• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 387 Views, 12 Comments

G5 Adventures in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July - ponydog127

The Mane 6 reunite with their North Pole and Auroricorn pals, along with some new friends, in order to defeat an evil king named Winterbolt, who has teamed up with Allura and Twitch to stop the glow of Rudolph's nose and defeat the Mane 6 forever.

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Meeting Frosty and Family/Rudolph's Light is Going Out?

It wasn't long after Allura and Twitch left that the party was over, and everyone went to their homes/stables to rest for the night. But, since the stables weren't big enough to fit nine reindeer, one fox, one dragon and six ponies, Rudolph suggested an idea to Santa-- maybe the ponies could stay in the stable loft for as long as they were here.

And of course, Santa agreed.

Now, when Pipp heard that they were going to be sleeping in the loft, she just imagined a part of a barn filled with hay and other things meant for storage... but boy, was she wrong.

The loft was actually very comfortable, fitted with beds, a bathroom, a comfortable fireplace and an incredible view of the North Pole. “Whoa, check it out!” Pipp said as she flew around taking pictures. “This place is equivalent to a 5-star hotel suite in Zephyr Heights!”

“Something like that. The loft was just like a regular old loft,” Rudolph explained, “but some of the elves turned it into this in case the North Pole were to have more visitors or if the elves needed another place to sleep.”

“Well, we really appreciate you guys letting us stay here,” Sunny smiled. “And until we find our mission, we’re gonna have the best time hanging out and catching up!”

“Yeah, we are! And Rudolph and I know just the place to start,” Borealis said, hopping up onto Sunny's bed. “We’re supposed to be meeting some of our friends and their family at the clearing tomorrow for jumping practice, and since you guys have never met, we thought this would be the perfect place to get some new friendships built up!”

“Wow, that sounds great!” Hitch smiled. “Are they reindeer too?”

“Well, no, not exactly,” Borealis said with a slight giggle. “That’s all part of the surprise!”

“Well, we better let you all get some sleep-- we have to be in the clearing bright and early for jumping practice tomorrow,” Rudolph said, taking Borealis onto his back before heading to the stairs that led into the stables. “Good night, guys!”

“Night, Rudolph!”

“Sweet dreams, Bori!”

“See you guys in the morning!”

And after everyone had bid their friends farewell, Rudolph and Borealis had vanished from their sight, and Zipp was the first to yawn, tired from the party an hour or two before. “Well, I think it’s time we hit the hay, ponies. Like they said, we have a big day tomorrow, and I for one don’t wanna miss the chance to use our North Pole magic to fly like a reindeer again.”

“Good idea, Zipperdoodle!” Izzy said. “But, I’m so excited, I don’t think I could possibly--”

And just like that, Izzy flopped onto her bed and snored loudly, having fallen asleep rather quickly, causing the others to giggle and climb into bed, eventually settling into a wonderful world of dreams.


Borealis, on the other hand, was having trouble sleeping in the stall that she and Rudolph had moved into.

It wasn’t because she wasn’t tired, because she was a little tired-- all that playing with her friends and singing really wore her out.

And it wasn’t because she was worried about Allura either-- she was sure that Sunny and her friends would beat her again.

And she was excited about the ponies and Sparky meeting her and Rudolph's friends that next day, but that wasn't the reason she was awake either.

No, it was for a much more personal reason… her mother. No matter how hard Borealis searched the North Pole and the surrounding areas, she couldn't find her mother Nora anywhere.

It was as if... she vanished from the face of the Earth completely.

And she couldn't help but wonder... why?

“Thinking about your mom again, Bori?”

Borealis turned to see Rudolph glancing at her tiredly, causing her to sigh. “Yeah… sorry, Rudolph. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“No, I was waking up anyway,” Rudolph yawned. “You’ve been staying up later and later recently, and I just wanna make sure you’re getting the rest you need.”

“...I’m just worried, Rudolph. What if… what if my mom’s gone?” sighed Borealis. “And I’m the last fox that has eyes and powers like this? I… I don’t wanna be all alone…”

“Bori… you’re never gonna be alone-- you know why?” Rudolph asked, causing her to shake her head. “Because I’m always gonna be here. Even if you don’t find your family, me and our other friends, and even Sunny and the others are gonna be there for you… no matter what comes our way.”

