• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 426 Views, 36 Comments

The False Goddess - Zoura3025

What happens when one alicorn isn't enough? Bad things happen to make another.

  • ...

Act I, Part III: Cognizance

Gustopha awoke to a confusing feeling of fine-ness. The aches were still present, but all her bruises were gone. Her limbs no longer hurt, and her stomach no longer felt caved in.
She rolled onto her front and took a deep breath.
"Good morning, Princess," Heartful Surrogate greeted gently.
"Good morning…" Gustopha whined, crawling out of bed to shake herself off, "The doctor wants to see me this morning for a check up," She expressed.
Heartful nodded a little, "I know, dear," She replied gently, hugging the filly, "Be strong, okay? I asked Rolling Simmer to make you something extra special for after your check up," She explained.
Gustopha leaned into her and took a deep breath. "I-I will be," She replied hesitantly, "I will be strong for you, Simmer, and Princess Celestia," She declared.
Heartful nuzzled Gustopha softly before she released her grip, sending the filly on her way and sighing a bit.

Gustopha walked out of her room to the doctor's office, "Doctor, I'm ready for the check up," She said simply.
Dr. Thanamus smiled widely, "Excellent," He replied, walking to his desk and grabbing a syringe.
"Now, hold still," He requested, plunging the syringe into a bottle and drawing a good sized dose of a clear fluid from the bottle, before setting it down and walking it to her, "Just a little pinch…" He hummed.
Gustopha winced slightly as the needle was pressed into her leg, watching as the doctor forced the contents into her body. He set the syringe down. "Now, come with me," He requested, beginning to walk down the hall.
Gustopha followed him, suddenly becoming immensely tired. She collapsed to the ground, eyes closing.
The doctor chuckled, "And here I was worried she'd need a second dose before we began," He hummed, horn illuminating as he lifted her up. He strained slightly. "Hmm… She is getting heavy," He remarked.

Gustopha was unconscious the whole time during the checkup. The doctor strapped her to the table and began working the machine; a large incision revealed her innards, and he went to work, carefully splicing crystals into her bones.
"Yes, this is very good," The doctor hummed, "A strong heart, healthy tissues, good, strong bones…" He excitedly clapped his hooves together, "She will do nicely. Now I simply need to prepare her for the embalming spell…" He trailed, stitching the filly up once he was finished interlacing her bones with crystal, ensuring she was stitched up nicely.
Then, one again, a large shot of magical stimulant was applied, and the Doctor brought Gustopha to her room.

Heartful didn't say a word. The doctor, however, had plenty to say.
"She is developing well," Dr. Thanamus said, "Strong and healthy, and already maturing… At this rate, she will be fit for full duties in two weeks," He remarked with a smile.
Heartful nodded slowly, "Good," She replied curtly.
Dr. Thanamus looked at her sternly, "Now, what's with that look?" He asked.
"Do you not agree that a princess should have social skills?" Heartful asked.

The doctor stepped towards her with fire in his eyes, "What did you say to me?" He asked.
"She will be a princess, yes? Will she not be expected to appear publicly, and talk to her subjects?" Heartful repeated in more detail.
Dr. Thanamus growled, "Do not overstep your bounds, Heartful. You should be honored I am even letting you be her-"
"Caretaker. You have assigned me as her caretaker. And as her caretaker, it is my duty to oversee her development," Heartful retorted bluntly.

The doctor looked at her for a long moment. "...You are tremendously lucky that you have a good point," He sneered, "Very well. You may escort her during magic practice. Have her clean the other planter out front and then you may take her for a brief excursion to go socialize," He huffed.
Heartful smiled a bit. "Very well," She replied gently.
The doctor left the room in a huff, and Heartful chuckled quietly to herself. "...Feels good to put him in line," She murmured.

Gustopha awoke with a tremendous hunger. Her body rumbled with the desire to consume.
Heartful jumped from the low noise. "Oh! Good morning, Princess," She greeted, "You're hungry, I take it?"
Gustopha nodded a bit, leaving the bed and briefly walking to the mirror.
She was noticeably taller than when she had first come here; almost to the height of an adolescent mare. The adults still stood a fair bit over her, but the gap was shrinking, and fast.
She also noticed that her aches were almost entirely gone.
Heartful smiled gently. "You've grown quite a bit," She hummed, "Stand against the mirror for a moment."
Gustopha obliged and stood next to the mirror, breaths lightly fogging it as she rested the side of her face against it.
Heartful brought over a wax crayon and carefully reached over, marking out a small line on the mirror.
"There. Now we can tell if you've grown," Heartful said.
Gustopha pulled away from the mirror, "Okay," She replied softly.

