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Chapter 6-The Strings of Bad Luck

At Area 45, Chomp Tox was sitting in Scarlet Knight’s chair, singing mindlessly as she yawned and stretched.

“Hey, fungi face! You’re not allowed to sit in the boss’s seat,” said Vulcan.

“Ah, push, I’m not scared,” Chomp Tox dismissed him. “And this thing is way comfier than the table I sleep under! Look at me! I’m Scarlet Knight. I love Negacore.”

Suddenly the door opens and shows Scarlet Knight walking out of his room, making Chomp Tox scream and jump.

“Oh boss, how’s things with you?” She asked him. “I’ve been meaning to ask what with the door?”

“If you want to find out? By all means, knock yourself out.” He told her.

“Cotton candy, here I....” Chomp Tox to open the door but got shocked by the handle.

“Both of you fools are thin ice. Now, the Rangers have been spoiling my plans. Defeat them and I might not destroy you.”

“Great speech, I’m on the job,” Chomp Tox saluted.

“Suck up,” Vulcan mumbled then both of them teleported.

In the city...

“Run! Run! Monster!”

“Ranger Hotline, we’re being attacked!”

On cue, the rangers teleported in front of Crown Feed.

“I don’t see anything,” Twilight said.

“Let’s keep looking, otherwise I’ve got to finish homework. I’ll take Negacore Beast over algebra any day,” said Rainbow.

Just then, something clattered behind the rangers, gaining their attention. As they ran over, soap suds were everywhere and a man’s whine was heard.

“There!” Starlight pointed to said monster.

Standing on a ladder, a man covered in liquid soap bubbles and assorted cleaning equipment. “Hang on.” Pinkie rushed over to the van, grabbed a water, and the soap fell off him and went the drain.

“Crash Click?”

“Thanks.” As he gets down from the ladder. “Had a bit of an accident with the soap suds. Just doing some window washing.”

“Gee, CC, if you're going to do window washing, you should ask me for help.”

“I may be accident-prone, but I can handle myself,” he tells her. He then gasps at the others. “You must be the others Pinkie talks about? I’m Crash Click.”

“Pleased to meet you, sir,” Twilight said.

“Crash Click does all the handy work around Crown Feed.”

“That’s a lot of windows to clean.”

“I can deal with a few dirty windows. It's only two stories."

"It's three stories,” said Starlight, making Crash Click gasp in realization.

"Wow!" he said, leaning back. "That's much bigger than I remember."

“We love to help.”

“Ok, then, grab the sponges,”

As they go to grab the sponges, Amelia goes through the ladder while Grace walks around it. "No! The ladder!" Crash Click said to Pinkie Pie, then gasped when his warning came too late.

"Oh, no," said Pinkie, looking at the ladder. "I walked right under it."

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, if you walked under a ladder, you have bad luck,” He explained.

“Bad luck? Why?” Twilight asked curiously.

"Nobody knows why. You just do," said Crash Click. "I walked under a ladder as a boy, then my hamster had a headache, my
grandpa lost his teeth, and two months later, I had a case of chicken pox! Oh, boy, so itchy!"

"Two months?" asked Starlight.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"He’s not joking," said Pinkie.

"Oh, c'mon," Starlight said. "That makes no sense. There's no such thing as bad luck."

“Do you always have to be negative?” Pinkie asked then got her jacket stuck.

"Aw. My favorite jacket.”

"Your bad luck's already started," said Crash Click.

“Better go change into something old in case my luck ruins it," said Pinkie, walking away from the others.

"Careful of cracks in the pavement." teased Starlight. "And don't cross a black kitty cat's path!"

With Pinkie...

"Careful," She said to herself as she watched the cracks in the ground. "Careful. Phew.”

Behind her, a Negacore pops out of the ground, causing Amelia to turn around. "What on earth?" she asked, seeing it.

"Aww cupcakes, are you kidding? More bad luck?"

“Wanna fight?” The Negacore popped into a Negacore Beast, named Rock Wrecker. “This will be easy!”

“Not as easy as you think, Rocky!” Pinkie said then did a quick morph.

"You won't be so feisty when I blast that helmet right off!"

“Give it your best shot!”

Pinkie kicks Rock Wrecker in the side then He fires a blast at her which she dodges. Then Rock Wrecker sends another blast at her, knocking her back as she screams and hits a picnic table and power-downs as she rolls into the grass.

