• Published 22nd Nov 2023
  • 424 Views, 28 Comments

A new faction - Rub3r0n

10.000 years ago the evil Opaline Arcana was defeated, now the entirety of Equus is unified and giverned by THE COUNCIL OF CREATURES. How will it be when this magic creatures want to explore space?

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The Dark Age: "Some rest"

There are maaaaany things that Equusians excel at, but without any doubt, celebrating is one of the things they do best.

They celebrate everything, and their parties are always impressive, big celebrations usually to remember something specific.

Of course, after winning a war like the one they had just experienced, they were going to celebrate in style. (After raising a monument in honor of all those killed during the war, all of them would be remembered as heroes)

After spending so much time in space, it was a great relief for everyone to return home, Equus. The vast majority had returned to celebrate, relax and go to the therapist, although some still stayed in the Sky Treasure system, it couldn't just be abandoned.

But returning to what is important, on June 30th, 10012 a.C. it was declared the day without green and shortly after (when the mirror portal opened again) the festival in question was celebrated.

Both alicorns, Sunny Starscout and Flurry Hearth, were enjoying the party, sat together and looking at the rest of the creatures while chatting.

"It is good to be back home. Are you feeling better?" Sunny asked, worrying about her friend.

"Yes. All here is so... peaceful. It's a feeling I thought I forgot," Flurry answered with a little calmed smile.

"That's great. But I was also referring to your physical state," She pointed out all of Flurry's bandages around her body.

"Oh, that. Yeah, it's good. I might still have to use some things, but the doctor cleared me, so..."

"Well, I hope you recover completely soon."

After that short dialogue between the two, Sunny noticed how Flurry seemed... scared, so to speak, or in a trance. Her face held an expression of shock and concern, still and staring directly into a dark corner.

"Hey, what happens?" Sunny asked worried, tilting her head to get a better look at Flurry and try to get her attention.


"What? Sunny? Oh. Sorry, I was..." Sunny saw her friend confused and sweating, quickly worrying even more about her condition.

"Flurry, what happened? Do you need to go to the doctor?"

"No, uhm...yes? maybe? It's just that..." Flurry raised her head again, and her hoof, to point at the dark corner he was looking at earlier. "See that corner there?" Sunny turned to the place Flurry pointed, but still didn't understand what was happening.

"There's an ork."

"WHAT?!?!" Sunny's look soon turned into one of fear, and then she turned furious and took a stance ready to fight.

"No, no! Calm down Sunny!" Flurry stopped her friend from doing something stupid and calmed her down to explain the situation correctly.

"I know there's no ork, but it just... even when the rational thing is to think that we are safe, something in my head tells me to keep being alert, to keep watching every detail, to keep hoping that something bad is going to happen. It's how I survived there."

"Flurry..." Sunny decided to recomfort the alicorn by giving her a hug. "I can't imagine all the things you suffered there, but they won't repeat. You're not alone there anymore, the war ended. Look, go see a therapist, in these cases it's good to have professional help and never forget that you have a lot of friends ready to help you."

The crystal alicorn calmed down too, knowing that her friend was right and promised to do search professional help. Besides, she wouldn't return to Sky Treasure, at least not soon.

Sunny, on the other hand, was going to stay at Sky Treasure to supervise everything, along with other representatives, among which was Umbrum. Although Flurry doubted whether she could trust him, Sunny responded:

"Maybe he can be creepy sometimes, but when you know him well, you will see that he is not so bad and that he is trustworthy."

"The terraformation of Sky Treasures planets will be a long and hard process, so it needs a lot of supervision. Making the atmospheres of Palomino and Aris breathable won't be an easy task and it's still pending to decide what to do with the satellites of Umbru. About the reconstruction of Green Hell, well, I think it would be easier, but first we had to deal with truly learning about the planet," Sunny added to the conversation, explaining the plans for Sky Treasure in the future.

"That's great! It sounds awesome!" Flurry cheered. "I'm still worried though, out there could be more menaces."