"Now, let's go get you something to eat," Heartful said, gently leading the princess from the room.
"Aren't you supposed to stay in my room?" Gustopha asked softly.
Heartful smiled, "I'll be keeping you company through magic practice today," She explained, "Doctor's orders."
Gustopha gasped lightly in excitement, "Okay!" She replied.
Heartful smiled, leading Gustopha into the kitchen. She helped the princess into her seat, and then left for a moment to find Rolling Simmer.
The two ponies returned with a large plate of waffles, and some pink cylinders that the filly didn't recognize.

"Heartful t-told me a-about your r-rough night l-last night," Rolling Simmer expressed gently, "So, I-I made something special for you.
"Thank you," Gustopha replied softly. Rolling Simmer squeaked as Gustopha's magic gripped her, pulling her into a hug.
Heartful smiled. Rolling Simmer relaxed a bit. "Th-thank you, Princess," She stammered softly, "N-Now I should g-go get you th-the rest of your breakfast," She expressed.
Gustopha nodded and released her grip on the pegasus, who quickly darted back into the kitchen.
Heartful sighed softly.

"What's wrong with Simmer?" Gustopha asked abruptly.
Heartful froze. "What do you mean, Princess?" She asked.
"She's always nervous and stuttery… Why?" Gustopha asked.
Heartful sighed, "The Doctor… Did things to her, so she would be able to handle feeding all of the fort's staff," She explained simply.
Gustopha nodded a little, her ears drooping. "Oh," She replied softly, turning to her breakfast and starting to eat.
Heartful gently observed as she ate, watching as Rolling Simmer brought a large bowl of porridge and a particularly sizable slab of the brown material.
Heartful glanced at Gustopha, who paid no mind to the unusual tastes… It tasted good, and the filly had been trained to eat what was provided to her. And ate she did, to fuel her body's accelerated growth. Of course, her meal was accompanied by two glasses of purple fluid.

After eating, Gustopha thanked Rolling Simmer for the meal and crawled out of the chair.
"Come along, little one; let's go train your magic," Heartful said, leaving the kitchen. Gustopha nodded and followed after her, following the mare outside.
"Now, the doctor wants you to heal the other planter," Heartful instructed gently.
Gustopha nodded. After the strain of recovering Princess Celestia's courtyard, this felt easy. Blight crept into her, but it was purged with a flash. She carefully tilled the soil to ensure it would grow plants well, and took some of the hay from the other planter to seed it, carefully tearing the grains and settling them in the soil, neatly planting them.

Heartful smiled as she watched the seeds take root and sprout, "Very good, Princess!" She expressed, "To see nature coming back… It's a sight for sore eyes."
Gustopha smiled a little. She hardly felt tired at all. She walked to the next planter down the way, and began working at it. There was less blight in this next one, and it was purged easily.
Gustopha was feeling a bit cocky now. She moved to the fourth and final planter box and tapped her horn gently to the surface of the dirt, once again purging it of blight.

Gustopha looked to the street, now; the road was cobbled, but lined with dirt on either side. Blighted, salted dirt.
A few townsfolk gathered as the princess knelt down before the dirt, a heavenly glow beginning to emit from where she sat outwards as her magic worked away at the poisoned soil.
Heartful gently stood over her, wanting to make sure the filly felt protected.
With a bright flash, Gustopha purged the blight from the large patch of the dirt. She did, however, take a hard breath. Now she was starting to tire herself out.
"Pace yourself, princess," Heartful reminded softly.

A few of the townsfolk murmured. "Princess…?" A few asked themselves.
Then the gathered crowd began to bow, one by one.
Gustopha looked up at the crowd of bowing ponies.
"Please, you don't need to bow," She expressed, "I just want to fix things," The filly said, "Like making the dirt plantable again, s-so you don't have to starve."

