• Published 13th Oct 2023
  • 425 Views, 36 Comments

The False Goddess - Zoura3025

What happens when one alicorn isn't enough? Bad things happen to make another.

  • ...

Act II, Part I: Forlornness

Gustopha awoke to Celestia's soft snoring next to her. Celestia already appeared to be recovering, some scars on her fur visibly shrinking and fading. Gustopha sighed softly in relief; she was thankful she'd gotten all of the blight. Gustopha looked at Celestia's front legs, which were still wrapped around her; clinging to her. Gustopha gently pulled Celestia's leg from her chest and slid out of the bed, reseating the blankets so Celestia would remain warm.
Celestia's posture shriveled a bit, but she remained contently asleep. Gustopha smiled a little, "Sleep well, sister," She bade gently, quitely walking from the room, slipping out the door.

A few of the guards looked at her, "Good morning, Princess," One greeted.
"Good morning… Celestia is still asleep," She informed, "If I'm needed, I will be in the study," She explained.
One of the guards nodded. "We'll be sure she knows. You'll be happy to know that Heartful and Simmer have been settled in," They explained.
Gustopha smiled, "Good," She replied curtly, before trotting off in the direction of the study.

Gustopha looked over her books carefully as she scrawled down a large set of notes on papers… Her writing wasn't particularly neat, especially when she was in the throes of frenzied research like this. The quiet ambiance of the warm fireplace complimented the storm of thoughts in her head; peace contrasting a great racket.
Gustopha looked over her notes. All the things the blight could do, how it interacted with the world and magic, and even how it was spread and moved. Gustopha's eyes widened as all evidence pointed her to one conclusion.

"It was a weapon," She murmured aloud, "But who would…?" She trailed off. She knew who would've done that. Someone who no longer needed to worry about the earth's problems.
She wrote down a single conclusatory sentence at the bottom of her page:

Suspected Origin: Deliberate bioweapon of the Lunar Forces.

Gustopha looked over her notes for a long moment. She checked them; double- and triple-checked them, even. It didn't seem real. Could Luna really have gone so far as to order the creation of such a thing?
She stacked her notes neatly, looking at the resultant stack. Someone needed to know about this. Everyone needed to.
She magicked the papers under her wing and walked to the study counter.
"Excuse me," She called softly.

A tired-looking mare gently walked to the counter. "Ah, so you're the new princess," She said softly, "Celestia has expressed nothing but excitement for your arrival."
Gustopha sat before the counter, "She has?" She asked.
The mare nodded, "Yes… She's been dreadfully lonely since Luna was banished; we do our best to give her company, but she really does need another alicorn; someone she can relate to," She expressed.
Gustopha nodded a little, "Well, that's… That's me," Gustopha supposed.

The mare chuckled gently, "Now, I assume you came over here for something other than a chin-wag," She supposed.
Gustopha nodded, "Yes, I'd like some copies of this made," She explained, pulling the stack from her wing and setting it neatly on the counter.
The mare looked it over. "Goodness… Is this what you've been writing all morning?" She asked.
Gustopha nodded, "It's my theory on where the blight came from. And it's… Not really a nice conclusion," She admitted.

The mare briefly skimmed over the paper, flipping through the pages. She hummed softly to herself, before she froze as she look at the last page. "You think it was deliberate, Princess?" She asked.
Gustopha nodded, "Blight doesn't normally scar the land and kill ponies who consume plants infected with it," She reasoned, "The signs of infection are more consistent with plague than blight."
The mare nodded slowly; it was clear to Gustopha that the librarian only kind of understood what she was talking about. "Well, I'll get some of the colts down in printing to run this through; we usually do batches as small as fifty," She explained.
Gustopha nodded, "That's fine," She replied gently.
The librarian gave her a smile and walked off with the paper.

As Gustopha left the study, she figured she should check on Celestia. Celestia had already awoken, and she bumped into Gustopha in the hallway.
"Ah, good morning, Gustopha," Celestia greeted gently, smiling at the other alicorn.
Gustopha returned the smile, "Good morning, Celestia," She reciprocated, "How are you feeling?" She asked.
Celestia's smile widened slightly, "I'm already feeling much better," She admitted.
Gustopha pulled her into a hug. "That's good news," She replied.
Celestia hugged back and sighed softly, enjoying the moment. "I take it you've been busy this morning?" She asked.
Gustopha's smile faded. "I have," She admitted, "I… Have a theory as to the blight's origin," She said, leaning back to hold her sister by the shoulders, "I think it was Luna's doing."

