• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 1,358 Views, 286 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk IV: A Family Eternal - Mister E-Nonymous

Dusk Shine, son of Princess Twilight Sparkle, has a family that has been growing bigger and bigger. Especially when Cadance has a new foal of her own. That means things are gonna be a lot more interesting. Or maybe, something bad comes back for more.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Mirror Magic

Chapter 9: Mirror Magic

Twilight and her friends were packing up some stuff for another friendship mission. Starlight, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were watching them getting ready to walk out the front door to the Castle of Friendship.

"Okay, we've got everything we need," Twilight said. "I just hope you can watch over the kids while we're gone, Starlight."

"Oh, don't worry about me, Twilight," Starlight said. "I can watch over these three while you're out."

"Okay, you three," Twilight said. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Remember, when Sunset Shimmer comes, you give her the book."

"Yes, Mom/Twilight," Dusk, Nyx and Daylight said in unison. Nyx was the only one who said "Twilight" in that sentence. Then the Mane 6 headed out of there.

"Okay, so remind me," Starlight said after the door closed. "Who is Sunset Shimmer?"

"She's Sunburst's older sister," Dusk said.

"Oh, that's right," Starlight said. "Actually, I almost forgot he had a sister. Guess I'm gonna have to get ready." Just then, the sound of something whirling came from down the hall. "What is that?"

"The portal!" Dusk said. "Sunset's here!" Then the four of them started running down the hall to the library. Before they got into the library, the sound of something crashing into some books came from the door. They opened the door and saw Sunset Shimmer covered in books. Starlight then walked up to Sunset Shimmer, getting in front of her.

Sunset Shimmer was a little dazed and then she saw Starlight. She then asked, "Princess Twilight? Is that you?"

"Nope! Starlight Glimmer," Starlight responded. Sunset then, awkwardly, picked herself out, and started walking out of there, on two legs instead of four. She then kept her balance, and putting her hooves on her hips. That confused Starlight. Who looked at the three foals in confusion.

"It's a long story," Dusk said. He then looked towards Sunset. "Uh, Sunset. Pony form." Sunset then looked down at herself, and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, right," Sunset said, getting back on four hooves. "That feels a little weird after all this time." She then looked at Starlight. "Starlight Glimmer. You're Twilight's student, right?"

"Uh-huh," Starlight responded. She then levitated the book that Twilight told her to give to Sunset in her magic. "She wanted me to give you this." She was about to levitate the book to Sunset, and just assumed that Sunset was about to take it in her magic, but Sunset reached out her left hoof to grab it, but the book fell onto the floor. Sunset then grinned sheepishly. She then tried using her hoof to pick up the book, which she was having trouble with.

"This is just embarrassing," Nyx said.

"Uh, Sunset," Daylight said. "Horn... magic? Ring a bell?"

Sunset then looked at her horn, almost forgetting that she was a unicorn. She then smiled and lit up her horn, lifting up the book in her magic.

"She wanted to give it to you herself, but then she and her friends were called away to solve a friendship problem," Starlight said. She then looked away, her ears drooping. "That happens a lot around here."

"That must be stressful, huh?" Sunset asked after putting the book into her saddlebag. "Never knowing when you might be called on to save the day. Dropping everything at a moment's notice. How does she do it?"

"Sorry," Starlight said to her. "She just told me to give you the journal."

Sunset just chuckled. She and Starlight then stood in silence and then Sunset asked, "So, are you sure she won't be back anytime soon?"

"I've been on a Friendship assignment before," Dusk said. "Along with Nyx and Daylight. I'm pretty sure it's a different amount of time every single time."

"O...kay..." Sunset said. She then started standing on her hind legs. "I guess I'll be going now." She then lost some of her balance and then went back to all fours. She then started walking towards the portal.

Starlight then wondered about something and asked, "What's it like back there?"

Sunset then turned around to look at Starlight, responding with, "It's pretty different. And not so different at the same time. It's kinda hard to explain."