A mare stepped forth from the crowd, holding a small bushel of strawberries, "P-Please, Princess," The mare said, "A pittance for your service."
Gustopha's horn gently ignited as she took the strawberries, inspecting them. They seemed to be free of blight, and most importantly full of seeds. "They're beautiful… Thank you," Gustopha replied gently.
She walked to one of the planters and carefully tucked the strawberries in the soil. Some of the crowd gasped a bit as the food was tucked away in the dirt.

Then, sprouting. Plants crept from the dirt, growing and maturing before the crowd's eyes.
The strawberry plants bloomed. Carefully, Gustopha shook the branches. The flowers wilted, and in their place came forth berries.
"Please, everyone, take some for your families," She wished gently.
A few of the townsponies slunk forward, taking the fresh fruit and passing it amongst each other. Eyes lit up as they received a sample.
The mare who had offered the princess the strawberries opted to follow Gustopha's lead, taking some of the berries and sowing them in the planter.

Gustopha smiled gently at the mare, "Yes, yes, that's it," She said gently, "This is plantable soil… You don't need to starve anymore," She expressed.
The mare shivered, "Princess, are you here to save us?" She asked.
Heartful stepped in. "She's not ready to save everypony yet. But she has a kind heart, and she will lead us to a better life," She explained.
Gustopha felt her chest swell a bit. It felt nice to see ponies so happy, even if it was a cautious excitement.
"Thank you, Princess!" The other mare said, hugging the young alicorn.
Gustopha squeaked a little, but hugged back, "You're welcome…" She replied quietly.

The mare released her, and Gustopha stumbled back. "Okay… I think I'm tired," She admitted.
"That's okay, Princess. You're still learning," Heartful said gently, "Come… I would like to show you around town."
Gustopha nodded a little, "W-won't the doctor be angry?" She asked.
Heartful shook her head, "I already asked him," She replied gently, beginning to walk.
Gustopha followed Heartful, staying close to the mare's side as she followed.
Town was rough… Well built, perhaps, but there were malnourished ponies everywhere. Gustopha bit her lip. She wished she could help everyone; but she wasn't strong enough yet.

Heartful smiled gently at her, "You'll help them all soon, Princess," Heartful promised, "Word travels fast… When ponies learn of your gift, they'll come here, and you'll be able to help them."
Gustopha nodded a bit. "I hope so," She expressed softly. Gustopha took in the sights of town, looking at it wondrously… It all felt so familiar.
Heartful would take Gustopha to the town orphanage. Gustopha looked around at all the little colts and fillies; most of them looked severely starved, even moreso than the adults outside.

A tired-looking stallion wandered to the front. "Good day…" He began drolly, before his eyes lit up slightly, "Ah, Heartful Surrogate. How lovely it is to see you again," He expressed, "This is the princess you've sent me a letter about?"
Gustopha gave a small wave, looking at a few of the small fillies and colts. She swore she recognized a few of them.
"Yes, this is Princess Gustopha," Heartful replied, "It's very good to see you again, Bedrock. It's been too long since I was permitted to leave the fort."
Gustopha quietly snuck deeper into the orphanage as the adults talked, allowing curiosity to guide her.
Then, she found a small garden out back. A few orphans were attempting to cultivate plants in what looked like an old sandbox, its sand replaced with potting soil. Very dry, dead potting soil.

The young princess smiled gently at them, "May I try?" She asked softly.
The orphans scampered out of her way, and she dropped to her stomach before the sandbox.
They watched as the princess' horn ignited, the dirt of the box beginning to glow.
Gustopha frowned. The blight had been merciful to this soil, but it was extremely salty. To think somepony would sabotage something as earnest as this… It irritated her. Carefully, she picked through, transmuting the salt into nutrients.
The plants in the box began to grow faster, sprawling as their wilted forms stood straight and grew in the warm afternoon sun.
One of the orphans pointed in awe. "Look look look! G-go get Bedrock, the plants are growing!" They said excitedly.
The other orphan darted back into the large building.
Gustopha smiled a bit, sitting back and looking at her handywork. The now enriched plants flourished in the refreshed soil, already beginning to bear flowers and fruit.

