith, dearie. The princess isn't exactly one to exemplify on being professional," Rarity said. "I mean, she's elegant and beautiful and holds all of the authority in Equestria, but we've all seen her let loose every once in a while."

"Hm. Not sure I've ever seen you talk about wanting to 'let loose', Rarity," Twilight remarked.

"Oh, even a mare such as I can relax," Rarity said. "Besides, I think relaxing is something us ponies need. Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?"

The rainbow maned Pegasus in question snapped out of whatever funk she was in, blinking as she looked to the fashionista who'd mentioned her. "Huh?" she asked.

"You've been distracted for much of the journey," Rarity said as the ponies and humans walked into the castle, leaving behind the large landing balcony and the ship docked to it. "Is everything alright?"

"Well...I've been thinking about the giant plane in the sky," Rainbow Dash said. "If it's really that powerful...what if it isn't just after those Zeon guys? What if they'll hurt anypony they come across? They could attack Cloudsdale or the Weather Factory, and-"

"Hey, that won't happen," Twilight quickly said, cutting off Rainbow Dash's nervous train of thought. "We'll keep any of that from happening."

"Twilight is right. As long as we're around, we'll keep Equestria safe," Fluttershy reassured, a kind smile on her face. "Nopony will get hurt."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath before sighing, noticeably calming down. She wasn't anywhere as easygoing as she usually was, but it was a step towards the right direction. "Thanks," she said.

"Girls?" Applejack asked from the front of the group. The ponies turned to see a midnight blue alicorn princess standing in the middle of the hallway, clearly having been waiting for the ponies and humans to arrive. Quickly, all the ponies bowed, with the mares doing so almost instantly while the Royal Guards all bowed simultaneously in a practiced fashion.

Captain Engel was quick to follow suit, while Bolin and Lyla weren't so quick to bow: having been looking around the ornately decorated interior of the castle hallway for quite some time. Thankfully, Engel was quick to grab Bolin and Lyla by the backs of their tactical vests, followed by a louder clearing of the throat.

"It's quite alright," the dark alicorn reassured. The humans took note of her mane and tail: specifically how it flowed similarly to how a wind would endlessly blow gently against them. While the lack of said wind puzzled them, they didn't dare speak a word. "I have been informed by my sister to expect...newcomers." Her eyes narrowed, clearly not as welcoming as the other ponies were. "Speak clearly, what are your names and our descent?"

Captain Engel stood up, hands clamped against his sides before his right hand shot up in a quick salute. "Captain Engel of the Principality of Zeon's Terrestrial Forces. Accompanied by Ensigns Lyla Holt and Bolin Hahn," he quickly barked, tone sharp and voice clear. The two ensigns quickly followed his lead, able to stand up straight and snap off inmmediate salutes.

The alicorn raised an eyebrow. "I am Princess Luna, sister of Princess Equestria and Ruler of the Night. And while my sister is busy with her normal duties of Day Court, she has placed me in charge of addressing our newcomers," she announced before she turned around. "Now come. I shall be able to give you a proper audience to go over any and all events that you may be involved in."

Princess Twilight looked back, somewhat sheepishly. "Now, I know she's being a little rough, but I promise you it isn't anything serious or rude, she's just-" she began.

"No need to apologize, princess," Engel said as he held up a hand. "Authority deserves respect, and we were in the presence of authority. She overstepped no bounds and treated us as what we are: unknowns that need to be cautioned against."

"We're aliens. Only makes sense," Bolin remarked casually.

"We wouldn't seem quite so alien if you two kept some diligence in the eyes of a ruler," Engel scolded.

"S-sorry, sir..." Lyla whispered.

Princess Twilight only chuckled nervously before Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, jutting her head in the direction of the Night Princess. "We should...probably get going. Before Princess Luna gets mad," she said. The conversation ended there as the group hurried to keep up with the princess through the maze of a castle.

The small group of humans and ponies found themselves following the princess into a much larger hallway: one that led towards a large door. "This is one of our meeting rooms," Princess Luna said. "It is currently being used and it will still take quite some time for us to be able to use it. I shall have our guards escort you to one of our many dining halls. I'm sure you're all famished after the trip. After you eat, you will be granted a grace period where you may rest and go over what to prepare for."