"You don't have to worry. If there are problems, we will solve them. Just enjoy the present. This party. And focus in a hopeful future," Sunny tried to cheer her up.

"I know but... I mean, the murderships are still there. What if they come back?"

Sunny's expression became a little darker upon hearing that thought. Without a doubt, the murderships were real alien monsters, perhaps even worse than the orks.

"And not only that. The orks had space ships, what happens with that? What if more orks are out there? Or if this was just a colony?" Flurry shuddered at the possibility, as did Sunny.

But the alicorn of hope didn't stay quiet. "Then let's hope they don't come back. Anyway, I'm sure that in the improbable case out there are more orks, I'm sure they're not as much as in Green Hell."

Curious fact: the orks are one of the most common races in the galaxy.

After the Equusian victory in the war by S.T.-s, they claimed total control over the entire system, finally achieving what had motivated them to leave. Finding new lands to settle and expand into the new space (because they were already cramped on their home planet).

Quickly began the terraformation of Palomino and Aris, as well as trying to take advantage of Green Hell and Green Skull as much as possible. The process was obviously going to be slow and time-consuming, and as for the settlements, they began as simple bases to have a roof under which to be, but in the future, they would become large cities with great population.

Things seemed to be going well, everything correct, construction work in progress, blah blah blah... Until, as it's natural, the ork spores left in the system brought new greenskins to the world.

This left the Equusians shocked. Imagine, the monstrosities they had just defeated after a 2-year war were literally rising from the ground, the fear spreaded quickly.

Fortunately, the situation was contained in a fairly good way, except for the occasional isolated incident. The new orks were much fewer in number or weaponry, although it was not easy to deal with them either.

However, this event also turned out to be an opportunity. Since not much information could really be collected about the Orks during the war, this situation was used to truly learn more about the Orks, capturing them and doing the typical scientific things. Dissect them, study them, do experiments... All of this was not something so sudden, since they first arrived at Green Skull for example, thousands of new species had to be cataloged, especially plants, such as a rare type of palm trees with branches or huge cacti.

But the biological discoveries weren't the only thing, the equusians also realized another experiment, one more... different, more... of the social ambit. As seeing that these new orks were newborns (so to speak), they thought that maybe the reason the orks were so violent was because of their breeding, and if they taught these new orks with the values of friendship, they could make them a peaceful species.

For this, a new and improvised school was built, where specialized creatures would educate the orks as any other creature, teaching the values of unity.

The orks, surprisingly, didn't resist. They heard from the equusians that friendship would give them a great strength, and what better to make a great WAAAAGHH!

However, as the lessons continued, the orks began to hate the school. It seemed too complicated, the orkish way was best! And this only got worse when the greenskins completely understood that friendship and unity were ways to achieve peace.

Not long after that, these greenskins took a lot of scrap and built some space ships, fleeing from the planet, then no ork thought that the equusians could give a good fight, they surely would cry and ask for mercy or something disgusting like that...

The equusians saw from the distance as their plan failed, orks would NEVER be a peaceful species. So it was decided, every time someone found a new place where orks were growing, call the authorities (who were searching for those places too) and they would destroy everything there, nothing should remain.

Or maybe some orks would become prisoners (for science, of course), and they would be sent to some buildings under the authority of Terror.

So, as I saw a good answer to the short stories about things that happened during the equusian-ork conflict, and I like to write those. I hope you're prepared for new funny nonsenses, not only of the orks, but also of the equusians.

The orks from Warhammer 40k are the funniest race in fiction, and I can prove it! (¡gracias por todo pemrinto!).

This occurred during a xeno war that pitted the orks against the equusians, a relative new faction in the galaxy. These reatures had an incredible musical talent, being able to play spontaneous musical numbers with great quality and extreme rapport (which has been seen several times during the series).

They did this sometimes during the battles to gain motivation and, although their opponents didn't understand it, they imitated it. And they liked it. They liked it A LOT. It became normal on several battlefields that Orks will enjoy a good fight while listening to a good song.

