• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 2,189 Views, 167 Comments

Guilt After the Apologies - SamSwordsman123

Even though Twilight forgave her friends, they still carry the guilt for abandoning and not listening to her.

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Chapter 3: Back in Ponyville

The Mane 6 arrived back in Ponyville. Applejack immediately heading home with Rarity tagging along. Since her and Sweetie Belle’s parents were out of town yet again, and Rarity had had to do community service cleaning up Canterlot, Sweetie Belle spent a few days at the Apple Farm. They found their siblings both at their clubhouse with Scootaloo as well.

“Applejack you’re back!” Applebloom exclaimed as she saw her big sister and ran to hug her.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said in a similar tone before her mouth fell open at the sight of her sister. “Uh, what happened to your mane? It looks a bit…”

“Plain,” Rarity guessed.

“Yeah,” Sweetie replied in confusion. “Are you trying to look less fancy? I thought you loved that?”

“I do,” Rarity said hugging her sister. “But I did something rather terrible at Canterlot and just don’t feel like making myself beautiful.”

“Terrible?” Sweetie questioned.

They hadn’t had the chance to explain what went on to their sisters during the wedding. Relaying the story, their younger sister’s mouths fell open as they heard with Scootaloo.

“But how could you just not believe Twilight?” Sweetie Belle asked. “She’s the smartest pony there is in Ponyville, maybe even all of Equestria. Or one of them at least!”

“Yeah, and she was the only one who ever gave Zecora the benefit of the doubt!” Applebloom said pointing a hoof. “Aside from me, I guess! And I lasted long enough to get to know her! Twilight didn’t cave to what you and the others were saying until she saw what she thought was proof that Zecora was evil!

“You’re right,” Applejack said. “We were blind. Just like we were then.”

“And we put you both and everypony else in danger!” Rarity said with tears in her eyes. “Can you ever forgive us?”

Sweetie Belle frowned. “I suppose since we didn’t really get hurt. We took shelter with some other foals behind a barricaded door. But it sounds like you have a lot to think about!” she finished pointing a hoof.

The mares looked down at the words which mirrored the words they’d heard Celestia tell Twilight behind them as they left her.

“Yeah! You should never ignore OR abandon a friend like that!” Scootaloo put in. “Not much loyalty in that! I can’t believe Rainbow Dash didn’t stay! I’m very disappointed in her!”

Coming from Rainbow’s biggest fan, that hurt. Good thing the Pegasus wasn’t there to hear it.

“You’re all right,” Applejack admitted as she took her hat off some tears of her own forming in her eyes. She always tried to be a strong mare that cried on the inside, but even she couldn’t keep her tears in all the time. “I failed as a friend and a big sister that day.”

Applebloom sighed. “I guess I can relate since we did something pretty bad ourselves with the whole Gabby Gums column not long ago, hurting ponies’ feelings. We were so excited that ponies liked it but that doesn’t excuse what we did. Still, I don’t want to stay mad at you, big sis. It hurt a lot seeing you mad at me during that incident.”

She walked over and hugged Applejack again.

“Thanks, Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “And trust us, we have been doing a lot thinking since what happened.”

“Indeed,” Rarity agreed. “About what could have happened if things went differently.”

Images of different things that could have happened ran through their heads. The queen and her hive winning the battle ran though their heads, evil laughter sounding. Then Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo being surrounded by changelings.

But worse still was the thought of Twilight not forgiving them like in Applejack’s dream.

“You betrayed me!” Twilight voice said in their minds eye. “I’d be better off without friends like you! You care more about selling your dumb dresses and apple treats then you do about me!”

Then they thought of the worst possible thing that could have happened. If they’d lost Twilight that day. If the queen had chosen to, she could have killed her. They thought of her body lying on a stone table surrounded by crying friends and family that had left her to such a fate.

Applejack and Rarity shook at the though of that and looked at the three fillies.

“We all made our own mistakes that day. Even if Twilight didn’t have proof we should have at least comforted her!” Rarity said. “Maybe told her how ridiculous and unsympathetic she was being to the bride’s stress! But not abandoned her like that!”