Several orphans came out into the yard, as did Bedrock and Heartful.
"As I live and breathe…" Bedrock murmured, "Is this your doing, Princess?"
"The soil had been salted… I'm impressed the plants grew as much as they did," Gustopha said, standing up and turning to the two adults.
Bedrock pulled her into a hug. "Thank you," The gray stallion said, "Thank you so, so much, Princess."
Gustopha nodded a little, "I'm just doing what I was made to do," She expressed quietly.
Bedrock held her at legs' length and chuckled, "Well then, as far as I'm concerned, you were made for a right stellar purpose."
Gustopha looked away and smiled.
Heartful chuckled gently, "You don't need to be modest, Princess… You're changing lives."

Gustopha nodded a little, "Thank you… I hope the foals appreciate the fresh food. Please remember to water the crops, though," She expressed.
Bedrock chuckled a little, "Will do, Princess… We'll make you proud."
Heartful gently rubbed the princess' side. "You want to go now, don't you?" She asked softly, "You're not much for attention."
Gustopha nodded, and Bedrock awkwardly stepped away. "Oh, goodness, I'm sorry! I would've backed off if you asked," He expressed.
"It's okay. I don't like asking," Gustopha admitted, frowning slightly as she looked away.
Bedrock blinked and watched as the young princess jumped the fence, running off. Heartful bit her lip and ran after her.

"Princess!" Heartful Surrogate called after the alicorn as she ducked into an alley.
Heartful Surrogate sat next to the alicorn, "Princess… What's wrong?" She asked.
Gustopha sniffled a bit, "I-it's not fair," She whined, "Why do the foals have to suffer, too?"
Heartful sighed a little. "It… It hasn't been easy for anypony, Princess. That's why you're here," She admitted.
"B-but… I get fed so much. Why can't we share food with them?" She asked.

Heartful hugged the teary-eyed alicorn close. "It's so you grow, Princess. Every day you get stronger, and you can help more ponies. Look at yourself; you've already fixed all the planters, you started healing the ground around the road, and you even helped the orphanage. Just two days ago, you could hardly fix a single planter," She explained, "Everything we do serves the purpose of helping other ponies, through you."

Gustopha simply nodded. It wasn't a very satisfying answer, but it made a bit more sense than no explanation at all. She took a shaky breath. "Can… Can we go home?" She requested gently, "I'd like to study."
Heartful simply nodded, "Of course, dear. Let's go home," She expressed gently, walking the young princess back.
A fair sized crowd had already drawn around the planters in front of the fort; ponies had sown some more plants, and were now rationing out to the other townies.
It made Gustopha smile, "Look at how happy they are…" She whispered as they walked inside.
"That's because of you, Princess," Heartful replied.
Gustopha shook her head, "It's them who put in the effort to share during hard times, though," She commented humbly.
Heartful smiled gently, "I suppose you're right," She replied, leading the alicorn to the study.

Gustopha gently hugged Heartful, "Thank you…" She murmured gently.
Heartful nuzzled the princess gently, "Of course, Princess. I will care for you until my dying breath," She expressed softly.
The two embraced tighter for a brief moment, before Heartful left the room, gently pulling the door closed behind her.
Gustopha took a breath and stared at the stack of books before her, horn igniting as she set a fresh tome on the lectern and opened it.
This was not about agriculture; instead, it was about the history of Equestria. The first Hearth's Warming, how the alicorn sisters came to power; all of it. It didn't come as easily to her as agriculture did. So, she read slower, repeating passages that seemed particularly important out loud.

Gustopha hardly noticed as the daylight cycle began to change; afternoon stretched into dusk, then the early part of night.
Heartful would quietly enter the study, looking at the alicorn. "Princess… It's time for dinner," She said gently.
Gustopha nodded a bit, draping a leather bookmark over the page she had been reading and following Heartful to the kitchen.
"Is something wrong, Princess? You usually speak when spoken to," Heartful expressed.
"I just got lost in thought while studying," Princess Gustopha replied softly, "I want… I want to go and train my magic after dinner."
"Princess… The Doctor would have my head if you went out after dark," Heartful expressed.
Gustopha sighed a little. "Alright…" She replied dejectedly.
"Your willingness speaks volumes… If you would like, I will wake you up early, and you can do some early magic training before breakfast tomorrow," Heartful offered.
Gustopha climbed up into the dining chair and nodded; food had already been set out for her. "That sounds good," She replied softly, "I… I want to be stronger. I want to prove to Celestia that I'll be a good sister," She expressed, beginning to eat.
Heartful Surrogate sighed. "Princess Gustopha… Being a good sister isn't just about strength," She expressed gently, "Your kindness and willingness to help say far more about that than how much magic you can perform."