Celestia stared at her, her smile melting into a shocked gape. "You really believe Luna would do something so awful?" She asked.
Gustopha gave a hesitant nod, "It's the only way such a thing would arise so easily… It's not consistent with any other disease I've researched," She admitted.
Celestia sighed a little, closing her eyes. "I… I understand," She replied.
Gustopha looked away, "I'm sorry, Celestia…" She whispered.
"It's alright, Gustopha… You're just practicing what you know," She replied, "Come; let's talk over breakfast. I would like to help you establish yourself in the castle," She expressed.
Gustopha nodded and followed Celestia to the dining hall.

Gustopha and Celestia took their seats at the table and began to talk.
"I have arranged for you to have your own room in the castle. I've organized some craftsmen to help you with decorating it; you may organize it as you wish. I'll show you to your room after breakfast," She expressed.
Gustopha nodded quietly, contemplating what exactly she'd want her own space to look like.
"There's also much else to be done. As a Princess, you will have your own sect of guard staff," Celestia explained, "I've already picked out a few guards from my own staff, who will be placed under your control; I'm sure you'll like them."
Gustopha nodded again, thoughts pooling in her head like water in a sink.

Celestia recognized the growing look of apprehension on Gustopha's face, her expression softening, "Ah, Gustopha… I am not overwhelming you, am I?" She asked.
Gustopha shrank a bit, "It… It's all a little much, Celestia," She admitted, her voice getting quieter as she continued, "Not two waking weeks ago, I was succumbing to the blight as a mortal filly. Now I'm a princess, with all the rights and responsibilities that entails. I've lived a lifetime in the amount of time it takes to make a habit," She reflected.

Celestia gently set her hoof on Gustopha's.
"I'm sorry, Gustopha," She sighed, "I shouldn't have pushed you so hard; you're so mature in form and you've already pushed yourself so hard that I didn't even think about what might be under those efforts," She expressed, hanging her head in shamed.
Gustopha bit her lip, "I think I need a couple days to… Seat myself, before you begin granting me the rights being a princess entails," She admitted. Her ears flattened to the side of her head, "I'm not strong enough."

Celestia failed to stifle a single syllable of laughter. "Strong enough? Gustopha, strength is not what you are lacking; I've seen that fact with my own eyes," She retorted. Celestia gently set her hoof on Gustopha's chest, "Needing time and space does not make you weak, sister. You have lived a life in two weeks; anyone would need space after that. I don't know what the doctor told you, but I promise you, you'll have plenty of time to breathe," Celestia insisted.
Gustopha looked at Celestia's hoof, following it up to the alicorn's forced smile. "Thank you, Celestia," She whispered softly.
Celestia smiled warmly, "Of course," She replied, "You will make a wonderful princess, no matter how long it takes."

The two looked over as breakfast was set before them.
One of the servants looked a bit shaken.
"Is something wrong?" Celestia asked.
"Well… Most of this was cooked by one cook, your highness; it was the new mare's doing," The servant explained.
Celestia looked at the small banquet that had been laid out, "She did it herself?" She asked.
Gustopha just gave a small smile, "That's Rolling Simmer, isn't it?" She asked.
The servant nodded.
"Please give her our thanks, and tell her to take a rest," Gustopha insisted.
The servant nodded, leaving the room.

Gustopha sighed a little, looking a bit dejected.
Celestia looked at her. "What's wrong, Gustopha?" She asked.
"Rolling Simmer has been overenergized; that's why she's so hyper all the time. I was hoping she'd have a chance to vent some of it if we weren't at the Doctor's, but it sounds like it's still fairly set," Gustopha explained.
Celestia nodded a little, "It's only been a day. Let's give her some more time to cool off," She expressed.
Gustopha simply nodded and began to eat, Celestia following suit.

After lunch, Celestia brought Gustopha to her room. It was bare, save for a large, soft-looking bed, and a single lectern for reading. A large set of glass doors opened out onto a balcony.
"It's very nice," Gustopha hummed, picturing various arrangements in her mind.
Celestia smiled, "I'm glad you like it," She expressed, "I will give you some space to plan… There are some construction workers at the end of the hall who you can direct as desired," She explains.
Gustopha hugged Celestia tightly before she left, "Thank you, Celestia," She expressed gently.
Celestia hugged back, nuzzling into Gustopha, "Of course, Gustopha," She replied.
The two then broke their embrace and went their separate ways.
Gustopha turned back to the empty room with a small grin. She had ninety-nine problems, and a lack of ideas was not one of them.

Celestia looked around perplexedly for her adopted sister as she arrived at the dining hall for supper time. She hadn't seen the other alicorn all day, and - though she had promised to give Gustopha space - was a bit worried. So she headed in the direction of Gustopha's room.
Celestia gasped as she watched workers haul small flats of dirt into the room. She walked along, slipping in between passing workers.

