• Published 13th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 10: The Battle of the Music

With all the heroes still air surfing in the sky they were looking for Twilight as she turned into a dragon all thanks to the cursed shoes she has on. They all kept searching for her but so far they haven't had any luck tracking her down.

"Any sign of her guys?" Colorgroove asked.

"No. We can't see to find her. That dragon form she took is a bit powerful. If only we knew where she was." Rarity replied.

"There she is! She's on the Mayor's house!!" Pinkie yelled while pointing.

Everyone looked in the direction Pinkie was pointing and sure enough they all saw the dragon on top of the Mayor's house breathing fire and causing major destruction to Ponyville. The heroes saw what Twilight was doing and were in total shock seeing The Princess of Friendship do something like this.

"Poor Twilight. This isn't like her. Oh I hope we can free her from this terrible curse." Fluttershy hoped.

"We will. We just need to destroy the shoes she has on and that way she'll be her normal self again. But first we need to free it's host!" Colorgroove said.

Then everyone flew to the dragon and used all their magic including the magic Colorgroove gave them to attack the dragon. It started getting annoyed and knocked everyone down. When Colorgroove landed he saw Vinyl falling and he caught her and looked up still seeing the dragon causing destruction.

"It's no use! No matter what we try we can't get to Twilight!" Rainbow cried.

"That's because the shoes are giving her unlimited energy to keep dancing. We need to play some rock and roll to stun the dragon and hopefully free Twilight from that form. But how though?" Colorgroove said.

"Wait. Colorgroove. You said that if we play really loud rock and roll music that might stun the dragon long enough to get Twilight out and we can destroy the shoes." Rooney replied.

"Yeah your right! And I know just the one to do! Hey Moe! You feel like getting loud today?" Colorgroove asked.

"Aww you bet! If were taking out a dragon then LET'S GET LOUD!!!" Moe yelled.

Vinyl used her magic to summon some speakers and The Mane Five summoned their instruments and the rest like the Doodlebops and Colorgroove got in position as they prepared to sing a song to hopefully stun the dragon.


As Moe started singing the dragon heard that and went towards the heroes but then as everyone shouted 'Let's get Loud!!' the dragon started to roar in agony and the chest started cracking! At the second verse the dragon tried to recover but as soon as everyone started shouting 'Let's get Loud' again it roared in agony some more and the chest exploded revealing Twilight and Colorgroove flew in and grabbed her out of the chest and the dragon roared in pain and fell down. It got up but due to it's host not in there it was a little weaker. Colorgroove saw that and needed to break the curse fast.

"Guys! Take Twilight and get the shoes off her feet! I'll distract that dragon!" Colorgroove said.

"Colorgroove! You'll be killed! I don't want you to be killed in the hands of that dragon! I...I probably should have told you this earlier but I love you! And I don't want you getting hurt." Vinyl confessed.

"I appreciate you saying that. But with that dragon still alive I have to stop it. You were nice to see when we met and respected me. So I need to do the same. Now go free Twilight from that curse. I'll hold off the dragon." Colorgroove said as he surfed his way to distract the dragon. Vinyl cried a little but knew he do anything to protect her.

"Good luck Colorgroove." Vinyl said as she went with the others.

Back with Colorgroove he saw the dragon trying to get to Twilight again but then it felt a blast as it roared in agony seeing that Colorgroove used his magic to hit him.

Colorgroove came face to face with the beast and he growled at him. Then Colorgroove realized that using his magic for the greater good if something that all heroes do. Even if it means sacrifice. Ultimately he knew what he had to do.

"Over here you colossal fossil!! You ain't getting Twilight! In fact your too stupid to realize that I have a magic far more powerful than yours! When life gets you down you gotta play the music! And in this case I'm playing that I save the world!!" Colorgroove said as he summoned his rock guitar and begin playing.


The minute he began playing the dragon got hit with all his energy and tried fighting through it. But Colorgroove's powers were now stronger thanks to his bond with the ponies and Vinyl. He danced and played his guitar the best as he could and the dragon was starting to get weaker by the minute.

"Yeah dragon! Feel the wrath of me playing my guitar! Cause I rock!! I'm so cool!" Colorgroove shouted.

Nearing the end of the song the dragon continued trying to fight but it was too weak now and more cracks were being formed. Back with the rest of the gang they all finally managed to get the shoes off Twilight's feet and The Mane Five used their magic to try and destroy the shoes.

Back with Colorgroove he was at the end and when he finished playing he posed and the dragon roared so loud that he exploded into bits. But one of them hit Colorgroove's board and he fell off screaming and hit the ground. When he hit the grass he then saw more bits coming down and he curled in a ball as they made a pile covering him up. But then one smaller one hit him on the head and he fell unconscious.

The Mane Five finally managed to destroy the shoes and the spell was now broken and Twilight was back to normal. She was unconscious at first but then she slowly opened her eyes and groaned a little.

"Ow. What happened?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight!!" Everyone said in unison and hugged her.

"Twilight darling we were worried about you! Those shoes you were wearing were cursed and we needed to break you free." Rarity explained.

"Wait. Where's Colorgroove?" Vinyl asked.

Then she looked at the pile of rubble in her direction and gasped in terror. She ran over to it and with Applejack's help they were able to get rid of them faster and they saw Colorgroove's body laying on the ground. Vinyl dragged his body out and held him close while tears came out of her eyes.

"Colorgroove. He risked his life to save me. But it costed him his own. And now he's..." Vinyl said as she couldn't contain her tears.

"Vinyl im...im so sorry." Twilight apologized.

"He was a great friend. And he always made sure that we were safe. But now he's gone.' Vinyl cried softly.

Then she hugged him as she cried in his shoulder. Then everyone else felt real bad that the only friend they knew with music power was gone. But then suddenly Vinyl felt a pair of hands rubbing her back and she looked at them and back seeing Colorgroove was doing! Meaning he was alive!

"I guess love really does make the best music. Does it?" Colorgroove asked.

"Colorgroove! You're alive!" Vinyl said happy!

She hugged him tight and everyone laughed and cheered seeing that Colorgroove was okay! Then they both stood up and looked in each other's eyes.

"Colorgroove. Im so glad you're okay. I thought you were done for. Guess I shouldn't have underestimated your music powers." Vinyl replied.

"It's ok. And Vinyl? I have something to confess to. When you said that you love me guess what? I love you too. You are like the most beautiful and coolest girl I met. And I can't deny my feelings for you. So Vinyl? Would you be my girlfriend? Colorgroove asked.

"Yes! Yes Colorgroove! I thought you never asked!" Vinyl said.

Then she looked in his eyes and closed them while puckering her lips and he did the same. Then like a fairytale ending they finally have their first kiss. And after that they separated Vinyl lays her head on Colorgroove's neck, while watching from behind was everyone adoring the scene who couldn't stop seeing them so happy together.

"What a romantic scene to watch." Deedee said.

"Yeah. I wish we could celebrate our victory against the dragon." Moe replied.

"You know what? Maybe there is a way to celebrate!! Everyone let's head to Sugarcube Corner! Party is being held there!!" Pinkie declared.

So everyone followed Pinkie to Sugarcube Corner and were happy that the dragon was defeated and Twilight was back to normal and free from the curse.

Author's Note:

One chapter left! Stay tuned for when they party!!