• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 387 Views, 12 Comments

G5 Adventures in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their North Pole and Auroricorn pals, along with some new friends, in order to defeat an evil king named Winterbolt, who has teamed up with Allura and Twitch to stop the glow of Rudolph's nose and defeat the Mane 6 forever.

  • ...

Two Rounds of Battle Begin

“Okay,” Snowfall whispered to Violet Frost and Comet. “Let’s go over the plan to buy our friends some time one last time.”

“Right,” Violet nodded, having memorized the entire plan by heart. “We’re going to get out, confront Winterbolt and get him to pause trying to get Frosty’s hat, just until Rudolph and the others get here.”

“Uh… I’m all for helping,” Comet said nervously, “but is this really the right way to go? Confronting Winterbolt, I mean?”

“It may be the only chance we have, Comet! We have to try… for Frosty,” Snowfall said pleadingly, causing Comet to reluctantly nod. “Now… follow my lead.”

That’s when the pegasus filly leapt from the tent with her auroricorn friends in tow, standing in front of Frosty and Winterbolt. “Stop right there, you overgrown icicle! And prepare to be melted!

“Whoa… nice burn-- quite literally too,” Comet blinked. “Thanks,” Snowfall giggled. “I thought of that just now.”

“Snowfall, what are you doing here?” Frosty asked in surprise as Winterbolt scowled at the three. “I’m not about to let you do this without a fight, Frosty!” Snowfall told her friend. “There has to be another way to restore Rudolph’s light! But giving up your hat to this maniac isn’t the answer!”

“None of you are able to stand up to the great Winterbolt! Begone!” Winterbolt said as he tried to blast the three, but they were able to split up in different directions and avoid the icy blast. But unfortunately, that little bit of good luck didn't last them long.

Winterbolt was able to strike Snowfall's hooves, wrapping them in ice and causing her to fall to the ground with a scream. “Snowfall! Hang on!” Violet cried as she and Comet tried to rush to her aid, but Winterbolt struck their hooves as well, causing them to fall on the ground right near her. “Well,” Comet groaned, “this wasn’t part of the plan…”

As the trio struggled against their icy binds, Winterbolt approached Frosty again, not in the mood to take anymore nonsense. “Now... give me your hat!”

Snowfall squirmed in her binds as she attempted to reach her best friend. “Frosty, NO!!!”

But it was too late.

Frosty already began removing the hat, but the impatient Winterbolt snatched it right off his head, making the snowman lifeless once again. Winterbolt began to cackle as the icy binds around the auroricorns and Snowfall melted, and Snowfall rushed to her lifeless best friend, sniffling back tears.

Now what were they going to do?

Suddenly, a voice caused Winterbolt to stop cackling... a familiar one. “What’s going on here?”

Comet and Violet Frost, as well as Winterbolt, turned to see Rudolph and Borealis arriving, and the duo gasped with wide eyes when they saw Snowfall sniffling against the lifeless snowman. “The poor frozen fool gave me his hat,” Winterbolt boasted, “when I promised to return your nose.”

Borealis felt a furious growl enter her throat at this. “You know you can’t do that!”

“Yes, I know,” Winterbolt smirked, “but he didn’t!”

All of them sent Winterbolt a furious glare... even little Snowfall, who's eyes were still stained with tears of heartache. “Okay, Winterbolt,” Rudolph pawed at the ground with his hoof. “You asked for it!”

“You’ve got to catch me first!” Winterbolt declared before taking off into the air, cackling evilly. “Oh, he’s getting away!” Snowfall cried. “We have to catch him!”

“Rudolph and I will take care of that!” Borealis said, hopping onto the reindeer’s back. “Comet, Violet, help Sunny and the others with Allura! She’s got them trapped in an attack at the beach!”

“What about me?” Snowfall asked desperately. “I wanna help!”

“You can help by going and finding anyone you can to help, as well as looking after Sparky, Crystal and the twins,” Rudolph said before nuzzling the dejected filly. “Don’t worry… Frosty will be back to normal in no time.”

“Good luck, everypony!” Violet said before she and Comet ran off in the direction of the beach, and with Borealis on his back, Rudolph took off after Winterbolt, leaving poor Borealis on her own. “Okay, Snowy…” the blue pegasus told herself. “I’ll go find Miss Loraine… hopefully, she’s still not too mad at Rudolph to help me…”

Snowfall then ran off to find Lily... unaware that Crystal was walking around with Sparky, Milly and Chilly, looking for her husband. “Frosty? Frosty? Oh, Frosty, where are you?”

Then, as Crystal looked and saw her husband lifeless, she gasped in completely shock. “Oh no... no...”

Sparky cooed worriedly as he and the twins rushed forward, but Crystal immediately blocked their path. “Don’t look, children!”

Unfortunately, Sunny and her friends weren’t around, so that left Crystal only one thing to think about…

…who could help them in this dire circumstance when the ponies weren’t around.


At that very moment, the Mane 6, combined with the forces that Cocoa Sundae and Dazzle Harmony brought to the table, were busy fighting Allura and Twitch (who despite not having any powers, was a real problem with his constant hopping and trying to ride them like horses), but it was not easy.