Starlight chuckled and said, "Guess you kinda have to go there to really get it, huh?" She then got an idea. "I, uh, don't suppose..."

"You really think Princess Twilight would be okay with that?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know for sure that she wouldn't be okay with it," Starlight said in a sneaky tone.

"That's not a particularly compelling argument," Sunset said.

"I agree," Dusk said. "Besides, you don't know much about this world that Sunset is living in."

"Twilight wants me to learn as much as I can about friendship," Starlight said. "And I'm not learning a whole lot just hanging out here in her castle." She raised a hoof, indicating the place around the five of them.

"Well, I haven't ever seen you in that world," Sunset said. "So chances are you aren't gonna run into yourself."

"...is something you don't hear everyday," Starlight said, raising an eyebrow.

"So, just lay low," Sunset said, giving Starlight some advice. "Don't draw too much attention to your..."

Starlight scoffed and said, "You'll barely even notice I'm there!"

"Introducing you to my friends could be a nice distraction," Sunset said.

Starlight then got closer to Sunset and said, "But you'll also totally notice I'm there, and it will keep your mind off of other things that might be bothering you." Sunset was intrigued by Starlight's idea. And Starlight's eyes were beaming with so much glee. She then hopped and asked, "So? What do you think? Can I go back with you?!" Sunset then hummed thinking about it.

"Well, if you're gonna go, you're gonna need to learn a bunch of things while we're there," Dusk said.

"Don't forget, you're supposed to be watching over us," Nyx said.

"I guess you are gonna need to be watched over," Sunset said. "And since the other versions of you three are aware of you and this world, you three can come as well. Until Twilight gets back, all of you can stay in my apartment. We also should leave a note for Twilight to let her know where we are." Nyx then walked over to the table and started writing a note, and then she left it on the table.

"Let me get my enchanted glasses," Nyx said, walking out of the room.

"Enchanted glasses?" Daylight and Starlight asked.

"The glasses make her eyes look more... common," Dusk said, pointing at his eyes. "Kinda like a disguising spell. The fact is the spell lasts for a couple hours directly on the creature that's supposed to be disguised. But, if it's placed on a wearable object..."

"It won't wear off," Sunset and Starlight said in unison.

"Okay, we'll wait for Nyx, and then we'll head through the portal," Sunset said.

On the other side of the portal, the portal reacted, and Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, Sunset and Starlight came out of it. Starlight was still a little woozy from the portal.

"Wow, I'm never gonna get used to that," Dusk said, getting up onto his feet. Nyx and Daylight did the same.

Starlight groaned and said, "What happened?"

Sunset then looked Starlight directly in the eye, showing her her human form, saying, "It's all pretty weird at first, but try to roll with it." Sunset then helped Starlight up to her feet. Then one other student walked by the group. "Hi."

Starlight looked at her hands and asked, "Are these...?"

"Hands," Sunset answered.

Starlight then looked down at her feet and asked, "And what happened to the rest of my hoo...?"

"Feet! Those are feet," Sunset whispered loudly, interrupting Starlight. "Remember the whole thing where I said you need to lay low? Now would be a good time to play it cool."

"Oh. Right," Starlight said. "Play it cool." She then chuckled. She was then about to get on all fours, but Dusk and Daylight prevented her from getting there. "What are you...?"

"Humans... walk on two legs," Dusk said.

"Oh, right," Starlight said. She then looked at Sunset. "You did say I'd make a good distraction."

"Yeah, I did," Sunset said. "Alright, I should call the others and tell them we're going to meet them up at the mall."

Dusk then noticed the necklace that Sunset was wearing. He pointed at it and then asked, "What's that?"

Sunset then looked at her necklace and said, "Oh, right. I haven't told you guys about this. This is a very special geode. It gave me and the rest of the girls some cool powers. With this, I can read minds and see someone's past memories."

"Okay, that's cool," Daylight said. "So basically, you and the others have super powers."

