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Chapter 5-Winning Attitude

“And.... done!” A girl named Scootaloo was timing Rainbow Dash’s run at Canterlot High.

“How did I do?”

“Not bad, a second off from yesterday’s time. Who says that breathing was the key?” She asked.

“Alright, sodas are on me. I just hope I can her,” She looks over to another racer.

“You mean Gilda?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said then her communicator beep. “I gotta be somewhere else. Pick up same time tomorrow.”

“Sure,” Both girls fist bumped each other and headed their separate ways.

“What’s up?”

Rainbow, Spike wants to see us.

“Not a problem. I’m finish with practice.”

At Friendship Pillar...

“I may have discovered your missing zords,” Spike said who brought up a map to show the team. “This is where the orb with was found years ago in Greenway Woods.”

“My race goes through there.”

“Oh, I get it! So if our keys were there, then maybe our Zords are in that area too.”

“But wouldn’t they buried under piles of rock after all this time.”

“Not worry, I currently building a Zord Tracker, and with a few supplies, I can track Zord energy no matter how deep is.”

“Cool,” Pinkie exclaimed then the hotline alert went off.

“Hotline Alert. We got Negacore Beast at the park.”

“We’re on it.”

The rangers teleported over their to see Chomp Tox, Vulcan, and Negacore Beast named Brine Burst.

“Ugh, someone smeells like a rotten fish,” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Hey!” Brine Burst exclaimed.

“50 bucks says that his fighting stinks,” Rainbow suggested.

"Friendship Fury Key... activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!"

"Alicorn Fury! Red Ranger!"

"Mermaid Fury! Blue Ranger!"

"Sprite Fury! Pink Ranger!"

“Wolf Fury! Green Ranger!”

“Minotaur Fury! Black Ranger!”

“Friendship Fury Power!”

“Crush them, Brine Burst!” Vulcan said.

“Yeah,” Chomp Tox cheered as Vulcan and Brine Burst went ahead.

Sunset strikes her saber at Vulcan who blocks it with his own as Brine Burst blasting water shots at Twilight who took cover from it.

“You can’t get me!” Brine Burst tauted.

“Wanna bet?” Rainbow asked.

She went ahead to him and strike him with the saber but got knock back a bit.

“Shoot. Thick skin.”

“Horsemen!” Chomp Tox came and brinning them in.

“Elasto Power Key!” Rainbow said.

“Want to step it up?” Twilight said.

“Oh, yeah!” She placed in her saber.

“Hyper Power Key, ready!” Twilight said and both of them easily took care of the Horsemen.

“Uh oh!” Brine Burst gulped. “Let’s get not get rough here!”

“Your move fish face,” Twilight said.

Then Vulcan came at her from her blindside.

“Look out!”

Rainbow forced Twilight out of the way and into the water fountain just as Sunset strike Vulcan from behind but got caught.

“Not you, again!”

“That’s right, I’m back in black, baby!”

Sunset and Vulcan did a couple sword strikes then Sunset avoided one then was about to make contact but he grabbed Sunset’s saber by the blade.

“Not fast enough,” Vulcan taunted as Sunset backs the grab Power Key. “Shield Block!”

Vulcan fires his rockets at her but it gets block by the shield.

“Not a scratch!” Sunset said as Vulcan walked over to Brine Burst.

“Brine Burst, you’re coming with me,” Vulcan said as they teleported away.

Pinkie and Starlight battled the Horsemen until last one destroyed.

“Ha, The Horsemen are toast,” Starlight exclaimed.

“Wish we could could say the same about the others. They got away,” Sunset said.

“Oh, dang, I got meet up Scootaloo for training,” Rainbow said looking at the time.

“We need to get supplies for Spike’s detector,” Twilight said.

“Watch, Greenway Woods. We’re gonna find those Zords.”

“If you need anything let me know.”

“Back to base.”

Everyone teleported back to Friendship Pillar. Meanwhile at Area 45, Vulcan and the others were looking through the maps.

“Ugh! None of these maps from the archives that tells us where the Zords are,” Vulcan said.

“Maybe because fish face keeps them wet!” Chomp Tox pointed to Brine Burst.

“I’m a fish, I need to stay wet,” Brine Burst retorted.

“If you fools stop bickering for a second, you might be useful,” Scarlet Knight said coming in and shows them the map.

“Look 20 years the scientists from Area 45 found traces of strange metal beneath this hull, metal they couldn’t recognize. It must be from the Zords.’

“So the Zords are under that hill, waitng for us to destroy them,” Chomp Tox thoughted.

“Yes. And the Rangers have no idea.”

Then both Chomp Tox and Brine Burst giggle.