Though it was still very much in active construction, Gustopha's direction had already done a number on the room. The flooring had been worked over with warm planks, and several beds of dirt sat around the room. Moreover, the tall vertical room now hosted a large loft, where Gustopha's bed had been moved.
Celestia couldn't believe her eyes; it was as if the young alicorn had directed the workers to bring the outside in.
Celestia then chuckled slightly. "I should have expected that," She thought to herself, carefully scuttling to the balcony to visit with Gustopha, who was sat outside.

"Seems like you've big plans for your room," Celestia chuckled as she sat next to Gustopha.
"I wanted something warm, to remind me of home," Gustopha reasoned.
Celestia's smile softened, "It is important you feel comfortable in your room, sister," She replied, gently leaning against Gustopha.
Gustopha nodded, "I'd like it to be a calm place; somewhere warm and comfy I can sit and breathe," She expressed.
Celestia nodded gently, "What are you going to plant in the planters?" She asked gently.
"I don't know yet," Gustopha admitted, "You said the orange trees took root well in the courtyard… Perhaps I'll take some oranges," She hummed softly, "It would be nice to not have to leave my room for a snack."
Celestia chuckled, "Are you sure you're not just saying that because it's dinner time?" She asked.
"Is it dinner time already? I hardly noticed the time go by," Gustopha admitted.
Celestia laughed more, "Come on, let's go get something to eat," She instructed, standing up to lead Gustopha back through the room.

Gustopha looked at Celestia as they walked through the hall. "I've been observing construction all day; what have you been doing?" She asked.
Celestia smiled, "Just some formalities; boring leader-of-a-country things," She excused, "We've some dignitaries from far down the rail line arriving tomorrow… I'm very excited for you to meet them."
Gustopha blinked, "You want me to meet dignitaries?" She asked.
Celestia nodded, "Of course; you are part of the royal family now," She said, before her expression turned hesitant, "I am not pushing you too quickly, am I?" She asked.
Gustopha blinked, "Well… The only time I've had dinner with strangers was eating with Texas' parents for the first time," She conceded.
Celestia gave her a gentle nudge with her muzzle, "I'm sure they will love you, Gustopha. You don't need to worry," She promised.
Gustopha gave a hesitant smile, "If you say so, sister," She replied hesitantly.

Celestia and Gustopha sat down at the table, where dinner had already been laid out for them.
"Is everything alright, Gustopha? You seem tense," Celestia remarked.
"I'm just… Realizing everything being a princess entails," She admitted, "I was sitting out on the balcony to absorb the state of the land… It will take a long time for me to purify it all."
Gustopha began to eat as Celestia gave her a gentle glance.
"Alicorn or not, no one is expecting you to heal all the land right away. It would be a monumental undertaking for a single pony," Celestia promised, "You're a very smart and studious pony, Gustopha. I'm sure inspiration will strike you."
Gustopha sighed, "But will it be too late when it finally comes?" She asked grimly.
Celestia bit her tongue and sighed, "Sadly, that much can only be left up to fate, dear sister," She expressed.

Gustopha didn't say anything as she continued to eat. Seeing the dejection on her adopted sister's face, Celestia found it hard to start another conversation. She had wanted to tell the young alicorn about so many things, and yet nothing seemed appropriate to speak about anymore.
Surprisingly, it was Gustopha who broke the silence: "I think tomorrow will be my first day of active duty," She decided, "I will clear what I can from the soil around the castle town. It won't be much, but it will be a start."
Celestia hesitated, "Gustopha, you've hardly had time to settle in," She reasoned.
"I won't travel far; I'll be back in time for dinner. It just feels wrong to sit here, enjoying warm food and comfort, when there are so many ponies living in uncertainty of where their next meal will come from," Gustopha expressed, "I need to put the needs of the many before my own."

Celestia sat in stunned silence at Gustopha's conviction. In a way, it reminded her of her other younger sister, before jealousy and zeal had its way with her.
"Very well," Celestia eventually conceded.
Gustopha was a little surprised at how suddenly Celestia caved. "You do not have objections?" She asked in disbelief.
Celestia took a sharp breath in. "You… You are right, Gustopha. It is selfish for me to force you to stay here while ponies who need your help wait anxiously for you," She conceded.
Gustopha hesitated. "Force me to stay?" She asked.

Celestia took another breath, as if it had suddenly become an action she needed to regulate with dedicated thought. "I wanted to protect you, Gustopha," She admitted, "I wanted to shelter you from all the ills of the world; I wanted you to just be a happy, innocent little sister to ease my loneliness as an alicorn. But instead, the doctor mangled you. He forced you to grow up, he forced you to become strong, and he forced you to think your only purpose was fixing what my real sister broke in the first place!" Her voice had risen to a shout as she ranted, concluding with a hard stamp of her hoof into the table, lightly denting the polished marble surface.