"Twilight, and I mean this world's Twilight, might say otherwise," Sunset said.

"What do you mean, 'This World's Twilight'?" Starlight asked. She then saw the human versions of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Oh, wait. Never mind. I figured it out."

A couple hours passed, and Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, Sunset and Starlight were at the mall. Starlight was holding a three scoop ice cream cone. The top scoop was pink, which was obviously strawberry, the middle scoop was lime green, and the bottom one was turquoise.

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight had milkshakes, and were slowly drinking from them. Dusk had a chocolate milkshake, Nyx had vanilla, and Daylight had strawberry.

Sunset was holding her cell phone and said, "Six cell phones, all straight to voicemail."

"I'm sure they're around," Starlight said. "What's the worst that could have happened?" The pink ice cream scoop fell off the stack.

"And that's why we usually get single scoops," Dusk said, making Nyx and Daylight nod.

"Magic is on the loose here now, and it does not work the same way it does back in Equestria," Sunset said. "Any number of terrible things could have happened." She then exhaled. "And lately, I spend eighty percent of my time thinking about them." Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and Starlight looked at Sunset confused. She then gave an embarrassed smile. "My friends are probably fine. I'm overreacting. But maybe not. I can't tell anymore." She then hung her head in worry.

"This is the problem you wanted to talk to Princess Twilight about, right?" Starlight asked. "Because you can still talk it over with us if you want." Sunset then brought out the journal that was given to her and started writing in it. "Or you could just journal with Princess Twilight about it. Whatever works." She then started licking the second ice cream scoop.

"It's just... I know my friends and I have been given special powers for a reason, and I want to be ready for whatever is gonna be thrown at us," Sunset said, opening up. "I guess knowing that is making me feel like I could never really relax and let my guard down, so I end up obsessing about it and can't get out of my own head."

Starlight hummed and said, "That is a toughie. Guess my advice would be to just trust things will work themselves out in the end. If you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen, you'll miss out on all the good things that are happening." Starlight tipped the ice cream cone, making the second scoop fall off, landing on Daylight's head.

"Hey!" Daylight said.

"Whoops! Sorry," Starlight apologized.

Sunset chuckled and said, "Like how Princess Twilight's student is teaching me a lesson right now."

"Yup. Like that," Starlight said. She then started licking the last scoop.

Sunset laughed, grabbed Starlight's ice cream, and said, "Come on. Let's go take a look around the theater after we get Daylight cleaned up. I'm sure they're fine." Then they started walking towards the closest restroom.

After getting Daylight cleaned up, the five ponies turned humans headed into the movie theater. Sunset then saw someone she recognized in shock. Then they started hiding behind a claw machine game.

"It's Juniper Montage!" Sunset said.

"Who?" Dusk, Nyx and Daylight asked.

"She's trouble," Sunset said. She then noticed something in Juniper Montage's reflection in the mirror that she was holding. "Huh. That's Fluttershy's barrette." She then handed Starlight her bag. "Wait here for me." She then headed for the counter.

Juniper Montage noticed Sunset in her reflection and said, "Sunset Shimmer. I was wondering if you'd show up."

"I'm, uh, looking for my friends," Sunset said. "I don't suppose you've seen them." All Juniper did in response was giggle mischievously, giving Sunset a worried look. She then angrily asked, "Where are they?"

"I'll never tell," Juniper replied, smugly.

"You don't have to," Sunset said. She then grabbed Juniper's arm, and Sunset's eyes started glowing white.

"What's happening?" Daylight asked.

"I think she's using telepathy to look into that girl's memories," Nyx responded.

Sunset then gasped as she let go of Juniper's wrist. Juniper then pulled her arm away, asking, "What?"

"I know you want people to like you," Sunset said, trying to warn Juniper about the dangers that would come. "But trust me, the magic in that mirror is only gonna make things worse for you."

"You're just saying that because you want the mirror for yourself," Juniper said, trying to keep the mirror away from Sunset.