"Uhh, thank you. Princess," Bolin said awkwardly.

Princess Luna simply nodded in acknowledgement of the soldier's gratitude before she turned to the large door. "Now, we shall meet in this room for one hour. You will be brought here when the time comes," she said. And with that, she opened the doors with her magic and promptly walked inside before she shut them behind her. The resulting 'bang' reverberated through the open space for a few seconds, silence in its wake.

"...so...food, anypony?" Applejack asked, likely in an attempt to ease the mood. It was safe to say that the ponies were a little nervous over the idea of a first contact scenario: especially since the Elements of Harmony were well aware of the rather harsh past of their visitors.

The trip to the dining hall was short, with the doors opening to reveal half a dozen large and very long tables set up in stretching from one side of the room to the other in aisles. Surprisingly to the three humans, there were chairs included on either side of the tables: eerily identical to the kinds of chairs that they would use: albeit more fancy. Silently, the group sat down at the nearest table, quietly waiting for what was to come.

The wait was quickly cast aside with the arrival of half a dozen ponies in server attire: bow ties included. Wheeled carts with shelves and dozens of plates were balanced on them, with the typical metallic domed lids customary to fancy dishes in the manors or halls of colonies and Earth adorning them.

Engel had expected fancy plates of hay or flowers, or whatever ponies ate. His suspicions were proven correct when some of the plates levitated off their carts were placed in front of the mares. Their lids were removed to reveal hay sticks shaped like fries, sandwiches with what appeared to be grass and flowers placed between the bread, salads with more flowers, eggs with flowers, and more. Eyeing his subordinates, he noticed their semi-pale faces upon seeing the food.

He would never get a chance to voice the issues, as the next set of plates were placed before the three humans. To their surprise, normal food was what awaited them. Sandwiches with eggs and cheese, omelets with normal vegetables, and to the surprise of the other ponies sitting at the table: meat prepared similarly to gourmet dishes back home.

The fearful expressions of Lyla and Bolin were quick to be replaced by salivating, only for the captain to clear his throat loudly. "Manners," he warned. The two nodded, waiting for the servers to leave before the guests dug in. Under Engel's watch, the two ate as neatly and quietly as they could: something easier said than done given how hungry they looked.

"Humans...eat meat?" Rainbow Dash whispered nervously. The other ponies had begun to eat as well, a little cautiously as their eyes flickered towards the humans.

"Humans are omnivorous. We eat vegetables too, but flowers are usually poisonous to us," Engel said as he picked up a fork and knife, noting how the utensils were a little small for humans. Cutting a piece of chicken and taking a bite, his eyebrows shot up at how well it was cooked: tender and very flavorful. No meat back home had ever tasted quite this good.

His eyes quickly shot over to Lyla and Bolin, warning them not to lose control and destroy the meat with nothing but his narrow glare. The two visibly deflated as they slowed down once more. "This is getting to be more of a chore than I thought," the captain lamented as the two young soldiers continued to eat, clearly not interested in the conversation.

"Well, griffons and other creatures are omnivores as well," Fluttershy remarked. She was the only one not bothered by the sight of their new visitors currently eating something that used to be alive. "It's not a surprise that the castle would have some, especially since they would accommodate visitors from other kingdoms."

"Still, it's a little...unsettling," Pinkie Pie whispered in a tone not at all fit for whispering.

"They're right here!" Rarity hissed in warning.

"Like Bolin said: we're aliens. Don't be too offended," Lyla said. "Only makes sense to be a little uncomfortable. I'm honestly surpised they bothered making meat for us."

"I don't recall informing you of what humans eat. Did you plan ahead?" Engel asked, cutting another piece of that savory chicken.

"I didn't," Twilight said. "Maybe Princess Celestia decided to have options open ahead of time?"

