• Published 4th May 2024
  • 160 Views, 26 Comments

Castlevania: Magic of Friendship - WiltedBloom2013

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Chapter 1: The start of Castlevania

Area 1: Castle courtyard. Castlevania, Europe. Year:1797.

Scootaloo and Alucard looked behind themselves as the gate closed, "Well, looked like we're here for good now," Scootaloo said as she turned back to the familiar sight of the giant castle looming over her, moon shining from what she identified as the top floor. Alucard looked up in agreence, "We should be careful, if I know my father, he'll have Death take my equipment again," Alucard said aloud, leaving Scootaloo confused as she asked "Hold it, why would your father kill you just to start you over? Wouldn't it be easier for him to just kill you and be done with it?" to which Alucard shook his head as he explained what happened the last time he wandered into this place to stop it.

Castle entrance, 1796. Castlevania, Europe.

Alucard walked into an area with many dead bodies on spears and spikes as he felt the familiar presence of Death, his father's right hand man "Alucard, you've come back..." Death said as Alucard nodded and replied with, "Death, so it's true, this really is my father's castle." Death laughed at Alucard's statement the area smelling of decay, "Yes it is, it is a shame you choose to side with those weakling humans, but I can't have you ruining everything, not at all," Death said as he raised a skeletal arm and all of Alucard's equipment flew off in red bubbles, made worse by the fact that Alucard's long sleep has stripped of his strength, making him the weakest he's ever been.

And so he had to progress now not just to figure out why his father's castle was back but also to recover his lost equipment.

Present day.

Scootaloo listened to that story in awe, as the moved through these early rooms they found some easy monsters like big bear-wolf like creatures called Wargs... yep.

Alucard noted how not on the castle's appearance, knowing all too well why the castle has changed... well... except for one thing... "That's a new painting, is that a friend of your's?" Alucard asked, pointing to the painting as it showed... SWEETIE BELLE?! "What the hay?! Why is there a painting how Sweetie Belle now?! That wasn't there before!" Scootaloo exclaimed aloud, basically giving Alucard all the information he needed as the continued down the hallway, eventually finding an exposed room where they stop.

"Hey! Why'd we-" Scootaloo was interrupted by Alucard holding a limb out, soon Death, with Apple Bloom on his back for some reason, and Scootaloo knew the problem, "Apple Bloom? What are you doing?" Scootaloo asked, causing AB to glare at her, "Ya mean afta ya bailed on meh and Sweetie? Findin' mah real talent, ah see ya found someone ta befriend who will help ya not be such a buckin' chicken!" Apple Bloom remarked in anger causing Scootaloo to flinch.

"Now calm down Apple Bloom, you can take your anger out later," Death said, prompting Apple Bloom to nod and return to glaring at Scootaloo. Alucard looked at Death with nothing but annoyence, "So, you've come back again, I assume this time you've put the work in to bring my father back instead of leaving it to Shaft?" He asked, to which Death nods and preforms the trick that stripped Alucard of his equipment... again... much to both his and Scootaloo's annoyence.

Apple Bloom laughed as she and Death vanished, leaving Scootaloo and Alucard with too many questions and practically zero answers, "One of your friends?" "Yep, that was Apple Bloom... what was she doing with Death though? Something's fishy, very fishy."

Equestria, Twilight's castle. Moments after Alucard's equipment was stolen.

All six of the ponies in the room were staring in confused awe at what Apple Bloom just... let happen."So... are we not gonna talk bout what we just watch?" Applejack asked, to which she was met with either silence or murmurs... make your own choice here.

Scootaloo, still with the Fatal Wind rapier unlike Alucard who has nothing, was leading the group as a skeleton with a sword, shield, and helmet got in the way, Scootaloo was too freightened to attack, where-as Alucard attacked by just... punching the thing which dropped a sword... fitting. Alucard picked it up and swung it, "Not good but it'll do, better than Red Rust anyways," he said not earning a glance from Scootaloo as she just knew "Don't question it."

And they entered a room with a decadhedron in it... apparently called a save room, supposedly interacting with the decadhedron revitualizes the 1 who interacted with it.

And so Scootaloo saved for the first time.