"I need backup ASAP," Pinkie said into her Morpher as it surrounded itself with blue electricity.

"Pinkie, your signal is unstable," said Spike.

“Ugh! My morpher's history!" Pinkie said to herself as she tried to teleport back to the base.

Rock Wrecker sends another shot at Pinkie, hitting the trash can next to her.

“Peekaboo,” he said, finding her. "I see you."

The others teleported to Pinkie’s area with Starlight spotting her first. “Pinkie!”

Rock Wrecker starts rapid-firing at Pinkie, causing her to grab the trashcan lid to use as a shield to protect her.

"Look out!" warned Twilight as the blast landed in front of them.

"Whoo-hoo!" Rock Wrecker cheered. "Great deflection!"

Pinkie realized what she had done. “Rainbow, Sunset, I’m so sorry!”

“Tell it to the back,” Rainbow groaned as Chomp Tox appeared.

"Looking for the life of the party?" Mucus asked Smashstone. "I'm here!"

"You thought that was bad, rangers?" asked Rock Wrecker. "Then buckle up. I got some hard knocks comin’ your way."

"We're not afraid of a talking rock!" said Ollie.

"LOL. But this guy's tough," said Chomp Tox "You should all focus on him."

Twilight and Starlight were fighting Smashstone when Chomp Tox went over to Pinkie. "Yoink!" she said, taking her morpher.

"My morpher!"

"Nope. It's my Morpher now. You just fell for a classic bit of Chompy’s misdirection."

“Hang tight, Pinkie!”

“Alicorn Key, Ready!” Twilight placed her Friendship Key into her Magic-Saber which glowed red. “Alicorn Fury Strike!”

Rock Wrecker yelled out as he was destroyed. "Guess he couldn't handle the heat," said Twilight.

Soon enough, Rocker Wrecker pulls himself back together. "Plot twist,” he said, walking towards Twilight and Starlight, firing at Twilight

"Oh, man," Twilight said as she was knocked back to the ground. "Did he just handle the heat right back to me?"

"Yeah, looks like he can redirect attacks!" said Starlight, rushing over to him.

"Well done on having eyes," said Rock Wrecker

"Pity I have to use them to look at you," Starlight rebutted.

"That's fair," said Rock Wrecker then Chomp Tox ran up to him.

“Nice going, hotshot,” She gave him a pat on the back.

“You’re bad yourself,” he said, giving her a pat on the back as well, but gets her head.

"Yeesh. I should keep my hands to myself," said Chomp Tox and both of them teleported away.

"Ugh, those creeps got away," said Rainbow as she and Sunset pulled Pinkie up.

"At least we're in one piece. That's what's important," said Sunset.

“I didn’t mean for the blast to hit you guys,”

“It’s cool!”

“At least it was accidental.”

“But now the bad guys got your morpher,” Twilight said to her.

“What can they do with it? It’s got destroyed,” Sunset pointed out.

“Spike, we have a situation and we need your help,” Twilight contacted him. “Yeah, okay. Good news, Spike’s already working on a new morpher for you.”

“Ok, but it still helps me with my bad luck,” Pinkie said.

“We should get back and help Crash Click, with him all of Crown Feed will be covered in suds by now.”

“And with my luck, I should lay low and help Spike,” Pinkie said then turned to Twilight. “Can you teleport me to base?”

“Sure,” she said then she teleported herself and Pinkie to base.

“Hey there!” Spike greeted as they were teleported in.

"I've brought you some helping hands," said Twilight.

“Good! I could some extra help. I’ll take it from here,” Spike said as Twilight teleported out of the base. “OK, can you pass me that circuit board, please, there’s one of them in existence. Without it, you won’t morph again.”

“Then I better back up, I don’t want anything bad happening to it,” Pinkie hands him the circuit board then backs away. “I’ve been on a real string of bad luck. I ripped my jacket, a Negacore hatched in front of me almost took my teammates, and Chomp Tox stole my Morpher.”

“Sounds like you have quite the day,” Spike said as he began building the Morpher.

At Area 45...

“Well, Chomp Tox, you finally did something right," said Scarlet Knight picking up the morpher that Chomp Tox brought him. "This morpher is the key to entering the Rangers’ base.”


“Huh? Can't you just teleport in there?" asked Vulcan.

"Uh, there's a force field keeping us out!" Chomp Tox informed him, before smacking him upside the head. "You pea brain.”