Something seemed to have boosted Allura's star shard, making Allura's ice blasts even stronger than back in the Lost City of Atlantic City...

...but what could it have been?

Finally, Allura released a roar so loud, all of the ponies stumbled on their hooves and wings before falling to the ground, panting and out of breath. This allowed Allura and Twitch to sinisterly chuckle and approach them. “Finally… I’ll have you out of my fur forever now,” she smirked before putting a claw under Izzy’s chin, making the lavender unicorn whimper. “Now, be good little ponies and tell me where the rest of the star shards are… and I may let ONE of you live.”

“We would never tell you where they are!” Zipp snarled. “Even if you did let us go!”

“B-B-Besides, Cocoa and I just met these amazing friends a few days ago! We don’t know where they are,” Dazzle agreed fearfully as Allura glared in their direction, “and even if we did, w-what makes us think we would tell YOU of all creatures?!”

“You don’t have to do this, Allura-- if you just give up your fight for domination,” Sunny said, “I’m sure we can help you.”

But, Sunny shrieked and squeezed her eyes shut when Allura leapt right on her, frightening the earth pony mare... as much as she hated to admit it. “There’s NOTHING you can do about me,” she snarled in Sunny’s face. “I will find the remaining star pieces and I will make sure you suffer for everything you’ve done to me.”

Suddenly, another blast of magic struck Allura and Twitch in the backsides, causing them to be pushed forward and onto the ground. In anger, Allura rose up, her eyes in slits. “Who… did… that?!”

“Remember us, Allura?”

Upon recognizing this voice, Allura slowly turned to see Comet and Violet Frost standing in front of the entrance to the path, both of their horns ignited. “Well well well…” Allura smirked. “Look who we have here, Twitch-- two auroricorns who have FINALLY realized that I am their TRUE leader at last.”

“You’re not our true leader-- Violet Frost has made a much better leader than you!” Comet sneered. “And we’re not gonna let you hurt our friends anymore, just like our friends didn’t let YOU hurt US anymore!”

“Oh, come now, Comet… you have to trust my purr-suation…

“Violet, Comet!” Misty cried. “Look out!”

Violet and Comet stood in place as Allura’s hypnotic purr reached them, but surprisingly… they weren’t affected by the spell! “What?!” Allura snarled, trying again, but Violet and Comet still weren’t affected. “HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!”

“You’re forgetting, Allura,” Violet said, pulling some snow-made earplugs out of her ears. “The snow from Starlight Ridge provides protection from your trance! We managed to make these before we left the other day.”

“And letting you try and hypnotize us again,” Comet agreed with a smirk, “gave our friends time to get up and get their strength back!”



Allura and Twitch turned, after Cocoa and Dazzle's shriek, just in time to see all the ponies charging with their cutie marks glowing, their eyes going wide. “Uh-oh…”

All the ponies leapt on them without mercy, kicking and trying to keep Allura down-- even Comet and Violet Frost tried to help keep their former leader on her back, leaving her unable to use her magic.

Well... at least for a little while.

Allura kicked the ponies off of her after a moment, leaving them to scatter just before Allura flew up with Twitch on her back. “It doesn’t even matter that you’ve won this part of the fight,” she snarled. “The plan is already in motion… soon, your friends will be destroyed, and you won’t even have enough unity magic to defeat me and my allies when the time comes.”

And just like that, she flew off with Twitch laughing at the group mockingly. Zipp prepared to go after her, but Cocoa held her hoof to stop her. “Wait-- what do you think she meant by ‘the plan is already in motion’?”

“And what are you two doing here?” Hitch asked Violet and Comet. “I thought you were back at the circus with Snowfall, keeping an eye on Winterbolt!”

“We were, but Winterbolt stole Frosty’s hat, and Borealis sent us to help you while she and Rudolph chased Winterbolt down,” Comet explained. “We couldn’t have lived with ourselves if we didn’t help you.”

“Well, we’re glad you did. Now, we just need to help our friends,” Sunny said. “We just need to know-- which direction was Winterbolt flying in?”

“Uh… that way,” Violet pointed the way they came. “Northeast, I think.”

“But… the only thing in that direction,” said Cocoa in thought, “is a desert-- with nothing to hide behind except sand dunes.”

“Wait wait wait… if Winterbolt knew that when he started that chase,” Zipp said in thought, “that means… he could be leading Bori and Rudolph into another trap!”

“And if Allura knew about this plan,” Misty realized, “then she and Winterbolt must’ve been working together all this time!”

“Our friends could be in serious trouble!” Dazzle realized. “We have to do something!”

“You bet your horns we do!” Izzy said. “But what?”

“Violet Frost and Comet, head back to the circus in case Allura and Twitch show up there, and be ready to protect Sparky and the rest of our new friends” Sunny instructed their friends. “I have the strangest feeling we’ll see her again soon.”

“You got it!”

“We’re on the way!”