"What I want is my friends back," Sunset said. She then started pleading. "Please, Juniper. You wished them into that mirror. Maybe there's a way you can wish them out."

Juniper Montage sneered as she started charging up the magic in the mirror, saying, "Or maybe... I wish you'd join them!" Her eyes flashed white, as she held out the mirror. The mirror then started sucking Sunset into it. Then Juniper's eyes started glowing green. Sunset screamed as she was being sucked in.

Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and Starlight gasped and quietly called out, "Sunset!" Then they covered each others mouths and hid back behind the claw machine game, hoping not to be spotted by Juniper.

After a few moments of hiding, the mirror was starting to show a rainbow ring around the reflective part. Then the rainbow from the mirror started absorbing itself into Juniper, which then transformed her into what the mirror was showing her, transforming her into a huge movie star. Literally.

"Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star!" Juniper said, heading towards the exit. As she headed out, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and Starlight were astonished by Juniper's transformation.

"Looks like Juniper got a power up," Dusk said.

"It must be because of the magic in the mirror combined with the magical geodes that Sunset and the other girls have," Nyx said. "Giving her all that power that's going to her head."

"It's almost like the Infinity Stones from the Marvel Comics," Daylight said. "There are probably more magical artifacts in this world that have similar abilities to the Infinity Stones."

"If that's true, we need to get that mirror," Starlight said. "So, what are these Infinity Stones, and what are their purposes?"

"There are six Infinity Stones, each controlling a different aspect," Daylight said. "Time, Space, Soul, Mind, Power and Reality."

"How will we know which one is which?" Nyx asked.

"If you hold the power stone with your bare hands, hooves or whatever for a certain amount of time, you'll explode," Dusk said, making Starlight and Nyx widen their eyes.

"Okay, if we find an artifact with that, I say we lock it up somewhere that's not even on our planet," Starlight said. "All in favor of that?" Then all four of them raised their hands. "Good call." Then they started following Juniper out the door.

When they got out the door, they saw Juniper Montage approaching people, looking at the mutated girl in fear. But Juniper wasn't seeing their scared looks.

"The magic from that mirror is messing with her head," Dusk said. Starlight then charged towards Juniper. She then tried snatching the mirror away from Juniper, but her grip was too strong. So Starlight kicked the mirror out of Juniper's hands, making the mirror head to the floor. But Daylight jumped towards where the mirror was about to crash, and she caught it, but not before the main part of the mirror started cracking.

"Oh, that's not good," Daylight said.

Starlight then grabbed Daylight and the two of them started running away from Juniper, who reached out for them, saying, "Give that back!"

Starlight and Daylight ran behind a potted plant, and Starlight said, "No! This mirror is nothing but trouble. You have to realize that."

"What I realize is that you are just like those other girls!" Juniper said. She then picked up the plant and said, "I wish you'd join them!" Starlight then pointed the reflective side of the mirror towards Juniper, hoping that the magic doesn't suck the two of them in. But nothing happened.

Starlight sighed in relief. She then started running away as she said, "Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror!" Then Juniper threw the plant towards Starlight and she tried jumping out of the way, but as she fell, the mirror hit the floor again, causing more damage to it.

"Starlight! Run!" Dusk called out. Starlight then ran towards a kiosk where sunglasses were being sold and she started hiding behind it.

Starlight then held out the mirror and said, "I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!" But nothing happened, and it started cracking again.

"Looks like you can't use it, either!" Juniper laughed. She then chased Starlight around the kiosk. Eventually, Juniper was getting tired of it, and then she grabbed a stand full of Smart Phones, and threw it to land in front of Starlight, blocking her path. She then reached out for the mirror, demanding Starlight, "Give it back to me!"

"But my friends are trapped in there!" Starlight said. Just then, the TV screens behind Juniper started playing a music video, showing Sunset and her friends, and some students of Crystal Prep, singing and dancing together.