"But a ranger's morpher allows them to teleport straight through," said Void Knight. "Once this is repaired, Vulcan will use it to get into the base and steal all of their Negacore!"

“Good, another heist, but what if rangers in the base?” He asked.

“Then where Rock Wrecker comes in. He’ll cause a ruckus and lure them away from their base.”

“I love a good ruck!” Squeald Chomp Tox.

“And the rangers won’t see it coming it, coming.”

“Genius idea, boss! I'll rock 'em, I'll sock 'em. Oh yeah!"

"Good. Now get out!" ordered Scarlet Knight as he got back to work on repairing the morpher. "I have work to do."

With the others, they were helping out Crash Click with the window washing until Starlight's communicator went off.

“Yeah, Spike,” Twilight answered.

Hotline. Negacore Beast at Colt Lane.

“We’re on it. Sorry Crash Click we gotta go, again.”

“No worries, I think I will be okay I think?” He asked as the others left.

At the base...

“Good news! Your new morpher is done!” Spike said.

“I can’t,” Pinkie said.

“Why not?”

“Still got the bad luck rub. What if this one gets taken? Or take one of Magic-Sabers or ever the keys?”

“But your team needs you right now.”

“But Spike, with me, someone could get hurt maybe even worse than last time.”

“You're having a bad day, but that doesn't mean that you're jinxed. Luck isn’t something you can measure or hold in your hand. Luck is in the mind and your mind affects the way you see things.”

“What do you mean?”

“You're focusing on the bad stuff. But good things are there, you’re just not looking at seeing them. The only way that your luck is going to come back is if you go back out there and take a look.”

“I know that you are trying to help, but the best thing for me is to stay far away.

At the factory, the workers ran in fear as Rock Wrecker was causing trouble.

"What's wrong?" he asked the workers. "Hey, don't go! I deserve an audience. You're treating me like some kind of monster, Is it my breath? I can eat a mint.”

The Twilight and the others teleported to the factory behind Rock Wrecker.

Finally! "I almost fell asleep

"You wanna rest? You can rest in pieces," said Sunset.

"It Morphin’ time!" said Twilight

"Friendship Fury Key....activate! Link to Morphin Grid!" they shouted.

“Alicorn Fury, Red Ranger!”

“Mermaid Fury, Blue Ranger!”

“Wolf Fury, Green Ranger!”

“Minotaur Fury, Black Ranger!”

“Friendship Fury Power!”

“You brats are going down!” Rock Wrecker shouted as he multiple blasts at the Rangers. “I’m having a blast!”

"How are we gonna hurt ol' volcano arms if we can't get close to him?" asked Rainbow when Rock Wrecker blasts her again with fire.

“Pinkie, we’re under heavy fire! What’s your status?”

“Uh....” Pinkie stammered. On the screen, Twilight gets blasts, and communication is terminated.

"Twilight! Twilight" Spike cried out.

"Surprise!" said Vulcan, arriving inside the base.

“How did you get in the base? It had a force field!” Spike exclaimed.

"Your little force field can't keep us out now...." said Vulcan, then showed Pinkie's morpher. "not with this."

“You fixed my morpher!” Pinkie said.

“Wait! You’re not supposed to be here!”

“Neither are you!”

“No matter! A human or a lizard brain won’t stop me from getting what I came for!”

“Hello, I’m a dragon. Get it right!” Spike showed him his wings then Vulcan laughed without him noticing that Pinkie grabbed the Morpher and moved to where she sneaked behind him.

“So, scales. Any last words?” he asked him.

“Uh, behind you,” Spike as Pinkie was in position.

“Link to Morphin Grid!” shouted Pinkie as she morphed into her suit. “You and me, big guy.”

Vulcan yells out as he swings his saber at Jer. They both swing back, knocking the Morpher off his wrist and fall to the ground. "Scarlet Knight just fixed that," said Boomtower.

"It was lucky you were here," said Spike.

"It was lucky, wasn't it?" asked Pinkie.

“I’ll squash you for getting my way!”

Pinkie went to him and held him.

“Not here you won’t!” Pinkie exclaimed as she teleported Vulcan away from the base. Back at the factory, the other rangers were still fighting Rock Wrecker. Seconds later, Pinkie and Vulcan arrived at the factory.

“Vulcan?” Twilight asked.

“Did you get lost?” Rock Wrecker asked.

