• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 1,296 Views, 160 Comments

Ponyville Kindergarten - Visharo

Every character you know, every episode you remember, what if none of that happened. What if it all happened in a kindergarten class.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Griffon a Warm Welcome

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were causing havoc and Pinkie was having a blast.

"Dashie! Les get Twilit next!" She said with a grin. The pegasus nodded, also with a smile.

The day started with Pinkie swapping Miss Cewestia's and Miss Woona's cups, causing some confusion. Rainbow thought it was really funny that Miss Cewestia didn't like the black drink that Miss Woona always has, while, Miss Woona took a sip of the T drink and then fell asleep. Pinkie and Rainbow couldn't stop laughing. They decided to team up and start pwanking everypony!

"Okay!" The two waddled over to where Twilit was looking at a picture book. The entire time, they giggled uncontrollably by what they were going to do.


"I am shush! You shush!"

The two giggled again before coming to a stop next to Twilit. She looked up, confused.


Pinkie and Rainbow quickly bopped her nose with their stubby hooves before scampering away, giggling. Rainbow stumbled and fell, knocking over some wooden blocks. She quickly got up and kept on running. Once they decided that was enough distance, they fell over and continued to giggle. It took a while before they were able to breathe again.

"Lesgo to Rarity next!" Rainbow exclaimed, Pinkie nodded exited, but before they could, Miss Cewestia stomped her hoof. That means something's gonna happen.

"My little ponies, if you'll come down for a second. I would like to introduce a new student, she just transferred to Ponyville from Griffonstone." She swept a leg to the side and a small...cweature walked up. "This is Gilda, she's a griffin, make her feel welcome! "

Pinkie was gone immediately and was by her side. "Hello! M'name's Pinkie Pie! Whas yers?"

"Gilda, featherbrain. Teach just said so." The weird cweature started walking away. Pinkie felt sad.

It was soon after that Pinkie found herself next to Twilit.

"Hey Pinkie." She was reading, again. But thas okay! At least she said hello, unlike that cweature!

"Twilit, that Gilda. She a meanie. She called me a...a featherbrain." There was a sudden hush around Pinkie. She looked around and saw that everypony was staring at her. "Haha! I said feather grain." She smiled to add some more effect. It looked like it worked.

"Hmmm, thats no good." Twilit said.


"Wha?" Twilit looked up, confused. "Oh, sorry. The Power Ponies are getting attacked. Is no good."

"Oh no! That is no good!" They spent the next two minutes reading. "Okay! I go bye bye, now."

Pinkie scampered off and then spotted Rainbow standing on top of a box. Her face brightened and she turned to go in her direction. Once she got close enough, she called out. "Dashie!"

"Pinkie! Have you meet Gilda? She is awesome!" The meanie cweature stepped out from behind Dashie with a smug smile. Pinkie doesn't like smug smiles, theys not real smiles! "G, this Pinkie."


"Pink pony."

"Do you likes pwanks? Dashie and I like doing pwanks." Pinkie giggled.

"Pranks? I love pranks." Gilda crackled.

"Yay! Who should we pwank?" Pinkie thinked for a bit.

"How about..." Gilda started, then pointed at her. "You, Pinkie."

The pink pony gasped, then grinned. "Yay! I get to be pwanked!"

"Alright!" Rainbow joined in with smiling. "Les think of pranks."

"Wait, wha?" Gilda said again. "Yous okay with this?"

"Yep! I love pwanks, so, is cool if I's get pwanked." She was basically vibrating with exite. She's never been pwanked before. "Come on! Pwank me!"

"Uhhh..." Gilda looked confused, then she smiled. But it was a meanie smile. "I run away! C'mon Dash!"

The two ran away, leaving Pinkie all alone. This wasn't a good pwank. It didn't make anypony laugh. It just made her feel sad. She decided to trot somewhere, where, she did not know. Some ponies said hello to her, but she didn't respond. She was too sad. The more she walked, the more ponies said hi. Slowly, she became happier. Happy is always good. Thas what Maud always says. Then Pinkie got an idea. If saying hi makes her happy, it must make Gilda happy too!

She quickly galloped to find Gilda on her stubby little legs. It didn't take long. She and Dashie were jumping and flapping their wings. Without saying something, she quickly jumped on top of a box next to Gilda and shouted to everypony. "Everypony! This is Gilda! Say hello!"

There was a deafening roar. Heh, Twilit taught her that word after her first day. She turned around, expecting to see a happy Gilda, but there was no happy Gilda. There was a mad Gilda, and she was mad.

"Ah!" Pinkie took off. She no wants to be eaten! She's not cotton candy! She tried!

"Come here, you featherbrain!" Gilda was right behind her with a scary smile, ignoring all the gasps and comments.

Pinkie kept on running, and then she sees white legs. White legs are always good against bullies. "Miss!" She quickly scrambled around Miss Cewestia's legs and then hugged them tightly.

"What's wrong, my little pony?" She asked.

"Gilda!" Then in that moment, the cweature came closer with a scary smile.

"Pinkieeeeee. I know yer here!"

"No! I am not here!"

"Ah, I see what's happening here." Miss Celestia stood up and trotted over to Gilda. "Gilda, sweetie, you're going to have to learn a different culture while remaining your own. Be mindful of both yours and others, that means to not be so angry when somecreature likes to do something else."

"Huh..." The cweature looked deep into Miss Cewestia's eyes and then Pinkie felt something tingly, like something important happened. "Okay...I'll try to be nicer."

"Thank you. Now, continue your play."

"Yay!" Pinkie bounced away, whistling a happy tune. New friend is nice now!

Author's Note:

Chapter Title provided by Comickook. (thanks!)

Don't hesitate to give out ideas or spins for future chapters! I welcome all ideas, it even might show up and your name will be credited!

Duuuude, I didn't realize how hard it was to write bad grammar intentionally. I had to reread and then reread and then reread every little passage to make sure I got Kindergarten Pinkie's vibe right, and I still don't know if I got it right!
On that note, I want to know if it was too much? There is only so much one can take of bad grammar, even if it's on purpose.