"Your 'friends' stole my one chance at being famous!" Juniper growled. She then turned around and started punching the TV screens behind her as Starlight got into the kiosk that sold sunglasses.

"Is fame really what you're after or are you looking for something else?" Starlight asked.

Just then, Juniper ripped the top off the kiosk and angrily asked, "Like what?!"

"Like... a friend?" Starlight suggested after cowering in terror.

Juniper was surprised by Starlight's suggestion, but she got angry and asked, "Who would want to be my friend?"

"I would," Starlight said, offering friendship.

"Why?" Juniper asked, confused.

"Because I understand you, Juniper," Starlight said. She then started pleading. "You think getting revenge is going to make you feel better, but it's not! Please, don't make a mistake that you'll end up regretting for the rest of your life."

"I've already made too many mistakes," Juniper said, throwing away the kiosk roof. "What I've done is... is... unforgivable."

Starlight stepped closer to Juniper, saying, "No, Juniper. I know they'll forgive you. But first, you have to set them free!" She held up the mirror to Juniper. Juniper then swiped it out of Starlight's hands, and started walking away from the kiosk. She then got a worried look.

With redemption coming into her, Juniper then said, "I... I wish I could make up for my mistakes." Then the mirror started glowing. The magic from the mirror started changing Juniper back to her normal form, and Sunset and her friends appeared in a flash of light, all stacked on each other. From top to bottom it was Sci-Twi, Sunset, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack. And they all fell to the floor. Eventually, they got off the ground. Some of them being sore.

Sunset noticed Starlight, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight standing in front of her and said, "You guys did it!" She hugged the four of them. Just then, the people around them looked at them in shock and awe.

"So much for laying low," Starlight said.

"I'm sure Mom would understand," Dusk said, making Nyx and Daylight nod in agreement. Then the group looked at Juniper, who was looking at the broken mirror. She then saw the group looking at her.

"I'm so sorry," Juniper apologized.

"It's okay," Sunset said, walking up to Juniper. "We've all been there."

"Really?" Juniper asked, confused.

"Manipulated an entire town into giving up their talents so they wouldn't think they were special," Starlight confessed her bad deed.

"Overpowered by a magic I couldn't control and created a rift between two worlds, almost destroying both of them in the process," Sci-Twi confessed her bad deed.

"Trapped the two leaders in the sun and moon basking the entire kingdom of a night eternal with an army of ponies corrupted from the shreds I once originated from," Nyx confessed her bad deed.

"Turned an entire school into my own personal zombie army in hopes of conquering a distant pony world," Sunset confessed her bad deed. Juniper was shocked to know she was not the only one in the group that did bad things.

" Wow! We are a really forgiving group!" Pinkie said, making the entire group laugh.

The next day came as the group, including Juniper, were all in front of the portal to Equestria. Rarity was brushing Juniper's hair as Pinkie was wearing the headband that Juniper had, making the three of them laugh.

Starlight sighed and said, "I'm so sad to leave. I haven't really had the chance to get to know all of you." Sunset then pulled the book out of her bag, and a message was written.

"Maybe you don't have to leave yet," Sunset said. She then started reading the message. "'Dear Sunset, some lessons are better learned in action, and you girls are great teachers. Starlight should stay for a few more days. Enjoy the premiere!'"

Then the group started cheering and laughing.

"Well, since Mom's back, we should get going," Dusk said. Then he, Nyx and Daylight started heading towards the portal. Daylight was holding the mirror from the previous day in her hand.

"Huh. Think you can focus on the positive?" Starlight asked, looking at Sunset with a smug look.

"Whatever happens is gonna happen," Sunset said, giving a smug look of her own. "I've just gotta live in the moment, right?"

"Right," Starlight said, wrapping an arm around Sunset's shoulders. Then the two started giggling.

Author's Note:

Well, thanks to my proofreader, the votes have been tallied. Thank you for reading and I will see you next time.