• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 2,229 Views, 167 Comments

Guilt After the Apologies - SamSwordsman123

Even though Twilight forgave her friends, they still carry the guilt for abandoning and not listening to her.

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Chapter 9: Setting Off and Dropping In

Author's Note:

Okay another chapter in. And I’ve come to a decision these past couple of weeks. This story along with its prequel and sister in Apologies after the Love Wave and Checking On Your Sister make up what I’ve decided to call the Apology Verse, and they are one of two universes that serve as my headcanon stories for MLP G4. The other is the Successor Verse. Since they are both part of my headcanon I’ve decided I will be connecting them with at least one or two vague things in this chapter (regarding the small section where it talks about immortality), and another thing that will come at the VERY END of the story. Just wait and see, hope you enjoy it.

Celestia soon arrived in Ponyville with her guards. She levitated a familiar chest over.

"You brought the Elements of Harmony?" Rarity asked, remembering it from last time. The chest was just as beautiful as before.

The princess nodded. "Even though Twilight has been captured we might be able to use them once we rescue her. I thought it might be a good idea just in case we ran into a tight spot. But without her we won't be able to use them. Still, best to be prepared."

Everypony nodded and Celestia opened the chest, levitating each element bearing necklace out and putting it around the neck of the pony who represented it. She hesitated as she looked at the last remaining element that was the crown of the magic.

"Somepony will at least have to carry this for the time being until we get Twilight back," Celestia said.

"Let me!" Spike volunteered.

Celestia nodded and put Twilight's element on his head. She then looked at Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. The captain and new prince was still restraining the changeling that had been impersonating Twilight.

"Take that changeling away!" Celestia ordered. "Put him in Tartarus!"

"Yes, your majesty!" the lead guard saluted and moved forward with the other three to do his duty.

"I will be accompanying the others this time," Celestia said. "I will return here when my student is rescued."

"Are you sure that's wise Princess?" Shining Armor asked.

"Canterlot will be fine for a time," Celestia said. "Besides, this is my chance to truly make up for the mistake I made at the rehearsal."

All of the ponies and dragon that had been there felt the same way. If only they'd listened to Twilight and seen the signs rather than being so focused on their wedding assignments things could have been different.

But now they had a chance for redemption. They'd save Twilight and show they were still her friends and family, and that they cared about her. Even if they’d made one of, if not the worst mistakes of their live. For Celestia of course, nothing would top Luna’s horrible transformation into Nightmare Moon, then there was her failure to teach Sunset Shimmer to accept friendship, and most recently leaving Twilight behind when her student needed her comfort. She'd gotten lucky with that one at least. Twilight hadn't been hurt or turned on her because of what Celestia did. But now she could make up for it.

"Alright! A Royal Escort Mission!" Rainbow Dash said. "Can I get some armor of my own sometime?"

Celestia chuckled. "We might be able to arrange that sometime, but I think you would be weighed down a bit by it. I have been thinking of adding some mares to the royal guard. Stallions are stronger but everypony deserves an equal opportunity."

She then turned to Princess Cadance. "If you wish to return to Canterlot where its safe Princess Cadance then I-“

"No! I'm not leaving my sister-in-law to those creatures!" Cadance declared. "She saved me from the caves beneath Canterlot and freed me when I was trapped. Now it’s my turn to return the favor! Besides I might not have as much magic power as you but I still have more than the average unicorn."

Celestia nodded. It was true, her niece did have much more magic power. Not anywhere near as much as Celestia herself though. She’d likely never develop the kind that allowed her to live forever, which came from Celestia and her sister’s power over the sun and moon, but that was probably for the best. Celestia had lost many ponies she cared about over the thousand years she’d ruled. Immortality came with a heavy price, fortunately she had a solution to it. Twilight. That unicorn represented all her hope and plans for the near future. But until then Celestia would do her duty as princess and protect her subjects.

"Very well then. Let us be off to the border before the undiscovered west!" the ruler of Equestria said.

"We need to be quick, the changelings had a big headstart!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You're right," Cadance agreed. "Would be better if we fly."

"Indeed. But we can't leave anypony behind." Celestia gazed at the others. “We need all the help we can get.”

"So what do we do?" Spike asked.

"I think I have an idea," Celestia said. "As I recall, Twilight once used a spell on you that allowed you to grow wings Rarity."

She gestured to the white unicorn who recalled that as well along with the others.

"I can do the same on all our non-flying members. If you would all step forward."

Shining Armor, Rarity, Spike, Pinkie, and Applejack all stepped forward while Cadance, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hung back.

"Not you Spike," Celestia said to the baby dragon. "This spell only works on ponies or creatures that don't have wings... and never will. You will eventually grow your own so it will have no effect on you."

"Oh," Spike looked down and went back to the winged ponies.

Celestia then looked at the other four and lit up her horn. This was a difficult spell to perform on even a single pony, but Celestia possessed much more magic power and experience then Twilight. All of the ponies that didn't have wings grew them. Each had their own unique pattern that matched their coats. Rarity had the same set of colorful wings she did during the day of the best young Flyer's Competition, Pinkie Pie had white, pink and blue wings, Shining had purple, blue and gold, and Applejack's were orange and black.

"Whoee! Never thought I'd get the chance to soar through the skies like Rainbow Dash!" Applejack exclaimed as she tested them.

"Oh I considered having Twilight make these again at times!" Rarity said as she admired her own wings.

"Whee!" Pinkie Pie flapped hers and did a backflip in midair.

Shining Armor flapped his, his eyes focused westward. "Focus everypony! We have to save Twilight!" he then looked at their baby dragon friend and levitated him up onto his back. "Hang on Spike!"

Spike did so.

"Right, let’s go!" Celestia said.

