• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 206 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 1

Prince Shining Armor let out a yawn as he woke up to the day. He trotted over to his private bathroom and began to clean himself. His reflection in the mirror proved the strain that has formed from all the work he is required to do. His eyes show tiredness and stress from overworking as well as the pressure and disapproval he must face from the noble bloodlines. He just went to simply clean his coat and mane and tail of any sweat as well as making sure that he looked neat and formal. He then walked out of his chambers two crystal pony guards saluted out of deep respect to their prince. They know he was a wise choice for the throne. They then escorted him to his daughter’s chambers. He went inside to see her caretaker feeding him her daily formal with great patience and kindness.

“Oh Prince Shining Armor I just finished cleaning Dear Flurry Heart once she’s done with her formal she should be ready for her public outings.” The mare spoke with great kindness and respect to the prince of the land.

Prince Shining Armor let out a warm smile. “You have done well Charity Heart. If you do not mind, I wish to finish feeding her her breakfast.” Shining Armor asked polietly.

“Oh why yes of course.” The caretaker said as she handed the child to her father.

He was firm yet gentle to the child he loves. “You are a good father Prince Shining Armor I am honored to serve such a nurturing parent.” Charity Heart said with much admiration and inspiration.

“And I am honored to have such a caretaker for my daughter.” He said with genuine gratitude.

Afterwards they got themselves presentable for their public outings since royalty are expected to show proper intellect and mannerism to their people.

The crystal ponies all clapped and cheered with joy when they saw their Prince as well as their princess of much kind heart.

“People of the Crystal City it is a morning of much of much good promise for today the Crystal University is to be opened the day when everyone within the crystal lands and beyond may receive the education they are worthy of.” Prince Shining Armor said with much passion, care, and faith.

The crystal ponies then approached their dear prince of fairness.

“Hail to the prince of the ponies of crystal!” They all cheered proudly.

The new students then entered the bundling to attend their courses so they may learn the traits needed for their career choices. There are many races and species of all sorts as the crystal ponies are far more accepting then most. Prince Shining Armor always admired that.

There aren’t just crystal ponies as the name suggests but also unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, and thestrals. As well as many non equine sentimental beings due to this university being very open minded and includes many species such as donkeys, zebras, yakes, hippogriffs, and dragons.

It is good to know that the university is not as close minded as some other schools such as Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Know the solar monarch has nothing to do with the discrimination against non unicorns or non equine sentimental species. However, when the school was founded in ancient times she had to adhere to the demands of the “people” the people meaning the bible lines of unicorns who believed unicorns to be of much more class and intellect then the other “corrupt bloodlines.” And they would only agree to allow the common folk to be allowed to attend the school if they were of unicorn blood. They believed the non unicorns to be uncouth and with less virtue and wisdom than the unicorns so they would not listen to Celestia’s pleas. But at the very least unicorns who were commoners and of a proper unicorn bloodline were allowed to attend.

Unfortunately, there are not very many non noble unicorns who are of pure unicorn blood due to more enlightened times and less conservative ideals about the races sticking to each other to maintain their culture. Prince Shining Armor’s younger sister Twilight Sparkle was lucky for their family believed in traditional values. That was until her father broke the tradition of the family but still married a unicorn whom he loved. Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor’s father Nightlight was expected to marry in the Spell Family. However, the mare in question, Star Spell, was a very crude and ridiculously traditional mare who believed in all the traditions of the nobles regarding unicorns being superior in virtue and sophistication. With this she wanted Nightlight to end all of his relationships with his non unicorn friends and Nightlight would not have it and went against his parents wishes and married the mare he loved instead. For he knew Star Spell was a very judgmental mare and would never treat a husband as an equal or even allow him many liberties so he married his best friend and true soul mate Twilight Velvet. They haven’t had contact with their “families” ever since. But they did not care for they had much love, and compassion for oner another.

They never did expect their daughter Twilight Sparkle to not only get accepted into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But to become Princess Celestia;s studen. For many of the noble blood did not believe she was worthy of such an honor. Especially Lady Platinum for she wished for her daughter to become the student of princess Celestia.

However the solar princess chose Twilight because she knew the young filly could do great things. And potentially bear one of the ancient elements of harmony and save them all from the tyrant alicorn of darkness Nightmare Moon. As well as free Celestia’s dear sister Princess Lunar the ancient night monarch of old from the shadow of nightmares that convinced her to bring forth eternal night. The subjects of Equestria now find beauty and admiration to her beautiful night. For it is a thing of much beauty and honor. When Princess Luna was freed of her boundage she did redeem herself in truth for she no longer had the envy and greed and rage that allowed the nightmare to take over.
This was a blessing to Celestia as she had her sister back. However, she could not tell her subjects about her return as this would spark mass panic and she needed to avoid that at all costs even if it meant backlash from the nobles.