Gustopha flinched and froze, now staring at her sister with wide, fearful eyes. Celestia's once gentle warmth felt as though it were now hot flames, attempting to set her very soul alight.
Celestia, however, wasn't done.
"And now, instead of a family member to call a companion, I get a duty-bound compatriot who I'll rarely see. I didn't get my little sister," Celestia seethed.

Gustopha shrank in her chair as Celestia's mane began to seemingly catch on fire. Orange red flames replaced the scintillating aurora that cascaded from her head and tail.
"That doctor… That horrible doctor used my desire to love for his own twisted experiments. Every pardon he asked for, I granted it without thinking! What does that make me? A fool? A beast no worse than him!?" Celestia roared.

Gustopha's eyes began to water. She was scared; terrified, really, of the now enraged alicorn who sat before her.
"Can't you see, Gustopha? Can't you see that you are broken? Can't you see how he broke you for his own amusement?" Celestia asked, breathing hard as she leaned in.
Gustopha cowered in her chair. "P-please, stop…" She whimpered weakly.
Gustopha remembered the time the doctor had pummeled her in the corner for attempting to conspire with Celestia… Somehow, this felt worse.

Celestia halted at the weak whimper of the now cowering earth princess. The flames subsided, giving way to the soft cascade of colours most recognized her for.
"Gustopha, I'm sorry, I-" She attempted, before she was cut off by Gustopha scrambling out of the dining hall in tears.
Celestia stared at her hooves as if she had just killed someone. "What have I done?" She asked herself, "Why did I say those things?"
Celestia sat in silence for a moment. What had she done? She had just told her little sister, the sister she still loved despite the doctor's actions, that she was 'broken'. What did that even mean in this context? How had Gustopha taken it?
Celestia excused herself from the dining room and hesitantly walked after her sister.

Gustopha trembled beneath her blankets. She had already dismissed the construction workers; or, more accurately, screamed at them to leave. She needed space.
Gustopha thought about what Celestia had said, and how correct it all seemed. She was broken; a mess, even. She was hacked together with parts of her best friend and forced to become a princess. She still didn't really understand why. Sure, Celestia said she wanted a sister, but why was she destined to care for the sick and dying land?

Gustopha's eyes shot open, and she slunk forth from her bed, taking a hard gulp of air. She crept to the window and took a shaky breath. She leapt onto the banister and choked on the air before her mouth. It was a long way to the ground. It didn't feel all that far, really; perhaps the wings on her back were just trying to reassure her.
Gustopha took a great leap and spread her wings. She didn't know where she was going. She didn't care, really. She was going far, far away, where her brokenness wouldn't upset Celestia or anyone else.

She landed with a hard string of thuds and bumps, some hours later. She would have likely fallen asleep, were it not for the cold night's wind hitting her face.
She laid on the dirt tiredly for a few moments. She had tried flapping her wings a few times, which gave her substantially greater distance.

Her horn illuminated the field she had landed in. Trees stood around her; very strange trees. They bore not only apples, but peaches and cherries as well. It was as if three trees had bound together, supporting each other.
They seemed particularly resistant to the blight, too; the field didn't have too much blight infestation, but there was enough that some of the trees showed signs of infection.

Gustopha, finally, had a problem that she knew how to solve. She hunkered down in the back of the field and closed her eyes.
A strong golden glow emanated from her resting place, and wisps of blight began to evaporate away from the field.
Gustopha worked over the field and then some, her influence stretching across the field and beyond, cleaning blight and healing the soil for miles around. She felt exhaustion creep into her, and smiled a small smile.
Her horn ignited into a white hot fire, and she cleansed all the blight she had wrought from the earth, leaving the town covered in a thin blanket of rain clouds.
Gustopha's head collapsed to the dirt, and she heaved softly. The soft rain began to soak into her fur as she dozed off.

"Look out, Plant!" Texas squeaked as he came down towards her in a hard landing.
Plantation squeaked as she was tackled to the ground, rolling along it as she clutched the pegasus tightly.
Texas groaned softly as they came to a halt, flopping onto his side beside Plantation. "Uuugh… I gotta get better at stopping," He muttered, rubbing his head.
Plantation stared up at the sky and began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Texas asked.
Plantation began laughing harder, curling up slightly as her fit grew louder.
Texas began to chuckle a bit, "Hey, crashing isn't that funny," He snorts.
Plantation's laughter only grew louder.
Texas broke down, and started laughing alongside her, leaning against her.
Plantation giggled, "Got you to laugh, silly!" She teased, hugging the colt.
"You're such a weirdo, Plant," Texas snorted as they laughed together.