All of them flapped their wings and headed west to save their friend, sister, and student.

Queen Chrysalis waited at the border of Equestria and the Undiscovered West. She stood in a large open field with a forest to the north and a mountain to the south. She waited for a long time, until finally they appeared. A group of five changelings, led by Trikar. It took her only a second to realize the sixth had likely taken Twilight Sparkle’s place in… wherever she had lived. Chrysalis knew Twilight was originally from Canterlot but not much else aside from the fact that she was a student of the princess and the sister of the stallion that Chrysalis had hoped to marry. She’d had her sights set on Equestria for a while and sent her drones to find out about its military, learning of Shining Armor and finding him attractive… for a pony. She could have used him to bring a new generation of changelings forward and have him protect the hive with his shield spell, or perhaps their offspring would have done that. No matter, she would soon have her revenge.

The group of her minions that returned landed, setting the cocoon holding their captive down as they did so. Chrysalis grinned evilly.

“Good work Captain Trikar,” she praised looking at her most loyal and capable soldier.

“Thank you, my queen.” Trikar bowed.

Chrysalis then walked toward the cocoon with her prisoner inside. “Now…”

She smashed open the cocoon and quickly changed her form before ordering, “Blend in with the surroundings!”

The five changelings transformed into twigs or rocks and Chrysalis assumed a new form as well. That of Princess Celestia, she quickly put on a smirk that could pass for a kind smile, if barely.

Twilight groaned as she opened her eyes and looked to see her mentor.

“Prin-princess Celestia?” she asked, still dazed and not entirely thinking clearly.

“Yes, Twilight, it's alright,” Chrysalis said softly with Celestia’s voice. “You’re safe now.”

Twilight formed a smile of relief, thinking her mentor had saved her. But then ‘Celestia’ grinned evilly and opened her mouth while also returning to her true form. Chrysalis drained the love Twilight felt for her mentor, which appeared as a pink light that shined from Twilight’s heart. However, a small amount of red was laced with the pink, and affected the taste. Twilight collapsed, weakened from having her love drained. Chrysalis, however, was intrigued with the taste, and with it came flashes of memories associated with the love… as well as…

“Mmm, loved for a mother figure mixed with resentment,” Chrysalis said. “Her love is strong but she can’t help herself from feeling ill toward Celestia… and her the others as well.”

She could see the wedding rehearsal in her minds eye. That terrible moment when Twilight’s friends, Celestia, and Shining Armor all left her. Even though Twilight’s love for them was strong, she still felt the sting of betrayal.

This gave Chrysalis an idea.

“All of you copy one of these forms!” she said to her minions.

She turned into Applejack, then Rarity, each of Twilight’s friends one by one. The five changelings each turned into one of those ponies as they saw Chrysalis’s form change. Chrysalis herself meanwhile, took on Shining Armor’s form after she showed the others. Twilight soon woke up again. She saw her brother and pony friends before her, but her sharp mind recalled what happened last time and she narrowed her eyes.

“You’re… you’re not them!” she said. “You’re a bunch of phonies!”

Chrysalis merely grinned with Shining Armor’s mouth. “Even if that’s true, your so-called friends didn’t seem like real friends at all! Why would they abandon you for somepony they just met? Would a real friend do that?”

“I…” Twilight hesitated, the words sinking in.

“The answer is obviously no!” Chrysalis pressed. “They were only using you for their own benefit. They wanted to be friends with royalty over you! They don’t truly care about you. Friendship is a lie and a weakness.”

“No!” Twilight shook her head.

“Yes,” Chrysalis said. “It failed you that day.”

“I… I didn’t deliver it right!” Twilight countered.

“Don’t be so easy on them,” Chrysalis told her, taking her chin with Shining Armor’s hoof. “You were correct, that’s all that matters. Doesn’t matter how well you deliver it. The end result justifies the means! Your friends don’t deserve you and you deserved better! Come comfort at least! I, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, can make it better for you Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight glared at her with hatred. “You’re the one that’s responsible for this whole thing! You tricked my friends and brother with your fake tears!”

But that was all Chrysalis needed. “Now!”

She and all the other changelings opened their mouths again and drained Twilight’s love with six times as much force as before. They’d caused her heart to become filled with hatred on top of the love. That would bring the resentment she felt toward her friends to the surface, true Chrysalis was the one she truly blamed but everyone else played a part, there was no denying that no matter how much Twilight wanted to. This time, instead of pink, the emotions they drained were bright red for the most part, a bit of pink love laced in. The changelings all returned to their normal forms and Chrysalis’s magic turned red for a moment as she took in the hatred that was directly primarily at her, but couldn’t help but aim itself at the ponies who let her down in Twilight’s heart. Chrysalis then lit up her horn and took Twilight as well as her minions in her aura which was still red. She gathered a bit of the hate mixed with love from each changeling and then thrust it back into Twilight who gasped. Chrysalis’s aura then turned back to her normal green and she sent her magic into the unicorn who was too weak to put up any sort of resistance. Twilight’s eyes glowed green as her brother’s did after Chrysalis put him under full mind control after Shining Armor saw her true form. Now she would do the same to Twilight and control her. The unicorn plopped to the ground on her hooves.

“Now, you will make your so-called friends pay,” Chrysalis said.

“Yes,” the brainwashed Twilight agreed, her teeth gritting and her glowing green eyes narrowing. “They will suffer for leaving me behind and doubting me!”

Chrysalis then turned to her elite members. “Get some sleep all of you! We will need our strength for the next part of my plan! I was going to use her as a hostage to force Celestia to hand over Equestria. But we’ll see how she likes fighting her own student!”

Trikar and the other changelings laughed.

“Soon we will have Equestria for sure!” Trikar said. “Nothing will stop us this time!”