“...even if Allura gets in our way?”

“Allura doesn’t stand a chance when we’re together, Bori… and especially when we’re with our pony friends.”

Borealis sighed in relief, smiling at her best friend/adoptive brother before nuzzling him gently. “Now, come on,” Rudolph gently urged. “We need to get to sleep if we want to do well at jumping practice tomorrow.”

“Yeah… you’re right,” Borealis smiled before nestling down next to her best friend. “Night, Rudolph.”

“Good night, Bori.”

And just like that, the two friends retreated to sleep in the dark stables, ready for the day ahead.


The next day, as the sun began to rise, the ponies found themselves stirring, ready to head downstairs and meet up with Rudolph and Borealis for breakfast before they headed to the clearing for jumping practice.

But, when they got down to the stables, they were a bit surprised at what they saw their friends eating-- grain and leftover candy cane and sausage gravy. “Oh, hey, guys!” Borealis waved, swallowing some of her food. “Want some? It’s actually better than you think!”

“Uh… thanks, but no thanks,” Pipp said, trying to be polite. “We have our own source of food, right, Sunny?”

“Oh, yeah,” Sunny smiled before stomping her hoof, allowing carrots to pop out of the ground and into the ponies’ hooves. “Oh, right,” Borealis giggled nervously. “I kinda forgot you guys could do that.”

After the ponies had downed their carrots, Rudolph and Borealis had finished their breakfast around the same time, and they all met up around the front of the stables. “All right, guys,” Rudolph said as he got Borealis to hop onto his back. “Just follow me and Bori and we’ll lead you right to the clearing and right to our friends.”

“Ooooooh, we’ve been so excited to fly like a reindeer again!” Izzy said as she pranced in place. “And we can keep a better eye out for that mean old snow leopard this way!”

“You got that right, Iz,” Zipp said with a smile. “Rudolph and Borealis, lead the way!”

Rudolph nodded and ran ahead first with the ponies following behind, and after they ran a good distance away from the stables, they leapt into the air and flew off, the magic of the ponies’ necklaces allowing them to fly either with or without wings.

The ponies laughed and cheered as they sailed through the skies with their friends, loving the feeling that they got from this sort of travel… and it was almost as fun as flying in the Marestream!

Finally, Rudolph and Borealis saw the clearing where jumping practice was supposed to be down below them, and guided the ponies down to the ground, landing near a grove of trees. Finally, Rudolph saw the friends that they were supposed to meet and called out to one of them. “Hey, Frosty!”

The ponies looked around to see who Rudolph was talking to, when they saw a walking, talking snowman with a golden-orange scarf around his neck, a corn cob pipe, a silk hat on his head and blue eyes turn toward them. “Hey, Rudolph!”

As soon as the snowman, now known as Frosty, started to walk toward them, the young pegasus filly he was standing next to (who was a light blue with a red and white mane and tail, brown eyes and a cutie mark of two candy canes and a holly leaf combining them) turned and noticed Borealis, causing her to gasp. “Bori!”

“Snowfall!” Borealis cried, running toward her friend and hugging her just as Rudolph and Frosty shook hands/hooves. “Man, what a great June day!”

“Positively balmy,” Frosty agreed optimistically. “Only ten below.”

“Gee…” Pipp muttered to her friends, “...ten below zero is balmy? I would hate to see 50 below...”

“Oh my pony, I’ve been waiting for this day for literally FOREVER!!” Snowfall squealed alongside Borealis before she noticed the Mane 6 and Sparky nearby. “No way… are those the ponies you told me and Frosty so much about?!”

“They sure are,” Rudolph nodded and gestured for the ponies and Sparky to come closer. “Guys, we want you to meet some friends of ours.”

“Hi! I’m Snowfall Cane!” said the pegasus friend of Borealis. “And this is my best buddy, Frosty! He’s a snowman, and there’s a whole story as to how we met, but it’s so nice to meet you.”

“Yeah. It’s great to meet you all,” Frosty said with a smile. “What are your names?”