“She tricked me!” Vulcan shouted.

“I did, and it was easy!”

“Why you little pink brat!” Vulcan screamed as he chased after her.

“I got you, Pinkie!” Starlight followed them,

Back to the others, Rock Wrecker spun around Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow and threw all of them.

Vulcan swings his sword at Starlight who blocks with her Magi-Saber then Pinkie goes under and slashes him in the chest which Starlight follows up with a kick to his ribcage.

Rainbow leaps over Rock Wrecker and Sunset and Twilight slashes him but Rocker Wrecker holds Twilight in his grasp.

"Get ready. This mountain's about to reach new heights!" Rock Wrecker said as he grew giant size.

“Oh boy!”

“Spike, send the Alicorn Master Zord!”

Alicorn Master appears on the scene neighing for action.

"My arms will block you and then rock you." bellowed Rock Wrecker only causing Alicorn Master to run at him and then bash Rock Wrecker with its horn.

“Aw Yeah!”

“Pinkie, you got this?”

“Yeah, smash that boulder brain!”

“Thanks, fam!” Rainbow said.

“Time for old-school Zord action! Alicorn Master Zord! Battle Mode!”

Once the Key was in, Alicorn Master transformed into its Battle Mode. Soon after, Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow were inside. "Linked!" the trio shouted, linking their sabers to the Zord.

“Let’s rock ’n’ roll!”


“Here’s a good one. Let’s hit the rocks!”

Alicorn Master swung its arms at Rock Wrecker, who took the hits then Rock Wrecker knocked them back.

“Switch it up!” Twilight called.

“Alicorn Blast!” They shouted, firing a laser from its horn to blast Rock Wrecker.

“What goes around comes around!” He said to absorb the blast and aim it back at the Zord, knocking it back.

Back on the ground, Pinkie and Vulcan clashed their blades as Starlight looked at the giant battle.

“He keeps redirecting their attacks,” Starlight said to her.

"You rangers are about to be D-U-N-E," said Vulcan.

"Huh?" asked Pinkie as she kicked him back. "We'll be dune? Don’t you mean done? You’re even bad at spelling."

“What are you? A dictionary?" a Vulcan and teleports away.

"Well, he's done, but the fight isn't," said Pinkie

"The team needs our help with those blasts," said Starlight.

"Ok, idea," Pinkie said. “Let’s try the Megazord Sprite Formation.”

“Yeah, that could work!”

“Spike, send out the Mermaid Blade and Sprite Hammer Zords!” Pinke as the two zords popped out.

“Zords combine!” They threw their Friendship Keys.

Once the new formation was together, both Pinkie and Starlight joined the others.

“Friendship Fury Megazord, Hammer Formation!”

“Hammer formation? Good call,” Twilight said.

“Everyone ready? Ok.”

“Let’s do this!”

The Megazord took a swing but Rock Wrecker caught it and knocked them back.

"Those volcano arms just aren't budging."

“ "Then let's try picking up the pace.”

The Megazord used the Sprite Hammer repeatedly at Rock Wrecker’s arms but it did nothing.

“Drat, no effect. If speed’s not cutting, we can go back to brute force and drop the hammer!” Pinkie said.

The Megazord looks at its hammer arm, patting it for good luck.

“The last time I used a hammer, I accidentally hit my grandpa’s thumb but this will go better!”

Pinkie backed her arm and completely forgot that Sprite Hammer mimicked her movement and hit the smoke stack and causing it to fall causing a chain reaction

"Ow, careful," said Rock Wrecker as the truck rolled back and threw up some debris, which clogged his volcanic arms

"That was amazing!"

"That was so lucky."

"Argh, my arm!"

“His blaster's blocked."

"Things just got a lot easier."

“This is the most convenient thing ever!"

“Our victory isn't set in stone," said Twilight. "We must keep the pressure up. Mega Light Saber. Friendship Fury Megazord... Mega Hammer Slam!”

Just as the hammer slams down on Rock Wrecker, he screams out in his destruction. "Friendship Fury Victory!" shouted the rangers.

"Yeah! All right!"

“Ah! The powered up Negacore!” Vulcan as he tried to grab it but Rainbow got it first.

"No! I was supposed to get that," he complained

“Sucks to be you!”

“I guess this is just my unlucky day!" Boomtower groaned as he teleported away.

“Crushin' it!" said with the Negacore in hand.