The talking died down as the group continued to eat. Thankfully, it didn't take long to finish the food: they were in rather small portions. The Royal Guards arrived as the dishes were being cleaned up, and were quick to escort the three Spacenoids to the guest rooms for a short relaxation period. After quick goodbyes to the six mares, the humans were brought to a smaller hallway much more plain than the rest of the castle. "The rooms here are available for your choosing," one of the female guards said. "We will notify you when the meeting is ready to start."

The captain bowed respectfully, as did his two subordinates the moment they saw him lower his head. "Thank you and your princess for your kind hospitality," Engel said before he raised his posture and saluted: all while the other two soldiers kept their heads bowed. The guards nodded before heading out, leaving the captain to turn and see Bolin and Lyla still bent at 90 degree angles. "Honestly, you two..." he growled before he walked past them.

"Oh..." Bolin mumbled. Lyla flushed red before she too hurried to the nearest door in the hallway. As Bolin and Engel entered the nearest rooms, Lyla was about to do the same: before she saw one out of all the doors partially open. Raising an eyebrow in mild curiosity, she walked over and pushed on it lightly. The door creaked lightly, and Lyla decided to move it all the way: revealing the bedroom within. The area was spacious, slightly larger than a normal bedroom. There was a large bed, a dresser, and a large window that looked out over the mountains and the view of the lands beyond.

Immediately taken, Lyla made her way to the window and gasped briefly. "It's beautiful..." she whispered to herself. While she had enjoyed the feeling of being in the skies aboard the Olive Branch, she realized she hadn't actually taken the time to explore the view from above. Seeing the fields, forests, distant mountains, and more outside made her feel...calm.

Perhaps staying here wouldn't be so bad.

The sound of a creaking door was heard behind her, and the Dopp pilot turned around, expecting to see Bolin or Engel walking in to check on her. She froze almost immediately halfway through her turn. Instead of seeing her colleague in the doorway leading to the hall, she saw another door having opened: a lavender haired young woman wearing nothing walking out of a steaming bathroom and seeing the fully uniformed Zeon woman in front of her.

The woman shrieked and stumbled back, yelping and slamming into the wall out of shock. "Z-Zeon!!"

Out of sheer panic, Lyla did the same: screaming the first thing she saw.


Comments ( 6 )

The woman shrieked and stumbled back, yelping and slamming into the wall out of shock. "Z-Zeon!!"

Out of sheer panic, Lyla did the same: screaming the first thing she saw.



"Disperse!" Torch growled. "We'll let them go. This time..." The massive dragon lord looked down as Ember flew over to her father's side, anger etched into his features. "You're going to explain everything."

"This time"!? Don't say it like that or you'll regret it BIG TIME!!!!!! Trust me.

"Flying horses. I doubt I'll ever understand..." Bolin mumbled.

"Up bup bup. Ponies," Lyla scolded lightheartedly.

"Same difference," Bolin complained.

"Not really," Lyla teased.

They're both equine, so what's the point?

The sound of a creaking door was heard behind her, and the Dopp pilot turned around, expecting to see Bolin or Engel walking in to check on her. She froze almost immediately halfway through her turn. Instead of seeing her colleague in the doorway leading to the hall, she saw another door having opened: a lavender haired young woman wearing nothing walking out of a steaming bathroom and seeing the fully uniformed Zeon woman in front of her.

The woman shrieked and stumbled back, yelping and slamming into the wall out of shock. "Z-Zeon!!"

Welp, we all knew this is going to happen. And here we go..............

Out of sheer panic, Lyla did the same: screaming the first thing she saw.


..............My face, when I read this;


might be the best possible meet-up after all if one side is unable to attack or be a threat, then that means they can calm down and talk about the prisoner they now might even not just bust a cap in her skull like this


How would she ever react if the Zeon themselves took out an entire continent on Earth, filled with innocent billions!!??

That was the plan at least. If Operation British had worked as intended, South America would have more than likely ceased to exist as Zeon was aiming for Jaburo. But the colony refused to cooperate.

The main colony cylinder took a big chunk out of Australia, and pieces landed all over North America as the colony broke apart.

i got somethin'
"Never before had pink been so intimidating." in reference to the monoeyes

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