“We’re gonna make it up to her though!” Applejack vowed. “Whatever it takes!”

“Speaking of which, I need to get home and get started on her apology dress for tomorrow!” Rarity said.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle left together while Scootaloo went off on her own and Applejack and Applebloom returned to the farm.

Big Manintosh and Granny Smith were disappointed as well when they heard what happened.

“That was a mighty fool thing you did there, Applejack,” Granny Smith said.

“Yep!” Big Macintosh agreed.

“From the sound of it, things were a bit obvious with the way the imposter was acting,” Granny said. “And you hurt one of your closest friends, not to mention your neglect put lil’ Applebloom in danger! I’m very disappointed in you!”

“I know Granny,” Applejack bowed her head. “I made a big mistake, and I feel like a rotten apple. Ma and Pa would be ashamed of me.”

“Well, nothing to do but mare up and move on! Work to fix your mistake,” Granny Smith said. “You’re lucky Twilight Sparkle is so forgiving. Cause not many ponies would forgive a cross as bad as that!”

“You’re right about that!” Applejack choked out as she was unable to hold the rivers of tears back anymore. “I… I need some time alone!”

She ran to her room and slammed the door shut behind her, sobbing loudly into her pillow.

“Oh Twilight, I don’t deserve your friendship,” Applejack sobbed. “But I can’t break it apart either. If I did then Equestria would be vulnerable without the Elements of Harmony.”

She sighed as she felt the tears on her face. The guilt she felt was overwhelming.

“How can I ever make up for this?” Applejack asked, wondering for a moment. “I guess, all I can do is… try.”

She got to her hooves after a while and headed back into the kitchen. She had to come up with a good apology gift for the party tomorrow.

The Mane 5 and Spike, all tired from being up late last night, arrived at Sugarcube Corner at ten minutes to noon. Each of them had brought a gift for Twilight. The lavender unicorn was to come ten minutes later, as everypony wanted to be there first.

Rarity had sewn together an apology dress in a mix of white, pink and blue. It had teardrop designs embroidered into, and even a few real tears that were now dried up. Applejack had a basket of apples as well as an apple pie that she’d carved a sad face on. Fluttershy a vase of flowers and a bag of feed for Owlocious. Rainbow got Twilight a journal, as she knew Twilight had LOTS of books and didn’t want to risk getting her one that she already had. Pinkie got her a photo album in addition to throwing the party. Spike was of course making her her favorite dinner and doing whatever needed doing around the library.

Finally, Twilight arrived. She entered Sugarcube Corner and found the party, or three sets of parties. The Mane 5 and Spike stood in the center of the room and looked at their friend with forlorn expressions.

“Welcome Twilight,” Pinkie said much less enthused than she normally would be at a party. Of course, this being an apology party meant she needed to put on a sorry expression first. “Hope you’ll have fun at these three parties today.”

Twilight put on a small smile as she approached. “Thanks Pinkie.”

“Twilight?” Pinkie asked, looking her friend in the eyes sadly.

“Yeah Pinkie?” Twilight asked back.

The party pony sighed. “I know this party isn’t enough to make up for how we treated you at the rehearsal or even before that. But I hope it’s a step in the right direction for us to do what friends do. Have fun and show we care.”

“Indeed darling,” Rarity said. “I know you’ve probably had so many apologies lately, so I don’t wish to annoy you with many more. But you know that’s how we all feel right now.”

“I know,” Twilight said. “But I forgive you girls. And you Spike. You all did what you thought was right trying to cheer up somepony you thought had her feelings hurt by a jealous little sister and a party pooper.”

“You’re too understanding Twilight,” Applejack said shaking her head as she approached her.

“Applejack don’t be so hard on yourself,” Twilight said putting a hoof on the cowgirl pony.

“I can’t help it,” Applejack said. “I just feel so bad.”

Twilight gave her a hug. “We’ll get through this.”

“From now on whenever you have some concerns, we’ll listen to ya,” Applejack said slowly returning the hug. “We can’t make the same mistake again.”