"But I need to be strong for her; for everyone. If I can't heal the land, ponies will die… And it will be my fault," Gustopha reasoned, ears drooping.
Heartful sighed. Sadly, the filly princess did have a point. There was a lot riding on the doctor's success. "That doesn't mean you need to exhaust yourself every day. You're still growing. You will come into your power eventually, as your body grows and changes," Heartful reasoned.
Gustopha simply nodded and ate more fervently.
Heartful sighed deeply and she turned away. "...If only you had time before things became so grim," She murmured softly.

After Gustopha finished eating and drank two whole glasses of the purple liquid, she allowed herself to be led to bed.
Heartful tucked her in gently, rubbing her muzzle. "Good night, Princess… Sweet dreams," The mare said gently.
Gustopha's eyes closed. She never felt tired when she went to bed, yet she always found sleep easily. Tonight was no different.

"Tex, wait up!" Plantation whined, "I can't fly like you! You're too fast!"
"Just keep up, silly! Steady pace. Use your magic to lift your hooves or something," Texas giggled.
"That's not how it works," Plantation huffed.
Texas Toast sat on the fence overlooking the field. He watched as Plantation climbed up on the fence, holding her steady.

"See? Isn't it pretty?" Texas asked.
Plantation stared out over the field of foxtails. "Yeah… It really is," She replied gently.
"Think the blight'll kill all the weeds?" Texas followed up.
Plantation shook her head, "I hope not… They're beautiful."

Texas grinned and leapt from the fence, pulling Plantation in.
Plantation squeaked, giggling as she landed on top of her winged friend.
"H-hey, you're heavy! Get off!" Texas whined.
"You pulled me down here. Now I get to exact my revenge!" Plantation declared dramatically.
Texas squeaked, "N-no!" He cried.

Plantation set a gentle kiss on Texas' snout and giggled. "Got you," She teased.
Tex huffed. "You're such a weirdo, Plant," He snorted.
"Mom says it's because yours rubbed off on me," Plantation teased, sticking her tongue out.
Texas just giggled, and Plantation did too.

Princess Gustopha stirred awake facing the window. She stared at the pink hue of the sunrise idly for a long moment.
"Good morning, Heartful," She greeted gently.
The mare jumped a bit, "Ah, good morning, Princess," She greeted, "Did you want to go out and practice your magic?"
Gustopha nodded and slowly rolled out of bed. "Yes… But there's a certain place I want to go," She expressed, walking out of the room.
Heartful nodded and followed her, "I will watch over you, Princess. Where we go is your choice."
Gustopha nodded and led the way outside.
She walked along the cobbled roads of the town until the faded to gravel, then walked along those roads.
"Where are you going, Princess?" Heartful asked.
"Somewhere special," Gustopha replied curtly.

Heartful paused as the princess stopped before a blighted field of foxtails.
"This empty field out here?" She asked, "It hasn't been touched since the blight hit it."
"That's okay," The princess said, hopping deftly onto the fence, steadying herself with her wings. It was an oddly familiar sensation… The mind was clueless, but the body knew.
The princess closed her eyes. Her horn ignited, and she rended the foxtails from the field, cutting them to the bare stems, so anypony could have seen the dirt below. It showed visible pock marks of the blight. The mass of seeds was set onto the road.

Then, the ground began to glow. Blight was exorcized from the soil in a thin miasma, which collected into a small, gray cloud.
The princess breathed slowly. "See, Tex?" She whispered, smiling ever so slightly.
Her horn grew brighter. More blight was torn from the soil.
The princess felt her magic begin to exhaust… But she didn't tire. She kept breathing evenly. Every light pulse of her horn drew more blight from the earth, until the unsteady yellow glow solidified into a strong, golden aura.