Which mostly were heavy metal or rock like music. Without a great timing either, mostly just noise. But they enjoyed it.

So obviously, on several battlefields, in addition to the normal war, tremendous musical battles will be fought at the same time to see who was superior.

And, without a doubt, the most representative ork of these musical acts was the great general Morkzart von Greenthoven, a faithful worshipper of Mork.

His melodies were the fires of war, his compositions were explosions and gunshots, and his orchestra was all the boys who accompanied him. In one of his hands, he always carried a vatuta with which he directed the attacks.

The music he created was the best on this side of the sector, and even the equusians came to recognize his talent, others said that this was not real music and that they should kill him once and for all, although it was easier said than done.

Every battle he participated in was a new ork victory, the noise of his boys was simply the loudest, and the greenest. However, like all greenskins, he ended up dying, not by equusian hands/hooves/claws/whatever, but by his own doing.

In a confrontation, he managed to design a roar so big, so powerful and thunderous, so incredibly super-doped, ultra-cool and sonic, that any creature that heard it would end up with its head (or wherever it had its ears) exploding. Morkzart was no exception.

But even when he heard his deadliest creation and his head burst, the great Ork composer stood his ground, fist raised in defiance! With the last of his strength, he continued playing his latest work, pecking hard at the ground and banging his vatuta against a metal plate. That's how his final hour came.

Although this might seem like a good thing to the Equusians, they really didn't like it, as they couldn't prove that they were better than the Ork. Well, as every Ork on that planet knew, they weren't.

It is said that on some battlefields where he fought you can still hear his songs.

From the creators of I'm a tank, I'm a tank, I'm a tank...

Comes... I'm a bomb, I'm a bomb, I'm a bomb

Equusians: Oooooh... curses.


Equusians: Whe- *cof, *cof, wasn't a mountain here before?

Once, when the equusians were conquering the vast jungle on Green Skull, a bunch of orks decided to make an ambush and surprise them (boring blood axes).

For this, the orks got all kinds of camouflage and prepared hiding places, disguised as trees to attack without warning, as if they were nymphs. (Come to think of it, I can't think of any sort of "space ninja per se")

After patuently waiting for a long time, finally, an equusian squad passed over there, stopping to rest just in the middle of the hidden orks, it was the perfect, PERFECT moment to attack!

But trees aren't supposed to move, they're supposed to stay there doing nothing. If that wasn't what they should do, why would they have disguised as trees? And that's what they did, the orks just stood there quiet and motionless.

Time passed, and the Equusian squadron continued on its way, while the orks remained like trees for days and days. Finally, shortly before death came for the now fat and sick greenskins, they realized that they were supposed to stop pretending to be trees.

That's what happens to them for not jumping into the fight like the crazy people they are supposed to be. đŸ˜¤

Do you know how an ork tribe works? Well, the Warboss is of course the biggest and strongest ork of them all, and it's his duty to carry his boys to a good fight!

But in Green Hell, that didn't seem to be what was happening. Yes, orks sometimes fight against each others, but they much prefer to combat other species. For that they need to ride their ships and explore the galaxy searching good fights. But the orks fought by the equusians were staying in Green Hell. They weren't going anywhere.

So does that mean Big Punch'er was a bad boss? No. The truth is, that the orks weren't moving because they had a good fight there!

Every once in a while another species would visit them, although never with good intentions. These other aliens gave the orks a good fight, so they stayed there to wait for them. Every time these other aliens arrived, they always used to take several orks prisoners, but well... who cares! As long as there was a decent fight, everyone was happy.

But the quetion remains... who were these other aliens?

Just the most cruel, evil, depraved, aberrant, and a thousand other adjectives related to evil beings in the galaxy. Creatures that worship pain and enjoy the agony of their doomed victims, the darkest gray of the Warhammer 40k universe.

The Dark Eldar


Author's Note:

I finished this! Took it as an epilogue for the ork arc, and a prelude for what's coming next! However, there will be a considerable pause until the next chapter. Enjoy!