“But what if we do?” Fluttershy asked.

“We’ll just work through it like we always do,” Twilight said. “No relationship comes without pain sooner or later.”

“True,” Rarity agreed. “After all, we’ve had our share of arguments these past couple of years. And before that.”

“Still, this is the worst thing I can recall doing,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. “Well, just work and try to make up for it right?”

“Right,” Twilight said. “I have to work on not getting so worked up as well in stressful situations as well. I know it will probably take some time but I’m sure I can do it… eventually.”

“Cadance could probably give you some pointers,” Spike said. “Remember how calm and nice she was when you worked with her putting together the wedding? The real her that is not that evil queen!”

“Yes, she was a true gem!” Rarity said. “I can’t believe I ever thought the same of the queen. You’d think I’d learn royalty wasn’t always nice after my encounter with Prince Blueblood.”

“Some things aren’t easy to learn Rarity,” Twilight consoled. “So are we just gonna keep feeling sorry for ourselves, or are we gonna get this Apology Party underway?”

“Oh yeah! Everypony ready?” Pinkie asked putting on a smile.

“Yeah!” All the others exclaimed as a bit of joy entered their lives thanks to the Element of Laughter.

They sung an apology song as music went.

We made a big mistake, abandoning a friend when she was down!” Pinkie started the song and gave Twilight the photo album.

Putting our work before her concerns and breaking a promise!” Applejack sang the second line and hoofed over the .

Thinking of ourselves and the chance to show off our stuff!” Rainbow put in.

It was a royal wedding and we were just so excited!” Fluttershy sang, giving Twilight the flowers and owl feed.

The dresses I could make for royalty!” Rarity said as she levitated Twilight’s apology dress over. “But I wish I had not been so dastardly!”

Now we all hope to make amends!” Spike said. “We’ll do whatever it takes.”

So please accept our apology and forgive these friends for being such fools,” all of them finished.

“I already do,” Twilight said happily as she went over the notes from each of the gifts. “Thanks all of you. These will all be useful for keeping track of things like our memories together, feeding myself or Owlouious and sprucing up the library or me. I just hope we can have some peace for now.”

Far from Ponyville, however, on the edges of Equestria’s borders, a familiar villain looked across the land. The changeling queen heard the sound of hoofalls nearby and looked. She saw a changeling with red eyes, a rarity among her kind. There were ones that had purple eyes like Pharyx, but most of them looked the same. He, however, was her most intimidating and capable minion.

“You summoned me, Queen Chrysalis?” the changeling asked addressing the queen by her name.

“Yes, Captain Trikar,” Chrysalis said. “As you know, the recent invasion of Equestria did not go well. Thanks to that wretched little Twilight Sparkle! I should have destroyed instead of send her down to the caverns. I thought it might be amusing for her to kill the real Princess Cadance, why couldn’t she just do that! Well, I will make her pay for her role in defeating us! I want you to find her and bring her to me!”

“At once my queen,” Trikar said bowing and going off to gather a few changelings to help him.

Chrysalis looked back out across the land she’d failed to conquer. Canterlot was far away, Shining Armor and Cadance’s love wave had been strong and sent them miles away. Good thing changelings all had wings or they might have lost a large percentage or even all of their army.

“You just wait Twilight Sparkle, I’ll make you pay for ruining my plan!” Chrysalis said.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I felt it might be a good idea to have Chrysalis come back for revenge in this story. She took a long time (four seasons) to come up with another plan, not counting the alternate timeline in Season 5. I feel like since she still had her hive during that time, she could have done SOMETHING. Also, the ponies had to find out her name after the wedding somehow so either they captured a changeling or met someone else that told them, or she came back in another way. I know she came back in the comics for revenge, and I thought it be fun to make my own version of it.

I did some editing here, but something went wrong and I had to redo what I could remember quickly. Probably needs some more work, and if I’m repeating some things a bit too much let me know. This will probably have some repetition as it revolves around that horrible instance of Twilight being abandoned and well… you know. I’ll just try to not repeat everything too much, please comment/review and I’ll be back to this when I can.