Her eyes opened, and she looked at the now clean field. Then she looked at the large, swirling cloud of blighted material. A waste of space; of life. One that claimed so many in the name of some violent exercise in zeal.
Her horn glowed as she brought the blight cloud to her horn. It shone through the fog. The murky depths were pierced by a bright golden aura.
Then, a bright flash.
As the light cleared, the blight cloud was replaced with a lighter gray one. A raincloud.
She allowed it to disperse over the field, soft drops of fresh water falling over the plot of land.

Her magic then grabbed the mass of foxtail seeds, and one by one, she inspected each. Every blighted one was set off to the side for later removal. However, each healthy seed was planted.
Dawn passed into early midday. Blue sky and warm sun eased her mind.
The princess finally stepped off the bench. "We can head back now," She said gently.
Heartful stared at her for a long moment. "Princess… Your flank," She urged.
Gustopha turned to look at her flank.
A cutie mark of a sparkling field, overlaid over a pink-skied sunrise, adorned it.
"What does it mean?" She asked softly.
Heartful gently rubbed the Princess' side. "You're bringing new life to the land, Princess. That's what you're here for."

Gustopha simply nodded, "So I really am the Princess of Plenty…" She murmured softly.
Heartful hugged her, "You always were. You're just finally growing into it," She expressed.
Gustopha nodded and hugged back, taking in the information. Was this what she was really always meant for? She hoped so, because it really did feel good.
The two walked back towards the fort.
"If I may, Princess… Who is Tex?" She asked softly.
"He was my friend; my very best friend. He always pushed me to go outside and do things… We used to sneak into that old field all the time. But then, we both ate blight, a-and…" Gustopha shivered, "We… W-We… We died to blight!" She screamed panickedly.
Heartful rushed to the Princess' side, "Deep breaths, Princess!" She ordered.
Gustopha took deep, panting breaths, "B-but, if we both died… How am I…? Why am I…?" She tugged at her mane, pulling down the striped orange and green headdressing.

Then, she heard a familiar voice. "That's enough of that, Princess. Take a nice, deep breath," Dr. Thanamus said.
A strong silver aura gripped her. Her body tensed. She felt magic force air in and out of her lungs; in, and out.
Dr. Thanamus smiled as he smugly walked up to the doubled-over princess. He then turned to Heartful and scowled. "Honestly, is it so hard to grasp that the dead should not give thought to why they died?" He asked.
Heartful sighed a little, "I-I didn't know this field would make her remember…" The mare expressed.
Dr. Thanamus roughly gripped Gustopha's snout in his hoof.
"Now, I will tell you only once about the fate of your beloved 'Tex'. Are you listening?" He asked.
Gustopha nodded, still breathing to the doctor's will. In and out. In and out.

"Tex is dead. When I needed a pair of bodies to make an alicorn, you and him fit the bill wondrously. A worthless pegasus and a promising unicorn. So, I cut off his only useful parts, and grafted them onto you. Do you like his wings?" He asked.
The silver aura released. Gustopha's eyes watered as she choked and gasped for air. Her wings flared.
"Yes, those ones. The ones you have only used for clumsy, short stints of flight," The doctor sneered.
Gustopha choked on her own tears. "T-Texas!" She screamed.
The doctor rolled his eyes.

Gustopha sobbed at the realization that her closest friend was dead.
"And do not have any creative ideas, filly. I had his body disposed of. All that remains of him is a princess' wings and an empty hole in the ground," He sneered.
Heartful stepped to the princess' side and hugged her.
"Is this some kind of joke to you?" Heartful asked, "Mangling together a pair of children, and forcing one to deal with the grief?"
The doctor stepped forward. "Let me make myself perfectly clear, Heartful Surrogate: Talk to me in that tone again, and it will be the last time you walk straight on your own four hooves," He warned.

"Leave her…" Gustopha whined, "L-Leave her alone."
"Oh? Did I hurt your mother's feelings?" The doctor asked, "Stupid filly. I will personally see to it that- GH!"
The princess' hoof struck him to the ground.
He snarled. In a bright flash, he removed Heartful from the premises, sending her back to her post in the fort.
The doctor's enraged eyes then focused on Gustopha.
"You dare strike me, filly?" He asked.
A silver aura gripped her again. This time, it pulled on her shoulders and her wings.
The princess whimpered from the stress.
The doctor jerked. She yelped at the sudden stress on her wings.
"I gave you these wings. I can remove them far more easily, and then what will 'Tex' think? That his death was for nothing?" He asked.
Another jerk. Another yelp. Tears leaked down Gustopha's cheeks.

