• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 1,358 Views, 286 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk IV: A Family Eternal - Mister E-Nonymous

Dusk Shine, son of Princess Twilight Sparkle, has a family that has been growing bigger and bigger. Especially when Cadance has a new foal of her own. That means things are gonna be a lot more interesting. Or maybe, something bad comes back for more.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Silverstream

Chapter 10: Silverstream

Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Tri-Pies were all playing together on a November day. Twilight was in Griffonstone for a friendship summit while Rainbow Dash was at the Daring Do Convention.

"I still can't believe the year is almost over," Daylight said.

"Yeah," Dusk said. "And it's also getting really cold," Dusk said. He then started shivering. "I should've put on some winter gear."

"You're not the only one," Nyx said, then all of them started shivering.

They came up to the lake, which was starting to freeze at the edge.

"Wow," Daylight said. "It's not even snowing, and the water is starting to freeze over."

"I'd hate to be a fish right about now," Scootaloo said. Just then, they saw ripples coming from the center of the lake. "Huh?"

"I'm not the only one who sees ripples coming from the lake, am I?" Dusk asked. The others shook their heads.

Nnngh! So cold!" came a new voice.

"Whose voice was that?" Nyx asked. Just then, something jumped out of the water, shivering.

"Why is it so cold?!" the seapony asked.

"A mermaid pony?" Daylight asked.

"Actually here, they're called seaponies," Sweetie Belle said.

"Why is it so c-c-cold here?!" the seapony asked.

"Why were you in the lake in the winter?" Nyx asked.

"Winter?" the seapony asked. "I h-h-heard that this place gets really c-c-cold during the winter season b-b-back home in Seaquestria."

"Seaquestria?" Apple Bloom asked. "Where in Equestria is that?"

"Oh, it's n-n-not in Equestria," the seapony said, shivering.

"It's not?" the nine foals asked.

"N-n-no," the seapony said. "M-m-maybe I'll be w-w-warmer... if I..." She then tapped on the seashell necklace she was wearing, causing her to transform.

She stood tall, but then she shivered again. She then said, "S-s-so... c-c-cold!"

"Okay, the reason why you're still cold is because you're wet," Dusk said. "Water and cold weather aren't that good a combo. Also, what are you?"

"O-o-oh!" the creature said. said. "Right. I'm a... H-h-hippogriff."

"A hippogriff?" Apple Bloom asked. "What's that?"

"A sp-sp-species half-pony, half-eagle," the hippogriff said.

"Well, miss..." Dusk said. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've got your name."

"Right," the hippogriff said. "My name is S-S-Silverstream."

"Listen, Silverstream," Dusk said. "You come with us, and we'll get you all nice and warm."

"I'd love that!" Silverstream said, nearly shouting. She then shivered again.

In the Castle of Friendship's family room, Silverstream was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and drinking some hot chocolate. Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, Velvet and Night Light were looking in from outside the family room.

"So, you found her in the lake? As a seapony?" Velvet asked.

"I didn't even believe in seaponies until today," Night Light said. "But how is she like that now?"

"See that seashell necklace she's wearing?" Dusk asked. Velvet and Night Light looked at Silverstream's necklace. "That thing is enchanted. It allows her to transform into a seapony."

"Wow," Night Light said. "I didn't even know that was possible." He then looked at Silverstream. "But, what is she doing here in Ponyville? And on the brink of winter no less?"

"I don't know," Dusk said. "We should ask her." Then they went back into the family room. Silverstream saw them coming back into the family room.

"Oh, hey there," Silverstream said, greeting them.

"Okay, Silverstream," Dusk said. "What brings you here to Ponyville?"

Silverstream's smile then slowly faded, making her full of regret. She then said, "It's... it's something I'm not comfortable with." She then started trembling.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Velvet said, walking up to her. She then sat on the couch. "How about we take it slow and steady? Why did you come here?"

Silverstream didn't answer instantly. She was anxious about telling them about why she came to Ponyville. She then sighed and said, "Years ago, Mount Aris was attacked by an evil monster known as the Storm King."

"The Storm King?" Daylight asked.

"He's this furry creature that wants all kinds of magic, and places it into his staff," Silverstream said. "Once he gets enough, he'll create the mother of all storms."

"Why'd he come after your people?" Dusk asked.

"He was after our most magical artifact," Silverstream said. "The Magic Pearl. My Aunt, Queen Novo, has it. It's our most precious object. But when the Storm King attacked, we had no choice to go under the water, and my aunt used it to turn all the surviving hippogriffs into seaponies."

"If that was years ago, how did you end up here?" Nyx asked.

"We accidentally came across some of the Storm Creatures at the beach," Silverstream said. "Queen Novo tried to get me out of there, but then... I got caught behind a wall of rock that I couldn't get out of, except for going up. I couldn't get out of there because the Storm Creatures were waiting for me on top of the wall. There was a small hole in the wall which was too small for me to fit through."

