• Published 2nd Jan 2024
  • 1,336 Views, 160 Comments

Ponyville Kindergarten - Visharo

Every character you know, every episode you remember, what if none of that happened. What if it all happened in a kindergarten class.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Have a Lice Day!

Fluttershy was walked to the kindergarten by her dad, like he does everyday. She appreciates him a lot for that, and everyday, she makes sure to give him an extra hug. Out of kindness, definitely not because she was scared or anything. No, that was for the third hug.

"It's alright, dear. Just go do what you need to do." Her dad said softly.

"Okay." Fluttershy replied, equally as soft.

She trembled slightly as she put on hoof after the other towards the front door. She looked back and saw her dad with an encouraging smile. Fluttershy steeled her heart and took two more steps. Then it was on the third did the terror start to set in. But, before she could turn around and bolt, a blue body crashed into her.

"Hiya, Flutters! We go!"

"Waaaaaaait, noooooo...!"

Rainbow Dash dragged Fluttershy into the kindergarten and was greeted by Celestia and Luna. The yellow pegasus tried, without much success, to escape from her friend's hug, but eventually gave up. Instead, she decided to curl up and try to make the world disappear. She heard Rainbow trying to talk to her, but that too disappeared. Soon, it was just her and the ticklies.


"Whazzat, Flutters?"

"Ticklies!" Fluttershy started giggling, her hooves trying to scratch her mane. It was too tickly!

"Yous okay?" It was hard to see, but Fluttershy thought she saw Rainbow looking down at her.


"Miss! I thinks something is happings to Flutters!"

Fluttershy couldn't stop giggling. Tears were dripping down her face, making everything weird. Her cheeks were hurting from laughing. Her head was so itchy!

"Fluttershy, is everything alright?"


"It's okay Fluttershy, Luna's coming with the nurse."

"Okiii...heeeheee!" Then it went black.


"..." Fluttershy opened her eyes slowly. This wasn't her bed, she noticed.

"Flutters! Yous okay!"


"Yep! I's here." Rainbow grinned with her messy hair to one side.

"Where...am I?"

"Da nurse. She says yous has lees. I dunnos wha thas is."


"Ah, Fluttershy, you're awake." A white mare entered the room with a kindly smile. "The nurse says you have lice, Luna is calling your parents now to pick you up."

"I'm going home?"

"I'm afraid so. Lice is not funny this time of year, especially with little ones. If only we had a special lice deterrent, you, and a bunch of other children, would be able to stay at school." Miss Celestia sighed regretfully, shaking her head.

"Others?" Fluttershy felt ashamed. She caused this, didn't she?

"Unfortunately. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack all got them. Strangely, Pinkie Pie doesn't have any, despite her mess of a mane." The mare hummed slightly. "Ah, you don't need to listen to little old me." She giggled. "Everything will be alright, Fluttershy. No need to worry."


"See! Miss says is gonna okay." Rainbow said after Miss Celestia left.

"Hmm." Fluttershy retreated within herself.

Then the door burst open, revealing a pink and blue mess.

"Pinkie?" Rainbow asked, wondering why there was blue soap all over her. Fluttershy wondered too, if only for a second.

"No time!" Pinkie dashed up to Fluttershy's bed, she pushed a bar of soap in her hooves. "Use it!"

"Piiiinkieeeeee!" The door burst open again, this time it was a very mad blue mare.

"Sorrys, miss Luna! Is important!" Pinkie opened a window and dove out, leaving a confused Rainbow and Fluttershy and a very angry Luna.

"Whas happening?"

"Pinkie has been spraying soap everywhere! She even got it on my beautiful mane! I swear..." Miss Luna turned around and exited the nurse's office with a huff.



"Fluttershy, your dad is here!" Miss Celestia called from outside the office. Fluttershy nodded, slipped off the bed, and trotted out of the office with Rainbow following. What they saw, surprised them. A lot.

The entire kindergarten was covered in soapy blue bubbles. Many foals were running around, laughing as they slipped around, spreading more of the bubbles around. It also seemed that the soap had gotten in everypony's manes and tails as well, making it hard to tell who was who. There was one pony who Fluttershy could tell who they were. Well, two ponies.

"Come back here!" The very blue Miss Luna slipped after the fast not so pink Pinkie. While the two raced around the entire kindergarten, Pinkie kept on spraying soap everywhere. Miss Celestia was found near the entrance with a very dejected look. Fluttershy couldn't even tell what her coat's color was.

"Your dad is outside."


Miss Celestia opened the door with a sigh, then took a step back from the pony standing in the doorway.

"Pinkamena." A gray mare trotted into the kindergarten, and almost at once, Pinkie stopped in place. Poor Miss Luna zipped past her and crashed into a bookcase. "You have my lice repellent soap."

"Yes, mother." Fluttershy blinked. Pinkie sounded so different. "My friends had lice, so I gave them your soap."

"I see. You are a kind girl, Pinkamena."

"Whas happening? Why theys sounds boring?" Rainbow whispered into Fluttershy's ear.

"I dunno." She whispered back.

"Thank you, mother."

"Miss Celestia. Miss Luna." The blue mare pulled herself out of the bookcase and limped over to where her sister was. "I apologize for Pinkamena's mess. She was just trying to help."

"Oh, no worries at all, miss...?" Celestia began.

"Cloudy Quartz."

"Claudy Quartz."


"Okay. Well, thank you for the lice soap. We appreciate it, even if we have to clean up the mess."

"Of course." The strange mare left after that, leaving the kindergarten in quiet.

"Well, that was weird." Miss Luna said.

"Yeah. First things first, Fluttershy, your dad is out there, waiting."

"Okay. Goodbye."

"Bai, Flutters!" Rainbow giggled, then scampered off.

Fluttershy trotted over to her awaiting dad. He was standing a bit far off from the kindergarten.

"You okay, honey?"


Author's Note:

The base story idea by Leviathan Eclipse. Thank you!
Also, do not hesitate to share if you have ideas. All are welcome!

I hope this chapter was good, and I apologize for such a delay on the new chapter. The time just disappeared from underneath me. I can't promise it won't happen again, though.