• Published 13th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 9: The Meeting and a Dragon Born

The next morning we see everyone gathered at Twilight's Castle. Colorgroove called all of Twilight's friends here to discuss about the shoes. Even the Doodlebops were here as well. But the only one who wasn't here was Twilight. Reason why is because she had some arrends to do.

"Everyone. Thank you for coming here. I called you all here because we need to help Twilight rid herself of a curse that she placed on herself." Colorgroove said.

"A curse? What curse are you talking about?" Applejack asked.

"Well last night at dinner me and Vinyl heard that Twilight is wearing cursed shoes and we need to get them off her feet. And Rooney? You were right all along. Those were the same shoes from the story." Colorgroove answered.

"Oh no! This is terrible!" Rooney said.

"I don't know. I think Twilight is pretty good at it now. Besides I was thinking of planning a dance party later." Pinkie replied.

"Pinkie don't you see? It's just like the story Colorgroove was reading!" Moe reasoned.

"What story? Goldilocks and the Three Bears? I like that one!" Pinkie asked.

"Not Goldilocks. The Legend of the Musical Hero!" Colorgroove corrected.

"Oh. That story. I don't know that one." Pinkie said.

"Pinkie! The story is about a young boy who loved dancing found this beautiful diamond while on a walk. But what he didn't know is that it was a magic diamond. And once he wore it the diamond granted him the power of a million songs and dances. And as time went by he learned how to control it. But then suddenly there was also an evil curse that had to be vanquished. And that curse is when a young girl came by and saw these beautiful purple shoes. She bought them at a shoe store and placed them on her feet. But what she didn't know is that they are cursed shoes. And they casted a spell on her which made her dance and dance and power up an evil energy dragon and never stops." Colorgroove explained.

"So your saying that based on the story Twilight is wearing cursed shoes and is possibly powering up a dragon as we speak?!" Rarity freaked.

"Yes. Which is why we need to get them off her feet before things get more bad." Colorgroove answered.

"He's right. Come on! We gotta find Twilight and get the shoes off her feet." Deedee declared.

So everyone headed for the door but when they were about to leave a whistle sound draw Moe's attention as a rope came down.

"Just a sec." Moe said as he went to the rope.

"Oh no I knew that was gonna happen! Don't pull the rope!" Colorgroove realized.

"Don't pull the rope!" Deedee said.

"Don't pull the rope!" Rooney said.

"Don't pull the rope!" The girls shouted in unison.

"But I just have to. I really have to." Moe said pulling the rope and resulted in him getting all wet and everyone laughed at that.

"Refreshing!!" Moe replied and shook himself dry.

"Just what I needed." Moe replied.

"We told you not to pull the rope!!" Everyone said in unison.

"I just can't help myself." Moe said.

"Come on Moe were in a hurry." Rooney replied.

He nodded and everyone went out of the door to find Twilight. Meanwhile with Twilight herself she was still dancing and finished her arrends. Then she saw all her friends and the Doodlebops riding on their surfboards and came down in front of her.

"Oh hey girls I was on my way back." Twilight said.

"Twilight listen. Those shoes your wearing are cursed. You have to take them off now!" Applejack replied.

"What's wrong? Is something evil gonna happen later on?" Twilight asked.

"There will be if you don't take off the shoes right now! Your giving them too much power to charge a dragon form! So take them off please!!!" Rarity begged.

Twilight stopped dancing but when she was about to take them off an evil light of purple flashed covering her in that. Then a barrier began surrounding her and purple electricity began surging through her body.

"Oh no! The shoes are powered up and are now beginning to take Twilight's body!!" Colorgroove shouted.

Then the light glowed brighter and shocks of electricity came out and destroyed a few buildings and then zapped them again to make them float and started coming towards her forming a dragon form as her opened her eyes and they too were glowing purple and she gasped softly.

"We got to get her out of there!" Colorgroove said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and tried using their magic and The Doodlebops also tried helping. But no matter what they did they can't seem to get Twilight out of the barrier.

"It's no use! We can't seem to get past the barrier that's surrounding Twilight!" Colorgroove worried.

Then suddenly they saw more bits of the buildings coming together and the chest was finished as it covered Twilight til they can't see her. Then even more bits came and formed arms, legs, A tail, A pair of wings and a head. It became a huge dragon and when it's eyes opened it flashed an evil purple and roared at them. It then flapped it's wings and took to the skies heading for Ponyville. When everyone recovered from the light she was gone.

"Oh no. This isn't good. The transformation is complete. Twilight turned into a dragon powered by the shoes. And now she's gonna wreck all of Ponyville." Fluttershy worried.

"Poor Twilight. Colorgroove is there anyway we can free her from this curse?" Rarity asked.

"There is one way. In order to save Twilight and break the curse is for all of us to gain the power of the music. And then we gotta destroy the shoes." Colorgroove answered.

"He's right. We all have to work together and play really loud music to stun the dragon, free Twilight and destroy the shoes for good." Moe replied.

"Right you are Moe. Now lemme power you guys up with the magic of music!" Colorgroove said.

With that said he used his power to summon a guitar out of music energy and then floated above the ground. He then started playing and singing a song as magic came out and went everyone.


The magic began transforming everyone to have their own music forms. First was Vinyl and she gained a really cool DJ outfit and gained the power to summon any machines to make wub sounds or to make the music louder, next was the Mane Five and each one had a dancing style on their dresses. Rainbow's was rock and roll, Pinkie's was hip hop, Fluttershy's was somewhat Hawaiian, Applejack was country, and Rarity's was classical. Each of their abilities was to summon their instruments and play the tune. The Doodlebops gained their superhero outfits. Deedee had her grey cape and mask, Rooney had his gold cape and mask, and Moe had his red velvet cape and mask. When Colorgroove finished his song he came down and saw everyone all ready and now have the power of the music.

"Alright. Now were ready. Let's go break a curse." Colorgroove said.

So everyone summoned A surfboard and all of them floated above the ground and Colorgroove looked determined as he knows what the mission is.

"Ok guys. Remember the goal: Stun the dragon, free Twilight and then we destroy the shoes for good." Colorgroove stated.

"We got the message. Now let's go free Twilight from those cursed shoes!" Rainbow replied.

And so everyone followed and air surfed with Colorgroove into Ponyville. Twilight turned into a dragon powered by the shoes and it's up to them to save her from this curse.

Author's Note:

The final battle is approaching! Get ready for when in the next chapter Colorgroove and his friends try to free Twilight and destroy the shoes!