"How'd you get out?" Night Light asked.

"My Aunt... she had gotten the Magic Pearl, and used it to make this seashell fragment necklace," Silverstream said, her eyes starting to tear up. "I... I was told to run and don't look back. She said 'Don't come back for anything, not even family'. I really didn't have time to say goodbye. So... I flew away." She then started balling into her talons.

"Oh, you poor thing," Velvet said, sitting next to Silverstream and hugging her. Silverstream hugged her back and kept crying. "Shh. Shh. You're safe here."

"Thank you..." Silverstream said.

"We'll set up a guest room," Night Light said. "You can stay here for now."

"Once Mom and Spike get back, we'll let Princess Celestia know about you," Dusk said.

"Okay," Silverstream said.

"Alright, all of you," Velvet said. "I'm gonna be getting pizzas for all of us. So, everypony, write down what you want." She then looked at Silverstream. "What would you like on your pizza?"

"I've... haven't had pizza before," Silverstream said. "What is it?"

"You've never had pizza?" Dusk asked. "Oh, you've been missing out."

"She probably hasn't had it because pizza isn't meant to be under water," Daylight said, making Nyx nod in agreement.

"Well, I'm just gonna order Silverstream a plain cheese pizza," Velvet said.

"Okay," Silverstream said.

Days have passed since then. Dusk, Nyx and Daylight went back to the castle to check on Silverstream. Velvet and Night Light were standing outside the bathroom, looking at the closed door with sad looks.

"Is she still in there?" Dusk asked.

"Yeah," Velvet said. "It's been days since she got here, and she still feels homesick." She then knocked on the door. "Silverstream? Are you okay in there?"

"N-no..." Silverstream said from the other side of the door. "I... I miss home..." She then cried.

The family took a few seconds. Dusk then sighed and said, "We're coming in." Then he opened the door and the family walked in, seeing Silverstream, in seapony form, in the bathtub.

"Silverstream?" Daylight asked. "I know what it's like to miss family." She then sighed. "I've missed my original Mom and Dad ever since I've got here."

"Me too," Dusk said. "Ever since I've gotten here, I missed my original Mom and Dad. I wanted to be back there nearly everyday. Even after what my aunt and cousin did to me." He then sighed. "Even though I'm here now, I know my parents would want me to be happy. Even if they aren't here with me. I'm sure your family wants you to be safe."

Silverstream thought about it. She then gave a sad smile. Then a voice came from down the hall.

"Mom! Dad! Kids! We're home!" It was Twilight's voice.

"Alright, Silverstream," Velvet said. "Drain the tub, revert back to your Hippogriff form, and head to the family room. We're going to have a talk with Twilight."

Then the ponies headed out of the bathroom, and went towards the front door. Twilight and Spike were coming back in, Spike was carrying the bags.

"Whoa, Twilight," Nyx said. "Did you pack all of Griffonstone while you were getting ready to come back home?"

"Ha-ha, very funny," Twilight said. "So, I've over packed again, big deal. Anyway, I'm just gonna unpack and relax in a nice, warm bath." She then shivered. "If you thought Ponyville is cold this time of year, you shoulda felt how cold it was in Griffonstone. I'd hate to be a homeless griffon up there."

"Mom," Dusk said. "We have a guest. And she's not from Equestria."

"A guest?" Twilight asked. "Not from Equestria? Who and what is she?"

"She's a creature known as a hippogriff, and her name is Silverstream," Dusk said. "Follow us." Then they walked towards the family room of the castle. When they walked in, they saw Silverstream putting a couple logs into the fire. She turned to see the family coming in. "Mom... meet Silverstream."

"Oh... uh... hi..." Silverstream said, giving a sheepish smile. Twilight and Spike were surprised at this.

Later at night, Silverstream was in a guest room, asleep in the bed. She was struggling in her sleep. She was having a nightmare. She then woke up screaming. She opened her eyes, with tears coming out of the corners of her eyes. Just then, Twilight ran into the room.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

Silverstream sat up and wrapped her talons around her hind legs, and started crying. She then said, "I just had a nightmare. It involved the Storm King."

Twilight walked towards Silverstream and started rubbing Silverstream's back. She then said, "It's going to be okay, Silverstream. You're safe here. The Storm King doesn't know where you are. And even if he does find out you're here, you're protected by Equestria's best guards, and the magic of Friendship. And if you need anypony to talk to, it can be me, or any of my family members. And that includes Dusk."

Silverstream then smiled at Twilight, and hugged her. She then said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Twilight said. "Well, I got to get back to sleep. And you should, too. Good night." She then headed out the door and closed it.

"Good night," Silverstream said. Silverstream then looked around the room. She then thought about her family. She was thinking of what her family was going through. But then she started remembering all the treasured memories she had. She then leaned her head back onto the pillow, and went back to sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long, but it's all done. Thank you for reading this. I'll see you next time.