• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 439 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXII

Blueberry Cake

I sat with Tennis Match, Sweet Leaves, Starlight and Aqua Blossom nervously at the nearby Dairy Queen as we waited for Sunset to arrive. We had all agreed on the Dairy Queen because it’s closest to my house.

I don’t know why we were nervous. Sunset was a really good person now albeit a very strong personality. She did have a mischievous streak that she did use to entertain others.

I hadn’t entirely expected her to answer my text either. It made sense for her to leave her number in our lockers. That way we could make the first move and contact her.

“I’m starting to think she stood us up,” Aqua Blossom commented as she chewed on a straw.

“Relax,” Sweet Leaves said quietly as she looked out the window. “She could be in traffic or something.”

I gave a nod as the quiet girl yawned quietly. Sweet Leaves was typically quiet by choice unless she was at a nature walk or Camp Everfree. That had been the most excited I had ever seen her.

Aqua Blossom was a fellow member of the fashionista club with me and Rarity. She also was part of the art club with her boyfriend Bright Idea who currently was working the register.

“She’s right there,” Starlight pointed to a blue suv pulling into a parking spot as it shut off and Sunset stepped out of the driver’s side. A pink girl stepped out with a black top with a yellow jacket and silver skirt with black underneath as a man with a striking resemblance to Sunset.

Sunset opened the door for him and jumped back as he climbed out and instantly started vomiting on the ground as we all matched the disgusted look Sunset and the pink girl wore.

“Ew!” I gagged as Aqua Blossom looked away quickly.

“That is disgusting as heck,” Starlight mumbled as she turned faintly green. Sunset said something to the male and Sunset quickly came inside with the girl.

“Who’s the kid?” I asked under my breath.

“Think that’s her sister,” Sweet Leaves explained as Sunset went to the register and froze a bit.

“I forgot she and Bright Idea avoided each other after anon. This is awkward,” Aqua Blossom said sheepishly as she tugged on her coats collar.

“Well, looks like he’s doing his job regardless,” Tennis Match pointed out as Sunset ordered for herself, her sister I think and the male. We watched as Sunset paid and stood nearby, talking as the man came in.

“Who do you think the guy is?” Tennis Match asked as we all shrugged. “Boyfriend maybe?”

“No Sunset has a girlfriend,” I said and shook my head. “Probably a friend.”

“Or her dad,” Starlight suggested. “It would explain how they look alike.”

“Since when did Miss Cheerilee get a boyfriend?” Sweet Leaves asked.

“Well we can ask her ourselves because here she comes,” I nodded subtly in the direction as Sunset sat down at our table with the girl and the man wandered and examined the pop machines.

“Hey girls,” Sunset said casually with a smirk as she set her phone face down. “You brought friends I see.”

“We were just leaving,” Aqua Blossom reassured her as she stood up with Sweet Leaves and Starlight.

“No stay,” Sunset said as she held up a hand. “It’s fine.”

We all looked at each other as the three sat back down with shrugs.

“Sister?” I asked finally and pointed at the girl.

“Diamond Tiara,” Sunset nodded. “Her sisters Silver Spoon and Scootaloo are busy at the moment as are my other friends and girlfriend. Derpy is at the movies with her two sisters.”

I smiled internally at being correct on the girlfriend thing. Being around Rarity has it benefits and besides the two aren’t exactly subtle.

“Is the guy your dad or something?” Aqua Blossom asked as Sunset’s smile disappeared and she looked into her shake, stirring her straw.

“No, my dad is dead. That’s my brother Sunburst.”

An uncomfortable silence fell over us as I looked away quickly.

“I’m sorry,” Aqua Blossom commented quietly as she scratched the back of her head nervously. “I didn’t mean to you know, make you uncomfortable.”

“It’s okay,” Sunset said finally as she looked up and forced a smile as Diamond Tiara hugged her. “You all didn’t know. Can’t blame you for something you didn’t know about.”

