• Published 1st Nov 2023
  • 733 Views, 50 Comments

Family Matters - TheKing2001

After Sunset finds out Spitfire needs surgery, she abandons the human world temporarily to spend time with her sister.

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Chapter II


“Woah,” Fluttershy muttered as she trotted alongside me and Lyra. “I can see what Lavender meant about wanting to stay. This place is beautiful!”

I gave a faint chuckle as I followed the two. Rarity froze and gasped, pointing at her counterparts house.

“What is that?” Rarity asked as I glanced back.

“Your counterparts house. Where is Starlight at Blitz?”

“Out with her marefriend if I remember correctly ma’am,” the pegasus answered as we approached the hospital. “Your brother and the Princess are inside the hospital room. They’re the only two allowed in other than you and your friends of course if you wish.”

“Of course they can be. Do you two know what happened to Spitfire?” I asked as I opened the door with my magic.

“All I know is something about her wing clipping a tree I believe and her crashing into the ground. The news is all over Equestria at this point,” Berry Blast commented. “Soarin and her teammates are here as well if you wish to talk to them.”

She pointed a hoof to a nearby row of couches where Soarin and a few other wonderbolts sat.

“Yeah I’ll talk to them,” I said as Bon Bon placed a hoof on my back.

“If you need us, we’re here. Derpy and Cheerilee are mad at you by the way for running to Equestria without telling them what was happening,” Bon Bon said as I gulped nervously. Angry Derpy was scary but Mom getting angry? That was enough to end worlds.

I inhaled and trotted forward, stopping in front of Soarin.

“Hey there.”

He spun around as High Winds and Surprise looked up in surprise as I smiled faintly.

“Sunset?” Soarin asked as he poked me with a hoof. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see my sister,” I answered as their faces fell.

“Oh yeah makes sense. I guess Sunburst sent you a letter or something?” High Winds asked as I nodded.

“Wait. So you’re Sunset Shimmer? The one who Cap is constantly talking about?” A yellow pegasus asked as I nodded.

“Yeah. I’ll love to meet you all but I have a sister to visit. Have they let you in to see her soarin?” I asked and he shook his head. I gritted my teeth slightly as I approached the nurses desk with my friends and the Wonderbolts behind me.

I slammed my hooves on the desk as the nurse gave me a flat stare.

“I’m here to see Spitfire. What room?”

“Only family is allowed to see her,” the nurse grumbled as I looked at her nametag. “Can’t let you back there.”

“Well Nurse Coldheart, I am her sister so I’m going back there,” I snapped and levitated the clipboard of patients till I found Spitfires room. “And I’m not asking.”

I dropped back to all fours, pushing the double doors open as I felt the nurse bit my tail.

“Where’s your proof?” Nurse Coldheart demanded and I narrowed my eyes at her. “We have protocol. We have to have you sign a sheet.”

“You can take that sheet and fuck off,” I grumbled as the same yellow pegasus gave me an approving grin. I lifted the nurse with my magic and dropped her on the floor. “Now goodbye.”

I strode down the hallway with Soarin behind me with Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity along with the two guards. I glanced back as Lyra and Bon Bon started talking to some nurses. Based on Bon Bons hoof gestures, she was either cursing them out or making some grand story about how Nurse Coldheart was a prick.

I heard galloping behind me as Trixie, Lyra and Bon Bon caught up as the trio panted.

“That woman was a dick,” Lyra grumbled as she rolled her eyes.

“She was just doing her job Lyra,” Bon Bon grumbled as Lyra and Trixie shot her incredulous looks.

“You did most the yelling!”

I ignored the two bickering as I approached Spitfires room.

“Please stay out here,” I told Blitz and her twin. “Make sure no one comes to bother us unless it’s friends, the other wonderbolts or a doctor.”

“Yes ma’am!” The two saluted before standing at the door. I inhaled and pushed the door open. Sunburst was sitting next to Spitfires bed along with Twilight.

“Hey Twilight, hey brother,” I said as Spitfire groaned. I stepped forward and nuzzled my brother. I barely got out of the way as Fluttershy tackled him. She had gotten surprisingly used to her new body. I looked away and gagged into a hoof as they kissed, Twilight turning red.

“You seriously told Sunset?” Spitfire scoffed as she folded her forelegs. Or would have if there wasn’t a wire attached to her foreleg. “It’s seriously not that bad! Just a few days of rest and I’ll be fine.”

“You almost died,” Sunburst pointed out as he and Fluttershy separated with blushes. “The doctors said if it wasn’t for the tree, we would have two of you, not one.”

“And besides, I’m glad he told me what was going on because I know you wouldn’t,” I snapped as I sat next to Twilight.

“Hey Sunset,” Twilight hugged me with a wide grin. “Can you believe we’re related!?”

“Yeah I know,” I smiled back as I glared back at Spitfire. “So what did the doctor say?”

Spitfire shrugged as Soarin sat next to her bed and I faintly remembered Rarity and the others were in the room.

“Just a concussion, some blood loss nothing major,” Spitfire waved a hoof.

“Nothing major?” Twilight echoed in shock. “Nurse Redheart said you would have died if we hadn’t gotten you here in time!”

“Fine,” Spitfire grumbled as she glared at the ceiling. “I also have something called a depressed skull fracture. Whatever that means.”

I looked at Twilight and she levitated a book into my lap.

“She basically is going to need surgery. I wonder if they will let me watch! I’ve always wanted to take notes on head surgery,” Twilight giggled and I rolled my eyes.

“Only you can get excited about surgery,” I said dryly as I rested a hoof on Spitfires. “So how long will the surgery take?”

“About two and a half hours,” Spitfire answered with a sigh. I gave her a stunned look. I had particularly expected her to fight to the end over it. She was stubborn like me. “Don’t look at me like that. Yes, I tried to refuse. Twilight is very convincing when she wants to be.”

I gave a chuckle as I leaned forward to nuzzle her.

“You’re lucky I love you otherwise I’d have pushed you away,” Spitfire muttered as Soarin laughed. “Hey Soar. Are the others still out there?”

“Yeah,” Soarin nodded. “Currently arguing with nurses last time I checked. Sunset left a very unique first impression.”

Spitfire gave a chuckle as she looked around.

“Hey Lyra, hey Bon Bon, hey Trixie.”

“You know our names?” Trixie asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Of course. I’ve met Lyra and Bon Bon before and I’m quite the fan of your pony counterpart.”

“Really?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Mhm. Can I have a moment to speak to Sunset’s friends?” Spitfire asked as we all looked at each other and shrugged. We waited for her to start talking before she coughed. “Alone?”

“Oh sorry,” Soarin said and we hastily left the room, closing the door behind me.

I idly wished I had gone invisible to listen in.