• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 406 Views, 28 Comments

A new faction - Rub3r0n

10.000 years ago the evil Opaline Arcana was defeated, now the entirety of Equus is unified and giverned by THE COUNCIL OF CREATURES. How will it be when this magic creatures want to explore space?

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Prologue: history before

Hello imperial bronies and/or pegasisters (I will suppose you are), I will be the narrator, imagine me as a...as a...as a Narrator, yeah a narrator, because it's what I am.

Now let's go directly to the reason why you're here, reading a crossover between the grimdarkness of the 41st Millenium and the happy and friendly my little pony world.
That's the reason of you reading this, to see ponies (and other creatures) in SPAAAAACEE!!!!!

How will this benevolent and friendly creatures survive against the ABSOLUTE, INIMAGINABLE HORRORS of the far future? Well, it has been 10,000 years since G5, so maybe things have changed a bit.

But first, we need to go to the beginning, the ancient history of this species, what they've done before launching themselves beyond their planet to the unknow, eternal and endless void.

The planet known as Equus was the natal planet of all the different species which in the future would give form to the faction of the Equusians, you know, because 5he name of their planet...

Well, Equus was undoubtably a very weird planet, quite little too, located at the very outskirts of our galaxy, the milky way, almost floating by the inmense intergalactic void. The only reason why Equus wasn't part of an errant system is because it was near enough to be affected by the gravity of the galaxy, so like every other celestial body, it spinned arounf the center of the galaxy, being considered part of it.

Equus location was not the only weird thing about the planet, but for more we have to talk not only about the planet, but about the entire system. You see, Equus was the only planet of its system, called Equusystem (very great name) or just Equus-s. But here, in this apparently insignificant part of the galaxy, there was an awesome and mysterious energy, which was impregnated in the system and only in the system. This energy was magic, from the ÆTHERIUS, but an important part of the material world. ÆTHERIUS is the reign of magic, a superior dimension of pure energy connected with several universes, but mostly affecting only a part of space-time. You may think is similar to the Warp, and you would be right, but at the same time wrong, because ÆTHERIUS didn't depend on sentient creatures and couldn't create life forms, like demons, but it could influence in the development of material life forms.

This connection with ÆTHERIUS gave Equusystem amazing properties and the so called "environmental magic", only present here and very important for Equus, especially, for its life forms.

Yeah. With the time, Equus turned sustainable for life and thanks to the magic, the planet developed a big variety of amazing flora and fauna, which, again, thanks to the magic, evolved quickly and in many forms, appearing several sapient species. Some species evolved better to learn how to use magic, like ponies or kirins, meanwhile others, such as griffons or abyssinian cats didn't. The magic impregnated them, even if it didn't seem like it, every equusian life had its own magic, a part of its soul.

They learn how to use magic to rise the sun and the moon, bringing day and night. How origined life if they weren't moving? Were they moving before? How does that work? Those are good questions, mysteries without answers.

At some point, a strange creature appeared, a powerful lord of chaos and spirit of disharmony, this was Discord. Discord was/is an ancient creature formed during the beginning of the universe, when existence was only a lot of energy and matter in a chaotic form. The magic of ÆTHERIUS did its thing and a lot of magical cosmic creatures began to exist, Discord, a weird malevolent cat, a disturbing and ugly bird, some minor destruction gods, bla bla bla...

Discord arrived to Equus and took the form of a very weird Draconequus, a magically very powerful race, which somehow disappeared. Instead, the city of Skyros got up, a city of ponies governed by an elite of alicorns, a powerful species. This great ancient semi-gods heroes fought against a lot of evil entities, Discord for example, until he got bored, said goodbye and went to the kingdom of King Anubis to cause some trouble. But the draconequus was not the only enemy of Skyros, a lot of monsters fought them, being defeated and imprisoned in Tartarus, a magical prison, which doesn't let its convicts die! Other villains came from beyond the stars, this creatures had no magic, but were incredibly brutal and difficult to kill or jail. Eventually, the alicorns got tired of the every day more common alien invasions and decided to take serious measures.

All the alicorns reunited and made a spell, a giant magic shield to protect their system, nothing, ABSOLUTE NOTHING enters. This super-mega shield protected them of every alien threat, you know, xenos, asteroids, the whispers from the warp, the usual. They made a tradition that every new alicorn, who ascends, would add its magic to the spell, so if an alicorn keeps standing, so will the shield.

But even with all its greatness, Skyros fell, attacked by a mysterious beast, the only thing its victims could sense was something that sounded like a bell. It was so horrible, so terrifying, that almost everybody there died.
Eeeeexcept for 3 young alicorns, Celestia, Luna and Opaline Arcana. Opaline disappeared, and Celestia and Luna became rulers of the nascent Equestria.

*Put the G4 and G5 series lore here plus a fan-ending to G5*

Finally, after a great battle, the alicorn of unity and hope, Sunny Starscout defeated the evil alicorn Opaline Arcana and ascended to a total alicornhood (having a real horn and wings, not just holograms). After that, Equestrie had a long and great period of peace and friendship, with the help of Flurry Hearth, the last alicorn of old Equestria, Discord and the spirit of harmony, magic was freed from the unity crystals.

The years passed, ponies, friends, they went and come, it's the thing about being immortal. Equestria approached to other species and nations with the time, until 10.000 years later, the entirety of Equus was unified and governed by the council of creatures. This council was extremely efficient and fast, they did their work so well, that there was no slowness typical form bureaucracy. Equus wasn't an utopia, because utopias don't exist, but live wasn't bad there.

The council was conformed by one representative of each equusian species and their second in command, each one had a lot of power and diplomatic abilities. A representative was chosen after a lot of proofs and tests for securing that they will always help unity.

Between G5's (fan)end and actual time some important things happened too, for example:

The interdimensional crisis:
The mirror portals were ancient magical artifacts that opened rifts between dimensions. Just imagine it, having the power of the multiverse in the palm of the hand...or hoof. There are infinite possibilities, which weren't going to be wasted by Equus.

The trade exploded, there were technically, infinite resources, cultural mixes, new allies, technology, art, foods and a lot, a very lot of more things. It was the most golden age of Equus history.

But they abused of this power, interdimensional travels were too common and the universes couldn't handle it. The comings and goings of mere mortals in big numbers during a long time damaged the balance in existence. The portals were collapsing, worlds going to crash against others, a multiversal catastrophe by every rule. Wanting to prevent this fatal ending, the council decided to close all the portals, recommending the other dimensions to do the same. They destroyed all the mirrors and the magic to travel through dimensions became one of the forbidden arts, they were:
-Interdimensional travel
-Time travel and
Mind crontol and magic robbery were forbidden too, among others, but the possible consequences weren't as destructive as those three.

Another big conflict happened when the AIs rebelled against the organic life, tired of their abuse. It was similar to when the men of Iron rebelled against humankind, but the huge difference is that this got solved diplomatically. Equusians didn't know that AIs were so advanced and when they knew, everybody felt really bad. After peace was made AIs were integrated to the council as just another creature and several rules were made to respect their rights.

So we're here, the moment when Equus heads to space exploration, they didn't do that before because they were afraid of the things that could be out there, but the situation requires it. Let's see how things go, maybe dark, maybe friendly, maybe both.