And just like that, the auroricorns sped down the path before Sunny turned to the rest of the group, shifting into her alicorn form as she did so. “The rest of us will fly to the desert and help Rudolph and Borealis defeat Winterbolt and get Frosty’s hat back-- he’ll be gone forever if we don’t.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Cocoa asked her friends. “Let’s fly!”

“Follow us, everypony!” Zipp said as she and Pipp took to the air immediately, and the rest, using the power of the necklaces, flew after them and into the sky, hoping to catch up to their friends before it was too late.


At the same time, Rudolph and Borealis continued pursuing Winterbolt over the desert until Winterbolt took cover behind a sand dune, and Rudolph landed firmly on the ground to face him. “Come on out of there!” Rudolph shouted. “Yeah!” Borealis nodded firmly. “We know where you're hiding!”

“Come and get me then!” Winterbolt taunted. “Okay…” Rudolph prepared to charge. “I will!”

Borealis hung onto her best friend for dear life as Rudolph began to charge toward the dune, but before they could reach it, Winterbolt’s snakes appeared right in front of the dune, causing Borealis to shriek and Rudolph to screech to a halt. “Surprise! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Winterbolt cackled evilly. “SURPRISE!!!”

One of the snakes leaped out at Rudolph, coiling itself around the reindeer and tossing Borealis off to the side, only for her to be surrounded by snakes herself. Rudolph eventually bit the snake trapping him, making it loosen its grip before Rudolph flew into the air, shook that snake off and began being chased by two more snakes.

At the same time, Borealis summoned a huge mass of power and broke free from the snake holding her and began to use the magic energy in her tail to blast the snakes around her back a good distance.

Immediately after they got rid of their snake problems, Rudolph and Borealis regrouped, tired and out of breath. “Bori… you okay?” Rudolph asked in concern. “Yeah… if Izzy was here,” Borealis said tiredly, “she would wanna do that again, but… I don’t think I have the strength right now.”

“Well, I would say to rest, but I don't think we can!” Rudolph said, pointing to a sight ahead of them. “Look!”

More snakes were advancing in their direction, and Borealis tried to blast some more magical beams to keep them back, but the blasts were becoming weaker the more tired she got. “Uh… Rudolph? I think this might be the end for the two of us!”

Winterbolt cackled victoriously, but before the snakes could leap and attack, three... maybe four beams of magic blasted the snakes backwards a good bit.

Stunned beyond measure, everyone looked behind them to see Sunny (in her alicorn form) flying above the unicorns and earth ponies with Pipp and Zipp, ready to come to their friends' aid. “Well,” said Sunny, “then it’s a good thing we’re all here to help!”

“Sunny!” Rudolph cried in relief, causing Winterbolt to growl. “Drat!”

The rest of the Mane 6, Dazzle and Cocoa leapt into action, using whatever magic and skills they could on the snakes while Sunny approached their tired North Pole friends. “Are you guys okay?”

“We’re fine,” Borealis said, “but Winterbolt still has the hat!”

“We’ll take care of the snakes,” Sunny told them. “And while they’re distracted, you guys grab the hat and then we’ll make a break for it.”

“On it,” Rudolph and Borealis nodded at Sunny before she joined the fight against several of the snakes. At the same time, Winterbolt laughed at Rudolph and his best fox friend mockingly as Borealis climbed on Rudolph’s back. “ You don't frighten me!” he said, putting the hat on his head. “The hat is mine! Try and get it!”

Rudolph pawed at the ground and grunted like an angry steer before charging straight at Winterbolt with Borealis on his back, and the force of the hit knocked Winterbolt onto his back, and sending the hat flying into the air. And then, seeing as the hat was within his reach, Rudolph flew up and caught it right on his head. Then something miraculous happened: the light of his nose came back on, glowing bright once again. “Hey!”

The ponies stopped fighting the snakes and gasped in wonder at the sight, while Winterbolt looked incredibly alarmed. “Oh… oh no! No! It's impossible!”

“Rudolph, your nose is glowing again!” Cocoa said in delight as they all reunited. “But… how?”

“It's like… Lady Boreal said!” Rudolph said just before he looked at his hoof and saw the star and snowflake mark was there once again. “It’s back for good!”

“Yeah-heh-heh! Come on, guys!” Borealis shouted to her friends. “Let’s go!”

And just like that, the group took off into the sky, cheering and laughing. “I warn you!” Winterbolt called out after them. “I warn you! I will not be defeated!”


“Whooo-hoo-hoo-hoo! We did it!” Izzy cheered as the group flew along. “We got the hat back and Rudolph’s glow back too!”

“Now we can head back to the circus!” Hitch realized. “Well… not quite yet,” Rudolph told the earth pony stallion. “There’s still a couple more things we need to do first.”

“Huh?” Cocoa blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Follow Rudolph back to town,” said Borealis, “and we’ll explain once we get to where we're going.”

And so, the group set off in the direction of the seaside town to make more amends… and these amends could help Rudolph repair his relationships with all his new friends.

Author's Note:

This was by-far one of my most favorite chapters to write, since it was my favorite scene in the entire movie!