“Still,” Aqua Blossom insisted as Diamond Tiara drank some of her shake and watched us intently. Made me slightly nervous how much intense she looked.

“Sunset!” Sunburst exclaimed as he stood next to her suddenly. “This place is amazing. Your carriage was cool. Don’t even get me started on the magical drink dispensers. I wonder what spell they use to keep the beverages in their. Potentially Starswirls!”

“Yes Sunburst I know,” Sunset smiled and rolled her eyes as we all tried and failed to hold our giggles in. Sunburst wandered off to the register as Sunset’s eyes followed him for a moment.

“You really care about him, don’t you?” Sweet Leaves asked curiously as she smiled faintly.

“Yeah, yeah I do,” Sunset admitted sheepishly as she turned faintly. “He’s a good guy.”

“Tennis thought he was your boyfriend,” I giggled and nudged her with my shoe.

“If this was Equestria he could be but I’m not into that.”

“Isn’t that incest?” Starlight pointed out as Diamond Tiara remained quiet, just glaring at Aqua Blossoms boyfriend and I raised an eyebrow slightly.

“Incest is legal in Equestria,” Sunset explained as I gagged a bit. “There’s not many males and Equestrians don’t suffer the same physical deformations as humans do after incest. Ponies didn’t really have a choice until Starswirl invented the spell to allow mares to get other mares pregnant. That said, I’d rather die than sleep with my brother and so would Spitfire. Just the thought makes me feel filthy.”

We all shared a disgusted look as Sunset shuddered and turned faintly green.

“Anyway,” Tennis Match coughed into a fist. “Not that this isn’t nice and all, but why did you pick us of all people to spend time with? You have your own pretty big following and your brother, not to mention your sisters.”

“I bullied you all ruthlessly multiple times and I realized I never apologized to you girls for it,” Sunset admitted nervously. “When you two gave me the gifts from my siblings, I remembered I still had you all to apologize to. I’m sorry.”

We all looked at each other and Starlight nudged Sweet Leaves under the table. We typically nominated her the spokeswoman of the group. People usually listened to her.

“It’s okay,” Sweet Leaves smiled warmly. “We forgive you. We were bullies to you also during you know so we are all sorry as well.”

Diamond Tiara made a quiet growling sound that if I hadn’t seen her do it, I would assumed a wild animal got in the restaurant.

“I was actually going to try to be you girls friends but yeah anon happened,” Sunset sighed and smirked as she watched Sunbeam talking to Bright Idea about something. He seemed surprisingly interested.

“Almost a year later and we are still talking about this,” Starlight grumbled bitterly as I nodded. “Well, sorry for pushing you that one time.”

“Well to be fair, I never talked to my other classmates about it. Only the Rainbooms, Cloudkicker, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Blossomforth and Raindrops. I didn’t even talk to Flash about it,” Sunset admitted.

“Oh I’m sorry for throwing paint on you and your locker,” Aqua Blossom admitted. “Sweet Leaves doesn’t talk much so she’s sor-”

“And I’m sorry for filling your locker with dirt,” Sweet Leaves interjected as she glared at Aqua.

“Water under the bridge,” Sunset waved a hand and hastily stood up. “Bathroom break. Diamond, can you make sure Sunburst doesn’t do anything to get us kicked out or arrested?”

We watched Sunset walk over to the bathrooms as we all shifted our focus to Diamond.

“So sister huh?” Tennis Match said finally. “That’s cool.”

“Uh huh. I don’t like you by the way Aqua. You or your boy toy. You two were one of the first people to accuse Sunset,” Diamond Tiara said coldly as I recoiled a bit. I hadn’t entirely been expecting that from her. “Just because Sunset forgives you doesn’t mean I will. I’m okay with the rest of you I suppose.”

Sweet Leaves watched quietly as she sipped her milkshake along with Starlight. I didn’t entirely want to get in Diamonds way myself and based on her expression, nor did Tennis Match.

“I understand,” Aqua Blossom said after a moment of stunned silence.

I honestly don’t know who scares me more, a angry Sunset or an angry child.