• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 738 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

  • ...

Chapter XIV


I gazed nervously at Mom and Derpy who sat in front of me with unreadable expressions. Spitfire and Sunburst had been shown to their rooms and were asleep thankfully. Princess Celestia was examining the TV in the living room.

“So how is she?” Derpy asked finally as I shrugged.

“Better. Had to jump through way too many hoops to get her this way. Stupid nurses,” I scoffed and shook my head.

“You know, there’s a thing called communication,” Mom said flatly. “We are mainly angry you told us literally nothing and just ran off. Now you have a bunch of homework to make up, detention and the fact that we all had to cover up for why you were gone. We wouldn’t have had to if you actually stopped and talked instead of just reacting.”

“I know. So I am grounded I take it?”

“I figured you’re getting punished enough at school. Don’t worry, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy all have detention with you so you aren’t alone on that front,” Mom said as Derpy stood up and walked up stairs. “And you also missed your sisters birthday. They were very upset, so you should probably apologize. They were both pretty angry.”

“I know. Are they here?” I asked hopefully and groaned when Mom shook her head.

“They are having a sleepover at Rarity’s with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. If it makes you feel better, Rainbow and the others did try to lie for you. Next time just talk before leaving please.”

“I understand,” I nodded and stood up. “Am I free to go?”

“Yeah. I’m gonna talk to Celestia for a bit. Go hang out with Derpy for a while. Her family is coming over for Thanksgiving along with Berry, Ruby, Cherry and Minuette by the way.”

I nodded as I hugged her before bounding up the stairs and pushing the door to my room open. I sighed as I looked around. It felt nice to be back home. Derpy stared at the TV, focused on her video game.

I glanced at it quickly enough to identify it as Mario Kart. Derpy let out a quiet curse as a turtle shell hit her. She groaned and shut the Nintendo off, setting the controller down.


“Hey,” Derpy answered as she flopped back on the bed and placed a pillow over her face, screaming into it. “I hate that track. Got me messed up. Can never win.”

“I can relate. So uh how was home?” I asked weakly as I sat next to her.

“Boring. School, hanging out with your sisters, which is always nice. Oh, Flitter and Cloudchaser got into a fight again in lunch. Both got suspended.”

“Thank the lord my sisters never fight each other like those two do. Was it over who was the best babysitter for Rumble again?”

“Mhm,” Derpy nodded as I stretched snd dragged a blanket over us and draped an arm over her as she gave an approving sound. “Oh you don’t know how much you miss something until it’s gone. Sleeping alone sucked. I didn’t realize how big our bed is when it’s empty.”

I gave a faint chuckle as we hugged. I couldn’t relate because I never slept alone in it but if she said it was large empty, then I’d take her word for it.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled into her hair. “Hopefully there isn’t a next time, but if there is, you all are obviously coming with me.”

“I’d hope so. It’s fine,” Derpy said as she laughed quietly. “Octavia has been going mad recently.”


“She hates when they start playing Christmas music at the end of October. It drives her absolutely mad. Last year, they started playing Christmas music on the first day of October at her job and she wanted to rip her hair out by the end of the first week.”

I pictured a mad Octavia and I gulped nervously. I quickly learned to never anger the nice or quiet ones. Rarity has seen Octavia furious once but she refused to talk about it. If it was that scarring, I didn’t want to see it.

“I can imagine. I missed you in my short two week absence.”

“Felt longer than two weeks,” Derpy grumbled as I picked up the TV remote and turned on the TV, going to our favorite cop show. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are mad by the way.”

“Mom told me. I’m a bit nervous, I’ve never seen them angry before.”

“Nor have I,” Derpy admitted as she propped herself up with a hand. “At least we start Thanksgiving break tomorrow. You have a lot of apologizing to do to me.”

“I said I was sorry!” I replied as Derpy gave me a sultry smirk. “Oh, I see. You mean that type of apologizing.”

“Yeah. About two weeks worth I’d say.”

“I can definitely do that,” I shrugged as Derpy smiled faintly.

“I’m sure you can. Where’s Twilight, Adagio, Sonata and Aria staying?”

“Aria is staying with Bon Bon, Adagio and Twilight are staying at Lyra’s and Sonata is staying at Trixie’s. Sonata and Trixie are surprisingly close, I didn’t expect that. Apparently Pinkie is joining them as well.”

“Oh. Hopefully Pinkie and Trixie don’t kill each other.”

“They won’t,” I said confidently. “Pinkie is too oblivious to know Trixie doesn’t like her all that much and Trixie won’t start drama in front of Sonata.”

“I hope you’re right,” Derpy sighed as she kissed my neck before she sat up. I did too. I wasn’t too surprised Lyra offered them rooms, she barely would have any visitors if it wasn’t for me and the others dropping by often. Lyra lived a surprisingly lonely life at home, it being just her.

“What are you doing?” I asked and blushed as Derpy took off her pajama shirt as my mouth went dry.

“You’re starting you apology tonight,” Derpy commented as I reached out a hand and she slapped it aside, pinning my hands above my head. “No talking or noises.”

“This is new,” I muttered with wide eyes. Derpy bit my neck as I groaned as she frowned.

“I said no talking. Shut the hell up.”

I nodded as she gave an approving smile.

“Good. Now stay quiet or I won’t do anything more to you.”

I weakly nodded as she slid under the blanket and I shivered.

Thank God Mom and the Princess were downstairs.

I didn’t exactly know when Derpy became this dominant but I was all for it.