“I’m Sunny,” said the earth pony mare, shaking Frosty’s hand. “And this is…”

“Izzy!” Izzy chirped and shook Snowfall’s hoof. “Izzy Moonbow!”

“Name’s Zipp,” said the white pegasus, shaking Snowfall’s hoof. “Pipp,” Pipp then introduced, shaking Frosty’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Hitch,” the earth pony sheriff shook Frosty’s hand as well. “Hi,” Misty greeted Snowfall, shaking her hoof with a smile. “I’m Misty.”

Sunny gasped and then lifted Sparky up in front of Snowfall. “And this is Sparky!”

Sparky sneezed, allowing a small burst of dragon fire to come forth, and with a surprised shriek, Snowfall stepped back and then giggled. “Wow, Borealis told me and Frosty all about you guys and the adventures you had! I can't believe we're actually meeting you in person!”

“Yeah,” Frosty agreed. “You guys are sort of big celebrities around here.”

“Aww, really? That’s so flattering!” Pipp smiled. “But, to know if you're a REAL super-fan, I need to ask you one VERY important question... do you love singing?”

“Uh… yes I dooooooooooooooo, yeah!!” Snowfall harmonized as loud as she could, and this caused Pipp’s jaw to drop before she shook her head. “Okay, clearly this girl can sing.”

This caused a laugh out of the others before Snowfall seemed to recall something she was going to ask Rudolph earlier. “Hey, Rudolph, can the kids and I watch your jumping practice?”

“Sure!” Rudolph nodded, and Sunny gasped at this, immediately intrigued. “Frosty has kids?”

“Twins, to be precise,” Snowfall winked. “We’ll introduce you!”

Frosty turned to the nearby hill and whistled, earning the attention of two small snow kids playing nearby. “Milly! Chilly!”

The girl, Milly, who had a small mop to use for her hair, heard her father immediately and turned to look down at him. “Okay, Daddy!”

“Here we come!” her twin brother Chilly, who wore an orange-red winter hat on his head responded, and the two snow kids slid down on their bellies all the way down the hill, at least until Frosty caught Milly, and Snowfall used her wings to stop Chilly. “Guys, these are some friends I wanna introduce you too,” Snowfall said. “This is Sunny, Misty, Zipp, Pipp, Sparky, Izzy and Hitch. They’re visiting us from Equestria. Guys, these are the twins, Milly and Chilly-- two of the best snow-made playmates a pegasus filly could ask for.”

“Borealis told us all about you!” Milly said to Sunny and Izzy. “Can you really turn into an alicorn, Sunny?”

“She sure can!” Izzy wrapped a hoof around Sunny proudly. “She even used her powers to help defeat Opaline! Not once, but twice!”

“Wait… twice?” Borealis turned to their friends in surprise. “You told us about the one time you defeated Opaline, but not the second.”

Sunny chuckled nervously at this. “We’ll tell you guys more about that later... just not when Chilly and Milly aren't around.”

While their friends were talking, the twins turned back to Rudolph in order to ask him a question. “Would you light up your nose for us, Uncle Rudolph?” Chilly asked. “Just once,” Milly added. “Please?”

“Okay,” Rudolph relented with a smile. “Just once.”

So, sure enough, Rudolph let his nose glow a bright red, making the group smile at what an amazing ability that was. But, suddenly… something strange began to happen that had never happened before.

Rudolph’s nose began to flicker in and out, as if it was a light bulb losing power.

This was enough to get the ponies, Borealis, Frosty and his kids worried. “Uh… Rudolph?” Sunny was about to say something when Milly beat her to it. “What's the matter with your nose?”

Rudolph wished he had an answer for them, but unfortunately… he didn’t have a clue as to why his nose was doing this. “I… I don’t know!”

Borealis got closer to Rudolph and looked at his nose, eyes widening before she came to a startling discovery. “It… it… it’s going out!”

As the ponies gasped in horror at this, a cold wind suddenly blew through the clearing, and it was enough to cause the group to shiver in fright, huddling together in order to keep warm.

But, what the group didn't realize was that a dangerous enemy, just as dangerous as Allura or Opaline, was on the move... and he was going to stop at nothing to make sure Rudolph's nose light went out for good.