• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 227 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 6

The Equestrian Court of Justice recently did a ruling upon the controversial courtship between Princess Twilight Sparkle and the noble Noble Star Blueblood. They ruled in favor of the princess and her arguments. She stated that since the law only requires a noble to marry noble or princess as well as a unicorn of proper unicorn blood they determined that since she meets bpoth of these qualities by ruling that it clearly means a poor unicorn bloodline that she meets both requirements for marriage upon the royal.

The land was angry upon hearing of the nobles decision earlier to deny of their union. It was clear that there was no violation of the rights of the nobles traditions and thus them making suc a decision was uncalled for. The nobles are however, angry for two reasons one of them being the fact that the people are being allowed to marry even though it was not a noble birth and did in some extent go against their traditional beliefs since many of them do not even view Twilight Sparkle as a real princess. They are also however, mad for another reason that Twilght Sparkle’s adoption of Spike was still valid since she was now a princess and to them it was uncouth to have a dragon for a son. However, since the nobles rhquired appeasement too it was determined that he would not have any rights to inheritance or the right of princehood. Which the princesses along with the land are fighting to change. This ruling was only allowed because of the fact that he was not of royal birth nor did he commit great enough acts to earn a prince worthy title.

He is still however, granted the title of Spike Sparkle and Twilight and Noble Star’s son as the nobles have no authority to deny the adoption of a child they can just deny inheritance if they are not of noble birth.

Spike was sitting with his family eating some breakfast with his family which consisted of delicious yams and luxurious fruits.

“So how am I gonna run the bachelor party?” Spike asked.

“Spike you’re too younge to go to that.” His mother said.

“Yes but maybe we can have a little fun together afterwards maybe get some ice cream.” His father offered.

“Yes.” Spike said.

The two laughed happily to have such an adorable and sweet son he truly is a virtuous one. He did after all help to defeat King Sombra by bringing the crystal heart to his uncle.

Tihe two then went to the public with Spike in order to bring forth good news Spike did seem to love crowds which was good since he’d be in the public a lot.

“We bring forth news of good fourtnat.” Princess Twilight Sparkle began. The crowd all listened to anticipation,

“Since the nobles hath decided to break the agreement of old by attempting to make it that only their foals can become new members of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns due to the fact that there is a decline of new unicorn foals of purity other than the nobles themselves the court came to a decision. That since this has happened the old traditions must be removed and since the school is still designated for ponies unfortunately, it means that non ponies still can not attend but it does mean that any pure pony can know be abel to atted the school.” Twilight Sparkle spoke passionately.

Everyone began to cheer at this for it was good news even Spike seemed happy that his non unicorn friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo can now attend the school. Though he knows it will likely be a while until he himself can attend the school but that’s alright for now so long as they are finally making progress.

Spike went to go and play in the gardens. “Eww what is that dragon doing here?” It was Lady Platinum.

The guards then approached. “Lady Platinum, we'd advise you not to cause fear towards the child of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The guard cautioned.

“And how dare a stallion talk back to a mare.” Lady Platinum spoke coldly.

“Listen Lady Platinum you may be a noble but that does not give you the right to mistreat my comrade in such a way.” The other guard said.

“And whom might you be?” The mare asked.

“Lieutenant Spear Head, m’am. And before you go off trying to get me dishonorably discharged you need a reason to and standing up to another guard for sexism is well within my legal rights as a citizen of Equestria under the free speech initiative.” The stallion spoke.

“Ha that was interpreted as a right of mares, not stallions.” Lady Platinum spoke crudely.

“No it wasn’t and it will never be now if you excuse me you’ve disrupted sir Spike quite enough and I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The stallion said.

The mare then left.

Spike told them what happened they all just helped to make him feel welcome and wanted. They went out for ice cream and it was all good they just wanted him to feel happy for he was their child and nothing would changed that