“Don’t get to excited. They’re under millions of years of rock. First I’ll need to build a bomb that can drill into earth. Once it’s ready, Vulcan will plant it.”

“And what if the rangers find out?”

“Brine Burst will battle them long enough.”

The next day was Junior Cross Country Championship Race Finals.

“Thanks for coming guys,” Rainbow said as the others walked.

“Of course, we really hope that you win!” Pinkie cheered.

“So, how Spike’s device coming along?”

“It’ll be done in a few days, so just say focused and you got this.”

All Racers to the starling line

“That’s my cue.”

The runners got to the starting line then soon as man fire the starting pistol then took off.

Rangers come in. Spike said as the hotline alarm was on.

“What’s up, Spike?”

Brine Burst has gone giant in the city.

Talk about bad timing.

“We’ll handle Brine Burst, you finish the race.”

I’ll come if you need me.

With that, the rangers teleported to the city to see a giant Brine Burst going nuts.

“Here we go. Spike, deploy Alicorn Master, Mermaid Blade, and Sprite Smasher Zords!”

All four Zords broke out of their rocks.

“Zords combine!” She said activating the Megazord.

“Linked! Friendship Fury Megazord!”

“It’s Sushi Slicing Time!”

Brine Burst fires several shots of water from his cannon arm, making the Megazord to crackle and sparks flying out.

With Rainbow she help out a racer who got twisted ankle, forcing her into last place as she was running she heard all familiar sound.

“Vulcan,” Rainbow said then headed over their.

“Start the drill, Chomp Tox,” He said to her prepping to drill.

“It tickles,” Chomp Tox said feeling the vibrations.

None of them knew that Rainbow was watching from the bushes.

“”Now that feels powerful,” Chomp Tox lets go of the drill and lets it sink into the ground. “How long will it take for bomb to drill down to those Zords?”

“So you think you found the Zords?” Rainbow came out hearing no more of it.

“Yeah, and their about to be rubble!”

“Not happening,” Rainbow take out her Friendship Fury Key and it started to glow. “My Zord is close. Time to save it. Link to Morphin Grid!”

Rainbow moprhed into her ranger form and clashed sword with Vulcan.

“Too late, green girl! Any moment now the Zords will be scrap metal!”

They pushed back, and Chomp Tox and Vulcan teleported back to their base.

“Guys, you there?”

Rainbow, please tell us some good news!

“I found our Zords! But Vulcan and Chomp Tox have a bomb that’s drilling into the ground to destroy them!”

What part of good news didn’t you get?

Brine Burst attacks are giving us a down pour.

“Okay, I can get through the mountain. Unless... guys learn Brine Burst here and get him to blast mountain.”

Good idea, Rainbow.

“Come on, team. Let’s run our own race.”

The Megazord started to run forcing Brine Burst to follow.

“You can’t out run me. I have great cardio.”

The Megazord and Brine Burst were at the mountain with the monster having no idea the trap set up.

“Here goes nothing,” Sunset said.

Brine Burst fires unto the MegaZord, only to dodge and blast open the mountain behined showinh a green Wolf.

“Alright, go Wolf Claw Zord!”

“Bad kitty! Bad!” Brine Burst said as he got bitten from behind.

“Welcome back, old pal,” Twilight smiled underneath her helmet.

“Here, puss, puss, puss.”

Brine Burst fires at but the Wolf Claw Zord dodges it.

“Time for a remix! Zords combine!” Rainbow threw her key.

The Megazord dissembles, addding the Wolf Claw Zord. Rainbow teleports into the cockpit and ready for the fight.

“Just in the nick of time!”

“Friendship Fury Megzord, Claw Formation!”

Brine Burst fire lasers shot but it got deflected.

“Let’s tried the jet boost,” Rainbow suggested.

The Megazord activated the jet boots and rushes toward Brine Burst just as he tried to fired but nothing happen.

“Ah! I’m out of juice!”

“Mega Light Saber! Friendship Fury Megazord! Triple Wolf Slash!”

It send three slashed at Brine Burst which made contact then he exploded.

“Friendship Fury Victory!”

Then the rangers were out of the Megazord looking for Brine Burst’s Negacore.

“Where did go?” Sunset asked.

“It could have gone far,” Starlight said.

“Looking for this,” Vulcan appeared holding the Negacore. “You have your Zord but have this!” He laughed as teleportes away.

“Aggh, fudge sticks he got away!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“At least we saved the Zord, Rainbow,” Twilight said to her.

“And we need to do is find mine.”

“And with a bit of time, Spike’s device will be complete.”

“Time! Oh shoot the race! I’ve never got to finish it!” Rainbow quicklly demorphed. “I gotta go! Catch you later!”

Author's Note:

If you guys have monsters idea, feel free to leave them in the comments