• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 444 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter I


I tossed my backpack into the back of the Tahoe on top of the rest of the tents and other bags we had packed. Mom had came to me with the idea of going on a family trip for a few weeks.

Aunt Minuette parked her blue sedan in the driveway as Ruby waved from the back seat and I waved back. Aunt Cherry sat in the back with her. Aunt Berry sat next to Aunt Minuette.

“Mom!” I called out as Diamond Tiara came out with a yellow dress on with a white bow around the middle follow by Silver Spoon, Scootaloo and Mom. “They’re here!”

“Hey kid!” Aunt Berry hugged me with a grin before letting go to hug my other siblings. She wore a black shirt and jeans, Aunt Minuette wore a blue dress with an hour glass on one side. “Hey DT, hey Silver!”

Aunt Cherry wore a white short sleeve shirt and black shorts. Ruby wore a t shirt with green shorts matching Scootaloo’s.

Mom walked out with a few lemonade glasses and I admired her red dress that fit her very well. How she was single, I’ll never know. It went with her skin and hair very well.

“Hey you guys. I assume you are all packed?” Mom asked as Aunt Berry and Aunt Cherry started emptying some suitcases and tents from the back of the car.

“You betcha sis!” Aunt Berry snickered and hip bumped her before adding her suitcase to the growing pile.

“Looking good Cheerilee,” Aunt Cherry added with a smirk and eyed her up and down. “Trying to impress someone?”

“Nope,” Mom said with a blush. “Diamond Tiara suggested I show off a bit here and there. I had this and a few other dresses that I hardly wear so I decided why not?”

“About time,” Aunt Cherry grumbled as Ruby pushed a Thomas the Tank engine themed suitcase into the trunk. Mom rubbed my cousins head with a grin. “Ready to go I take it?”

“Let me put these glasses back and looks like Sunset has someone to say goodbye to,” Mom smirked and winked as I glanced at Derpy running up. Apple Bloom was following behind her.

“Hey!” I grinned at Derpy and hugged her.

“Hey there. Glad I caught you before you left,” Derpy smiled as she hugged me. I faintly made out Aunt Minuette dragged a smirking Aunt Cherry and Berry into the house as Apple Bloom hugged Diamond.

“Me too,” I sighed and kissed her eagerly. I ignored the sound of Scootaloo fake gagging to Silver Spoon. If I knew my sister, and I do, she would be having her fingers in her throat. Derpy kissed me back and I sighed contently again.

I wasn’t surprised Rainbow wasn’t here. She was grounded recently for failing a few exams. Plus getting caught cheating for a test isn’t exactly a good look either.

I love Trixie but sometimes she doesn’t have the greatest methods for trying to pass tests. I rubbed Derpy’s back as my hand slid further and squeezed as she let out an eep into the kiss.

“Your sisters are watching,” Derpy reminded me quietly with a blush. “Grabbing my ass may not be the greatest idea.”

“Oh please. Scootaloo was too busy gagging, Silver Spoon was lecturing her and Apple Bloom is otherwise occupied with kissing my sister. And plus, you liked it,” I smirked as she turned even redder.

“Okay maybe I did,” Derpy admitted sheepishly. “At least you like my body like I do.” I gave her a proud smile and hugged her tighter. I’d spent God knows how long on working to get her to like her body and we’ll, finally paid off. Sure, she has some off days but I do too about my own problems.

“Damn right,” I answered as I toyed with my promise ring a bit. My classmates had asked us both a lot of questions when they saw them.

“You’ll text and call right?” Derpy asked worriedly as I nodded. “Lyra is out of town with Bon Bon, Octavia and Vinyl have concerts coming up, Indigo and Lightning are getting ready for our upcoming soccer game against Trottingham so it’ll just be me, Trixie, Lavender, Fuchsia and the rest of the Wondercolts in our group to hang out.”

“Yeah of course I’ll text and call. Still can’t believe Trixie got with Watermelody.” The artist was spending weeks apologizing for her actions during anon a miss. Months later and I’m still dealing with it.

“Yeah same. Apparently Trixie is experimenting,” Derpy shrugged as I placed my hands on her hips. “Happy for her. I heard a rumor about Snails liking Lavender.”

“Ooh interesting. His sister Raindrops might not approve. You know how protective she gets. Surprised she didn’t kill me after the Fall Formal.”

“Me too,” Derpy laughed as we leaned against the car. “I’ll miss you, ya know?”

“I’m not dying you know. I’ll be back for Nightmare Night with you all. I’ll miss you all too.”

“Nightmares Night?” Derpy asked in confusion.

“Equestrian version of Halloween. It was for Princess Luna back when she wasn’t Luna and was Nightmare Moon.”

“You’ll have to tell me more about it when you get back,” Derpy said and I nodded. It was the second day of October. Lyra and Bon Bon were expected back a week before Halloween so we could get the group together plus my family. “By the way, my answer is yes.”

I gave her a confused look before a lightbulb went off in my head and my eyes widened. Derpy smirked and nodded as I kissed her again.

“God I love you,” I muttered under my breath once we separated. “Whatever will I do with you?”

“The words violent, convulsive and multiple come to mind,” Derpy grinned as I blushed.

“Someone is feeling amorous tonight,” I teased.

“What can I say, you’re an influence on me,” Derpy kissed my cheek as Apple Bloom finished her conversation with Diamond as she got in the third row of the car with Silver, Scootaloo and Ruby. Minuette sat in the front seat next to Mom so it looked like I was sharing the second row with Aunt Cherry and Aunt Berry. “Alright go have fun with your family. I love you. I’m going to have to uh to entertain myself.”

“Love you too,” I called out as I sat in the car and put my seat belt on after closing the door.

Mom started the car as I waved to my partner and Apple Bloom. I faintly listened to my cousin talking to my sisters as Derpy waved back.

We got halfway down the street as my phone buzzed and I looked at it.

Derpy: I ❤️ you.

I smirked as I sent a heart back and put my phone back in my pocket. We had a long drive ahead of us.

Author's Note:

I wanted to work on this story and follow the current month. It won't contain any spoilers to the linked story. Both will get worked on simultaneously.