Life was not easy for either of their children due to the backlash they would receive especially in regards to Shinning Armor for being a stallion. Due to the matriarchal society of Equestria it is quite often the case that stallions who join the solar guard face much unfairness when it comes down to rank or one's pay. And so it was difficult for Shining Armor to even be Captain of the Solar Guard. This was largely due to the nobles influence on the solar guard they did view stallions as making less couth decisions, and with less intellect and a proper mindset. But despite the evils of oppression this would not prevent the brave and just unicorn male from receiving the title of captain. This he would find comfort in telling his daughter so that this may inspire her to become a better ruler.

Prince Shining grew tired for he spent many hours of the day and went into the night handling public viewings, political decisions, as well as caring for his daughter.

He is a father of much nurture and commitment for he wishes for his daughter’s life to be full of bliss.

He then began to read to her his most favorite of bedtime stories when he was young. It was the story of a fair and noble dragon known as Humble Wing. In the olden times there was a great and terrible war between Equestria and the dragon lands. This was of course started by the nobles who tried to force the dragons off their most fruitful and prosperous of islands due to the gems they could collect. This proved to be a problem because a proper dragon diet consisted of many gems due to the strong powers it could provide in the precious minerals. As well as the fact that the majority of the dragon lands did not contain very many animals due to the hazardous volcanic eruptions within their lands meaning the dragons needed this land. Before Princess Celestia got wind of this the war had already begun. The dragons clearly had to refuse such injustice. The war was dreadful; many of the dragon's eggs were smashed despite Celestia clearly telling those of bigotry within her army not to harm non combatants. The dragons that were captured were also made into forced labor in spite of the outrage of Princess Celestia upon learning of this. Not to mention the dragons with their breath of fire would burn many of their crops and villages killing many Equestrians. And so there were many ponies and dragons alike who wanted an end to this bloodshed. And so many people of much kindness within their hearts would spend their days and nights working toward peace and harmony. For they knew that kindness and generosity were the virtues that people needed during this time of great specisim and greed.

One of the most well respected and well known of these being the kind Humble Wing a dragon as black as shadow with red eyes the shades of the fires of tartarus. Though his appearance would fool every one for he was one of great virtue. However he knew that having goodness within ones heart was not enough to allow for harmony but through the usage of one’s actions. So he made sure to spread his teachings throughout Equestria and the dragon lands after the war's conclusion and even helped Celestia in order to achieve peace. The method of peace was accepting the fact that the island of Crytos was the dragons as well as the addition of several other non occupied islands as a means of providing the dragons with compensation over their starting of the war. The dragons in turn would help to rebuild the lost villages and crops of the people.

The alicorn princess seemed to enjoy the story and the prince smiled with a joyful and caring expression when he found his daughter had entered the realm of dreams. He knew it was time to take his leave but he was very tired and so his body gave in and he had no choice but to fall asleep within his daughter’s chambers. The crystal pony guards became concerned when their prince was within his daughters chambers for quite some time. When they walked in the found him snoozing peacefully alongside the bedroom floor of his dear daughter.

The dear prince let out a groan of tiredness as he heard the sound of a door being opened. He was taken aback to see his daughters caretaker Charity Heart with a look of much concern in her eyes. The young prince then realized he feel asleep within hid daughters chambers he felt much embarrassment and stupidity for allowing this to happen.

“Good morning Prince Shining Armor did you rest well?” The kind mare asked with concern.

“Yes I slept well, Miss Charity Heart.” Shining Armor said.

“Very good Prince, everyone worries about you. You’ve clearly been working too hard, you need some time to rest and just for yourself.” The mare spoke with clear concern.

The prince of the crystal ponies let out a sigh. “Yes I know it’s just been very difficult to properly maintain the political and economic needs of your people due to their being so little of those of nobility granting us with any political nor economic aid and as prince it is my duty to protect and aid my people.” Shining Armor said I was exhausted.

“Yes but you need your rest. I recommended that you ask for aid from your fellow royals.” Charity Heart said.

“This is a possibility but I do not want to burden them.” Shining Armor said with guilt.

“True but you have been burdened far too much the princesses will be joyous to provide you with the aid you need. And Equestrian law clearly states that the nobility are not to deny any Equestrian province with aid to the point that it causes physical harm whether it be the people or the assiters to the people. The nobles can not be allowed to get away with such injustice and if the princess provides us with more aid by setting the nobles straight then you will be fulfilling your duties.” The kindly mare was aware of the truth of this.

“I suppose you are right dear Charity Heart.” Prince Shining Armor spoke with a smile.