"That's it. You understand your place, yes? You are a princess, but I am still your creator, and you will respect me as such," Dr. Thanamus insisted.
Gustopha whimpered, "Y-yes doctor," She whined.
She dropped to the ground as she was released, wheezing and whimpering.
"Now. You have breakfast to eat," He said. She squeaked as a flash engulfed her.
She stumbled to her feet in the kitchen, heaving softly in pain. She lightly flapped her wings… They were still attached. She breathed a deep sigh of relief.
She crawled into her seat and took a soft breath.

Gustopha watched as her food was brought to her. She ate, then drank. She then left the kitchen and walked to her room.
Heartful ran over and pulled her into a hug. "P-Princess!" She stammered, "Are you alright?" She asked.
"I-I am," Gustopha promised, "He just… Threatened to take my wings."
Heartful snarled lightly, "That brute," She sneered, "I'm sorry, dear…"
"C-can I have another bath?" Gustopha requested softly.
Heartful hesitated, but nodded. "Yes, Princess. I'll run some fresh water for you," She said gently, walking to the bathroom.
Gustopha followed quietly, watching as the bath was run.

Once the tub filled, the princess climbed in, sighing gently as she sank into the water. It was a brief respite from the outside world. She closed her eyes and thought about how she felt inwardly. Her magic was exhausted for the most part, and she was in pain, but she overall felt okay. She was getting stronger, and stronger was good.
She sighed deeply. "Thank you for taking care of me, Heartful," Gustopha said gently.
"Of course, Princess…" Heartful replied gently, "I can't protect you from him, but I can at least make you feel loved when he isn't here," She expressed.
Gustopha shivered slightly, "Wh-what he said… About Tex's wings being mine… Is it true?" She asked.
Heartful sighed gently, "It is, as far as I know," She admitted.
Gustopha sank deeper into the water.
"But, if I may… You can think of it as him always being there with you," Heartful offered.
Gustopha pondered this for a long moment, "You're right," She replied quietly.
Heartful gently rubbed the princess' back.

Gustopha caught herself dozing off in the bath, comforted by the hot water and the gentle, reassuring rubbing on her back. "I should go study… Before I fall asleep," She murmured softly.
Heartful chuckled gently, "Very well, Princess," She replied, draining the bath and helping Gustopha out of the bath.
Gustopha magicked a towel over to herself and dried her body off, taking care not to hurt her wings.
She then walked out to her bedroom, grabbing the hairbrush to straighten her mane.
Heartful looked at her and chuckled gently, "Taking care of your own mane?" She asked.
Gustopha hummed gently, "Mmm… The front at least," She replied softly.
Heartful chuckled and lightly snatched the brush from the princess' magic, "Here. I'll make sure it all gets brushed," She commented jovially.

The princess huffed lightly, but permitted this. Her eyes closed as she felt the brush glide through her damp mane. It was a comforting feeling… The soft touch of her caretaker as the brush lightly pulled her hair straight. Her breathing softened.
"...Thank you, Heartful," She murmured gently.
Heartful smiled, "Of course, Princess… Your caretaker is here to lend a hoof," She said, pulling away, "Now, off to the study with you," She cooed softly.
Gustopha nodded and left the room, heading off to study.

The night was uneventful. Diligent studying, some light practice on the dirt outside the fort, and then dinner. It was a fairly standard dinner for the princess; at least, as standard as it could have been, considering it hadn't even been a full week since she awoke to this existence.
After eating, the princess studied a bit more, and then went to bed.

"Can Plantation come out to play?" Texas asked from behind the door.
"Of course. Plantation, honey! The nice colt from the house over is here!" Plantation's mother called.
Plantation came down the hall and looked at the pegasus, "Hi Tex!" She greeted, pulling the pegasus into a hug and nuzzling him.
Texax huffed. "Plantation, c'mon… You're embarassing me in front of your mom," He whined.
Plantation's mother just chuckled softly, "Now remember, you two. Be back by sundown," She said.
"We will!" Texas promised, "C'mon, Plant!" He giggles, wriggling out of her grip and darting off.
Plantation huffed a little and ran after him.